The Flat Tummy Workout 30 leg llifts 30 sit ups with 5 kg weight 30 russian twists 30 second plank 30 crunchs Repeat 3 times Sit ups with weight
Treadmill running
Eat my dust-‐ Treadmill Workout 3 minutes running at 9km/h 3 minutes running at 11 km/h 3 minutes walked lunges at 2km/h 5 minutes running at 7 km/h: gradient 10 2 minutes walking 6km/h 4 minutes running 11km/h 2 minutes running 12km/h 3 minutes walking lunges at 2km/h 2 minutes running at 6km/h: gradient 15 3 minutes walking 6km/h You may repeat this one more time
Whole Body Circuit 200m of rowing at full speed 30-‐second plank 15 leg lifts 30 russian twists with weight Repeat 10 times
Leg lifts
Jump yourself fit 20 jumping jacks 20 alternating lunges 20 jump squats 20 burpees Repeat 3 times Sit ups with weight
The Ultimate fat burner Sprint 100m between each of the following: 50 sit ups 25 jump squats 25 russian twists 25 burpees 50 second plank 50 second wall sit 25 leg lifts 25 sumo squats 50 crunches 25-‐bycyles