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Staying active at home
Staying active during this uncertain time is extremely important for your mental and physical wellness. While this is a time of tough circumstances, there are still many ways you can continue to stay active! Try taking a family walk, create your own workout challenge, or create an obstacle course – get creative!
We created our own obstacle course to give you an idea to try and build one of your own at home.

The first obstacle the participant will try to balance while walking along the jump rope — anchored by a pool noodle — in a straight line, one foot in front of the other.
The second activity is jumping up on the chair and down off the chair and onto a cushion.
The third obstacle occurs on the towel where the participant performs a cart wheel or the three stretches listed below in the article.

The fourth activity is hula hooping for 1-minute. In the fifth activity, the participant will zig zag between cups that are spread apart.
And the final activity is a ball toss into a bucket.

Before you begin any type of exercise you should always take the time to stretch. Try out a few of these stretches below and see if you can hold each of them for 10 to 20 seconds.
Sit down and bend both of your legs and put the bottoms of your feet together. Push your knees down with your elbows or hands and try to touch your nose to your toes.
Sit down with both legs out in front of you and reach your hands to your toes. Make sure to keep your legs straight.
Sitting down, separate your legs into a wide “V” shape, make sure your legs are straight with your knees facing up, and your toes pointed. To make it more difficult, try to touch your toes with your hands.
Stay safe and healthy! We can’t wait to see you at SKIES Gymnastics again!