Bliss !
Your guide to a healthy and happy life
Master your smoothie making skills and how to make your smoothies delicious and healthy
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Need a boost of confidence, no need to fear, your answer to a happy and confident life is right inside! Discover the secrets to becoming stress-free!
Learn the importance of rest and recovery
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All!about!stress!Page!3! ! Delicious!Recipes!Page!5! ! Rest!and!Recovery!Page!6! ! Workouts!Page!12! ! Smoothies!Page!14! ! Interview!Page!17! ! Confidence!Page!19! ! Online!Poll!Page!21! ! Book!Review!Page!22!! ! 1
NIKE FREE RUNS. we bring motivation and inspiration to every athlete. we lead the world in athletic gear.
How to prevent it
The Secret to being stress free
How to Deal with it
Stress! Â
Stress can creep into our lives very easily and can prevent us from doing and achieving things that we want to do. Which is why it is important to deal with stress. Fortunately there are many ways to get rid of, and prevent stress so you can get on with your every day lives. Stress can be caused by both good and bad experiences. It is your body’s way of responding to demands. It can leave you feeling nervous, angry, confused, frustrated or anxious.
Where do I start? First, find out where the stress is coming from. Take time to sit down and think, is it a fight with your friends and/or family, is it work related, is it and upcoming event/exam/project, is it an overload of chores/tasks or a relationship? Once you know what the problem is, its time to take action. You will probably find things that you can alter in order to decrease your stress. However you may not notice the little things that might be stopping you from becoming stress free. Take a look at this list of ways that could prevent you from achieving a stress free life. !
Smoking !
! Distancing yourself from friends and family ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Not getting enough sleep or sleeping too much Sitting in front of the TV or computer for too long Procrastinating Taking out your stress on others by lashing out or being angry Stay away from these problems and you will find yourself on the right path.
Exercise your stress away If you are not living a healthy life style, stress can arise very easily. Exercising is a great way to release stress. This is because it pumps your endorphins, which are your brains feel-good neurotransmitters. This will improve your mood as well as allowing you to feel more confident. Exercise can help you forget your days worries and irritations as you concentrate only on your body’s movement. Even though, for some, exercising may not be the most exciting part of the day, it sure is the most beneficial. While exercise is great for decreasing your stress level, at the same time your are helping to increase your immune system, decrease your weight and prevent things like heart disease and high cholesterol. Exercise is good for you physically and mentally and is highly recommended for everyone. You will be surprised how much your stress levels will reduce!’
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 The$Flat$Tummy$Workout$ $ 30$leg$llifts$ 30$sit$ups$with$5$kg$weight$ 30$russian$twists$ 30$second$plank$ 30$crunchs$ Repeat$3$times$ Sit$ups$with$weight$
Eat$my$dust>$Treadmill$Workout$ 3$minutes$running$at$9km/h$ 3$minutes$running$at$11$km/h$ 3$minutes$walked$lunges$at$2km/h$ 5$minutes$running$at$7$km/h:$gradient$10$ 2$minutes$walking$6km/h$ 4$minutes$running$11km/h$ 2$minutes$running$12km/h$ 3$minutes$walking$lunges$at$2km/h$ 2$minutes$running$at$6km/h:$gradient$15$ 3$minutes$walking$6km/h$ You$may$repeat$this$one$more$time$ $
Whole$Body$Circuit$ $ 200m$of$rowing$at$full$speed$ 30>second$plank$ 15$leg$lifts$ 30$russian$twists$with$weight$ $ Repeat$10$times$ $
Jump$yourself$fit$$ $ 20$jumping$jacks$ 20$alternating$lunges$ 20$jump$squats$ 20$burpees$ $ Repeat$3$times$ Sit$ups$with$weight$
The$$Ultimate$fat$burner$ Sprint$100m$between$each$of$the$ following:$ 50$sit$ups$ 25$jump$squats$ 25$russian$twists$ 25$burpees$ 50$second$plank$ 50$second$wall$sit$ 25$leg$lifts$ 25$sumo$squats$ 50$crunches$ 25>bycyles$
The Power of Smoothies Making a smoothie is easy for everyone and has major health benefits! Not only are they incredibly healthy and can be the boost in your healthy diet, but they are mouth-watering good. When making a smoothie, you put in the full fruit or vegetable. This means that you are receiving all the vitamins, minerals, enzymes, phytonutrients and fiber that each food has to offer. The name says it all, a ‘smoothie’ means that the concoction is smooth and can be digested really easily by your body. Because the body can digest the food so well it means your nutritional absorption and the health of the digestive system is improved. I know that for me personally I use to struggle with fitting in the recommended amount of fruit and vegies each day. Ages 12-18 should be getting 3-4 serves of fruit and 4-9 serves of vegetables every day. Men and women should be getting 2 serves of fruit and 5 serves of vegetables each day. However when I brought smoothies into my life I found it so easy to achieve the right amount of each food group. By starting off my day with a smoothie, it would give me a major energy boost and keep me full. Drinking a smoothie for breakfast, after a work out or for afternoon tea would power me through the rest of the day.
A warning about smoothies: Not everything with the label of a ‘smoothie’ is healthy. When you make a smoothie at home, you know everything that goes into it, and you know the nutritional value of what you are about to drink. However there are many ingredients that should not go into your smoothie! Many ingredients like ice cream, sugar, sweetened fruit juice and other sugary products will make the smoothie high in fat and calories. The good news is these food items can be substituted for ingredients that not only aid in weight loss but also have many health benefits. The Bad Ingredient Ice Cream
Why it’s bad
Milk is high in fat, can lead to weight increase and leads to bad digestion.
Sweeteners like sugar and agave
They are not beneficial to your body at all, but instead are harmful: leading to diseases, destroying your teeth and liver, and help you put on weight fast. Most peanut butters that you buy in a
Peanut butter
It is high in calories, bad fats, sugar
The Good Substitute Ice cubes to thicken up the smoothie, Greek yogurt or frozen bananas
Why it’s good
Instead use natural peanut butter, it only has
It helps you lose weight because of the protein
These are great substitutes as they each have their own health benefits and are all part of a balanced diet Almond milk Almond milk is (natural) full of nutrients and us with protein, fibre, vitamin E, magnesium, iron and more! Add extra fruit: While fruit is bananas, dates sweet it contains and berries all many vitamins give a sweet taste and minerals they to your are essential to a smoothies. healthy balanced diet.
supermarket have one ingredient: sugar as a second peanuts ingredient! Chocolate is packed with sugar, fat and will make you put on weight
Cacao powder
and fiber that fills you up, it is full of nutrition and is a good type of fat Has a delicious dark chocolate taste and yet is full of nutrients and minerals!
My Favourite Smoothie Recipes (each one makes enough for 2 people)
Detox Green Aim: To detoxify your body and give you energy Ingredients: 1 cup of green tea, 1 cup of spinach or kale, kiwifruit, ½ a cup of strawberries, 1 green apple and ½ of a lemon juice Post-work Chocolate and Peanut butter Aim: To refuel your body after a work out and supply protein for your muscles to repair. Ingredients: 1 scoop of chocolate protein powder, 1 banana, ½ a cup of almond milk, 2 tablespoons of natural peanut butter
Energising Breakfast Aim: To fill you up and give you a 100%healthy boost Ingredients: 1 cup of almond milk, 4 frozen bananas, ½ a cup of oats, a teaspoon of honey, ¼ cup of almonds, ½ teaspoon of cinnamon Tropical Paradise Aim: To provide 2 serves of fruit for your day Ingredients: Pineapple, mango, passion fruit, a frozen banana, desiccated coconut and coconut water Vegie patch Aim: To provide 2 serves of vegies for your day Ingredients: Pineapple, celery, carrot and ginger
ON!TRIATHLONS!AND!FITNESS! When Mark was in his 20’s his main passion was triathlons! This man knows a lot about hard work and determination so Bliss Magazine met up with him to talk about training, fitness and his ups and downs.
!! !!!!!!!Good$evening$Mark,$thank$you$for$joining$us My$pleasure$ $
Tell$us$about$what$your$passion$was$when$you$were$ younger$ My!passion!became!triathlons!at!the!age!of!18,!when!I!did!my!first! triathlon!at!Nepean:!1km!swim,!40km!cycle!and!a!10km!run.!I!rode! my!bike!from!when!I!was!12!with!a!skateboard!helmet,!had!a!popper! juice!as!my!drink!bottle!because!a!drink!bottle!wouldn’t!fit!and!dint! have!any!fancy!gear.!Since!I!didn’t!know!if!I!would!like!it!I!didn’t! spend!any!money.!However!after!that!first!race!I!absolutely!loved!it!! Gradually!I!built!up!the!distances!and!at!age!20!I!entered!the!Foster! Ironman:!3.8km!swim,!180km!cycle!and!42km!run.! !
For!the!ironman!distance!training!involved!about!8km!of!swimming,! 300km!of!cycling!and!50km!of!running.!I!would!make!sure!I!would! run!off!the!bike!at!least!once!a!week!to!break!through!that!jelly!feeling! you!can!get!in!your!legs.!Monday!would!normally!be!my!break!day.! $
$ What$races$have$you$done$
Apart!from!Nepean!I!have!also!done!Wollongong,!Royal!National!Park,! Bundena!which!are!all!Olympic!distances.!Then!the!long!courses!are! Canberra!as!well!as!the!Foster!Ironman.!
What$was$your$diet$during$this$time?$ I!would!try!to!eat!a!healthy!balanced!diet!that!was!also!full!of! carbohydrates:!they!gave!me!fuel!and!energy.!I!went!through!a!lot!of! pasta!and!bread,!many!times!I!would!buy!a!whole!French!baguette! and!eat!it!for!morning!tea.!To!treat!myself!I!would!buy!a!cake!and!a! diet!pepsi!once!a!week.!
Have$you$had$any$challenges$while$you$were$in$training?$ I!have!had!two!main!challenges!while!training.!After!registering!for! my!first!Foster!Ironman!in!1991!I!developed!patellar!tendinitis!4! months!before!the!race!and!despite!lots!of!physio!and!strapping!of!my! knees!it!didn’t!improve!and!I!had!to!withdraw!from!the!race.!At!age!21! I!then!went!on!to!complete!the!race.!In!1994!I!enrolled!for!the!race! again,!a!week!before!the!race!with!a!year!of!training!up!my!sleeve!I! went!to!the!doctor!because!I!was!feeling!unwell.!I!got!diagnosed!with! glandular!fever.!I!said!to!the!doctor!‘what’s!the!worst!that!could! happen’?!because!I!wasn’t!going!to!train!for!the!last!week!before!the! race!anyway.!The!doctor!said!I!could!die…!so!I!had!to!withdraw.!
What$is$the$best$thing$about$doing$triathlons?$ The!best!thing!is!the!sense!of!accomplishment!and!achieving! something!that!many!people!would!think!was!impossible.!Really,!it!is! about!doing!the!best!you!can,!keeping!fit!and!racing!yourself. !
What$would$your$number$one$advice$be$for$someone$ wanting$to$achieve$a$healthy$and$fit$lifestyle?$ Just!like!the!posters!that!were!on!my!bedroom!wall!from!Nike:!Just! do!it,!I!believe!that!you!should!get!out!there,!challenge!yourself,!train! hard!and!accomplish!something!big. !
Being Confident = Being Happy
! When we accept ourselves for who we are and appreciate our way of life, it means that we are confident within ourselves. I believe that it is important in life to be proud of your qualities and abilities. Because after all, being confident in who you are as a person means that you can go about your life positively!
I feel it’s something that is always there, something you’re born with that gets lost along the way, or stolen by others. Sometimes you have to dig deep to find it again. ~Amy Lee Tempest
The secret to confidence is believing. Believe that today you will succeed! Having belief in your self can help you find true happiness. Being confident in your decisions and thoughts is important, whether it is that you can get up at 5 in the morning for a run or that you are pleased with your body! While there are big and small things that may worry you, in order to be truly happy you need to do three things: realise, accept and love. For example many people have a problem with the shape of their body, and this can affect them every day as they feel judged. If you feel judged by other people it can affect how you act, you don’t want people to think badly of you. However if you realise that you can’t change the shape of your body and realise that everyone is different and unique you are one step closer to being 100% confident with how your body looks! Next you need to accept that the only thing that defines your body is how healthy it is, other than that your body is beautiful! Finally, love who you are.
Treat your body like a temple. As long as you are healthy it means your body is the best it can be! So love your body! Treat yourself like you are perfect and embrace the differences in yourself! These steps mean you can be confident in your body, and know in your heart just how amazing and unique you are to this world! Knowing that have a good body just the way it is an amazing feeling and will make you so happy!
While issues such as your body can affect your confidence, for every person confidence means a different thing. Some people may seem overly bubbly but in truth are just lacking confidence. How can they be happy if they aren’t confident with themselves? So have a look at yourself… are you confident in who you are, in this very second? If you are then keep on reminding yourself why you are you are confident in yourself, having self- belief brings joy into each and everyday. However if there are issues about yourself that you are unhappy with, then you need to use the 3 step process mentioned before:
• Realise • Accept • Love Ronald Riggeo who is a professor of leadership and organizational phychology says there are 3 parts to being confident. So if there is no particular issue you feel drags down your confidence then look to what Ronald says: expressiveness (the ability to have conversations and convey your feelings), control (acting different ways for specific groups) and sensitivity (understanding other people and how to treat them).
There are many reasons why confident means being happy You can go about your life feeling joyful in everything you do and the way that you approach each day is with a new light. Being confident can also help you do things you never thought you could do. However this may require setting goals for yourself to help boost your confidence, whether that be participating in the karaoke on the weekend or making a new friend by the end of the month. By going out of your comfort zone and doing new things you can not only boost your confidence but have a profound feeling of being proud and being happy!
What colour are you 4Are%you%a%couch%potato%lying%in%the%pink%zone%or%are%you%a%bouncing%bunny%in% the%light%blue%zone?%How%many%days%of%the%week%do%you%workout?%% % 0%days%=%Oh%no…%you%must%have%no%energy%what%so%ever…!%You%must%pick%yourself% up%and%go%get%some%fresh%air!%If%you%are%no%good%at%exercise,%start%off%by%going%for% a%nice%walk%with%your%dog%or%friends%and%work%your%way%up%to%more%challenging% and%exciting%forms%of%exercise!% % 1=2%days%=%You%could%pick%up%your%game%try%adding%in%an%extra%one%or%two%dasy%of% exercise.%This%will%increase%your%energy%levels%making%you%feel%energized%as%well% as%boosting%your%mood.% 2=3%days=Three%days%is%better%than%two%so%if%you%normally%workout%2%days%a% week,%try%boost%it%to%3.%And%if%you%normally%workout%3%days%a%week,%this%is% alright…%but%why%not%work%your%way%up%to%4%workouts%a%week!%Even%if%it’s%just%a% 10%minute%workout%to%start%off%with!%% 3=4%days%=%3=4%days%is%great%and%you%should%feel%great%too!%If%you%want%to%lose% extra%weight%fast%or%tone%up%fast,%adding%an%extra%day%would%definitely%help%make% a%difference!% % 4=5%days%=This%is%a%nice%amount%of%days,%which%suits%many%people.%Feel%free%to%add% an%extra%day%and%don’t%feel%guilty%if%you%miss%a%workout%day%either!%4=5%days%is% great%and%you%should%feel%lively%and%more%energized%through%the%day%and%week.% % 5=6%days%–%This%is%a%magnificent%amount%of%days%and%it%is%almost%certain%that%you% should%feel%great%and%energized%from%your%workouts!%Your%body%must%be% thanking%you%for%exercising%it%often!%Good%job,%keep%it%up!% % 6=7%days%–%Girl%you%are%on%fire!%You%must%have%so%much%energy!%But%don’t%forget% your%day%of%rest!%Your%body%needs%time%to%recover%from%all%your%hard%work!%Your% rest%and%recovery%day%is%crucial%so%don’t%over%work%yourself!!%%
Lorna Jane Move Nourish believe Diary
Starting a healthy lifestyle program can be difficult and daunting Lorna Jane’s “2014 Move Nourish Believe Diary” is a great way to
motivate organize and start on a new program of healthy eating and exercise The presentation of the book is a bold pink with the title in the middle to catch people’s
attention The layout of the diary is clear and has plenty of writing space for each day of the month It encourages goals to be set and makes it fun and motivating with plenty of tips motivational and inspiring quotes and pictures There are recipes to assist you with your clean eating and mini workouts Your knowledge will grow as you learn more and more about health with many facts about the health benefits of food and exercise and much more There are many fun challenges you can undertake helping you to keep on track and motivated at all times There are grocery lists check lists to do lists and more with some fun little puzzles like crossword and quizzes This book is full of colour and is without a doubt super fun and entertaining which is exactly what you need to help make YOUR journey fun and easy