MARINE & MARITIME GAZETTE Commercial Marine & Renewables Worldwide INSIDE: ISSUE 91 SEPTEMBER 2022 8 20 40
Autumn across the sector With the maritime climate now a lot more settled than the beginning of the year, just what should we be expecting? Welcome to the September 2022 issue of Marine & Maritime G a z e t t e t h e m o n t h l y m a g a z i n e a i m e d a t Wo r l d w i d e coverage of the commercial marine, shipping and water based renewables markets The year, for many, has been a bit more settled than we could have hoped, but what still af fects our whole sector? Inside this issue, we are, as usual, covering a vast amount of topics, from ‘Under water, Subsea & Diving’ on page 20, to the ‘ins and outs’ of ‘Power, Propulsion & Transmission’ from page 26 There is also a quick look at ‘ W i n d f a r m s , R e n e w a b l e s & C Transpor t’ on page 36 and from page w e a l s o h a v e a ‘ p e e k ’ a t ‘ P o r t Quayside Facilities & Usage’ Anyway, happy reading and if you ha any news, reviews, product launches absolutely anything else of interest acro the whole marine market, please emai to me at info@bljournals plus com f future consideration in our for thcomin issues Arthur Peaches Editor I N T R O D U C T I O N & W E L C O M E 3 www marineandmaritimegazette com @MandMGazette Editor MARINE & MARITIME GAZETTE Commercial Marine & Renewables W ld de INSIDE: I 1 SEPTEMBER 2022 8 20 40
EDITORIAL Ar thur Peaches Editor Tel 01322 352648 Email info@bljournals plus com SALES & PROMOTIONS David Peters Publisher Tel 01322 352648 Email info@bljournals plus com Brian Wakefield Adver tisement Director Tel 01622 682667 Mob 07973 139959 Email brian wakefield2003@yahoo co uk PUBLISHING COMPANY BL Journals, 3 Biddenden Way, Istead Rise, Gravesend, Kent DA13 9DE Tel 01322 352648 Email info@bljournals plus com @MandMGazette Although ever y ef for t is made assure the accuracy of the content of this magazine, Marine & Maritime Gazette and it’s Publishers can accept no responsibility for such All contents of the publication are copyright and remain the sole proper ty of the publishing company Cover stor y Fenders, anchors, powerpacks, winches and so much more, all from stock at MES Trading p18 Printed fender S e a B i o C o m p P r o j e c t d e v e l o p i n g d e m o n s t r a t o r products for marine applications, with 3D product printing p13 Navy crew Damen Shipyards wins tender to supply high per for mance suppor t v e s s e l f o r R o y a l N a v y ’ s N a v y X innovation team p8 Taiwan approval N o r t h l a n d g a i n s E I A a p p r o v a l f o r o f f s h o r e Ta i w a n C a n W i n d a n d Nor thWind projects p40 C O N T E N T S & C O N T A C T 4S www marineandmaritimegazette com @MandMGazette BL JOURNALS Three Shetland ScotWind projects announced Three projects will be of fered seabed agreements for of fshore wind projects following Crown E s t a t e S c o t l a n d ’ s S c o t W i n d clearing process
“This result is further proof that Scotland is leading g l o b a l l y o n o f f s h o r e w i n d , d e p l o y i n g n e w t e c h n o l o g y a n d e x p l o i t i n g t h e p o t e n t i a l o f hydrogen ”
First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said: “ScotWind will deliver a new era in Scotland’s offshore wind i n d u s t r y, r e p r e s e n t i n g t h e w o r l d ’ s l a r g e s t commercial round for floating offshore wind and breaks new ground in putting large scale floating wind technology on the map at Gigawatt scale It will provide several billion pounds more in rental revenues once projects become operational, to be invested for the benefit of the people of Scotland
“Taking these three into account, the 20 ScotWind projects now total up to 27 6GW with initial supply chain commitments indicating an average of £1 4bn investment in Scotland per gigawatt of capacity built
“The importance of accelerating the transition to renewable energy sources, including hydrogen, has been brought into sharp relief by Russia’s illegal invasion of Ukraine and the cost of living crisis In Scotland, nearly 100% of our net electricity demand already comes from renewable sources and we are focused on reducing energy demand and accelerating the deployment of renewable energy Once agreements are officially signed later in 2022, information on supply chain commitments made by the applicants as part of their Supply Chain Development Statements will be published This is just the first stage of the long process these projects will have to go through before we see turbines in the water, as the projects progress t h r o u g h c o n s e n t i n g , f i n a n c i n g , a n d p l a n n i n g stages Responsibility for these stages does not sit with Crown Estate Scotland, and projects will only progress to a full seabed lease once all these various planning stages have been completed www crownestatescotland com
Colin Palmer, Director of Marine at Crown Estate Scotland, said: “This is a fantastic result for Shetland and for Scotland These projects have significant potential to really boost Scotland’s progress towards its net zero targets, including in relation to the opportunity around green hydrogen
The announcement came at a recent offshore wind supply chain summit in Aberdeen Clearing saw the ‘NE1’ area east of Shetland made available for ScotWind applicants who met the required standards but who did not secure their chosen location earlier in the leasing process
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AQS orders new hybrid ser vice catamaran Macduf f Ship Design are pleased t o announce that following ext ensive development wor k t he shipping company AQS has select ed Skagen Ship Consulting and Macduf f Ship Design as main contract or and designer for a new 18.5m hybrid ser vice vessel for aquaculture suppor t ser vices.
The project which has seen significant initial development work by Macduff Ship Design in collaboration with Skagen Ship Consulting and AQS to ensure a bespoke vessel, with an arrangement to match the specific operating profile of AQS, alongside flexibility for future aquaculture roles. Skagen Ship Consulting will be responsible for the deliver y of the design and equipment package with the vessel built in its entirety at TRX Marine in Yalova, Turkey. The design has also been developed with several innovations for a vessel of this type including a greener operating profile being a strong focus. AQS, Skagen and Macduff are all working towards greener solutions both on this vessel and more widely with a drive to reducing climate emissions Macduff Ship Design are currently working with several operators on hybrid solutions and are involved in several working groups investigating future zero emission technology Sustainability, well being and safety for the crew on board have been central to the development of the vessel, which is designed for round the clock operation The crew accommodation has galley, mess and lounge facilities with individual cabins for the 4 crew and includes a lounge area within the spacious wheelhouse The vessel will be equipped with a diesel electric hybrid package developed by Ber tel O Steen Power Solutions with a large batter y capacity of 1,156 kWh Allowing for extensive zero emission operation There will be a hydraulic deck machiner y package supplied by SHM solutions, including 2 palfinger deck cranes, and a full suite of aquaculture ser vice equipment macduffshipdesign
• Responding to threats: Taking a whole system approach to bring world leading capabilities and expertise to bear to respond to new emerging threats
• Protecting the homeland: Delivering the world’s most effective maritime security framework for our borders, ports and infrastructure
By working with the newly established UK CSM, administered by the UK Hydrographic Office, Government will have better quantity, quality and availability of seabed mapping data, which as a key component of our infrastructure, underpins the UK’s maritime security, prosperity and environment objectives
• Ensuring prosperity: Ensuring the security of international shipping, the unimpeded transmission of goods, information and energy to support continued global development and economic prosperity
“Our new maritime security strategy paves the way for both Government and industr y to provide the support needed to tackle new and emerging threats and further cement the UK’s position as a world leader in maritime security ”
UK Chamber of Shipping CEO, Sarah Treseder commented: “A proactive maritime security strategy is essential to keeping trade routes and energy supplies secure, especially for an island nation Today’s welcome commitments to improve collaboration, both with industr y and governments across the world, will help deliver a more secure maritime environment and help provide confidence to the shipping community ”
Tim Edmunds, co Director of the SafeSeas Network and Professor of International Security at the University of Bristol added: “The new NSMS comes at a critical time for the UK maritime sector
Maritime security is key to delivering the UK’s ambitions in foreign, security and defence policy, as well as for blue economic growth and environmental sustainability
The UK CSM has also been registered as a UK Government Voluntar y Commitment to the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development
Working with industr y and academia, Secretaries of State from DEFRA, DfT, FCDO, Home Office and MoD will focus on five strategic objectives;
Secretar y of State for Transport Grant Shapps said: “Mankind has better maps of the surface of the moon and Mars than of our own ocean To ensure the UK’s maritime security is based on informed and evidence based decisions, we must build our knowledge of this dynamic ocean frontier
The UK’s position as a world leading maritime nation is secured by a new strategy that will enhance capabilities in technology, innovation and cyber security
Unveiling the five year strategy, the UK Secretar y of State for Transport recently set out the guiding principles for the UK Government’s approach to managing threats and risks at home and around the world, including leveraging the UK’s world leading seabed mapping community and tackling illegal fishing and polluting activities at sea The new strategy redefines maritime security as; upholding laws, regulations, and norms to deliver a free, fair, and open maritime domain With this new approach, the Government rightly recognises any Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fishing and environmental damage to our seas as a maritime security concern In addition, to enhance the U’s maritime security knowledge, the Government has established the UK Centre for Seabed Mapping (UK CSM), that seeks to enable the UK’s world leading seabed mapping sector to collaborate to collect more and better data Seabed mapping provides the foundation dataset that underpins almost ever y sector in the maritime domain, including maritime trade, environmental and resource management, shipping operations, and national security and infrastructure within the industr y
“SafeSeas and the University of Bristol were privileged to be part of this effort We are delighted that our research was able to inform the strategy process We look for ward to engaging with UK maritime security actors and assisting with the strategy implementation process in future ”
New maritime security strategy to target latest physical and cyber threats
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• Supporting a secure, resilient ocean: Tackling security threats and breaches of regulations which impact on clean, healthy, safe, productive and biologically diverse maritime environment
• Championing values: Championing global maritime security underpinned by freedom of navigation and the International Order
WW2 War ships revealed by River Danube low water T h e S u m m e r d r a u g h t conditions across Europe has caused wat er levels of river Danube t o sink t o one of its lowest levels for nearly a centur y. This has caused the exposing of numerous t h e h u l k s o f e x p l o s i v e s l a d e n G e r m a n warships sunk during World War Two in the vicinity of Serbia’s river por t town of Prahovo The vessels were among hundreds scuttled along the Danube by Nazi Germany’s Black Sea fleet in 1944 as they retreated from advancing Soviet forces, and still hamper river traffic during low water levels The drought has exposed more than 20 hulks on a stretch of the Danube near Prahovo in eastern Serbia, many of which still contain tonnes of ammunition and explosives and therefore could pose a ver y real danger to shipping
“The German flotilla has left behind a big e c o l o g i c a l d i s a s t e r t h a t t h r e a t e n s u s , people of Prahovo,” commented Velimir Trajilovic, a pensioner from Prahovo who wrote a book about the German ships Workers in the local fishing industr y are also at risk, including those from Romania which lies on the opposite bank of the river M o n t h s o f d r o u g h t a n d r e c o r d h i g h temperatures have affected river traffic on vital ar teries in other par ts of Europe, including Germany, Italy and France In Serbia, the authorities have already resor ted to dredging to keep navigation lanes on the Danube open Some of the now exposed ships still have turrets, command bridges, broken masts and many other recognisable attributes, while others lie mostly submerged under sand banks
Harbo u r tug auto no mo u s co llisio n avo i dance tr ial
The Maju 510 becomes the first vessel in the world to receive Autonomous and Remote Control Navigation Notation from international classification society ABS and the first Singapore flagged vessel to receive the Smar t (Autonomous) Notation from the Maritime and Por t Authority of Singapore (MPA) Maju 510 is already notable because it was the first to receive ABS Remote Control Navigation Notation following initial remote operation trials at the Por t of Singapore in April 2021 These latest trials verified the next level of autonomy by demonstrating automated situational awareness, collision avoidance, and manoeuvring control provided by ABB technology
“I had the pleasure of being aboard Maju 510 during the collision avoidance trials and experiencing how smoothly the tug per formed in autonomous mode,” said Romi Kaushal, Managing Director, Keppel Smit Towage “What I found par ticularly impressive was how the digital system identified one or several risks in the tug’s planned path and responded to set the vessel on a new, safer course The vessel per formed as if it was operated by an experienced tug master ” In an earlier successful demonstration of ABB’s autonomous technology, the ice class passenger ferr y Suomenlinna II was remotely piloted through the Helsinki harbor using the same ABB technology used by the Maju 510 ABB says autonomous navigation technology can crews to focus on the overall situation rather than on per forming specific manoeuvres, while also optimizing manoeuvring to help prevent accidents, enhance productivity and reduce fuel consumption and emissions “We are proud to build on our collaboration with Keppel Offshore & Marine and move yet another step closer to making autonomous tugboat operations a reality,” said Juha Koskela, Division President, ABB Marine & Por ts “Our autonomous solutions are designed to suppor t the crew in per forming their duties as safely and efficiently as possible The same technology can be applied to a variety of vessel types including wind turbine installation vessels, cruise ships and ferries ”
www marineandmaritimegazette com @MandMGazette I N D U S T R Y & A S S O C I A T I O N N E W S 7 Echomax EM325 SPECIFICATION CALL FNOW OR IMORE ONFORMATION N OUR R2022 ANGE!
The successful sea trials involved the Keppel Smit Towage tug Maju 510 which was used to verify autonomous collision avoidance capabilities of ABB Ability™ Marine Pilot technology in the por t
ABB working in collaboration with Keppel Of fshore & Marine recently repor t ed a harbour tug has become the f i r s t ve s s e l t o b e ve r i f i e d f o r a u t o n o m o u s c o l l i s i o n avoidance in the Por t of Singapore.
www abb com
During the trials, the 32 metre long harbor tug demonstrated its ability to autonomously avoid collisions across various scenarios, such as when two other vessels approach simultaneously on colliding paths and when a nearby vessel behaves erratically The trials were super vised by an onboard tug master
The XV Patrick Blackett will be used as a platform for the assessment of a wide variety of equipment Its 140 square meters of deck space provides a large, unobstructed area for UAVs, AUVs and other cutting edge technology The extensive internal area that would normally have seating for up to 100 personnel is being conver ted into an operations centre and a meeting room. Four caterpillar engines will give it a top speed of more than 20 knots. Other characteristics of the FCS 4008 that are impor tant to NavyX include the stability and excellent seakeeping that comes with the Damen X bow design , impor tant when deploying equipment into the sea or air Damen is also providing a comprehensive, three year suppor t package that will centre on the Ser vice Hub that Damen set up recently in Por tsmouth and which has proved to be a big success Locally recruited personnel will maintain the vessel using local content where possible and knowledge will be transferred to ensure sustainability Her introduction into the fleet will enable NavyX to experiment without the need to place demands on Royal Navy warships and, in the future, she will take par t in Royal Navy and NATO exercises as well as increase oppor tunities to work more closely with industr y and academia
“This is the first Damen vessel to be directly supplied to the Royal Navy,” says Frederik van der Linde, Damen’s sales manager for the UK and Ireland “We are ver y proud that they have Damen as their par tner in such a special project As a high tech, innovative vessel, the FCS 4008 will fit in ver y well with NavyX’s mission to push at the boundaries of what is possible using the ver y latest equipment We will also be suppor ting the team of NaxyX intensively via our ser vice hub in Por tsmouth where our R&D depar tment will suppor t cer tain experiments Damen is much more than just a designer and builder of ships This project is a testimony to how we like to team up with our clients for the long term ”
I N D U S T R Y & A S S O C I A T I O N N E W 8S www marineandmaritimegazette com @MandMGazette Dam en Shipyard s w ins tender to supply hig h perfor mance support ve ssel for Ro yal Nav y ’s Nav yX inno vatio n team
In a ceremony held at Her Majesty’s Naval Base (HMNB) Por tsmouth recently, the UK’s Royal Navy ‘NavyX’ innovation t eam t ook deliver y of a modified Damen Fast Crew Supplier (FCS) 4008. Named XV Patrick Blackett af t er a distinguished naval of ficer and scientist, the 42 metre, high speed vessel will have a crew of five and will be used as a trials ship, suppor ting innovation and experiment ation with novel t echnologies.
Colonel Tom Ryall, Head of NavyX, said: “The arrival of this vessel is a pivotal moment for NavyX’s ability to deliver output, and is a step change for the Royal Navy She will give us greater flexibility to experiment with novel militar y capabilities, iterate and accelerate new technology, kit and concepts for the benefit of both the Royal Navy and industr y ” www damen com
NavyX, the Royal Navy’s innovation, autonomy and lethality accelerator which has been established to rapidly develop, test and trial cutting edge equipment, ran an open tender process which resulted in an order being placed with Damen Shipyards in the Netherlands earlier this year for the deliver y of an FCS 4008
I N D U S T R Y & A S S O C I A T I O N N E W S 9 www marineandmaritimegazette com @MandMGazette Adaptable Vessel for Hire for Marine Support Services ILV GRANUALIE DP1, 20T Crane, Flexible Support Platform for enquiries
SAAM To wag e Per u ad d s tug Co ndor to fleet SAAM Towage recently welcomed six new units to the fleet including tug Condor, which was obtained from Sanmar Shipyards, Turkey and will now based and working in the Por t of Callao. This is the sixth tug to join the fleet in Peru, and SAAM were specially pleased to obtain Condor due to its energy efficiency and high manoeuvrability.
“Thanks to its design characteristics, it is also an energy efficient vessel, which contributes to our tug optimization strategy.”
Cristian Cifuentes, Countr y Manager of SAAM Towage Chile, highlighted that Condor is designed to manoeuvre safely in por ts and other areas with reduced space.
The tug is based on the design of the RA2400SX series by Canadian naval architects at Rober t Allan Ltd , which makes it similar the four vessels already supplied by the shipyards to SAAM These are: Halcon III in Chile, Albatros in Peru and SAAM Palenque in Panama
The vessel is 24 metres in length and has a bollard pull of 70 tons Condor is powered by two Caterpillar 3615C engines
Office selects Sonardyne Weather buoy E1 of f south west England Photo cour tesy of Plymouth Marine Laborator y
Under a call off agreement, Sonardyne’s RT 6s and deck topside command units will be used to suppor t deployment and retrieval of the MAWS buoys from their locations as far nor th as the Faroe Shetland Channel and down to the southwestern approaches and the English Channel in the south
The Met Office’s MAWS buoys are a key par t of its Marine Obser ving Network, which gathers essential obser vations, including wind speed, air and water temperature, and wave height and period They contribute to an international network of World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) and the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) coordinated marine obser vations, which provide critical data for weather forecasting, atmospheric modelling and work on climate science, by the Met Office and other organisations Because many of the buoys are moored in more harsh Nor th Atlantic waters, they have to be designed to withstand extreme conditions, including significant wave heights recorded at above 18 m They also have to be ser viced ever y two years, so the Met Office needs a safe and reliable mechanism to allow for easy release from and then redeployment to their seabed moorings Sonardyne’s RT 6 family of release transponders, operate using a secure acoustic signal from the sea sur face, to activate a release mechanism connected to a seabed anchor Moored instrument strings and oceanographic buoys can then be retrieved onboard a vessel for ser vicing or redeployment
To suppor t the MAWS deployments, each buoy will be fitted with two releases installed in a load amplification frame, providing a working load limit (WLL) of 15 tonnes This configuration provides both equipment redundancy and the WLL needed to withstand harsh ocean conditions Operators will command and control their RT 6s using Sonardyne’s newly developed Deck Topside Rugged and por table, Deck Topside features a high brightness screen, inbuilt GPS receiver for recording deployment locations and a batter y life of eight hours A cabled, over the side dunker provides the secure acoustic communication link between the sur face and RT 6s
Acoustic release transponders from ocean science t echnology company Sonardyne have been chosen by the UK’s Met Of fice t o secure its network of moored buoy Marine Aut omatic Weather St ations (MAWS) in the Nor th Sea and Atlantic Ocean
“Deployed far from shore in deep water, at significant operational cost, and exposed to some of the severest weather that the Nor th Atlantic can generate, it’s vital that the Met Office’s buoys are moored securely for years at a time Consequently, the selection of our RT 6 acoustic releases is a significant vote of confidence our technology,” added Geraint West, Head of Science at Sonardyne “Acoustic release transponders have featured in Sonardyne’s product por tfolio throughout our 50 years, so we ’ re delighted that, in our 50th year as a company, the UK’s national weather ser vice has invested in UK technology, manufacturing and through life suppor t to help deliver their vital ser vices ”
www sonardyne com www marineandmaritimegazette com @MandMGazette
UK Met
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The Met Office expects the first deployment using their new Sonardyne equipment to be on the ‘K7’ buoy, which will be reinstalled about 150 km west of the Shetland Islands in 700 m water depth by the Nor thern Lighthouse Board’s lighthouse tender NLV Pharos Mark Hemnell, Marine Engineering Manager at the Met Office said, “The Met Office open ocean buoy network is often where forecast weather systems meet our measurement systems Data from the buoys are used along with obser vations from many other sources to initiate model runs from which the UK’s weather forecasts are derived Met Office buoy moorings are designed to withstand the worst that the Atlantic can throw at them for deployments of four to six years They take advantage of the proper ties of synthetic materials to do this, and it is our intention to remove all these materials from the ocean at the end of a deployment
Tandem release assemblies will ensure that this can be done reliable and safely, reducing our impact on the marine environment ”
The college teaches the theoretical side of the roles and basic training in the underlying skills,” explains Abdullah Galant, Technical Training Officer at DSCT, “while DSCT provides the real world exposure to applying those skills in the workplace as well as basic training in safety, firefighting and other essential procedures New skills like carpentr y are likely to be added over time We now work with four colleges in total and many of the trainers are former employees of DSCT ” With the COS programme now being accessed by companies all over South Africa, DSCT looks for ward to training many more apprentices in occupation qualifications in par tnership with Nor thlink College Cape Town and other centres of learning www damen com
Shipyards Cape Town receives award for pioneering Occupation Qualification apprentices
Damen Shipyards Cape Town (DSCT) been from the education and training es ablishment Nor thlink C o c D S C T ’
l l e g e . T h e a w a r d i s a
e r t i f i c a t e o f a p p r e c i a t i o n r e c o g n i s i n g
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honoured t o receive an award
Each par ticipant takes par t in a three to four year programme that ensures that, on completion, they are competent in their trade 50% of their time is spent in the college and 50% in the workplace on a rotational basis 36 individuals are currently in the programme, across eight trades As well as fitting & turning, trades available include pipe fitting, welding, boiler making, plumbing, electrical, rigging and mechanical fitting Over 90% of the trainees choose to accept full time jobs at DSCT once they have completed their courses.
s r o l e i n
committing t o train some of the firs t ‘occupation qualification’ apprentices under what was then a n ew p r o g r a m m e l a u n c h e d by t h e D H E T (Depar tment of Higher Education & Training) in Januar y 2019. Nor thlink commended DSCT for taking par t in this programme from the beginning, when its future was still uncer tain and its success yet to be demonstrated DSCT was one of the first companies in South Africa to embrace this new apprenticeship scheme, the COS programme (Centres of Specialisation), at a time when it was still an unproven concept Only recently has it become mainstream Working in par tnership with Nor thlink College, the first Damen apprentices successfully qualified in the COS Fitting & Turning programme, the first of its kind in South Africa
Fairplay Towage Group, one of Europe’s leading tugboat operat ors with over 100 tugs in operation, has placed an order with Damen Shipyards Group for two Damen RSD Tugs 2513. The vessels will be delivered in Januar y 2023.
Joschka Böddeling, Damen Sales Manager, said: “We are ver y pleased to be supplying Fairplay with these state of the ar t tugs. Fairplay has operated Damen built vessels for many years and we were delighted when last year they purchased a Shoalbuster 2711 for general operations in the Nor th and Baltic seas This latest contract fur ther reinforces the cooperation between our two companies ” Arkadiusz Ryz, Fairplay Towage Polska, said: “We are delighted with this order which is connected to our last year purchase in Damen. Thanks to strong connection with our Clients we actively respond to the growing market needs with highest quality and efficiency available Those two highly manoeuvrable and high per formance new modern tugs will strengths our fleet and cooperation with Damen”
Fairplay Towage Group orders two Damen RSD Tugs 2513
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The twin fin Reverse Stern Drive (RSD) Tug 2513 is one of Damen’s most capable and innovative harbour tugs with excellent seakeeping behaviour, superb manoeuvrability and outstanding towing characteristics, with a maximum of 80 tonnes bollard pull As one of Damen’s Next Generation Tugs Series, the RSD tug 2513 also has a focus on offering increased safety, sustainability, reliability and efficiency. Fairplay’s new tugs will be equipped with power ful render recover y winches with auto tensioning systems, as well as FiFi1 rated fire fighting systems Fairplay has also voluntarily opted for immediate IMO Tier 3 compliance by specifying Damen’s Marine NOX reduction system with its advanced active emissions control system using SCR (selective catalytic reduction)
The vessels were already in production at Damen’s specialist tug building facility, Damen Song Cam Shipyard, Vietnam, when the order was placed, ensuring the rapid deliver y Other factors in Fairplay’s decision to source their latest vessels from Damen included their design and quality and the Damen Triton digital platform for the optimisation of operational efficiency
A new paper, published in Polymer Testing, Science Direct discusses the potential for SRPLA to be considered a promising material for sustainable marine applications
The motivation for the project is to reduce the use of fossil based materials in the marine sector by developing bio based composites that have long term durability with reduced CO2 emissions and environmental impact on the marine ecosystem Early research in the project identified flax as the most suitable natural plant fibre to be used as reinforcement in the bio composite During growth, flax absorbs a lot of CO2 and ‘cleans’ the soil through phytoremediation www seabiocomp eu fender
SeaBioCo mp Project develops demo ns trator pro ducts f ro m bioco mposite s for mar ine applicatio ns
SeaBioComp, a European project developing novel bio based thermoplas tic composite materials, has successfully produced a number of demonstrator products for the marine environment, using dif ferent manufacturing processes, to showcase its flax based thermoplastic biocomposites
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The project has shown that the combination of thermoplastic polymers, natural fibres and 3D printing technologies can result in technically complex designs and applications being produced for the marine environment
Project partners in the team, including research organisations, textile and composite specialists, universities, and cluster organisations, have been working together for the past 3 years to develop, mechanically test and research a number of biobased formulations using different manufacturing techniques Two different kinds of biocomposites have been developed by the consortium; a self reinforced PLA composite which has been made into a variety of non woven and woven fabrics suitable for use in compression moulding, and a flax reinforced polylactide (PLA) or acr ylic (PMMA) reinforced composite for use via RIFT, compression moulding and additive manufacturing
Extensive testing of the mechanical properties of the various bio composites has concluded that these materials are close to and in some instances perform better than conventional nonbio based composites (sheet moulded composite, SMC) currently in use in the marine environment today The new bio based products have been shown to use the same compression moulding conditions as conventional products and sometimes the process cycle time, can be shorter
A number of initial prototype products, including a fender and other port structures have successfully been produced using 3D printing; scale model offshore wind turbine blades manufactured via monomer infusion under flexible tooling (MIFT) and complex cur ved structures using compression moulding techniques
The project has released a series of technical leaflets detailing the various production methods using self reinforced biocomposites and flax based biocomposites for marine applications, including compression moulding, monomer infusion and additive manufacturing These technical leaflets will be of interest to manufacturers of marine products as well as supply chain companies and the academic sector and are available as downloads from the project website: http://www seabiocomp eu/downloads/ In addition, the project has also determined whether these bio based self reinforced polylactic acid (SRPLA) products are suitable for use in the marine environment from a durability and microplastic formation perspective
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“Dales Marine provides its employee’s career advancement, job security and good working conditions with competitive rates and benefits, additional over time, and weekend work available
Dales Marine offers a great oppor tunity to progress a career in the maritime sector, a fast paced and diverse industr y ” Mark Massie continued The vacancies are located at its dr y dock facilities in Aberdeen, Leith and Greenock The current vacancies include H&S Advisor, Project Coordinators/Estimators, Maritime Project Manager, Stores, and Trade positions All of which will be essential to the business over the next twelve months
Scottish ship repair specialist grows its workforce as it expands its business Dales Marine Ser vices Ltd (Dales M a r i n e ) , a w e l l e s t a b l i s h e d a n d successful ship repair, fabrication and engineering ser vice provider, a n n o u n c e s p l a n s t o g r ow i t s workforce t o suppor t its expansion.
uk PICTURES SHOW: (Top): Staff in Aberdeen celebrating
(Below): Dales
As a result of continued growth, Dales Marine is seeking to grow its staff base to meet its new business oppor tunities. Mark Massie, HR Manager at Dales Marine, said: “We are pleased to be in a position to market new positions to Dales Marine Ser vices Attracting candidates for these positions will be invaluable as the company expands ” Recent Long Ser vice Awards to staff for 30 years of ser vice and 25 years bought the Aberdeen team together to mark these presentations and the team to enjoy a BBQ as par t of the celebrations recognising staff ’ s achievements and contribution is much valued by the business
To discover all the oppor tunities ‚Äì and to learn more about the company ’ s culture, its commitment to staff development and the benefits available visit the website co a 30 year and 25 year long ser vice awards Marine Ser y
vices Dr
Dock Facilities in Greenock www marineandmaritimegazette com @MandMGazette
www dalesmarine
“From having been involved in the early development phases to fully implementing the HydroPen™ system, A.P. Moller Maersk has once again shown its uncompromising commitment to go beyond industr y standards, to protect both its crews and its clients cargo and assets” said Viking’s Anders Nørgaard Lauridsen, Senior Countr y Director, Baltic Sea.
Commenting on the unique benefits of the HydroPen™ system, which was brought to market to tackle the rising threat which container fires continue to pose to the industr y, Viking Product Manager Lasse Boesen comments: “Our experience has been that, once a leading container line appreciates the effectiveness of HydroPen™ as a firefighting tool, fleetwide adoption generally follows Useable on or below deck, HydroPen™ has increasingly been recognized for its usefulness on board container ships of all sizes, and it has seen action in real situations Also, it has been winning plaudits ever since its launch in 2019 and today, HydroPen™ is preferred by the most well known names in container shipping for extinguishing fires in the stack”, Boesen said Besides the system itself, the flexibility to train crew onboard ship or online is attractive to ‘top tier’ customers, with digital training offered through the Viking Safety Academy platform The online HydroPen™ training option has obtained special praise from a panel of judges which chose the solution as the TT Club’s ‘Innovation in Safety’ award winner earlier this year www viking
One of the world’s leading shipping companies A P Moller Maersk has opt ed for full-scale implement ation of the unique and proven HydroPen™ syst em, designed for direct firefighting in st acked shipping cont ainers onboard commercial vessels The contract represents the single largest HydroPen™ order for VIKING Life Saving Equipment and will see syst ems delivered for the entire fleet of A P Moller Maersk owned vessels
An inno vative yet pro ven sys tem
A.P. M o ller - Maersk adopt Viking’s HydroPen™ co ntainer firefig hting sys tem
I N D U S T R Y F O C U 1S 6 www marineandmaritimegazette com @MandMGazette
The HydroPen™ is unique in the sense that it is driven purely by water pressure through an attached deck fire hose When water pressure is activated, a turbine will drive the HydroPen™ drilling unit until it penetrates the container door, whereupon the system will spray water into the container to extinguish the fire directly at the source In the case of a fire at height in the container stack, the HydroPen™ system can be deployed using a telescopic device Beyond water, the system is compatible with foam or even CO2 Also, it is intuitive to use and requires only a minimum of training and maintenance
In general an anchor has a life span of 15 to 20 years but, if it needs replacing, it should be done swiftly This would require a reliable supplier who knows the industr y and has a huge amount of storage Jacques van Mill star ted working in the family business when he left school In those days it was called ‘Van Mill International’ and was a wholesale ship accessories and general offshore equipment supplier Jacques knew that what was required to really establish his own company was storage and plenty of it! Van Mill began in 2000 and had a warehouse of 1,000 sq metres Since then his new company, ‘Marine Equipment Ser vices’ (MES) based in Arkel, a city nor th of Gorinchem, has built an enviable reputation in marine equipment, set within a much larger storage facility of 4,000 sq metres
Among the many customers of MES there are ‘Shipyards’ the offshore field and construction company that specialises in the infrastructure of por ts For this company MES supplies accessories including cranes, jack up platforms and workboats for lease at extremely competitive rates
“By doing this we are able to guarantee deliver y of a first class product ever y time”, said Jacques
Around 85% of all MES goods are destined for expor t with clients primarily coming from Nor thern Europe including Germany, Denmark, England and Scandinavia Ever y product and ever y system is delivered and individually cer tified on installation
“Within the marine industr y you can quickly make a name for yourself The decisive factors are fast deliver y options as well as good value for money In most cases the customers have their products within 24 hours from submitting their order” commented Jacques From an anchor to a jack up platform, MES concentrate on main products being stock items at their depot The aim is that each year the range is expanded to include additional items The company also specialises in other items like winches, workboats, powerpacks etc Standard amenities include various anchoring systems including the MESDolphin in different models ranging from 100 kilograms to 15,000 kilograms With their bespoke ser vice they can also produce anchor systems up to 32,000 kilograms
www mestrading com
“My motto is: The best recommendation is the stock,” said Jacques, “In our industr y a company delivering par ticular products fast and directly, will ultimately prevail,” he added Van Mill buys his stock strategically, he chooses products which, in most cases, are not directly available from stock or wholesale These products are then stored in large volumes
MES Trading - ever ything cer tified, ever ything in stock...
“We take care of our customers by providing a full ser vice from star t to product deliver y The systems are either built in house or off site We take care of the transpor tation as well as the maintenance” said Jacques
C O V E R S T O R 1Y 8 www marineandmaritimegazette com @MandMGazette
www marineandmaritimegazette com @MandMGazette
For expedition yacht Dapple a Saab Seaeye deep rat ed Falcon robot has been chosen as a st andby rescue resource for emergency recover y of their manned submersible.
In addition, the 1000 metre rated Falcon comes fully equipped for under taking a wide range of scientific research and sur vey operations
It can examine the hull millimetre by millimetre, recover items from the seabed, cut ropes and cables, and clean critical fittings
For Dapple, the Falcon is equipped with an extensive range of technology including HDTV cameras, a multifrequency scanning sonar, multibeam sonar, laser system and an eventing suite It also comes with both a three jaw and a five function manipulator, each with rope cutters, along with hydraulic cable cutter and rotar y cleaning brush
The Falcon’s global success comes from being a small metre sized, yet power ful, highly manoeuvrable, multi tasking, easy to use vehicle, depth rated up to 1000 metres and enhanced with Saab Seaeye’s revolutionar y iCON™ intelligent control system. It has a trusted reliability record covering over a million hours of undersea operations, working in the most challenging environments, mastering turbulent waters and strong currents whilst remaining stable during filming, scanning and under taking delicate tasks www saabseaeye com Expedition yacht Dapple in Bora Bora
Specialist cameras, sur vey systems and manipulator arms can be fitted for research and sur vey missions
U N D E R W A T E R , S U B S E A & D I V I N 2G 0
Although the Falcon’s key role is recover y of Dapple’s submersible, for general diving safety the Falcon can sur vey a dive site beforehand, then watch over a diver when below and transpor t items back and for th during a dive
Not only can owners view under water from aboard the yacht in high definition images transmitted by the roaming Falcon, but the robot has many other uses
Dapple’s dive manager, Marc Taylor, says that the Falcon is a proven commercial choice, so fits their criteria, “and it makes sense because we already have a Falcon aboard another vessel in our fleet ” Operators worldwide favour the Falcon, a small, intelligent robot with the power and task range typically found in much larger systems
The Int ernational Marine Contract ors Association’s (IMC A’s) lat est guidance ‘Guidelines f or t he Measurement of Depth of Burial’ (IMC A S 029) aimed at b o t h t h e o f f s h o r e r e n ewa b l e s a n d of fshore oil and gas industries, looks at the dif ferent methods of measuring the depth of burial of subsea cables and p i p e l i n e s t o g e t h e r w i t h f a c t o r s influencing the depth of burial.
f o r m e a s u r i n g b u r i a l ; c l a r i f i c a t i o n o f t e r m i n o l o g y, a g l o s s a r y ; references and fur ther ready and appendices focussing on Teledyne TSS 440 and PanGeo Sub Bottom imager www imca int com
As Stephen Peet, IMCA’s Technical Director, explained: “Like all IMCA guidance this new document has been produced by a specially convened working group from members of the Of fshore Sur vey Division all exper ts in the field They have created this
I t a l s o i n c l u d e s m e a s u r i n g t h e t h i c k n e s s o f a n embankment of crushed rock on top of a pipeline or cable; and provides guidance on measurement of depth of lowering including explanation of the dif ference between lowering and burial or cover
IMCA S 029 gives clarity to this impor tant topic
Some pipelines and cables are left exposed on the seabed to permit thermal expansion or left in an open trench designed to protect the line from passage of an anchor or trawl ‘Depth of Burial’ or ‘Depth of Cover’ becomes a contractual requirement and therefore needs to be measured with equipment and procedures that produce results of known accuracy
Subsea pipelines and cables are commonly buried in the seabed or covered with crushed rock to give them protection from anchoring and bottom trawling They can also be buried/covered to maintain an operating temperature and, in the case of pipelines, to be restrained from upheaval buckling
The document includes sections on the methods for defining depth of burial or cover; selection of sur vey sensors; tone injection for active cable trackers; accuracy of DOB measurements; depth of burial measurement in dif ferent types of sur vey; repor ting depth of burial; possible disputes in depth of burial measurement; developments in pipe and cable tracking as well as a useful introduction providing both an over view of methods of bur ying pipelines or cables and of equipment
“The 67 page document,, which looks at the dif ferent methods of measuring the depth of burial of subsea cables and pipelines together with factors influencing the depth of burial, is relevant for both of fshore renewables and of fshore oil and gas ”
Stephen Peet, IMCA’s Technical Director
www marineandmaritimegazette com @MandMGazette U21 N D E R W A T E R , S U B S E A & D I V I N G IMCA ISSUES
The UK has lost around half of its seagrass since the mid 1930s due to factors ranging from seagrass wasting disease (SWD) and pollution to physical disturbance from the anchoring, launching and mooring of leisure boats
Seagrass meadows are a crucial par t of the marine ecosystem and are increasingly being recognised for their essential carbon capture abilities As well as being as effective at storing carbon as woodland, seagrass also provides vital habitat for young fish, seahorses and jellyfish It additionally cleans surrounding seawater and helps to stabilise the seabed, thereby reducing coastal erosion
The innovative new technique is currently being trialled by local companies HydroSur v and Valepor t, working with the University of Plymouth and Natural England, and suppor ted by a grant of more than £266,000 from Innovate UK’s Smar t Grants programme It builds on the concept of the acoustic reflectivity of seagrass providing valuable information to characterise submerged aquatic vegetation A full stack solution consisting of a Valepor t VA500 altimeter installed onto a HydroSur v REAV 28 Uncrewed Sur face Vessel (USV), specifically developed for this project, provides a non invasive, cost effective platform to sur vey seagrass sites A large, validated signal librar y and deep learning algorithm, developed by the University of Plymouth, deciphers the sur vey data to predict seagrass distribution The data is visualised and interpreted within a cloud application created by HydroSur v
The USV platform facilitates accurate repeat sur veys that can be compared to monitor temporal changes in seagrass coverage for the planning of protection and regeneration projects at biodiversity rich worksites The full solution, which was demonstrated successfully to project stakeholders for the first time in May this year, is set to change the way seagrass meadows are monitored in the future, complementing traditional diver sur veys to cover much larger areas and enable rapid re sur vey work as required Fiona Crouch, Natural England ReMEDIES Project Manager said: “To effectively conser ve and restore seagrass meadows we need innovative solutions to enable cost effective, repeatable sur veys of established meadows, plus areas being restored through projects such as ReMEDIES, to monitor change I’m really excited to see where this new technology will take us in suppor ting our seagrass conser vation effor ts ” HydroSur v, Valepor t and the University of Plymouth form par t of a fast emerging South West England maritime innovation cluster The project par tners are engaging with the Environment Agency and Natural England to develop the solution fur ther, with a second phase of demonstrations planned for September
The £2 5 million LIFE Recreation ReMEDIES par tnership ‘Save Our Seabed’, led by Natural England and funded by the EU LIFE Programme, was launched in July 2019 to protect and restore these sensitive habitats www hydro sur v com
A new, non invasive method t o measure and monit or seagrass biomass on the seabed around England’s South West coast is being developed as par t of an ongoing, collaborative project.
HydroSur v face
Dr Tim Scott, Associate Professor of Ocean Exploration at the University of Plymouth, said: “As par t of the project, the application of deep learning algorithms for the acoustic detection and characterisation of seagrass beds has introduced improved accuracy and efficiency over more traditional techniques When combined with the advantages of lightweight autonomous sur vey platforms, this new combined sur vey solution introduces a step change in accurate and repeatable seagrass mapping ”
The VA500 altimeter, which uses state of the ar t signal processing, was customised by the instrument manufacturer for this project Jim Gardiner, Research Scientist at Valepor t said: “The VA500 altimeter was developed to deliver reliable under water range measurements in a compact, robust package Working with University of Plymouth and HydroSur v, custom firmware was developed to deliver low noise, high quality, correlated acoustic profiles at up to 10Hz to enable deeper analysis, exploration, mapping and classification of the acoustic information gathered by the VA500 ”
www marineandmaritimegazette com @MandMGazette U N D E R W A T E R , S U B S E A & D I V I N 2G 2
REAV 28 Uncrewed Sur
David Hull, Founder and CEO of HydroSur v said: “Staying true to our values of ocean and environmental stewardship, the work being carried out within this collaborative project will directly translate into impact addressing UN Sustainable Development Goal 14, ‘Life below water’ The ability to provide blended, non invasive solutions that rapidly acquire, process and visualise the coverage and density of seagrass meadows is central to improving our understanding of these vital ecosystems and delivering regular and repeatable resur veys in stride with the needs of coastal practitioners ”
Solutions for seagrass monitoring
“From floating foundations to mooring and anchoring systems, as well as dynamic power cables, the subsea industr y will be integral to delivering floating wind And it’s not just these largescale fabrication and manufacturing elements, it’s also all the skills and technologies, components and sub components which will be required fur ther down the line and which we have in abundance in the UK ”
Through the UK Government’s Floating Of fshore Wind Manufacturing Investment Scheme (FLOWMIS), up to £160 million will be made available to scale up the deployment of floating of fshore wind and to invest in key areas where the UK has competitive advantage
GUH is working closely with government agencies to identify the key areas of exper tise and technology in which it should invest Mr Gordon added: “It’s crucial that the UK and Scottish governments know how to suppor t the industrial investment required to ensure the UK supply chain meets the ambition and pledges made by the successful bidders in Scotwind and the upcoming INTOG (Innovation and Targeted Oil & Gas) seabed leasing round ”
The new strategic, intelligence led organisation, set up to transform the UK’s under water industr y into one of the largest and fastest growing industries in the countr y, is building a robust case for government to suppor t the industr y as an enabler with the greatest potential to deliver UK capability that will place the UK at the forefront of floating of fshore wind
Another major task for GUH is making sure that the under water industr y has visibility of these projects and to facilitate relationships between them and the developers leading on these
“By becoming a first mover in floating of fshore wind at scale, the UK will be well placed to capitalise on the plethora of floating wind projects that will swiftly follow around the globe,” said Mr Gordon
GUH recently called on the under water industr y to par ticipate in the UK Government’s Request for Information, which closed back in July This was due to a determination that the countr y doesn’t lose out as it did with fixed of fshore wind, the UK Government has issued the request to por t developers, floating wind foundation designers and fabricators, component and sub component manufacturers, floating of fshore wind developers and EPCI contractors The responses will inform government of both the oppor tunities available and the capabilities and capacity in the supply chain and allow them to gauge where investment can have the biggest impact
“But we ’ re not just a go between, GUH will be the go to organisation, not only for subsea companies looking to capitalise on the oppor tunity but also for government in terms of knowing where and when to invest in order to build out capability and capacity and accelerate the massive scale up. waterhub
“And this is before we factor in INTOG, which will attract bidders to apply for the rights to build of fshore windfarms for the purpose of decarbonising oil and gas production in the Nor th Sea by providing clean, green energy to electrify platforms,” said Mr Gordon “It is anticipated that, due to the urgency in meeting Nor th Sea Transition Deal targets, INTOG projects could get under way first and pave the way for Scotwind projects ”
Global Under water Hub to grasp ‘greatest oppor tunity for subsea in our generation’
The British Energy Security Strategy’s ambition to deliver up to 50GW of power from of fshore wind by 2030 includes 5GW of floating wind, which is anticipated to rapidly increase beyond then.
Chief executive of GUH, Neil Gordon, said: “With our world leading status and marketshare, the subsea industr y clearly has competitive advantage The under water elements of manufacturing, assembling, installing and then operating and maintaining floating of fshore wind projects are eminently transferable from of fshore oil and gas, where subsea exper tise was, largely, honed and refined.
The Global Under wat er Hub (GUH) says floating of fshore wind represents the great est oppor tunity for the £8billion subsea industr y in the UK this generation and must not be missed.
“The scale of what is planned in UK waters, through Scotwind, is unprecedented and signals one of the biggest industrial oppor tunities for decades ”
www globalunder
Crown Estate Scotland outlined almost £25 billion of planned investment into the Scottish economy across ScotWind projects The total financial investment in the supply chain across these projects is £66 billion, of which £25 billion is ring fenced to be spent in Scotland Eleven of the 17 projects will be using floating wind turbines and almost 80% of the £25 billion invested in Scotland will be dedicated to floating wind
com U21 N D E R W A T E R , S U B S E A & D I V I N G
www marineandmaritimegazette com @MandMGazette
Overthirtyyearsofspecialistservice With roots dating back to 1987, Dales Marine has been servicing the shipping, oil and gas, chemical, and power generation industries with bespoke engineering services, within the shortest lead time to the highest Providingstandard.specialist shipping solutions in dry dock and steelwork, maintenance and ship repair, Dales Marine is located within major Scottish ports and provides unrivalled access for clients 24/7, 365 days a year. “The Dry Dock and Fabrication Specialists” Your partner for Ship Maintenance, Dockings ur partner for Ship Maintenance, DockingsYour partner for Ship Maintenance, Dockings
SHIP REPAIR & CONVERSION • Steel repairs and renewals • Main and Auxiliary Engine strip down and overhaul • Ancillary and Deck machinery equipment repairs and renewals • Blasting, coating and material preservation • Offshore equipment mobilisation installations • Ballast Water Treatment System installations • Maintenance and repair work on generators, pumps, winches, hydraulic systems, cranes, hatches etc. • Exhaust Gas Scrubber installation and MGO conversions • Eco-efficiency modifications and retrofits • Collision repair involving hull steel work to complete engine overhaul FABRICATION Dales marine offer full Fabrication, Build, Test, Load out & Mobilisation services from our yards. Capabilities include, but are not limited to; • Modular Integrated Decks • Living Quarters, Offshore Link Bridges • Offshore Flare Booms • Pipe racks, Lifting Beams, Sea fastening • Design Interface • Supply of Material • Supply of Equipment • Fabrication of structures inclusive of pipework • High Integrity Welding • Non-Destructive Testing • Sub-contractor Management • Loadout, logistics and Shipping • Storage DECOMMISSIONING One of the only few yards in the UK with capabilities to recycle ships in a controlled and environmentally friendly manner. • Drydocks to recycle ships in a controlled environment • Storage and sales of spare parts • Approved facility, on EU list for ship recycling facilities • Equipment sales SERVICES • Engine Overhaul & Replacement • Bow thruster installation • Propulsion shaft repairs • Steering gear repairs • Gear Box repairs • Pump refurbishment • Generator replacement • Thruster repairs VESSEL MOB/DEMOB Dales Marine provides an extensive quayside service with regards to vessel mobilisation, fabrication including man hire and equipment hire.• We offer onshore and offshore fabrication and installation services. • Work in-situ and alongside • Voyage Repairs: ability to mobilize flying squads, to conduct steel welding, piping or mechanical work’s Specialists” Dales Marine is one of the leading UK Ship Repair & Maintenance companies, operating 5 drydocks providing dedicated support to the global Marine and Oil & Gas industries. Drydocks Aberdeen .......................... 112m x 21m Leith Imperial Dry Dock ...... 168m x 21.3m Grangemouth 105m x 16m Greenock .......................... 200m x 21m Troon 120m x 17m SHIP REPAIR & CONVERSION • Steel repairs and renewals • Main and Auxiliary Engine strip down and overhaul Ancillary and Deck machinery equipment repairs and renewals Blasting, coating and material preservation Offshore equipment mobilisation installations • Ballast Water Treatment System installations Maintenance and repair work on generators, pumps, winches, hydraulic systems, cranes, hatches etc. • Exhaust Gas Scrubber installation and MGO conversions • Eco-efficiency modifications and retrofits Collision repair involving hull steel work to complete engine overhaul FABRICATION Dales marine offer full Fabrication, Build, Test, Load out & Mobilisation services from our yards. Capabilities include, but are not limited to; • Modular Integrated Decks • Living Quarters, Offshore Link Bridges • Offshore Flare Booms • Pipe racks, Lifting Beams, Sea fastening • Design Interface • Supply of Material • Supply of Equipment • Fabrication of structures inclusive of pipework • High Integrity Welding • Non-Destructive Testing • Sub-contractor Management • Loadout, logistics and Shipping • Storage DECOMMISSIONING One of the only few yards in the UK with capabilities to recycle ships in a controlled and environmentally friendly manner. • Drydocks to recycle ships in a controlled environment Storage and sales of spare parts Approved facility, on EU list for ship recycling facilities Equipment sales SERVICES • Engine Overhaul & Replacement • Bow thruster installation • Propulsion shaft repairs • Steering gear repairs • Gear Box repairs • Pump refurbishment • Generator replacement • Thruster repairs VESSEL MOB/DEMOB Dales Marine provides an extensive quayside service with regards to vessel mobilisation, fabrication including man hire and equipment hire.• We offer onshore and offshore fabrication and installation services. • Work in-situ and alongside Voyage Repairs: ability to mobilize flying squads, to conduct steel welding, piping or mechanical work’s Specialists” Dales Marine is one of the leading UK Ship Repair & Maintenance companies, operating 5 drydocks providing dedicated support to the global Marine and Oil & Gas industries. Drydocks Aberdeen .......................... 112m x 21m Leith Imperial Dry Dock ...... 168m x 21.3m Grangemouth .................... 105m x 16m Greenock .......................... 200m x 21m Troon................................ 120m x 17m Dockings and Alongside ServicesDockings and Alongside ServicesDockings and Alongside Services
“At Steerprop, we are committed to working closely with our customers during the design stages of each project This collaboration enables the optimal solution for the specific application and operational conditions to be created,” said Olli Knihti, Sales Manager at Steerprop “This project emphasises our capabilities to deliver a broad package of high quality solutions that meet the latest design requirements and operational needs We are also able to suppor t customers throughout the lifecycle of the vessel with our Resolve to Per form approach.”
The company ’ s scope includes six of Steerprop’s ducted L drive azimuth propulsors with an output power of 4500 kW and two 900 kW Steerprop Tunnel Thrusters for dynamic positioning, manoeuvring, and transit operations. To suppor t safe and reliable operations with low lifecycle costs, Steerprop Care condition monitoring is also included as par t of the package.
The order was placed in May 2022 by Singapore based Sembcorp Marine Ltd who has secured a contract for the construction of the vessel for Maersk Supply Ser vice of Denmark Steerprop experienced specialists have worked in close cooperation with Sembcorp Marine throughout the design process
www marineandmaritimegazette com @MandMGazette
“At Maersk Supply Ser vice, we are committed to using our capabilities and mindset to suppor ting the development of the of fshore wind sector This innovative concept builds on our maritime exper tise to ensure a more ef ficient installation of wind parks Central to ef ficient operations will be the thruster package to be delivered by Steerprop, who have a strong track record in the of fshore sector, and we look for ward to a positive collaboration with them,”said Frederik Smidth, Chief Technical Of ficer at Maersk Supply Ser vice www
Complete propulsion package for wind installation vessel
St eerprop, a leading designer and manufacturer of high per formance propulsion syst ems has been awarded a major order t o supply the complet e propulsion package for a st at e of the ar t Wind Inst allation Vessel (WIV). The order builds upon St eerprop ’ s ext ensive suppor t and successful track record in delivering fit-for-purpose solutions t o the of fshore renewables sect or.
P O W E R , P R O P U L S I O N & T R A N S M I S S I O 2N 6 I l l u s t r a t i o n o f f i r s t o f i t s k i n d W i n d Installation Vessel for Maersk Supply S e r v i c e w i t h S t e e r p r o p p r o p u l s i o n package
The jack up type WIV features a first of its kind design with a load transfer system patented by Maersk Supply Ser vice The design also takes into consideration the need to operate safely and ef ficiently in the harsh sea conditions the vessel is likely to face while ser ving the Empire Of fshore Wind project of f the eastern coast of the USA This set up high requirements for the propulsion ef fectiveness and reliability, which Steerprop was able to demonstrate Senior Vice President at Sembcorp Marine Rigs & Floaters, Mr Wong Teck Cheong commented: “In collaboration with Maersk Supply Ser vice, Sembcorp Marine will design and build a WIV capable of operating at a high level of ef ficiency and to handle the next generation of wind turbines which are scaled up in size with longer and lighter rotor blades and taller towers The vessel is designed to cope with the installation of bigger structures and to ensure operational ef ficiency for wind turbine installations The Steerprop thrusters will play an essential role in enabling this ef ficiency ”
We have this belief that the marine industr y will go all electric because the aut omotive industr y is, but is that really a viable option for the commercial maritime industr y?
To be power ful enough and of fer the required range, whilst being ef ficient for a commercial vessel, such as those used across the fishing, oil and gas, and militar y industr y, or tenders for explorer cruise ships and super yachts, we would first need to create the technology to make batteries 20x lighter and safer
The rise of electric powered technology has taken the world by storm, with new electric models joining the marine market, almost weekly, and we don’t expect this to slow down par ticularly with a flurr y of new batter y powered releases due from the major manufacturers in 2023 and beyond However, we know that millions of vessels operate within the commercial marine space globally, and still, only a ver y small percentage of those are currently powered by electricity So, is one propulsion type better than the other, and can we expect to see this change anytime soon? As with most things in life, there’s no one size fits all To determine which is better, we really need to define the metrics we will be using and the application it will be used for We can begin by looking at the most impor tant factors, including power, price and range
The range of an electric powered motor is also limited, so you won’t be able to go as far on a single charge. Because of this there are applications more suited to diesel outboards For example, electric makes more sense for a sailboat needing to use its motor to come into por t, because the batter y doesn’t need to be big, and is quicker to recharge However, if you want to do a 100 mile cruise, it’s ver y hard to see how electric will make any sense The vessel would have to be so heavy and much larger to accommodate the batter y, so it would be a self defeating purpose not to mention ver y costly!
Joel Reid, Chief Operating Of ficer at Neander Mot ors, shares his views.
Diesel vs electric –which is better?
An advantage to electric powered vessels is minimal noise pollution and a quiet travelling experience, but many people are often surprised at how quiet the Neander Dtorque 50 motor is, despite being a diesel motor, and find it makes as a par ticularly good application for fish farming, oil and gas, as well as cruise ships tenders And whilst electric powered motors may appear to be greener method, we mustn’t forget that we often use fossil fuel power stations to generate electric, and we cer tainly can’t wash over the fact many components of electric motors can be par ticularly bad for the environment, especially the extraction of minerals that make the batteries Although the running cost of an electric model may be cheap, the purchase price of a diesel motor is almost always cheaper than electric models because of how expensive it is to produce the large batteries The sourcing of the raw materials and extraction is ver y costly and so is the production of the batter y pack after wards, both of which aren’t at the same level as the supply chain for fossil fuel motors
To conclude, I think the future will have a place for ever ything Until new technology has been developed, there are cer tainly dif ferent types of energy that are more appropriate for par ticular applications It all depends on the kind of work you will be doing and the type of journeys your vessel(s) will be under taking www neander motors com
Traditionally, diesel powered vessels are equipped with power ful and ef ficient engines capable of shifting tough loads, due to having better torque for increased per formance Add to this the familiarity factor and the capability to refuel them in just minutes, rather than having to locate a source, be plugged in and wait, and it’s not dif ficult to see why they make up the main share of the market
www marineandmaritimegazette com @MandMGazette P O W E R , P R O P U L S I O N & T R A N S M I S S I O 2N 8
In the process, the Augsburg based propulsion specialist continues its decades long cooperation with the German Navy Ships such as the predecessor classes F125 and F124 a r e e q u i p p e d w i t h R E N K g e a r b o x e s R E N K h a s a l s o
The new propulsion system represents one key difference between the future F126 and older frigate models: The combined diesel electric and diesel (CODLAD) propulsion system provides a top speed of more than 26 knots
The propulsion systems specialists from Augsburg not only supply the gearbox but also the RENK advanced electric drives (AED) These electric propulsion motors drive the propellers either individually or together with the diesel engine This is the first time the German Navy is utilising this propulsion concept
RENK's gearboxes are equally sophisticated and simultaneously connect each diesel engine with its drive shaft
www damen com P29 O W E R , P R O P U L S I O N & T R A N S M I S S I O N
The CODLAD configuration offers a proven and ideal combination of increased power density, noise reduction through soft elastic bearings, and flexible couplings as well as low weight and low installation height. The second evolutionar y stage of the AED will now be installed on the F126 frigates. RENK has optimised significant aspects of the drive system for naval applications. As a consequence, the design meets the low noise levels specified by the German Navy. This makes the new frigates difficult to detect, par ticularly in the lower speed range covered by the AED. RENK manufactures the gearbox and drive components for the F126 with a high degree of German added value. As a proven supplier to the Navy, RENK has been closely involved in the F126 project since the initial project studies when the vessel was still referred to as the "Multi Purpose Combat Ship 180 (MKS 180)" In June 2020, the Federal Office of Bundeswehr Equipment, Infor mation Technology and In Ser vice Suppor t (BAAINBw) ultimately awarded the construction contract for the four ships to the Dutch shipbuilder Damen as the general contractor Damen Naval will deliver the approximately 166 metre long frigates to the German Navy as general contractor together with its sub contractors Blohm + Voss and Thales The ships will be constructed entirely in Germany at shipyards in Wolgast, Kiel and Hamburg The first ship will be handed over in Hamburg in 2028 The contract includes an option for two fur ther frigates
www marineandmaritimegazette com @MandMGazette RENK re ceive s order for g earbox and ele ctr ic propu lsio n motors for F126
maintained a long and successful par tnership with Damen Naval, one of the world’s most innovative shipbuilding companies This has included the construction of frigates and offshore patrol vessels for the navies of the Netherlands, Mexico, Morocco, and Indonesia
The general contract or Damen Naval and RENK have signed a contract t o s u p p l y g e a r b oxe s a n d i n n o v a i v e electric propulsion sys t ems, initially for four new 126 Class (F126) frigat es for the German Navy.
www marineandmaritimegazette com @MandMGazette
Hydrex assist shipowners with almost any problem they encounter with their vessel’s thruster
P O W E R , P R O P U L S I O N & T R A N S M I S S I O 2N 8 UNIT A, MARRTREE BUSINESS PARK, RUDGATE, THORPARCH, LEEDS, LS237AU Tel: 0844 499 6373 or +44 1977 683690 Email: sales@diamonddiesels co uk www diamonddiesels co uk
The next step was to secure the gearbox with hoisting equipment The team then disconnected the unit from the engine room, removed it from the thruster tunnel and brought it to the sur face
Recently a team from Hydrex replaced the bow thruster of a 191 metre Ro Ro ship during the vessel’s stop in Rotterdam Using one of their workboats, the diver/technicians carried out the operation on site. The team mobilized to the ship’s location on the workboat loaded with all the needed equipment
B o w t hr u s ter re placem ent o n Ro -Ro sh ip in Rotterdam
After the team set up a monitoring station, the divers star ted the operation with a detailed inspection of the bow thruster and tunnel In the meantime, initial preparations were made in the bow thruster engine room for the removal of the unit so that there would be no ingress of water once it was taken out
The technicians lowered it into the water and brought it into the thruster tunnel They then secured the unit and connected it to the engine room The operation ended with the removal of the pad eyes and the reinstallation of the thruster tunnel grids
The team carried out the operation in close communication with the OEM involved They provided a new thruster unit and prepared it for installation on site Because the thruster was fully assembled and prepared, it could be installed in its entirety without the need to create a dr y environment in the tunnel as is required when the blades are installed separately
The Hydrex workboats are fully equipped as dive suppor t stations with hydraulic cranes, winches, nautical and communication equipment and a dive control room They are stationed in Antwerp and Rotterdam and can be used for a wide range of operations in Belgium, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and France This enables rapid deployment It also increases flexibility, which was essential during this manner of operation
A wide range of under water repair or maintenance work can be carried out on all types of thrusters An entire unit can be overhauled, propeller blades or seals can be replaced or repair work on a specific par t of a thruster per formed by our diver/technicians while the ship remains afloat
By per forming the operation in Rotterdam on site and under water the Hydrex divers made it possible for the owner to keep the vessel out of dr ydock The team worked in shifts around the clock They finished the job within the available time frame This allowed the ship to sail on schedule, which was a key benefit for the owner www hydrex be
The divers first action was to take off the external thruster tunnel grids to provide access for removal of the old unit Next pad eyes were welded inside the tunnel to hoist the thruster unit up and down
B e r g P r o p u l s i o n t u r n s o n t h e p o w e r w i t h t u g o r d e r b r e a k t h r o u g h i n T u r k e y P o w e r p e r f o r m a n c e e d g e f o r p r o p u l s i o n s o l u t i o n p r o v e s d e c i s i v e a s B e r g P r o p u l s i o n E u r a s i a t a ke s i t s f i r s t t u g o r d e r f r o m I c d a s S h i py a r d B e r g P r o p u l s i o n h a s s e c u r e d i t s f i r s t n e w t u g o r d e r i n Tu r k e y s i n c e t h e o p e n i n g o f B e r g P r o p u l s i o n E u r a s i a i n A p r i l 2 0 2 2 t h e e n t i t y w h i c h h a s b e e n r e v i t a l i s i n g t h e w e l l k n o w n m a r i n e e q u i p m e n t b r a n d r e g i o n a l l y T h e c o m p a n y h a s b e e n c o n t r a c t e d t o p r o v i d e a r a n g e o f p r o p u l s i o n a n d c o n t r o l e q u i p m e n t f o r a h a r b o u r t u g t o b e b u i l t a t I c d a s S h i p y a r d B u i l t t o a R o b e r t A l l a n d e s i g n , t h e n e w b u i l d R A s c a l 2 0 0 0 t u g w i l l j o i n t h e I c d a s f l e e t t o s u p p o r t d r y d o c k o p e r a t i o n s a n d a c t i v i t i e s i n i t s s u r r o u n d i n g p o r t a r e a o f Ç a n a k k a l e , n o r t h w e s t Tu r k e y P o w e r c a p a b i l i t y w a s a k e y f a c t o r i n s e l e c t i n g t h e t w i n B E R G M TA 3 1 8 F i x e d P i t c h A z i m u t h T h r u s t e r s , s h a f t s y s t e m a n d c o n t r o l s y s t e m t o w o r k i n c o m b i n a t i o n w i t h t h e t u g ’ s 2 x 1 0 8 1 k W @ 2 0 0 0 r p m C a t C 3 2 m a i n d i e s e l e n g i n e . “ We n e e d e d t o a c h i e v e a 3 5 t o n n e b o l l a r d p u l l , w h i c h i s h i g h f o r a h a r b o u r t u g o f t h i s s i z e , a n d w e c o u l d d o t h i s c o m p e t i t i v e l y b e c a u s e o u r s e t u p c a n h a n d l e 8 % h i g h e r i n p u t p o w e r t h a n c o m p a r a b l e s y s t e m s , ” c o m m e n t e d M u s t a f a M u s l u m , G e n e r a l M a n a g e r, B e r g P r o p u l s i o n E u r a s i a F o r B e r g E u r a s i a , t h e d e a l r e p r e s e n t s n o t o n l y a f i r s t t u g p r o p u l s i o n o r d e r f r o m I c d a s , b u t a b r e a k t h r o u g h i n t o Tu r k e y ’ s s i g n i f i c a n t t u g m a r k e t B e r g P r o p u l s i o n s u p p l i e d f o u r M P P c o n t r o l l a b l e p i t c h p r o p e l l e r s t o t h e s a m e s h i p b u i l d e r b e t w e e n 2 0 1 2 a n d 2 0 1 5 , f o r c a r g o s h i p s “ We a r e d e l i g h t e d t o b e w o r k i n g w i t h B e r g P r o p u l s i o n a g a i n , a n d w e l o o k f o r w a r d t o t h e d e l i v e r y o f t h e e q u i p m e n t p a c k a g e f o r t h i s p o w e r f u l t u g i n S e p t e m b e r 2 0 2 3 , a n d t o w o r k i n g w i t h B e r g o n o t h e r p r o j e c t s i n t h e f u t u r e , ” s a i d K a y h a n B i l e k d e m i r, S h i p b u i l d i n g S a l e s R e p r e s e n t a t i v e , I c d a s S h i p y a r d “ B e r g e q u i p m e n t i s r o b u s t a n d r e l i a b l e , w h i l e t h e c o m p a n y i s h i g h l y c o l l a b o r a t i v e o n s u p p l y a n d i n s t a l l a t i o n B e r g P r o p u l s i o n E u r a s i a h a s a l s o q u i c k l y e s t a b l i s h e d t h e a f t e r s a l e s i n f r a s t r u c t u r e t o s u p p o r t a p o w e r f u l p r e s e n c e i n Tu r k e y ” Tw o y e a r s a f t e r r e e m e r g i n g a s a n i n d e p e n d e n t f o r c e i n m a r i n e p r o p u l s i o n a n d v e s s e l c o n t r o l , B e r g P r o p u l s i o n h a s b e e n i n v e s t i n g s t r o n g l y i n m a n u f a c t u r i n g f a c i l i t i e s i n H ö n ö , S w e d e n a n d i n i t s i n t e r n a t i o n a l n e t w o r k Wi t h B e r g E u r a s i a s e t u p t o m a n a g e s a l e s , s e r v i c e , c o m m i s s i o n i n g a n d a f t e r m a r k e t s u p p o r t , t h e I s t a n b u l o p e r a t i o n p r o v i d e s a s i g n i f i c a n t e x a m p l e o f t h e c o m p a n y ’ s s t r a t e g y f o r e n a b l e r e g i o n a l h u b s t o s u p p o r t l o c a l s u p p l y a n d s e r v i c e n e e d s , s a i d M u s l u m T h e B e r g P r o p u l s i o n E u r a s i a G e n e r a l M a n a g e r a d d e d t h a t t h e s u p p l i e r w a s n o w w o r k i n g h a r d t o e n s u r e r e g i o n a l c u s t o m e r s w e r e f u l l y a w a r e o f t h e g r o u p ’ s b r o a d b a s e d r a n g e o f p r o p u l s i o n s o l u t i o n s T h e s e i n c l u d e i n t e g r a t e d h y b r i d d i e s e l e l e c t r i c s y s t e m s , e l e c t r i c a l d r i v e s a n d a d i s t i n c t i v e t h r u s t e r t o u p p e r g e a r s i n t e r f a c e w h i c h o f f e r s a s t r a i g h t f o r w a r d w a y o f s e c u r i n g t h e b e n e f i t s o f a h y b r i d d i e s e l w i t h e l e c t r i c m o t o r i n s t a l l a t i o n w w w b e r g p r o p u l s i o n c o m
P O W E R , P R O P U L S I O N & T R A N S M I S S I O 3N 4
ISO 9001: 2015 accreditation Approvals: ABS, GL, DNV, RINA & LRS
Fugro assists Vattenfall with the design of Nor folk offshore wind development
From last month, Fugro is mobilising multiple geophysical and geotechnical vessels from local por ts to complete full coverage sur veys across the Nor folk Boreas wind farm, inter array cables and expor t cable routes These operations will include the use of Fugro’s SEACALF® Mk V DeepDrive® system for seabed cone penetration tests (CPTs) and Fugro’s innovative Blue Snake™ geotechnical system
The Blue Snake™ integrates CPT and sampling technology to enable safe, efficient and high quality data acquisition along the cable route These assets will ensure high rates of operability while also meeting Fugro’s standards for safety and sustainability.
In the first phase of the project, geophysical sur veys and unexploded ordnance (UXO) sur veys will be completed followed by a 2D ultra high resolution seismic (UHRS) sur vey to provide detailed seabed and shallow sub sur face information The collected Geo data will not only suppor t the positioning of the inter array cables, but also enhance the safety of future operations, facilitate route planning and improve project design
The resulting Geo data from Fugro’s investigations will feed into the ground model for the Nor folk Vanguard and Nor folk Boreas wind farms to optimise foundation and cable design Fugro is also suppor ting Vattenfall on several other projects across Europe
Operated Dredging Systems. Multipurpose & Mini dredging systems for the removal of fines, silt, mud’s, drill cuttings, sand, grit, gravel, shingle, shale & general debris. Suitable for confined space operations or locations where access is a problem. All on-shore civil applications. Shallow & deepwater offshore support operations. Renewables. Complete ready to use self operational systems available for use worldwide. Stillage packed or deepwater offshore containerised units. Long & short term rentals. Sales. Wide scope of operations. Lightweight, road & air transportable environmentally friendly units. F.D.S. Offer for Rental & Sale EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE FOR RENTAL WORLDWIDE. Tel: +44(0) 2392 472710 Mob: +44(0) 7850 473713 E-Mail: Web: W I N D F A R M S , R E N E W A B L E S & C R E W T R A N S F E 3R 6 F u g r o w i l l c o m p l e t e f u l l coverage sur veys across the Norfolk Boreas wind farm
Following the fieldwork, an extensive laborator y testing programme will be delivered by Fugro’s UK laboratories in Wallingford and Consett with suppor t from their newly cer tified and accredited laborator y in Belgium
Fugro has been awarded a new marine sit e investigation contract by Vatt enfall for their Nor folk Boreas of fshore wind farm locat ed of f England’s east coast. The 1.4 GW wind farm forms par t of Vatt enfall’s Nor folk Zone and will generat e enough clean energy t o power 1.5 million UK homes while of fsetting 2.3 million t onnes of carbon emissions a year. This investigation follows on from a four month marine sit e charact erisation campaign in 2020.
www fugro com www marineandmaritimegazette com @MandMGazette Diver R.O.V. &
Rob Anderson, Project Director of Vattenfall’s Nor folk Zone, said: “It’s fantastic to have Fugro onboard with us, providing their exper tise as we deliver a major project that will provide millions of people around the countr y with low cost, low carbon power It’s also great that we’ll be using local por ts, delivering on our commitment to the local community and supply chain ”
John ten Hoope, Fugro’s Marine Site Characterisation Director for Europe and Africa, said: “We’re proud to continue working with Vattenfall on their next generation of wind farms Fugro is uniquely positioned to provide a range of resources vessels, equipment and experienced engineers and geoconsultants to suppor t complex offshore infrastructure projects Using innovative technologies, we will provide critical, high quality Geo data to help de risk future developmental phases of the Nor folk wind farms, suppor ting the UK’s energy transition ” Crane
EMAR Offshore Ser vices is a longstanding and valued client of the Damen Shipyards Group, operating both new and second hand Damen vessels with Damen suppor t This latest purchase was facilitated not only by the fast deliver y times enabled by the group ’ s policy of building for stock the contract was signed on the 30th of March but also the quality of the build and fit out, and the ease of operability with only two crew required Joost van der Weiden, Sales Manager Benelux at Damen Shipyards, said: “We are ver y pleased to be able to fur ther strengthen our par tnership with EMAR and that they have again put their trust in Damen to deliver these two vessels. Damen is fully committed to providing full suppor t to EMAR and will ensure that their new FCS 2206s provide many years of efficient and economical ser vice to them and their clients.
EMAR Of fshore Ser vices BV, the independent m a r i t i m e s e r v i c e s c o m p a ny b a s e d i n Raamsdonksveer, the Netherlands, has bought two Damen Fast Crew Suppliers (FCS) 2206. With both vessels already in st ock one, named E Six, has already begun operations in Angola suppor ting the local oil and gas industr y, and will be joined by E Seven shor tly.
Additional optional extras specified by EMAR include fire fighting capability, secondar y gensets for redundancy and an auto pilot and night vision package Both vessels were built at Damen Shipyards Antalya, Turkey, Damen Shipyards’ specialist aluminium shipbuilding facility
W37 I N D F A R M S , R E N E W A B L E S & C R E W T R A N S F E R www marineandmaritimegazette com @MandMGazette
“EMAR Offshore Ser vices is ver y pleased with these two Damen additions to her fast crew vessel division,” said Johan van Beek, Managing Director of EMAR. “Damen has vessels in stock which are almost finished and this suits our clients who want to star t soonest after a tender award Besides our fleet of tugs and workboats, EMAR Offshore Ser vices also operates four Damen Fast Crew and Supply vessels in West Africa ” www damen com
Two Dam en Fa s t Crew Su ppliers 2206 for EMAR Offshore Ser vice s BV
The 22 metre Damen FCS 2206 is a no nonsense and robust design with a 25m² cargo deck and the capacity to carr y up to 42 personnel plus two crew at speeds of up to 32 knots This is thanks in par t to its Axe bow design that enables it to cut through the waves Built in aluminium, it has a range of up to 315nm at maximum speed in its standard configuration but, with the addition of the optional extra fuel tank, E Six and E Seven have a range of 350nm and will be able to reach even the most remote oil and gas platforms
A draft market framework published by the government in March sets out price suppor t mechanisms and 3 5 GW of offshore wind power auctions between 2023 and 2026
Italy set to spearhead floating wind in southern Europe
Floating wind activity is ramping up in Italy, boosted by new regulation that suppor ts large scale deployment
www marineandmaritimegazette com @MandMGazette W I N D F A R M S , R E N E W A B L E S & C R E W T R A N S F E 3R 8
Several other European countries are accelerating floating wind deployment but most activity is in the Atlantic and Nor th Seas
To date, projects developed in Italy have been unsolicited New market frameworks will provide price suppor t alongside a more efficient approval process, allowing the industr y to rapidly deploy at scale Italy is planning to implement a contract for difference (CFD) auction model similar to that used in UK and other par ts of Europe, fixing revenue at an agreed strike price Floating wind costs are currently far higher than fixed bottom projects but are expected to fall rapidly as larger projects bring technology and installation learnings Italy’s government proposed a price cap of 165 euros/MWh ($168 6/MWh) in its draft regulation published in March Industr y group ANEV has called for a higher price of 190 euro/MWh, par ticularly for projects smaller than 500 MW Med Wind will be located over 60 kilometres from the coast in water depths of 300 600 metres and will use the latest large scale 14 7 MW turbines
Italy’s draft framework requires developers to have completed environmental permitting to par ticipate in CFD auctions Renexia signed an interconnection agreement for Med Wind with Terna earlier this year and aims to submit the environmental impact study by October.
The European Union has raised renewable energy targets following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine but Italy’s response remains in doubt following the collapse of Prime Minister Mario Draghi’s government recently
The development plans of Italian group Falck Renewables and BlueFloat Energy show the potential for growth The companies are jointly developing six projects for almost 6 GW of capacity, including three in Sardinia waters for 2 4 GW, two in Puglia for 2 5 GW and a 675 MW project in Calabria The timeline of the projects will depend on the permitting and grid connection processes but the first could be online by 2028, Ksenia Balanda, Director of Falck and BlueFloat’s floating wind projects in Italy
Italy’s draft framework is broadly in line with other offshore wind markets but the final version must include capacity targets alongside the mechanisms for permitting, site allocation and grid connection, a spokesperson at Eni Plenitude, the Italian group ’ s renewable energy division Eni and par tners are developing two projects with combined capacity of 750 MW offshore Sicily and Sardinia respectively The Sicily project could be online by 2026 and Sardinia by 2028, provided auctions are swiftly implemented, “Tariff suppor t will be needed for any offshore project to mature in Italy,”a spokesperson said Grid connections are a key risk as projects often require onshore grid upgrades as well as offshore infrastructure Grid operator Terna is rolling out a massive upgrade of onshore infrastructure to connect up a surge in new onshore wind and solar capacity in the south to higher demand centres in the nor th Terna plans to invest around 4 billion euros in southern Italy over the next five years and some 18 billion euros nationwide over the next 10 years.
The EU has called on member states to speed up permitting of large scale renewable energy projects in areas with low environmental impact Renexia expects Italy’s Environment Ministr y will take six to 12 months to complete the environmental assessment for Med Wind and issue the final permit
The 30 MW Taranto project uses fixed bottom technology but most of Italy’s larger offshore wind projects will be sited in deeper waters where wind resources are higher, requiring floating structures
Transmission operator Terna has received 70 GW of offshore wind proposals and developers include a par tnership between Falck Renewables and BlueFloat Energy and a consor tium including Eni and Copenhagen Infrastructure Par tners (CIP) Most projects are off the coasts of Sardinia and Sicily and in the Adriatic and Upper Tyrrhenian seas
The pace of floating wind deployment will largely depend on Italy’s new mechanisms for price suppor t, permitting and grid connections, developers told Reuters Events Project par tners hope the new regulations will be implemented this year and the first auctions held in 2023 Grid operator Terna is drawing up plans for 22 GW of offshore wind connections and timely grid build could place Italy at the forefront of offshore wind construction in southern Europe and among Europe’s leading floating wind markets
Meanwhile, Italian developer Renexia has completed the countr y ’ s first utility scale offshore wind farm off the coast of Taranto, Apulia and aims to build the 1 GW Med Wind floating wind farm in the Strait of Sicily by 2025.
It aly is poised t o become a leading floating wind market but it mus t swif tly implement new regulation and grid plans.
www marineandmaritimegazette com @MandMGazette
Fug ro develops inno vative site inve s tigatio n so lutio n for Ark lo w Bank Wind Park
Fugro has successfully complet ed fieldwork on a geot echnical sit e investigation for SSE Renewables’ Arklow Bank Wind Park Phase 2. This of fshore wind park will suppor t Ireland’s climat e action t arget of producing 7 GW of of fshore wind energy by 2030 and is locat ed approximat ely 6 t o 13 km of f the coast of Ireland, in an area known for its unpredict able met ocean c o n d i t i o n s F u g ro d eve l o p e d a b e s p o ke c a s i n g s y s t e m designed for the of fshore sit e conditions t o enable sur vey work t o be complet ed with minimal downtime. The acquired Geo dat a will be used t o underst and the sit e ’ s subsur face conditions and suppor t foundation designs and inst allation.
Fugro also engineered a full suite of purposely designed conductor casing handling devices to remove manual inter vention, improving health and safety of deck crew and ensuring deployment efficiency within the shor t slack water windows Laborator y testing is currently under way, building on the site testing completed in Fugro’s offshore laborator y, allowing all acquired samples to be analysed efficiently with the resulting Geo data used to inform foundation designs. When complete, the 800 MW wind park will be capable of powering almost 850, 000 homes with green energy and offset 830 billion kilograms of carbon emissions each year
John O’Sullivan, SSE Renewables’ Arklow Bank Wind Park Phase 2 Project Manager said: “The successful completion of this ground investigation campaign is another key milestone for the Arklow project It has enabled us to gain a much clearer understanding of the seabed conditions within the lease area This enhanced site characterization greatly suppor ts our ongoing design development works in the lead up to the first offshore energy auction,” Matthew Chappell, Fugro’s Ser vice Line Director of Site Investigations said: “By working closely and collaboratively with SSE Renewables and DEME, who provided the Neptune liveaboard jack up barge, we were able to deliver the per fect solution for the Arklow Bank Wind Park site investigation Our experience in marine operations and geotechnical sur veys allowed us to develop an innovative solution for the site conditions and is cer tainly something we ’ re proud of Our Geo data will not only reduce project risk and uncer tainties but will help inform future developmental phases of the project.”
www fugro com W39 I N D F A R M S , R E N E W A B L E S & C R E W T R A N S F E R Fug ro laborat or y t ec hnician p re p a r i n g s a m p l e f o r c o re logging
Nor thland gains EIA approval for offshore Taiwan projects
r t h
The two wind farms, which were launched by Nor thland at the star t of last year, are to be positioned off the coasts of Taichung county and Chunghwa, respectively
The Round 3 auction will be accepting bids until 30th this month www nor thlandpower com
W I N D F A R M S , R E N E W A B L E S & C R E W T R A N S F E 4R 0
C a n W i n d a n d N o W i n d projects from Nor thland Power, w h i c h t o t a l 1. 8 GW, h a v e achieved a milest one as auction gets under way
A spokesperson for the Canadian based developer said they can now bid the projects into Taiwan's Round 3 offshore wind auction, which launched recently to award 3GW of new lease rights
Nor thland Power has secured environmental impact assessment (EIA) approval for its combined substantial 1800MW CanWind and Nor thWind projects, located off the coast of Taiwan
Only four of 14 projects had confirmed EIA approval prior to the commencement of the tender round earlier last month
With the favourable EIA panel review, Nor thland said it was ‘ one step closer’ to moving ahead with its projects in Taiwan
Dam en’s firs t all-ele ctr ic tug Sparky delivere d to Ports of Auck land
P O R T & Q U A Y S I D E F A C I L I T I E S & U S A G 4E 2
“Por ts of Auckland has taken a bold step in pioneering the use of fully electric harbour tugs and it is an honour to have worked with them on this project,” added Pim Schuurman, Damen’s Regional Sales Manager Asia Pacific “We hope that in the future we will be able to look back and see that Sparky marked the beginning of a significant shift from diesel to clean, zero emissions electric tugs ” www damen com
www marineandmaritimegazette com @MandMGazette
Por ts of Auckland’s General Manager Marine and Multi Cargo Operations, Allan D’Souza, said: “It is wonder ful to have Sparky here in Auckland and to be able to get aboard and put her through her paces We held a blessing ceremony with local Māori iwi (tribe) Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei, as a final step before we officially star t operations As par t of the blessing, Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei gave Sparky her Māori name, ‘Tiaki’, which means to care for people or place, in recognition of her role in reducing emissions and our por t’s impact on the environment ”
In a major milest one Damen’s first all electric harbour tug, the RSD E Tug 2513, was of ficially delivered t o its new owner, Por ts of Auckland (POAL). The revolutionar y tug was named Sparky and also received her Māori name, ‘ Tiaki’, in a special blessing ceremony held in Auckland last month.
Arnout Damen, Chief Executive Officer of Damen, commented: “I'm ver y proud about the fact that we can use our exper tise together with our client to develop new sustainable ways of keeping por ts operational, while lowering the impact on the environment as much as possible Por ts of Auckland is aiming to become a zero emissions por t by 2040 and its ambitions align with Damen’s, as we continue our effor ts to become the most sustainable shipbuilder in the world ”
This power ful new tug, which has a 70 tonnes bollard pull, is capable of manoeuvring even the largest vessels and can under take two or more assignments before being recharged, which takes just two hours With its pristine environment and unique ecosystem in the Pacific Ocean, New Zealand is renowned for its commitment to sustainable development In 2016, Por ts of Auckland adopted the goal of becoming a zero emissions por t by 2040 and, in light of the impetus to tackle climate change, the por t authority challenged Damen to develop a fully electric tug Over the course of the next six years the two organisations worked closely to develop this pioneering, sustainable vessel type.
Strat egic Par tnership in End t o End Logis tics Infras tructure and Solutions t o Accelerat e Trade for the Eas t African Nation
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por ts an m a r i t i m e s e c t o r, w h i c h w i m p r o v e a n d b r i n g a b o u t p o s i t i v e c h a n g e i n t h e communities, standing
Capt Mohamed Juma Al Shamisi, Managing Director and Group CEO, AD Por ts Group, said: “This MoU with Adani Por ts and SEZ Ltd is significant in its impact on both Tanzania’s ability to transform itself into an African trading hub, as well as our ability to fur ther develop our global capabilities and connections that will bring goods to market faster and more efficiently ” “ O s a i c i n v e s t m e n t i n Tanzania in infrastructure and s o l t i o n s w i l l e n a b l e international companies to enter African markets In line with the d i r e c t i o n o f t h e U A E ’ s leadership, we are positioning Abu Dhabi as a global leader in logistics and industr y ”
AD Por ts Group, Adani Por ts and SEZ Ltd sign MoU for Joint Infrastructure Investments In Tanzania
The two companies signed the key agreement setting in motion a series of potential countr y level investments to grow, improve, and promote an end to end maritime and logistics ecosystem which will make Tanzania a hub for the African region
AD Por ts Group, the leading facilitator of global trade, logistics, and industr y, has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Adani Por ts and SEZ Ltd, India’s largest integrated por ts and logistics company, for strategic joint investments in end to end logistics infrastructure and solutions, which include rail, maritime ser vices, por t operations, digital ser vices, an industrial zone and the establishment of maritime academies in Tanzania
i n f r a s t r u c t u r e i n Ta n z a n
P43 O R T & Q U A Y S I D E F A C I L I T I E S & U S A G E www marineandmaritimegazette com @MandMGazette
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our c o m m i t m e n t t o g r o w t h w i t h g o o d n e s s We c o n t i n u e t o suppor t local
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as w e l l a s g e n e r a l e c o n o m i c growth in Tanzania and East A f r i c a n c o u n t r i e s t h a t w i l l benefit from our
through the collaboration with AD Por ts Group ” www adpor ts ae RECYCLE REVIVAL World Class Award Winning Oil Spill Response Solutions Gobbler Boats Ltd, 68 Winslow Road, Wingrave, Buckinghamshire HP22 4QB Telephone: 01296 681113 info@gobblerboats com www gobblerboats com
Karan Adani, CEO of Adan Por ts and SEZ Ltd, said: “We are pleased to be par with AD Por ts Group in development of key quali especially the by employment, investments
The inst allation and implement ation of a unique new solar and batt er y syst em at Por tsmouth Int ernational Por t, UK, has now reached a mammoth 2660 solar panels inst alled
The project began back at the beginning of the year and, when finished, will incorporate roof mounted solar panels across a number of buildings, plus an addition of batter y storage and solar canopies
“Combined with other sustainability initiatives, it will help us achieve our ambition of reaching net zero carbon by 2030, and becoming one of the UK’s first zero emission por ts by 2050 ”
The power produced will contribute around 35% of the site’s power; a significant step in the por t’s ambition to be the UK’s first net zero carbon por t
It’s all par t of an integrated approach that will also help the por t offer shore power for smaller ships, without having to take extra power from the local electricity grid
www marineandmaritimegazette com @MandMGazette
“The por t is owned by the people of Por tsmouth, so we have an obligation to reduce the impact of our operations on the environment, whilst reaching the ambitions set out in our 20 year masterplan,” commented Jerr y Clarke, senior project manager at Por tsmouth International Por t
Inter natio nal Port g oe s so lar!
As well as generating carbon free power, the solar canopies will provide shade for cars waiting to board ferries; allowing them to stay cooler for longer, without the need to run their engines for air conditioning etc
P O R T & Q U A Y S I D E F A C I L I T I E S & U S A G 4E 4
The new batter y will work in tandem with a batter y storage pilot, which will balance ser vices to the national grid and storing power during lower pricing periods When complete, it is estimated that in peak conditions 98% of the electricity consumed by the por t will come from the solar and batter y, combined www por tsmouth por t co uk
The batter y element of the project, with a capacity of 1 5 megawatt hours, will capture green power that would other wise be expor ted from the site, which can then be used and re used in a contributor y manner for the por t’s overall power
Portsmo ut h
L A T E N E W S & R O U N D U 4P 6 www marineandmaritimegazette com @MandMGazette Fu retank a d ds to the Vin ga se r ie s Furet ank has signed a contract for a new dual fuel t anker. It will become number eleven in the Vinga series of globally t op per forming sis t er vessels when it comes t o energy ef ficiency and climat e footprint.
The 17,999 dwt vessel will be built by China Merchants Jinling Shipyard in Yangzhou It is the latest contribution to the series of sister vessels designed with special focus on minimum environmental impact Furetank owns four of the vessels already delivered and commercially operates all The Vinga vessels all have dual fuel capability and run on LNG/LBG They are designed with a batter y hybrid solution and several innovative features that reduce fuel and energy consumption, resulting in extensively lower emissions of CO2, sulphur oxide, nitrogen oxide and hazardous par ticles.
The new ship will also be fully equipped to operate cargo pumps with 6 6 kV high voltage shore power, in order to reduce emissions even fur ther as soon as por ts offer the oppor tunity It has a cargo capacity of 20,306 cubic meters in 12 epoxy coated cargo tanks, ice class 1A and an efficient cargo handling system Another feature is a flexible cargo pump and line arrangement ensuring safe and efficient cargo operations with reduced por t turnaround time We are ver y pleased to add the eleventh vessel to our climate friendly Vinga series Furetank’s ambition is to be the leading actor within the segment, offering our customers efficient and environmental friendly transpor tation With a large fleet we can offer good ser vice and at the same time optimize the trading pattern to increase utilization the vessels, says Lars Høglund, CEO of Furetank
The vessel is scheduled to be delivered from the shipyard in July 2024 The agreement with the yard also includes an option for fur ther vessels www furetank se
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