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Fridays are even better now
Fort Bliss Child & Youth Services (CYS) is now offering Friday Fun, an online program that invites students, ages 11 through 18, to take part in art, craft and science activities at home.
Friday Fun will have interactive activities such as origami, sewing, painting, drawing, and sculpting. There will be easy to do science activities that can be done in the kitchen. Replica Youth Center (RYC) will provide most of the materials and instructions needed for the interactive video project. Interested students can drive up with their parents on Wednesdays from 3 to 4:30 p.m. at RYC, located at 5037 Sheridan Road. This program is open to DoD ID cardholders and is offered on a first-come, first-served basis. The videos will be available on both the Milam and Replica Youth Center’s Facebook pages at https://www.facebook.com/MilamYAC/ or https:// www.facebook.com/FortBlissTeens every Friday. Whether you are here at Fort Bliss, transitioning in, or departing on a new journey, Fort Bliss CYS Friday Fun is looking forward to bringing more enjoyment into your home every week! We can’t wait to “see” you online! For more information, call RYC at 915-568-3526.