HOME IS WHERE THE HEALTH IS The safety and security of life at home—both indoors and out—will drive design decisions and creative solutions. By Annette Reeves
Finding any form of certainty in current day-to-day life is a challenge. As people embrace what is now called the “new norm” it carries with it the weight of undefinable answers and a vision of a world we’ve never experienced. How will society evolve in the future? What will social gatherings look like? Will our hearts skip a beat every time we shake hands or embrace? Where, in fact, will we find peace and safety? Industry experts believe that peace will be found at home. Home, our safe haven, the only place where we can control who comes and goes, what’s clean and isn’t, and where the threat of the outside world and its endless uncertainties can be shut out by closing the door and drawing the shades. This Mark Singer home’s interiors were designed by Grace Blu Interior Design with family in mind. Photo by Ryan Garvin. 146