5 Steps to Become Someone Online

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5 Steps to Become Someone Online

Introduction Over the last few years we have talked to so many businesses that are struggling with the move to the online marketing world. Many people have said to us that they are unsure of what to do or how to do it; are the rules the same? The online world is changing society,
 business and our personal lives. It is not
 going anywhere fast. It is important that
 any business learns how to communicate and interact effectively online.


Well this eBook will help you understand the differences between traditional marketing and how it is done online. It will help you develop your knowledge of how you can best use the unbelievable potential of the Internet to grow your business.


1. Create A Plan This seems so obvious but people so often miss it. It is imperative to being focused, in a hugely crowded online marketing space. Whenever we look to start something we could do with knowing where we are going; you would never get into a car and drive it with no aim in mind. So one of the first things to do when developing your online marketing plan is to make sure you have an ultimate goal in mind. Write it down and use that as your guide for your online content. N





Without a plan the web looks like a hugely daunting environment. Plan your message, plan your platforms and plan your outcomes. Once you have agreed on this then build a plan that will allow you to reach that goal. With so many different platforms available across the web it is so important you choose the most appropriate for your market. Then set out what content you will post, write or create to put up online. Make it engaging, informative and valuable. People will return because they trust what you have to say. Make sure you integrate all your messages through your plan so your various platforms have consistency. Write this all out and aim for that goal, whatever it may be. ~ ! MARKETING PLAN ! ~


2. Know your Voice When we take an online persona for a company or business it may be that a number of people communicate your messages. This can sometimes be very tricky in keeping things consistent. So the very first thing you need to do is write down what you stand for, why are you online? Why should anyone listen to you? Who do you want to speak to?


This is a way of setting some rules of the game. This will allow anyone who writes for the company to know what you are about. It allows them freedom to engage with others online whilst still adhering to a consistent message. This will be YOUR VOICE. Agree on one, use it and share it.


3. Be the Life and Soul of the Party There has been a major shift in marketing in the last ten years due to the growing dominance of the online space. Whereas in the past you would use marketing as a tool to inform people of your expertise or why you are better than the competition, that simply doesn’t fly anymore. Now marketing is simply about one thing, which is trust. If you can build trust with your customers you will succeed.


The best way to do this is to develop relationships and the best way to do that, much like in the real world, is talk to people and take an interest. As an analogy lets think of a party, no one is interested in talking to the person who simply declares how good they are at everything. People engage with those who take an interest in them and their lives, who offer them help and advice. That is what online marketing is all about. Become the life and soul of the Party.


4. Find Out About People’s Lives We are all attracted to like-minded individuals. We look for people who we have things in common with. This is no different when it comes to our attitudes to who we buy from. We look for shared values and common attributes. So key to your online success is getting to know your customer. Ask them questions; engage in conversations. Find out the things that they really value as important. ???


In the online world this has never been as easy, you can directly talk to customers on a mass scale and anywhere in the world. This is hugely valuable; when you know their interests you know what to talk about, the types of questions they will engage with or the sorts of things that will help their lives. So use the online community as a platform for really getting to know your customers. Then use that knowledge to help provide the customer with products that will enhance their life.


5. Share Share Share One of the most prominent differences between marketing online and marketing in the old fashioned sense is that it is dominated by sharing ideas, videos or just cool pictures. One of the most effective ways to build your online profile is to share material that is consistent with your ideals as a business i.e. If you are a design company share pictures that inspire you and your work; if you are a training company share educational material.


The world online is built upon sharing. Marketing through peer recommendation is going through the roof and is far more effective than any other type of marketing. This is all done through sharing things with your friends, your colleagues or the whole World Wide Web. To get the most from the Internet and all that it offers you must embrace the community. The tool used to build trust on the web is sharing whether that be images, ideas or just a question and it is through trust that you will build strong relationships with your customers that will see your business grow.


Summary So here are the five ideas you must understand about making it online: 1. Make sure you plan
 2. Know your voice
 3. Become the life and soul of the party 4. Discover all about peoples lives
 5. Share, Share, Share Once you understand how the online world works it is a much less daunting place. You can dive in confidently and you will really make an impact on peoples lives and your business.


www.bluko.co.uk hello@bluko.co.uk 0113 357 2284 Be sure to contact us with any feedback or questions you may have. We are always happy to help!


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