How to Get More From Your Day

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Time Management

How to Get More From Your Day A Short Guide

Time tʌɪm/ noun 1. The indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past, present, and future regarded as a whole. “travel through space and time” 2. A point of time as measured in hours and minutes past midnight. "the time is 9.30"

“My favourite things in life don't cost any money. It's really clear that the most precious resource we all have is time.” - Steve Jobs



It is always hard to know why someone can get more done in a week than another person would get done in a year. They have the same number of hours in a day, the same number of days in a week and the same number of months in a year. So the only difference is the person. It all lies in the individual’s perception and management of their own time. Firstly, perception is all about how you value your own time. If you don't value it then no one else will. If you do hold your time precious then you are more likely to gain more from it because you will ensure you get the most from it.

Secondly, time management. This is a key skill of those people that are the super productive. They understand that to get the most of their time they must know where it is going and what they need to do to make it work for them. This guide will help you manage your time just that little bit better to make the most of what you have got. “Don’t say you don’t have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein.” - H. Jackson Brown



One of the biggest things in society is the necessity to get the next thing. Once we have achieved something society informs us that we must now get the next thing. It is never about what you have but about what you need to get. This feeds into our work and means we constantly think that we must get it all done. When in reality all we need to get done are the tasks that will move us forward and get us closer to our goals. The ingrained idea that we can do it all is often holding us back from doing anything. It acts as a barrier that clouds our judgement and hinders our ability to see what are the important tasks that we must get done.


Write out a list of your top 5 important tasks that will propel you forward towards what you want to achieve. Then when you are planning your day always refer to this list to ensure you are getting the most from your time.

“A wise person does at once, what a fool does at last. Both do the same thing; only at different times.� - Baltasar Gracian



Whenever we begin something it is important to know exactly where we are heading. This not only allows you to understand the tasks that must be done but also helps you prioritise what you need to do to achieve the goal you have set for yourself. This then leads you to being able to use your time more effectively to ensure your tasks are getting you closer to the goal. Without a goal you have no direction and therefore prioritisation of your tasks is much more difficult as you don't know where you want to be.

“If you want to make good use of your time, you’ve got to know what’s most important and then give it all you’ve got.” - Lee Iacocca


Make your goals S.M.A.R.T.E.R.


Your goals are precise and clear, rather than overloaded and ambiguous.


You have numbers in your goal that will measure the progress and success of the goal.


It is a realistic proposition what you are suggesting.


It is a goal that is in the interests of what you are trying to do.

Time bound

There is an end point you can find on a calendar.


It takes into account the working environment you are in and is sensitive to it.


Finally ensure that is something that will bring you fulfilment.









It is often very surprising how few people do this. It seems like such a simple step to take in order to ensure you have clarity on what you are trying to do in a day. Taking out just 15 or 30 minutes in your morning schedule to think through what you need to get done in the day will add huge benefits to your effectiveness. Planning out your day gives you a simple road map that allows you to focus on the tasks at hand. By laying them out in front of you there is no need to worry what is next and thereby giving your full attention to the moment.


Before you get into any work sit down with a coffee, tea or other beverage of your choice and take some time to plan the tasks for the day. Think about what you want to have done by the end of the day and prioritise the tasks that will take you there.

“He who every morning plans the transactions of that day and follows that plan carries a thread that will guide him through the labyrinth of the most busy life.� - Victor Hugo



One of the things that many people get overwhelmed with is the size of some tasks in front of them. They focus on the whole task that they need to achieve and that can feel so daunting that they never quite get moving at all. This paralysis just stops you from doing anything at all. The key to this is to break down the task into manageable chunks. Your first step is defining what the task will look like when it is done then think of all the steps that will get you there. Once you have these steps, you will see each step as a much smaller task and they will over time come to form the outcome that you are looking for.Â


Once you have written out the steps put them into a timeline and delegate any tasks that can be done by others. Once you have them written down you can then take the tasks as they come, one by one. This will help your bigger goal feel much more achievable.

“Before you eat the elephant, make sure you know what parts you want to eat.� - Todd Stocker, Refined: Turning Pain Into Purpose




One of the most difficult things in life is getting used to doing something in a completely new way. The reason is that we have habits that we develop over time that become so ingrained in what we do they are basically automated. That is you barely even need to think for them to happen. The nature of a habit means even when you are tired your body takes over and things still get done. So, lets imagine all those really important tasks you must do to keep your business growing were such habits. This would allow you to make sure that you are making the best use of your time even when you are not quite at your best. Of course, creating habits is not the easiest of things to do but start small and grow. Start with the most straightforward but important task and then tackle your more complex tasks.Â


Create goals when you are trying to develop these habits. By setting yourself achievable targets you will be able to measure your progress and even give yourself a pat on the back when you hit it. Whatever happens keep going and in time you will make it. Before you know it, you will be doing it without thinking.

“If you want to have the time of your life, change how you use the time in your life.� - Tim Fargo




One of the things that has been drummed into us from a young age is that there is some kind of universal schedule that all people perform best in; 9 to 5. Well science and probably our own experience shows us that different people all perform at varying levels during different times in the day. One of the most effective ways to make best use of your time is to know how your personal energy levels fluctuate. You may be a mad keen early morning riser, a person who loves to burn the midnight oil or someone who never stops. Whatever it is then knowing this really gives you great knowledge to apply to your daily routine. There is little point trying to get your key tasks done first thing if your natural energy levels are in the evening. Placing your most important work at a time you know you will be most effective will allow you to make better use of your time and that much closer to achieving your goals. Keep the simple tasks such as emailing, signing off invoices etc for when your energy levels are not so good.Â


Over a week period measure how much work you get done in the morning, afternoon and evening. This should demonstrate where your natural energy levels are. Then create blocks of time to devote your energy to key tasks and your moments of lower energy to more straightforward yet important work.

“It is important to realise that needs and wants will be unique for every person� - Eddie de Jong



One of the things many busy people do is not rest well. It often seems more important to “get things done” rather than take that extra hour of rest. We have all been there with such thoughts, only problem is, although it may work for a day or two, over the longer term lack of rest will lead to worse decision making, poor health and heightened stress levels. It is so important that you set aside time to rest, to completely switch off from your work and take time to recharge your batteries. This will rejuvenate you and help you be a better leader. So the next time you want to do that extra bit of work because it feels like it must get done now, think twice, the extra rest will help you so much more.


One of the difficulties of getting a good nights rest is that there are so many thoughts going around your head. One thing you can do to help that is to keep a notebook by your bed and write everything down before you sleep and I mean everything! This will relieve you of those thoughts and give you a much better nights rest.

“If you wouldn't get up early for it, you shouldn't stay up late to do it.� - Benjamin Lotter

Summary This has been our short guide to getting more from your day. These 7 steps will help you manage your time more effectively and work towards your goals. Time will always be here, but is something we all run out of. Use it wisely because you really can… “Have it all. Just not all at once.” - Oprah Winfrey - 0113 357 2284 -

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