Key Words March Edition

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A MESSAGE FROM THE EDITOR Happy Halloween Key Clubbers!
























Wow, just like summer flew by in a blink of an eye, our first month of school has vanished before our very eyes, almost like magic. Magic seems to pertain a lot to our Key Club. Not only is the service that we provide our school, community, and essentially the world magical, but this year’s Fall Rally theme was the “Magic of Service.” When you really think about it, what kind of magic is better than the kind that we perform almost every day in Key Club? We use our “magic” (tools, knowledge, and efforts) to prevent diseases throughout the

A Message From Your Editor

world, help stop prematurity, PAGE 2full potential when it comes to feed the hungry, and many, our service projects and advo Presidential Message many other things. Alright, so cacy for others! Have a great  Kiwanis Bulletin we can’t pull a rabbit out of our Halloween and don’t forget to hat with this kind of magic, or trick-or-treat for UNICEF! PAGE 3 even make ourselves invisible. Your Editor, Quite the opposite, the work  K-Kids Fun Night Recap that we do makes us stand out PAGE 4 from any other Key Club in New Dave Rodrigues Jersey and we take pride in  Scrapbook Want You! saying that we are the Bloomfield High School Key Club. PAGE 5 So, during our first monthof Do You Have What It Takes To be school, I hope that you all have an Officer? achieved some sense of what PAGE 6 we are and what we essentially do. We are so much more than  District Convention just a club and this is some Tutoring at the Elementary School thing that should be recognized in order for us to achieve our

MEMBERS OF THE MONTH Each month the executive board assesses which member (s) of the Key Club have been the most active throughout the previous month. This is ultimately determined through the calculation of hours each member of the club has completed.

during the year. A member may only be Member of the Month once per year and at the conclusion of the year, the executive board will determine the amount of hours each Member of the Month has accumulated throughout the year.

the Month are:

Once reviewing the candidates for Member of the Month and finalizing our decision, the individual member(s) will receive a certificate explaining their achievement of service

Once this has been completed, a Member of the Year will be determined and shall be awarded a prize that has yet to be announced.

Congratulations to our winners!

The October Members of

Patrick Dugan & Billy Miller



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Citizen Thanksgiving Dinner. been around for years, and is Both events have been Key known not only throughout Car wash, Wiffle Wars, Club traditions for years. The Bloomfield, but throughout Fall Rally, Haunted House… Haunted House is a time New Jersey. During the it’s clear that the past few our club gets thefor the BHSThanksgiving Dinner, the Key It saddens me to write one of my lastwhen presidential addresses Key club newsletweeks have been incredibly chance to reach out into the Club invites senior citizens ter.busy Thisfor time a year always bitter-sweet moment in every senior Key club members' BHS KeyisClub. Inajust communityservice and show Bloomfield heart. Once and DCON ends, so will the 2012-2013 and soBloombegins thefrom new era in the keyto come to a month a half, we’ve field what Key Club is all the BHS cafeteria club legacy. In just one short month after DCON the old board will pass on the torche to for a had two successful events, about, as we dress up as Thanksgiving theand incoming April always acts as a transition month for our new board members.meal. This gives got theboard. chance to meet cowboys and ghosts in this us the chance to entertain However, lookother forward DCON with allIthe Keyto Clubs in also because it is a celebration of yet a other year of hard year’s Western Theme. and talk to the seniors, and work! that ourwe’re club places NewI hope Jersey! But, just well amongst the many awards given at DCON and that gives the seniors, who may getting started. OnceDistrict the Haunted Houseis a great chance for some of our members will receive scholarships. Convention not have a place to go on the is over, it’s atime to look jumpatinto general members and the up-coming board to get better what Key club is all about. In the coming month, holidays, a chance to enjoy a planning Not to mention thatthe DCON is so much fun! for the Senior Citiwe’ll be holding annual Thanksgiving meal. Although Thanksgiving Dinner. The March is all aboutand ourSenior biggest eventzen of the year: VOLLEYBALL MARATHON. AlltoproHaunted House we’ve had cancel this Dinner has alsoFund; an organization ceeds from the volleyball marathon goThanksgiving to the Tomorrows Children's

Presidential Message

event for the past couple years because of construction, this year it’s back, and it will be better than ever! This event requires a lot of preparation and planning, so please come out and lend a hand! Your President

Alex Gibson

A D that V I the S OBHS R ’Key S Club C Ohas M donated M E N Tto Sfor many year. This year's volleyball marathon is

going to be one heck of an event! We will have free food, live music, video games, a volleyFor those of you who are organization to belong to in nity to help people in our ball tournament, badmitten tournament, basketball, open gym, and Just Dance! It's an evestill trying to figure out what our school and how our comcommunity. While these rything in one kind of event. (So much so we are trying to rename it!) The Volleyball Marathis “Key Club” this is all mitment to serving our comevents were going on, our thon is sure to be a huge success this year as we get the entire school community involved! about, let me fill you in on munity is recognized both at Wiffle Ball committee worked I'mwhat excited just thinking about it! you have become a part the local and international hard to ensure a successful of! Key Club is an internalevel. night of waffle ball mania tional organization comprised which proved to be a huge So you might be wonderof thousands of high school success. We had 14 teams ing how were are the #1 Key students in overtime 25 different Its March Madness everyone! I know most of you are probably thinking participate I am referringand to raised $700 Club in NJ?! Well, think about basketball but this will be sponsoring an old event with a new twist. For those of you countries. We year are Key the Club largest for our district project. what you have done since the the Volleyball Marawho have been around a few years have probably heard of something called high school community serthon. Well, this year we will be putting aschool spin onyear this event which began andwill youinclude a wider Onvariety top ofofall of these vice organization the everyone’s interest. The cost is $15 per person and all of the money activities that are sure toinpeak will start to understand what I events, the executive board raised will Our be donated Tomorrows Children’s Fund. This organization is truly remarkable in world! goal istotothe help September hasthem been working the way they embrace families of childrenam withtalking cancer about. and blood disorders to help during this on preparthose in need throughout our difficult time. We are honored to partnerwas withthe such an important organization. Sofor please all of House usual routine for us ing ourtell Haunted home, school, and commuyour friends to attend this event! which included having a car since this summer when our nity. Bloomfield continues The rest of March will continueits to be busy with for next Oakeside’s wash toelections raise money foryear’s our board,theme was Easter finally chosen! tradition of and being #1 club for District Convention. I am very excited to see the outBunny Brunch, all the the preparations district project, Children’s Our planning meetings have come of this year’s elections, as we in the New Jersey District ofhave the greatest number of candidates in my 10 years as advisor. Specialized Hospital, been successful and I I hope that everyone takes this vote seriously as it will have a majorand impact on our clubvery for next KeyI hope Clubeveryone International and on year. keeps participating in events because the service certainly hasn’t stopped. helping parents find their way am sure we will have a great occasion, ontoanfind interKeep attendingplaces meetings out about some new community service opportunities. around school at Back to turnout on Saturday, October national level, which we were School Night. We also had 20th when we transform the fortunate to do this past sumsome unexpected projects civic center into an old westmer when we were recogcome up like helping the ern ghost town! Once again, nized by receiving 3rd place William Foley Jr. Football all of the proceeds will benein Single Service for the PlatiLeague with their concesfit our district project. num Division. I am telling you sions on one Saturday night. Next week we will once this because you should In true Key Club spirit, you again be visiting elementary know that this is the premier guys jumped at the opportu-

Kiwanis Bulletin

schools to present our UNICEF initiative to 5th and 6th graders in Bloomfield. Also, further down on the calendar, I am very excited to say that we will be bringing back a 25year tradition of our Senior Citizen Thanksgiving Dinner which will be at 1pm on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. I hope everyone will come out to experience a traditional Bloomfield Key Club event because I think you will certainly begin to understand what you are doing as a member of this superior organization. I hope everyone ahs enjoyed being in Key Club so far… if so tell a friend to join! Your Advisor

Mr. Cappello






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Spoiler Alert!!!: if you are wanis Organization, including Ginny—okay I’m not in that the one person out there who participation in the district) kind of love with Circle K, but loves Harry Potter and is still and has given me the spells I do <3 it!). We first liked holding out from reading the (tools and knowledge) to be each other during my 5th seventh book (I don’t know able to conquer the Voldeyear (freshman year of colThe K-Kids lined up in exthat what doing wasreally bumped why… it’s awesome!), you morts, Bellatrixes, and we Mal- werelege) but we citement asreach the on event was foys of the shouldn’t (or else world. They Key Club up our relationship my 6th great. even encouraged you’ll be very disappointed!). helped me grow as a person year (sophomore year)—I about the start. The relay us toascontinue event president. for while serving a comfort to the became Now, Many of you, most of you races set in the gym, obstacleme throughout high school. we’renew doing as great as ever the future. WeIt made in fact, do not know me. I’m is sorely missed. and we’re going to lots of Kristin Szuhany, AKA Harry course ready in the pit, Just friends and taught events the kids such aas weekly QuidPotter for this article. I’m a My first years at Hogwarts ditch games (Magic Circle at Dance all set up, and variety of ways to eat healthy. seventh year in the Kiwanis (in the Key Club Organization) the Children’s Library where Organization (if you start my also allowed me to develop healthy food served; this We can’t wait to dowethis read to kids and do crafts first year of high school in very close friendships. My with them) and bigger events event was a huge success. best friend event again next year! Key Club), holding the CorreRon—Joanna—is like Triwizard Tournaments or sponding position With over Secretarial sixty K-Kids frommy partner in crime who has hunts for crumple snorkacks during my 3rd and 4th years. been there from the very the Now, elementary schools we beginning. Now she has also (one-time events like Boo at I am captain (President) the Zoo or Philly Cares Day). of Circle at thebut University could not Khelp be ex-of continued in the Kiwanis Although sometimes Circle K Pennsylvania. As I’ve said, for organization and is a seventh and I fight (it keeps me excited spend hours with year in the Sasha Mendez thistoarticle, I’ll be portrayed Rutgers Circle K tremely busy an on my toes), as Harry Potter. I may (she’s also captain!) and you these future KeyAlright, Clubbers! we still love each other (at not have the lightning bolt should be hearing from her least I love it!). scar running on my forehead Kids around the throughout the year as well. (although I have a comet(P.S. Joanna, if you read this, So, if you made it through gymshaped and rolling around the one on my knee… even though I made you Ron, this without thinking I’m the does that count?) or messed you’re just as pretty and biggest dork in the world, scooters sure made their Friup short, black hair (but I do smart as Hermione!) CONGRATULATIONS! If not, day have night. Even to those Harry’s awesome green it’s okay, I embrace my taped Key Club also allowed me eyes!). But seriously, my baparents who stayed, were to connect with Hagrid, or the -up glasses look (although I sic purpose is to tell you how don't have glasses in real impressed weOrganizawere ableadvisors. They were always much the how Kiwanis life). Just remember that you fun to be around yet helpful tion from Key Club to my should cherish your 1st to entertain their kids for and knowledgeable at the three years of Circle K has through 4th years at Hogsame time. The experience suchmeant a long time. They to me. warts because, as all us wouldn't have been the same Harry Potter buffs know, it Key to Club like Dumblecame up usis and told us without them around, espeonly gets more difficult from dore. Okay guys, don’t get cially sneaking to their house the 5th year on! Remember scared—I don't mean that (Key Club office) under my to listen to and appreciate you’re dead (you’ll live on invisibility cloak during lunch Hagrid, to be a strong memforever in my heart)! I mean periods! ber of Dumbledore’s Army, to that even though it’s gone to But since I did have to keep your friendships close, me now, it’s taught me so move onto my older years, I and not to let your experience many lessons that I still use have developed a strong in Key Club be like Snape— today. It has taught me the relationship with Circle K (my you didn’t know how good it history of Hogwarts (the Ki-

K-Kids Fun Night Recap

was until it was gone! P.S. I guess next year when I’m still writing articles (hopefully!) for the Daily Prophet (Key Words), I’ll have to say that I’m an Auror!

Kristin Szuhany UPENN Circle K President

Kristin Szuhany (left) with best friend Joanna Crincoli (right)


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KIWANIS CORNER recognized on the state, napride to our school and comtional and international level munity. for excellence on the part of Love, Greetings and welcome to its student and faculty leadnew and returning Key Club Moreover, after year On March 22nd we will beers. holding ouryear annual Volleyball Maramembers for the 2007-2008 your club has distinguished school year! On behalf the thon. However, weof renamed toitsMarch Madness. Why? Simple, itselfitfor dedication and Kiwanis Club of Bloomfield, Mrs. Todaro the children of the because there is going to beservice a lot togoing on than just a volleyball the parent organization of world. tournament. pit, we will have a badminton tournament goKey Club, I would In likethe to take The Bloomfield Kiwanis this extend ing opportunity on! Also,towe willour have our video games as always for those who wishes for a fun and success- Club is looking forward to our enjoy Just like our Coffee House, we will on October 25th. At ful year!a race in Mario Kart.meeting officers from the have a miniature one goingthis ontime, in the cafeteria so any bands or muLike most families, ours is Key Club will be introduced one steeped traditions. sicians are inable to play. Just sign uptheir in the Key Club Office. Also, and share experiences You should be proud (I know and for accomplishments there will be FREE food. All the price offrom $15. Sounds like a Kiwanis is!) that you are part this year’s International Conreally goodofbargain to me. All proceeds will go to the Tomorrows of a tradition excellence vention. Again, like a family, that goes backFund. over eighty Children’s Which isweawill great organization, celebrate your suc- where they use years. Bloomfield High cess. Thank you for all you do the money towards the hospitals for the kids. Great events for a School Key Club has been to make us proud and bring


March Madness

great organization all for a cheap price? Come by to celebrate March Madness with the Key Club!

KIWANIS KEY LEADER WEEKEND Key Leader was held form September 28th-30th at the Isabel Gonzalez Baptist Camp in Lebanon, NJ. Editor, Dave Rodrigues, and myself were among those in attendance, and I know we had a good time. The lead facilitator, Kristin Skarie, hailed from Wisconsin to participate in her 10th Key Leader Program. This was my first time attending Key Leader and I must say it was a very positive and enjoyable experience. In addition to learning about the five keys to excellence—integrity, growth, respect, building your community, and pursuing excellence, around 50 Key Clubbers and even some non

Key Clubbers from NJ and PA all experienced a fun-filled weekend. We participated in many teambuilding activities, listened to some inspirational stories, created skits to display the keys to excellence, debated over ethical/ unethical issues, learned about prioritizing our values, and so much more! On Saturday night we all sat around a fire and explained how the weekend affected us. It was clear to see that each attendee got a lot out of the weekend. Kristin Skarie was moved by this, even though she has led many other Key Leader programs in the past.

She admitted to becoming reinspired by all of us. Key Leader not only helped me grow as a leader, it also introduced me to other Key Clubbers throughout the state (mostly from MAST!) and it was a much needed opportunity to slow down and relax for a few days of fun. Though this was my last opportunity to attend Key Leader, I would definitely encourage you all to attend Key Leader next year, and to encourage others to join you as well.




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SPOTLIGHT ON… RACHEL MOSESON you most looking forward to in your term?

New Jersey District Convention little chat withWe a senior: Ra- go to Dave: What event(s) do you will also workchel Moseson and got her think will be most profitable with over 500 Key Club- opinion onshops where we willthislearn what many things peryear? Which event(s) are her position and you most Then New Jersey Districttaining to Key Club is truly about andlooking forward to the BHS Key Club. having?

How about a weekend in a hotel bers?

Convention is perfect for you.

how we can bring some ideas

your position on Rachel: Well, from past exCelebrating the Roarin’ 20s weDave: What’s to our own club. Just talking

the board and what is reperience, I know for a fact about thisthat is gettingthat metheexcited quired of you to fulfill Haunted House and position? Stall Day Learning about the accomto go! See you all at Long will rake in some tremendous profits to go the clubNew treas-Jersey for the plishments clubs did through- Rachel: I am Branch, towards various causes. I urer and my job is to collect think I’m most looking forout the year and watch a vari- the membership convention! dues and ward to promoting advocacy ety of talents Key Clubbers send them into the district. for the tragedy that is hapAlong with this, I am experform. Every year, Key pening in Darfur. pected to keep track of all of Clubbers respond in such a the profits that are made Dave: You finally hold an executive position! What are positiveLast way at the of athe through any Key Club event. night, I gotend to have

dance our way into service.

convention that they cannot wait until the beginning of the

Rachel: To be honest, I’d have to say going to convention and gaining the recognition we deserve for the hard work we put forth throughout the year. Dave: Do you have any advice for any Key Clubbers looking to run for treasurer in the future? Rachel: Keep track of everything immediately! Don’t be afraid to ask for help and be comfortable with handling large sums of money.

Matthew Schlosser


service year. Hey Key Clubbers! As you

It sure won’t be a disappoint-can see, November is fast

ment. We will get to see, Eliza-approaching as the Haunted beth Wallace, be inducted to be our 2013-2014 Lieutenant Governor of Division 17!

House grows nearer. To most past Key Clubbers, this is also a time to recall our annual trip to Broadway to see a musical. Last year’s play was Lion King and we’d have to say that’s a pretty tough act to beat. But, through careful consideration and a massive amount of “reply all’s” in emails, the executive board has finally decided to make this year’s musical to see: HAIRSPRAY! Many people may not

know the story of Hairspray and many may due to the recent debut of the movie adaptation starring John Travolta, Amanda Bynes, and Queen Latifa. I won’t give too much away, but I will say that this is one play that you do not want to miss out on! If you’re knew to the club, you’re probably wondering, okay… so what’s the catch? Well, there is one catch. In order to be able to attend, you must have a significant amount of service hours completed. The people who have gained the highest amount of hours up to No-

vember will be the ones invited to join the executive board on this fantastic trip. So, if you’re thinking that you may be on the borderline, then do your very best to squeeze in as many service hours as possible. We still have more events coming up, including the Haunted House on Saturday, October 20th at 3:00pm and the Pumpkin Party at Oakside this Sunday, the 21st of October at 12:00 pm. Good luck to all!

Key Club international Caring -- our way of life. Catch us on the web at:

Nicholas Acuna— “Message From Your Editor”


Katelyn Feliciano—“Presidential Message”

Katelyn Feliciano BLOOMFIELD HIGH

Vice President

Lou Cappello—“Kiwanis Bulletin” KEY CLUB

Nicholas Porcelli President Alex Gibson (973) 634-6330 Vice President Zach Zayas Vice President Alex Podkul (973) 985-7264 Secretary Recording Secretary Maureen Grace Fucci Scully (201) 895-6952

Key Club International is the oldest and largest service program for high school students. It is a student-

Sasha Mendez—“K-Kids The Writers forFun thisNight Issue of Recap” the Key Words

led organization that

Isabel Dave Gonzalez—“March Rodrigues— “Message Madness” from the Editor”, “Members of the

through others. Key serving Club Interna-

Month”, “Key Club Play”, “Haunted House Theme”, “Spotlight

Matthew ConvenOn…”, Schlosser—“New “UNICEF”, and “Did Jersey I Mess District Up?” tion”Alex Gibson— “Presidential Address” Liz Marone— “Regional Training Conferences” Mrs. Todaro— “Kiwanis Corner” Kristin Szuhany— “Circle K Center” Billy Braun— “Kiwanis Key Leader Weekend” Mr. Cappello— “Advisor’s Comments”

If you’d like to submit an article, or just have any sug-

Corresponding Secretary Treasurer Julianne Salgado Joel(973) Shaji634-2053 Treasurer Rachel Moseson (973) Editor 508-3405 Bulletin Nicholas Acuna Editor David Rodrigues (862) 596-2794 Lieutenant Gov. Division 17

gestions or ideas for future issues of the Key Words, feel

Ashna Bhatia Webmaster Camilus Ortillo (862) 596-1405

me by e-mail!

Lieutenant Governor Division 17 Billy Braun (973) 985-5622


YOUR (the OWNEditor) ARTICLE! free to e-mail me,SUBMIT Nick Acuna at Even if you’re not on the

If you’d like to submit an article, or just

Key Words Staff, you can still have the ability to write

have any suggestions or ideas for future

about a Key Club (or

issues to ofKey the Key Words, feel free to unrelated Club me, Rodrigues (the Editor) bute-mail still relates to Dave service) or event, atproject Even just free tonot contact if feel you’re on the Key Words Staff, you

can still have the ability to write about a Key Club (or unrelated to Key Club but still relates to service) project or event, just feel free to contact me either by e-mail or call me at (862) 596-2794.




Members of Key Club, tional is the oldest also part of the Kiand largest service wanis International program for high family, build themschool students. It is a selves as they build student-led organizatheir schools and comtion that teaches leadmunities. ership through serving The Key Club others. Members of colors consist of blue Key Club, also part of for unwavering characthe ter, Kiwanis gold for Internaservice, tional family, build and white for purity. themselves as they The core values of build their schools and communities.

The Key Club colors consist of blue for unwavering character, gold for service, and white for purity. The core values of Key Club International are “Leadership, Character Building, Caring, and Inclusiveness.”

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