10 Ways To Guarantee Your Website Sizzles

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10 Ways To Guarantee Your Website Sizzles

Introduction Working with so many businesses across so many industries there is rarely anything that comes up more often than website development. With the Internet itself still being so young there are still so many misunderstood areas of it. The dominance of the medium means that it is imperative to have your own website. This is the digital home for your business. It is where many people will look to purchase from you. Many people understand how to layout shops to optimise the environment for purchasing, however, many people don’t know how to recreate that online. So here is our 10 Ways to Guarantee your website sizzles.


1. Design is King If you have ever looked around the web there are so many sites that don’t look too pleasing on the eye. Given that most people aren’t designers this is to be expected. In a post Apple world design really is king. Given the way many websites look too it really helps you stand out if you have a really good-looking site. If you were to have a physical sales space
 you’d put in the time to make it look good. The same principle applies online. Don’t dismiss design it is massively important even more so on a digital platform.


2. Get That Copy Right One of the most difficult aspects of building a site is making sure what you have written on it conveys the messages you want it to. A suggestion I would make is to discuss what image you want to portray on your site, Friendly? Professional? Academic? This will then allow you to define your voice across your website. This gives a consistency in your image and branding which really helps to build trust. One other exercise that can help with copy is to write out all of it, hand it to a group of people and ask them to describe what they understand from it. This feedback will be invaluable in understanding whether your messages are getting across.


3. Make it Simple to Navigate Visitors to websites are often not the most patient of people. If you make things a little too difficult for them, they tend to switch off. It is absolutely imperative to make sure your site is as easy to navigate as possible with clearly defined sections, which convey exactly as to what they are. There is also the “Three click
 rule.” It has been shown that if someone is required to click more than three times to find what they are looking for they are so much more likely to drop off your site. N





4. Say Clearly, Who You Are & What You Do. It is now pretty much a given that these need to go on your site. It is not very likely that someone will want to buy from you if they don’t know who you are and almost impossible if you don’t say what you do. This step is key to building trust with the customer hence why it is so important to make it clear who you are and what you do.


5. Use Great Images The Internet is a massively visual platform; well it is all visual in fact. It is important you make best use of this. On your website you need to make sure you have some really striking visuals. These act as a great visual stimulus to the reader and will entice them into learning more.


6. Customer Testimonials A great use of your site is to demonstrate to the readers what others think of you. As a selling tool there aren’t many better than killer testimonials. Use your web space as a platform to showcase these. You may want to have them on there as written quotes, however, using videos of the testimonials allows readers to feel more engaged with it. This will lead to yet again building more trust in you and what you do.


7. Get Videos On There There are so many reasons for using videos on your website, they are engaging, you can provide a lot of information in one video, they have people returning and they are brilliant for optimising your site for search engines. Relatively few websites still don’t use videos as a medium to engage with readers through their sites. With the decrease costs of video making these days it brings huge benefits to your site not only for engagement but also they are massively effective on improving your ranking in search engines. As they aren’t used that much still search engines place a higher priority on those sites with videos.


8. Make it Social One thing that you want to do is get people talking about you. Once you have provided great content on your site, you want people to know about it. This is done most effectively through social networks. By adding the ability to share things on your site through social networks you get some of the most effective marketing done for free.


9. Give Them a Reason to Return Once you have begun to make this content you need to keep making it. This could take the form of videos, podcasts or set up a blog. The latter of these can be a really effective way of getting people to return. If you add the ability to comment too you can then start a conversation and community, which people will love to be a part of.


10. Make Sure You Add Call to Actions Lets face it, setting up a site in which people come again and again is great but the ultimate aim is get them to buy. Once you have set up this amazingly engaging, beautiful and trusted online space then you need to make sure people take action. So ensure that on your site you tell the reader exactly what you want them to do. Calls to action work so effectively. If you have them in the right place, people will oblige.


Summary The fear, misunderstanding, and trepidation that comes with building a website is common. We hope that this list of 10 tips will help take away some of those fears and give you the courage to create your own sizzling website. Remember make it look good, make it engaging, make it understandable and make it easy for people to buy. Good luck.

hello@bluko.co.uk - 0113 357 2284 - www.bluko.co.uk Be sure to contact us with any feedback or questions you may have. We are always happy to help!


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