Welcome to the December 2022 issue of Marine & Maritime Gazette the monthly magazine aimed at Worldwide coverage of the commercial marine, shipping and water based renewables markets
With New Year now beckoning across the industr y, as ever this is a time to reflect on how the past year has gone and to look for ward to next year with renewed optimism Inside this issue, we are, as usual, covering a vast amount of t o p i c s , f r o m ‘ P o w e r, P r o p u l s i o n &
Transmission’ on page 20, to the ‘ins outs’ of ‘Navigation, Communication Radar’ from page 28 There is also a qu l o o k a t ‘ D e c k E q u i p m e n t , L i f t i n g Winching’ on page 34 and from page we also have a ‘peek’ at ‘Windfarm Renewables & Crew Transpor t’ Anyway, happy reading and if you ha any news, reviews, product launches absolutely anything else of interest acros the whole marine market, please email to me at info@bljournals plus com fo future consideration in our for thcoming issues
At the recent Maritime Awards Gala in Rotterdam, Kommer Damen was p re s e n t e d w i t h a L i f e t i m e Achievement Award The award was handed to him by chairman Bas Or t (NMT) on behalf of the joint Dutch maritime sector.
M r D a m e n r e c e i v e d t h e a w a r d f o r h i s achievements to the Dutch maritime industr y Damen (78) is Chairman of the Super visor y Board of Damen Shipyards Group and is still internationally active in the company he took over from his father and uncle in 1969
The organisation of the annual event, consisting of five national awards for technology and innovation, says that Mr Damen owes this recognition, among other things, to his vision on shipbuilding and entrepreneurship
In addition, Ort praised the shipbuilder for his involvement in the wellbeing of his employees and his role in the Dutch maritime industr y His
commitment to art and culture is also mentioned, shown for example by sponsoring leading contemporar y dance company NDT, as well as his active involvement in society as a whole Kommer Damen is a member of the (Dutch) Maritime Council and Honorar y Consul of Mexico From 1988 to 2020 he was a board member of maritime industr y association NMT
In addition, from 1997 to 2020 he was a m e m b e r o f t h e b o a r d o f t h e u m b r e l l a organization Dutch Maritime Network and a member of the Super visor y Board of Platform Bèta Technology
He is married to Josien Damen and has four children, all of whom are active in the business A n n e l i e s D a m e n i s a m e m b e r o f t h e Super visor y Board, Arnout Damen is CEO of Damen Shipyards Group, Rose Damen is Managing Director at Damen Yachting and Bear Damen advises the company based on his own creative expertise
In recent years, Kommer Damen has received several accolades In 1994 he was appointed Officer in the Order of Orange Nassau, he received a Lifetime Achievement Award at Seawork, he became Industr y Leader of the Year (Offshore Support Journal Conference, London, 2015) and he was made an honorar y citizen of Gorinchem (2017) because of his ser vices to the city and the care for his employees
With a recent move int o marine electronics, reinforcing an active commitment t o broaden their por tfolio of quality sur vival products, Wescom previewed the sMRT Shield 406MHz next generation PLB at Metstrade, plus they launched a new and vastly improved Man Overboard Light and Smoke signal. Having expanded their range of c o r e c a p a b i l i t i e s i n d i s t r e s s signalling, Wescom Group will now provide their widespread network with access to a complementar y c o m b i n a t i o n o f w o r l d l e a d i n g marine pyrotechnics and cutting e d g e e l e c t r o n i c d i s t r e s s b e a c o n s from MRT’s sMRT range of personal locator beacons Combining the global distress aler t of 406 MHz with the localised tracking and recover y power of AIS and with the addition of Return Link S e r v i c e ( R L S ) , S h i e l d d e l i v e r s complete reassurance to the end user
The sMRT Shield employs the speed and accuracy of Galileo GNSS to a c c e l e r a t e l o c a t i o n d e t e c t i o n , together with essential tracking in the water, this state of the ar t product is the latest device of its kind available The full life saving features of the product are due to launch in 2023 Wescom Group also celebrated the launch of their new, upgraded and i n d i s p e n s a b l e C o m e t & P a i n s Wessex MOB
T h i s m a n d a t e d l i g h t a n d s m o k e device is activated by the release of a ships’ life buoys and now provides increased electric light duration from previously two to an impressive 15 h o u r s , m e e t i n g t h e r e c e n t l y introduced USCH standards
When in por t, the majority of ships run on board generators to supply electrical power ; this produces pollution and carbon emissions Low emission, onshore power supply systems, (OPS), can solve this problem, but its not always clear which system would be most cost ef fective for a par ticular por t
The ModOPS project, (Modular Onshore Power Supplies), suppor ted by a DfT Transpor t Research and Innovation grant (TRIG) delivered by Connected Places Catapult, has modelled different options to highlight the relative merits of a range of OPS technologies
The outputs are intended to accelerate por t investment in shore power, improve air quality and reduce carbon emissions
ModOPS has sur veyed over 100 third par ty repor ts to extract the latest knowledge regarding shore power options and the latest energy systems This research formed the basis for a modular Onshore Power Supply (OPS) model that has analysed the cost and carbon per formance of OPS systems for 5 different por t use cases, each including comparisons using 12 source energy options
The results from the analysis have been used to draw key conclusions to guide por t decision making regarding Onshore Power Systems Discussions have also taken place with end users to validate the research
The project acknowledges that as demand for shore power expands to meet air quality and carbon emissions targets, por ts will increasingly function as major energy hubs, managing incoming energy resources to deliver the shore power ser vices demanded by visiting vessels This will inevitably require new infrastructure and new capabilities to manage it.
The conclusion of the research is that the preferred OPS solutions for por ts will depend on multiple factors including; the por t’s proximity to high power grid connection; easy access to secure supplies of other energy resources (hydrogen, methanol etc); types of visiting vessels requiring shore power and their duty cycle For most por ts, all electric OPS systems with some batter y storage are likely to be the best option to consider first Where sufficient grid connection capacity is unavailable, in por t generation using a liquid fuel is likely to be a good option to consider HVO fuel is a good shor t term option, whilst green methanol fuel may become attractive, especially if methanol becomes a mainstream net zero bunker fuel (as currently seems likely)
A white paper has been published, which is available to download
An ongoing contract for ext ensive works at Dover H a r b o u r h a s b e e n a w a r d e d t o , U K a n d Ireland-based, Inland and Coast al Marine Syst ems
The contract covers a new workboat ber th with seven concrete breakwater pontoons installed at the busy south UK coast harbour
Inland and Coastal Marine Systems (ICMS) has been granted the contract t o s u p p l y a n d i n s t a l l t h e f l o a t i n g concrete units which will be combined with one metre of freeboard and thus
will be suitable for ber thing working v e s s e l s u p t o 1 , 0 0 0 t o n n e s displacement.
“With the busy por t’s location on the s o u t h e a s t c o a s t b e i n g r e l a t i v e l y exposed, we ’ ve created a bespoke d e s i g n u s i n g o u r r o b u s t c o n c r e t e breakwater units which are strong and durable enough to accommodate the por t’s workboats and large commercial vessels, providing safe all year round ber thing, and water access for crews, for a long time to come, ” commented Maeve Parker, senior marina engineer at ICMS
www doverpor t co uk
T h a i l a n d ’ s D e p a r t m e n t o f M a r i n e a n d Coast al Resources (DMCR) has ordered a new st at e-of-the- ar t research vessel from shipbuilder Incat Crowther.
The Incat Crowther 25 which is to be produced in par tnership with Seacrest Marine and will be delivered next year, will be used by the DMCR to patrol Thailand’s coastal environments and monitor the nation’s fisheries and marine resources The vessel is based on a proven Incat Crowther design, the 25m catamaran has a multitude of equipment and features to help its crew protect sensitive coastal areas while having minimal impact on the environment
The new vessel is designed to accommodate 12 crew and 16 passengers in six sleeping quar ters, the main deck features three of the vessel’s sleeping quar ters, five bathrooms, a large mess, an outdoor dining area, galley and a conveniently located storeroom The upper deck features an office/operations control room with a day head and the captain and engineer’s cabin with ensuite The hull deck features two crew cabins Incat Crowther’s Technical Manager Dan Mace commented: “We are proud to be working with the DMCR on another impor tant project While this vessel is based on a tried and tested catamaran design, it will be tailored to the DMCR’s requirements and feature the latest technological innovations ”
“The aluminium hull for example, has been designed and developed following extensive model tank testing and has been proven to achieve market leading per formance standards,” continued Mr Mace
“The upper deck of the vessel has also been designed to provide the captain with an optimal line of sight, while the inclusion of the crane ensures the crew can launch a tender quickly The propulsion system allows the vessel to achieve maximum speeds over 30 knots and can easily cruise at 20 knots The impressively low fuel burn helps to maximise the vessel’s operational efficiency,” he added www incatcrowther com
Fug ro teams w it h Septentr io and Meinberg to launch Fug ro Ato miC hro n™
Fugro has signed a tri par ty cooperation agreement with GNSS receiver company Sept entrio and sync hronisation equipment manufacturer Meinberg t o launc h the Fugro At omiChron™ real-time sync hronisation and authentication ser vice.
Numerous sectors rely on resilient and highly accurate time synchronisation, including telecommunications, finance, and energy This innovative technology eliminates time drift caused by clocks counting time at slightly different rates and provides extreme stability that surpasses current precision frequency standards
With up to sub nanosecond accuracy, Fugro AtomiChron™ includes Navigation Message Authentication (NMA), ensuring reception of genuine GNSS signals and time synchronisation improvements Integrated anti spoofing detection fur ther prevents inter ference with GNSS timing signals providing accuracy, authentication, validity and security for end users.
The agreement ensures that the Fugro AtomiChron™ ser vice will be available in new Septentrio mosaic T GNSS receivers, as well as a selection of Meinberg GNSS clocks, without the need for additional physical inter faces or separate antennas.
Jan Van Hees, Business Development Director at Septentrio said: “Septentrio is a forerunner in the area of robust and resilient GNSS solutions. With the addition of the unique Fugro AtomiChron™ ser vice we are pleased to fur ther strengthen our offering and provide our customers even more accurate and reliable solutions for resilient GNSS timing.”
Heiko Gerstung, Managing Director of Meinberg said: “Fugro’s AtomiChron™ solution provides the resilience, accuracy, and reliability demanded by our customers across the globe Meinberg is especially proud to be a par t of this and to be the first sync technology vendor using this game changing technology in synchronisation systems ” Daan Scheer, Fugro’s Head of Strategic Par tnerships and New Business added: “The Fugro AtomiChron™ ser vice highlights our diversification into new markets which will enable the satellite positioning ser vice to fur ther grow outside of the traditional maritime and land business ” www.fugro.com
L u n d B o a t s , a l e a d i n g m a n u f a c t u r e r o f a l u m i n i u m a n d f i b e rg l a s s f i s h i n g b o a t s , announced recently the redesign of its iconic Pro V series.
First launched in 1988, the Pro V is celebrating its 35th anniversar y with this refresh, which includes a consolidation of features previously found in the Pro V Limited line and consists of the Pro V 1875, 1975, 2075 and 2175. The Pro V has been a best selling model for more than three decades and is synonymous with Lund’s reputation for superior engineering and timeless craft design.
The 2023 Pro V offers a high end aesthetic with premium features, such as wood free construction, stainless hardware and full length LED interior lighting. Constructed with a fishing first design philosophy, the layout of the Pro V includes a new aft deck with integrated jump seats, a wider bow deck for more fishing space and a roomy cockpit that comfor tably seats more passengers All 2023 Pro Vs come equipped with a 14 gallon bow livewell and a 31 gallon aft livewell, as well as amenities to suppor t a full day on the water, such as an integrated, insulated cooler and improved rod, tackle and gear storage Exciting new features include consoles with a flat mounting sur face for dual multifunction displays and wireless phone charger options
“The 2023 Pro V lineup represents a revitalization of our flagship model and a new era for Lund setting the standard for function, design and fishability,” said Lenn Scholz, President, Lund Boats “We’re thrilled to officially launch the new Pro V and are confident that our dealers, par tners and customers will be equally as impressed with the newest lineup in the Lund family ” This new line will be available in four size options ranging from the 1875 Pro V measuring 18 feet, 11 inches to the 2175 Pro V measuring 21 feet, 10 inches The Lund Pro V series is powered by Mercur y Marine with a 200 to 400 max horsepower rating depending on the model offering award winning per formance and reliability
With a festive ceremony, Damen Shipyards Group delivered the Fairplay 37 t o Fairplay Towage Polska in Gdynia, Poland recently. This Damen Shoalbuster 2711 ICE is set to play an impor tant role in the development of the emerging offshore wind energy sector in the Polish sector of the Baltic Sea and beyond Thanks to her Ice class proper ties, the vessel can operate all year round in the Baltic
The shallow draft tug can per form towing operations in both shallow an in deep waters, it can assist with installation operations thanks to her line handling equipment and a deck crane The 27,06 meters length vessel has a max beam of 11,55 meters and a working draft of 2,90 meters She is propelled by twin Caterpillar 3512C engines, driving two propellers in nozzles and providing a bollard pull of 47 tons Fairplay 37 is IMO Tier III cer tified, indicating that she produces minimal emission Fairplay
Towage Polska will be able to engage the vessel in sustainable operations, adding to the purpose of offshore wind park installations, to provide clean energy
This vessel to the standardized Damen Shoalbuster Design was built by Damen Shipyards Hardinxveld at SAFE shipyard in Gdansk Damen engineers have provided detailed engineering to client demand and provided super vision during the construction at the yard While the standard design was presented with the option to build the Shoalbuster 2711 to ice class, this is the first vessel of this type to actually be constructed for operations in icy conditions
“This vessel will be the first in our fleet of this power that is able to enter Baltic and Nor th Sea por ts with limited depths,” says Offshore Wind project
Polska “I am convinced that this Shoalbuster, meeting IMO Tier III emission requirements, will open up new markets for us She has the potential to play an impor tant role in developing our presence in the emerging offshore wind industr y in Poland.”
Building on the success of the first order ever placed by Fairplay Towage Polska in a new Damen vessel, the companies have meanwhile signed fur ther newbuilding orders bolstering the Group’s capacity. Those tugs of Damen’s proven RSD2513 design will be delivered ex yard in Q1 2023.
Candela C 8 is the first electric boat with the range t o t r a ve l b e t w e e n p o p u l a r d e s t i n a t i o n s o n t h e Medit erranean coast and the great lakes of southern Europe. It now comes in a version for the sun drenched markets: Candela T TOP.
Candela C 8 is the only electric boat with a range of 50 nautical miles at 22 knots on one charge The 2 3 times longer range than other electric power boats is possible through hydrofoil technology, which cuts energy usage by 80% compared to planing hulls The foils allow Candela C 8 to accommodate the harbor hopping powerboaters seeking to travel sustainably between the popular por ts on the big lakes of Italy, Switzerland, and Austria, or the Mediterranean coasts of Croatia, Greece, and Spain.
In conjunction with the opening of two new showrooms in Cannes together with French par tner Sud Plaisance, the Swedish marine tech company also launches the Candela C 8 T TOP version, which features a carbon fibre sunroof that provides ample shade for the eight passengers, as well as new features that make C 8 the ideal place to spend long, sun drenched days on the water
The carbon fibre T Top only weighs 47 kilograms but is sturdy enough to carr y several water toys two SUP:s, a kayak, and plenty of fishing rods Or why not water skis, as the wake less C 8 is the ideal craft for per fecting those beautiful big spray turns The T Top also has mounts for extra equipment, like radar, searchlights, or a VHF antenna It will also be fitted with interior downlights, with the possibility to have a red night light that preser ves the crew ’ s night vision handy when returning home after a late dinner The six speaker Fusion sound system is easily heard, as the C 8 is whisper quiet even at the 30 knot top speed
Driving Candela C 8 in waves on the Mediterranean is like driving a high end electric car on the highway: Silent, smooth, and zero emission Lifting the boat out of the water not only reduces the consumption to a fraction of what planing boat would use, it also creates a ride unmatched by any other vessel at sea since the boat is untouched by the waves.
“The ride is just better Once you ’ re flying, all the bad things with traditional boating are gone It’s silent, there’s no slamming and it’s ver y cheap to drive, says Bruno Delahaye, the CEO of Sud Plaisance, who recently tried out the C 8 outside Cannes
While passengers might not want the ride to end, the Candela C 8 T TOP is the per fect place to hang out once you have dropped anchor at your favourite destination With its optional foldable transom, the C 8 T Top becomes a spacious social platform for swimming, diving, or water spor ts The front cabin equipped with a marine head also gives the possibility to stay out overnight www candela com
The new search and rescue boat for the Icelandic Search and Rescue Association ( I C E SA R ) a r r i ve d a t t h e p o r t i n Reykjavík during the autumn.
The boat was received with ceremonies at the future homepor t at Westman Islands
This is the first of three boats purchased, with a valid option for 10 additional vessels The new boat was also shown to the public at the Rescue 22 exhibition
The first boat was named Þór (TOR) and the two boats that are yet to arrive are planned for next year
The Iceland state finances up to half of the costs and the plan is to renew all thir teen search and rescue boats in the next ten years ICE SAR boat users are happy and satisfied with the new boat
The boats are 17 metre long, fast, self righting Kewatec Serecraft SAR 17 search and rescue vessels Their construction began in Kokkola at the end of October last year
ICE SAR is a national association of rescue units and accident prevention divisions Its member organizations include 99 rescue units, 70 accident prevention units, women ’ s sections, and 50 youth units The association has a total of approximately 10,000 volunteers and operates in most Icelandic cities www landsbjorg is
Omvac Catorce has already entered ser vice and star ted working on its first dredge project at the Por t of Huelva Damen worked closely together with both CANLEMAR and NODOSA Shipyards to ensure a successful build and a versatile, future proof vessel The hopper dredger is a sister vessel of Omvac Diez, which was built a decade ago by the same team
The split hopper has been designed with versatility in mind The dredging equipment comprises a starboard trailing suction pipe which allows dredging up to 30m dredging depth using the in board Damen dredge pump, type BP5045MD This dredge pump can also empty the 1,200 m3 hopper hold by pumping out the dredged material using the bow coupling connection or the rainbow nozzle The hopper hold can also be emptied by dumping, that is opening the two split hull par ts Alternatively, an excavator can be placed over the hopper hold on a mobile platform to load stones and rocks
“We really enjoyed working with the NODOSA team again on this dredger,” Carlos González Mar tín, Sales Manager at Damen Shipyards, explains “Damen again supplied the complete dredge package just like we did for its sister vessel 10 years ago This included the dredge pump and complete trailing pipe, plus the dredge valves, the jet water system and dredging instrumentation such as a monitoring system ” The complete dredge package was shipped to Galicia, Nor thern Spain, where the Damen Field Ser vice Engineers assisted during outfitting, commissioning and trials
“The Omvac Catorce design reflects the developments in the maritime industr y of the past decade,” José Ramón Regueira, Commercial Director at NODOSA Shipyards, adds. “Even though we see it as a sister vessel of the Omvac Diez, our design team has given the NODOSA Shipyard trademark split hull design a complete upgrade The hull design has been optimised and it complies with the latest regulations such as IMO TIER III In shor t, the Omvac Catorce is an up to date and all round dredger that can work anywhere “Immediately after the launch and trials this summer, the trailing suction hopper dredger sailed to the south of Spain to star t work in Huelva The southern Spanish por t is being deepened and expanded at present to allow larger vessels into the por t A prestigious project on home soil makes an excellent star t to the hopper dredger’s working life!”
The Danish ship owner and c har t erer Chris tiania Shipping signs with St ormGeo t o improve its environment al per formance and decarbonize its operations with CII simulations
The specialized chemical ship owning and char tering company Christiania Shipping currently operates 20 vessels and has positioned itself as a leading trade niche player with operations in Europe, West Africa, and the Mediterranean. Eager to improve the environmental per formance of its fleet and stay compliant with industr y regulations even before they star t in 2023, the company recently added StormGeo’s CII Simulator to its fleet per formance management toolbox
“With the new Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII) rating scheme coming into play soon, we are determined to do our par t in decarbonizing the shipping industr y, ” says Rune Eriksen, Chief Operating Manager at Christiania Shipping “StormGeo’s CII Simulator not only gives us deep insights into the CII status of our individual vessels but also helps us make well informed decisions on how we best can deploy our fleet The system is ver y user friendly and is being used across the organization ”
Christiania Shipping already leverages StormGeo’s s Insight | Log repor ting tool for onboard data collection, automated ship to shore repor ting systems, and comprehensive dashboards With StormGeo’s CII Simulator, the company expands its capabilities, having a flexible and actionable tool to collaborate on operational deployment and achieve desirable CII ratings With StormGeo's CII Simulator, Christiania Shipping is already able to monitor the compliance status for an entire year and forecast next year's CII ratings based on potential future deterioration The simulations easily reveal any deterioration that indicates the need for vessel retrofits or major vessel conversions, should operational measures prove insufficient.
“StormGeo is excited to have Christiania Shipping onboard and provide the tools they need to ensure regulator y compliance and reach their decarbonization targets,” says Espen Mar tinsen, VP of Sales at StormGeo “We have long experience helping shipping companies improve their environmental per formance and now offer a user friendly solution that can help drive the green agenda in the shipping industr y even fur ther ”
The CII Simulator not only allows the user to monitor the current CII per formance of the vessel, but it also allows the user to simulate different operational scenarios The CII simulator is par t of the Environmental Per formance Module in StormGeo’s s Insight, a world leading fleet per formance management solution that ensures vessel compliance and provides simple, trustwor thy data repor ting systems
A new firs t in class 14m ‘Medina Class’ lifeboat being built for a UK volunt eer lifeboat ser vice will be equipped with DuroWiper sys t ems.
The vessel will be fitted out with Class 50 pantographs, the smallest in the DuroWipers range, ideal for applications where space is at a premium “We’re proud to stand alongside the other high quality suppliers supplying this lifeboat,” said Noel Gould, managing director, DuroWipers “DuroWipers built a name for itself in the search and rescue market supplying the RNLI newbuild Shannon lifeboats More contracts in this sector stand testament to the reputation and quality of our product ”
Diverse Marine is building the vessel, which uses a design from Walker Marine Design, for the Caister Volunteer Lifeboat Ser vice, at Cowes on the Isle of Wight, UK.
The 14m self righting Lifeboat features an aluminium hull, deck and coach roof together with a resiliently mounted GRP wheelhouse, to reduce noise and vibration for the crew Power and propulsion for the vessel will be supplied by Scania and Hamilton Jet, Seating and comms will be supplied by AllSalt Maritime and Boat Electrics and Electronics Ltd, respectively.
The vessel is due for deliver y late in 2022
DuroWiper Pantographs and Pendulums are available in 24VDC and have a patented twin drive rotar y mechanism
The system gives a maintenance free, smooth, power ful, reliable per formance, with a long life. It’s for this reason that DuroWipers provides warranties of three years for commercial users. www.durowipers.co.uk
During the recent For t Lauderdale Boat Show (FLIBS), ZF Marine premiered its new 4600 POD Propulsion Sys t em for large vessels for the firs t time in Nor th American markets.
After successfully establishing its inboard and outboard propulsion technology for all ranges of boats and yachts in the boating market, marine driveline specialist ZF is now bringing unrivaled per formance and efficiency to large recreational and commercial vessels throughout Nor th America The 4600 POD Propulsion system provides speed and unmatched manoeuvrability to vessels measuring from 80 up to 130 feet It first set sail in the Grande 26M motor yacht by Azimut last fall, but has been unavailable outside of European markets until now Combining engineering exper tise with decades long market experience, ZF continues its track record in high per forming marine driveline solutions with the 4600 POD Propulsion system Designed for vessels with planing and semi displacement hulls measuring up to 130 feet and compatible with all main OEM engines up to 1,700 hp at a maximum of 2,450 rpm, the new drive technology is suitable for a wide range of recreational and commercial applications
“We know that shipbuilders around the world count on ZF to bring power, per formance, and reliability to an expanding variety of vessels And that’s exactly what we accomplished with the 4600 POD Propulsion system for larger craft,” states Federico Decio, Managing Director of ZF in Padua
The 4600 POD Propulsion system can be configured in a twin unit installation (for vessels measuring 80 to 100 feet) and triple unit layout (for ships measuring up to 130 feet), depending on the application For recreational vessels, this includes both planing and semi displacement yachts; commercial applications include pilot boats, supply vessels, small ferries as well as patrol and rescue boats
To achieve these goals, ZF relied on its strengths in innovation and know how in state of the ar t engineering The 4600 POD possess an optimized hydrodynamic shape which significantly reduces the drag of the submerged par ts This suppor ts contra rotating propellers and improves the overall horizontal thrust of the propulsion system Inside the 4600 POD, ZF has leveraged its automotive and off highway experience with newly designed gearing Its 2 434:1 gear reduction allows for larger propellers (up to 38 5” diameter), boosting efficiency even fur ther Compared to other pod systems on the market, the 4600 POD System is up to twice as power ful while still consuming up to 15 percent less fuel than a traditional shaftline propulsion system On larger vessels, the 4600 POD system allows designers to reduce the number of POD units typically required to reach the desired speed This reduces the complexity of onboard systems and reduces the vessel’s drag, fur ther improving propulsion efficiency All in all, the streamlined design and contra rotating propellers of the system are optimized for maximum speeds between 20 and 32 knots
Besides better per formance and precise manoeuvrability, the 4600 POD Propulsion System gives ship builders more freedom during the design phase The engines can be mounted fur ther aft, reducing the engine room length, and thus increasing available space for accommodations on recreational vessels and providing larger working areas on commercial vessels Compared to conventional shaftline systems, the 4600 POD’s mounting solution with large rubber seals reduces structural vibrations and consequently, structural noise The engine can also be installed on softer elastic mounts since it does not have to absorb the propeller thrust
The system comes with an integrated exhaust and clutch which eliminates the need for an additional gearbox ZF also supplies integrated hydraulic steering and state of the ar t Total Command controls which includes the dynamic positioning feature iAnchor Fur thermore, the PODs are hybrid ready a highly desired feature in times of more stringent emission regulations in por ts and other water ways
WinGD’s latest generation of X72DF 2 1 engines with the new on engine iCER
WinGD’s lat es t generation of X72DF -2.1 engines will power 25 vessels as par t of the Q a t a r E n e r g y ’ s N o r t h F i e l d E a s t ( N F E ) p r o j e c t , t h e b i g g e s t L N G c a r r i e r newbuilding project in his t or y. The 50 dual fuel engines whic h feature the new on engine iCER were select ed by multiple s h i py a r d s a n d s h i p ow n e r s h i g h l i g h t i n g s trong confidence in WinGD’s proven and reliable low -pressure dual-fuel engines.
The new on engine configuration of WinGD’s intelligent control by exhaust recycling (iCER) was released back in May of this year and has been met with swift uptake, providing improved fuel efficiency in both gas and diesel modes and a 50% reduction in methane slip compared to the first generation X DF
One order as par t of the Qatar NFE programme is for two 174,000 cbm LNG carriers to be built for TMS Cardiff Gas at Korean shipyard Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering (DSME) The two vessels will be the first ships built by DSME to feature on engine iCER Volkmar Galke, Director, Global Sales, WinGD said: “This huge order intake with on engine iCER technology shows the need for proven and reliable dual fuel engines as the LNG carrier ordering surge continues Owners and operators are seeking fuel flexibility without compromising efficiency, emissions or CAPEX And the fact that all have chosen our latest compact, cost saving configuration confir ms that WinGD delivers the best possible solution to customers, giving them confidence in their investment for today and for the future ”
The advantages of X DF low pressure dual fuel engines include low CAPEX, low maintenance costs and ultra low air pollution, reaching IMO Tier III NOx limits without after treatment Since its debut in 2015, the entire X DF fleet has grown to more than 350 engines in operation lending the deep in ser vice experience to the technology advancements available today
QatarEnergy has secured approximately 60% of the global LNG shipbuilding capacity through 2027 to cater for its growing LNG carrier fleet requirements, which could reach more than 100 new vessels A wide range of ship owners have tendered to build gas c a r r i e r s t h a t w i l l b e o p e r a t e d u n d e r l o n g t e r m c h a r t e r s t o
QatarEnergy The vessels will be delivered between 2023 and 2027 WinGD’s X72DF engine has become the standard for LNG carriers, with 224 in ser vice and more than 130 engines on order www wingd com
RAD Propulsion recently launc hed its
f i r s t e l e c t r i c p r o p u l s i o n s y s t e m a t
Mets trade.
The RAD 40 is a radically different outboard for ribs and powerboats designed from the ground up by a team of exper t engineers It is a stylish and lightweight drive with intuitive operating features and proved a big hit at the exhibition
• Compact smaller than its conventional equivalent and designed so that the motor doesn’t intrude onto the vessel’s deck space The outboard remains behind the transom when tilted up
• Accurate exceptional control and manoeuvrability with full drive by wire controls and 180 degrees of steering available Forget worr ying about a tight ber th on a windy day!
• Quiet less noisy than internal combustion engines enabling you to immerse yourself in the environment around you
• Reliable works ever y time and requires minimal maintenance, making dodgy fuel gauges and clogged filters a thing of the past
• Efficient reduced running costs when compared to fossil fuel powered systems and ready for use wherever and whenever you need it
• Ease of installation its lightweight and neat form makes installation a breeze. No requirement for external steering gear and connections
Richard Daltr y, RAD Propulsion founder, said: “We are thrilled to be launching the RAD 40, our first product to market, at the biggest trade event in the marine calendar Our bespoke technology will transform the marine industr y with our unique benefits helping to ensure more reliable, sustainable, longer lasting and cost effective vessels ”
With roots dating back to 1987, Dales Marine has been servicing the shipping, oil and gas, chemical, and power generation industries with bespoke engineering services, within the shortest lead time to the highest standard.
Providing specialist shipping solutions in dry dock and steelwork, maintenance and ship repair, Dales Marine is located within major Scottish ports and provides unrivalled access for clients 24/7, 365 days a year.
Yanmar are making waves in the wat er ways of Venice, with the firs t ins t allation of an engine for Matt eo Tiepolat o and his traditional wooden t axi boat ‘Aquamarina’.
The leading manufacturer of marine engines was chosen by Matteo, who has been operating a water taxi ser vice in Venice since 2008 He chose the 4LV150 marine diesel specifically for its reputation for reliability, ef ficiency and low emissions making it per fectly suited to his business and the narrow canals of the historic city It also marks the first water taxi in Venice to be fitted with a Yanmar engine Another big benefit from the Yanmar engine is the lack of vibrations, impor tant when transpor ting prestigious customers The 4LV150 provides an enhanced passenger experience with minimal vibrations from the engine, driving a comfor table ride and leaving the occupants to enjoy the beauty of Venice without any distraction from the 4 cylinder, 2 8L engine, all whilst remaining in compliance with local requirements
Equally, when entering the more open waters of the lagoons and exclusive private island resor ts surrounding the city, the smooth acceleration and responsiveness of the Yanmar engine allows the boat to immediately enter onto a plane whether there are 1 or 10 people onboard
With current fuel prices, economy is also key: “I have complete faith in the engine which is economical to run and gives me peace of mind,” says Matteo “It suits the water taxi ser vice, but I would recommend it to anyone for leisure purposes also.”
Fur thermore, the Yanmar engines’ durability has seen the operator through long operating periods with Matteo not experiencing even a single day of unplanned downtime in the 3 years the engine has been fitted to his boat
www yanmar com/marine/engines/4lv series/
Simrad recently unveiled two of its new highper formance radar products, with the Simrad HALO 2000 and HALO 3000 now available t o cus t omers around the world.
The HALO 2000, star ting at $6,399 (USD), and HALO 3000, star ting at $8,499 (USD), both feature higher power pulse compression and improved detection ranges to of fer the most power ful Simrad HALO radars on the market Other key integrations like Bird+ Mode, ZoneTrack and suppor t for Dangerous Target Aler ts provide users even more technical and safety benefits The new HALO radars were on display recently at the Navico Group exhibit during the For t Lauderdale International Boat Show
“We’re proud to be the original inventor and innovator behind solid state recreational marine radar and we are excited to unveil our most power ful radar yet,” said Kevin Steinbraker, VP and General Manager, Digital Systems at Navico Group
“This next generation open array radar delivers even more power and resolution than before, of fering increased safety, more accuracy and better range By coupling our advanced pulse scheme with our class leading resolution, we are providing boaters of all types with the best radar on the market for target detection, resolution, system reliability and ease of use ” HALO 2000 comes with 50 watts of power, ensuring visibility out to 72 nautical miles, while HALO 3000, Simrad Yachting’s most power ful open array radar with 130 watts of power, provides visibility out to 96 nautical miles That power is combined with world class beam sharpening for enhanced target separation that is unmatched in the marketplace Other technical upgrades include award winning modes, situational awareness enhancements and ZoneTrack merged into the Simrad brand’s decades of exper tise and experience in radar. On the HALO 3000, the new Bird+ Mode activates the radar to solely focus on maximizing 130 watts of power on targeting and identifying flocks of birds at ranges of up to eight nautical miles “Simrad Yachting of fers a range of HALO Open Array Radars for all types and sizes of boats, depending on your primar y boating activity,” said Steinbraker “With Bird+ mode, exclusive to the HALO 3000 series, it can help serious of fshore anglers find the birds that can help lead to the fish For the avid boater, HALO 2000 provides the power necessar y to see storm cells more clearly at greater distances ” Day or night, rain or fog, the HALO 2000 and 3000 are a power ful extra set of eyes to help boaters stay aware of approaching vessels, weather, and obstacles.
Are you a commercial maritime operat or who wants t o equip your t ender fleet with an ef fective Class B AIS transponder but the s tumbling bloc k has always been assigning unique MMSI numbers? Well, Icom has a f ir mware upg rade f or its MA -510TR Class B AIS transponder, allowing operat ors t o equip transponders t o their fleet of t enders with unique MMSI numbers.
The solution gives the operator the ability to be able to track tenders and safety boats that are assigned to a mother ship For instance, a cruise ship might have some tenders to take guests ashore The operator may want to know where they are The MA 510TR enables them to use the unique MMSI assigned to the tender or lifeboat
Cruise ships, Super yachts, Research vessels any larger commercial vessel that has a tender that needs to identify where that tender is In the past, you could only do this with Class A, but now you can do this with the Class B MA 510TR Transponder. Icom is the first manufacturer to have this facility available on a Class B Transponder
This upgrade will be incorporated on all new MA 510TR from Icom UK. Anyone who requires this feature and has an existing MA 510TR can contact Icom UK and for a charge of £30 ex VAT plus return carriage, the company will arrange the upgrade and send it back to them
Investment in Sonardyne’s PIES is a sign of improvement in the marine geophysics data market
Sonardyne has seen an uplif t in orders for its Pressure Inver t ed Echo Sounder (PIES) t echnology int o the exploration and reser voir sur veillance market in the first half of this year The announcement was made recently at the Int ernational Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE) in Houst on, US.
Sonardyne’s PIES technology, which helps geophysicists to better understand the physical processes that occur in the deep ocean, has been acquired by a string of companies per forming both towed streamer and ocean bottom node (OBN) deployments, highlighting increasing activity in the sector Among those investing in PIES are marine geophysics data and ser vices company PGS Geophysical and ocean bottom nodal firm Magseis Fair field Geophysical ser vices provider PXGeo has also ordered a number of Sonardyne’s PIES
PIES is a long endurance, self contained oceanographic instrument for precisely measuring average sound speed in the water column as well as water depth information By collecting these obser vations as seismic data is being acquired, PIES helps to reduce uncer tainty in the imaging data, helping to provide a clearer image and guide operational decisions
“PIES continuously measure the two way travel time of sound waves propagated through the water column from the seabed to the sea sur face as well as the pressure (depth) at the seabed,” explains Sonardyne sales manager Trevor Barnes “This data is used to calculate a continuous time histor y of the average water velocity and tidal variation throughout the entire water column By doing this, these environmental variations can be removed from the reser voir imaging data, providing geophysicists with a clearer image of their reser voirs ”
PIES are regularly used across the marine seismic market as well as by oceanographic institutions interested in understanding the ocean The instrument can be deployed on the seabed by ROV or freefall deployed from a sur face vessel and configured for autonomous monitoring campaigns lasting several months to several years
An embedded acoustic modem also allows users to retrieve data wirelessly on demand, or adjust monitoring regimes, from crewed or uncrewed sur vey vessels PIES can also be deployed in wired configurations, allowing a constant data feed to topside facilities
sonardyne com
C a s p e r, P h i l l i p s & A s s o c i a t e s I n c . ( C P & A ) h a s c o m p l e t e d a s t r u c t u r a l d e s i g n r e v i e w o n a m e g a 3 , 5 0 0 - t o n n e c a p a c i t y d o u b l e b o o m o f f s h o r e c r a n e . C P & A a c c e p t e d a p r o j e c t t o d e l i v e r a s t r u c t u r a l r e v i e w a n d d e s i g n a s s i s t a n c e f r o m C h i n a ’ s D a l i a n H u a r u i H e a v y I n d u s t r y G r o u p C o . L t d . ( D H H I ) C P & A w a s c h a l l e n g e d w i t h f i n d i n g a s o l u t i o n f o r i n c r e a s i n g t h e s t r e n g t h o f c e r t a i n d e s i g n e l e m e n t s
D H H I r e c e n t l y c o m p l e t e d t h e m a n u f a c t u r e ; e a c h c r a n e b o o m , w h i c h s i t s i d e b y s i d e a t t h e f r o n t o f t h e v e s s e l , c a n l i f t 1 , 7 5 0 t o n n e s T h e y m e a s u r e o v e r 1 2 8 m l o n g e r t h a n a f o o t b a l l p i t c h a n d w i l l b e u s e d b o t h s i n g u l a r l y a n d i n p a i r s T h e h e i g h t o f t h e c r a n e m a s t , m e a n w h i l e , r e a c h e s 4 0 5 m T h e s e m a m m o t h d i m e n s i o n s a l l o w D H H I ’ s c r a n e t o h a n d l e c a r g o a s l a r g e a s 3 2 m h i g h , w i t h a 5 0 m b y 5 0 m f o o t p r i n t , o v e r w a t e r o r o n l a n d S i m i l a r c r a n e s , w h i c h w i l l t y p i c a l l y h a v e a c a p t a i n a n d a c r a n e o p e r a t o r, h a v e b e e n u s e d t o e r e c t d o c k s i d e o r q u a y s i d e c r a n e s a n d b r i d g e s , a n d i n o f f s h o r e a p p l i c a t i o n s , s u c h a s w i n d f a r m s o r o i l r i g s C P & A a n a l y z e d t h e c r a n e a n d r e p o r t e d t h e r e a c t i o n f o r c e s a t t h e c r a n e b o o m p i n c o n n e c t i o n s s o t h a t a f o u n d a t i o n c o u l d b e p r o p e r l y d e s i g n e d S i m i l a r l y, i t r e p o r t e d t h e r e a c t i o n s o f t h e m a s t e n d s a t t a c h e d t o t h e b a r g e d e c k u n d e r v a r i o u s l o a d c a s e s , e x t r a c t i n g i n f o r m a t i o n f o r s h i p d e s i g n e r s , s o t h e y c o u l d d e s i g n f o r t h e r e q u i r e d s t r e n g t h T h e r e w e r e a l o t o f d i f f e r e n t l o a d c o m b i n a t i o n s a n d s c e n a r i o s t h a t n e e d e d t o b e c o n s i d e r e d , s u c h a s d i f f e r e n t b o o m a n g l e s , w i n d , w a v e m o t i o n s , e t c T h e l a t t i c e b o o m r e q u i r e d m a n y c o n n e c t i o n c h e c k s
R i c h a r d P h i l l i p s , m e c h a n i c a l e n g i n e e r a t C P & A , s a i d : “ T h e a n a l y s i s w a s r a t h e r c o m p l e x ; w e h a d t o u s e a s p e c i a l p i p e t o p i p e c o n n e c t i o n p o s t p r o c e s s o r t h a t w e c r e a t e d i n h o u s e ” H e e x p l a i n e d : “ P r e p r o c e s s i n g i s t h e c r e a t i o n o f t h e m a t h e m a t i c a l m o d e l o f t h e c r a n e s t r u c t u r e d e f i n i n g s t r u c t u r a l b e a m s , d e v e l o p i n g l o a d s a n d l o a d c a s e s F E A p r o c e s s i n g i s w h e n y o u t a k e t h e m a t h m o d e l a n d s o l v e i t t o g e t t h e f o r c e s i n e a c h s t r u c t u r a l m e m b e r, b e a m s a n d c o l u m n s P o s t p r o c e s s i n g i s w h e n y o u t a k e t h e f o r c e s i n e a c h s t r u c t u r a l m e m b e r e n d a n d c h e c k t o s e e i f t h e s t r u c t u r a l m e m b e r s a n d c o n n e c t i o n s h a v e a d e q u a t e s t r e n g t h a n d r e s i l i e n c e ”
C P & A’s s t r e s s p r o g r a m t a k e s t h e f o r c e s f r o m t h e f i n i t e e l e m e n t a n a l y s i s a n d a u t o m a t i c a l l y c h e c k s s t r e s s e s o f e a c h m e m b e r b a s e d o n t h e s p e c i f i e d d e s i g n c o d e C P & A’s c o n n e c t i o n p r o g r a m t a k e s t h e f o r c e s f r o m t h e s t r e s s c a l c u l a t i o n r e s u l t s c h e c k s s t r e s s e s o f e v e r y p i p e e n d c o n n e c t i o n s a c c o r d i n g t o t h e s t r u c t u r a l w e l d i n g c o d e AW S D 1 1 f o r e v e r y s i n g l e l o a d c o m b i n a t i o n P r o j e c t e x e c u t i o n r e q u i r e d c o l l a b o r a t i o n b e t w e e n C h i n e s e a n d P a c i f i c Ti m e z o n e s , w i t h M i k e Z h a n g , t h e c h i e f m e c h a n i c a l e n g i n e e r a t C P & A , a b l e t o c o m m u n i c a t e i n f l u e n t m a n d a r i n w h e r e n e c e s s a r y. P h i l l i p s s a i d t h a t Z h a n g w a s t h e l e a d e n g i n e e r o n t h e p r o j e c t , w h i c h w a s e s p e c i a l l y u s e f u l w h e n c e r t a i n n o r m s , g u i d a n c e , m e t r i c s , a n d p h r a s e o l o g y w e r e u s e d i n d i a l o g . I n f a c t , C P & A f r e q u e n t l y w o r k s w i t h C h i n e s e c o m p a n i e s . w w w. c a s p e r p h i l l i p s . c o m
MacGregor has been chosen t o supply two auxiliar y o f f s h o r e t e l e s c o p i c c r a n e s f o r Va n O o r d ’ s n ew generation wind turbine inst allation vessel. The new vessel will mainly operat e t o suppor t European wind farms.
The contract was booked into Cargotec’s second quar ter 2022 orders received The deliver y is scheduled for the third quar ter of 2023 The vessel is being built by Yantai CIMC Raffles Offshore Ltd, and is a new generation of wind turbine installation vessel (WTIV) The 175 metre offshore installation vessel will be purpose built for the transpor t and installation of foundations and turbines at offshore wind farms The main crane lifting capacity is more than 3,000 tonnes The vessel has an advanced jacking system Four giant legs, each measuring 126 metres in length, allow the vessel to be jacked up and work in waters up to 70 meters deep It is considered to be one of largest WTIV vessels in the world in terms of overall dimensions, jacking capacity and lifting capabilities MacGregor’s scope of supply encompasses two auxiliar y offshore telescopic cranes, which are used to suppor t the cargo and load handling during the installation of wind turbines in the offshore environment, and are equipped with an anti collision system The systems and equipment have a long track record of reliability All products are proven extensively in stringent offshore environments “MacGregor is our preferred choice of offshore crane supplier based on our strong relationship and positive collaboration experiences on the previous projects,” said Mr Sun Shiyan, Director of Supply Chain Management Center, Yantai CIMC Raffles Shipyard “These offshore telescopic cranes are customised according to the ship owner ’ s requirements, with high lifting per formance and long outreach but ver y compact and robust design to meet the stringent offshore requirements We are confident that MacGregor will take special care to ensure the highest standards in quality control and the on time deliver y to our project ” “MacGregor is delighted to have been selected to supply deck handling solutions to Van Oord’s WTIV Our involvement at an early stage in this project, combined with our extensive experience in turnkey supply, enables us to provide reliable and efficient solutions, even in the most demanding projects,” adds Jan Erik Pedersen, Senior Vice President, Offshore Solutions Division, MacGregor www macgregor com
The wor ld-lif ting record was broken recentl y, by Heerema Marine Contract ors ’ semi-submersible crane vessel, the Sleipnir, in the Danish Nor th Sea. The vessel i n s t a l l e d a 17, 0 0 0 m e t r i c t o n n e T h e r m o e l e c t r i c generat or (TEG) Module for the Tyra II gas field. This lift, which was per formed for TotalEnergies and its Danish Underground Consor tium Par tners, has been in the works for years, with Heerema and TotalEnergies collaborating closely It was executed less than 24 hours after the 47 metre tall module’s arrival at the field site from Batam in Indonesia Also, thanks to an ideal weather window, it was completed four days ahead of schedule
The 17,000 tonne lift is still under the Sleipnir’s max lift capacity of 20,000 metric tonnes, as it has two cranes of 10,000 metric tonnes lifting capacity each
The vessel, which measures 220 metres in length and 102 metres in width, is also the world’s most sustainable semi submersible crane vessel. The vessel has broken several lift records since 2019. Notably, the Sleipnir broke the world lifting record with the Leviathan topside 15,300 metric ton lift in September 2019.
After the installation of two bridges and one flare, the Tyra II project will be completed and should star t producing gas in 2023/24, after over 10 years of construction. This high tech hub for natural gas production in the Danish Nor th Sea, 225 kilometres off the coast of Jutland, will have a total weight of over 35,000 tonnes and up to 54 metres in height
Inst allation for first US commercial scale of fshore wind farm ‘ Vineyard Wind’ expect ed t o st ar t in June 2023
Dutch heave compensation specialist Seaqualize has signed its first contract for their newly developed offshore lifting device: the Heave Chief 1100 DEME Offshore US will deploy the HC1100 on the first commercial scale wind farm installation project in the USA, Vineyard Wind, to transfer delicate wind turbine components to and from heaving supply vessels The HC1100 is currently the largest active heave compensator in the world As a Balanced Heave Compensator (BHC), it can compensate a vessel’s heave motions and safely quick lift loads up to 1100mT, although being batter y powered Feeder
Since the high ambitions of US offshore wind were announced, the market has been looking for ways to get sufficient Jones Act compliant installation capacity in place Seaqualize and DEME Offshore have been working together on developing a novel tool, enabling a Jones Act compliant feeder barge concept To lift delicate wind turbine components from feeder barges to an installation vessel while being offshore is a complicated operation This type of operation, which needs to be done safely, efficiently, frequently and often in harsh weather conditions, requires a new, next generation lifting tool.
DEME Offshore, the market leader in offshore wind installations, is the first contractor that will embark on such an operation, by transpor ting and installing 62 wind turbine generators for the Vineyard Wind 1 project, the first commercial scale offshore wind installation in the United States Each turbine will be transpor ted in components from the supply harbor to DEME’s installation vessel Sea Installer DEME Offshore US has contracted the HC1100 to ensure the components can be safely lifted from the heaving supply barges, and thus continue working in challenging weather conditions.
“We contracted Seaqualize to de risk the Vineyard Wind project: their solution is a novel, but realistic method to safely transfer the delicate components, minimizing the risk of damage and delays We think this is how Feeder Barge operations should be done going for ward” said Glenn Car ton, Project Director Vineyard Wind, DEME
Since December 2019, Seaqualize develops inline Balanced Heave Compensators, specifically for heavy lift, in air active load control Together with Van Oord Offshore Wind a prototype for 600mT was successfully tested in November 2021 The HC1100 is based on this prototype and will be the world’s largest and most sophisticated active heave compensator It is scheduled for deliver y in March 2023 The HC1100 has an improved design to better ser ve the offshore wind market It has an increased load capacity of 1100mT (equivalent to nearly 7 jumbo jets), required to balance turbine components of the 15MW generation It can reach higher quick lift speeds and has a longer stroke to handle the larger motions of smaller supply vessels It also offers a single lift point for operational efficiency The new design fur ther minimizes dynamic load fluctuations impacting the crane and offers passive safety procedures In addition, Seaqualize’s in house developed ‘follow mode’ allows the full load to match the movements of the target vessel If required, quick lift operations are fully reversible
As many more wind installation projects will follow Vineyard Wind, various offshore installation contractors are currently investigating how to include the Heave Chief into their feeder barge setup Seaqualize expects to announce an additional contract before the end of the year, cementing Balanced Heave Compensation as the way to go for safe and efficient offshore feeder lifts. Alongside the HC1100, the company ’ s first full scale BHC prototype is currently being upgraded for working loads up to 750mT www seaqualize com
Vårgrønn, a joint venture between Plenitude and Hit ecVision, has acquired Plenitude’s 20% s t ake in the huge Dogger Bank Wind Farm.
Olav Hetland, CEO of Vårgrønn, commented: “We are pleased to complete the transaction and appreciate the trust from our shareholders to focus their offshore wind effor ts in Nor thern Europe through the expansion of Vårgrønn. We look for ward to a strong cooperation with our experienced par tners SSE Renewables and Equinor to construct and operate the world’s largest offshore wind farm Vårgrønn will actively contribute to the project’s success while Dogger Bank learnings will enrich the skills and experience of the Vårgrønn’s team and make us an even stronger par tner in the race for licenses in all our key markets.”
Dogger Bank Wind Farm is being built in the Nor th Sea more than 130km from the Yorkshire coast in three 1 2GW phases known as Dogger Bank A, B and C
The world class renewable energy project, which will be capable of powering 6 million UK homes annually on completion, is a joint venture between SSE Renewables (40%), Equinor (40%) and Vårgrønn (20%).
Following the collaboration agreement signed between SolarDuck and RWE earlier this year, SolarDuck was selected as the exclusive provider for offshore floating solar (OFS) technology with integrated energy storage in RWE’ s bid for the offshore wind farm HKW VII The successful bid will now materialize a hybrid OFS power plant at scale SolarDuck’ s CEO Koen Burgers states: “This is a flagship project for SolarDuck and an impor tant milestone for the wider OFS industr y SolarDuck, being the first to build a hybrid project at this scale, will demonstrate the robustness of our solution, prove the impor tant role of system integration in building future fit energy systems, and enable the scaling of the technology to accelerate its adoption We are proud to work together with our par tner, RWE, in this impor tant project ”
Delivering this project will enable SolarDuck to scale faster, reap the associated cost benefits and ultimately accelerate commercial projects at grid scale. Hybrid offshore wind and OFS projects promise to accelerate the adoption of OFS at scale. The complementarities between wind and solar resources as well as making better use of existing infrastructure and the ocean space will drive the growth of hybrid OFS projects. In this way, SolarDuck can have a deeper impact in decarbonizing the world, par ticularly in sunny regions of the world where land is scarce.
www solarduck tech
Merging st at e of the ar t archit ectural design with the l a t e s t t e c h n o l o g y, O c e a n d i va L o n d o n i s s e t t o revolutionise t he mar ine environment, as London's newest floating events space. Launching Autumn 2022, the UK’s first CO2 neutral venue on the Thames is par t of a wider innovative t o decarbonise the Capit al's river, working in par tnership with Net Zero Marine Ser vices (NZMS). NZMS are pioneering a more sust ainable river future, developing a new electric river highway by i n s t a l l i n g h i g h c a p a c i t y s h o re p owe r i n f ra s t r u c t u re , Smar tDocks, for vessels and other operat ors t o benefit from between Westminst er and Dar tford.
Shore power provides electricity to commercial operators on the Thames to displace diesel consumption, reduce emissions, noise and improve air quality for the whole Thames community NZMS Smar tDocks aim to facilitate an 80% reduction of hydrocarbon fuel in the Capital’s water ways and pave the way for a new era in clean tech marine investment on the Thames The Thames flows through the Oceandiva London’s Captain, Rober t Dwan’s lineage, with 25 years of experience navigating its waters and 300 years of family histor y Rooted in his deep commitment to the river, he co founded Net Zero Marine Ser vices alongside Director Miles Cole to reimagine the future of clean marine power and to lead the Thames in its transition to net zero emissions By delivering a combination of shore power, green marine hydrogen infrastructure and its digital ecosystem, NZMS will provide the Thames with the infrastructure it needs to compete in the net zero economy
In the first phase, NZMS is delivering a network of high capacity shore power projects, called Smar tDocks where vessels and operators can access electricity for charging (and other ser vices), powering 6 million passenger trips and moving 4 million tonnes of cargo on the river annually by 2030, with zero emissions The next phase in NZMS’s strategy to tackle emissions on the Thames is green marine hydrogen s production from a 140 acres site on the Thames Hydrogen is widely seen as the future of fuel and the NZMS team are developing similar green marine hydrogen sites at strategic marine sites in the UK NZMS is now working closely with river authorities and marine stakeholders to design safe and accessible green hydrogen to the Thames community NZMS Director, Miles Cole said: “We are absolutely delighted to announce this collaboration with Oceandiva ltd We have worked hard to ensure technical approvals and licences to ensure that the Thames can attract exactly this type of sustainable operator, they are a real benchmark for the future direction of the Thames Our projects will deliver first of a kind shore power infrastructure on a tidal river for commercial applications, and demonstrates our commitment to reducing emissions and noise and improving air quality across the whole Thames Estuar y We believe that Oceandiva London will set a new standard on the Thames, it is a truly exciting to be involved ”
With sustainability at its core, Oceandiva is committed to leading the industr y in minimising its impact by utilising advanced technology and environmental practices, including noise reducing electric engines Whether static or sailing, the architecture and design of the vessel allows for huge production values, an iconic setting for glamorous receptions, gala dinners, cutting edge product launches and brand activations
Powered by 100% renewable energy, Oceandiva London relies on fast charging shore based green electricity and is suppor ted by onboard solar panels and a back up biofuel generator for longer excursions on the river Thames Smar t technology will allow the ship’s engineer to track and monitor all energy sources used, along with water consumption.
Working with industr y body Isla, Oceandiva will be able to determine where carbon emission reductions can be made across the lifecycle of an event; from sourcing, energy used, food and beverage choices made, to audience travel and ever ything else in between By tracking and measuring right from the planning stage through to event execution, they are able to effectively reduce their carbon footprint for each event held aboard Oceandiva’s owner and operator, Smar t Group, is an industr y trailblazer in sustainable events From the final fit out, including catering facilities and production, all aspects have been considered, which is why they are able to lead from the front and set an example for all other vessels on the Thames
Edda Wind is placing anot her ship order and t he fleet will increase t o t en vessels.
The company recently announced that it has ordered another Commissioning Ser vice Operation Vessel (CSOV) from Gondan Shipbuilders (Gondan), Spain This will be vessel number six in the series built at Gondan in addition to the existing vessels Edda Passat and Edda Mistral delivered by the same yard in 2018 The vessel will be prepared for instalment of zero emission technology in the same way as for her sister vessels, based on suppor t from Enova The vessels are specially designed for ser vice operations during the commissioning and operation of offshore wind farms
Edda Wind has a strong track record and has been operating in the wind segment since 2015 Including the latest newbuild, the company will have a fleet of ten purpose built vessels, of which six are contracted with key clients like Ørsted, Vestas, Ocean Breeze, SSE and SiemensGamesa
The newbuild will be of Salt 0474 design, which is a fur ther development of the Salt 0217 design and will be delivered in April 2025 In addition, the company has an option with the yard for one more vessel “Ordering another CSOV will fur ther strengthen Edda Wind’s leading position within offshore wind Building a series of vessels like this, with the experience and knowledge we have from the vessels currently under construction, gives us an advantage both with regards to shipbuilding cost and later during operation The industr y has experienced an increase in shipbuilding prices of about 20 % in just a year Therefore, we are satisfied having placed an order that represents a total ready for sea cost in the low Eur 60 million This includes a high specification in line with Edda Wind’s philosophy, e g , Hydrogen ready, Voith Schneider propulsion, highest standard of accommodation as well as extensive energy optimization solutions to increase energy efficiency and reduce emissions The equity por tion of this investment is fully funded as par t of the capital raise done during the IPO Tremendous growth is expected in the offshore wind market over the next decades Edda Wind has a clear ambition to grow the fleet beyond the ten vessels already ordered to maintain its position as a leading C/SOV company. ” said Kenneth Walland, CEO of Edda Wind.
“The main design objective is to build the most environmentally friendly vessels without compromising operational capabilities. The vessel design will reduce emission of greenhouse gases significantly. The vessels will also be prepared for future zero emission operations based on Enova suppor t. This technology is based on Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carrier (LOHC), which will ensure safe and efficient use of hydrogen as an energy source ” added Walland.
Recentl y Land & Wat er announced t hat it has reac hed the miles t one of 100,000m3 being dredged from Queen Pool at Blenheim Palace in Oxford.
Queen Pool, which was created in 1715, had become heavily silted putting its extensive eco system at risk Land & Water star ted works earlier this year, making it the Pool’s first dredge in over 100 years, to safeguard the lake for years to come and reinstate the depth of the Pool to around two metres Due to the scientific and ecological impor tance of this site, Land & Water designed a methodology to protect the lake bed as much as possible. The firm is also using specifically commissioned equipment including Hoppers named Reg who likes to Dredge and Mallard, as chosen by the public Land & Water's Project Manager, Charlie Oakes, said: "We are thrilled to have reached the 100,000m3 milestone The Blenheim project has been an incredible under taking for Land & Water and we have valued the chance to work on such an iconic landscape "We are now a third of the way through our dredging journey at Blenheim Palace, with the final dredge anticipated to finish early next year "
Blenheim Estate director Roy Cox commented: “The Queen Pool is an iconic par t of the World Heritage Site, it’s a SSSI, a fisher y and a national treasure seen by over a million people each year “Over 70 per cent of the lake now has a depth of just 30cms or less It is silting up at a rate of one to two centimetres per year but, during severe storms, deposits can reach up to 20cm “Without this drastic inter vention the Queen Pool would rever t to a wetland in the next 5 10 years and the nation’s ‘Finest View’ will be lost,” he added Land & Water has been working at the iconic proper ty since April 2022 and looks to dredge 300,000m3 of silt during the project. This removed silt is being relocated up to Great Park, where it will be create a landform (a hill or mound) over 16ha. This land will then be returned to grassland.
Total lorr y loads to date 10,707
Lorr y load in m3 9 4
Tonnes 150,968 7
Volume of silt removed (m3) to date 100,645 8 Days dredging 93
Average volume (m3) of silt remover per day 1,082
Average truck loads deposited per day 115
www land water co uk
Damen Marine Components (DMC) is the supplier of the rudders and st eering gear for the striking, 77 metre super yacht Black Shark , currently in the final st ages of its build by German super yacht yard Nobiskrug. On completion at the company ’ s Rendsburg facility the yacht will be highly distinctive with a shark like profile including a fin at the t op of the superstructure and a matt black paint finish on the ext erior of the hull.
The complete steering system order consists of two Van der Velden Atlantic rudders and two of DMC’s Commander piston type steering gear systems together with hydraulic units and bridge control panels This is an ideal combination for a high per formance motor yacht like Black Shark Commander steering gear is a high quality and versatile system that, given that it is available in a range of different rudder stock connections, can be installed in a configuration that best matches the space available Meanwhile, DMC’s Atlantic rudder system is a full spade design with an optimised profile, delivering excellent manoeuvrability with minimum resistance, ideal for medium to high speed vessels and contributing to the IMO Tier III compliant yacht’s sustainability goals Steffen Pel, Operations Manager at Damen Marine Components, says: “This is an excellent combination for super yacht owners looking for low maintenance steering systems that offer excellent manoeuvrability as well as reliability The systems have proven themselves on a wide range of vessel types, all over the world ” Nobiskrug Yachts GmbH has been building vessels for over a centur y and in recent years has been responsible for delivering some of the most distinctive and innovative super yachts afloat today Black Shark is scheduled to be delivered to her owner in 2023
www damen com