Edited by Kevin YL Tan, National University of Singapore & Michael Ng, University of Hong Kong This book in the Constitutionalism in Asia series considers the idea of origins, and of change and continuity in terms of ‘constitution-making’, which is an on-going process in the Northeast Asian states. It examines the drafting, nature, core values and roles of the first modern constitutions during the founding of the 8 modern states/territories in Northeast Asia: China (1949), Taiwan (1947), Hong Kong SAR (1997), Macau (1993), Japan (1889), North Korea (1948 or 1972), South Korea (1948) and Mongolia (1992). UK January 2022 • US January 2022 • 272 pages HB 9781509940189 • £65.00 / $90.00 ePub 9781509940196 • £58.50 / $76.86 ePdf 9781509940202 • £58.50 / $76.86 Series: Constitutionalism in Asia • Hart Publishing
Pandemocracy in Europe
Power, Parliaments and People in Times of Covid-19 Edited by Matthias C Kettemann, Leibniz Institute for Media Research, Germany & Konrad Lachmayer, Sigmund Freud University, Austria This book is available as open access through the Bloomsbury Open Access programme and is available on www.bloomsburycollections.com. Pandemocracy in Europe situates the dramatic impact of Covid-19, and the fight against the virus, on Europe’s democracies. Throughout its 20 contributions the book sets the theoretical stage and answers the democratic questions engaged by health emergencies. 8 national case studies – the UK, Germany, Italy, Sweden, Hungary, Switzerland, France and Estonia – show, each time with a pronounced focus on a particular element of democracy, how different states reacted to the pandemic. UK December 2021 US December 2021 416 pages HB 9781509946365 • £85.00 / $115.00 ePub 9781509946372 • £76.50 / $100.32 ePdf 9781509946389 • £76.50 / $100.32 Hart Publishing •
The Courts and the People: Friend or Foe The Putney Debates 2019
Edited by DJ Galligan, University of Oxford, UK Are the courts our friend or our foe? This book brings together a stellar line-up of contributors and contains papers from the prestigious Putney Debates (2019). It is split into 3 parts: Part 1 considers the case for judicial independence Part 2 looks at the question 'Is judicial independence under threat?' Part 3 reflects on whether judicial independence can be defended and protected. UK October 2021 • US October 2021 • 336 pages HB 9781509940035 • £60.00 / $80.00 ePub 9781509940042 • £54.00 / $71.65 ePdf 9781509940059 • £54.00 / $71.65 Hart Publishing
Foreign Judges in the Pacific
Anna Dziedzic, The University of Hong Kong This book explores the use of foreign judges in courts of constitutional jurisdiction in the Pacific. The book focuses on the use of foreign judges in the 9 independent Commonwealth states of the Pacific: Fiji, Kiribati, Nauru, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu. Drawing together detailed empirical research, legal analysis and constitutional theory, it traces how foreign judges bring different dimensions of knowledge to bear on adjudication and face distinctive burdens on their independence. UK December 2021 • US December 2021 • 224 pages HB 9781509942862 • £75.00 / $100.00 ePub 9781509942879 • £67.50 / $88.59 ePdf 9781509942886 • £67.50 / $88.59 Series: Hart Studies on Judging and the Courts • Hart Publishing
The Judicial Mind
A Festschrift for Lord Kerr of Tonaghmore Edited by Brice Dickson, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK & Conor McCormick, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK This book is a tribute to Lord Kerr of Tonaghmore, who died aged 72 on 1 December 2020, having retired from the UK Supreme Court just 2 months earlier with an exceptional reputation for independence of thought, fairness and humanitarianism. Lord Kerr’s expertise in public law, human rights law, criminal law and family law features prominently, as does the importance of his dissenting judgments, influential case law from the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council, the legacy of his influence on Northern Ireland and the significance of his place in the historical development of judicial roles and responsibilities more generally.
L A W - H A R T – Constitutional & Administrative Law / Consumer Law
Constitutional Foundings in Northeast Asia
UK December 2021 • US December 2021 • 432 pages HB 9781509944781 • £80.00 / $110.00 ePub 9781509944798 • £72.00 / $95.11 ePdf 9781509944804 • £72.00 / $95.11 Hart Publishing
The Making of Consumer Law and Policy in Europe
Edited by Hans-W Micklitz, European University Institute, Italy This book analyses the founding years of consumer law and consumer policy in Europe. It reunites the early European protagonists: Guido Alpa, Ludwig Krämer, Ewa Letowska, Hans-W Micklitz, Klaus Tonner, Iain Ramsay, and Thomas Wilhelmsson, supported by the younger generation Aneta Wiewiórowska Domagalska, Mateusz Grochowski, and Koen Docter, who reconstructs the history of BEUC. Niklas Olsen and Thomas Roethe analyse the construction of this policy field in a historical and sociological perspective. The book offers a unique opportunity to understand a legal and political field which plays a fundamental role in contemporary societies. UK December 2021 • US December 2021 • 432 pages HB 9781509944835 • £95.00 / $130.00 ePub 9781509944842 • £85.50 / $112.04 ePdf 9781509944859 • £85.50 / $112.04 Hart Publishing
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