The Healing School Magazine- December2017

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“Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man” (Colossians 4:6).


e used to define grace as 'unmerited favor', but looking through the scriptures, I discovered that grace is so much more than unmerited favor. When the apostles in Jerusalem sent Barnabas to Antioch, the Bible says, “…He (Barnabas) came, and had seen the grace of God, was glad, and exhorted them all…” (Acts 11:23); Barnabas saw the grace of God.

the fact that your words are impregnated with power to cause what you speak to happen.

We need to have the spirit of grace, especially in the days of celebration. There will always be special days set apart to remember or celebrate an event in our lives. It could be a birthday, wedding day, graduation day, birth of a child, start of a business or a holiday. Whatever the case, it should be a Now, we know that grace is not physical. So if Barnabas saw day set aside to thank God. the grace of God, it is right to say that grace can be expressed outwardly. In other words, there can be a At such times, you expect to receive family, friends and wellmanifestation of the reality of God's grace. Therefore, the wishers, but as much as special days of celebration are definition of grace can be extended to include the divine expected to be happy days, it could be filled with upsets influence upon the heart and a reflection of this influence in when the celebrant lacks the grace to forgive. After such celebrations, people may lose their friends when they a believer's life. measure their worth by the attendance of people rather than God's grace on your life is the outworking or outward by the presence of God. reflection of an inward divine influence: the beauty, power, perfection, excellence, virtue, and glory of divinity in your Such special days are expected to be celebrated with the spirit. It is that divine influence and endowment that spirit of grace, a heart of thanksgiving and appreciation, and beautifies your spirit and saturates your life with favor, fellowship with the Holy Spirit, much more than with people. acceptability, liberality, advantage, joy, pleasure, and Don't place your hopes and expectations on friends. supernatural gift or ability. Instead, lead a life of unconditional grace. If you want to live a life of celebration, you will only succeed by overlooking the It's imperative for you to let the grace that's being wrought in shortcomings of others and being willing to forgive. you show in the words that you speak – words of love and power – and in the manifestation of the Spirit in your life. Let everyone who comes in contact with you recognize the You're God's representative and as such you must choose grace of God in your heart by your manner of life and words; your words. Let your words be full of faith and power that it should be made manifest that His love reigns in your heart. would impact grace to the hearers. Always be conscious of

This magazine is a publication of the Healing School. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. ISSN 1597 - 0833



hen 62-year-old Gerth Barth first realized that his hearing had changed, he attributed it to stress and thought the issue would resolve itself if he took some time off work to relax. After a vacation, however, the pressure in his left ear remained and the sounds coming through were still distorted. The problem began to affect his work as a sound engineer, so Gerth visited a specialist who diagnosed that he had sudden hearing loss. He followed all prescribed treatments, but nothing changed. Distressed over the deteriorating quality of his life, Gerth was glad when he came to the Healing School. His begins his amazing story. “Sometime in 2002, I had a really stressful time in the studio,” Gerth says. “We had just changed from analog to digital equipment and not everything was working right. We were losing data often and I had to fix that and other problems as well. I felt overworked and it was very stressing. Then I realized that I had a kind of pressure in my left ear. It felt really uncomfortable. I tried to push it and hoped it would go, but it didn't. I felt something was wrong with my hearing because if I turned my head, what I heard on the left side was different from what I heard on the right.” The more Gerth tried to cope with the situation, the more it persisted, until it became distracting. “Well, I thought I just needed a holiday, I needed to take a timeout and get rid of the stress. Everything would be okay. So, my wife and I went to Switzerland for the holidays, but after 2 or 3 weeks, there was no change. There was a constant noise in my left ear and it felt like I had cotton wool inside the ear.

measurements. I also had different tests done. Afterwards, the doctor said 'you've got sudden hearing loss.' I asked what that meant and he explained that I needed to go to the hospital for infusion therapy. I went to the hospital, but after 10-11 days of undergoing the therapy, there was no dramatic change. We tried different new therapies and treatments, but after months and months, with me spending lots of money, there was still no change. That's when the doctor said to me, 'Gerth, I can't do anything for you, you have to live with it.'” Gerth discusses the extent of the problem, “The high frequencies in my left ear were gone. When I closed my right ear and only listened through the left, I couldn't understand what was said because all the consonants, especially T and S were gone. This condition affected my work as a music producer. Another sound engineer had to take over my work in the studio. I still tried to do concerts, but it wasn't comfortable because it was always too loud. My whole work became more stressful, and the stress caused headaches and migraines.” Gerth recalls the fortuitous circumstances that brought him to the Healing School, “My wife became sick with cancer, and my sister-in-law said we had to go to the Healing School in Canada. I only came to the Healing School to provide support for my wife because her situation was dire. About 2 days into the session, however, the Holy Spirit told me to enroll as a student too. I had thought my infirmity little compared to my wife's, but when I heard that, I enrolled for the session as well.”

“I decided to take the matter seriously and went to a Hope was revived in Gerth's heart as he started to specialist. He asked some questions and took participate fully in the classes. He testifies of the

The time I spent at the Healing School was perfect for me. Because of the impartation I received, I had more strength and I became bolder.

experience, “The time I spent at the Healing School was perfect for me. As a Christian, I knew the Word, but it was brought to me in a different way. The day Pastor Chris came, he touched my left ear and I felt so much power coming through me that I sank down. That was it! I decided that I had received my healing because that was what the Word said. I knew that I was healed. I said 'Yes Lord, I am healed!' “About an hour later, I moved from the hall and sat down and checked my ears like before. I checked over and again, and I was amazed. The sound was so good and clear, I tell you. Even as a sound engineer who knows how things should sound, it was incredible. My hearing had been totally renewed, it was high definition stereo sound. The sound was just right on both sides. I said, 'Yeah!' It was great! I can hear very well now and I'm very thankful. “A lot of things happened after the Healing School. Because of the impartation I received from Pastor Chris, I had more strength and I became bolder. I'm not afraid to tell anyone that I'm a Christian or that I'm healed.” Gerth's got his life back, and he has a last word for anyone who will attend the Healing School session. He says, “Stay in faith. Stay on the Word of God, believe the Word and you will receive a miracle.” Thanking the man of God, he says, “Pastor Chris, you're such a big, big example for me, of how a Christian should be. Jesus told us to go and spread the Gospel and to heal the sick. Thank you for your patience to do that. It's such a blessing, what you're doing.” For more information about upcoming Healing School sessions in 2018, please visit or send an email to


he beauty of every miracle at the Healing School is its inherent ability to produce even more miracles and testimonies. Once healed, the lives of those who have attended Healing School sessions are never the same again. Their healing miracles become a testimony to all nations, their lives a testament to the unfailing and endless love of the Father. It was a beautiful day in Ontario, Canada, because many lives would be transformed at the second healing service of the 2017 Healing School Summer Session. Moments before the service was scheduled to begin, Karen from the United Kingdom shared her expectations, “Today, I'm fully expectant. After the man of God, Pastor Chris, prays for me, I will be free from all fear and from the condition that I was diagnosed with. I believe that today is the day of signs, wonders and miracles, and I will receive my miracle today.” With earnest, heartfelt prayers, the people lifted their hands and thanked the Lord for all He had in store for them at this service. The auditorium was filled with sweet sounds of praise and worship as they expressed their love for God. It was an atmosphere of faith at the healing service as several testified of their miracles from previous sessions of the Healing School. Their testimonies proved beyond measure the extraordinary love of God at work in the lives of His children. 28-year-old Yllanda Slaters testified of freedom from depression and spiritual oppression; she received her miracle when she came to the Healing School in 2016. Attesting to this, her mother said, “This is my child, she is free and she's doing everything for the Lord now.” Romans 10:17 – “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” Faith was strengthened in the hearts of many as they heard this


and other remarkable testimonies. The students at this healing service were fired up and ready to take hold of their miracles. With certainty, they waited for one touch from God that would make the difference in their lives; this was the set time for that change they had hoped for. The service progressed to a whole new dimension when the man of God, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, entered the auditorium. With great compassion and love, just like the Lord Jesus Christ, he ministered healing to the sick. There were such wonderful demonstrations of God's presence and power, such joy and celebration, as many were healed of different conditions. Whether physical or spiritual; blood diseases, ulcers, asthma, diabetes, heart diseases or paralysis‌ all were healed by a touch of the Spirit! It was a new day for Grace Wong. After suffering from pain and walking difficulties for so long, the relief that had eluded her came rushing back with one encounter with the power of God. She has been healed of osteoporosis and is free to walk without pain or limitation once again. Ezekiel George was healed of stroke and paralysis. When Pastor Chris ministered to him, Ezekiel felt the release of power and lifted his crutch as he walked smartly across the hall. Never again will he be held bound by pain or sickness. Hallelujah! Glad to have been part of this wonderful episode of the miraculous, the congregation danced and sang for joy, praising the Almighty God who made all things well. The man of God took out some time to specially minister to others present at the service who had various health concerns. "I want to lead you to salvation," Pastor Chris said as he gave the call. Many came forward to confess the lordship of Jesus Christ over their lives, thus becoming partakers of God's divine nature. This was a new beginning for great things, and the stories of their lives would be upward and forward from then on. In appreciation to the partners of the Healing School, Pastor Chris said, “Thank you for what you're doing. Thank you for making it happen. The Lord bless you and fill your life with health and strength continuously. May God lift you and multiply your seeds of righteousness.â€? What a glorious and unforgettable experience! What an exciting time for all at the healing service, it truly was an overflow of incredible miracles. People from all walks of life and all around the world have been impacted by what they witnessed at the healing service and their lives will never be the same again.



eople say making first impressions are important. A big part of that first impression is your smile. The healthy, perfect-looking smile isn't an overnight project; it requires creating and maintaining healthy habits and methods. We've highlighted ten tips for dental care to help you keep that dazzling smile that everyone loves. TIP #1 – BRUSH PROPERLY: Brush often enough, at least twice a day and especially after dinner, for a minimum of 2 minutes each time. Brushing your teeth often will keep your teeth whiter and healthier. Also apply the right technique: use small and gentle strokes on no more than two teeth at a time and brush at a 45-degree angle. Remember to brush the tongue and both the inner and outer surfaces of the teeth. TIP #2 – TOOTHBRUSH: Electric toothbrushes are clinically proven to be more effective for plaque removal. Avoid hard bristles to prevent gums from receding or eroding the enamel. Rinse the toothbrush after each use and let it air-dry. If you decide to cover the brush, use a cover that lets in air, to avoid breeding bacteria. Change toothbrushes every few months. TIP #3 – FLOSS: Floss daily to remove particles and germs from between teeth and around the gum lines. Wrap the floss around each tooth and gently slide it up and down under the gum lines two to three times. Regular and proper flossing will prevent decay and gingivitis. TIP #4 – STOP SMOKING: Tobacco stains teeth, damages healthy gum and makes it difficult to reverse gum disease. You may have heard quite a lot for other unrelated health matters, but here's one more reason to stop smoking. TIP #5 – CHOOSE THE RIGHT DENTAL CARE PRODUCTS: Choose whitening products and other oral hygiene products like mouthwash and tongue scrapers carefully. It helps to pick products that have been approved by the dental association in your country. TIP #6 – DRINK MORE WATER: Water is good for your whole body, and is generally recommended as the healthiest drink. For your teeth, water flushes out particles and prevents tooth decay. Clean tap water is recommended (where available) because it contains recommended fluoride levels which is also good for your teeth. TIP #7 – FORTIFY YOUR BODY WITH TEETH-FRIENDLY NUTRIENTS: Your teeth and gums require calcium, vitamin D, and vitamin B complex, as well as copper, zinc, iodine, iron, and potassium, to stay healthy and strong. You can take supplements for these nutrients, but milk, orange juice, broccoli, and cheese are healthy sources as well. TIP #8 – REDUCE INTAKE OF THESE BEVERAGES: Coffee, tea, and red wine stain your teeth. Beyond the surface, they also soak into the enamel. Drinking with a straw may help reduce the risk of discoloration and tooth decay. TIP #9 – AVOID LATE-NIGHT SNACKING: Once you've brushed for the night, there should be no more eating or snacking, no matter how little. Otherwise, sugar and other food particles will stay for too long on your teeth, thus allowing bacteria to breed and cause decay and other dental issues. TIP #10 – MAKE DENTAL CARE A ROUTINE: Have routine cleanings at least twice annually to promote that great smile. If you notice a problem, see a dentist immediately; delays and home remedies may worsen the condition over time.


Make someone's day better today; give them a clean, pleasant smile.

“The Lord God hath given me the tongue of the learned, that I should know how to speak a word in season…” (Isaiah 50:4).


s a believer, your words should always give life and be full of grace (Colossians 4:6). Your words should bless, inspire and encourage the hearers. You must refrain your lip from negativism. The Lord Jesus said, “…every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment” (Matthew 12:36). The Amplified translation of the same scripture says “…every idle (inoperative, non-working) word…” This means anything you say that isn't consistent with God's plan and purpose will be judged, and this includes every idle joke and statement made leisurely. The phrase 'tongue of the learned' in the opening verse of scripture isn't referring to the words spoken by a person who's well trained according to the world's education system. Rather, it refers to the words spoken by the man who has been groomed in the Word of God, one whose speech is controlled by the Spirit of God. Utterances from such a person wouldn't be mere words but powerful words that make tremendous spiritual impact. How do you make your tongue as that of the learned? The Bible says in Romans 12:2, “…fix your attention on God. You'll be changed from the inside out” (MSG). As you continually study God's Word, you'll be transformed from the inside. This transformation will cause a change in your perception of things, which will eventually lead to a change in your language. Your words will have more spiritual impact and God will be able to do a lot through you. Get trained by the Spirit and the Word of God and speak the language of the learned.

CONFESSIONS I thank you, Father, for the indwelling presence of your Spirit in me; I'm not an ordinary person – I'm your living tabernacle. Therefore, no sickness, disease or infirmity can successfully lodge in my body, because the life in me is divine. The light of God is in my spirit – bringing me into full awareness of my rights and inheritance in Christ Jesus! I fear no adversary, for Christ has already obtained the victory over every adversary, and my faith in the Word of God is the victory that overcomes the world. I dwell in the victory Christ wrought for me; thus, I'm no longer subject to any form of fear, limitation or bondage – for Christ has set me free from the bondage of sickness, disease and death. I'm more than a conqueror! My life is an unending stream of success, effectiveness, excellence, prosperity, productivity and divine health. I don't wane with age; my strength is daily renewed like that of an eagle! I'm in Zion – the city of our God. Here, I increasingly flourish like a tree planted by the waters, bearing fruit in and out of season, and whatsoever I do prospers. Hallelujah! I refuse to acknowledge any sickness, hindrance or limitation life may present; rather, I move forward and make progress in every season – experiencing times of harvest and abundance all year round! Nothing can hinder me, for the Greater One is in me. I have the right attitude and the outcome of my daily life is clear proof of the life of God in my spirit. I declare that grace to constantly make progress is at work in my life and I reign in Christ Jesus always! Amen. Divine life is at work in me! I'm impregnable to sickness or disease, because I'm a partaker of the divine nature. I refuse to live in the dark, or function by the lesser light. I function in God's greater light concerning my health. Divine health is my portion; I live in strength and vitality every day of my life in Jesus' mighty Name. Amen!


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