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It’s a new look for SFRG
The Army began to make changes to the Soldier and Family Readiness Group (SFRG) previously known as the Family Readiness Group (FRG) in April 2019. These changes are the first of its kind since 1990 following the first Gulf War.
Units, Soldiers, Families and Civilians all sacrifice and serve our nation. The nation appreciates and recognizes the challenges military life places upon all those engaged on the battlefield and on the home front.
The Army’s focus is on readiness, modernization and reform and the SFRG is a critical part of this reform. The name change to SFRG was to link the Soldier’s readiness to the Family. By doing this, it ensures that commanders will incorporate all unit personnel — including single Soldiers and their Families — into the community network of the SFRG.
The purpose of the SFRG is to create a network of communication, support and community resources, to guarantee all Soldiers and Family members remain steadfast and ready at all times.
The commanders are responsible for executing the SFRG mission by providing Soldiers and their Families with official and accurate command information, and connecting them to the chain of command with support between the command SFRG members. Commanders must also connect SFRG members to available community resources both on- and off-post and offer a network of mutual support. Although change can be difficult, adapting and being flexible is the way of military life. The success of the unit SFRG is what members make of it. A successful SFRG can help foster an environment of support, a network of communication and it can provide a foundation of commitment, resilience and endurance for sustaining the mission on the home front and battlefields. If you are interested in diving further into the changes, or wanting to volunteer for your units SFRG, Army Community Service (ACS) welcomes you to attend any or all of the SFRG trainings. To register, visit bliss.armymwr.com, search SFRG or for more information, call 915569-5500. We look forward to seeing you!