Key Words November Edition

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Presidential Message As we progress into the month of November, there is much to do and we asking for as much help as we can get. It’s that time we have to help out as much for those who are less fortunate than us. With that in mind we have many events coming up benefiting others in


A Message From Your Editor


our local community. We will hold a Senior Citizen Thanksgiving

Presidential Message

Dinner where we will serve the senior citizens of our town a nice

Advisor Comments

warm dinner. With musical performances from our local orchestra. It’s a great time to socialize with the senior citizens of our town and get to know their story. It truly warms your heart hearing how life

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Haunted Hall-ows Recap

was back in the day. Making a person smile will lift your heart. Not


only, will we hold a Thanksgiving Dinner, but a toy and food drive

to give to those who are less fortunate. No one should be left in the cold!

Advisor Comments The month of November has to be, by far, my favorite month of

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of members attending events and the enthusiasm I am seeing. Keep up the good work! I hope this year you have a fantastic holiday season with your family. It is a great time to be an advisor with such dedication from the club. Keep in touch with the officers and the other advisors for upcoming events.

Member Induction Ceremony

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Senior Citizen Thanksgiving Dinner

the Key Club service year. There is so much giving back to the community and it’s a great feeling! I am proud to see the amount

UNICEF Trips Recap

Toy & Food Drive

Presidential Message As we progress into the month of November, there is much to do and we asking for as much help as we can get. It’s that time we have to help out as much for those who are less fortunate than us. With that in mind we have many events coming up benefiting others in our local community. We will hold a Senior Citizen Thanksgiving Dinner where we will serve the senior citizens of our town a nice warm dinner. With musical performances from our local orchestra. It’s a great time to socialize with the senior citizens of our town and get to know their story. It truly warms your heart hearing how life was back in the day. Making a person smile will lift your heart. Not only, will we hold a Thanksgiving Dinner, but a toy and food drive to give to those who are less fortunate. No one should be left in the cold!

Advisor Comments The month of November has to be, by far, my favorite month of the Key Club service year. There is so much giving back to the community and it’s a great feeling! I am proud to see the amount of members attending events and the enthusiasm I am seeing. Keep up the good work! I hope this year you have a fantastic holiday season with your family. It is a great time to be an advisor with such dedication from the club. Keep in touch with the officers and the other advisors for upcoming events.

Haunted Hall-ows Recap Every year our Key Club holds a Halloween Event which includes several fun activities for kids such as arts and crafts, games, movies, a touch and feel room, face painting, and a scary hallway. This year in particular the event went exceptionally well! As the kids marched through the doors of Bloomfield High in their festive costumes, they had no idea of the fun that laid ahead. At each of the places they visited they received generous amounts of candy, snacks and engaged in Halloween oriented activities. The scary hallway was one of the highlights of this event. The hallway was essentially the section between the media center and the art wing, which this year was extended longer than it had been in any of the years past. This space was transformed through the hard work and dedica-

hallway was immensely successful, not only giving the the kids and their parents a delightful fright but also spooking some of our own members as well. For the kids who weren’t feeling up to the scary hallway they could go through the nice hallway, which was filled with more fall based decorations and friendlier characters. The nice hallway lead to the arts and crafts, face painting, game, and touch and feel rooms. In these rooms the kids could created and colored, get their face painted by some of our more artistic members, and play various games. After visiting all the rooms many of the children ended their day by heading to the media center and watching a movie while snacking on their candy. The best part of this event was that the kids were able to participate in some Hal-

tion of our members into a mini

loween fun before the actual date,

haunted house consisting of sound

which was great especially due to the

effects, rotating lights, props and Key

holiday being postponed.

Clubbers dressed up in their scariest costumes. Between the darkness and the unexpected pop outs the scary

Baldween Casseus

UNICEF Trips Recap A few weeks ago Key Club’s ex-

and Trick-Or-Treat for UNICEF.

ecutive and extended board went

They were to collect donations in

to visit all 7 Bloomfield publics

their UNICEF box and hand in

schools to inform the students

their box the following day. The

about UNICEF and how they

funds they would collect through

could get involved in the Elimi-

Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF

nate Project. As many of you al-

would then be transformed into

ready know, UNICEF has part-

life-saving dollars and cents. They

nered up with Kiwanis Interna-

all accepted their mission. After-

tional in the Eliminate Project to

wards, the reactions we got from

eliminate maternal and neonatal

some them were heart warming as

tetanus from third-world coun-

well. “Is there a limit on how

tries around the world. With the

much we can donate?! I’m going

help of the fifth and sixth graders

to break open my piggy bank!”

we were able to take a step for-

We could tell that these kids

ward in achieving our goal.

want to make a difference and

Visiting the elementary was a

will become outstanding mem-

great experience for both us and

bers of Key Club in their high

the kids. We were able to inform

school career. Thanks to their

them on what was going on in

participation we are inching

other countries. Many were

closer and closer to our goal to

amazed at the living conditions

completely eliminate maternal

that these people had to survive

and neonatal tetanus off the

in. They were eager to help. Soon


enough we gave them their mission; to go out on Halloween and

Manny Diaz

Key Club Induction Ceremony In the month of December out Bloomfield High School Key Club will be hosting an event for the first time; Key Club Induction Ceremony. It will take place on December 17th at 7:00pm. This ceremony will recognized all the members of the club that have signed up and informing the parents of what Key Club does. Not just at the club level, but in an international level. It truly will be a special moment when the general members receive their certificates of their recognition.. Not only that, but we will have a guest speaker who will show how Key Club shaped her life. As an alumni of Bloomfield High School you will get to understand how valuable this club is and how much you can benefit. All members are invited to come as well as their families. Maybe, you’ll be up there one day giving a speech about how this club changed your life.

LJ McKenzie Junior Class Director

Senior Citizen Thanksgiving Dinner It has come to the time of year

nied with others. Entertainment

where everyone gets to pig out

will be available for them to lis-

and eat til there is no tomorrow.

ten, laugh, and appreciate. The

But has the true meaning of

Thanksgiving Dinner is an ad-

Thanksgiving faded? This holiday

mired event because no one

is centered around appreciating

should be alone on a holiday and

and giving thanks for everything

should be socializing with friends

one possesses. On November 21,

and family.

2012, senior citizens come to the Bloomfield High School to have their holiday dinner. Key Club

Rina Hahn

organizes this special event for the seniors so that they can have a memorable holiday accompa-

During December we will be holding a toy and food drive! We need as much donations we can to make this possible. Thousand of kids every year go through Christmas without any gifts. No kid deserves to have a gift-less Christmas. So, what will you do to help with holiday season? John Paul Oses



Nicholas Acuna— “Message From Your Editor,”

Katelyn Feliciano

Katelyn Feliciano—“Presidential Message”

Lou Cappello—“Advisor Comments”

Key Club International is the oldest and largest service program for high school students. It is a student-

Vice President

Baldween Casseus—“Haunted Hall-ows Recap”

led organization that

Nicholas Porcelli

Manny Diaz—“UNICEF Trips Recap”

through serving others. Vice President Zach Zayas

Rina Hahn—“Senior Citizen Thanksgiving Dinner” JP Oses—“Toy and Food Donations”

If you’d like to submit an article, or just have any suggestions or ideas for future issues of the Key Words, feel Even if you’re not on the

Joel Shaji

Key Words Staff, you can still have the ability to write

about a Key Club (or unrelated to Key Club but

Bulletin Editor

still relates to service) pro-

Nicholas Acuna

ject or event, just feel free

Ashna Bhatia





selves as they build their schools and com-



colors consist of blue


Lieutenant Gov. Division 17



free to e-mail me, Nick Acuna (the Editor) at

also part of the Ki-




Members of Key Club,

LJ McKenzie—“Member Induction Ceremony”

Grace Fucci


to contact me by e-mail!

for unwavering character, gold for service, and white for purity. The core values of

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