Hello Fort Bliss Community,
It’s hard to believe that we’re already in March. As they say, “time flies when you are having fun.” In the next couple of months, MWR has planned multiple events for you to attend.
Join us for the inaugural 8K St. Paddy’s Run or the annual 0.5K “a race for the rest of us.” Both events will take place at Freedom Crossing, March 16, followed by a St. Paddy’s Day Party!
Centennial Banquet and Conference Center will host an Easter Brunch that you won’t want to miss, March 30.
April is Month of the Military Child, and MWR is organizing a range of family events to support this effort. We’re celebrating Purple Up on April 9, and this year we’re
going big. Be sure to come out and support our Military kids April 13 for the annual MCCASA Walk. It’s a free 1-mile walk to raise awareness of child abuse and sexual assault.
Then, get ready for Gary Sinise and the Lt. Dan Band, April 26, as they bring honor, gratitude, and rock to our military community. The event is free and open to all.
There are truly too many events to list here, please visit our webpage at bliss.armymwr.com to find out more. MWR is always here for you, and we strive every day to serve you better. I hope to see you at our events.
Be Blessed,
Marketing & Special Events Manager
Marlo Brestar
Natalie Hinojos-Tomeny
Marketing Assistant
Bethany Lewis
Graphic Designer
Raymond Sanchez
Sponsorship & Advertising Executive
Coral Musy
Advertising Assistant
Jonathan Hermosilla
Training Coordinator
Sybille Bookout
Office Manager
Martina Grise
Special Events Coordinators
Lora Diem
Edward Arriola
BlissNOW is a Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation magazine published monthly for activities on Fort Bliss, Texas. BlissNOW is mailed to all Fort Bliss homes inserted in welcome packets, and distributed to all Family and MWR facilities, along with the Fort Bliss Commissary, Post Exchange at Freedom Crossing, IHG Army Hotels Fort Bliss and the Personnel Processing Center. Circulation: 10,000 bi-monthy The appearance of advertising does not constitute an endorsement by the U.S. Army, Department of Defense or federal government. The information in this issue is
March 16 • 3pm
Info: 915-744-5785
Enjoy live music, food, games & more starting at 1:30pm! Awards given for men and women age categories. The 8K run is a competitive event, no pets allowed.
Registration is required. Register online at active.com through March 13. Late registrations, (March 14-16) incur a $10 late fee.
(*Includes shirt & finisher medal)
$35: Active-Duty & Retirees
$40: Family Members & DOD/ DA Civilians
$45: General Public
Late Registration/Packet Pick-Up at Freedom Crossing:
March 14 // 4:30-6:30pm
March 15 // 11:30am-1pm
March 16 // 1:30-2:30pm
EFMP Pajama Party 11:30am-2pm | ACS
Harry Potter Party 1-3pm | Mickelsen Library
Pot O’ Gold Walk-a-thon 1:30-3pm | Youth Sports Plex
16 St. Paddy’s 8K Run 3pm | Freedom Crossing
16 St. Paddy’s 0.5K & Celebration 3pm | Freedom Crossing
Pot O’ Gold Bingo 4:30pm | Centennial
2024 Maltz Challenge 6am | Ironworks Gyms/Unit's footprint
UTSA Spring League Registration
Season: March 11 - June 9
Tennis Club & Fitness Center
23 BOSS: Prom 8pm | Underwood Golf Complex 28&29
Easter Bunny Photos Thurs: 4pm /Fri:11am | Art & Hobby Center
Easter Egg Decorating 2pm | Mickelsen Library
Easter Egg Float 10-11am | Replica Pool
EasterAvaganza 11am-3pm | Biggs Park
Wine Tour
11:15am-6pm | Soldier Activity Center
31 Easter Brunch 10am-1pm | Centennial
100 Mile Swim Club
January - December 2024: On your own time
Aquatics Training Center/Replica Pool
How many miles can you walk in 45 minutes? Join Youth Sports Plex for Pot O’ Gold Walk-a-thon
SATURDAY MARCH 16, from 1:30 to 3 p.m. at Youth Sports Plex. The walk will start at 2:15 p.m. Children will receive a lucky prize for every mile completed. The cost is $5 per participant. Registration is required and can be done at Youth Sports Plex or any CYS facility. For more information, call 915-568-2617.
A race for the rest of us! Join Fort Bliss MWR
SATURDAY MARCH 16 at Freedom Crossing to 0.5K Race & Party! Enjoy music, food, games and more! Get the experience – or lack there of – racing to the 0.25 marker, grab a snack and free beverage then back to the finish line. If you want the VIP treatment you get a fun ride on the train! There are different packages to choose from: $10 for children ages 3-17 includes finisher’s medal and one free non-alcoholic beverage; $25 for adults includes t-shirt, medal and a free beverage and $50 for VIP treatment gets everything plus a ride! Pre-activities start at 1:30 p.m., race starts at 3 p.m. For more information, call 915-568-2554.
Take on the Maltz Challenge! Join Ironworks gyms THURSDAY, MARCH 21. This challenge honors MSG Michael H. Maltz an airman that perished in Afghanistan (Sept. 19, 1960-March 23, 2003). Ironworks East & West will be conducting the challenge from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. All who are interested in participating can show up between those hours to complete the challenge. Certain unit footprints will also be participating in this challenge during PT hours. It is free to participate. Shirts will be on sale for $20. There will be a full and half challenge that consists of a run, pull ups, fireman’s carry or farmer’s walk with weights, push ups and sit ups. For more information, call 915-744-5201.
Search for Easter Eggs in the Pool SATURDAY, MARCH 30 from 10 to 11 a.m. at Replica Pool. The cost is $8 per child, adults are free. Redeem your eggs for prizes at the Bunny Store! There will be goody bags for all participants and deluxe prizes for those lucky enough to find a golden egg. Pictures can be taken with the Easter Bunny. Families can stay and swim for recreation after the egg hunt is complete. For more information, call 915-568-7431 or 915-741-5901.
Join Fort Bliss MWR for EasterAvaganza SATURDAY, MARCH 30 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Biggs Park. Grab your free craft at Bldg. 12 Pershing Road, March 25-28 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Create it at home and bring it to EasterAvaganza to be placed on the Leap Year Wish Wall! There will be inflatables, music, crafts and so much more! Leap from each activity to receive an egg. For more information, call 915-588-8247.
Come out for a delicious Easter Brunch SUNDAY, MARCH 31 at the Centennial from 10 a.m. to 1p.m. Enjoy complimentary wine, champagne or mimosas. The Easter Bunny will be visiting to take pictures with your family, be sure to bring your cameras. The cost is $34.95 for adults, $17.95 for children ages 5 to 10, and free for children ages 4 and younger. Reservations are required, to reserve call 915-744-8427.
** Events subject to change without notice. Info: bliss.armymwr.com or facebook.com/blissmwr**
6 Easter Hunt Shoot
6 Purple Up
| Smith-Bliss Field
MOMC Bowling Specials Weekends only | Desert Strike Lanes
13 MCCASA Walk 10am-2pm | Biggs Park
| Art & Hobby Marshall Park
Financial Readiness
Bliss Volunteer Ceremony
(gates open) | Biggs
27 Operation Megaphone
Every Wednesday: 10am-3:30pm
Monti Warrior Zone
SFAC Briefing
Every other Wednesday: 1-2:30pm
Family Resilience Center
MYC: Strength in Sisterhood
Every Monday: 3:30-5:30pm
Milam Youth Center
Do-It-Yourself Auto Safety Orientation
Tuesday-Friday: 9am // Every third Saturday: 8am
Auto Crafts Center
In support of the Month of the Military Child, Desert Strike Lanes wants to show their appreciation to the Military Families! Buy one game and get one free! Offer valid every weekend throughout the month, APRIL 6-7, 13-14, 20-21 & 27-28. A valid Military ID is required. Shoe rental not included. For more information, call 915-568-6272.
Join Fort Bliss MWR at Smith-Bliss Field, SATURDAY, APRIL 6 for Purple Up! Show your support for the Military kids and wear purple! Purple Up helps to recognize and thank our Military Children for their strength and sacrifices. Come out for fun activities from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., it’s free to attend. For more information, call 915-744-1532.
Join Rod & Gun Club for their rifle Easter Hunt
SATURDAY, APRIL 6 from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Find 5 eggs scattered between 50-200 yards. Shooters will have a 1-minute scouting period. Fastest time to shoot all 5 eggs wins! No caliber or modification limitation. No Spotters. First and second place winners for youth ages 6-17 and adults ages 18 and older. The cost is $25 per person. For more information, call 915-568-5026.
Help raise awareness at the annual Month of the Military Child, Child Abuse Awareness (MCCASA)
1-mile walk/run, SATURDAY, APRIL 13 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Biggs Park. There will be inflatables, music, face painting, information tables and more! The event is free and open to DoD ID cardholders. For more information, call 915-568-9129.
Sign up for the Commander’s Cup 5K, SUNDAY, APRIL 26, 6:30 a.m. at Soto PFC. This is a competitive event, open to Active-Duty. Awards will be given for first, second and third place in male and female catergories. Registration
Volunteers are the glue that holds a community together.
In this issue of Bliss Now, we would like to express our gratitude to American States Utility Services (ASUS), also known as Fort Bliss Water, for their incredible support.
ASUS provides services not only to Fort Bliss and its 92,000 military personnel, civilians, and family members but also supports numerous events with their volunteers. This amazing team is always ready to go above and beyond, no task is too big or too small for them. Their contribution is highly valued and appreciated, from manning water stops at Run for the Fallen to distributing hot cocoa and cookies at holiday events, and even arranging for Santa to visit from the North Pole and distribute gifts at the Survival Outreach Services holiday luncheon.
All it takes is a simple request, and ASUS shows up in full force. If you happen to see them at one of our events, be sure to stop by and say hello and thank them for their continued support!
Wednesday+Thursday, March 13-14:
friday, March 15:
Saturday, March 16:
Art and Hobby are getting ready for a weaving workshop in March, and I decided to explore an art form that would test my patience and ability to follow directions. Aida Arvelo, an art specialist from the Art and Hobby Center, taught me the basics of creating an art piece and it was quite rewarding. It’s amazing how you can get lost when you enjoy what you are doing. I created my first-ever friendship bracelet. Aida was patient and thorough, she took the time to give me a personalized experience and I wasn’t the best student.
This project brought back childhood memories of weaving Thanksgiving placemats. Art can be a great confidence booster because every mistake becomes an opportunity to adapt and overcome. As Bob Ross once said, “We don’t make mistakes, just happy little accidents.”
I highly recommend visiting the Art and Hobby Center, they have programs for all skill levels. They do resiliency through art that aids Soldiers and their Families to work through the stress their career and life throws at them. There are multiple classes and workshops for everyone to experience. It is an event center for art workshops, birthday parties, Family Readiness Groups (FRG) and gatherings of all kinds. They offer a variety of classes and also partner with local artists to instruct specialized workshops. Schedule a walkthrough tour, book a group event, or join them in one of their many workshops. For more information, call 915-568-5563 or find them on Linktree at ftbliss_artandhobby.
The next Weaving workshop will be Thursday, March 21, from 5 to 7 p.m. and Saturday, March 23, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Art and Hobby located at 820 Marshall Road. This is a two-day workshop, and patrons must attend both days. This workshop is open to ages 16 and older with a participating adult. The cost is $45 per person and will be taught by Lindsay Kronmiller. To register, call 915-568-5563 and let them know Eddie sent you.
Lindsay Kronmiller, an El Paso artist, studied Visual Communication Design and wanted to explore other artistic avenues. For Christmas, she asked for a weaving loom, and her journey continued. She has been weaving for 10 years and teaches whenever she can. Her art styles include graphic design, weaving and embroidery. One of her most accomplished rewards was a four-year project creating 130 woven pieces displayed in each room at the Plaza Hotel in downtown El Paso. I asked what advice she would give to those embarking on a different kind of art, and she said, “Just start! You have to start somewhere, and you’ll get better with practice.”
For 2024, get out there, do not be afraid to make happy little accidents or start something new. You are resilient enough to take on everything life may throw your way. If there is anything that you’ve been wanting to try, “Just start!” It may become a new passion or the start of something beautiful. Together let’s adapt, overcome, and continue to explore 2024!
It's a beautiful sunny day and people are strolling through the park, observing a variety of activities happening simultaneously. Along the side, there's a row of classic cars sparkling in the sun. The sidewalk is decorated with colorful chalk designs by beginner and experienced artists. Tents have been set up for vendors to display their craft items for sale, and the aroma of food fills the air while music livens up the scene.
Auto Crafts and Art & Hobby Center are infusing the love of cars and artistic abilities together for one large event, Cars and Crafts Spring Fling! This event is April 20 from 12 to 4 p.m. at the Art & Hobby Marshall Park, located on the corner of Marshall and Cassidy Road. The event is a family-friendly outdoor event
and is free for all to attend. Artists of all ages are welcome to sign up for Chalk the Park! Create your own chalk masterpiece and display it on the main walkway of the park.
Auto Crafts is looking for local car clubs or individuals interested in showcasing their vehicles, motorcycles, classic, sports cars and more! It’s free to sign up and participate.
Art and Hobby is seeking craft vendors who would like to be part of this event. They can sign up for a space by paying a $40 booth fee per vendor. Vendors must provide their own tables and chairs; electricity is not provided.
If you are interested in signing up as a chalk “artist,” local car club/individual or craft vendor, call 915-568-5563 to register today!
This year, the Army will celebrate its 40th annual Army Ten-Miler race in Washington, D.C. For the past 18 years, Fort Bliss Sports, Fitness, and Aquatics provided the Fort Bliss Ten-Miler Team to represent our installation at this race. Every year, the team competes against other military teams, running alongside more than 36,000 other runners.
The 2024 Fort Bliss Army Ten-Miler Team consist of the top eight male and female finishers at the Commander’s Cup Ten-Miler Qualifier. This year, the Qualifier will be Friday, May 17, Joshua W. Soto Physical Fitness Center (PFC). This free event is exclusively for Active-Duty military personnel, Army Reserve, and National Guard service members in an active status and assigned or attached to Fort Bliss.
The race begins promptly at 6:30 a.m., and the course will close at 8:30 a.m. Registration can be done online at active.com until May 13. Late registration will be held at Soto PFC on May 15 from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m., May 16 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., or onsite on May 17 from 5 to 6 a.m. Awards will be given for Overall Male and Female, Male and Female Individual Age Categories, and Commander’s Cup winner and runner-up.
Soldiers interested in training for the Qualifier event can participate in team practices. This year’s practices are every Friday, 5:30 a.m., at the Replica Pool parking lot, located at 5035 Dickman Road. The full practice schedule will begin March 22, 5:30 a.m., Mondays at Stout Track and Field and Wednesdays at Biggs PFC.
Brandon and Dee Gangstad have coached the Fort Bliss team for 18 years using a highly effective training plan incorporates speed, hill drills, endurance running, and runner-specific strength training. For more information, call 915-744-5785 to learn more.