Welcome to the October 2022 issue of Marine & Maritime G a z e t t e t h e m o n t h l y m a g a z i n e a i m e d a t Wo r l d w i d e coverage of the commercial marine, shipping and water based renewables markets
As we all plunge into a more buoyant Autumn, are things around the Maritime World really more, or less, settled than in recent times?
Inside this issue, we are, as usual, covering a vast amount of topics, from ‘Vessel Build, Repair & Maintenance’ on page 20, to the ‘ins and outs’ of ‘Navigation, Communication & Radar’ from page 26 There is also a quick look at ‘Anchors, Mooring, Rope & Chains’ on page 34 and from page 38 we also have a ‘ p at ‘Pollution Clean up & Control’ Anyway, happy reading and if you h any news, reviews, product launches absolutely anything else of interest acr the whole marine market, please emai to me at info@bljournals plus com future consideration in our for thcomin issues
How things are settling down and ‘ are they really’?
Lowe Boats
Ostsee’, a LNG t erminal in Lubmin, eas t ern Germany began last month.
Deutsche Ostsee will be the first floating LNG terminal in Germany that is being privately funded by a consor tium of companies
Deutsche ReGas, the company leading the effor t stated that the terminal will become operational by December and will be able to feed up to 4 5 billion cubic metres of LNG into the German Transmission network per year
Dr Stephen Knabe, Chairman of the Super visor y Board at Deutsche ReGas stated that they are working on an e x p e d i t e d t i m e l i n e a n d t h e i r multinational team of LNG exper ts has been working tirelessly on the project for months
The currently limited size industrial por t at Lubmin will be upgraded to receive larger vessels These upgrades will include creating a secure ber th on the east quay
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David Peters
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Lubmin is the terminus of the Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 pipelines from Russia Deutsche ReGas noted that they will be able to take advantage of the existing LNG infrastructure and f e e d t h
t h e
German Long Distance LNG transpor t network.
T h e F S R U f o r t h e t e r m i n a l w i l l b e provided by Total Energies. Plans for the future include connecting the FSRU to under water pipelines and adding up to two more FSRUs to the network. The two more FSRUs will scale the deliver y of LNG to 15 billion cubic meters per year. www hafen lubmin de
n a
Sparky, Damen’s first, all electric, 70 t onnes bollard pull harbour tug that in July was delivered t o New Zealand’s Por ts of Auckland (POAL), has been shor tlist ed for the Tug of the Year Award. This will be awarded at the 26th Int ernational Tug & Salvage Convention, Exhibition and Awards event on the 29th Sept ember in Ist anbul (which is while this magazine is at print ers). Sparky is the first tug in its class t o be fully electric and can under t ake two or more assignments at full power before being recharged, which t akes just two hours.
Its development is the result of a six year collaboration between Damen and POAL that ensured that ever y aspect of its design and engineering is optimised for efficiency and sustainability The key challenge was how to get all the equipment for the E Drive into a hull with the batteries taking up a lot of space, especially as POAL required that the tug had to be just 24 metres in length so that it can be operated by two crew The solution is eight, batter y packs installed in two insulated, temperature controlled batter y rooms, one on each side of the vessel This arrangement has the additional benefit of delivering maximum redundancy and the lifetime of the batter y system in this application is expected to be approximately 30,000 cycles the same as the estimated working life of the vessel This propulsion system can be sized up and down in power and will in the future be used in other Damen tug types
Sparky is highly innovative in other ways The advanced RSD design together with the high degree of automation make it ver y efficient The quality of the human machine inter face and the Praxis centralized alarm, monitoring and control system which is connected to the Damen Triton remote monitoring system ensure maximum efficiency and safety Sparky is also designed for the lowest total cost of ownership over its lifetime In the right circumstances, the total cost of ownership of a Damen RSD E Tug 2513 will be equal or lower than that of a diesel powered RSD Tug 2513
Propulsion aside, Damen’s RSD tugs are themselves a revolutionar y concept, designed to always sail ‘bow first’ This makes them ideal for high dynamic bow and stern towing assignments while using minimal engine power Their twin fin skegs makes them stable yet highly manoeuvrable and those together with a combination of high freeboard, wide beam and low VCG also makes them ver y safe.
A second Damen designed vessel has also been shor tlisted for the Tug of the Year Award The RSD Tug 2513, WS Centaurus, built to a Damen design and build package by Wilson Sons in Brazil, is the first of a series of six azimuth equipped vessels The new escor t tug is the most power ful in Brazil with more than 90 tonnes of bollard pull, and is their first tug to be IMO Tier III cer tified, a demonstration of Wilson Sons' commitment to sustainability in a countr y where IMO Tier III is not obligator y
C a s p e r, P h i l l i p s & A s s o c i a t e s I n c . ( C P & A ) h a s c o m p l e t e d
procurement and design review ser vices related to 10 rail mounted gantr y (RMG) cranes, manufactured by Konecranes, for Georgia
Por ts Authority’s (GPA) Mason Mega Rail project in Savannah
The Por t of Savannah’s Garden City Terminal was already southeast US busiest intermodal gateway, but GPA has implemented a series of infrastructure improvements as the por t is poised to rapidly increase and expand ser vice across an arc of inland markets, from Atlanta to Memphis, extending to St Louis, Chicago, and the Ohio Valley
The project allowed GPA to move cargo from vessel to rail in an industr y leading 24 hours; increase working tracks from eight to 18; add over 18 miles of new track to the terminal; and double the rail lift capacity to a million containers per year It also facilitated the building of trains entirely on GPA proper ty instead of in the residential neighbourhoods, which would disrupt traffic for extended periods
The cranes, manufactured in Florida, Texas, Wisconsin, and Croatia, span 175 ft over nine rail tracks They have a cantilever, giving the trolley a total travel distance of 213 ft and the cranes
a total length of 245 ft This is a long span, which thusly had to be assembled on site The overall width ‘bumper to bumper’ is 102 ft The Buy America contractual agreements also presented manufacturing challenges, since normally these cranes are made more internationally
Andrew Hanek, civil engineer at CP&A, explained: “The lift heights can carr y a container over a rail car stacked two containers high, which puts the trolley rail at 60 ft above ground The trolley rotates the containers since the yard trucks are oriented 90 degrees from the rail tracks
The lifting capacity is 40 long tons and both the trolley and gantr y can travel at 150 m/min
The crane structures were shipped all on flatbed truck, with oversized permits, and assembled on site since the rail yard does not have access that would have permitted the cranes to arrive fully erect ”
Hanek explained that a design peer review involved per forming independent calculations to review if the proposed crane designs met the contractual requirements The fabrication suppor t ser vices provided periodic quality assurance audit checks at the manufacturing sites and review of any engineering related issues that arose
For such rail yards, Hanek explained that RMGs are typically specified due to their longer spans and greater speeds at traversing down the length of the train RMGs can also be used for stacking containers in the yard but the tracks make it much more expensive to reconfigure the yard layout, and an RMG cannot cross to different container stacks Rubber tired gantr y (RTG) cranes, meanwhile, are typically used for stacking containers in yards and can cross over from one stack to another, making them more mobile
Hanek added: “RTGs do not have to follow a rail track and their trolley movement is limited to between the legs they also use rubber tires so they typically operate on concrete runways in the container yards RMGs follow a rail track and they can be larger, and the trolley can travel outside the legs It’s also true that RMGs typically have a higher travelling speed for both the trolley and gantr y movements ”
It is widely repor ted that Por t of Savannah has achieved incredible growth during a global pandemic Hanek recalled that there were initial challenges with this project, which spanned the Coronavirus era, in terms of coordination during remote working Site visits to Croatia for the internationally built cranes were not feasible, which presented additional inspection work on those cranes once delivered to GPA
CP&A, which first par tnered with GPA in 1988, star ted work on this project late in 2016 and completed its last site visit in June 2022
The feasibility of creating a first green ammonia hub by refurbishing and expanding an existing energy storage facility in Por t of Flushing in the Netherlands is being examined
approach for Nor thern Europe to be less reliant on Russian impor ts Germany based Uniper will be working with Dutch Vesta Terminals to explore the potential to create the new hub at the existing facility which could be operational as soon as 2026
refurbishing and expanding an existing storage facility located at Vlissingen in the Netherlands The facility is also strategically located on the Scheldt River, which connects the por ts of Antwerp and Ghent/Terneuzen to the North Sea Vesta Terminals in Vlissingen, the Netherlands currently has 60,000 cbm of refrigerated storage capacity built for ammonia Vesta also notes that it has some space and is negotiating for
additional space that together would allow it to more than double its overall operation as the only specialized liquid bulk operator in Flushing As a future hub, they report it will be able to handle an initial throughput capacity of 0 96 mtpa The terminal is well located for the supply of green ammonia by seagoing vessels re loading into barges and rail tank cars In a second phase, the throughput capacity of the facility can be expanded to 1 92 mtpa and the terminal will be connected to the Dutch hydrogen pipeline network
Uniper intends to book capacity in the terminal to
Ammonia and Hydrogen activities within the group
A potential capacity booking in Vlissingen will accompany Uniper’s efforts to create several access points for green energy into Europe and will be pursued in parallel to its ongoing Wilhelmshaven ammonia terminal project At Wilhelmshaven, Uniper is not only building the first LNG import terminal in Germany but also planning an import terminal for green ammonia
The Wilhelmshaven site will become a green energy hub and is setting the course for an even more climate friendly energy supply
The Greenpoint Valley project in Vlissingen will thus become a gateway of green ammonia and hydrogen into Europe By developing the green ammonia and hydrogen markets, the companies’ goal is to further strengthen the security of the energy supply in Europe
vestaterminals com
Damen Naval and Rolls Royce business unit Power Syst ems have signed a contract t o deliver 16 mtu diesel generat or sets, for the four new F126 Frigat es for the German Navy.
Although Damen and Rolls Royce, whose business unit Power Systems is based in Friedrichshafen, Germany, have a long standing cooperation in shipbuilding, this is the first time a contract has been awarded for mtu naval diesel generator sets According to Managing Director of Damen Naval, Hein van Ameijden, the choice was based on Rolls Royce’s high end naval oriented mtu solutions and experience on the high end naval market “We are delighted to announce the news of this contract and the fact we have found another German par tner for this prestigious and impor tant project for the Bundeswehr We look for ward to working with Rolls Royce and its mtu solutions again ”
The onboard power of each F126 vessel will be provided by four mtu Series 4000 variable speed gensets These high per formance gensets are the most environmentally friendly naval gensets Rolls Royce has ever produced: They meet the requirements of the IMO III emissions directive thanks to state of the ar t mtu selective catalytic reduction (SCR) systems Due to their variable speed capability, the engines can be operated efficiently, saving fuel and reducing maintenance The agreement also includes an Integrated Logistics Suppor t (ILS) package It is the second F126 contract awarded to Rolls Royce; earlier this year Damen Naval chose the company to supply the automation solutions mtu NautIQ Master and mtu NautIQ Foresight
Paul Röck, Director Sales Governmental at Rolls Royce business unit Power Systems, said: “We are extremely proud to once again be chosen by Damen Naval as par tner in this ver y impor tant and prestigious project Our advanced sustainable solutions for both power and control of the F126 vessels will play a key role in ensuring the frigates’ reliability, efficiency, and operational success ”
Mr Van Ameijden adds: “The biggest advantage of the variable speed generator set is reduction of fuel consumption at par t load operation For Damen Naval it is the first time that variable speed generator sets are applied on Naval vessels in combination with a DC Grid We expect that this type of configuration will be the new standard in high end naval applications ” With this contract, Rolls Royce continues its decades long cooperation with the German Navy Vessels such as the predecessor frigate classes F124 and F125 as well as the cor vettes K130 are equipped with mtu engines and diesel generator sets from Rolls Royce The diesel generator sets will provide electrical power to the F126 combined diesel electric and diesel (CODLAD) propulsion system The CODLAD propulsion system provides a top speed of more than 26 knots The first diesel generator sets will be delivered early 2024 to the yard In June 2020, the Federal Office of Bundeswehr Equipment, Information Technology and In Ser vice Suppor t (BAAINBw) awarded the construction contract for the four F126 frigates to Dutch shipbuilder Damen as the general
In a recent ceremony, Mr Kommer Damen, Chairman of the Damen Shipyards Group and Mr Bram Muller, CEO of Muller Dordrecht, signed a contract for the supply of a Damen ASD Tug 3212. Headquar t ered in Dordrecht in the Netherlands, Muller Dordrecht has
a hist or y of providing t owage, emergency response and salvage, heavy transpor t and other ser vices going bac k for over a centur y. Its decision t o purchase an ASD Tug 3212 was based on both the vessel’s ver satility and capability, and Damen’s ability t o deliver it in a relatively shor t time.
With 83 tonnes of bollard pull, the 32 metre Damen ASD Tug 3212 has a well earned reputation for being capable of operating effectively both in harbor and when under taking offshore towage of large structures Highly manoeuvrable and with excellent sea keeping characteristics, the class also comes with a wide range of options to equip them for specific roles Muller Dordrecht has opted for almost all of them, including the IMO Tier III after treatment system for low NOx emissions, a large aft deck winch together with an open stern, hydraulic towline guide pins, a deck crane and a suppor t boat The winterization package for operations in high latitudes has also been specified, which includes additional insulation, heated windows and GMDSS A3 rated communications
Despite the requirement to install all these additional features, Damen will be delivering the tug in just nine months This is achievable due to Damen’s long established policy of building cer tain popular models in anticipation of future sales, based on market intelligence and industr y feedback This enables customers to respond quickly to demands from their own clients With an ASD Tug 3212 already in build at Damen Song Cam Shipyard in Vietnam, Muller Dordrecht can take deliver y of the vessel it needs on a timescale that satisfies its counterpar ties
On deliver y, the new vessel will star t work in the Nor th Sea area, operating out of Rotterdam There is a high level of offshore activity in the region, p a r t i c u l a r l y i n r e l a t i o n t o r e n e w a b l e e n e r g y a s w e l l a s O & G decommissioning. Day rates look to remain firm for premium workboats into the foreseeable future, not least because high efficiency new vessels are in shor t supply and ver y much in demand
The relationship between Muller Dordrecht and Damen goes back almost fifty years and in the past Muller Dordrecht’s fleet has included both Damen Pushy Cats and Multi Cats Both companies have much in common, being family owned, sharing family values and headquar tered not far from each other However, this purchase represents the first new build contract in many years Mr Bram Muller, CEO of Muller Dordrecht, said at the signing ceremony: “After many years we are happy to be working together once again with Damen Shipyards This ASD tug 3212 will strengthen our tailor made solutions for our customers, not only offshore but also in por t ” Joost van der Weiden, Sales Manager Benelux at Damen Shipyards Group, added: “We are extremely honoured and happy that Muller Dordrecht has chosen an ASD Tug 3212 one of our most capable tugboats and that our two companies are once again doing business Our shared company cultures with a for ward looking attitude and commitment to cooperation and sustainability makes us natural par tners and bodes well for a productive future It is a true pleasure to be able to deliver this vessel to Muller Dordrecht and we are sure that it will give many years of efficient ser vice ”
L e a d
g U K b a s e
engineering firm, Land & Wat er has been awarded a place on the Non Complex, Canal & River Trus t CEC Framework in three regions for a four year t erm. The regions a r e Wa l e s a n d S o
t h We s t , London and South Eas t and Eas t Midlands.
Land & Water has worked with Canal & River Trust for over 20 years now, as its official dredging contractor, and so this framework will see the firm extend its ser vices to maintain the Trust’s 2,000 miles of canal networks
Lucy Lee, Contracts Manager at Land & Water, said: “We are thrilled to be expanding our relationship with the Canal & River Trust and suppor ting them across the different regions to maintain and enhance the 200 year old water ways “We are already proudly responsible for the deliver y o
associated minor ancillar y civils whilst also being the charity’s contractor of choice for all moorings and marina development
collaboratively with clients to deliver sustainable solutions, as par t of our drive to becoming carbon net zero, whilst protecting the environments we work within We are ver y much looking for ward to continuing to strengthen our relationship with the Canal & River Trust.”
The framework will cover civil engineering and maintenance works to the canal networks including construction work, culver ts, bridges, footpaths, weirs and reser voirs
www land water co uk
Of fshore Operations Limit ed (OOL), provider of operational and t echnical suppor t ser vices t o the of fshore renewables industr y, and par t of the CSO Marine Group, t oday launched their full ser vice crew management of fering.
OOL will provide turnkey crew management packages suppor ting the full lifecycle of talent solutions from sourcing and management, to training and development, payroll and more
Drawing on decades of experience in the marine energy sector, most notably within offshore wind, the company ’ s tailored crew management solutions range from filling last minute requirements to full provision of offshore personnel
As par t of CSO Marine Group, which also includes ship brokerage, char tering and marine intelligence company, Colebrook Offshore, and vessel design firm, Rockabill Marine Design, OOL benefits from invaluable industr y insights in real time This crucial understanding of the market enables OOL to plan ahead for future requirements, ensuring a world class talent pool ready to deploy at shor t notice
Joshua Brennan, Managing Director of Offshore Operations Limited, said; “We are delighted to bring to the market a one stop crewing agency, offering our valuable clients a single invoicing entity and seamless ser vice By managing the process from star t to finish, we take the hassle out of such a vital par t of ever y project finding the right people for the job
“With our vast network of industr y par tners and crucial market intelligence, we can also be one step ahead of other agencies meaning we can select from the highest quality talent pool for projects and vessels in the pipeline ”
At the core of OOL’s ser vice offering is a drive to attract, recruit, train, develop and manage highly skilled seafarers, technicians and specialists that can work together regularly on a range of projects for efficient and effective teamwork ever y time By attracting and retaining the best talent, OOL’s offering will also ensure the required skillsets and competence for optimum operational and commercial per formance
Mark Hudson, Operations Manager at Offshore Operations Limited, said, “After almost a decade in the crew manning sector, I have seen pitfalls companies make, and how to avoid them That is why we will ensure fair, timely payments to retain and motivate our highly skilled and experienced talent pool
“In addition to ensuring a seamless payroll process with timesheet automation, our cloud based management system ensures we can track our crew management projects end to end, ensuring a clear, auditable trail for our clients ”
OOL provides a range of operational and technical suppor t ser vices to the offshore renewables industr y including offshore project oversight, newbuild management, HSE suppor t, specialist project provisioning, consultancy and marine coordination
Through OOL’s parent company, CSO Marine Group, clients can benefit from a turnkey package for their projects, including vessel concept and design, vessel build and char ter, and full crew and project provision
www offshore operations com
Lowe Boats recently announced the launc h of the 2023 SF pont oon series boats as well as bold new s tyling and a hos t of premium features for its full model year 2023 lineup.
With thought and customer insight included in ever y detail, the SF Series was crafted to per fection to combine fishing and on the water recreation New fencing and furniture design, as well as refreshed fishing stations and enhanced storage options provide exactly what boaters need to take a good day out on the water and make it great “For over half a centur y, Lowe has been building quality boats with a reputation for per formance and versatility,” said Greg Falkner, General Manager, Lowe Boats “For model year 2023 we took customer insight and transformed that into the most versatile pontoons for families who love to fish with the all new SF Series pontoons. The new models incorporate industr y leading layouts that combine the world class angling features like an available 31 gallon livewell, with the best in style and comfor t from plush fabrics and style for miles These new pontoons are built to please any boating style ”
The full SF Series lineup includes multiple redesigned layouts including Four Point Fishing, For ward Walk Through and Rear Walk Through for full length ease of mobility. Ranging from 19 to 23 foot, the 8 foot, 6 inch beam provides ample lounge space and rod and equipment storage for any angling adventure The redesigned fishing stations feature lockable rod boxes, well appointed swivel seating providing unencumbered casting options and easy water access to boat the catch A storable dinette table, aerated livewells, a built in 24 gallon fuel tank for extended range, a heavy duty stern entr y boarding ladder for swimming and ample cupholders for ever yone on board are standard Optional features include enhanced lighting packages, upgraded char tplotters/fishfinders, factor y installed trolling motors and upgradeable furniture and flooring As with all Lowe boats, they are backed by their industr y leading 10 Years to Life warranty
www loweboats com
The vessel was built by Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders Ltd. (MDL) in Mumbai and Vice Admiral Ajendra Bahadur Singh, FOC IN C, Western Naval Command, was the chief guest for the event.
Taragiri, named after a hill range in Himalayas located at Garhwal, is the fifth ship of Project 17A Frigates. These ships are advanced version of the P17 Frigates (Shivalik Class) with improved stealth features, state of the ar t weapons and sensors and platform management systems. Taragiri is the reincarnation of erstwhile ‘Taragiri’, the Leander Class ASW Frigate, which saw numerous challenging operations in its illustrious ser vice to the nation spanning over three decades from 16 May 1980 to 27 June 2013
Under the P17A program, a total of seven ships, with 04 at MDL and 03 at GRSE are under construction Four P17A Project ships (two each at MDL and GRSE) have been launched so far between 2019 and 2022 P17A ships have been designed in house by the Indian Navy’s Warship Design Bureau which is the pioneer organization for all warship design activities of the Nation Towing the line of the countr y ’ s unwavering effor ts towards ‘AatmaNirbharata’, 75% of the orders for equipment and system of Project 17A ships are being placed on indigenous firms including MSMEs
www mazagondock ie
A new yard hall provides the specialised builder and conversion yard of fishing vessels the chance t o expand operations and per form high quality refits in optimal conditions. On the hall the new Damen Maaskant logo is displayed in giant lett ering
“In these troubling times for Nor th Sea fisher y, I do hope that this new hall will enable Damen Maaskant to improve on providing excellent ser vices to their clients and that it may open the way to attracting new clients in other maritime markets,” Damen Shipyards Group chairman Kommer Damen said in his festive speech at the hall opening on Friday September 3rd Together with Rietje Maaskant, he officially opened the new yard hall. The integration of the two companies, both with a long histor y and tradition, is being emphasised in the new business name
The hall at the yard in Stellendam, a harbour town at the river delta along the southern Nor th Sea coast of the Netherlands, is 70 meters long and 20 meters wide, allowing ships of up to 18 meters high to be rolled in An overhead crane can pick equipment from the vessel or put new items in place for installation Dust extraction provides clean air for workers as well as good conditions for paint jobs Wall panels have the highest possible insulation grade for this kind of buildings, making the hall energy efficient This is fur ther improved by the use of infrared heating
Damen Shipyards Group acquired Maaskant Shipyards Stellendam in 1984 The yard had already built a strong reputation as quality builder of fishing vessels The company name, originating from the ship builder that founded the yard in 1948, was still used, while the yard was already under Damen ownership Being par t of the Damen Shipyards Group, offers a lot of benefits The group designs and constructs vessels in a wide range of maritime markets, applying standardised design and modular components New technologies like electric or hybrid propulsion, alternative fuels, energy saving power lay out on board and emission gas after treatment have been developed, for Damen Maaskant to apply as par t of the group The new technology is needed to guide the Nor th Sea fisher y vessel fleet through the necessar y transition towards zero emission fishing operations The combined business name Damen Maaskant expresses this oppor tunity of mutual benefit from the technologies developed
Leading wet civil engineering firm, Land & Wat er, is set t o st ar t a six week project at Polson Bridge on the Devon, Cornwall border st ar ting this month The contract is par t of the Environment Agency’s ongoing work at a weir on the River Tamar adjacent t o the bridge. The work will involve the rebuilding of a failed stone wall, dewatering of the working area and impor tant focus on control of the water quality throughout For centuries, Polson Bridge was the main entr y point into Cornwall and, since the addition of Launceston’s dual carriageway bypass, is now just a few hundred metres from the current A30 route
Fiona Moore, Divisional Business Manager at Land & Water, said: “We are extremely excited to be delivering these works alongside the Environment Agency in the Devon and Cornwall region
“Land & Water will be working collaboratively with the Project Manager within the Environment Agency and their team to ensure procedures are adhered to and the surrounding area is protected as much as possible “Once we have finished at Polson Bridge the works will help to protect this impor tant Gauging Station for years to come and protect the natural river banks from fur ther erosion” www land water co uk
The pas t few months has seen a lot of activity within Macduf f Ship Design, with a number of new vessel launches and deliveries t aking place and several new design contracts being signed.
On the afternoon of the 9th of September, a special naming ceremony took place on the quay of Macduff harbour, celebrating the building of two large new fishing trawlers Both vessels were built by Macduff Shipyards to designs by Macduff Ship Design the ENDEAVOUR V and VENTURE IV for the Scottish fishing fleet These vessels are owned and operated by Peter Lovie, Mark Lovie and par tners
The memorable day was organised by the Lovie family and included a large group of guests including many of the businesses involved in both the building and the operation of the vessels The vessels were named in tandem with ENDEAVOUR V being named by Peter’s wife Natalie Lovie, and VENTURE IV being named by Mark’s wife Katie Lovie, with the customar y champagne bottles being smashed on the respective hulls
ENDEAVOUR V was handed over in late 2020, but due to the social restrictions at the time a formal naming ceremony could not take place.
VENTURE IV is currently undergoing final outfitting and commissioning and is schedule for deliver y this month.
Fur ther to these two vessels, 2022 has also seen a 17m crab fishing vessel, 22.7m fishing trawler a 21m aquaculture landing craft style workboat and a 30m ASD tug delivered.
Macduff Ship design is expecting the final completion of the 35m Venture IV along with a fur ther 26m trawler, two 25m trawlers, two 19 9m aquaculture vessels and two 30m ASD tugs in the coming months
Alongside this busy time with new vessel completions, MSD is delighted to have agreed a contract for the design of a ground breaking hybrid electric catamaran workboat and 2 x 18 5m monohull landing craft workboats, again for the aquaculture sector Both of these new designs will see MSD working closely with Skagen Ship Consulting of Nor way with vessel builds taking place in Turkey The company are also working closely with a number of shipyards on final concept and design work for a 26m monohull workboat, which is specifically aimed at operation within the renewables sector
Alongside these new build completions and new designs, they have also spent the last year expanding our capabilities within the sur vey sector They have a long established record for completion of stability sur veys but have now expanded this to cover condition sur veys and MCA workboat code sur veys under the SCMS banner Macduff Ship Design also recently had two of their team complete their UT SNT level 2 course to allow them to carr y out plate thickness checks on small vessels all as par t of their statutor y sur vey process
US-based boat builder Met al Shark is building a welded-aluminium 115’ x 27’ (35m x 8m) monohull patrol vessel for the Guyana Defense Force (GDF).
Construction is under way at Metal Shark’s Franklin, Louisiana shipyard on the new 115 Defiant, a robust multi mission vessel designed in house by Metal Shark’s engineering team and being acquired by the GDF via direct purchase. Once complete, the new vessel will join the eight other Metal Shark interdiction and patrol vessels currently in ser vice with the GDF
“Due to increasing maritime security concerns, we continue to see increased demand among militar y operators for larger patrol vessels capable of extended missions at sea, ” said Metal Shark CEO Chris Allard “Considering the relatively few options available in this size range, we felt that clients in this market segment have been underser ved We are now giving operators an entirely new option with this next generation platform ”
The imposing 115 Defiant has been designed to project power while offering unmatched per formance, with a subtle reverse raked bow offering reduced resistance for improved seakeeping in higher sea states A prominent breakwater and elevated wheelhouse with nearly 360 degree visibility assure confident all weather operation The vessel will carr y a crew of 24 on extended missions at sea, and has been designed to accommodate a wide range of mission profiles including search and rescue, border patrol, police and customs duties, counter narcotics operations, and securing waters of economic impor tance
For mothership operations, the 115 Defiant carries a 5 2 meter Metal Shark built aluminium rigid inflatable boat (RIB) on the aft deck. The RIB carries up to 10 persons and is powered by twin 50 horsepower four stroke outboard engines. For the GDF, the RIB will be launched and retrieved via a PS11000M 5m Palfinger Stiff Boom Marine Crane The 115 Defiant is also offered with an integrated stern slipway for under way launch and retrieval
The 115 Defiant has been configured to meet the per formance requirements of the GDF Powered by twin 1,600 BHP CAT C32 diesel inboard engines turning conventional propellers through Twin Disc marine gears, the vessel is expected to deliver a cruise speed of 12 knots, and a top speed in excess of 20 knots At cruise, the vessel boasts a 2,000 nautical mile range and ten days’ endurance A range of propulsion choices are offered to accommodate the per formance requirements of other clients
“The Guyana Defense Force and Metal Shark have been strategic par tners for nearly ten years and we are pleased to continue to build on our relationship,” said Metal Shark’s Vice President of International Business Development, Henr y Irizarr y “The United States Ambassador and US Embassy staff in Guyana were crucial in advocating for Metal Shark and our American made products, and our team worked closely with the GDF and the Government of Guyana to design a vessel ideally suited for their operational requirements Metal Shark looks for ward to delivering this modern and capable patrol craft platform, which will be the latest success in our long term par tnership with Guyana ” “As with the other nearly 1,000 Metal Shark Defiant class vessels now in militar y ser vice worldwide, the new 115 Defiant combines modern, crew friendly features in a durable and functional package designed for per formance,” said Mr Allard “With this new platform we ’ re delivering a custom tailored solution that will ser ve the Guyana Defense Force for years to come, while at the same time presenting a compelling and capable new offering to all of our militar y clients ”
The t echnology group Wär tsilä will supply the engines, wat erjets, and fuel st orage and supply syst em for a new high speed cat amaran ferr y. The vessel is being built at the Incat yard in Tasmania, Australia on behalf of Argentinian ferr y operat or, Buquebus. Having an overall length of 130 metres, a width of 32 metres and the capacity t o carr y 2,100 passengers and 226 cars, it will be the largest aluminium cat amaran ever built by Incat. The order with Wär tsilä was placed in July this year.
The vessel will operate between Argentina and Uruguay with Wär tsilä’s 31 dual fuel engine technology using primarily LNG fuel produced at Buquebus own LNG plant The vessel will also incorporate shaft e motors powered via the main engine gearboxes taking fur ther advantage of Wär tsilä’s LNG technology.
With LNG, the minimised emissions of CO2, nitrous oxides (NOx), sulphur oxides (SOx) and par ticulate matter will make the ferr y Tier III compliant and able to operate in emission control areas (ECAs)
“We have selected Wär tsilä waterjets many times in the past, and have always been extremely satisfied with their per formance,” says Tim Burnell, Incat’s CEO “This though is the first time we will include Wär tsilä engines, and we are excited about the potential they provide This will be the world’s largest and greenest vessel of its type, and we are ver y happy to be working with Wär tsilä to make the project a huge success ”
“This is indeed an exciting project Our latest WXJ generation axial flow waterjets reduce the installation footprint on average by approximately 25 percent, compared to non axial flow jet designs They also give a higher power to weight ratio, and come with an advanced Propulsion Control System Combining this with our highly ef ficient, fuel flexible engines, means that it is a truly future proof investment,” adds Mikko Mannerkorpi, General Manager, Sales, Wär tsilä Marine Power
The full scope of supply comprises four Wär tsilä 31DF dual fuel engines, four Wär tsilä WXJ1500SR waterjets, and two Wär tsilä LNGPac fuel storage, supply and propulsion control systems. The equipment will be delivered to the yard commencing in mid 2023
Wär tsilä has a long standing relationship with Incat, a global leader in aluminium ship technology Incat provides optimal lightweight ship solutions for ferr y operators, special ser vice providers, and militar y applications
The Wär tsilä 31DF is the most power ful engine in its class. It has a power output ranging from 4.6 to 9.6 MW at 720 and 750 rpm It features exceptional fuel economy while maintaining outstanding per formance across the entire operating range The higher output per cylinder provides a compact footprint and a cost ef ficient installation. The diesel version of the Wär tsilä 31 has been recognised by Guinness World Records as the world’s most ef ficient 4 stroke diesel engine
Wär tsilä to supply propulsion package for world’s largest aluminium catamaran
Sanmar Shipyards recently delivered five vessels in a single week from its ext ensive cat alogue of t echnologically advanced and environment ally aware tugs and workboats t o operat ors in Europe and the Americas, including two new first time cust omers in Bulgaria.
The diverse range of four tugs and a mooring boat all constructed at Sanmar’s purpose built state of the ar t shipyards in Turkey have been delivered to SAAM Towage in Panama, MedTug in Rotterdam, Sanmar’s own fleet and Bulgarian operators BMF Tug Ser vice and Trans Por t Lane
Ruchan Civgin, Commercial Director of Sanmar Shipyards, said: “The first half of the year has been good for us and we are in a strong position going for ward These latest deliveries demonstrate how we can offer a wide range of tugs and workboats based on innovative designs and using the latest technologies, to meet the different needs of our clients
Our shipyards operate to the highest environmental standards and we are at the forefront of the drive to a sustainable low emission and emission free towage industr y, and I am pleased that these latest deliveries confirm once again that we are able to ser ve the var ying needs of both huge international operators and those providing towage and mooring ser vices on a much smaller scale ”
Bogacay XLIII, renamed SAAM QUIBIAN by her new owners is the seventh Sanmar tug delivered to SAAM Towage 70 tonnes ahead bollard pull (BP) tug is based on the exclusive to Sanmar RAmpar ts 2400SX design from renowned Canada based naval architects Rober t Allan Ltd It will work in Panama Canal Waters alongside one of its six sister tugs previously delivered to SAAM Towage by Sanmar
At the same time, Sanmar also delivered the tug SANMAR TERMINAL XXV, a RAstar 2800 design from Rober t Allan Ltd, which had been par t of its own fleet in Turkey, to MedTug SA She has been renamed MED BELLATRIX and will work in the Por t of Rotterdam She can achieve 75 plus tonnes bollard pull ahead and is the fifth tugboat in total that Sanmar has delivered to MedTug SA
Meanwhile, the new build DELICAY X has joined Sanmar’s own fleet operations at Izmit, Turkey The ATD tug, which can achieve a BP of 75 tonnes over the stern, is based on the exclusive to Sanmar TRAktor Z 2500SX design from Rober t Allan Ltd Sanmar also delivered its specialist compact tug GOKCAY II to new client BMF Bulgaria where, renamed AQUILA 2, it will work in Burgas, the largest por t in Bulgaria The vessel, which can achieve a BP of 16 tonnes, had been in stock at Sanmar’s Altinova shipyard Based on the, again exclusive to Sanmar, RAppor t 1600SX Mooring Boat design from Rober t Allan Ltd, the Gokcay Class has been designed to address the challenges of modern, line handling and smaller ship handling tugs In its other sale to a new customer, Sanmar delivered VECTOR, an 11m mooring boat from its fleet in Turkey, to Trans Por t Lane Bulgaria where it will work in Varna on the Black Sea
Two Diving Suppor t Vessels (Nistar & Nipun) built by Hindustan Shipyard Ltd, Vishakapatnam for the Indian Navy, were launched last month
Admiral R Hari Kumar, Chief of the Naval Staff, was the Chief Guest at the launching ceremony and the vessels were launched by Mrs Kala Hari Kumar, President Navy Wellness and Welfare Association (NWWA), who also performed the traditional honour of naming them
The Diving Suppor t Vessels (DSVs) are first of the kind, ships indigenously designed and built at HSL for the Indian Navy The vessels are 118 4 metres long, 22 8 metres at the broadest point and have a displacement of 9,350 tons
These ships are to be deployed for deep sea diving operations. Additionally, with Deep Submergence Rescue Vehicle (DSRV) embarked, the DSVs are designed to under take submarine rescue operations, in case requirement exists Fur thermore, these ships will be capable of sustained patrolling, conducting Search & Rescue operations and carr ying out Helicopter Operations at high seas
With approximately 80 % indigenous content, the DSV project has generated considerable local employment oppor tunities and has also promoted indigenisation which in turn will aid in boosting India’s economy
www hslvizag in
With roots dating back to 1987, Dales Marine has been servicing the shipping, oil and gas, chemical, and power generation industries with bespoke engineering services, within the shortest lead time to the highest standard.
Providing specialist shipping solutions in dry dock and steelwork, maintenance and ship repair, Dales Marine is located within major Scottish ports and provides unrivalled access for clients 24/7, 365 days a year.
Back in Januar y 2019, Guernsey Harbours the organisation responsible for the administration and operation of St Peter Por t and St Sampson’s harbours requested a quote for a set of IAL A approved marine traf fic lights from Hydrosphere Guernsey Harbours issued the Guernsey VTS Brochure, which described why a new Vessel Traffic Ser vice (VTS) should be installed at St Peter Por t The brochure outlined the IALA traffic lights the harbour would adopt, based on recommendations and mandates from Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) and the Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB), following Inter national Maritime Organization (IMO) guidelines
The Hydrosphere team visited Guernsey in the summer that year to assess the site and discuss the project’s requirements before responding to Guernsey Harbour’s invitation to tender, issued in Januar y 2021 The lights were commissioned for the harbour pier heads in Guernsey to construct a new VTS signal station responsible for vessel traffic management within the local harbours
Unfor tunately, the Pandemic and the effects of limited visitor and vessel movements somewhat hampered the project‘s programme, but things quickly got under way as soon as restrictions allowed, and installation of the VTS buildings, control systems and IALA lights was completed in time to see them fully operational in early May 2022 Hydrosphere assessed the range of requirements for delivering the aids to navigation infrastructure for Guernsey’s new harbour traffic ser vice and came up with the most effective design for an IALA compliant light system that would be suitable and available Hydrosphere’s previous experiences with marine traffic light systems aided us in sourcing lights that would be visible from an acceptable range With a background of bright sunshine at St Peter Por t, ensuring traffic light systems would still be seen from an east and west direction was challenging
This issue was exacerbated by the island’s tidal range of at least 10 metres and mariners’ physical viewing heights, given the variation in vessel types in the area from condor ferries to canoes Therefore, much care and attention to detail had to be taken regarding how each light could be seen up close and up to a nautical mile away in mid summer skies on approach
The Vega traffic light (VLB 44TL) that Hydrosphere had previously installed for similar jobs and was once considered the best solution
construction and a new brightness intensity that uses low power consumption
With a combination of lenses (or layers), the lights can focus LED light beams narrowly to reach the fur thest possible distance and also refract light up and downward to make it visible from a greater range of heights This ver tical divergence allows for var ying viewing distances from vessels both inside and outside the harbour
The installation of first rate traffic lighting at Guernsey Harbour’s recently renovated VTS area has made a massive improvement in the control of aids to navigation and ensured the safe passage of marine traffic in and around St Peter Por t for many years to come Remarkably, due to the challenges presented by the pandemic, the Guernsey harbour team was tasked with designing and installing the lights and cables themselves The result is impressive, durable and neat which is essential due to the severe weather and heavy wave action encountered by the harbour wall and pier head
Sabik’s lights are all independently intelligent, with automatic brightness settings and the ability to feed back their active status to the VTS operator Fur thermore, as they must work together in unison and in multiple combinations, operators can manage the complex structure from the VTS office’s touchscreen control system
These products also come with redundant link backup switches, allowing the lights to be operated manually from within their masts
All connection points, controls and batter y backed power supplies are housed alongside the marine grade tilting masts in robust enclosures for safety Additionally, these lights provide a range of signals that permit one way or two way traffic and indicate when to proceed through the entrance per instructions from the Guernsey Harbour’s VTS office
As these IALA signals are recognised and interpreted by different vessels, there is also the scope to expand the range of possible light signals for a small ship channel Fur thermore, the lights have an emergency setting of ‘flashing reds’ that can effectively close the entrance to any marine traffic in the event of an emergency
www hydrosphere co uk
p e r r y M a r i n e i n c o l l a b o r a t i o n w i t h
Navt or have launc hed a new int egrat ed enavigation solution aimed at improving c y b e r s e c u r i t y a n d r e d u c i n g t h e a d m i n i s t r a t i o n a s s o c i a t e d w i t h c h a r t updat es and rout e planning.
Sperr y Marine Navigation Char ts and Voyage Planning is the latest ser vice addition to the Sperr ySphere platform which provides users with a vast range of critical voyage information in one easy to use integrated application
“We believe e Navigation is the future of shipping because we truly understand the problems of wasted time, unnecessar y workload and lack of integration when using paper char ts and manual voyage planning,” said Tor Svanes, managing director, Navtor “This par tnership with Sperr y Marine will deliver an integrated solution, ensuring customers unlock the full potential of e Navigation in a smar t, safe and simple way. ”
The new system analyses the planned route and compares the navigation data with the vessel’s water and air draught and other specifications
Manual planning is reduced thanks to automatic update and distribution of permits and the ENC char t ser vice simplifies workflow through the use of Navtor’s NavTracker char t management and ordering tool
The PAYS model enables shipowners to better manage their costs with no need to pay for unused char ts and Sperr y Marine’s Secure Maritime Gateway provides multiple firewalls and a zone between front and back of bridge to enhance cyber security
The Char ts and Voyage Planning module is deployed and managed through the Sperr ySphere smar t navigation platform, a one stop shop back of bridge digital platform incorporating operations and remote suppor t
Dat a usage on commercial maritime vessels has jumped more than threefold since 2019, according t o new communications analysis
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reliance on digit al connectivity t o enhance operating ef f iciency and saf eguard crew welfare during a period of unprecedent ed disruption t o seaborne trade.
The internal study under taken by Inmarsat, the world leader in global, mobile satellite communications ser vices, which connects more vessels than any other provider, reveals that maritime demand has continued to rise as commercial shipping recovers following the peak of the COVID 19 pandemic with data usage among Inmarsat maritime customers rising almost 70 percent in the 12 months to mid 2022
Analysis of data usage by leading vessel operators shows year on year demand for data was highest among container shipping companies, more than doubling (108%) in June 2022 compared to June 2021, while use of connectivity increased by 70% among oil tanker operators and by 47% on bulk carriers over the same period Ben Palmer, President of Inmarsat Maritime, said: “Maritime data usage is a leading indicator of economic activity and international trade in the shipping industr y, which carries 90% of all global trade More and more shipping companies are upgrading their satellite communications ser vices and adopting new technologies for applications including route planning, ship to shore broadband data transfers and to maximise fuel ef ficiency
They are also ensuring that their crews remain connected with family and friends while at sea, the mandator y requirement now recognised by the Maritime Labour Convention Our study shows data usage is on the rise among all commercial vessel types
“The success we ’ re seeing in our order book is due to our understanding of the commercial maritime industr y and the needs of ship owners and operators This appreciation led directly to the development of our unique ser vice proposition for shipping companies, which combines two wholly owned and operated global networks in our market leading Fleet Xpress ser vice Our strategy is to continue to innovate at pace, suppor ting the rapid digitalisation the industr y is experiencing, which in turn is being driven by industr y wide targets for decarbonisation and the imperative of ensuring crew welfare ”
Inmarsat’s maritime data usage study comes amid a record order book for the company ’ s Fleet Xpress satellite communications systems The Fleet Xpress installed base rose by 17% in the second quar ter of 2022 compared to Q2 2021, to almost 13,000 ships, with an order book of over 1,000 vessels
Earlier this year, Inmarsat completed technical proof of concept tests for the terrestrial 5G mesh component of its new Orchestra network The tests took place in Singapore, one of the world’s busiest container por ts Orchestra provides innovative spectrum management and connectivity technology to deliver additional data capacity at key shipping hot spots via a unique, shore based terrestrial networks The 5G mesh network has the potential to integrate seamlessly with Inmarsat’s geostationar y satellite constellations and a highly targeted low ear th orbit (LEO) fleet to deliver the lowest average latency and fastest average speeds with unique resilience of any planned global ser vice
“As data demand continues to grow in the shipping industr y, our Orchestra testing in Singapore has shown in real world cases how to enhance ship to shore and ship to ship connectivity, including distances, range, throughput and link availability,” continued Palmer “We are innovating with this technology because connectivity demand in key por ts and shipping lanes is only going to increase fur ther and lead to growing congestion ”
The figures on data usage and maritime orders coincide with continued planning by Inmarsat for its combination with Viasat of the US, which also ser ves a range of customers in the maritime sector On completion of the transaction, the enlarged company will drive greater customer choice in B2B satellite communications ser ving maritime customers, as well as aviation, government and enterprise users, by providing a strong multi layered, global architecture, and uniquely in the space sector, the ability to bring together multi orbital satellite and terrestrial 4G and 5G assets
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Investment in Sonardyne’s PIES is a sign of improvement in the marine geophysics data market
Marine t echnology company Sonardyne has seen an uplif t in orders for its Pressure Inver t ed Echo Sounder (PIES) t echnology int o the exploration and reser voir sur veillance market in the first half of this year.
Sonardyne’s PIES technology, which helps geophysicists to better understand the physical processes that occur in the deep ocean, has been acquired by a string of companies per forming both towed streamer and ocean bottom node (OBN) deployments, highlighting increasing activity in the sector
Among those investing in PIES are marine geophysics data and ser vices company PGS Geophysical and ocean bottom nodal firm Magseis Fair field Geophysical ser vices provider PXGeo has also ordered a number of Sonardyne’s PIES
PIES is a long endurance, self contained oceanographic instrument for precisely measuring average sound speed in the water column as well as water depth information By collecting these obser vations as seismic data is being acquired, PIES helps to reduce uncer tainty in the imaging data, helping to provide a clearer image and guide operational decisions
“PIES continuously measure the two way travel time of sound waves propagated through the water column from the seabed to the sea sur face as well as the pressure (depth) at the seabed,” explains Sonardyne sales manager Trevor Barnes “This data is used to calculate a continuous time histor y of the average water velocity and tidal variation throughout the entire water column By doing this, these environmental variations can be removed from the reser voir imaging data, providing geophysicists with a clearer image of their reser voirs ”
PIES are regularly used across the marine seismic market as well as by oceanographic institutions interested in understanding the ocean The instrument can be deployed on the seabed by ROV or freefall deployed from a sur face vessel and configured for autonomous monitoring campaigns lasting several months to several years
An embedded acoustic modem also allows users to retrieve data wirelessly on demand, or adjust monitoring regimes, from crewed or uncrewed sur vey vessels PIES can also be deployed in wired configurations, allowing a constant data feed to topside facilities.
MacGregor, par t of Cargot ec, has received two significant orders for hea vy lif t cranes. These order s, t ot alling more t han EUR 43 million, include t he supply of 56 heavy lif t cranes f or f our t een 62,000 dwt multipur pose vessels built at two shipyards in Asia.
These orders were booked into Cargotec’s 2022 second quar ter orders received. The vessels are scheduled to be delivered to the owners star ting in the second quar ter of 2023 and will be delivered until Januar y 2026
The orders include totally 56 cranes with a size of 80t and 150t All cranes are connected to the latest worldwide ser vice suppor t and equipped with an active safety system for the highest possible secure operation
MacGregor was selected as the supplier of these cranes thanks to its well known design capabilities and customer’s trust in MacGregor’s deliver y capability based on its earlier successes with similar solutions
“I’m ver y proud of the confidence that these two customers have chosen us to supply their heavy lift cranes We look for ward to providing our high class equipment and ser vices again,” commented Magnus Sjoberg, Senior Vice President, Merchant Solutions,
J u m b o O f f s h o r e r e p o r t e d r e c e n t l y t h a t i t h a s c o m p l e t e d t h e t r a n s p o r t a n d i n s t a l l a t i o n o f a t o r p e d o p i l e m o o r i n g s y s t e m , i n c l u d i n g m o o r i n g f o r f l ex i b l e r i s e r s , u m b i l i c a l f o r t h e L i b r a C o n s o r t i u m ' s G u a n a b a r a f l o a t i n g p r o d u c t i o n s t o r a g e a n d o f f l o a d i n g u n i t ( F P S O ) .
W h i l e t h i s t y p e o f i n s t a l l a t i o n p r e v i o u s l y r e q u i r e d t h e m o b i l i z a t i o n o f a n y t h i n g u p t o t h r e e a n c h o r h a n d l i n g t u g s , J u m b o w e r e a b l e t o a c c o m p l i s h t h e e n t i r e c o n t r a c t u s i n g o n l y i t s J c l a s s o f f s h o r e i n s t a l l a t i o n v e s s e l F a i r p l a y e r, w o r k i n g i n t h e M e r o f i e l d o f B r a z i l ’ s S a n t o s B a s i n
J u m b o s t a r t e d i n v e s t i g a t i n g t h e i n s t a l l a t i o n p r o j e c t , s o m e y e a r s b a c k , w i t h t h e a m b i t i o n t o o f f e r a m o r e e f f i c i e n t a n d s u s t a i n a b l e m e t h o d . “ O u r f i r s t s t u d i e s i n t o a w o r k a b l e s o l u t i o n s t a r t e d a r o u n d 2 0 1 0 , ” s a i d B r i a n B o u t k a n , J u m b o H e a d o f S a l e s a n d B u s i n e s s D e v e l o p m e n t , A m e r i c a s
T h e s c o p e o f w o r k c o n s i s t e d o f t h e i n s t a l l a t i o n o f 2 4 1 2 0 t o n n e t o r p e d o a n c h o r p i l e s a n d c o n n e c t i n g c h a i n s a n d p o l y l i n e s e c t i o n s , a n d t h e i n s t a l l a t i o n o f 1 1 3 5 t o n n e a n c h o r s f o r t h e f l e x i b l e r i s e r s a n d u m b i l i c a l m o o r i n g l i n e s T h e w o r k a l s o i n c l u d e d t h e p r e l i m i n a r y s u r v e y o f t h e s e a b e d a n d t h e r e m o v a l o f o b s t a c l e s , a n d p o s t l a y s u r v e y T h e t o r p e d o m o o r i n g s y s t e m i s a P e t r o b r a s i n h o u s e d e v e l o p e d m e t h o d o f m o o r i n g l a r g e f l o a t i n g s t r u c t u r e s s u c h a s F P S O s T h e i n s t a l l a t i o n p r o c e s s i n v o l v e d l o w e r i n g t h e t o r p e d o p i l e t o a s e t d e p t h a b o v e t h e s e a b e d I t i s t h e n r e l e a s e d , f r e e f a l l i n g a t h i g h s p e e d t h r o u g h t h e w a t e r b e f o r e p e n e t r a t i n g t h e s e a b e d A r e m o t e l y o p e r a t e d u n d e r w a t e r v e h i c l e ( R O V ) i s t h e n d e p l o y e d t o a t t a c h m o o r i n g c h a i n s a n d l i n e s U p u n t i l J u m b o ’ s o n e i n s t a l l a t i o n v e s s e l m e t h o d , t h i s p r o c e d u r e h a s u s u a l l y b e e n p e r f o r m e d b y t w o a n c h o r h a n d l i n g v e s s e l s w o r k i n g i n t a n d e m , s o m e t i m e s e v e n w i t h a t h i r d v e s s e l p e r f o r m i n g t h e R O V m o n i t o r i n g a n d s u r v e y w o r k
T h e F a i r p l a y e r s t a r t e d t h e p r o j e c t w i t h t h e 1 2 0 t o n n e p i l e s , u s i n g o n e o f i t s t w o 9 0 0 t o n n e c r a n e s t o t i l t t h e m o v e r t h e s i d e o f t h e v e s s e l , a n d t h e n w i n c h t h e m d o w n t o t h e ‘ l a u n c h ’ d e p t h
A f t e r a f i n a l l o c a t i o n c h e c k , t h e t o r p e d o c o u l d b e r e l e a s e d t o f r e e f a l l t o t h e s e a b e d “ Wo r k i n g w i t h o n e v e s s e l e n a b l e d a m u c h m o r e c o n t r o l l e d n p r o c e s s , ” B o u t k a n c o n t i n u e d “ F u r t h e r m o r e , c o m p a r e d t o p r e v i o u s c a m p a i g n s w i t h a n c h o r h a n d l i n g v e s s e l s , t h e o p e r a t i o n s a t t h e p o r t w e r e a l s o m o r e e f f i c i e n t T h e F a i r p l a y e r h a s i t s o w n c r a n e s , w h i c h m e a n t w e c o u l d p i c k u p t h e e q u i p m e n t o u r s e l v e s A n d s h e h a s a l a r g e d e c k , s o s h e c a r r i e d m o r e t o r p e d o s a n d n e e d e d l e s s t r i p s t o p o r t ”
R e p e a t i n g t h i s p r o c e s s 2 4 t i m e s , J u m b o ’ s c r e w i n c r e a s e d i t s w o r k a b i l i t y a n d e f f i c i e n c y i n t h e i n s t a l l a t i o n p r o c e s s “ T h e r e a r e a l w a y s w a v e s a n d s w e l l w h e n w o r k i n g i n t h e S o u t h A t l a n t i c r e g i o n o f f s h o r e B r a z i l D u r i n g t h e i n s t a l l a t i o n w e e n c o u n t e r e d a l l s e a s o n s , f r o m s u m m e r t o w i n t e r T h i s d e f i n i t e l y g a v e u s s o m e c h a l l e n g e s , b u t w e i m p r o v e d o u r e f f i c i e n c y i n w o r k i n g w i t h t h e p i l e s t o a p o i n t t h a t w e c o u l d i n s t a l l t h e m e v e n i n h i g h e r w a v e s , ” B o u t k a n a d d e d T h e p r o j e c t p r o g r e s s e d w i t h t h e i n s t a l l a t i o n o f t h e s m a l l e r 3 5 t o n n e a n c h o r p i l e s A l t h o u g h t h e s e r e q u i r e d a s l i g h t l y d i f f e r e n t i n s t a l l a t i o n m e t h o d , J u m b o h a d t h e f l e x i b i l i t y t o m a k e t h e n e c e s s a r y c h a n g e s t o p r o v i d e a c o m p r e h e n s i v e m o o r i n g i n s t a l l a t i o n p a c k a g e t h a t i n c l u d e d t h e f l e x i b l e r i s e r a n d u m b i l i c a l a n c h o r s T h e p r o j e c t c o n c l u d e d w i t h t h e m o o r i n g l i n e i n s t a l l a t i o n c a m p a i g n . T h e m o o r i n g l i n e s c o n s i s t e d o f b o t h c h a i n a n d p o l y e s t e r s e g m e n t s , s o J u m b o n e e d e d t w o s e p a r a t e o v e r b o a r d i n g s y s t e m s B o u t k a n e x p l a i n e d : “ A f t e r a t t a c h i n g t h e m o o r i n g l i n e t o t h e p i l e , w e l a i d t h e c h a i n a n d r e m a i n d e r o f t h e m o o r i n g l i n e i n a p r e d e t e r m i n e d c o r r i d o r o n t h e s e a b e d I t ’ s i m p o r t a n t n o t t o h a v e t o o m a n y t w i s t s i n t h e l i n e , s o w e c h e c k e d t h i s b y f l y i n g o v e r t h e i n s t a l l e d m o o r i n g w i t h t h e R O V ”
L o o k i n g b a c k a t t h e r e c e n t l y c o m p l e t e d c o n t r a c t , J u m b o p r o j e c t m a n a g e r R i c k B r u i n s m a h i g h l i g h t e d t h e k e y f a c t o r s i n t h e p r o j e c t ’ s s u c c e s s “ T h e i n v e n t i v e n e s s o f t h e e n g i n e e r i n g t e a m , t o g e t h e r w i t h a s u c c e s s f u l c o n t i n u o u s i m p r o v e m e n t p r o g r a m i n v o l v i n g a l l d i s c i p l i n e s , l e d t o r e d u c e d i n s t a l l a t i o n c y c l e t i m e s t h r o u g h o u t t h e w h o l e o f f s h o r e c a m p a i g n w w w j u m b o m a r i t i m e n l
Almarin, specialized in floating solutions for harbours, has reached an agreement with Aist er, an exper t in aluminium structures t o acquire its marina business unit. With more than 30.000 metres of pont oons inst alled in twenty seven countries in the past thir ty years, Aist er Marinas is a reference in the construction of marinas and recreational por ts. In recent years however Aist er has been focusing its ef for ts on the design and construction of high per formance aluminium boats and consequently its management t ook the strat egic decision t o divest its marina business unit
Almarin is recognized for its high quality marine aids to navigation equipment, par ticularly its floating beacons in which it continues to invest and innovate Over the past five years Almarin has also been developing the pontoon business area in Spain in conjunction with its par tner Lindley Marinas With the objective of fur ther developing the marina business unit, Almarin reached an agreement with Aister at the end of July 2022 Through this acquisition Almarin and Lindley Marinas strengthen their capacity to respond to the market, through the incorporation of highly qualified technical staff as well as resources for site work and new facilities in Vigo “The knowledge and experience of the Aister team is by far the most impor tant asset we have brought onboard; it makes me ver y proud that all the staff at the marina unit accepted this new challenge Our goal is to become the leading player in marina construction in our territor y We have all the ingredients: team, knowledge, product, experience, and resources to provide a first class ser vice”, says Aleix San Vicente, CEO of Almarin
MacGregor, par t of Cargot ec, has received a significant order for delivering cont ainer lashing syst ems for twelve 23,500+ TEU cont ainer vessels for Hapag Lloyd. The vessels will be built at D a ewo o S h
(DSME) in South Korea.
The order was booked into Cargotec’s 2022 third quar ter orders received The vessels are scheduled to be delivered to the owner between the second quar ter of 2023 and the four th quar ter of 2024 “Cargo system plays a ver y impor tant role in the efficient operation of the container ship Hapag Lloyd and MacGregor have worked together closely and developed the optimum cargo system for this vessel series to ensure the best cargo efficiency Placing this order with MacGregor was the first choice for us, ” commented Lutz Michael Dyck, Senior Director, Strategic Asset Projects, Hapag Lloyd “Hapag Lloyd is a highly appreciated and strategic customer for MacGregor Over the years we have worked together closely to find ways to improve the cargo efficiency on existing ships and newbuildings In this project, we have been collaborating on concept design and cargo system configuration from the ver y early stages I am ver y proud that Hapag Lloyd trusted us with this order,” added Magnus Sjoberg, Senior Vice President, Merchant Solutions, MacGregor Hapag Lloyd is currently the world’s fifth largest container carrier with 253 container ships totalling a capacity of 1 8 million TEU Hapag Lloyd is known for its dedication to efficiency and minimizing environmental impact www macgregor com
The largest seagrass rest oration, education and innovation project in England, LIFE Recreation ReMEDIES, will receive
The marine conser vation project which is led by Natural England, focuses on five Special Areas of Conser vation along England’s south coast and Valepor t’s sponsorship announcement coincides with an extension to the project which will now run until October 2024 The newly extended five year ReMEDIES project seeks to protect and restore sensitive seabed habitats which are at risk and aims to plant a total of eight hectares of seagrass meadows four hectares in Plymouth Sound and four hectares in the Solent Maritime Special Area of Conser vation Seagrass meadows are increasingly being recognised for their essential carbon capture abilities seagrass can be as effective at absorbing and storing carbon as woodlands It also provides a vital nurser y bed for juvenile fish and protected creatures like seahorses and stalked jellyfish, cleans surrounding seawater and helps stabilise the seabed which can help to reduce coastal erosion
However, seagrass meadows are a globally threatened ecosystem with estimates suggesting the planet loses an area of seagrass the same size as two football pitches ever y hour At least 44% of the UK's seagrass has been lost since 1936 The delicate and endangered seagrass meadows in the UK are vulnerable to factors including wasting disease, pollution and physical disturbance such as anchoring, mooring and launching of leisure boats, as well as other shore and water based activities In addition to planting new seagrass meadows, ReMEDIES is working to protect existing meadows by helping recreational users to minimise impacts on these sensitive habitats The project is trialling Advanced Mooring Systems that help reduce impacts from recreational boating on the seabed, producing best practice guidance for boaters, seagrass location maps and conducting seagrass monitoring
Commenting on the announcement of Valepor t as a sponsor and the extension to the project timeline, ReMEDIES Project Manager, Fiona Crouch said: “We are delighted that Valepor t has recognised the valuable work the par tnership is under taking to restore and conser ve our seabed through their sponsorship of the project It’s going to be a busy two years, we still have much to do, so it’s great to have Valepor t suppor ting our effor ts, thank you ’
Joining forces with the conser vation project is a natural fit for the designer and manufacturer of high quality hydrographic and oceanographic instruments, Guy Frankland, Valepor t’s head of marketing said: “The precision marine instruments we make are used for many purposes, including environmental monitoring and we ’ re proud to announce our sponsorship of such a crucial conser vation project We’re delighted to be on board to suppor t this project until its conclusion in October 2024 Alongside assisting ReMEDIES’ Save Our Seabed programme with funding, Valepor t is looking for ward to getting involved in various activities as the par tnership grows ”
For a number of years Valepor t has been involved in suppor ting seagrass conser vation, previously sponsoring a two year seagrass protection and restoration project in Tor Bay and more recently Valepor t has collaborated on a new, non invasive method to monitor seagrass biomass on the seabed around England’s South West coast The new technique, developed in par tnership with Natural England, HydroSur v and the University of Plymouth is set to change the way seagrass meadows are monitored in the future; as the cost effective platform allows sur veys to cover much larger areas and enables rapid re sur vey work as required
LIFE Recreation ReMEDIES par tnership to ‘Save Our Seabed’ is funded by the LIFE programme and led by Natural England in par tnership with Marine Conser vation Society, Ocean Conser vation Trust, Plymouth City Council/Tamar Estuaries Consultative Forum and Royal Yachting Association/The Green Blue
The project which launched in July 2019 has already achieved a number of significant milestones; 3 5 hectares of seabed has now been planted (comprising 2 5 hectares in Plymouth Sound and 1 hectare in Solent Maritime) with approximately 70,000 seagrass seed bags
During July and August this summer seagrass seeds were collected by divers from healthy seagrass meadows in the Solent and Cornwall These seeds have been extracted and stored in the ReMEDIES cultivation laborator y at the National Marine Aquarium (NMA) in Plymouth until they are ready to plant As par t of ReMEDIES, the Ocean Conser vation Trust (OCT) is also trialling planting seedlings directly onto the seabed They are currently growing square ‘pillows’ of multiple seedlings in the lab at the NMA which will be transferred to the seabed within the Voluntar y No Anchor Zone in Jennycliff Bay, Plymouth Sound
Information and key learnings from ReMEDIES will be shared with other marine conser vation projects to help benefit seabed habitats across the UK and Europe
saveourseabed co uk
valepor t co
Damen Shipyards delivered a complet e equipment package for the multipurpose vessel ENDAM. Owned by t he Korean Mar ine Environment Management
emergency oil spill recover y activities with maint enance dredging t asks.
With a 4,100 m3 hopper hold, the vessel was built by HJ Shipbuilding & Construction at its Busan yard and designed by KmsEmec. The mission equipment package provided by the Damen Technical Cooperation (DTC) team included a 15 m rigid oil sweep arm with a dedicated pump and handling crane for the emergency oil spill recover y functionality, and a complete turnkey dredging system, which was designed specifically for the vessel
The turnkey dredge package consisted of both loading and discharging equipment, a hydraulic system, dredging control system and various drives.
A 900 mm trailing suction pipe, designed to dredge at a maximum depth of 30m, is hoisted by three dedicated gantries and their hydraulically operated winches. All the trailing suction pipe components are located starboard aft.
A Damen dredge pump, type BP9075HD, completed the dredge pipe arrangements. The highly efficient slurr y pump is designed for both suction dredging, as well as discharging over the bow using the bow coupling unit or rainbow nozzle This hopper discharging equipment, including 12 bottom dump valves which Damen designed, were all par t of the dredge package Fur thermore, dredge valves in various pressure stages were delivered for the suction and discharge piping Dedicated dredging instrumentation completed the package This is crucial to monitor and visualise the dredging process and to optimise the dredging operations
Due to the DTC team’s extensive experience in component integration at non Damen yards, the large system par ts were delivered from the Netherlands and integrated effor tlessly. As well as the mission equipment, the deliver y scope included a hydraulic system. This is a logical choice as the dredging equipment is its main user Additionally, a 3,500 kW electric dredge pump drive and a 1,000 kW electric jet water pump drive were shipped to Korea The deliver y was completed with a full set of spares and Damen also carried out the commissioning and training on board The vessel was named ENDAM, which means ‘the fence that protects you ’ in the Korean Jeju dialect A festive handover ceremony took place in the summer and ENDAM has successfully star ted operating along the Korean coast
www damen com
Furet ank has signed a contract for two more dual fuel t ankers. This means that six sist er ships have been ordered this year alone, in the globally t op per forming Vinga series which has now reached 15 vessels alt ogether.
The 17,999 dwt tankers are the latest contribution to the series of sister vessels designed with a special focus on energy efficiency and minimum environmental impact, all commercially operated by Furetank
“ The fact that we have been able to build 15 vessels of the same design shows that they fulfill a need in our market In our view, it proves we were right to put considerable effor ts and investments into an efficient and environmentally friendly design When we replace old tankers with these top modern ships it makes a major difference for climate, environment and human health, says Lars Hoglund, CEO of Furetank
The Vinga vessels have dual fuel capability and run on LNG/LBG They are designed with a batter y hybrid solution and several innovative features that reduce fuel and energy consumption, resulting in extensively lower emissions of CO2, sulphur oxide, nitrogen oxide and hazardous par ticles The ships have scored the best EEDI value in their segment globally, meaning that they are the most energy efficient vessels according to the IMO.
The new ships will also be fully equipped to operate cargo pumps with 6 6 kV high voltage shore power, in order to reduce emissions even fur ther as soon as por ts offer the oppor tunity They have a cargo capacity of 20,306 cubic meters in 12 epoxy coated cargo tanks, ice class 1A and an efficient cargo handling system Another feature is a flexible cargo pump and line arrangement ensuring safe and efficient cargo operations with reduced por t turnaround time
The two vessels are scheduled to be delivered from the China Merchants Jinling Shipyard in Yangzhou in fall 2024 and spring 2025
www furetank
al Ser vice provider, Briggs Marine,
ations on the Near
by EDF Renewables UK and ESB
Briggs Marine has secured a long term char ter of a DP3 Offshore Suppor t Vessel, “EDT Protea”, and is coordinating the 24 hour operation with its offshore personnel The vessel has excellent sea keeping capabilities, fundamental for safeguarding the programme by ensuring technicians can access the offshore substations throughout the construction phase
Briggs Marine will draw on its 50 years of experience in delivering marine vessel operations to oversee the safe transfer of up to 50 technicians from the vessel’s high standard accommodation to NnG’s substations This will be achieved utilising the SMST telescopic Access Bridge (TAB) which enables a safe and secure transfer through a motion compensated system
Working alongside EDT Protea, Briggs Marine’s Crew Transfer Vessel (CTV), “For th Engineer”, a market leading Damen 2610, will provide Crew Transfer Vessel (CTV) ser vices in suppor t of the programme for technicians across the wider site and to shore
Craig English, Director of Subsea and Environmental, said “We are delighted to be providing NnG with Walk to Work and Vessel Coordination Ser vices over the coming months This is a crucial element of the construction and commissioning process and key to bringing the wind farm a step closer to generating and expor ting energy to the grid Having recently secured a contract to provide Crew Transfer Vessel (CTV) ser vices for NnG Offshore Wind Farm, this presents an exciting oppor tunity for Briggs Marine to demonstrate its capabilities and ser vices in the offshore wind sector.”
He continued: “Briggs Marine holds a strong reputation in the Renewables Industr y, providing Subsea Cable Installation, Maintenance and Repair, Aids to Navigation (AtoN), Marine Sur vey, Vessel Management, Vessel Char ter, Environmental Response, Statutor y Inspection, Commercial Diving and subsea Inspection and Engineering.
With our head office on the For th estuar y, and bases in Aberdeen and Nigg, we are well placed to provide suppor t to NNG and other east coast windfarms, and are pleased to be providing the project with significant local content.”
Wijngaarden, Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Thailand, opened the event by highlighting the existing cooperation in the water sector between both countries which already star ted in the early 1900’s Amongst the par ticipants were all the key Government stake holders, at both the executive as well as the operational level
The topics on the agenda included the large scale challenges in the water sector that both Thailand and the Netherlands share, such as how to prevent flooding while at the same time retaining water for essential usage Also, the sustainability aspect of water management was discussed, and its impact in the coming decades to come
From the Thai water sector, Dr Chakaphon Sin, who received his PhD from the Depar tment of Environmental Sciences at Wageningen University, the Netherlands, provided valuable insights into the actual situation from the perspective of the Royal Irrigation Depar tment (RID). From the Netherlands, Mr Rene Sens, MSc in Physics, provided more insights into sustainability in water management Mr Bastin Kubbe, who has a MSc. in Industrial Engineering, presented various solutions for the efficient removal of sediment
With a total of around 75 people attending the first edition of the Dredging Seminar, Mr Rabien Bahadoer, MSc. Damen’s Regional Sales Director Asia Pacific, commented on its success: “With a leading position in the Thai dredging market, this seminar is a natural next step to intensifying the relationships between all the stakeholders At the same time, we were honoured to have all the major depar tments from the water sector in Thailand joining us at today’s seminar”. Mr Bahadoer added: “By actively listening to the local challenges and requirements, I believe that the Dutch water sector can significantly contribute to fur ther strengthening the relationship between our two countries”
The seminar concluded with a Q&A session followed by informal networking amongst all the par ticipants.
The new hybrid tug will operate in Xiamen por t will be powered by Wär tsilä thrusters which suppor t the sustainability requirements of the vessel
© Fujian Chuanzheng Shipbuilding Industr y Co , Ltd
Wär tsilä is t o supply its advanced thrus t er solution for a new hybrid tug being built t o operat e in the por t of Xiamen in China.
The Wär tsilä thrusters selected have been especially designed for electric propulsion, and suppor t the sustainability requirements of the vessel The tug is under construction for Xiamen Por t Shipping at the Fujian Mawei Shipbuilding yard The order with Wär tsilä was placed in June this year by Shanghai CSIC Marine Propulsion Equipment, the integrator for the newbuild project
The project specifications emphasise emissions reduction and energy savings. The tug will operate with two Wär tsilä WST18FP L steerable thrusters, providing optimal propulsion per formance in line with the sustainability requirements
“Decarbonisation is central to Wär tsilä’s design strategy, and the WST thrusters reflects the innovative development of our main propulsion systems suppor ting this strategy We are also able to suppor t the customer with local production, engineering and after sales in China which makes Wär tsilä a great choice for the full lifecycle of the tug boats I am ver y pleased that Xiamen Por t, Fujian Mawei Shipbuilding and Shanghai CSIC selected us as a par tner for this industr y ’ s future milestone project,” says Lauri Tiainen, Director Thrusters and Propulsion Control Systems
The Wär tsilä WST18FP L thrusters provide excellent thrust on bollard pull, and transit speed per formance They feature high hydrodynamic capabilities, less maintenance, easy installation, and better accessibility for ser vicing The WST series has eight thruster types, ranging from 700 to 3300 kW, enabling vessels to meet and exceed the per formance levels required in today’s competitive operating environment
Xiamen por t is an impor tant deep water harbour in China’s Xiamen Fujian province The 5000 HP tug is 38 3 metres long and is scheduled to enter operational ser vice in 2023 The Wär tsilä equipment will be delivered in Q1 2023
Full spade rudders with asymmetric leading edge and bulb in the wake of the propeller t o fur ther enhance flow along the rudder and reduce turbulence, will enable considerable fuel savings for two new 7,100 TEU cont ainer vessels that Danaos Shipping aims t o t ake in operation mid 2024.
Damen Marine Components (DMC) will provide one Van der Velden® Atlantic Rudder for each vessel These rudders are known to cause minimal drag thanks to their slim design For these container vessels, Asymmetric Rudder Technology (ART) will be applied in the design of the leading edge of the rudder A rudder bulb in the wake of the propeller axis, fur ther improves the hydrodynamic proper ties of the rudder configuration
Greek ship owner company Danaos Shipping ordered the two 7,100 TEU feeders at Dalian Shipbuilding Industr y Co, the yard will deliver these vessels during the second and third quar ter of 2024 The vessels will be methanol fuel ready and will comply to IMO Tier III emission standards and Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) Phase III Length between perpendiculars of the two identical vessels is 255 metre, with 42 8 metre breadth, 12 meter design load draught and a design speed of 20 knots DMC will provide the tailor designed rudder for each one of the vessels, measuring 61 square meter and generating 3300 Kilonewton meter of torque
As the propeller in for ward thrust has a fixed rotation direction, the asymmetric leading edge will improve the water flow by directing the turbulent water along the rudder blade more efficiently Even more hydrodynamic optimisation is achieved by the bulb In the wake of the propeller axis, turbulent water can circle and cause vibrations in hull and rudder The rudder bulb is positioned right behind the center of the propeller and eliminates this turbulence to create a better flow along the rudder blade A stable and directional water flow generates more thrust than turbulent water
The advanced rudder technology adds to the sustainable ambition of the shipowner and char terer to operate vessels that cause minimal emissions The choice for a methanol ready design expresses this ambition Reducing drag, exemplified by the application of ART Atlantic Rudders with Bulb allow fur ther fuel and emission savings
“These vessels are at the forefront of new technology,” says Danaos CEO Dr John Coustas “With this order Danaos will continue to maximise efficiency with a focus on creating value for our shareholders ” The two new container feeders add to the fleet of 71 container vessels, ranging from 2,200 up to 13,100 TEU (Twenty Foot Equivalent Unit one standard container)
“We are proud to have been selected by Danaos as par tner for reaching their targets of improved operational efficiency and reducing the environmental footprint of their fleet” says Wim Knoester, Commercial Director of Damen Marine Components
www damen com