Bloomsbury Academic Rights Guide July-December 2021

Page 37


Survey of Historic Costume Sara B. Marcketti and Phyllis G. Tortora Learn about Western dress from the ancient world to today, with each chapter establishing the social, crosscultural, environmental, geographic, and artistic influences on what people wore. February 2021 • 600 colour illus 624 pages • 280 x 215mm 7th edition • 9781501337406 Fairchild Books Rights sold: Chinese Simplified

Swipe, Scan, Shop Interactive Visual Merchandising

Kate Schaefer A practical guide showing how retailers and brands work to inform, entice, and engage customers by incorporating new technologies throughout the shopping experience. March 2021 • 160 colour illus 200 pages • 255 x 205mm 9781350092877 Bloomsbury Visual Arts

Shedding the Shackles

Grids for Graphic Designers

Women's Empowerment through Craft

Gavin Ambrose and Paul Harris

Lynne Stein A celebration of female inventiveness and aesthetic sensibility, Shedding the Shackles explores women’s craft enterprises, their artisanal excellence, and the positive impact their individual projects have on breaking the poverty cycle. May 2021 • 123 colour illus 192 pages • 276 x 216mm 9781789940152 • Herbert Press

With over 200 illustrations plus six new interviews with design practitioners such as Second Story, Brody Associates and Peter Dawson, the student is introduced to the creative use of grids in contemporary practice as well as the basic principles that underlie their effective use. January 2021 • 200 colour illus 216 pages • 230 x 160mm 3rd edition • 9781474254779 Bloomsbury Visual Arts Series: Basics Design Rights sold: Chinese Simplified

The Political Power of Visual Art

Ceramic, Art and Civilisation

Liberty, Solidarity, and Rights

Paul Greenhalgh

Daniel Herwitz Connects political art from around the world to 18th-century aesthetics and the avant-gardes to tackle the age-old question of whether art can make change happen. April 2021 • 10 mono illus 216 pages • 216 x 138mm 9781350182370 Bloomsbury Academic

Color Plus Design Transforming Interior Space

Ron Reed Learn how to create unified and visually inviting spaces, understanding how color and design theory, when used together, can produce successful spaces that help designers avoid common color mistakes in a variety of residential and commercial interiors. March 2021 • 270 colour illus 232 pages • 280 x 215mm 3rd edition • 9781501362729 Fairchild Books

“Passionately written… At the end of his book, Greenhalgh writes that, ‘far more than religion, or war, or academic treatises, skill shaped civilisation’. So true, and there is no better example than ceramics. One closes this compendious history with a breathless feeling: what will potters come up with next?” Apollo March 2021 • 409 colour illus 512 pages • 276 x 219mm 9781474239707 Bloomsbury Visual Arts

Hip-Hop Architecture Sekou Cooke “Hip-Hop Architecture is a call for building design to be instated as the fifth pillar of this cultural movement, joining dance, drama, fine arts and music… As idiosyncratic, challenging and genre-redefining as Hip-hop’s other cultural manifestations, Cooke’s book argues for a new approach to urban design that better expresses the Black and African American experience.” Wallpaper* April 2021 • 120 colour illus 288 pages • 246 x 189mm 9781350116146 Bloomsbury Visual Arts


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