1 minute read
PCSing 101
Are you hearing the words to that all too famous song by Willie Nelson, “On the Road Again.”
Well, it’s quickly approaching peak season for Permanent Change of Station (PCS).
Hopefully, by now you have received your Request for Orders (RFO) and you are waiting to do your levy briefing in hopes of receiving your orders within 7 to 10 business days, pending any delays such as your Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) clearance, etc.
Reminder, did you fill out your 5434 Request for Sponsor? This is a requirement and something that should ease the transition for you and your Family.
Have you heard from your designated sponsor at your next duty station? If not, be pro-active. Call your gaining unit and ask questions, request a P.O. Box, especially if you are going overseas. Let them know your arrival information and whether or not you need a ride. Don’t forget to mention that you will have your spouse, three children and two dogs. This will ensure they don’t bring a tiny sports car, as opposed to a unit van to pick you up.
Make your own reservations for your arrival at the hotel on your installation, and don’t forget to ask if they are pet friendly.
Each installation is different, whether overseas or stateside, a vital question to ask is, “Are there any restrictions or quarantines required at your gaining installation?”
Visit Army Community Service (ACS) and speak with your friendly neighborhood Relocation Readiness counselor to help ease the transition and put you in contact with resources at your gaining installation.
So take a deep breath … hum along with, “On the road again… Just can’t wait to get on the road again … Goin’ places that I’ve never been … Seein’ things that I may never see again … And I can’t wait to get on the road again…”