Key Words Back to School Edition

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XXIX, Issue 3

PAGE 1  A Message From Your Bulletin Editor PAGE 2  Presidential Message  Kiwanis Bulletin PAGE 3  New Advisor!  Advisor Comment PAGE 4  Summer Recap PAGE 5  Relay for Life PAGE 6  Fall Rally PAGE 7  Calendar PAGE 8  Contact Information

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Membership Night 9/18 Fall Rally Money Due 9/28 Relay for Life 10/5 Fall Rally 10/7 Homecoming 10/12 Haunted Hallows 10/27

Presidential Message Let the school bells ring because class is officially back in session! First, I would like to welcome everyone back from summer vacation. I am extremely enthusiastic about starting off the new school year because Key Club is finally kicking into full gear! I hope to see both some returning and fresh faces joining Key Club at Membership Night. For returning members, I promise that you will definitely get the most this year from your Key Club experience. To new members, you have no idea what you are getting yourself into... Of course I mean that in the best way possible! New members will not fully understand the incredible opportunities and encounters Key Club has to offer until they participate in one of our events, attend a District Convention (DCON), or take advantage of the leadership opportunities our club has to offer. With a new school year come new changes. The high school has decided to end every Wednesday one period earlier as to allow time for students to become more involved in activities such as clubs. This year, Key Club hopes to utilize this time for their weekly general meeting as well as committee meetings for our larger events. Also new this year is some of our projects such as Alex’s Lemonade Stand, Project at the Elementary Schools, and a K-Kids Fun Night. The board has discussed making this year a year of inclusiveness; something we believed the club was lacking. We want EVERYONE to feel welcomed and be encouraged to make friends and just have an enjoyable time. The BHS Key Club should perpetuate the idea of community. Remember without unity amongst our members we cannot contribute to our own community through service. Katelyn Feliciano

Kiwanis Bulletin Dear Key Club Members aka/K Family Members, Yes, that’s right…we are related!!!! I am not sure how many of you know that our Bloomfield Kiwanis Club is actually the parent organization of your Key Club, the Builder’s Club at BHS and the K-Kids in all of the elementary schools. Like any family, we share the same goals of service to others. Our club, though small, works hard to make our schools, community and world a better place to live. Some activities we have been involved in include creating Mother’s Day gift bags for women in shelters, donating money for international funds directed towards wiping out disease, and raising funds to provide scholarships for deserving Key Club members. As the liaison between the Key Club and Kiwanis, I look forward to working with you this year. You are off to a great start having done an awesome job of creating play areas at my school and assisting me in delivering classroom books. Please be certain to keep me posted of your activities and don’t hesitate to contact me if I can help in any way. Sincerely, Mrs. Mary Todaro

Advisor Comments Welcome back! I hope that everyone had an enjoyable summer and is ready for a new school year filled with various projects. The Key Club has been busy planning many activities, both old and new, that are not to be missed. We will be kicking the year off with our annual fall car wash on Saturday, September 15 th. This is a huge fundraiser for us so I hope to see everyone there ready to wash some cars! On Tuesday, September 18th we will be hosting our membership night for new and old members to pay their dues, pick up their t-shirt, and get to know everyone in the club. October is sure to be busy with Relay for Life on Friday, October 5th at Demarest School. This is an amazing fundraiser that benefits the American Cancer Society. Stay tuned for more details! Lastly, get ready to travel to Six Flags for the annual NJ District Key Club Fall Rally on Sunday, October 7th. The cost is $40 and should be handed in to Mr. Newman by Friday, September 21st. I look forward to seeing everyone at the events we have planned for the next two months. Please encourage your friends to come to a meeting or an event to see firsthand that Key Club is filled with fun activities and truly a phenomenal organization.

New Advisor! Hey BHS!!! My name is Miss Pobuta and I am very excited to be the newest advisor of the BHS Key Club this year! Just for a little background information, I’m from Clark, NJ and I graduated from Kean University in Union, NJ. I am also currently taking classes at Kean towards getting my Masters degree. I come from a pretty big family, with my dad having 7 brothers and sisters. I have one older sister, who I am especially close with, and 2 younger brothers. My sister is married with 3 children, so I spend a lot of my free time hanging out with my 3 nieces: Cassidy, Ashley, and Addison. I also work a part time job at Stewarts Root Beer, which is a car hop restaurant similar to Sonic, but better! This is my second year teaching Algebra 1 at Bloomfield High School. I spent most of my first year adjusting and putting together my lesson plans, but I can’t wait to get involved in other activities outside the classroom! Over the summer I was able to take part in a few events such as the Key Club Car Wash and Alex’s Lemonade Stand. I also attended the Shawnee trip with Mr. Cappello and a few students from the board of the BHS Key Club. We had so much fun and now I’m excited to see what the rest of the year’s events have in store for us!

Summer Recap This summer our Key Club put extra time, sweat, and tears into our weeks off. We discussed our plans for the upcoming school year and how to improve our club as well as members. Initially, we already have a schedule filling summer, however we managed our time fairly well and it's safe to say our club had a successful two months. For the remainder of the school year we have planned out board meetings general meetings and of course our own events. We are looking forward to a year of service. Bobby Thompson Vice President

Relay for Life Almost everyone is affected in some way by cancer. Whether a friend had it, a relative, or even themselves, it touches everyone’s life in some way. We honor those that survive and remember those who did not. Although no cure has been found yet, we can always help get closer to this goal. One major event that is held nationwide yearly and raises thousands of dollars for cancer research is Relay for Life. I had the privilege of helping to put together Bloomfield’s first ever Relay for Life last year and it was such an inspiring event and I am glad to announce that we are bringing it back again this year! The Key Club will be helping with the Paint the Town Purple portion of the event first. This is when we travel around town decorating with purple ribbons, signs, and other fun stuff! The date of this is unsure at the moment, but we will make sure everyone knows the exact date when we find out. The actual Relay for Life event is an overnight gathering of hundreds of people who want to fight back. We all walk around a track while trying to raise money for cancer research. Certain laps have themes too! For example, last year we had a lap where guys would dress as girls and vice versa. It was quite the site and very funny to watch. The best part about Relay is

that it goes overnight! Everyone gathers their tents and sleeping bags and sets up in the middle of the track. It is an amazing sight and very touching to participate in. We hope everyone can come out not only to participate, but to help set up the event and to help with Paint the town Purple. Thanks everyone and see you soon!

Nick Porcelli Vice President

New Jersey Key Club’s Fall Rally Hey Bloomfield! How you doin’? This is Ashna, your LTG and I’m here to tell you some very thrilling news. Though it’s September and school has started with all its tests and homework, Key Club is just getting exciting. This October, the New Jersey District will once again be holding their annual Fall Rally at Six Flag Great Adventure. Get ready for the fun, games, thrills, and Key Clubbers that you are sure to meet there! Fall Rally will be taking place on October 7th, and over 3,000 mem-

brate their unity and team power. We all have the willpower to do anything we put our mind to! The LTGs this year, divided up their divisions into countries. Each country will be an Eliminate country that still needs to get Maternal/ Neonatal Tetanus eliminated. Our division will be representing the very fun country of Jamaica! I absolutely can’t wait to see you all jammin’ at Six Flags, representing Jamaica and our very special Division 17. Also remember to bring school supplies for underprivileged children! See you soon! “Latta Mons” Ashna Bhatia, Lieutenant Governor of Division 17

bers from all over Jersey are going to come together and celebrate Key Club. This year, the theme for Great Adventure is the OLYMPICS! With the 46 gold medals that the USA brought back from London this summer, we all also want to bring back some gold. With that in mind, the District Board wants the whole of New Jersey to cele-

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President Katelyn Feliciano

Nicholas Acuna— “Message From Your Editor,”

Vice President Nicholas Porcelli

Lou Cappello—“Advisor Comment”

Katelyn Feliciano—“Presidential Message” Mary Todaro—“Kiwanis Bulletin” Alex Pobuta—“New Advisor” Bobby Thompson—“Summer Recap”

Vice President Bobby Thompson

Nicholas Porcelli—“Relay for Life” Ashna Bhatia—“Fall Rally”

The Key Club colors consist of blue for unwavering character, gold for service, and white for purity.

Secretary Grace Fucci Treasurer Robert Schiller Bulletin Editor Nicholas Acuna Activities Director Alyssa Torrisi Lieutenant Gov. Division 17 Ashna Bhatia

Key Club International is the oldest and largest service program for high school students. It is a studentled organization that teaches leadership through serving others. Members of Key Club, also part of the Kiwanis International family, build themselves as they build their schools and communities.

If you’d like to submit an article, or just have any suggestions or ideas for future issues of the Key Words, feel free to e-mail me, Nick Acuna (the Editor) at Even if you’re not on the Key Words Staff, you can still have the ability to write about a Key Club (or unrelated to Key Club but still relates to service) project or event, just feel free to contact me by e-mail!

The core values of Key Club International are “Leadership, Character Building, Caring, and Inclusiveness.”

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