How do we get GODLINESS?
Stephenson Manuel One of the Greek words used for Godliness is 'eusebeia', meaning “well devoted” that describes “piety'' which is characterized by a God-ward attitude, that is well pleasing to God. We must have an attitude of pleasing God, in everything we do. Every aspect of our life and ministry must reveal Godliness. odliness is a very important word that summarizes the totality of Christian Spirituality. It denotes our piety leading to complete, constant and cheerful obedience to God's commandments. In other words, we as Christians need to have (1) complete obedience, (2) constant obedience, as well as (3) cheerful obedience to God.
Evangelical Dictionary of Theology (2001, p508) defines Godliness, as “the manner of life that is centred on God, with special reference to devotion, piety and reverence towards him”. How do we know whether we have Godliness? Compare your life against the scripture portions that speak about the characteristics of ungodly /wicked as well as godly. One of the Greek words used for Godliness is 'eusebeia', meaning “well devoted” that describes “piety'' which is characterized by a God-ward attitude, that is well pleasing to God. We must have an attitude of pleasing God, in everything we do. Every aspect of our life and ministry must reveal Godliness.
Kingdom Perspectives | Sep-Oct 2020
The word piety is very much related to Godliness. For example, in 1 Tim. 5:4, children and grandchildren have an obligation to express, in a practical way their dutifulness towards their own family. The Greek word used here is 'eusebeo'. In the same way children of God have an obligation to our Father God. It could also mean pious, godly, and devout. This obligation we fulfil though our worship (Act. 17:23), through constant obedience to Him; through reverence to Him; and through developing characters that will please Him. It shapes our faith in Him. Our Doctrine (faith) must be consistent with Godliness: In 1 Timothy 6:3, we find “the doctrine according to Godliness” means, our doctrine should be consistent with godliness, which is in contrast with the false teachers. In other words, godliness controls our doctrine, what we believe. True message produces godliness in the hearers: Titus 1:1 Apostle Paul talks about the “…. Knowledge of the truth that leads to godliness”, which means, those who