Marine & Maritime Gazette June 2023

Page 43


Commercial Marine & Renewables Worldwide



JUNE 2023 20
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A centur y of editions...

and it only seems like yesterday!

Welcome to the June 2023 issue of Marine & Maritime

coverage of the commercial marine, shipping and waterbased renewables markets

This edition is obviously ver y special to ever yone here at Marine & Maritime Gazette, 100 issues and still going strong!

This month we are all of f to meet friends and colleagues at Seawork in Southampton, UK - from 13th-15th We hope to meet many of you at what is always one of the big highlights of the maritime year

Inside this issue, we are, as usual, covering a vast amount of topics, from ‘Seawork 2023’ on page 20, to the ‘ins and outs’ of ‘Tugs, Workboats & OSVs’ from page 28 There is also a quick look at ‘Power, Propulsion & Transmission’ on page 34 and from page 40 we also have a ‘peek’ at ‘Pollution Control & Clean-up’

Anyway, we look for ward to seeing over the Summer months and, of cou happy reading

If you have any news, reviews, prod launches or absolutely anything else interest across the whole marine mark p l e a s e e m a i l i


info@- plus com for future consideration our for thcoming issues

G a z e t t e t h e m o n t h l y m a g a z i n e a i m e d a t Wo r l d w
i d e
t h r o
Arthur Peaches - Editor I N T R O D U C T I O N & W E L C O M E 3 www marineandmaritimegazette com @MandMGazette Editor MARINE & MARITIME GAZETTE Commercial Marine & Renewables W ld de INSIDE: SSUE 100 UNE 2023 20
u g h

Cover stor y

Tugs named

Training cour se receives world-fir st IMCA approval

Fu g ro ' s re mo t e l y op e ra t e d ve h i cle (ROV) introductor y training course has re c e i ve d I n t e r n a t i o n a l M a r i n e C o n t ra c t o r s A s s o c i a t i o n ( I M C A ) a p p rova l , m a r k i n g a s i g n i f i c a n t milestone for the company and the of fshore industr y at large

This world-first endorsement ensures that only a p p r o p r i a t e l y t r a i n e d a n d c o m p e t e n t individuals enter the ROV industr y, helping to maintain high safety standards and quality ser vices to clients

Seawork 2023


Name change

Participants will have the opportunity to attend the course in person at Fugro's recently opened ROV Training Centre of Excellence – a part of t h e F u g r o A c a d e m y Tr a i n i n g C e n t r e i n P l y m o u t h T h e c o m p r e h e n s i v e t r a i n i n g programme is designed to provide participants with a strong foundation in the ROV industr y, covering a wide range of topics, including the histor y and development of the ROV industr y, s a f e t y, e n v i r o n m e n t a l c o n s i d e r a t i o n s , a n d hazard management

Meeting IMCA requirements, all new trainees must have a suitable educational background a n d a m i n i m u m o f t h r e e y e a r s ’ w o r k experience in a relevant field before joining the course This ensures that participants have a strong foundation and the necessar y industr ys p e c i f i c k n o w l e d g e t o s u c c e e d i n t h e programme Additionally, all trainees must pass a written exam and complete all course modules to obtain certification By adhering to these rigorous standards, Fugro ensures that its trainees receive the highest quality education, preparing them to become competent and successful professionals in the ROV industr y Allen Leatt, CEO of Inter national Marine Contractors Association (IMCA) said: "We’re delighted to have worked closely with Fugro to i n t r o d u c e t h e f i r s t I M C A - a p p r o v e d R O V t r a i n i n g c o u r s e R e m o t e o p e r a t i o n s a r e increasingly important to the offshore sector, and our curriculum has been developed to ensure all new technicians are firmly grounded in the basics of the industr y, prior to more advanced and practical training It establishes a verifiable standard which improves safety in our sector, and we hope others around the world will be inspired by Fugro’s approach " Cody Webb, Fugro’s Global Head of Technical Training and Competence said: "We are proud to have received IMCA's approval for our ROV introductor y training course This accreditation reinforces our commitment to providing highquality training programmes that meet industr y standards and ensure that professionals are e q u i p p e d w i t h t h e n e c e s s a r y s k i l l s a n d knowledge to succeed " www fugro com

EDITORIAL Ar thur Peaches - Editor Tel 01322 352648 Email info@bljournals plus com SALES & PROMOTIONS David Peters - Publisher Tel 01322 352648 Email info@bljournals plus com Brian Wakefield - Adver tisement Director Tel 01622 682667 Mob 07973 139959 Email brian wakefield2003@yahoo co uk PUBLISHING COMPANY BL Journals, 3 Biddenden Way, Istead Rise, Gravesend, Kent DA13 9DE Tel 01322 352648 Email info@bljournals plus com @MandMGazette Although ever y ef for t is made assure the accuracy of the content of this magazine, Marine & Maritime Gazette and it’s Publishers can accept no responsibility for such All contents of the publication are copyright and remain the sole proper ty of the publishing company
Marine builds new lifeboat for Caister Volunteer Lifeboat Ser vice p18
2023 comes to Southampton from 13-15 June - read about some of the events taking place p20
Towage & Salvage name two Damen-built tugs at Terneuzen ceremony p8
p38 C O N T E N T S & C O N T A C T S 4 www marineandmaritimegazette com @MandMGaze BL JOURNALS
Watermota announce Hyundai Doosan engine name change

Dale s Mar ine Ser vice s Apprentice sh ip applicatio ns w

indo w is no w open

D a l e s M a r i n e S e r v i c e s r e c e n t l y l a u n c h e d i t s 2 0 2 3 a p p r e n t i c e s h i p recruitment campaign, with training oppor tunities across its Aberdeen, Leith, and Greenock dr y dock facilities Applications are now open and close at the end of June; int er views will be held in July, and new apprentices will commence with Dales Marine during August

Dales Marine, a well-established ship repair and marine specialist, continues its commitment to developing young workers and works closely with local schools and colleges to inspire pupils to consider entering the maritime/ship repair industr y as a future career Currently, Dales Marines has thir ty-four apprentices across their dr y dock sites This year they have twelve apprenticeship places available at our dr y dock facilities

The company are looking for ambitious apprentices to help them deliver the highest standards to their clients They provide customised training and suppor t, with great benefits and excellent career oppor tunities within the business upon completion of an apprenticeship

Dales Marine is committed to developing its future talent, and apprentices play a crucial par t This year Dales Marine is looking to recruit 12 apprentices for welders, fabricators, and mechanical engineers, at three of its main facilities in Aberdeen, Leith, and Greenock

Mark Massie, Dales Marine Ser vices HR Manager, said: "Our apprenticeship scheme offers young people a thorough programme, with the promise of a full-time position at the end of the apprenticeship training and which is always popular Our apprentices work alongside qualified tradespersons, allowing them to work on various projects throughout their apprenticeship "

Mark continued: "This is a chance for young people to star t their career with a major Scottish company within the marine industr y We are ver y proud of our apprentice scheme, which has been running since 1990, and we have team leaders, senior managers, and directors with us who all star ted their careers as apprentices at Dales Marine We know from experience that most apprentices stay with the company upon completing their four-year apprenticeship with us " Dales provide valuable, hands-on experience for each of the specialities; the apprenticeship programme lasts four years and covers a wide range of areas to help equip people with the skills they need for a successful career in the marine ship repair industr y

Applications for the apprenticeship positions can be made via www dalesmarine co uk/careers

Please quote in your application the location and speciality you would like to follow

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Electric straddle carrier for Por t of Antwerp

M S C P SA E u ro p e a n Te r m i n a l ( M P E T ) r e c e n t l y launched it ’ s new fully electric straddle carrier (estraddle carrier) at its t erminal in the Por t of Antwerp. This t echnological advance comes as par t of the joint Green Straddle Carrier Program initiat ed by MPET, Antwerp Terminal Ser vices (ATS), and PSA Antwerp (PSAA)

Konecranes built the e-straddle carrier by applying new batter y technology to allow continuous operation for more than four hours and it is the first of its kind in mainland Europe

As part of the Port’s plan to reach it’s ‘Green Objectives’, the e-straddle carrier, which runs 100 per cent on batteries and takes approximately 90 minutes to fully recharge, can play an important role in the long run by helping to reduce terminal greenhouse gas emissions, according to MPET

Currently, all electricity purchased by MPET and the PSA terminals in Belgium is solely from renewable sources thus there will not be any greenhouse gases emitted while producing energy to power the e-straddle carriers

Over the next few months there will be a trial period during which ATS will assess how the equipment can be improved, and examine other factors that are necessar y to scale up this new technology, including how to optimise the recharging of a larger fleet and the possibility of safely and effectively progressing to full scale operations

Johan Van Daele, CEO at MPET, commented “The energy transition from fossil fuels to more sustainable alternatives is in full swing and we are taking a leading role at our terminals

“Although we still have many obstacles to clear before scaling up our e-straddle carrier programme, having a working prototype is an important first step to a zero-emission straddle carrier fleet,” he added

The e-straddle carrier feasibility study is part of the joint Green Straddle Carrier Program, in which the terminal operators are holistically evaluating four major technological pathways to significantly reduce these vehicles’ carbon emissions in their actual working environment Results from the study will determine which technology will be scaled up to meet future energy needs

Francis De Ruytter, Regional Head of Sustainability for PSA Europe, Mediterranean and the Americas, said: “Straddle carriers are crucial in maintaining highly productive operations at our terminals, but at the same time they are responsible for approximately 90 per cent of our direct emissions in Belgium

“We are examining alternatives, while concurrently investing in our Green Straddle Carrier Program that explores various technological options and partners to make these vehicles more sustainable in the near term,” Ruytter added www portofantwerpbruges com

Immingham cranes decommissioned

Th re e G o t t wa l d cra n e s , co l l e ct i ve l y we i g h i n g 9 0 0 t o n n e s , a re b e i n g decommissioned af ter 40,000 hours of ser vice each at Associated British Por t ’ s (ABP) Por t of Immingham

As part of sustainability the 60-metre-high HMK 260 cranes are being stripped of their parts and what is left will be cut up and sent to the scrapyard for recycling Operationally, the port still has some of the same models in ser vice, so parts have been retained to reduce future maintenance costs Simon Bird, Director of the Humber ports said: “We’ve been investing significantly in cranes, and with the three new Liebherr cranes on site and working, we can now retire these Gottwald ones With our sustainability strategy we have been able to salvage about £250,000 worth of parts from these cranes which will be utilised in our robust maintenance programme to ensure similar models can be kept in ser vice until it’s time to retire them ” Simon added, “It’s part of our wider strategy investment in future proofing the Humber ports and giving our customers the confidence that the ports remain resilient, and we are giving them what they need in having reliable and efficient cranage

The new Liebherr cranes are more energy efficient running on hydrogenated vegetable oil (HVO) with an option to switch to all electric ”

The Gottwalds, dating from 2002, were replaced by Liebherr 420 mobile harbour cranes, an

i n v e s t m e n t o f £ 9 7 m i l l i o n T h e y a r r i v e d i n November 2022 and can offer greater versatility being deployed on any quay, though primarily used for bulk cargo handling and scrap handling

The new cranes use the Liebherr hybrid system which comprises of a diesel generator which runs on HVO and the option to switch to all electric, which achieves a greater per formance while reducing fuel consumption at the same time The sustainable hybrid drive reduces the emission of CO2 and other harmful substances but also gives more power

This is all part of ABP’s £32 million investment in port equipment in the Humber to maintain customer demand as part of a wider Group investment

Crane deconstruction specialists, BDB Dismantling Ltd of Bar nsley have secured the tender as principal contractor to dismantle the cranes and break them down into smaller components Some of the salvage includes drive axles, electrical items, cameras, monitors, joysticks, and an entire luffing ram system including hydraulics

More new equipment and cranes are in the pipeline for deliver y, including a new mobile harbour crane currently being built in Sunderland, which will arrive in the Port of Hull later this year

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Fug ro’s Blue Essence® co mplete s wor ld’s firs t fu lly remote offshore

w ind ROV inspe ctio n

The world’s first fully remote inspection of of fshore wind farm assets has been successfully carried out by Fugro, using one of its Blue Essence® uncrewed sur face vessels (USVs) with Blue Volta®, an electrical remotely operated vehicle (eROV) The inspection at the Aberdeen of fshore wind farm in the Nor th Sea (also known as the European Of fshore Wind Deployment Centre) was jointly funded by Vattenfall and Of fshore Renewable Energy (ORE) Catapult This par tnership gives innovators in the of fshore wind supply chain the oppor tunity to test and prove technologies in real-world conditions to suppor t innovation in operations and maintenance Blue Essence® is the first USV to receive approval from the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) to operate fully remotely with an eROV and under take sur veys in UK waters The eROV, which was remotely launched and recovered from Fugro’s remote operations centre (ROC) in Aberdeen, delivered a number of inspections on the structure of the wind turbines to assess their stability and safety A detailed map of the seabed was also created using data gathered from a deepwater multibeam echosounder sensor mounted on the hull of the vessel The acquired Geo-data was accessed in real-time, allowing Vattenfall to make quick decisions about their asset maintenance programme. Blue Essence® forms par t of Fugro’s wider strategy towards more uncrewed operations for greater agility, safety and sustainability; the vessel can spend up to two weeks executing inspection activities at sea without refuelling resulting in a 95 % r e d u c t i o n i n c a r b o n e m i s s i o n s compared to conventional ROV suppor t vessels

H å k a n B o r g s t r ö m , D e p u t y D i r e c t o r, O&M Product Line, Offshore Wind at Vattenfall said: “This is a technology that could signify a real step for ward for the i n d u s t r y, p a r t i c u l a r l y f r o m a s a f e t y p e r s p e c t i v e - r e d u c i n g t h e n e e d t o deploy teams offshore, with sur vey work i n s t e a d a b l e t o b e m a n a g e d f r o m o n s h o r e A s p r o j e c t s b e c o m e increasingly far out to sea, this will also m e a n s i g n i f i c a n t l y l o w e r c a r b o n e m i s s i o n s w h i c h i s a v i t a l p a r t o f Vattenfall’s mission to deliver fossil-free living within a generation ”

Nick Simmons, Fugro’s USV and Remote Working Director for Europe and Africa said: “This is a landmark moment for offshore operations and demonstrates how remote technologies are bringing significant benefits to the offshore wind industr y Our USVs can be operated from our global network of ROCs, allowing us to deliver faster and more sustainable inspection and geophysical ser vices from onshore locations, which are also much safer for crew than the offshore environment ”

www fugro com



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Mu ltra s h ip nam e s

two Dam e n tug s in Ter n euze n

M u l t r a s h i p To w a g e & S a l v a g e recently named two Damen-built tugs at a Chris t ening ceremony held at Multraship’s home por t of Terneuzen, the Netherlands.

Multratug 5, a Damen Stan Tug 1205 and Multratug 6, a Damen ASD Tug 2810, were immediately entered into ser vice upon deliver y to Multraship and are currently in operation in the River Scheldt area The speed with which the tugs were delivered was thanks to Damen’s practice of building in series and for stock – a feature that Multraship, as a long-term client of Damen’s – has long benefitted from.

Although based on proven, standard designs, Damen is able to tailor its vessels to the requirements of ¬its clients. In the case of Multratug 6, this included a winterisation package, FiFi-1 class notation and installation of an aft winch, amongst many other additional features

Multratug 6 also has the distinction of being the last Damen ASD Tug 2810 ever to be built Following the sale of over 200 vessels, the ASD Tug 2810 is Damen’s most successful design to date and can be found operating in harbours all around the world

Captain Leender t Muller, Managing Director, Multraship, commented at the ceremony: “We work hard to ensure that our fleet reflects the needs and requirements of our customers and that we are best equipped to provide rapid, reliable and safe towage and salvage ser vices at any time For this, we need to have high-quality tugs with a range of operational capabilities We know we can rely on Damen to meet our specifications and deliver high-spec vessels and we are ver y pleased to formally welcome Multratug 5 and Multratug 6 to our fleet ”

The naming ceremony was attended by a number of guests on behalf of Damen including Mijnder t Wiesenekker, sales director Benelux, and Vincent Maes, sales manager Benelux.

Mr Maes said, “It’s a pleasure to be here to witness this special occasion

The event is made even more poignant with Multratug 6 being the last ASD Tug 2810 to be delivered The design of the tug, like all vessels in our por tfolio, has been developed with lots of valuable input from our clients Multraship, as a long-standing customer of many years, has provided with us many useful insights that have been incorporated into the evolution of our tugs We’re grateful to enjoy this relationship of mutual benefit and look for ward to continuing our collaboration in the years ahead ”

The vessels were delivered to Multraship during a period of wider fleet expansion, with the company also adding two ERTVs, Multraship Commander and Multraship Protector, as well as the Multrasalvor 6, a Damen Multi Cat and salvage suppor t vessel along with another Damen harbour tug, Multratug 9, over the past year

Multraship is a division of the Muller Maritime Group, which has been engaged in the shipping industr y for more than 230 years Multraship’s core activities include harbour towage, salvage & wreck removal, ocean towage and suppor t to offshore energy & dredging industries www damen com

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EIVA launche s ROTV enabling auto n o mo u s USV systems to colle ct hig h-re solutio n data even

in nar ro w areas

E I VA h a s l a u n c h e d a n ew r e m o t e l y o p e r a t e d t ow e d v e h i c l e ( ROT V ) : ViperFish. This all-in-one sensor platform is t ailored for aut onomous unmanned sur face vehicle (USV) sys t ems. With its compact, s treamlined design and precise 3D control, ViperFish can safely sur vey narrow, hard t o reac h areas , with s t able sensors close t o the seabed for optimal dat a collection.

ViperFish uses the same electronics and flight control as the industr yleading UXO sur vey sensor platform, ScanFish This means that many of ViperFish’s components are proven with thousands of hours documented in the field In addition, the 3D towed platform is integrated with several high-quality sensor options: Wavefront Solstice

Sonardyne SPRINT-Nav Mini and more

‘We have incorporated input from USV providers, sur vey companies and their end clients as we seek to streamline all aspects of operating ViperFish from sur vey planning to data deliver y – to be able to meet the needs of autonomous USV systems ’ Mar tin Kristensen, VP Hardware Development, EIVA

A total solution, ViperFish can be purchased with a dedicated winch optimised for USVs – low weight with an adjustable exit angle Its control software can be integrated with EIVA’s software toolbox, NaviSuite, to leverage autopilot and sur vey automation capabilities, such as real-time data processing

www eiva com

Vessel for Hire for Marine Support Services

DP1, 20T Crane, Flexible Support Platform

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Adaptable for enquiries
M A S , E d g e Te c h 2 2 0 5 S S S , R 2 S o n i c M B E S , O F G H y p e r m a g s

A GB Mar itiem succe



co mplete s wo rk o n Twente canals

Contract ed by t he Van OordH a k ke r s - B e e n s c o m b i n a t i o n , wor kboat Des tiny proved itself as a tr ue multifunctional platf or m

After 17 months of canal quayside work, towing and pushing, welding and cutting and various additional jobs, the job is done for the crew and their special multipurpose work vessel 'Destiny' of AGB Maritiem. The pusher/'multicat' vessel was par t of the Dutch Twente canals upgrading project under taken by marine contractors Van Oord, Hakkers and Beens

The Twente canals are impor tant logistics links for the inland por ts of Almelo, Hengelo and Enschede In 2020, the Ministr y of Infrastructure and Water Management decided to widen and deepen them to 2 80 m to make the water ways easier to navigate for larger and more heavily loaded ships The, now achieved, goal was to make the por ts more accessible, boosting the regional economy and employment Karel Aangeenbrug, co-founder of AGB Maritiem, says: "We had already done some great projects with the Destiny, but this was ver y special It is our biggest project to date and we liked working in it, par tly because the collaboration with our clients was smooth and the combination of contractors and subcontractors formed a fun and professional team The upgrading required a lot of quay construction work, transpor t, and all kinds of suppor ting activities."

The Destiny is a special workboat The Aangeenbrug brothers conver ted the vessel - with hydraulically liftable wheelhouse - into a multi-purpose vessel, type 'multicat', while retaining its push bow. The vessel has a 60-ton-metre crane for heavy duty work and a 26-tonne crane for auxiliar y jobs At 18 80 x 8 20 metres, it is a compact boat (with a ver y low draught), but it has ever ything on board to get the job done Apar t from the cranes, for example, it also has a moonpool, two 80-tonne hydraulic winches and 2 spud poles In order to avoid surprises during a job, AGB brings its own array of additional tools, such as welding and cutting equipment, as standard "It is a wonder ful boat and suitable for many types of work For example, customers deploy us for diving suppor t, quay or bottom inspections and repairs, lifting work and wet contracting Recently, we even salvaged a sunken yacht!" AGB Maritiem mainly focuses on work on and near rivers, canals and harbours

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Mar ina Palamós impro ve s navigatio n safety w it h a waiting po nto o n

Marina Palamós now features a new waiting pont oon in the entrance channel t o the main harbour. This new floating auxiliar y structure ser ves as a t emporar y mooring point for boats measuring up t o 10 metres in length during periods when they are waiting for availability in the marina or at the fuel pump.

The management of the marina designed this solution to improve safety in the summer months when there is heavy traffic entering or leaving the marina coinciding with boats waiting to refuel that previously had to circle in the main channel. The solution is designed to be dismantled and removed to storage in winter months Almarin supplied and installed a 60 metre long aluminium floating pontoon, with a 6-metre long aluminium access walkway, all manufactured by Lindley Due to its proximity to the breakwater, the chosen mooring system was ar ticulated radius arms. This approach also avoided the use of piles, thereby minimizing the required resources for installation Marina Palamós, located on the Costa Brava in Spain, has 902 moorings and also has a boatyard area and a nautical base.

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www almarin es

Revo lutio nising mar ine navigatio n and enviro nm ental mo nitor ing w it h co mprehensive data buoys

Marine navigation and environment al monit oring play crucial roles in various industries, including oil and gas, research institut es, and sur vey organisations JFC Marine of fers a comprehensive range of dat a buoy platforms designed t o meet the diverse needs of these sect ors. JFC Marine dat a buoys are designed t o meet cust omer-specific requirements for mounting necessar y instrument ation required such as met eorological sensors, environment al monit oring sensors, communication syst ems and dat a loggers.

The foundation of JFC Marine data buoys lies in their robust modular design, ensuring strength and durability. Available in a range of diameters, star ting from Ø1250mm up to Ø3000mm, these buoys cater to var ying operational requirements Beyond structural integrity, the modular design simplifies the replacement of damaged par ts, streamlining maintenance effor ts for seamless data retrieval tasks An easily accessible hull section fur ther enhances the buoy's user-friendly nature, minimising downtime by facilitating easy access With a slip-resistant platform, operators can navigate the buoy safely and efficiently, promoting an optimal working environment

JFC Marine data buoys offer various mooring options to ensure secure positioning in marine environments These options include single and bridal mooring and 2-point mooring configurations Additionally, the buoys are equipped with 2 to 4 lifting eyes (depending on the buoy type) for easier deployment and retrieval operations

The Day Mark tower is designed specifically to meet project requirements and will provide an enclosed and secure area for mounting instrumentation and control equipment along with the batter y and solar systems required for powering the equipment mounted on the buoy This bespoke design enhances the versatility of JFC Marine data buoys, making them adaptable to a wide range of applications

Select models within the JFC Marine data buoy range come equipped with built-in moon pools integrated into the hull structure, providing direct access beneath the hull and giving vital protection for sensors and measuring instruments mounted beneath the buoy With JFC Marine data buoys, industries such as oil and gas, research institutes, and sur vey organisations can rely on precise data acquisition and analysis, enabling informed decision-making and enhancing operational efficiency

With an unwavering commitment to innovation and excellence, JFC Marine has established itself as a trusted provider of comprehensive data buoy solutions for marine environments Their range of data buoys empowers industries to navigate marine environments with precision, revolutionising environmental monitoring practices These versatile buoys offer a comprehensive solution for marine navigation, wave monitoring, environmental monitoring, and meteorological monitoring Built with a modular design and exceptional durability, JFC Marine buoy designs can be easily adapted to various applications Through their dedication to innovation and excellence, JFC Marine continues to be a trusted provider of data buoy solutions for marine environments

www jfcmarine com

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UK-based Land & Wat er is in t he process of completing t he larges t wint er dredge of Glouces t er Doc k.

The firm, which carries out work at the dock and on the Gloucester & Sharpness Canal each year as par t of an ongoing framework with the Canal & River Trust, will be carr ying out backhoe dredging to remove approximately 5,000m3 of silt in order to improve navigation for vessels in the dock The silt will then be spread onto local agricultural land as par t of Land & Water’s environmental commitment as it prioritises enhancing local havens for wildlife and increasing biodiversity.

Lucy Lee, Contracts Manager at Land & Water, says: “The lack of rainfall and increasing temperatures in the UK has led to a lot of sediment building up across a range of docks and canals, including at Gloucester Dock

“Up until April, the Land & Water team will be using its specialist equipment to increase the depth of the water way in areas that require improvement in order to restore the navigation channel through the docks and free boats trapped by silt

“We are proud to be continuing our work with the Canal & River Trust to improve the UK’s network of water ways and to maintain Gloucester Dock and the Gloucester & Sharpness Canal ”

Land & Water has held a framework contract with the Canal & River Trust for over 20 years and has been working at Gloucester Dock to carr y out a range of ser vices including water injection dredging in the east channel of the River Severn in Gloucester and debris clearance on Worcester Bridge

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Diverse Marine builds NEW Lifeboat for Caister Volunteer Lifeboat Ser vice

Bac k in December 2021, Diverse Marine

L t d . a n d C a i s t e r Vo l u n t e e r L i f e b o a t Ser vice Ltd. announced t hat t he two p a r t i e s h a d s i g n e d a n ew v e s s e l cons truction agreement for a firs t of class 14m Medina Class Lifeboat.

Following a ver y successful self-righting trial in early April, Paul Garrod, chairman of Caister Lifeboat said: “The capsize test went ver y well and she’s looking good The next step will be finishing her off – completing the interior, and we hope to star t sea trials with her over the next few weeks We’re looking for ward to bringing her home sometime midsummer ”

Using a design from Walker Marine Design, the construction of the vessel at Cowes on the Isle of Wight completes the evolutionar y process that saw the original Medina Class Lifeboat built ver y close to the current build location over 35 years ago - before the design was adopted by the Dutch who built the station's current Lifeboat, ‘Bernard Matthews II’ 17 years ago

The 14m self-righting Lifeboat features an aluminium hull, deck and coach roof together with a resiliently mounted GRP wheelhouse to reduce noise and vibration for the crew The fully air-conditioned wheelhouse layout has been designed for up to six crew, all with designated AllSalt Maritime SHOXS 2000 seats Configuration is for a central helm station for ward, nav station aft to stbd and an additional dedicated space for stretcher and casualties

Twin Scania DI13-077M main propulsion engines drive twin Hamilton HJ364 water jet units for speeds in excess of 35 knots Twin helm stations feature Hamilton Jet’s AVX control system and Jet-Anchor functionality for station keeping A comprehensive navigation and communications suite has been supplied by Boat Electrics and Electronics Ltd

Ben Colman, Director of Diverse Marine says: “With the first sea trials now under way, the boat per formed well above expectations, achieving one knot over the contract speed, reaching 37 kts She was super quiet, ver y manoeuvrable and trimmed to per fection We are looking for ward to fine tuning her over the next couple of weeks prior to handover to Caister Volunteer Lifeboat Ser vice in June ”

www diversemarine co uk

C O V E R S T O R Y 18 www marineandmaritimegazette com @MandMGazette

Minister Ghani to open Seawork 2023

Located in Southampton UK’s Mayflower Park, Seawork is the meeting place for the commercial marine and workboat sector The Minister will give a key note speech to visitors and exhibitors, followed by a tour of Seawork and Marine Civils

This will be Ms Ghani’s third visit to Seawork, having opened the exhibition in 2018 and 2019. Seawork is a proven platform to build business networks with an international audience of visitors

Nusrat Ghani was appointed Minister of State at the newly created Depar tment for Business and Trade and as the Minister of State responsible for the Investment Security Unit at the Cabinet Office on 7 Februar y 2023.

She was previously Minister of State at the Depar tment for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy from 27 October 2022 to 7 Februar y 2023, and Parliamentar y Under Secretar y of State at the Depar tment for Transpor t from Januar y 2018 to Februar y 2020

The Investment Security Unit moved from the Depar tment for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy to the Cabinet Office in Februar y 2023. Minister Ghani continues to be responsible for the Unit which is responsible for identifying, addressing and mitigating national security risks to the UK arising when a person gains control of a qualifying asset or qualifying entity as set out in the National Security and Investment Act

Seawork - 13-15 June 2023

www seawork com

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N u s r a t G h a n i , M i n i s t e r o f S t a t e a t H i s M a j e s t y ’ s Government ’ s Depar tment for Business and Trade is t o o p e n S e a w o r k 2 0 2 3 , E u r o p e ’ s l a r g e s t o n - w a t e r commercial marine and workboat exhibition.
S E A W O R K 2 0 2 3 P R E V I E W 20

Spotlight on Solent maritime careers

Yo u n g p e o p l e w i t h a n i n t e r e s t i n maritime careers can get inspired about the exciting options available t o them at t h i s y e a r ’ s C a r e e r s O p e n D a y a t Seawork , Europe’s leading commercial marine exhibition, with suppor t from Maritime UK (MUK) Solent.

This is the per fect chance for aspiring individuals to gain inspiration and find out more about the endless possibilities available to them in the maritime industr y

MUK Solent has been helping to organise the maritime training and careers event on Thursday 15 June 2023, giving students from local schools and colleges an exclusive oppor tunity to engage with topnotch professionals working in the commercial marine sector and get first-hand insight into the industr y

Programme Manager at Maritime UK Solent, Lorna Wagner, said, “Maritime UK Solent is delighted to be suppor ting the Training and Careers Day at Seawork again this year, which proved to be a great success in 2022

“We are so excited because well-over 150 young people are registered to attend this oppor tunity where those aged from 15 to 19 can find out more about working in the Solent’s world-class maritime cluster, to be inspired by the range of jobs available to them and get a personal insight into the companies in the marine sector.

"Developing a talent base for the next generation is a key par t of the long-term success of the maritime sector in our region The Seawork careers fair is an ideal oppor tunity to bring together businesses and young people to showcase the wealth of marine career roles and help shape the skills needed for the sector to continue to thrive

Seawork 2023 will also launch a new Careers Trail using QR Codes a n d e x h i b i t o r s w i l l o f f e r a d v i c e , i n f o r m a t i o n , l i t e r a t u r e , a n d giveaways It will also hold ‘Commercial Marine has Talent’ - a live showcase of speakers from the commercial marine industr y Despite not being based in the Solent region, South Essex College tutor Simon Lofting attended last year ’ s Seawork careers open day with a group of marine engineering students He said, “I run the only marine engineering course in my region, so it was ver y impor tant that my students had this oppor tunity to learn about careers available to them

“Attending the Seawork exhibition was a great way for the students to speak to suppliers from the commercial marine industr y, watch presentations and to see marine equipment in its new state and out of the deepest darkest par t of the vessel ”

Take the first step towards pursuing a successful and fulfilling career in the maritime industr y Register today and join us at Seawork's Careers Open Day for a truly unforgettable experience!

www seawork com

www marineandmaritimegazette com @MandMGazette
S E A W O R K 2 0 2 3 P R E V I E W 22

Overthirty years of specialist service

With roots dating back to 1987, Dales Marine has been servicing the shipping, oil and gas, chemical, and power generation industries with bespoke engineering services, within the shortest lead time to the highest standard.

Providing specialist shipping solutions in dry dock and steelwork, maintenance and ship repair, Dales Marine is located within major Scottish ports and provides unrivalled access for clients 24/7, 365 days a year.

Your partner for Ship Maintenance, Dockings our partner for Ship Maintenance, Dockings Your partner for Ship Maintenance, Dockings
Dry Dock and Fabrication Specialists”

Join the celebrations for commercial marine at the ECMAs

Your chance to join the par ty as a limited number of tickets are released for this exclusive oppor tunity to meet and network with key people in the commercial marine sector.

The prestigious European Commercial Marine Awards (ECMAs), incorporating the Innovations Showcase Awards, celebrate the outstanding individuals and innovative companies that comprise this vibrant and productive industr y sector Judged by a panel of industr y exper ts, the ECMAs are presented at an awards evening on the opening day of Seawork The Innovations Showcase overall winner receives the coveted ‘Spirit of Innovation Award’

Following welcome drinks and canapes, the first par t of the evening will see the presentation of the coveted Innovations Showcase Awards The second par t of the evening celebrates the European Commercial Marine Awards themselves, with the presentation of five awards;

Lifetime Achievement Award - Sponsored by Maritime Journal and Mercator Media

Maritime Professional of the Year Award - Sponsored by Char twell Marine

The Young Person’s Development Award - Sponsored by Volvo Penta

Maritime Sustainability Award - Sponsored by Southampton Freight Ser vices

Marine Civils Best Project Award

The awards will take place on the opening evening of Seawork and Marine Civils - Tuesday 13 June 2023, 1730 – 1930 on site at Seawork in the spectacular Water front restaurant, overlooking the Seawork Marina in Mayflower Park

To apply for this limited oppor tunity - £20 per ticket – please email suppor t@seawork com

UK MOD to give programme update at Speed@Seawork

Phil Gittins, Boats Team Leader at Defence Equipment and Suppor t (DE&S) is to give an update on the UK MOD Small Boats Programme at Speed@Seawork 2023, the fast boat event targeted at users (attachés, militar y, coast guard, SAR, and emergency ser vices etc), builders, and equipment suppliers

Phil has led the Boats Team since October 2020 The team consists of just over 50 staff responsible for the provision of over

3,000 Boats to a wide range of customers across the MOD including RN, RFA, UK Strat Com, MOD Police, Army and Adventurous Training The Boats range from complex platforms to simple cadet dinghies covering the full range of the Acquisition lifecycle

Prior to that, he was Deputy Head of the DE&S COVID-19 Operations Team for 6 months This team was formed at pace to provide a professional, sustained command and co-ordination capability on behalf of the CEO, in order to suppor t current DE&S business outputs and to prepare contingency plans for a number of most likely and worse-case scenarios

His first role in DE&S was WATERGUARD Programme Deputy Head, enabling the outputs of Policy, Process and Procedures including the associated IS related work to enable the Depar tment to be tax efficient and compliant with HMRC regulations, European Law, and enable the repor ting of Assets Subject to Special Control (ASSC) procured under Foreign Militar y Sales agreements such as the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) Speed@Seawork will be held on Monday 12 June The day star ts with a shor t voyage over to the Isle of Wight, UK, with breakfast and presentations on fast boat activities, recent contracts, future developments and oppor tunities Attendees have the oppor tunity to go out on sea boat trials in the varied sea states of the Solent There will be exper t presentations over lunch, followed by fur ther sea trials and the day ending with networking, drinks and canapes on the return trip to Southampton

Unlocking sustainable contracting in offshore wind

Seawork is pleased to welcome Iain Grainger in one of his first industr y speaking engagements as CEO of the International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA).

In ‘Unlocking sustainable contracting in offshore wind’, Iain will explore the challenges and solutions to the creation of sustainable conditions for the whole supply chain, as it aims to meet government ambitions on offshore wind

Iain has over three decades of experience in offshore marine construction, with his early career at Brown & Root where he was engaged in the engineering and project management of major offshore projects He then moved into commercial, strategy, and regional leadership roles with tier-one contractors, including Acergy, Subsea 7, and McDermott International

Iain was previously an IMCA Board Member and joined IMCA as a full-time member of staff as Head of Energy Transition

Iain was announced as new CEO of IMCA on 2 May 2023 following the retirement of Allen Leatt

The International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA) is a leading trade association representing the vast majority of contractors and the associated supply chain in the offshore marine construction industr y worldwide

IMCA members play a key role in the offshore oil & gas and renewable energy industries, principally through the engineering, procurement, construction, and installation of offshore wind farms and hydrocarbon production facilities, together with the ongoing life of field support and maintenance requirements of these assets

IMCA is fully engaged in the energy transition for a sustainable and low carbon future

Taking place at Seawork on Tuesday 13 June from 1530-1600

www marineandmaritimegazette com @MandMGazette
S E A W O R K 2 0 2 3 P R E V I E W 26

Two Damen tugs for Fairplay Towage Group

Damen Shipyards Group recently delivered two RSD Tugs 2513 t o the Fairplay Towage Group. The vessels will operat e in Germany and Poland, respectively

During the same week, the company signed a fur ther contract which will see Damen delivering an additional three tugs to its client; two more RSD Tugs 2513 and an ASD Tug 2813

Although built to proven, standard Damen designs, the tugs are being built with a number of options to ensure their suitability for Fairplay Towage Group’s requirements

In the case of the RSD Tugs 2513, Damen is also providing ice reinforcement to enable the tugs to operate in light ice conditions

Due to Damen’s practice of constructing vessels in series for stock, the three vessels of the latest order will be delivered before the end of the year Damen, which seeks to suppor ts its clients with a comprehensive por tfolio of ser vices spanning the entire lifecycle, is also arranging the transpor tation of the vessels from its yard in Vietnam via heavy lift ship

As par t of ship deliver y suppor t, Damen Ser vices provides a contact person who is available round the clock to provide any information that the customer may require Additionally, Damen handles contact with the carrier, expor t documentation, drawings and calculations, transfer to location and all lashing and loading operations

Damen sales manager for Germany Joschka Boddeling said, “We are ver y grateful to Fairplay Towage for this latest order Star ting with the Fairplay 37, the company has ordered a total of seven Damen vessels over the last eighteen months It’s an honour to see the relationship between our two companies continue to develop in this way and I’m looking for ward to continuing our collaboration ”

Philip-Alexander Harmstor f, Managing Director of Fairplay Towage said, “We are ver y happy to place another order with Damen These tugs will help to increase the commonality of our fleet, increasing the efficiency of our operations Throughout our previous orders with Damen, the communication and response has been excellent; they have always done what they have said they will do Fur thermore, we really value the local presence they have established in Hamburg for both sales and ser vice ”

www marineandmaritimegazette com @MandMGazette
T U G S , W O R K B O A T S & O S V s 28

ExxonMobil choose Svitzer

Svitzer recently announced that it has secured a 7-year contract with ExxonMobil t o provide t owage ser vices at Fawley Refiner y.

This contract reinforces Svitzer ’ s position in the UK and will increase synergies with the por t of Southampt on.

The contract was awarded after an open-tender process, in which Svitzer demonstrated its ability to utilise assets across Fawley and Southampton to provide a more efficient solution for ExxonMobil Svitzer already owns the three tugs operating at Fawley Refiner y and the intention is to continue operating them with existing personnel, with the crews being offered to continue in their current roles, but as Svitzer employees.

The contract includes the provision of line handling as well as operation of three launch boats and two mooring pontoons Two shore-based staff will spend the majority of their time ser vicing the Fawley operation, ensuring that ExxonMobil has a face-to-face contact readily available, and that crew have a suppor t network for ensuring compliance, maintenance, storing and dayto-day operations run smoothly.

The Fawley deal fur thers Svitzer’s long-standing position as a leading towage provider in the UK, including a harbour towage operation in nearby Southampton, which has been ser vicing a wide range of customers for more than 15 years In addition to the tugs operating at Fawley, Svitzer currently operates five tugs in nearby Southampton

Commenting on the announcement, Lise Demant, Managing Director, Svitzer Europe, said “We are ver y proud to have been selected as the provider for towage ser vices at the Fawley Refiner y, and excited to provide our high-quality towage ser vices to ExxonMobil This contract is a great win for all of us at Svitzer It enables us to grow our position in the UK, while driving synergies with our existing harbour towage operations at the por t of Southampton, and welcoming new, skilled colleagues into the Svitzer family.”

www marineandmaritimegazette com @MandMGazette 29 T U G S , W O R K B O A T S & O S V s

Dam en delivers Sho albu s ter 3209 Ar ia and Stan Po nto o n 4113 to A. R. Sing h Co ntractors Ltd

Damen Shipyards Group has recently delivered two vessels, a Shoalbuster 3209 named Aria, and a Stan Pontoon 4113 to A R Singh Contractors Ltd Damen signed the contract for the Shoalbuster with its customer in December 2021 Closer to completion of the vessel, the shipbuilder was able to deliver the pontoon within a month af ter contract ef fectiveness thanks to its practice of building vessels in series and keeping them in stock for shor t lead times

The combination of the Shoalbuster and the Stan Pontoon will soon leave the Damen construction yard in Gorinchem, the Netherlands, to work in the marine contracting business in the Southern Caribbean With the industr y around the construction of roads, hotels, shore bases and other buildings booming in Guyana, the vessels will have no time to loose to get to work

With the hull of the Shoalbuster already constructed, Damen was able to accommodate all wishes from the customer in a relatively shor t time span The electrical network has been adapted to be better suited in the region that the vessel will operate The large working deck, alongside the heavy duty crane and winch, will provide the per fect working tools for the rough work required Also, the vessel can fulfil her duties offshore as a Fire Fighting 1 system including spray has been fitted

This is the second time that Damen has delivered a vessel to A R Singh Contractors, which took deliver y of a Stan Tug 2208, named Adamant, in 2008

Mark Singh, director at A R Singh said, “Having had a good experience with Damen when they supplied our tug Adamant a few years ago, we decided to approach them again when we required a new addition to our fleet Once more, Damen have been able to provide us with exactly what we required, going the extra mile to accommodate our wishes, and tailoring the vessel to our requirements ” Damen Area Manager Caribbean Bram van der Plas said, “We are ver y grateful to A R Singh for placing their trust in Damen again We were confident that our standard Shoalbuster 3209 design, with a few adjustments, is per fectly suited for the upcoming jobs The addition of the Stan Pontoon 4113 ser ves as a clear demonstration of the benefits of building vessels in series, providing operators with rapid access to proven, reliable technology, whenever they need it ”

The Damen Shoalbuster 3209 is 32 27 x 9 35 metres and delivers 45+ tonnes of bollard pull It is a versatile, multifunctional vessel able to conduct a wide range of duties including (ocean-going) towage, mooring, pushing and firefighting The vessel's elongated, 80m2 deck space ensures its suitability for anchor-handling operations as well www damen com

www marineandmaritimegazette com @MandMGazette T U G S , W O R K B O A T S & O S V s 32

SAAM Towage signs deal for Star nav tugs

Brazil-based SAAM Towage will soon have 69 vessels af t er agreeing a recent deal - making it one of the larges t fleets in the countr y.

SAAM concluded the purchase of 21 vessels from the Brazilian company Starnav, which included 19 tugs currently in operation and two additional vessels in the final phase of construction.

“This is one of the largest transactions in SAAM’s histor y and is par t of our strategy to continue advancing our leadership in the towage industr y Brazil is home to our company ’ s largest operations and with this deal we will have one of the most competitive, most modern fleets in that countr y, ” commented SAAM CEO Macario Valdés.

The new tugs are all state-of-the-ar t and high-capacity vessels and the value is in the region of $198 million (USD)

Once the new assets have been integrated, the company will have a fleet of 69 tugboats in 19 Brazilian por ts

SAAM Towage provides ser vices at over 90 por ts across in the Americas, completing more than 140,000 manoeuvres for 40,000 vessels each year www

33 T U G S , W O R K B O A T S & O S V s www marineandmaritimegazette com @MandMGazette
saamtowage com

Batte r y system re ceive s Llo yd's Reg iste r

an d Bu reau Ve r ita s Typ e Appro val

ES T-Floatt ech recently announced that its Oct opus Series Batt er y Syst em has received Lloyd's Regist er and Bureau Verit as Type Approval for maritime applications. The Type Approval of Lloyd’s Regist er was issued on April 17. Bureau Verit as issued the Type Approval for the Oct opus Series on May 8th. The first projects for this newly

designed and assembled marine Energy St orage Syst em are already being delivered

Both Lloyd's Register and Bureau Veritas witnessed the rigorous tests that EST-Floattech conducted on the Octopus Series Batter y System to ensure its compliance with the latest industr y standards and regulations. The large and experienced classification societies approved the tests per formed and showed by granting marine Type Approval that the safety and per formance of the system meet their standards

EST-Floattech, which both develops and manufactures the Octopus Series Batter y System, is proud to receive this Type Approval from Bureau Veritas and Lloyd's Register "We are glad that our 'safe by design' mentality has been recognized through this Lloyd's Register and Bureau Veritas Type Approval for Maritime Batter y Systems," said Diederick Stam, CTO at EST-Floattech "This achievement reinforces our commitment to providing the safest and most reliable batter y systems to the maritime industr y "

Marine Type Approval for a batter y system from respected organizations such as DNV, Bureau Veritas, and Lloyd's Register is impor tant for shipowners and shipbuilders to ensure that the products they are considering meet the highest standards in the industr y As neutral third-par ty organizations, Lloyd's Register, Bureau Veritas, and DNV conduct independent and impar tial assessments of maritime equipment and systems With the Type Approval they assign to a product, in this case the Octopus Series of EST-Floattech, a buyer of a product with Type Approval will know that the product is cer tified to be placed on board their vessels according to the highest maritime standards

The Octopus Series Batter y System's Lloyd's Register Type Approval on top of the DNV Type Approval is a testament to its reliability, safety, and per formance, making it an ideal choice for the maritime industr y ESTFloattech is excited to continue providing their customers with the most advanced batter y systems that meet and exceed industr y standards

www est-floattech com

P O W E R , P R O P U L S I O N & T R A N S M I S S I O N 34


expands IMO Tier III engine range

Scania recently announced it has added seven new IMO Tier III compliant marine engines t o its exis ting por tfolio.

The new DI13 units of 257 kW, 280 kW, 284 kW, 331 kW, 368 kW, 405 kW, and 441 kW at the rated speed of 2100 rpm widen the range of Tier III propulsion engines with reduced NOx emissions

The new marine engines are available in the heat exchanger or keel cooling systems received type approval by the main classification societies and are ready for deliver y to customers in 2023, Scania repor ted These marine propulsion engines are designed for prolonged operation in different applications, including passenger and road ferries, supply vessels, crew transfer vessels, pilot boats, as well as sea rescue and patrol boats

The main change in the new engines is the addition of a selective catalytic reduction (SCR) system for NOx control. In addition to the SCR after treatment, the Tier III engines seem to have a higher compression ratio compared to the Tier II versions The new engines continue to use unit injectors.

The Scania SCR system contains an exhaust routing valve that enables to by-pass the SCR system in order to meet the class requirements for marine installations.

35 P O W E R , P R O P U L S I O N & T R A N S M I S S I O N www marineandmaritimegazette com @MandMGazette Echomax EM325 SPECIFICATION CALL NOW FOR MORE OINFORMATION N OUR 2023RANGE!

Wärtsilä Lan d

& Sea Aca demy train in g centre o p ens in Finlan d

The new Wär tsilä training centre in Vaasa, Finland is now of f iciall y up and r unning. As par t of t he company ’ s Sus t ainable Tec hnology Hub, the centre of fers a combination of eLearning, int eractive live broadcas ts with ins truct ors, and the use of web-based simulat ors. The aim is t o provide quality training t o d ev e l o p t h e c o m p e t e n c i e s n e e d e d t o e n s u r e cus t omers receive the highes t level of suppor t.

Exclusive training on all Wär tsilä products is provided, with the courses being open to anyone who operates Wär tsilä equipment Both standard and tailored courses are available, and the learning is both theoretical and practical The training makes use of first-rate learning aids, with real equipment and components, as well as 3D models

“Our global fleet of training centres is a central element within Wär tsilä’s lifecycle offering They allow us to deliver optimal suppor t to our customers in managing their assets At the same time, thanks to the internal training possibilities, we can ensure that our own personnel have the necessar y competencies and know-how The addition of this latest Wär tsilä Land & Sea Academy in Vaasa, where we have access to the latest technologies in the Sustainable Technology Hub, extends our capabilities,” says Stefan Wiik, Vice President, Field Ser vices and Workshops at Wär tsilä

Tel: +44(0) 2392 472710

Mob: +44(0) 7850 473713

Wär tsilä Land & Sea Academies (WLSA) ser ve customers in both the marine and energy sectors, and also provide training for internal personnel They are designed to reflect and respond to the increasing complexity of today’s highly technical installations The training covers all aspects of managing and operating an installation, including maintenance, safety, availability, reliability and per formance



F.D.S. Offer for Rental & Sale

Diver R.O.V. & Crane Operated Dredging Systems. Multipurpose & Mini dredging systems for the removal of fines, silt, mud’s, drill cuttings, sand, grit, gravel, shingle, shale & general debris. Suitable for confined space operations or locations where access is a problem. All on-shore civil applications. Shallow & deepwater offshore support operations. Renewables. Complete ready to use self operational systems available for use worldwide. Stillage packed or deepwater offshore containerised units. Long & short term rentals. Sales. Wide scope of operations. Lightweight, road & air transportable environmentally friendly units.


Wär tsilä currently has nine WLSA’s located in the USA, Brazil, India, South Korea, the Netherlands, Italy, Indonesia, China and Finland They are run by 75 full-time employees and more than 100 flex instructors During 2022, the centres delivered 979 classes, including over 30,500 course man-days The training was carried out in classrooms, onboard, on site, and online for more than 48,000 students, of which 52% were internal personnel and 48% external customer employees

In addition to its training facilities, Wär tsilä also has the marine industr y ’ s most extensive global network of ser vice and workshop facilities More information on Wär tsilä Land & Sea Academies can be found at www war

www marineandmaritimegazette com @MandMGazette P O W E R , P R O P U L S I O N & T R A N S M I S S I O N 36

ePropulsion UK to debut at Seawork

ePropulsion, pioneers in int egrat ed marine electric propulsion syst ems, will be exhibiting at Seawork 2023 for the first time on St and Q8

During the last year ePropulsion have launched the I-Series range of inboard motors, suitable for workboats and vessels between 15’ to 60’ to sit alongside the even more power ful H-Series motors Designed for boats between 60’ to 100’ with a full displacement of up to 200 tons, the HSeries inboards are suitable for smaller passenger vessels, commercial fishing boats, pilot boats and barges

Both systems are designed for OEMs and fleet operators, using ePropulsion’s pioneering permanent magnet motor technology and range of LiFePO4 batteries delivering between 10kW and 250kW of power Created as modular systems, range and power requirements can be extended by adding motors, controllers and batteries

ePropulsion’s electric motors are neat, compact units typically 50-60% smaller and lighter than the equivalent diesel engine counterpar ts, which improves hull and propulsion efficiency as well as saving space Using the Boating IoT (Internet of Things) enables fleet operators remote access monitoring to real-time, customisable data and system management functions

Recent commercial applications include fitting an H-Series 60kW inboard to a Thames Marine Ser vices workboat on the River Thames in London

The 10 3m vessel, Alber t, has a large passenger cabin and open rear deck and is regularly used for filming, diving and safety work Her new electric motor will match her approximate 7 knot working speeds achieved with her previous diesel engine

At the lower end of the range, ePropulsion’s long-range outboard motors and POD drives are regularly used by marina operators, harbour authorities and commercial operators for smaller workboats As par t of t h e

u e E c o n o m y programme, ePropulsion’s Navy 3 0 kW outboards have recently been trialled and adopted to transpor t workers to the countr y ’ s seaweed farms These environmentally vulnerable sites supply the global pharmaceutical sector and are essential to the local economy

The project will make many savings in both financial and environmental terms, compared to combustion outboards, reducing staffing, fuel and any maintenance costs, with recharging primarily via solar panels fitted to the boats Early-stage calculations indicate that if all 500 boats are conver ted to electric, over 10 years they will avoid 115 tonnes of two-stroke oil and 1625 tonnes of unburnt petrol getting into the sea and prevent 11,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide going into the atmosphere

www epropulsion uk/electric-motors-for-commercial-marine/

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Z a n z i b a r M i n i s t r y o f A g r i c u l t u r e & F i s h e r i e s B l
UNIT A, MARRTREE BUSINESS PARK, RUDGATE, THORPARCH, LEEDS, LS237AU Tel: 0844 499 6373 or +44 1977 683690 Email: sales@diamonddiesels co uk www diamonddiesels co uk 37 P O W E R , P R O P U L S I O N & T R A N S M I S S I O N


Watermota announce the rebranding of their commercial marine engines from DOOSAN to HYUNDAI

Hyundai Heavy Industries’ purchase of Doosan became of ficial recently, this boost ed the combined company int o the t op 10 construction equipment manufacturers worldwide The new parent company is called HD HYUNDAI INFRACORE and the brand name for marine engines will now be HYUNDAI. David Merrick, Sales Director at Watermota commented: “With Hyundai and Doosan's merger you will star t to see the transition from the Doosan logo to the new Hyundai logo on our marine engines and par ts later this year, this will help build a single and united identity that can be globally recognised by the wide customer base.

“The Tier II / III marine engine range will be exactly the same product manufactured and marinised in the same factor y in South Korea with only a logo change to various castings and stickers meaning the high quality and par ts interchangeability will not be effected in any way

“We are ver y excited to be par t of HD Hyundai’s evolution and see a bright future ahead with the merger bringing increased strength combining the joint knowledge of two of South Korea’s biggest manufacturing companies ” Watermota will be exhibiting at Seawork this month in Southampton, UK Stand F1 www

www marineandmaritimegazette com @MandMGazette
P O W E R , P R O P U L S I O N & T R A N S M I S S I O N 38
co uk

Nor way funds

Alma's zeroemission vessel technology


This is an impor tant project for the green transition with a potential to contribute to the goal of a 50% reduction in emissions in international shipping," says Håkon Haugli, CEO of Innovation Nor way

Shipping accounts for about 2.5-3 per cent of the world's greenhouse gas emissions Alma has several ongoing development projects aimed at more environmentally friendly maritime transpor tation The project, which is now receiving par tial funding from Innovation Nor way, will develop and deliver energy systems based on high-temperature fuel cells for use in ocean-going vessels. The fuel cells will have high efficiency, be built in a compact system and can be used on different types of fuel - ammonia, methanol or other hydrogen carriers

-The grant from Innovation Nor way is crucial for us to be able to carr y out a pilot project with customers who will use the solution The project will be impor tant to develop Alma's core technology, and to contribute to industrialization and commercialization, says Bernt Skeie, CEO of Alma Clean Power AS

Alma was established in Bergen in 2021 and has created a solid competence environment with 30 employees A significant cer tification process must be carried out to get approval of the solution for use in ships. The R&D project is planned over 3 years with a total cost framework of NOK 163 million The solution will now be tested as a pilot, and if the technology development succeeds, the next phase will be the establishment of a full-scale factor y in 2026

-This project has significant positive environmental effects, potential for value creation in Nor way, and an international market potential as a technology that can contribute to zero-emission vessels, says Minister of Fisheries and Ocean Policy Bjørnar Skjæran

www innovasjonnorge no almacleanpower com

I n n o v a t i o n N o r w a y h a s a w a r d e d Alma Clean Power AS in Bergen up t o 49 million NOK in funding for a p r o j e c t a i m i n g t o d e v e l o p environment al t ec hnology t hat will e n a b l e z e r o - e m i s s i o n o c e a n - g o i n g
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PICTURE SHOWS: Nor wegian Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre, CEO in Alma Bernt Skeie and Minister of Fisheries and Ocean Policy Bjørnar Selnes Skjæran Pi ct u re t a ke n d u r i n g t h e re ce n t Nor we g i a n Government's Ocean Conference

Ships to be retrofitted with carbon capture and other innovative technologies to reduce CO2 emissions and fuel consumption

A joint UK-EU project t o develop retrofit carbon capture solutions and other t echnologies for ships t o reduce their emissions and fuel consumption has got under way.

Although existing waterborne vessels provide the lowest contribution to the total European transpor t GHG (Green House Gas) emissions, international regulator y bodies such as the International Maritime Organization (IMO) aim to reduce waterborne emissions fur ther

The Green Marine project, led by the Cyprus Marine & Maritime Institute (CMMI, brings together 10 par tners from industr y and academia from all over Europe and UK, including the University of Strathclyde’s Depar tment of Naval Architecture, Ocean and Marine Engineering, who share the vision of providing the wider maritime community with effective and efficient ways of onboard retrofitting solutions leading to the decarbonisation of the maritime industr y

The project will run until Januar y 2027 with an EU/UK funding of almost €5 million

The Green Marine team will develop retrofitting protocols and solutions to enable the future of shipping to be energy and fuel efficient, capture the carbon it emits to deacidify our oceans and have closed air circulation systems that are virus free

To aid the different stakeholders in their decision making, a software tool catalogue will be made that gathers knowledge on these and other solutions The project will demonstrate these tools and the innovative solutions onboard Caledonian MacBrayne (CalMac) vessel/s

Dr Iraklis Lazakis and Professor Evangelos Boulougouris will lead this effor t from Strathclyde, contributing to all technical work packages, especially in the demonstration of retrofitting existing fleets of ships and the exploitation and dissemination activities of the project.

The project objectives are as follows:

• Develop and validate retrofitting protocol tools suitable for adapting engines, flue gas carbon capture and utilisation, and integrated energy saving solutions for ships worldwide

• Develop and validate a software tool containing an up-to-date catalogue of suitable solutions for a wide variety of ship types and operation scenarios

• Tailor a (nano)par ticle and virus removal solution suitable for gaseous steams

• Tailor commercially available gas-gas separating membranes for CO2 and water capture

• Develop and implement a carbon capture solution based on an alkaline solution with Ca- and Mg from sea water

• Replicate project learnings to all stakeholders; Stimulate software tool use and fur ther enrich its data; Cooperate with global marine community of ship owners, operators, shipyards and equipment providers.

• Firmly position the retrofitting, software tools as a sustainable solution, offering a realistic and competitive new alternative in the Carbon Capture Utilisation and Storage (CCUS) market

Dr Lazakis said: “Shipping contributes a small extent to carbon emissions globally therefore if we can develop solutions that can capture these emissions, we can accelerate the climate neutrality of existing fleets

“As par t of Green Marine project, the different technologies will be tested and verified onshore first for their marine application and, based on the results, a demonstration of the technology will be per formed onboard one or more CalMac vessels

“This will take place towards the end of the project including a full process and consultation period with Classification Societies on the feasibility and risk assessment and qualification of the application of these technologies onboard the vessel/s ”

The other par tners in the project are: Cyprus Marine & Maritime Institute; Smar t Material Printing; Wind plus Sonne GmbH; University Polytechnic of Marche; BlueXPRT; SINTEF; PDM; CalMac Ferries Limited; and Carbon Capture Machine.

www strath ac uk

P O L L U T I O N C L E A N - U P & C O N T R O L 42 www marineandmaritimegazette com @MandMGazette

Inte r natio nal Salvag e Un io n p ollutio n su r vey

prevention sur vey, highlighting various

hallenges t o the maritime sect or as a whole.

A spokesperson from ISU commented: “In an era of ‘ zero tolerance’ of any pollution, even the smaller cases represent a significant concern ” and this opinion cer tainly reflects people’s attitudes in the shipping industr y and the maritime sector in general As shipping safety in general improves it is impor tant to recognise that any accompanying decrease in salvage capability, both in capaci

shipowners and insurers face making that urgent phone call askin for help

Obviously comparison have already been made with the previous year ’ s sur vey, but other trends must also be considered The sheer numbers involved reveal the potential risks, but the f o

environment rather than potential pollutants successfully containe within the vessel thanks to prompt salvage ser vices.

www marine-salvage com

43 P O L L U T I O N C L E A N - U P & C O N T R O L
T h e I n t e r n a t i o n a l S a l v a g e U n i o n ( I S U ) r e c e n t l y p u b l i s h e d i t s m u c h a w a i t e d a n n u a l p o l l u t i o n
e x p e r t i s e , w o u l d b e a r e c i p e f o r d i s a s t e r w h e n i n e v i t a
c u s w i l l b e o n i m a g e s o f p o l l u t a n t s r e l e a s e d i n t o t h e

Dam en Mar ine Ser vice s take s deliver y of firs t extra-shallo w draug ht

Dam en Mu lti Cat 3313 SD

Damen Marine Ser vices (DMS), the division of Damen Shipyards that of fers Damen vessels for c har t er both fully crewed and bareboat, has t aken deliver y of the firs t of a new class of Damen Multi Cat, a Multi Cat 3313 SD named DMS Snipe. While Damen’s Multi Cat range is known for its shallow draught capabilities, this new class can draw less than two met ers, an exceptional ac hievement for a 33-metre vessel.

The Multi Cat 3313 SD continues the Multi Cat ethos of being the Swiss Army Knife of workboats The DMS Snipe is equipped with a wide range of equipment including two deck cranes, an anchor winch and towing pins It also has exception deck space for its length It is ideal for all types of operation in shallow waters including construction, anchor handling and dredging suppor t DMS Snipe has joined DMS’s fleet in the Arabian Gulf With its long coastline and shallow waters, the Gulf is a consistent source of demand for vessels able to operate in such an environment Clients include oil & gas majors led by Aramco, dredging and marine construction companies that use them for a variety of activities including anchor handling and supplying fresh water and fuel to offshore installations Albwardy Damen shipyard in the UAE provides facilities for DMS to resupply and maintain its vessels

DMS’s latest acquisition has been delivered pre-prepared for upgrade to IMO Tier III compliance While it is not yet a requirement in the Gulf, by having the necessar y pipework, foundations and other preliminar y equipment in position, Damen’s Marine NOx Reduction System can be installed quicker and more economically if and when the decision is taken to proceed With their shallow draught capability, vessels like the Multi Cat 3313 SD can also avoid damaging marine ecosystems when operating close to reefs or the shore DMS Snipe was officially handed over to DMS

Albwardy Damen The Lady Sponsor was

& Administration at Damen Marine Ser vices

Shor tly after wards it set off to begin its first char ter, a major dredging operation, which will take place over Q2 and Q3 2023

www damen com

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o n 2 0 t h M a r c h i n a c e r e m o n y h e l d a t
S a n d r a H i t z , t h e M a n a g e r F i n a n c e
V E S S E L B U I L D , R E P A I R & M A I N T E N A N C E 44

Dam en Sh ipyards delive r s

n ew Mu lti Cat 3313 Shallo w

Draft cla ss to He r man Sr. BV

I n a r e c e n t c e r e m o ny h e l d a t D a m e n S h i pya r d s Hardinxveld, the second of the new Multi Cat (MuC) 3313 SD class was handed over t o workboat operat or Herman Sr BV in front of hundreds of guests Named Bella, the exceptionally versatile 33-metre vessel has a draught of less than two metres, enabling her t o operat e in ver y shallow wat ers.

The MuC 3313 SD is one of the largest types in Damen’s Multi Cat range and so its extensive deck area enables it to be equipped with a wide range of equipment Bella has two power ful deck cranes and a bollard of over 30 tonnes which, together with an anchor winch and towing pins, makes her ideal for dredging, anchor handling and construction projects.

The van Dodewaard family, the owners of Herman Sr BV, has been a client of Damen since 1947 and this latest acquisition takes the number of vessels that they have purchased to nineteen – a mix of Multi Cats and Shoalbusters In 2021, the second generation in the form of Er win and Chris van Dodewaard took the helm on the retirement of managing director Jack van Dodewaard.

“We are ver y pleased to add yet another ultra shallow vessel to our existing fleet of vessels build by Damen,” said Er win van Dodewaard “Bella is a unique Multi Cat with extremely power ful cranes for her draft which is unique in the workboat sector With this new vessel we can ser ve our clients even better in the years to come ”

“It was a great pleasure to hand over this new and highly capable Multi Cat to the van Dodewaard family.” says Jeroen van Woerkum, commercial manager of Damen Shipyards Hardinxveld “Each new vessel renews what is a ver y special relationship for us and we wish them ever y success with her ”

The handover ceremony was a celebration of the longstanding relationship, and the Lady Sponsor was Ms Rolien Besançon. The Bella will initially operate in nor th-west European waters, par ticularly in the shallow waters of the Nor th Sea Following the christening she has joined a dredging project in Dutch / UK waters www damen com

L A T E N E W S & R O U N D - U P 46 www marineandmaritimegazette com @MandMGazette

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