Bluewaterlife 2022/2023 - The Superyacht Magazine

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Whether you are buying a classic sailing yacht or building your inaugural vessel, we can guide you ever y step of the way, manage the administration aspect of yacht ownership and ensure your yacht is crewed with the best trained individuals graduating from our state of-the-ar t training facilities. A luxur y yacht is the perfect venue , whether you are celebrating an anniversar y, hosting a business event or simply wanting to relax, unplug and switch off from it all. We hope you will be inspired by the 2022/2023 edition of bluewaterlife Do not hesitate to contact our team of experts who are on hand to assist you create the memories of a lifetime.

Jay, John, Peter and Phillip T

We are living through unprecedented times and navigating together through previously unchar ted waters What we do know at Bluewater is that a brighter future lies ahead, which is why we continue to deliver our One Company, One Complete Ser vice promise to clients around the world Yacht Sales & Purchase , Yacht Char ter, Yacht Management, Crew Training and Crew Placement remain our core ser vices and our deep commitment to each and ever y one of them set us apar t from the rest.

We a re delighted to present the latest edition of the luxury go-to yachting lifestyle publication, bluewaterlife . Please ta ke a moment to explore our curated editorial with some of our most popula r yachting destinations a nd hotspots a round the world, as well as a beautif ul and varied selection of yachts for charter and for sale .

The Bluewater team is proud to have 120 specialists based in Antibes, For t Lauderdale , Palma, Moscow, Monaco, Hong Kong and Zug, available 24/7 to provide suppor t and guidance on both yacht char ter and ownership, wherever you are based in the world. We value your time and know you expect only the best That is why we at Bluewater combine our passion for yachting with exper t knowledge Our hand picked fleet of the highest quality yachts are available for day char ters to family summer char ters incorporating perfectly deser ted paradises to world class restaurants and beach clubs for your pleasure and enjoyment

Happy yachting!

The Bluewater Directors


120 8 10 16 6

4 bluewater world 6 sales & purchase 10 char tering a yacht 12 char tering your yacht 14 yacht management 16 crew training 18 crew recruitment 20 adventure 24 build your dream 26 yachts for sale & char ter 30 the virgin islands 38 south pacific 46 sailing super yachts 54 croatia 62 the bahamas 70 norway 84 the balearics 96 yacht shows and events 102 day char ters 140 summer school 24 We would like to extend our sincere gr atitude to the following people and companies who helped br ing this publication to life Gemma Fottles, Joanne Morhan & Kathr yn Tomasetti Guest contr ibutor s/Jour nalists Croatian national tour ist board, Cannes Office du Tourisme , Palais des Festivals et des Congrès de Cannes, Super yachts Norway & Antarctica IAATO Photographer s Stuar t Pearce & Ar thur Keller Pr inting: LA SAI Biar r itz 05 59 43 80 30 Design: kingdesign1@mac com 54 84 96



wat er is a f ull -ser vic e com pany w ith of f ic es around the w orld, of f eri ng y ach t sa les and pur cha se, y ac ht c hart ers , c hart er m anagem ent, yacht management, new builds, crew placement and crew training. We pride ourselves on the f ac t that Bluew ater is the only company able to se ll, c harte r and m anage y ac hts on whi ch t he c re w w ere rec rui ted and trained in-house. ONE COMPLETE SERVICE 5 MOSCOW HONG AKONG NTIBES & MONACO









The Bluewater Sales Division has global reach, the satisfaction of our clients is paramount and we assure unrivalled market insight ensuring all requirements are met Whether you are buying, selling or commissioning a new construction project, our highly experienced brokers will accompany you ever y step of the way, presenting the best oppor tunities on the yachting market



S A L E S & P U R C H A S E

The personalised Bluewater service extends way past the day of deli ver y We can assist you in the crewing, char tering and management of your yacht A YACHT will create an effecti ve marketing campaign will ensure that your yacht is marketed efficiently to the right people both online and in print. Accurate information and optimal marketing materials to achieve a timely sale . will benefit from our global reach and extensi ve network will market your yacht to our HNWI client database and brokers worldwide yacht will be presented at international boat shows Bluewater exhibits yachts for sale at all the major shows from Monaco to For t Lauderdale , Cannes to Palm Beach Our 30 plus years of success in international yacht sales speak for themselves. As a client of Bluewater, buying and selling yachts will be smooth sailing.

Y A C H T S A L E S 7

PURCHASING YACHT Bluewater market knowledge gi ves you peace of mind will be confident that you are buying the perfect yacht at the right price have premium access to an international yacht sales platform will search a worldwide inventor y of new and pre owned luxur y yachts and organise onboard viewings at your convenience guide you effortlessly through the buying process can guide and accompany you on all aspects of yacht ownership.


. We






Our highly experienced yacht char ter consultants make the process of deciding on your dream yacht and destination all par t of the fun, taking your preferences and crafting them into a yacht char ter experience you will never forget. We know the best yachts, the best cruising destinations and the best char ter crews

Bluewater brokers travel extensively to seek out the most captivating destinations for your luxur y yacht char ter and can provide you with exper t recommendations to ensure , whatever your chosen yacht and destination, the memories will last forever Our commitment to delivering customer satisf action is genuine and we will always go the extra (nautical) mile for your yacht charter.

From mega yachts to sailing yachts, from family friendly yachts to sleek, spor ty yachts, the choice really is all yours Whether you are celebrating an impor tant bir thday, enjoying a well deser ved week of relaxation or enter taining clients at a corporate event, the Bluewater team will design the perfect yacht char ter experience for you

C H A R T E R 11 and of course which magnificent yacht you would like as your home away from home on the water, anywhere in the world.



C H A R T E R M A N A G E M E N T 12

Whether you want to char ter your yacht out heavily or merely offer it for a few select char ters per year, the Bluewater char ter division will make your yacht stand out in a sea of super yachts

Bluewater attends all the impor tant char ter yacht shows, showing off your yacht’s features and crew to the world’s brokers and yachting press We maintain a strong presence at industr y events and open days, and are long standing corporate and individual members of MYB A with a reputation for integrity.

Bluewater is dedicated to your yacht’s chartering success.

EXPERT GUIDANCE exceptional team offers bespoke suppor t to maximise your yacht’s char ter potential and revenue; no matter where your yacht is cruising in the world, we manage the char ters, from the day of first enquir y through to the day of depar ture Our aim is to make your life as easy as possible

Bluewater promotes your yacht across super yacht print and online channels, including the Bluewater website , bluewaterlife magazine , social media, MYB A/Yachtfolio and the CYA. In addition, we directly market your yacht to our extensive VIP client database and industr y network






M A N A G E M E N T 15 That’s where we come in. Bluewater’s management team offers shoreside assistance , ensuring your yacht remains compliant with legal requirements and providing technical, financial and administrative suppor t wherever your yacht is in the world. With the exper tise of the Bluewater management team taking care of the yacht’s operational matters, the captain and crew can get on with running the yacht to your highest expectations As for you? Just sit back and enjoy the dream of yacht ownership, with none of the hassle . DON’T PAY FOR THINGS YOU DON’T NEED We understand that ever y yacht has different requirements That is why we offer Modular Management, so that you can select the ser vices you want, creating your own bespoke package MODULAR MANAGEMENT • Mini ISM, ISM & ISPS • Designated Person Ashore (DPA) – 24/7 support service • Financial Services • Payroll • Crew Management • Operations/Maintenance & Logistics • Technical Support • Crew Placement Service Y A C H T M A N A G E M E N T COMPLETE PEACE OF MIND. OWNIN G A LUXURY YAC HT IS MORE COMPLIC ATED THAN IT USED TO BE. TODAY’S YAC HT OWNERS AND C APTAINS FACE A GROWIN G ADMINIS TRATIVE BURDEN , WITH A MAZE OF INTERN ATION AL REGUL ATION , TAXATION , MAINTEN AN CE SC HEDULES, BUDGETIN G AND LOGIS TICS TO NAVIGATE.


As the world ’s largest dedicated yacht training provider, you benefit from stateof-the-art training centres in Antibes, Palma and Fort Lauderdale .


• Bluewater training schools are accredited by the MC A, RYA, SQA,USCG, AMERC , HABC , Lloyds and the PYA.

• Our global training centres have all the training materials you need and we have invested in the latest simulators to give you the best training experience .

• Each instructor is an exper t in their field, passionate about their subject and dedicated to helping crew reach their full potential.

Bluewater’s exper t instructors train you from your first day in yachting, until your last day, helping you climb the ranks of a successful and lucrative yachting career.

Our 60 strong team of experienced instructors and administrators are here to suppor t and train crew in ever y discipline , across ever y depar tment, from navigation and engineering to the all impor tant security and safety courses, as well as courses for those working in the galley, interior or on deck.




• We can create an onboard training package tailored to your specific needs.

• The respected name of Bluewater is instantly recognisable to captains viewing your CV.

• Bluewater courses also facilitate networking and friendship, building your base of yachting contacts Bluewater is a comprehensive solution for all your training needs. There is no one more dedicated to the careers of yacht crew. BLUEWATER IS A GLOBAL MARITIME AC ADEMY OFFERING A HOLIS TIC SERVICE.


With the ONE Account working alongside the traditional cre w placement service , Bluewater’s crew agency is simply unbeatable .

C R E W S O L U T I O N S 18

You will enjoy dedicated assistance from our ONE Account specialists when you need it, whilst enjoying the freedom to search for crew at your leisure and download CVs for those who match your specific criteria

The ONE Account


Y A C H T C R E W The most impor tant factor to successful yacht operations? Exceptional Crew Members. Our candidate sourcing and screening processes are second to none in finding you exceptional crew to match your exact needs. WHY RECRUIT WITH BLUEWATER? • Voted ‘best crew agency ’ by The Crew Repor t readership. • The largest global yacht crew and training agency under one roof. • Captains and crew rated us at 95% for efficiency and communication • A growing global database of 150,000+ crew profiles • A thorough candidate screening process • Worldwide suppor t from our offices in Antibes, Palma and For t Lauderdale . • Inter views conducted on a daily basis, in person and on Zoom, with crew all over the world. • Full time dedicated recruitment specialists for each depar tment onboard.

In addition to our traditional recruitment solution, we also have the revolutionar y ONE Account recruitment and training package

The ONE Account gives captains access 365 days a year and 24/7 to our extensive candidate database , with unlimited crew placement and replacement, all covered by one ver y reasonable annual fee with no hidden costs. better, every cent you spend on the annual fee is given back to you in crew training vouchers, which can be used at all our state of the ar t training centres

The Bluewater ONE Account ser vice has changed the way the yachting industr y finds crew.


Y A C H T C H A R T E R 20


Want t o hear mo re abo ut what your next adventure yac ht c har ter could lo ok like? Take a lo ok at Bluewa ter ’ s c ha r t er fleet and st ar t dreaming abo ut your next luxur y sup er ya c ht a dventure.

Adventure yac ht c har ter

From t he icy plains of Ant arctica to t he uniq ue wildlif e of t he Galapagos Islands, an increasing number of luxur y yac ht c har terers are c hoosing to spend t heir time at sea in some of t he most spectacular natural environments on t he planet. A far cr y from t he relaxed white sand beac hes of t he Caribbean or t he glittering shores of t he Mediterranean, an Antarctica yac ht c har ter is as remote as it gets. Make unforgettable memories wit h family and friends as you walk on ancient glaciers, get up close to Ant arctic penguins and bear witness to a tr uly mesmerising, surreal landscape. A Galapagos adventure yac ht c har ter also promises a unique exper ience: from retracing Dar win’s footsteps on San Cr istóbal Island to meeting t he iconic Galapagos giant tor toise.

To cr uise in some of t he most remote and untouc hed destinations on ear t h, not only do you need a capable c har t er yac ht, but a wealt h of f acilities t o ensure super ior adventure exper iences at sea. Onboard PADI diving centres, waterskis, jet skis and a whole range of inf lat ables already come as st andard on many luxur y c har t er yac hts. Looking f or a real adventure? Embark on a bac kcountr y skiing expedition in Patagonia straight from your c har ter yac ht, or ge t up close t o shipwrec ks around Ant arctica wit h a mini-submar ine on an unforgettable adventure. Sailing yac ht c har ter

Though more and more adventure yac ht c har t ers are t aking place in remo t e destinations, not all adventures are t he same For t hose looking to f eel t he t hr ill of racing, a super yac ht sailing c har ter or a racing yac ht regatta c har ter is a f antastic way to immerse yourself in t he beauty of sailing. From par ticipating in t he wor ld f amous S t Bar t h’s Buc ket in t he Car ibbean to watc hing all t he action of t he New Zealand Millennium Cup of f-t he-beaten-trac k on a yac ht c har ter, a sailing yac ht c har ter is a unique way to experience yac hting from an entirely dif ferent perspective.

Of f t he beaten trac k yac ht c har ter



Ef for tless & S tre ss-Free We manage all aspects of t he new constr uction process, from t he initial design and negotiating contracts, to overseeing t he build process and ensuring t hat t he yac ht is delivered on time and to budget We have proudly constr ucted yac hts in par tnership wit h some of t he most prestigious European shipyards in Holland, UK, France and Italy. From S tar t To Finish Wor king toget her wit h t he wor ld's pr incipal shipyards, naval arc hitects and inter ior designers, we have specialised knowledge to guide you from star t to f inish wit h any project. We're here to ensure t hat what is usuall y deemed a highl y invol ved and com plicat ed process, is made as ef for tless and stress free as possible, making eac h and ever y stage more enjoyable t han t he last, r ight up to and beyond deliver y.

N E W C O N S T R U C T I O N 24


I C O N YEAR: 2010 R EFIT: 2014 LENGTH: 67 50M (221’5”) GUESTS: 12 IN 7 STATEROOMS CREW: 19 26

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D E S T I N A T I O N 31

The wint er mont hs from N ovember t o Febr uar y are when most luxur y yac hts t ake advant age of t he inviting wat ers of t he Car ibbean, t hough a const ant sunny climat e makes a US V irgin Islands yac ht c har t er or BVI’s yac ht c har t er an attractive op tion what ever t he time of year. Whe t her you are looking f or an intimat e f amil y ge t a wa y enjoying t he best beac hes on a US Virgin Islands yac ht c har ter or a keen sailor looking to get behind t he helm of a wor ld class sailing super yac ht on a BVI’s super yac ht c har t er, t hese Car ibbean Islands deliver and t hen some.

Sea The four main islands of S t Croix, S t Thomas, S t John and Water Island are f amous for t heir white sand beac hes, vibrant ocean reefs and some of t he best restaurants and boutique shopping in t he Caribbean. Wit h two international airpor ts in t he US Virgin Islands, a US Virgin Islands yac ht c har ter is a par ticular ly convenient winter sun destination to reac h from all over t he wor ld

Super yac ht c har ter US Virgin Islands

The Br itish V irgin Islands are commonl y known as t he BVI’s and ha ve been a f a vour it e playground of the world’s best yac hts for decades. The largest island in the British Virgin Islands is Tor t ola, wit h t he neighbour ing islands of V irgin Gorda and Jost Van Dyke also popular destinations on a BVI’s luxur y yac ht c har ter. For keen sailors, a sailing yac ht c har ter in t he Br itish Virgin Islands is an excellent option, wit h predictably ideal sailing conditions and f air weat her making for a superb exper ience at sea. For a unique travel exper ience in t he BVI’s, head to The Bat hs in Virgin Gorda, where beac hside roc ks and boulders have created pools and sea caves making for t he per fect af ternoon of Caribbean exploration for t he whole family. For fun beac h days in Virgin Gorda, Spr ing Bay, Devil’s Bay and Savannah Bay are some of t he best beac hes of t he BVI’s. Jost Van Dyke is a per f ect blend of t he best aspects of t he super yac ht lif e: f antastic dining and shopping, tropical scener y and a whole host of activities to dive into Anc hor in t he sheltered bay of Great Harbour and explore all t he island has to of f er.

Per f ect Car ibbean yac ht c har ter

The US Virgin Islands are made up of around 50 beautiful islands and islets in t he Car ibbean

Beautiful BVI’s super yac ht c har ter

Most US Virgin Islands luxur y yac ht c har ters begin directly on S t Thomas island, home to t he capital of t he US Virgin Islands, Char lotte Amalie. Located just 15 minutes from t he air por t on S t Thomas, t he Yac ht Haven Grand Mar ina is one of t he best mar inas in t he Car ibbean and is an excellent st ar ting point t o explore t he shopping and dining. W it h over 40 beac hes, S t Thomas is also a beac h lovers’ paradise.


Get in touc h wit h t he exper ts at Bluewater to star t planning your next Car ibbean yac ht c har ter and explore t he beauty of t he US Virgin Islands and BVI’s for yourself!


M O S A I Q U E YEAR: 2002 REFIT: 2019 LENGTH: 49 90M (163’9’’) GUESTS: 12 IN 6 STATEROOMS CREW: 12 34

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D E S T I N A T I O N 39

On a Fiji yac ht c har ter you can r ide a bamboo raf t down a jungle r iver from t he mountains, sur f per f ect rolling breakers, skid down t ower ing sand dunes, or swim t hrough magical under water cave networ ks t hat glisten wit h quar tz and stalactites. You could drop anc hor at exclusive Tur tle Island where The Blue Lagoon was filmed, kayak through the limestone outcrops of t he breat htaking Bay of Islands, or just relax at a trendy beac h club af ter explor ing t he boutiques and luxur y spas of Nadi. The 300 islands of Fiji hold endless wonders.


Cr uise t hrough a timeless paradise in t he Cook Islands, where blinding white sand beac hes slope away into shallow waters shot t hrough wit h glimmer ing light. Go horse r iding along t he sur f ’ s edge, lie bac k in a hammoc k str ung be tween two coconut palms, or hike t he greencloaked volcanic mountains t hat tower over t he Pacif ic. When night f alls af ter a day of diving and explor ing t hese pr istine atolls, take a tender ashore, where t he crew have set up a luxur y beac h barbeque for you under t he star r y night sky. There is no better way to explore Frenc h Polynesia, Fiji, or t he magical Cook Islands t han on a super yac ht, and Bluewater is t hr illed to add t he Sout h Pacif ic region to our ever growing list of yac ht c har ter destinations. The Sout h Pacif ic peak yac ht c har ter season runs from November to Apr il, alt hough c har ters are available year-round

On c har ter in Frenc h Polynesia your yac ht will drop anc hor in turquoise lagoons of exquisite beauty, where picturesque t hatc hed huts on stilts sit perc hed over shallow seas and t he craggy peaks of ancient volcanoes r ise above t he rainf orest. Float t hrough t he myt hical Polynesian islands of Tahiti, Bora Bora and Moorea, indulging in t he f ine rest aurants, boutiq ues and breat htaking scener y of t his ultra luxur y destination. If a more remote Sout h Pacif ic exper ience calls to you, set your course f or t he myster ious and stunning Marq ueses Islands, whic h are steeped in Polynesian legend.

To f ind out more about making your Sout h Pacif ic yac ht c har ter dream a reality, contact t he yac ht c har ter team at Bluewater.

Whe t her you c hoose t o c har t er a yac ht in romantic Frenc h Pol ynesia, exciting Fi ji, or t he magical Cook Islands, the South Pacific holds luxur y and adventure in equal measure. Of fshore, countless pr istine coral reefs abound in tropical lif e, while deep in t he jungle, water f alls tumble down from t he mountains into cr ystal clear forest pools, and hibiscus and frangipani f lowers hang fragrant from t he trees above.


Y A C H T C H A R T E R U N K N O W N YEAR: 2022 LENGTH: 34M (111’5’’) GUESTS: 10 IN 5 STATEROOMS CREW: 7 42




F E A T U R E 46


A sailing yac ht c har t er is an active holida y t hat t eac hes you t hings and makes you proud. Whet her it ’ s lear ning how t he Captain navigates, how to read t he wind, or take t he helm and control a power ful vessel in a buf f eting wind, t here’s a real t hr ill to master ing skills at sea. Lear ning new skills is what keeps us young at hear t

You don’t need exper ience to go on a sailing yac ht c har ter

Sailing is an activity t hat bonds you to t he people you ’ re wit h in a shared c hallenge — whet her t hat ’ s your kids, your par tner, your fr iends, or clients. Because you ’ re all communicating and wor king toget her, shar ing an adrenalin fuelled exper ience and lear ning new skills under t he direction of t he crew.

A sailing yac ht c har ter is a bonding exper ience

A sailing yac ht c har ter is transfor mative.

A sailing yac ht c har ter connects you to nature

As sailing yac hts have become bigger and more comfor table, closing t hat perceived ‘luxur y gap ’ between sailing and motor vessels, maybe we all need to be reminded, now and t hen, t hat sailing is a spor t. A spor t of adrenaline and skill, hist or y and camarader ie. A shared passion t hat passes down t hrough t he generations, and whic h creat es lif e time memor ies between families and friends. Sailing is an activity t hat you par ticipate in, rat her t han somet hing t hat happens to you. The spor t an d spir it of sailin g

There is still t hat magic in sailing, t hat heady sense of mar itime her itage and swashbuc kling adventures. They say t hat fragments of our ancestors’ memories are stored in our DNA . Maybe t hat ’ s why when some of us set foot on a sailing boat, f eeling t he slight movement under our f eet, we f eel utter ly at home. And excited to c hase some hor izons.

Maybe you messed around on boats wit h your grandad as a kid and want to get bac k to t hat happy f eeling. Maybe you ’ ve never sailed a day of your lif e but t hought it looked like fun. It doesn’t matter where you ’ re at wit h sailing, a sailing yac ht c har ter just requires t hat you tur n up happy to get some salt in your hair. If you ’ re an active person, or you want to go on a fun holiday wit h your f amily where you bond and lear n new t hings, t here is no better holiday option t han a sailing yac ht c har ter.


You take a deep breat h and realise you f eel incredibly, unusually good. It ’ s not just t he setting, it ’ s science. Sea air is c harged wit h negative ions, whic h increase your body’s oxygen absor p tion and balances serotonin levels. The peace of sailing just helps you to notice t his more.

There is histor y an d roman ce to sailing


Y A C H T C H A R T E R L A G A T T A + 3 7 7 9 9 9 0 1 2 2 2 I m y c h a r t e r @ b l u e w a t e r y a c h t i n g . c o m I w w w. b l u e w a t e r y a c h t i n g . c o m YEAR: 2019 LENGTH: 23 30M (76 5’) GUESTS: 8 IN 4 STATEROOMS CREW: 4 50


Y A C H T C H A R T E R C H E YEAR: 2010 REFIT: 2018 LENGTH: 34 72M (113’11’’ ) GUESTS: 8 IN 4 STATEROOMS CREW: 6 52


D E S T I N A T I O N 54


Croatia ’ s combination of sun, seclusion and sublime se ttings ha ve rendered it a f estival go t o. The 20,000 capacity Roman am phit heatre at Pula hosts Verdi operas alongside alfresco shows from Jamiroquai, Manu Chao and Elton John. Fatboy Slim plays Sea S tar, a f estival alongside an Istr ian lagoon. Electronic musicians have found a f ar better use for For t Punta Chr isto, an abandoned Austro-Hungar ian gunner y base It now hosts Outlook , a four day beac h rave t hat continues aboard a f lotilla of 50 Adr iatic barges.

This nec klace of emerald gems, scatt ered at op a lapis Adr iatic, shimmer from It al y t o Montenegro. These include Budikovac, a sandy spec k inhabited solely by a retired naval captain who operates a single seafood restaurant. Plus dozens of unnamed islet shards of f Lastovo, a National Par k island halfway to Italy. Here a sailor could plant a f lag and picnic basket t hen call t he island t heir own.

All too noisy? Experience Croatia’s timeless beauty of yac hting on the eco island Dugi Otok. It ’ s here t hat you ma y att end t he annual donkey race. Run since medieval times, t he f irst place donkey wins a slice of Prosciutto, while all r iders dive into t he sea at t he f inish line. Contact your Bluewater Char ter Specialist to book your Croatia yac ht c har ter now. 56

The most tranq uil section of Croatia ’ s 6,000km coastline will alwa ys be Istr ia. The love hear t shaped tr iangle near Italy belonged to Venice for centur ies. In red roof ed towns like Rovinj locals still shout buona sera while eating t onno af fumicat o. Since 2019 a brand new mar ina has welcomed 50m yac hts, plus longer vessels wit h advance notice. Rovinj’s harbour leads ont o Lim Fjord, a wat er y crescent f amed f or oyst ers, clams and cr ustaceans. It was t he f avoured holiday spot for Venetian lover boy Giacomo Casanova who gobbled t he shellf ish as an aphrodisiac, t hen diar ised his vacation conq uests. On Istr ia ’ s east er n coast, Ri jeka shines as Europe’s Capit al of Culture 2020. Here f ancy Austro-Hungar ian mansions dating from V iennese r ule house no-nonsense rest aurants Choose between mar inated mullet, sea bass car paccio, wild asparagus, tr uf f le omelettes and local Kvar ner prawns.


F I O R E N T E YEAR: 1990 REFIT: 2018 LENGTH: 36 95M (121’ 3’’) GUESTS: 10 IN 5 STATEROOMS CREW: 6 58

Y A C H T C H A R T E R 59



D E S T I N A T I O N 62


Th e per fect Ex um as cr uis in g itinerary S t ar t in t he pirat es ’ pla yground of t he Bahamas: N assau. Bursting wit h colour ful mar ke ts, exquisite seafood and a buzzing nightlif e, kic k of f your Exumas yac ht c har ter wit h a bang.

As t he sun star ts to set, enjoy a f amily -style beac h BBQ on board your super yac ht - or spend a da y relaxing in t he onboard spa bef ore prepar ing f or a sophisticat ed dining exper ience under t he stars in t he balmy Bahamas air.

Contact t he Bluewater Char ter Specialists now to book your Exumas yac ht c har ter. 64

Head sout h t hrough t he Exumas and st ar t your da y by swimming t hrough t he mesmer ising tunnels and large coral ways of The Canyons.

Wit h 365 islands to discover in t he Exumas, you can discover a new location ever y day. Here we look at t he per f ect Exumas cr uising itinerar y for your escape in t he winter sun.

One of the best ways for super yac ht c har ter guests to make an impact is to c hoose a Caribbean or Bahamas c har ter. An Exumas yac ht c har ter of f ers pr istine, cr ystal clear, shallow waters, outstanding anc horages and a tr uly unique exper ience. Most of t he islands are uninhabited, making for a par ticular ly remote and of f t he beaten trac k exper ience wit h complete pr ivacy.

Then ar r ive at one of t he biggest draws of an Exumas yac ht c har ter : S taniel Cay where you can swim wit h t he wor ld f amous pigs. On a Chr istmas super yac ht c har t er, t his special exper ience becomes even more unique and is one of t he most unforgettable highlights you can have on any winter sun vacation. Move on to Thunderball Grotto a spectacular cave in Staniel Cay and f amous for being f eatured in James Bond movies.

Head to Bonds Cay t he next day to rest on pr istine beac hes, play on t he yac ht ’ s water toys or discover an under water paradise in t he cr ystal clear water for whic h t he Exumas are f amous.

It ’ s no secre t t hat t he Car ibbean and Bahamas ha ve been af f ect ed by extreme weat her in recent years and t he knoc k-on ef f ect of t he stor ms has, understandably, resulted in a decline in tour ism activity f or many beautiful destinations whose economies depend on it. Alt hough several areas across t he Car ibbean and t he Bahamas have suf f ered, many of t he region’s best super yac ht cr uising grounds are per f ectly intact and just as wor t h a winter sun yac ht c har ter as ever.

Escape the crowds and discover secluded bays like Berr y Islands for a more private experience.


G I R A U D YEAR: 2013 LENGTH: 40M (131’3’’ ) GUESTS: 11 IN 5 STATEROOMS CR EW: 9 66

Y A C H T C H A R T E R 67






The histor ical f ishing village of Bekkjar vik , home to c hef Ør jan Johannessen, winner of t he prestigious Bocuse d'Or award.

Have you ever considered experiencing t he magic of t he Midnight Sun on t he water? Paddling on picturesque f jords in t he middle of t he night, or f ishing, to catc h your own dinner, when t he sky is on f ire all night long. If you are seeking unforgettable nature exper iences, Lofoten and Nor t her n Nor way will def initely not disappoint. You could spend days explor ing t he breat h taking f jords before relocating to t he spectacular Lofoten Islands for fur t her explor ing. To get t he most out of your jour ney Super yac hts Nor way suggest commencing your Nor wegian cr uise in Bergen for provisions and supplies; and not least to exper ience t his beautiful city, t he gateway to t he Fjords They wor k wit h exper t guides t o provide im pressive, t ailor made itinerar ies f or your st a y in N or wa y, and t o make ever y nautical mile wor t h your time.” Super yac ht Nor way We can’t wait to help you see t he light.

The wor ld f amous Flåm Railway, widely recognised as one of t he steepest and most beautiful railways in t he wor ld, wit h t he possibility to hire your ver y own pr ivate car r iage

Here’s w hat the ex perts have to s ay:

Places of interest to visit whilst on c har ter in Nor way could include some or all of t he following


The picturesque village of Rosendal, where you can f ish salmon and trout in t he lakes and r ivers or go trekking.

The Geiranger f jord, rated as t he best-preser ved UNESCO Wor ld Her itage Site by National Geographic wit h breat h-taking scener y and steep mountains diving into t he deep blue water. There is so muc h t o see and do on a N or wa y yac ht c har t er, t he per f ect alt er native t o Mediter ranean summer cr uising To com ple t e your Nor wegian yac ht c har t er and t o ensure t hat ever y aspect of your tr ip is covered t o per f ection, Bluewat er highl y recommends Super yac hts N or wa y t o manage t he intr insic logistics only t hose wit h hands-on local knowledge can fully appreciate.

The cosmopolitan city of Bergen, gateway to t he f jords.

“Did you know t hat t he sun st a ys up all night in Lof ot en and Nor t her n Nor wa y dur ing t he summer time? When t he day draws to an end and t he sun sets, touc hing t he hor izon, it f eels like t he ear t h f inds peace. The sea becomes calm, t he animals silent. The f amous Nor wegian aut hor Knut Hamsun descr ibes t he Midnight Sun in his novel “Pan”: "Night was coming on again; t he sun just dipped into t he sea and rose again, red, refreshed, as if it had been down to dr ink . I could f eel more strangely on t hose nights t han anyone would believe…"


Y A C H T F O R S A L E M A R O O N YEAR: 2017 LENGTH: 26 84M (88’ ) GUESTS: 9 IN 4 STATEROOMS CREW: 4 76


S A L T YEAR: 2019 LENGTH: 32 20M (105’8’’) GUESTS: 11 IN 5 STATEROOMS CREW: 5 78

F O R S A L E & C H A R T E R 79



les arolles is an impressive 600m² which opened recently (December 2021), accommodating up to 12 guests in 6 bedrooms. les arolles is located on Rue de Bellecote, 5 minutes from the village centre by foot. With a ski in/ski out access. les arolles is indisputably one of the most prestigious addresses in Courchevel 1850.


D E S T I N A T I O N 85

Fine dining in Mallorca Lying wit hin comf or t able cr uising dist ance of Valencia and Barcelona on mainland Spain, Mallorca is t he largest of t he Balaer ic Islands. Many Balear ics luxur y yac ht c har ters begin in t he enc hanting capital of Palma. Wit h its impressive Medieval got hic arc hitecture, gorgeous water front and wealth of luxur y boutiques hidden in the meandering streets of Palma Old Town, Palma is t he per f ect island city to spend af ter noons onshore. Af ter an af ter noon of sightseeing and shopping, indulge in an evening of wor ld class Mediter ranean f ine dining at one of t he Mic helin-star restaurants in Mallorca. The two-Mic helin star Zaranda is owned by c hef Fernando Pérez Arellano and located in t he 5 star Castell Son Claret hotel in Es Capdellà. For a more casual vibe, jump in t he tender from your luxur y yac ht and spend an af ter noon at one of t he great beac h clubs in Mallorca: c hec k out Nikki Beac h, Puro Beac h Club, Beac h Club Gran Folies or Ponderosa Beac h.

Peaceful yac ht c har ter Men orca

For t hose looking f or a more secluded getaway on a Balear ics yac ht c har ter, t he island of Menorca is a must Lying just 30 miles nor t h-east of Mallorca, see t he best of bot h destinations and enjoy a relaxed cr uise from island t o island on your Balear ics luxur y yac ht c har t er. Enjoying vir tuall y no mass t our ism, Menorca of f ers an oppor tunity f or a more pr ivat e and distinctly Spanish island getaway in t he Mediter ranean. From your yac ht crew ar ranging an exclusive candlelit beac h set up for a memorable evening wit h f amily and fr iends to immersing yourself in t he nature of t he impressive Cabrera National Par k , Menorca of f ers somet hing to make ever y yac ht c har ter unique. Though not as busy as her larger neighbours, Menorca is still bursting wit h a vibrant Spanish atmosphere visit at t he end of June to see Menorca in full swing at t he Sant Joan summer solstice f estival! Ibiza yac ht lif e 50 miles sout h west of Mallorca lies an island t hat needs no introduction: Ibiza. Home t o undoubtedly t he best clubs and beac h clubs in t he Mediter ranean, t he par ty scene of Ibiza is wor ld f amous. An Ibiza super yac ht c har ter is a f antastic way to enjoy t he best of t he Ibiza yac ht lif e by night and head bac k to luxur ious sur roundings to rejuvenate in t he onboard spa or swimming pool. Though f amous for its f antastic beac h clubs and nightclubs, Ibiza is more t han just par tying. The nor t her n coast of Ibiza is home to a number of beautiful bays, per f ect for a peaceful day enjoying t he best of t he beautiful Mediter ranean ocean.

As one of t he most popular super yac ht cr uising grounds, t he var iety of luxur y c har ter yac hts available in t he Balearics is wide - from par ty -focused super yac hts to sailing c har ter yac hts and ever yt hing in between. Lear n more about a Balear ics yac ht c har ter as well as luxur y yac ht c har ters in t he Mediter ranean from t he exper ts at Bluewater. 86


Y A C H T C H A R T E R P L A Y T H E G A M E YEAR: 2014 LENGTH: 28 15M (92’4’’) GUESTS: 8 IN 4 STATEROOMS CREW: 4 88


Y A C H T C H A R T E R E L Y S I U M I YEAR: 2019 LENGTH: 33 53M (110’’) GUESTS: 11 IN 5 STATEROOMS CREW: 5 90


Y A C H T C H A R T E R S O S A YEAR: 2018 LENGTH: 37 95M (124’6’’) GUESTS: 10 IN 5 STATEROOMS CREW: 7 92


Y A C H T C H A R T E R A U R A YEAR: 2006 REFIT: 2018 LENGTH: 36 6M (120’1’’) GUESTS: 10 IN 5 STATEROOMS CREW: 7 94



As industr y exper ts, we also host a wide range of events and webinars for yac ht captains and crew. Bluewater is a t hought leaders in t he wor ld of yac hting, shar ing our wealt h of knowledge and advice, helping crew to reac h t heir full potential. Get in touc h wit h us for a calendar of upcoming events and boat shows. If you ’ re an owner or c har terer and would like to join us at a boat show, we can ar range t his for you.




Ent er ing its 12t h year, t his is now t he most prestigious yac ht c hef com pe tition in t he wor ld, operating under t he High Patronage of HSH Pr ince Alber t II and judged by an esteemed panel of MOF and Mic helin-star c hefs. Nine top super yac ht c hefs will compete for t he title, battling it out over four rounds of high-pressure cooking It ’ s not just the title of Super yac ht Culinar y Genius t hey’re af ter, it ’ s t he incredible pr izes on of f er from our sponsors, who are some of t he most notable brands in t he wor ld. Expect Masterc hef level tension, wit h t he c hefs presented wit h a box of secre t ingredients onl y seconds bef ore t hey st ar t cooking. As t he cloc k st ar ts t he countdown, t he pressure is on! Wit h an audience of yac ht owners and crew watc hing on, t his nail biting event is live streamed around t he wor ld as well as televised across t he region. Follow t he @bluewatercrew Instagram and Facebook pages to make sure you don’t miss out on t his exciting event. As Bluewater ’ s Peter Bennett explains, "We have been deliver ing t his event for 11 years, and are proud to be collaborating wit h t he prestigious Monaco Yac ht Club and ‘La Belle Classe Academy’ This com pe tition is an im por t ant one f or t he yac hting industr y, highlighting its exceptionally talented crew, and foster ing healt hy competition between c hefs who rarely get to ‘show t heir stuf f ’ to peers or judges.”

Bluewater, in collaboration wit h La Belle Classe Academy training sc hool at t he Monaco Yac ht Club, is thrilled to announce the next round of the annual Super yac ht Chef Competition in 2023.



Super yac ht da y c har t ers are wildl y underestimat ed. Whe t her you ’ re celebrating a special occasion, impressing a VIP client, or dabbling your toe in t he glamorous wor ld of super yac ht c har ter for t he f irst time, a day c har ter allows you to step outside nor mal lif e for one single day of utter per f ection WHY C HARTER A YAC HT FOR JUS T A DAY?

There are many practical reasons t hat you might want to c har ter a luxur y yac ht for just one da y Ma ybe you don’t ha ve t he vacation time or budge t t o book f or a week r ight now, or per haps your f amily has never spent time on a boat before, and t his day tr ip is a tr ial r un. You might only need t he yac ht f or one day as par t of a larger event per haps you ’ ve got a hotel booked and want to spend one day on t he water. Maybe it ’ s par t of a boys’ week golf ing in t he Balear ics wit h a day out f ishing, or a gir ls’ shopping weekend in Miami wit h a side of yac hting bliss. Maybe you ’ re wr iting t he day c har ter of f as a business expense to land t hat big client, or treating yourself t o an exper ience you ’ ve alwa ys want ed f or your 50t h bir t hday. Maybe you ’ re celebrating one of lif e ’ s really big moments. Yac hts are t he ultimate location for an intimate wedding. Just imagine cr uising out on a yac ht to a ceremony on a remote sandbar in t he Bahamas white dress, white sand, white yac ht, blue sea. Dr inking c ham pagne and dancing on t he sundec k as t he sun sets and t he yac ht heads bac k to por t. 102


Y A C H T C H A R T E R V O G U E YEAR: 1999 REFIT: 2007 LENGTH: 25 22M (82’ 9’’) GUESTS: 8 IN 4 STATEROOMS CR EW: 4 104


Y A C H T C H A R T E R T O E S C A P E YEAR: 2005 REFIT: 2009 LENGTH: 21M (68’11) GUESTS: 6 IN 3 STATEROOMS CREW: 2 106


Y A C H T C H A R T E R L A Z Y P YEAR: 2009 LENGTH: 22 25M (73’) GUESTS: 8 IN 4 STATEROOMS CREW: 2 108


Y A C H T C H A R T E R H E R O YEAR: 2020 LEN GTH: 26 3M (86’ 3’’) GUESTS: 8 IN 4 STATEROOMS CR EW: 4 110


Y A C H T C H A R T E R D 5 YEAR: 2008 LEN GTH: 24 37M (80’) GUESTS: 8 IN 4 STATEROOMS CREW: 3 112


FUN IN THE SUN THIS SUMMER! • • • Send an email to for fur ther details. For fur ther details please send an email to 114


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