KEY WORDS Banquet Edition 2014

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KEY WORDS Banquet Edition Volume I, Issue I

May 14, 2014

Official Newsletter of the Bloomfield High School Key Club

Page 2 Editor’s Message

Page 7-8 Message from the Seniors

Page 9 Page 3-4

Incoming Board

Presidential Farewell & Presidential Address

Page 5-6 A Message from the Advisors

Page 10 LTG. Address

Pages 11-12 DCON Recap

Page 13 Important Contacts

A Message From Your Bulletin Editor Hey there, Key Clubbers of BHS! I’m Denise Rigo and I will be your Bulletin Editor for the 2014-2015 service year. I joined our wonderful Key Club last year as a freshman mostly because my friends joined. I wasn’t expecting much after joining, but after attending meetings and events I was amazed at the ability of the advisors and board members (all students!) to handle such an overwhelming amount of members. Neither did I think I’d go from being a freshman class director with my best friend, then historian, and now a member of the executive board as editor. This service year, I will not only be capturing your faces and acts of service in pictures, but also be making these newsletters. They’ll present you with information regarding future events and anything you’ll need to know, and from time to time take you back to past Key Club adventures to remind you of the good times you spent with this club. I look forward to working with the dynamite crew that are the advisors and board members, and may this service year be a successful and happy one. - Denise Rigo, Your 2014-2015 BHS Key Club Editor

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Presidential Farewell I cannot believe how fast the year has went! I can still picture the 2013 Banquet, sitting next to my fellow board members, all excited to start the new service year. But it is now time to induct the new board members as they embark a new journey.

case all that we've done and recognize our very own advisor, Mr. Cappello, with the Dr. Andrew Batsis Key of Honor.

This journey was the best thing to happen to me in my four years of high school. I honestly don't know where I would be today without such an amazThis past service year the Blooming organization. Thank you to all for alfield Key Club had many obstacles to lowing me to lead such an amazing Key overcome, but also many opportunities. Club and making me the person I am toWe had the distinct pleasure of having day. the Kiwanis International President, Mr. - 2013-2014 BHS Key Club President, Nick Gunter Gasser, from Austria visit BloomAcuna field and come attend our meetings. He also gave a very inspirational speech about building bridges to connect people around the world to make a difference. We were also given the opportunity to host Regional Training Conferences at our school for all Key Clubs in New Jersey to come attend workshops and see our amazing Key Club office. We were also able to transform the third floor of our school into an insane asylum for a night and much more throughout the year! It required a lot of work, but through the hard work of the club, officers, and advisors anything was possible. I'm truly going to miss those late nights, running around the high school preparing any last minute things for events the following day or getting a million notifications from the Key Club group chat we had. DCON was the final stage of our Key Club career to show-

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Presidential Address Hello my name is Rosalyn Feliciano and I will be your 2014-2015 president. It is crazy to think my freshman year I was known to most as Katy's little sister and now I will be president. From my first day of high school I have been completely captivated by Key Club. After my first event I knew this was the best club for me. I had no hesitation making the decision to become an executive board member. Going to all of the events and seeing everyone we affect makes all of the planning and hard work well worth it. Nothing makes me more delighted then hearing students talking about upcoming or one of the events they have attended. When I became a board member I didn't know just how much dedication it would actually take, nor did I know the board and advisors would become like a second family to me. Of course this year has had its ups and downs,but we always figured it out somehow. This time of year is bitter sweet because while I am thrilled to take on my position I also have to watch part of the family go off to college. Although I know they will come back to visit it won't be the same. Serving as vice president I have gotten to know some of our amazing members and I am eager to get to know more of you. I look forward to working with not only the general members more closely, but also the new board members. I want to show the members what their hard work does. Many times they go to events and know they are helping someone in someway, but they don't actually see how they are making a change. Each year the experiences of Key Club get better and I cannot wait to see what this year has in store for us. - Rosalyn Feliciano, Your 2014-2015 BHS Key Club President

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A Message from the Advisors The spring has been a whirlwind of volleyball, new officer elections, and coffee – infused with writing award report forms for convention and preparing for new projects for next year. At convention, our club was presented with awards for the wonderful year of service we provided to our community. Our beachfront location for DCON proved to be an awesome way to spend the weekend where everyone learned about Key Club and made new friends. I am truly proud of everyone for such a wonderful year! As the seniors get ready for this chapter of their life to close, they will be leaving behind their high school world to begin a new chapter. With countless hours together through service projects and board meetings the bonds formed this year have turned us into a family. I am extremely proud of each and every one of you for all of the time you have dedicated to Key Club! While the seniors will be leaving us, the rest will remain with some new and exciting additions to our board. As the dynamic of our “family” will surely change, one thing will remain constant – key club will always be there to welcome you home.

- Mr. Cappello


A Message from the Advisors

Hey Key Clubbers! Can you believe how fast this year has flown by!? I can’t believe it’s May already! My second year as Key Club advisor has been even better than my first. I’m so proud of all the time and effort our members have dedicated to all the great events we’ve had throughout the year. One of my favorite events that happened a few weeks ago was the Volleyball Marathon. This year, I actually got to participate and play on the teacher team. Even though our team was awesome and wound up coming in 1st place, all the teams had fun and we got to raise money for a great cause! Thank you to everyone who came out and especially those who helped run the show and make sure the night ran smoothly. The Tomorrow’s Children’s Fund will be receiving a very generous donation thanks to all of you. This year was also my first time attending DCON. Although we didn’t have the greatest weather for being down the shore, the weekend was a lot of fun! Congratulations to our very own Ricky Thompson for being installed as our district’s Lieutenant Governor! Being able to see all the awards our BHS Key Club took home that night was amazing. Out of all the Key Clubs in New Jersey, it’s great that Bloomfield stands out and proves that we have some of the most caring and hard working students in the state. A very special congratulations also goes to my fellow advisor, Mr. Cappello, for winning the Key of Honor Award. As I still try to learn all the ins and outs of what it takes to run a club like ours, I’m proud to be able to work with and learn from such a dedicated man. Lastly, I cannot express how much I will miss our outgoing board members. With all our events throughout the year and hours spent at board meetings, we really start to like a “second” family. To all our graduating seniors: Best of luck next year! Thank you for all that you have you done during your Key Club years. Don’t forget to keep up the great work and continue to show the world your great leadership skills! Have an amazing summer! Can’t wait to see what’s in store for our new board members and new service year! Miss Pobuta

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Message from the Seniors My favorite memory of Key Club happened my sophomore year. I wasn't a member yet, but several of my friends were and so I ended up going to the Thanksgiving Dinner. I thought I would just be sitting there bred out of my mind, but before I knew it I was passing out plates, talking to senior citizens and actually enjoying myself. It was in that moment that I realized that I needed to join this club, and my junior year I did just that. I've been a member of Key Club for the past two years and they have honestly been the best years of my high school career. I'm not one to half do things and so I fully committed myself in those two years, going to all the events and running for a positiom on the executive board. Being secretary exposed me to all the behind the scenes work that has to be done in order to maintain our club. Our board is kind of like a family, sometimes crazy and dysfunctional, but at the end of the daywe are still family so we do our best to get along and we always pull through when we have to get things done. We've had so many good times and I know I'll miss every one of them! Key Club has taught me how to work with others and how to be a part of something greater than myself.. Next year at TCNJ I definitely plan on joining Circle-K (college level Key Club). I wish all the new board the best and I will definitely come back to visit! -Baldween Casseus, Secretary

It is my senior year already, time has flown by. I remember passing the Key Club office when I was a freshman and thinking that I wanted to sit in there one day. Key Club has taught me many things but most of all my love for my community. Our community at Bloomfield High School is very diverse which also means that our Key Club is, which made me want to join Key Club as soon as possible. Bloomfield’s Key Club had many different community activities and I was fortunate to be part of almost every single one. Our Key Club screams community. This Key Club in Bloomfield reminds me of one big happy family. My favorite memory of key club will always be the coffee houses, it is a time where people from the community come to see high schoolers perform which shows we are a tight knit community. I hope that Key Club will always be their to keep our community together and I also want to say good wishes for the new board next year I know they will do great things. -Nabeehah Sackoor

Where do I start? I can not even grasp how fast the time has passed since I joined Key Club my freshmen year of high school. Through my experiences serving our local as well as both national and international communities through Key Club alongside my peers I have gained vast wisdom. Attending meetings and events seemed tedious at first however the feeling of helping other individuals surpassed and eventually diminished that feeling. I have learned how to and not to work in groups, how to manage and not to manage my time efficiently, and how to expand my skills as a leader via the tasks presented. I am also very thankful and fortunate for the amazing advisors that dedicate their time for the club, especially Mr. Cappello whom I have known the longest of the three and has been there for advice and “friendly” critiquing (insert lol) all through my high school career. But let’s not forget Mr. Adams and Miss. P; I may have not known them for as long as the Great Lou Cappello but they have also guided me this past year and have built an unbreakable bond with the 2013-2014 board. Lastly I would like to wish the incoming board as well as new members a successful upcoming service year. -Your 2013-2014 Bulletin Editor, Manny Diaz

Four years have gone by so quickly! I remember being a freshman and hearing about Key Club. I was so excited to join and be a part of such a wonderful group that helped our community. When the first meeting started, I was so nervous and shy. I was afraid that I wouldn’t know anyone and be by myself all the time. Then I noticed how kind everyone was to each other and how everyone really seemed to enjoy what the club did. I began to participate in so many things like the Haunted House, all the events at Oakside Manor, and all of the Coffee Houses that were being held and with each event I went to, I felt more and more like part of an amazing family. I’m a senior now and about to graduate and go to college. I’m really excited about meeting new people and going to new places but I also feel sad because I’ll miss the people that I have become so close to because of being a part of this club. I see how much the club and I have grown throughout these four short years and how Key Club has made me who I am today- a confident, happy, and caring person who will continue to help my community even after I graduate. That’s why Key Club isn’t like the other clubs; we’re a family who will stick together no matter what happens. I’m really going to miss everyone! -Samantha Nieve-Silva

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INCOMING BOARD My name is Josh Mariscal, and I am INSERT PHOTO. one of two Vice Presidents for this upcoming service year. I am absolutely honored to serve in this prestigious club. As a Freshman, I had no idea what I was getting myself into. My main reason for going was because of my brother. Throughout the year, though, I learned that Key Club is more than just your average club. From becoming Sophomore Director this past year to rapping my way through DCON, I also learned that Key Club expands past the club level, and goes internationally. This upcoming year, I hope to get my fellow Key Clubbers as interested in Key Club as I am. - Josh Mariscal, 2014-2015 Vice President

Hi my name is Isabel Gonzalez and I will be the Key Club Secretary for the incoming 2014-2015 service year. As Secretary , it is my responsibility to keep track of all meetings and other important information, as well as keep the club organized. I am excited to get to work with the rest of the board and have a great service year with the entire club! - Isabel Gonzalez, 2014-2015 Secretary

Hello to all Bloomfield Key Clubbers, my name is Pablo Acuna and I will serve as your 2014-2015 Treasurer. As your treasurer, I will track all transactions that go in and out of Key Club as well as create a stable budget and pay all dues early to earn an award at DCON. In addition I will be attending all meetings, events, and DCON to make this service year the best it can be. I am very welcoming to anyone who has any questions, suggestions, or comments that could help the club be the most successful it can. I look forward to meeting all of you this service year.

Hello, my name is Brittney Brown. I am excited to serve as Vice President during my senior year. Throughout the upcoming service year, it is my duty to assume leadership whenever necessary. I will also communicate with board and general members to ensure events are run efficiently. Although I am required to assist the President, I am available to help other members with any - Your 2014-2015 Key Club Treasurer, problems they may encounter. During my Pablo Acuna term, I am looking forward to working with you to make the year a successful one. Together we will have fun while serving our community. - Brittney Brown, 2014-2015 Vice President


Lieutenant Governor’s Address

Hello, BHS Key Clubbers. My name is Ricky Thompson and I have the honor to serve as the Lieutenant Governor of Division 18 of the New Jersey District of Key Club International for the 2014 2015 service year. The new division 18 is formed of the clubs of Belleville High School, Bloomfield High School, Clifton High School, Glen Ridge High School, Montclair High School, Nutley High School and St. Mary’s High School. I am currently a sophomore at Bloomfield High School and started Key Club as a freshman.

My Goals for the 2014 - 2015 service year are to train 100% of officers, have two or more divisional events to strengthen club to club communication, build two or more Key Clubs, build at least Builders club, build and maintain a Divisional Website, attempt to have all clubs as Early Bird Dues paid clubs, attend every club’s meeting at least once every two months.

Although I will serve as your Lieutenant Governor this year, do not be afraid to come and talk to me with whatever you need. I always have time on my hands and am never busy. If you need help at an event do not be afraid to ask When I joined Key Club, I had me and I will be there to help. prior skills with computers so I had decided to become the webmas- -Ricky Thompson, ter of the club. I served as Web2014-2015 Lieutenant Governor of master for the 2012-2013 service Division18 year and Webmaster and Membership Director for the 2013-2014 service year. After attending Fall Rally, Key Leader, DCON, RTCs and ICON as a freshman I had a bigger perspective of Key Club, the district and the international level of Key Club. I decided to run a second time in February and was elected. My extracurricular activities include: Key Club, Key Club and even more (you guessed it!) Key Club.



This past March the Bloomfield High School Key Club attended the 68th Annual New Jersey District Key Club Convention in Long Branch, NJ. Our Key Club was honored with the following awards: 1st place Club Achievement – Platinum Division 1st place Theme and Major Emphasis 1st place for Non-traditional Scrapbook by Sasha Mendez and Priya Savalia 1st place for hand drawn poster by Sasha Mendez 2nd place for digital poster by Manny Diaz 2nd place Single Service Project 3rd place Kiwanis Family Relations 3rd place for Oratorical Contest by Baldween Casseus Bloomfield was also recognized with the highest honor for a club from Key Club International - Distinguished Club in the Diamond Level. The Golden Member award was presented to Ivan Hernandez for outstanding service and commitment to Key Club. Mr. Cappello was presented with the prestigious Key of Honor award for going above and beyond the call of duty in dedicating his time as advisor of the Key Club. The following officers were recognized for their hard work and dedication: Nick Acuna – Distinguished President Rosy Feliciano – Distinguished Vice-President Baldween Casseus – Distinguished Secretary Ricky Thompson – Distinguished Webmaster Ricky Thompson was officially installed as our Lieutenant Governor for the 2014-2015 school year. Lastly… Elizabeth Wallace was officially retired from her term as our Lieutenant Governor for the 2013-2014 school year. She was recognized with the Robert F. Lucas Distinguished Lieutenant Governor award.


Congratulations to everyone for another successful year! 11


Important Contacts Rosalyn Feliciano President

Ricky Thompson LT Governor

Brittney Brown Vice President

Josh Mariscal Vice President

BHS Key Club Group

Isabel Gonzalez Secretary


Pablo Acuna Treasurer

Denise Rigo Editor

Advisors 13

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