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YO UR MOM‘S DIAM ONDS: DRE SSCODE : Yasmin Gate from Killerrrec. introduces her favorite everything MUSIC

Interview w/young & talented fashion-artist Tata Christiane

Neighborhood Some nice spots around Rosenthaler Platz

Mai‘s Podcast w/ Mieko Suzuki // Local Suicide recording 1st EP// Andreas Krach live// Elbee Bad on how to survive 20 years of House

NEWS new EP Oliver Schories Exit // New Video Babyman - Tiger in the Night FRIENDS killerrec. Blog // news from NetEVENT 4th Edition of Geradehaus@Prince Charles w/Moon&Mann // „Selector Battle“@Feté de la Musique work Awesome //


BETWEEN CULTURE AND CHAOS Barcelona-Paris-Tel-Aviv-Prague-Tessaloniki-Lisbon Big Fotostory and personal Tour-Diary Interview: How to get a 10k readers per Month ... and make it look easy


YOUR MO M . Will you come to visit us soon … ?




erlin-based DJ duo and couple Brax Moody (Munich) and Vamparela (Thessaloniki) have been playing music together since 2007, either as a DJ duo, in bands, or as remixers and producers. Merge the rhythm and vibrance


How to manage a webblog, DJ & travel, do a 40h job ... and make it look easy


Tour Diary

personally commented photostory



LSD‘s favorite recent Tracks


In March your album War Songs was rereleased on Haute Areal. What feedback did you get so far from fans concerning the songs? Let’s twist the question around a little. Fans love the songs. But I was more interested in: 1. the approach to the clean recordings, vs. the home lo-fi ones (which was accepted by almost everyone, but I personally prefer the dirty home recordings), 2. those who are not fans – seem to at least fear me a little. Good. I like to keep em on a distance.

You’ve been raised in Tel Aviv. Are the lasting conflicts in Israel a reason why you wrote them? It’s rather the mentality that leads to these conf licts really. The macho-culture and the variety of discriminations. Yeepee! One of my favourite songs is Trampoline. Who is the girl you are describing in the song? Ever met her? Thanks, well, she’s a prototype really, based on the long-legged creatures that never say anything and hang out with us in the backstage at festivals, or wander around, hanging on someone’s arm. They are the ones I constantly get dumped for/in memory of- or compared with. Clearly, it’s a long lost fight – So what do I do? I wear my heels higher and my make-up bigger! (and become better at what i do). So what if I end up looking more like Divine than Jane Fonda! For better or for worse, I will never be one of these gals, but I will do plenty o’ things they will never be able to and will make their boyfriends fear me. That’s all I can do really, until someone who actually respects me as a human being will come along. Well, someone with a slightly less conventional taste.

„For better or for worse, I will never be one of these gals“


i n a AC C a s ey , Red “ El Ni n o L i st o ” a n d B u n n y Buzz a re UhO h . T h ey p l a y mu si c t h a t wi ll ma k e y o u d ance a n d take yo u o n a t r i p t o a mu lt i c o lou re d n e v e rla nd, d iving h ead o ver h eel s in t o h y p n o t i c b a ss li n e s, e le ctron ic beats a n d s q u ir m in g sy n t h s, a n d e x p lod i n g i n to a co nfetti rag e.

Wenn man eine Zeit lang in Berlin wohnt wird man irgendwann einmal über Mary Ocher stolpern. Vielleicht bei einem ihrer Konzertauftritte oder DJ Sets, oder sei es, dass sie dir auf der Straße auffällt, weil sie mit ihrem Outfit einfach aus der Masse heraussticht. Als ich sie Anfang des Jahres zum ersten Mal kennenlernte hatte sie grüne Haare. Ich fand das abgedreht, aber auch interessant. Es stellte sich heraus, dass sie nicht nur Talent hat, sich außerordentlich zu kleiden, sondern auch eine Begabung dafür hat, Musik zu schreiben, die man in keine Schublade stecken kann. Zudem ist ihre Art zu singen wirklich besonders. Mir ist ehrlich gesagt noch nie etwas vergleichbares zu Ohren gekommen. Mary, die in Moskau geboren wurde und in Tel Aviv auf wuchs, kam 2008 mit ihrer damaligen Band Mary And The Baby Cheeses nach Berlin. Mittlerweile ist sie solo unterwegs und hat dieses Jahr mit War Songs ihr Albumdebüt abgeliefert.

Who or what inspires you to write music? What? Desperation, fear, loneliness, doubt, anger. But also – hope, lust, excitement, confidence. Who? A fantastic group of people, who all broke free from their chains, from intolerance and isolation to a world of glitter and moral support.

The best gig you’ve ever had. Where was it? About a month ago at the Venice biennale, I was invited by the Mother festival collective, who have been incredibly supportive over the last three years. The crowd was absolutely fantastic!

PAGE 7 December 21th

Tel Aviv

Local Suicide & Gal Ofer @ Breakfast Club

Fotos: Sandra Thiedecke

On the day that this world is supposed to end according to the Breakfast Club. We went there last night and checked it out along Mayas, we will be playing at one of Tel Aviv’s coolest clubs: with Milk, the sister club-bar in the other f loor and we can tell

also be playing and the fun is guayou one thing: We absolutely loved it! … Situated ranteed.On the day that this world is in the heart of Tel Aviv at Rothschild 6 with a supposed to end according to the Masuper nice location and an amazing crowd. yas, we will be playi The local heroThe local heroes Gal Ofer and We Are Man will

es Gal Ofer and We Are Man will also be playing and …On the day that this world is supposed to end according to the Mayas, we will be playing at one of Tel Aviv’s coolest clubs: Breakfast Club. We went

read online or post this article

In March your album War Songs was rereleased on Haute Areal. What feedback did you get so far from fans concerning the songs? Let’s twist the question around a little. Fans love the songs. But I was more interested in: 1. the approach to the clean recordings, vs. the home lo-fi ones (which was accepted by almost everyone, but I personally prefer the dirty home recordings), 2. those who are not fans – seem to at least fear me a little. Good. I like to keep em on a distance.

You’ve been raised in Tel Aviv. Are the lasting conflicts in Israel a reason why you wrote them? It’s rather the mentality that leads to these conf licts really. The macho-culture and the variety of discriminations. Yeepee! One of my favourite songs is Trampoline. Who is the girl you are describing in the song? Ever met her? Thanks, well, she’s a prototype really, based on the long-legged creatures that never say anything and hang out with us in the backstage at festivals, or wander around, hanging on someone’s arm. They are the ones I constantly get dumped for/in memory of- or compared with. Clearly, it’s a long lost fight – So what

January 07th



Local Suicide & Karl Komputer @Pimpernel

On the day that this world is supposed to end according to the Mayas, we will be playing at one of Tel last night and checked it out along with Milk, the sister club-bar in the other f loor Aviv’s coolest clubs: Breakfast Club. We went there and we can tell you one thing: We absolutely loved it! … Situated in the heart of Tel Aviv at Rothschild 6 with a super nice location and an

amazing crowd. The local heroes Gal Ofer and We Are the Mayas, we will be playing at one of Tel Aviv’s cooMan will also be playing and the fun lest clubs: Breakfast Club. We went there last night and is guaranteed.On the day that this world is supposed to end according to and an amazing crowd. The local heroes Gal Ofer and We Are Man will also be playing and the fun is guaranteed.On the day that this world is supposed to end according to

Max #1 Daf t P unk f t. P ha r rell Willia m s

Ge t Luck y

#2 R obin T hick e feat. T.I. & P ha r rell #3 Av ic ii

Blur red Lines

Wak e Me Up

#4 Yola nda Be Cool f t. Gur r umul

A Ba r u In Ne w York

#5 Scot t y vs. Ca pta in Holly wood

Safe And Sound

#6 Bue na Vi sta Da nce C lub f t. Lumidee

More And More

#7 Mackle more & Rya n L e w i s f t. R a y Dalton

Su R it mo

M I XTAPE : The very personal recent favorites of Max & Dina and what they liek about it

Who or what inspires you to write music? Max: I do? I wear my heels higher and my make-up bigger! (and become better at what i do). So what if I end up looking more like Divine than Jane Fonda! Dina: For better or for worse, I will never be one of these gals, but I will do plenty o’ things they will never be able to and will make their boyfriends fear me. That’s all I can do really, until someone who actually respects me as a human being will come along. Well, someone with a slightly less conventional taste.

You’ve been raised in Tel Aviv. Are the lasting conflicts in Israel a reason why you wrote them? Max: I do? I wear my heels higher and my make-up bigger! (and become better plenty o’ things they will never be able to and will make their boyfriends fear me. at what i do). So what if I end up looking more like Divine than Jane Fonda! Dina: For better or for worse, I will never be one of these gals, but I will do plenty o’ things they will never be able to and will make their boyfriends fear me. That’s all along. Well, someone with a slightly less conventional taste.

Dina #1 Daf t P unk f t. P ha r rell Willia m s

Ge t Luck y

#2 R obin T hick e feat. T.I. & P ha r rell #3 Av ic ii

Blur red Lines

Wak e Me Up

#4 Yola nda Be Cool f t. Gur r umul

A Ba r u In Ne w York

#5 Scot t y vs. Ca pta in Holly wood

Safe And Sound

#6 Bue na Vi sta Da nce C lub f t. Lumidee

More And More

#7 Mackle more & Rya n L e w i s f t. R a y Dalton

Su R it mo

local suicides July Podcast


„If I wasn’t a musician, I would be a spiritual guru.“


Present Now I live in Guadalajara with my partner Sofia Byttebier and my dog Zeebo. In my house you can find pieces of art everywhere and old synthetizers mixed with cables and my refrigerator is usually full with all Mexican cliches, as tortillas, beans, quesadilas, doritos, avocado and margaritas haha. I enjoy listening to synth wave and tropical genres a lot. I can spend hours in my studio trying to create one si I am addicted to tea thai, I just cannot stop drinking a glass of it every day. Local Suicide reminds me of some friends.


Interview w/ IÑIGO


ou might have realized we got obsessed with all this amazing disco music coming from Mexico over the last few months. One big reason for that is our gifted mate Iñigo Vontier who’s been pumping out amazing soulfull, energetic disco-house stuff on the label Mix Le Fun, which he co-founded, besides producing and playing as a half of Salon Acapulco and his electro pop band Lost Mapaches. Check out our Faze Time with him below, listen to his latest releases and try to catch him on his EU tour!

Past My name is Iñigo Vontier but you might know me as Iñigo. I was born in Guadalajara, Mexico and grew up in Guadalajara. When I was a child my idol was The T-Rex, because he was the master. When I was living in Madrid, I started playing with some vintage synths. It was then when I realised that I want to spend most of my time making music and decided to take this as a job and not a hobby. Since then I’ve been making music nonstop and trying to go backwards with vintage sounds. One of my best gigs I played was on the rooftop of Standar LA in the no shirts no shoes party, completely mad. It was so much fun watching all these Americans going crazy with the Mexican disco and the fact that there was a crazy line out of the building trying to enter the party. One of the best gigs I have been to was sonar in Barcelona. I loved all the vibe of the people there.

Tomorrow I will be finishing some tracks. Next month touring Europe. Next year training Mexican monkeys. In 10 years I hope to be living in my forest house.

Hypothesis If I wasn’t a musician, I would be a spiritual guru. If my life was a Hollywood movie, Johnny Depp would have the main role, because he would love to play the role of a Mexican DJ. If I was a car, I would be a Jaguar 1970. If I was an animal, I would be a silver fox. If I was a drug I would be magic mushrooms. If I was an invention, I would be a drug. If I was an object, I would be auld be Syt Barret. I would like to collaborate with Pilooski. If I had only one wish, it would be to prove existence from other realities. I would never hurt anybody with a knife, because I would love it.

Advice My word of advice to the reader would be to stop touching yourself.

Shortlist This is what you should also take a look at soundcloud.com / local suic ide facebook.com / local suic ide mi xcloud.com / local s uic ide your mom sage nc y.com / local suic ide



ctor, musician and DJ Yasmin Gate gives opinion, about which rough diamonds you might here about soon. Insider‘s Tip on trending artists, topics, labels and blogs.


M. ARNAUD REBOTINI is announcing a new Ep called “All in Blunderland“.





Ge t Luck y

#2 R obin T hick e feat. T.I. & P ha r rell #3 Av ic ii

Blur red Lines

Wak e Me Up

#4 Yola nda Be Cool f t. Gur r umul

A Ba r u In Ne w York

#5 Scot t y vs. Ca pta in Holly wood

Safe And Sound

#6 Bue na Vi sta Da nce C lub f t. Lumidee

More And More

#7 Mackle more & Rya n L e w i s f t. R a y Dalton

Su R it mo

NE I GH B O O RH OOD: TORSTRASSE Do you read me?!

probably the best Magazine Store in Europe … FLANEUR announcing a new Ep called

PRAIRIE announcing a new Ep called

CANDY announcing a new Ep called


ary Ocher ist eine der Persönlichkeiten, bei denen eines sofort deutlich wird: Von ungefähr kommt hier nichts.

Die aus Russland stammende, in Israel aufgewachsene Wehrdienstverweigerin mischt seit ein paar Jahren im Kreativkollektiv Berlin auf mehreren Ebenen mit: Kam sie anfänglich noch mit ihrer Band Mary And The Baby Cheeses in die Hauptstadt, streute sie ihre Talente schnell in alle erdenklichen Richtungen und ging als Foto-, Video- und Solokünstlerin ihrem Tatendrang nach. Bei Bubak erscheint nun ihr zweites Soloalbum mit dem Titel Eden.die schönsten Nachwehen jener Zeit zu erleben: »Hallelujah, pass the bottle / I hope you’re travelling just fine / Home is where your heart is / Well mine

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Berlinale Souvenir

Fresh Mexican Food @ Mercado San Cosme


ary Ocher ist eine der Persönlichkeiten, bei denen eines sofort deutlich wird: Von ungefähr kommt hier nichts. Die aus Russland stammende, in Israel aufgewachsene Wehrdienstverweigerin mischt seit ein paar Jahren im Kreativkollektiv Berlin auf mehreren Ebenen mit: Kam sie anfänglich noch mit ihrer Band Mary And The Baby Cheeses in die Hauptstadt, streute sie ihre Talente schnell

in alle erdenklichen Richtungen und ging als Foto-, Video- und Solokünstlerin ihrem Tatendrang nach. Bei Bubak erscheint nun ihr zweites Soloalbum mit dem Titel Eden.die schönsten Nachwehen jener Zeit zu erleben: »Hallelujah, pass the bottle / I hope you’re travelling just fine / Home is where your heart is / Well mine is locked downtown.«

you one thing: We absolutely lo- … of Tel Aviv at Rothschild 6 The local heroes Gal Ofer and ved it! … Situated in the heart with a super nice location and We Are Man will … an amazing crowd. …

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