Key Words February Edition

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Hopefully you have all noticed that this is the 1st issue in the past two months. No, it’s definitely not because I don’t like being the editor and I’ve decided I’m not going to do my job anymore, just that activities during the November and December months were few and sparse. With the new year comes resolutions and promises to ourselves and to each other. I can already say that one of my many resolutions already involves Key Club and is probably the most important resolution I’ve made. I’ve promised myself to make a difference in the

A Message From Your Editor

lives of other people, and al- PAGE 2 though that has already been  Presidential Message so with my activities with Key Club, I still have made that  Kiwanis Bulletin promise to give myself to those PAGE 3 who need it the most.

 K-Kids Fun Night And so we are leaving 2007 and stepping right into 2008PAGE 4 with a lot of activities and fund Scrapbook Want You! raisers ready including the Volleyball Marathon, Coffee House, PAGE 5 and Miles of Dimes event. Keep  Do You Have What It Takes To be serving that service! Your editor,

an Officer?


 Dave Rodrigues 

District Convention Tutoring at the Elementary School

MEMBERS OF THE MONTH Each month the executive board assesses which member (s) of the Key Club have been the most active throughout the previous month. This is ultimately determined through the calculation of hours each member of the club has completed.

during the year. A member may only be Member of the Month once per year and at the conclusion of the year, the executive board will determine the amount of hours each Member of the Month has accumulated throughout the year.

the Month are:

Once reviewing the candidates for Member of the Month and finalizing our decision, the individual member(s) will receive a certificate explaining their achievement of service

Once this has been completed, a Member of the Year will be determined and shall be awarded a prize that has yet to be announced.

Congratulations to our winners!

The December Members of

Amanda Jiminez & Alicia McElhone



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PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS With the Thanksgiving its way and is a fun-filled chance to be recognized for Dinner, Stall Day, and Karanight of club bonding that I’m all our hard work. Anyone oke Night, the past few sure will help bond all of our within our Key Club can come months have been absolutely members. to convention, so I hope that wonderful. I am continually interested This month in Key Club we have a newForevent I am excited for!you’re Its called K-kidsin joining years, thevery Volleyball impressed and delighted with us. fun night! K-kids fun night is aimed at teaching K-Kids in Bloomfield how to Marathon wasthe an honored the dedication and devotion and eating anticipated theAt the event I hopewe you all had great lead healthy lifestyles through healthy and event active for play. will to service within our club and entire student body. This vacations, because now, we have relay Iraces, obstacle school. know an that our clubcourse, and a Just Dance competition. We will also year, we want to reestablish have our work cut out for us! have array oftofresh fruits willan continue amaze me and as vegetables for the K-kids to eat rather than junk the marathon as a fun event We have to prepare for Volthe Iyear goes food. hope thison. event will bring our key club closer to our fellow k-kids. for the whole school. But it is leyball Marathon, MEP Day, With the come of the New going to take a lot of work for and get ready for District Also this month, webeen are focusing on majorour emphasis motto forSo I hope to see Year you have all introus the to reach goal. Soproject. I look The Convention. duced to activities that are all forward to working with all of all of you lending MEP is "children: their future, our focus." The BHS Key Club will be babysitting ata hand to but newelementary to the BHSschool Key Club, you to achieve that goal. out. Carteret every Tuesday while parents attend freehelp community such as Read with Me and classes. We also will be beginning tutoring Right at after Demarest Volleyball and Brookdale elementary Your President Cosmic Bowling. Read With Marathon, we’ll have to start schools. By interacting with the children in our community, Key Club hopes that Me was a great opportunity preparing for the 62nd Anwill we have impact for us to geta positive out and not only on their lives. From academics to physical fitness, it is Alex Gibson nual New Jersey District Conimportant that we act role help community, but as also to models to the younger generation. After all, the chilvention in King of Prussia, show of Bloomfield dren weall influence todaywhat will become the future Key Pennsylvania. Thisclubbers is when of Bloomfield High an excellent organization Key School! all the Key Clubs in New JerClub is. Cosmic Bowling is on sey gather and we get a

Presidential Message

A D Kiwanis V I S O R ’ S Bulletin COMMENTS This holiday season our terers in Belleville. It was an service by collecting food and The Bloomfield Kiwanis club has been busy planning a variety of fundraisers forlocal the upKey Club worked on a wide enjoyable experience for toys for families in need. coming spring! On Wednesday, March 20th we will be sponsoring a restaurant night at the array of service projects, everyone involved and the We also helped Town Pub. We will receive 20% of the total bill for everyone who eats from 5pm – 10pm.our Kiwanis with were the elated that thisKiwanis club by collecting Allbeginning you have to do ais long-awaited bring the flier or seniors just mention Bloomfield club. Please tell coats for everyone know to come eat and raise some money for our club. Our the nextNew big fundreturn you of the Senior Citizens event made a return appearJersey Cares Coat raiser will be an iPad raffleThe starting from the end of March and running through endDecember. of Thanksgiving Dinner. ance. Drive inthe early You April. Tickets will be $5 each and we hope to raise a lot of money! On Sunday, April 14 th, day before Thanksgiving over should all be truly proud of we will be holding our annual Pancake Breakfast 8amthat – 1pm As you from all know wasat the high school. The 100 Club collecting these items for cost willKey be $5 permembers person which includes pancakes, sausage, and coffee. Raffle justunlimited the start to a holiday served to almost whoparare less fortunate tickets for food the iPad will be 200 sold during this event so it will be a good time people to ask your season of giving. Upon our ents to buycitizens a ticketfrom for you! senior our comin our area. We played a return from Thanksgiving, we munity. small part making the holiOur club is looking to expand so if your parents are interested in coming to one of in our promoted one of the best meetings, please tell them to email me at days We hope to more see all enjoyable… a little the school fundraising projects ever of you With participate in ourconstrucfundraisers over the next two months! way to go!! tion finally completed, after developed at BHS…Stall Day! four years of dust and noise, Thanks to the generous stuOf course I can’t forget to the seniors were presented dents in this school we were mention some fun events with a remodeled cafeteria, able to raise almost $3900 such as Karaoke Night. many new key club members, for the Ronald McDonald While the attendance was a and most importantly food House Charities. little sparse, we managed to that was edible thanks to our have a killer time watching Of course we continued friends from Bella Casa Camany people (including myon with our holiday season of

self) make complete fools of themselves! If you missed this event have no fear because the karaoke machine will be around again during the Volleyball Marathon! The service never stops in Key Club at Bloomfield High School and that is why we are top shelf!! Your Advisor

Mr. Cappello






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Good morning BHS (-ore)!! Every day’s like an open door…

UPCK: Just recently our over last year! always get better. Service 25 official members gathered can make you feel as though CK: Do you have any fun together to make fleece blanyou are defying gravity and events coming up to look kets for Project Linus, one of even though times are stressWelcome to the Corny forward to? our most popular events. It ful, nothing is stressful once Kristin I’mwanted your host to Our KeyShow! Club I hope you’re justUPCK: as exYes! Even though this was really fun making the you see the smiling faces of Corny Kristin! The show tosemester is coming to a close chatting with It will be the people you have helped. be more with our blankets while cited as I am! day willinvolved include an exclusive (I can hear the bells?), we’ve everyone in the club. And the Remember even a group of from some of the nicest K-Kids. It was time tokids createblankets allfun againststillthe got kids a lot of events had racing the cutest kids can make big changes if in town—those members of planned for the beginning of favor-them ways to they stand up for what they a stronger relationship. Thepatterns. (My andpersonal teaching the Kiwanis family! December. In fact, this comite was the pink one with believe in! bestCorny wayKristin: to wasNow toI’dcreate like to an flowers!) eat more healthy.ingMark Friday we’ll be making CK: Thanks a lot for joining welcome our first guest, the holiday cards for the kids at event that included relay CK: What athis eventproon your calenwonderful us UPenn Circle K! RememUniversity of Pennsylvania the Children’s Hospital. We ject! And 25 members, ber kids, without love this races, obstacle courses, dar because you surely Circle K club! UPenn Circle Just K, even get people from the sounds like you’ve come so world can’t go round! So what have you been up to entire university to help out! Dance, and feed them don’t far from where youwant startedto miss it. keep on serving and helping lately? We may even have one day last year with only 4 memout others! Stress may bring more of fleece blanket makhealthy foods . Which goes UPenn Circle K: Well Corny bers! you down and times may get ing. Kristin, at the along with ourbeginning Major ofEm- UPCK: Thank goodness! I rough, but you can’t stop the November we sold Penn Ivan Hernandez CK: Sounds like you’re doing beat! may not be big, blonde and phasis Project. We will Mom and Penn Dad t-shirts a great job of service so far beautiful but I know where to benefit the Children’s Mirathis year. Do you have any break the kids into groups I’ve been in the past and this cle Network. It’s a great way advice for the kids out there Yours in Service, year has been way better so where kidsI’mwill to saythe Mama, a big go girl to watching the show today? far. (I hope we never go back now! The project was a huge different stations and switchto before!) We have a lot of UPCK: Of course! Kids, make success making over $1700! off after a certain amount ofgreat new members who are sure you journey on through Kristin Szuhany CK: That’s great! You should service. Even when times get getting along and becoming UPENN Circle K President time. run and tell that to everyone! tough, as it did for our club really good friends even outWhat else have you guys when we only had a few side Circle K. The club is This will take place at been up to? members, just keep pushing much more fun this year and through because things will even more productive than 7:00pm, so all members P.S. As you can see I love musi-

K-Kids Fun Night

Kristin Szuhany

should arrive around 6:00pm to help set up for the event.

cals! In fact I’m even taking a class this semester called American Musical Theater! Hopefully, many of you understood the main show that I alluded to throughout this article. But if you were paying attention I threw in songs from 3 more musicals, some of my favorites! If you can find them you’ll gain 4 extra points for the did I mess up? Contest. Good luck!


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KIWANIS CORNER Do you ever wonder what’s new with Kiwanis or what events they’re up to? With everyone’s schedules being how they are, its easy to not know Are you good at cutting what’s going on.

should know of Kiwanis’s bers take the lead of their latest project: Read With Me. group and read a story to This project is the very esthem along with playing an sence of Key Club Internaactivity. tional’s Winter Season of out do not hesitate toIt’s email an awesome activity Service, Read and Lead. and teaches kids so much. pictures? Are you creative? Do Jenny at: For those of you who have If you are a fan of kids Plus, it’s a fun and easy way you enjoy scrapbooking? Can villanueva.jenny317@gmail. no idea what Kiwanis is, it is the and like interacting with peoto gain membership hours! all grown-up version of Key Club ple, then this is the perfect To be posted on more Kiyou at least type up short capcom , or friend her on (the last step up the K-Family activity for you. On Tuesdays wanis activities, refer to this tree after Circle-K) and their of the Key Words each tions? Then, thisand is sponjust forat 7:00pm, children Facebook with part a message sors our Key Club at the high parents go to Oakside Manor month. you! Jenny Villanueva, your about your interest in the school. Essentially, without the to have a fun night of schoThanks! Bloomfield KiwanisScrapbook Club, our lastic activities and reading. :) BHS Key Club scrapbook. Dave Rodrigues club along with many other Key Clubbers have the pleasEditor, is in need of a scrapclubs would not and could not ure of interacting one-on-one exist.committee. It requires with the kids once they have book been separated into different If you’ve all beenand goingcreativity, to hours of energy rooms where the Key Clubour morning meetings :-) , you

Scrapbook Wants You!

but it is sure worth your time!

Jenny Villanueva

The theme for this year's


DCON is the 1920's, some-

thing I'm sure all of you will find fun to work with. Even if you could only lend an hour or two of your time, or if you are simply remotely interested, your help will be greatly Did you know that 20 percent

appreciated! (and rewarded of adults in the United States are

fact, of andthe unforwithilliterate? food) This So, isifaany tunately the number is growing.

above applies to you, please These adults cannot even read to their own children. Read and Lead is Key Club International’s Winter Season of Service. It is a one-onone reading improvement program conducted by high school students to teach young children to love and enjoy books. Key Club

members are asked to mentor a child by donating an hour or so weekly to read stories to elementary school students who are struggling with books. By reading books together and becoming the child’s friend, the Key Club member becomes a positive role model and mentor. Why not spice it up? You can make the experience more fun by dressing up as a character in a book! Do not be afraid to get creative and show children that reading can be fun. For more information on how to start a Read and Lead program at an elementary school near you, please visit keyclub/lit/download.asp?id=252. This information has been derived from the NJ Key Club website. Please visit for more infor-


“Without Bloomfield Kiwanis Club, our club along with many other clubs would not and could not exist.” -Dave Rodrigues





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Hey Key Clubbers! Just WhatDave: Wow, that’s big Officer? many great activities. But, I Do You Have it Takes Toa pretty Be an recently I had the pleasure of job! Well, what event do you think the one I’m most lookAs president, you are the Planning all events and making areforward executedto is District Contalking with yet another Keybig boss. think will/has attract(ed) the sure theying well. You run the general meetings as well as board meetings. To be in constant contact Club senior who has helped most membership activevention. I can’t wait for all the make withthis theclub advisor what and it is fellow to- generalness? members. Keep in mind, this position requires recognition hoursafter all of our day.ofMeet Alyssaand Lancaster! hard hard work planning because it is the hardest. Though it all pays off in the work. end with Alyssa: Well, that’s a tough successful events.Tell Good fortothe Dave: Hey Alyssa! me, luck to those one.running I’d have sayposition the of President!Dave: Awesome! So, one last what’s your position on the Haunted House. question. What advice would Extended Board and what is you give to those members Dave:upCool, that’s what itI is time to elect Bloomfield Key Club’s Hey guys! The end of the year is quickly creeping on us and that means required of you? who wish to grow in Key new Executive board. One of the most important positions the Vice-President. would haveis guessed. Now,Being the vice-president can be a tough job so if you are thinking about taking this position, don’t treat it lightly. Your job as the VP is to essentially Club? Alyssa: Hey Dave! I’mwith anythingwhat’s activity that you are going to have to be good help the other board Well, members that they the need one assistance with. Also, with emails and speaking to others face to face. As VP, it is your job to send out emails quite frequently about when thethere club’s membership direcyou looked forward/looking Alyssa: BE ACTIVE! Haha! are meetings, events, or just what was discussed at the previous/upcoming meeting. Don’t forget that you will be approached a few members asking questions aboutyear? events and meetings so make sure you know tor probably and have the fairlybylarge forward to this Show up towhat as many events is going on and that you are able to inform everyone who doesn’t know what is going on. To all of those who still task oftokeeping record of all I wish you the best! It is a tough role, but it all pays off in the end aswhen possible and show your wish try going for this position, you make Alyssa: Again, that’s a tough some great friends and are able to say that you gave back to the community as much as you could.Key GoodClub luck! spirit! club member hours throughquestion because we have so out the year. Serving as the secretary for our Bloomfield High School Key Club has been an honor. I highly recommend taking on the position for anyone who is interested, and I would love to talk about my position, the importance of Key Club, or answer any questions you might have! As Secretary, my primary responsibility is handling all of our club's reports, records, and correspondence. Every month, I am responsible for sending out a monthly report (CMRF) which covers everything our club has done that month (events, fundraising, projects), what we've done with the district (meetings, district events), special events (ICON, DCON, Key Leader, etc) and when our club has had meetings, board meetings, So, with if you’ve been anyare ofvery important because they go to the district board secretary, the and interactions the LTG. Theseto reports Friday morning and getting LTG, and adults inrecent charge ofmeetings, the New Jersey District. Besides the CMRF, as Secretary, I am responsible for sendKeytheClub’s ing out letters to those who have worked with our club and who have helped us. Since the position of secretary is one to our destination within a include: Secretaryon the there’s executive board, like all board positions, a slight chance that there is another set of responsibilities. Those specific duties like taking notes at board meetings; helping to hours, plan all club events, organizing committees, running club few giving everyone you’ve heard this called meetings, and making sureofthat youthing are present at all events possible. Best of luck to all applying and I look forward to time to shop for a good few teaching you the ropes once elected!To some of District Convention.


us the thought of DCON brings

hours at one of the east

What does it mean to be a treasurer for ourcoast’s very ownbiggest Bloomfield High School malls, King of Key Club? Lots back so many great memories of counting and time with the advisors, that’s for sure. The responsibilities of a treasurer include Prussia Mall. Once all of your and anticipation next you are in charge of keeping track of the money collected trust more than anything.for Asthe treasurer has been spent from each event. A treasurer must thenatreportmoney it to the club advisor and(just secretary. The second one, but others are probably most important attribute a treasurer must have is the ability toreally handle money. Basically, you kidding—don’t do that!), a lost at what DCON means. have to be good at counting and keeping records. As treasurer have to maintain accurate you will go up toyou your hotel financial records, the board about club costs, and present a strong budget incase needed. This is inform the second largest rooms, situationis(unpack, Being present at events such as membership night andget concessions a must. Above all you have

New Jersey District event (next get comfortable, etc.) and to Fall Rally for those of you then get spiffed up for the hadasthe pleasure of going) The who position Editor calls for a monthly1st newsletter well as working with all executive night’s as event: caucusing. and a time of celebration. board members. You required to be at all events working side by side with everyone. Not onlyInthat, butKey e-mail all from members April, Clubs all to write articles and ask for feedback. It’s a great position release yourgoinner creativity! overtoNew Jersey to King of Prussia, Pennsylvania (and please don’t ask why NJ District Convention is held in PA— just go with it :-) ) for a fun and eventful weekend. We will be leaving school on

This is one of the most important nights during DCON since speeches are taken place by candidates running for district office. After caucusing, the rest of the night is devoted to a non-formal dance and then bedtime until the morning’s festivities. From there, things ranging from presentations, the Service Fair, elections, workshops, and Awards are held throughout the rest of the day into the night, wrapping it up with another, but formal dance. The trip wraps up with the retirement of the old board and the installation of the new board. It’s a great thing to experience. Not only will our very own Joanna Maruca be installed as our LTG, but David Rodrigues will be running for District Secretary! It promises to be an exciting night.





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Lat Summer, our previous edia winner will be determine and will Last Month’s Mistakes tor, Eric Szuhany, started an interbe awarded a prize that has yet to esting game of correcting the Edibe determined. 1. pg. 5— “If you’re knew”, tor of the Key Words! Well, it should be “if you’re new” As of now, the leader board proved to be extremely successful -Anthony Couto Hey Key Clubbers! Do not forget money for the New Jersey District Conlook like: and got people interested in readvention due March 1st.chosen You are not allowed to hand it in any later. 2. Pg. 1— “at the conclusion of ing the is bulletin. So, I have the school year”, should be This is a great opportunity to keep the contest as a partto of see the how well the club runs on a state level. “at the conclusion of the year” Key you Words hopes keeping Also, getinto meetofnew people and1.learn greatCouto ideas- for the next service Anthony 3 points -Anthony Couto Eric’s legacy somewhat instilled in year. Not to forget, the theme is 1920s! So get your flapper dresses and 2. Janine McElhone - 2 points 3. Issue number wrong the bulletin and try to grab some your Charleston our way into service! -Anthony Couto readers’ attentionon bybecause finding a we’re few swinging 3. -EMPTY- (0 points) of my mistakes. 4. Pg. 1— “almost every day in 4. -EMPTY- (0 points) Key Club.” Should be “almost How it works is basically, for Ryan Fucci every day in Key Club?” ever correction you make in the -Janine McElhone Key Words and tell me about, you Looks like Anthony’s in the

District Convention

The Leaderboard

get a point for each correction you have made. That is, if no one else has made that correction as well. Each month, a leader board will be posted and you will all get to see who’s who in the contest.

lead, but it looks like it can go either way if Janine snags a few more mistakes in the next issue!


Tutoring at Elementary Schools

Every Tuesday and Thursday we will be going to the elementary Finally, once all of the correc-

schools to tutor grades 5 through 6. Many kids may not understand tions have been tallied up in June, a certain JAN U A R Ysubject, B I R Tso H itD isA our Y S duty to make sure we can teach them whatever it is they need help on. They will take place at 4:00pm– Let’s wish the following people a


5:00pm at Brookdale, “Happy Birthday” on their Oakview, birthdays and Demarest. Please try your best 10. Krystyn Margeotes—January

toinbeJanuary. there as many times as you can! 14th. 1. Jen Kelly— January 14th. 2. Savannah Mitchell— January 11th.

Nick Porcelli

3. Michelle Pulgarin— January 18th. 4. Shanice Morrison— January 12th. 5. Adliana Pittz— January 7th. 6. Lisa Santeramo— January 14th. 7. Emily Genser— January 30th. 8. Ashley Giallaretto— January 3rd. 9. Alexander Podkul— January

Pg. 2— “Bloomfield to come to BHS cafeteria,” should be “Bloomfield to come to the BHS cafeteria”. -Janine McElhone


Page 7




6 President 7 Katelyn Feliciano






1 New Years


3 General Meeting




13 Vice President


10 General 11 MeetingMessage” Feliciano—“Presidential





17 General Hernandez—“K-Kids Fun Night” Meeting

Key Club Interna-

12 tional is the oldest and largest service program for high school stu-

Lou Cappello—“Kiwanis Bulletin”

Nicholas Porcelli

20 Cosmic Bowling Vice President

Nicholas Acuna— “Message From Your Editor” Katelyn


dents. It is a student-


19 led organization that teaches


Jenny Villanueva—“Scrapbook Wants You!”

through serving others.

23 24 General Ryan Fucci—“District Convention”

26 also part of the Ki-

Members of Key Club,

21 No School



Nick Porcelli—“Tutoring at the Elementary Schools”

Zach Zayas 28




31 General Meeting

S CIfHyou’d EDU E submit O F an EV E N TorSjust have any suglikeL to article, gestions or ideas for future issues of the Key Words, feel free to e-mail me, Nick Acuna (the Editor) at Even if you’re not on the January 10th, 2008: General meeting in Media Center at 7:20 am.

Key Words Staff, you can still have the ability to write

January 20th, 2008: Cosmic Bowling in Brunswick Zone at 9:00 pm.

Bulletin Editor

about a Key Club (or unrelated to Key Club but still

Nicholas Acuna

relates to service) project

or event, just feel free to

January 21st, 2008: No School (Martin Luther King Jr.’s Birthday)

January 24th, 2008: General meeting in Media Center at 7:20 am. January 31st, 2008: General meeting in Media Center at 7:20 am.

contact me by e-mail!

Ashna Bhatia



their schools and communities. Key


colors consist of blue

Joel3rd, Shaji January 2008: General meeting in Media Center at 7:20 am.

Lieutenant Gov. Division 17



Grace Fucci

January 1st, 2008: New Years Day Treasurer


selves as they build



for unwavering character, gold for service, and white for purity. The core values of

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