1 minute read
Marketing Mix Models
11 Market Size Estimation and Forecasting Diffusion of New Products Chapter 13 Tool: Bass Model
12 Marketing Mix Models
Chapter 15 Tool: Log/Log Regression 13 Experiments Chapter 16 Tool: Propensity Score Matching 14 New Methods in Marketing Analytics Chapter 17 Tool: Topic Modeling
15 Wrap-up and Final Exam Preparation
Takeaways for Students and Instructors
We are excited that you are considering using our book to teach marketing analytics to your students. We have done our absolute best to ensure you will have a fulfilling experience should you adopt our book. We summarize the key benefits of using our book below.
Key Benefits for Instructors:
● We have organized marketing analytics techniques and concepts around the
First Principles of Marketing Strategy to give you a structured framework for organizing your marketing analytics course. ● Each of the 12 technical chapters includes a running case study featuring the fictitious retailer Chestnut Ridge, including data and step-by-step R code and
Tableau instructions. ● We have developed hundreds of slides, test banks, and other teaching materials to make adoption of this book as easy as possible. ● We have provided many diverse marketing examples across different companies and countries and industry segments, showing how various processes, tools, and frameworks apply to many different firms, countries, and situations. ● We have provided in-depth videos about key topics from the book, including the First Principles, marketing concepts, real business examples, and data analytical methods.
Key Benefits for Students/Working Professionals:
● We offer an accessible explanation of each of the marketing analytics techniques covered in the book, avoiding technical jargon and “Greek” letters as much as possible. ● Many marketing analytics textbooks provide statistics and mathematical modeling, without offering insights into when and why one might want to use a specific marketing analytics technique. This gap can be problematic, because, for businesspeople, questions about when to use a technique and what