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“By the word of the LORD were the heavens made; and all the host of them by the breath of his mouth” (Psalm 33:6).


he human body is a limitation of divinity. Let me explain this to you. When Jesus was in human lesh, there were things He couldn’t do, because He was in the human body, even though He’s Himself God. For example, He couldn’t continue every day, every hour, without getting tired; He had to sleep. He couldn’t even minister beyond Israel, as much as He loved the whole world; He was limited because He was a Jew. Even the Samaritan woman didn’t want to listen to Him. She said, “How can you ask me for water! You’re a Jew and I’m a Samaritan; we have no dealings with each other...” (Read John chapter 4). The limitation of the human body is the limitation of divinity in you, but the essence of the human spirit—the human personality—is not the physical body; man is a spirit and God designed divinity to be released through words! When Jesus was sleeping, the ‘Word’ wasn’t sleeping because words are illimitable, they go into the realm of the spirit. You can speak from where you are and have things happen all over the world. That’s the power of words! You can speak from your closet, and it will have impact in heaven. Now, I need you to understand this: words are powerful, but the Word of God is all-powerful! Anybody can say anything and have it produce results, whether or not he’s a Christian, because man was made in the image 02 | The Healing School Magazine

of God, and in His likeness. However, 1 Peter 1:23 says, “Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever.” When a man is born again, he’s born of the Word. You’re the ofspring of the Word, if you’re born again; you live by the Word. Your life is built by the Word; you dwell in the Word! What does that tell you? It means that you don’t just speak words, you speak the Word. Genesis 1 tells us how in the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth. He did it with words! When Jesus ministered, He ministered with words; He changed things with words. Every word He spoke came to pass. When He spoke to blind eyes, they opened; when He commanded deaf ears, they were unstopped. Once, He said to a man with a withered arm, “Stretch forth thine hand”; the man did, and his withered arm was perfectly restored (Matthew 12:13). Even when He raised the dead, He did it with words. Words! How important your words are! When your spirit is in sync with the Holy Spirit, your words become spirit and life, like the words of Jesus (John 6:63). So, when you have a situation to deal with, when you have changes to efect, meditate on the Word; soak your spirit in the Word until only the Word comes out of your mouth!

If you want to make Jesus Christ the Lord of your life, then say this prayer, believing with all your heart: “O Lord God, I come to You in the Name of Jesus. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of the Living God. I believe that God raised Him from the dead and I confess with my mouth that Jesus Christ is the Lord of my life from today. I receive by faith, remission of sins for my soul. Right now, in the Name of Jesus Christ, I receive eternal life into my spirit. I am born again!” If you’ve just said that prayer, please send an email to God bless you.

The Healing School Magazine is published by the Healing School. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. ISSN 1597 – 0833


ll I had to do was put my faith in God, and now everything is okay. I can do anything I want to do; I’m living my life to the fullest right now, it’s great!”

This is twenty-eight-year-old Tasher Addo’s testimony, having been healed of Hodgkin’s lymphoma at the Healing School. Free of sickness, and made whole by the power of God, Tasher returns to testify of the wonderful things God has done in her life. “Around November 2016, I noticed that there was a mass formed in my inner thigh but I didn’t think much of it. Because I worked out a lot, I just thought I had pulled a muscle. A few weeks went by and the bruise didn’t go down, so I went to the doctors to take a closer look at it. The doctor told me he wasn’t really concerned about it, but we decided to keep an eye on it. “Another couple of weeks passed and the mass just kept getting bigger and bigger. So we did an ultrasound and CT scan, which showed that the mass was abnormally large and much bigger than what we perceived. I was referred to an oncologist who did a biopsy and diagnosed me with Hodgkin’s lymphoma.” The recommended course of treatment was chemotherapy, but while preparing for that, Tasher discovered that she was pregnant. This led to several complications as the treatments had to be altered. Eventually, the baby was delivered prematurely, but the ordeal was far from over. “During my pregnancy, the lymphoma started to thicken my blood,” she says. “There were blood clots in my lungs, and that caused breathing problems. I landed in the Intensive Care Unit, where I was unconscious for about a week. I remember waking up to ind that my whole family had come to see me because they thought I was going to die. “After that, the doctors started doing exchange transfusions every week. Then the pills started afecting my baby. At some point, we observed that the baby wasn’t growing normally and was still quite small because the placenta was too weak to allow proper feeding. So, we had to do an emergency C-section; then the incision got infected, and I was dealing with that while I still had chemotherapy to look forward to.” Tasher remembers how sad it was to live in that condition, “It was one thing after the other, and I had depressing thoughts all the time. Why was this happening to me? I had to stay at home, and everyone had to cater to me; I felt like a burden. I was tired, I was so tired of life. It was quite annoying and disturbing for me,” she says. Also, she worried about the fate of her child, “I kept thinking about my son, about what would happen to him. If the chemo didn’t work, and if I didn’t survive the cancer, who would take care of him? I was confused and in pain most of the time.” At this point, Tasher turned to God for a lasting solution, and it wasn’t long before the Spirit of the Lord pointed her in the right direction. “Amidst all of this, my mother’s friend called from the United Kingdom and told her about the Healing School session. We believed it was God’s answer, and we took action immediately.” With faith sparked up in her heart, she registered for the Healing School session. 04 | The Healing School Magazine

At the Healing School, every question she came with was answered, and she was ready to receive her miracle. During the healing service, Tasher was illed with great expectation as the man of God, Pastor Chris, ministered to her. “Honestly, I can’t describe what it was like when the man of God ministered to me; it’s really hard to describe. It was a great feeling, and I never knew I could feel something like it. I literally felt the Holy Ghost come into me and encompass me all around. From my head to my toe, the power was everywhere, and it was great,” she declares. Radiant with joy and contentment, Tasha talks about the awesome transformation in her life after she came to the Healing School: “From when I was at the Healing School, the protruding mass on my leg started shrinking. And by the time I was leaving the Healing School, the mass had become super small. Then it was completely gone. Ever since, I’ve had no need to be hospitalized. No more being poked with needles, no more medications or extreme treatments; nothing. My son is perfectly ine, and I can be a mother to him now. Anything I want, I can do; I’m living my life to the fullest right now, it’s great.” Tasher is illed with gratitude to God for all He has done in her life. To the partners of the Healing School, she says, “Thank you so much, because if it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t be able to attend the Healing School. I wouldn’t be free right now. I wouldn’t be able to be the mother that I am. I wouldn’t be able to just live my life. Continue to contribute, and I’m really grateful and thankful for you. To Pastor Chris, I love you, sir. I am so grateful that God has used you in this way, and I declare that He will yet do more through you.” To someone in need of healing today, Tasher says, “The Word of God is alive. It brings life to every situation that is dead. With God, there is nothing that is impossible. Come to the Healing School today, come and take hold of your miracle.” The Healing School brings hope and restoration to so many lives. People from all over the world come with diverse ailments and diseases, and they have their lives transformed. They bear witness to the power of God that made them free. To attend the upcoming 2019 Healing School Autumn Session, visit or send enquiries to

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n January 2018, I was diagnosed with ALL-B disease (acute lymphoblastic leukemia, type B-cell), which is blood cancer. After diagnosis, I was hospitalized for one month, and I started the treatments with chemotherapy and other drugs.

The condition made me bedridden, and I was full of fear; I didn’t know if I would survive. I was a irst year college student studying engineering, but I had to stop because of the sickness. I could not play sports, and my movements were restricted to sanitized spaces because my immunity was low. I had to take a lot of antibiotics to prevent infection and my diet, too, was restricted. From the chemotherapy treatments, I had loss of hair, and my body was swelling because of water retention. I also experienced fatigue and recurrent fevers. This afected everyone in my family; darkness and sorrow surrounded my whole family, there was much crying, sadness and disappointment.

Then my mother heard about the Healing School session in August 2018, and she brought me to Lagos, Nigeria, to attend. To the glory of God, I was completely healed when the man of God, Pastor Chris, prayed for me. I received strength and every part of me was strengthened; my hair became stronger and thicker, like before. My body was renewed; my blood and bone marrows are clean; I went for blood and liver tests after the Healing School, and all the reports came back normal, no abnormal cells anywhere. I go to the gym now, and I do every activity I want, just like any normal person would, and I can eat whatever I want. I’ve also returned to my studies. Mentally, I am free of fear. I’ve replaced every negative voice with the Word of God and a merry heart. I’m a new person, who walks in divine health because my body is perfect by the grace of God. Abishek Goud from India he condition that brought me to the Healing School was my back. Although it was only diagnosed years later as scoliosis, the physiotherapist and chiropractor said it must have been from birth, and I grew up with constant back pain. From 1997, when the diagnosis was irst made, I went through diferent treatments: physiotherapy sessions, spinal realignment, massage therapies, pain medication in strong dosages, wearing spinal braces, lumbar punctures, you name it. At best, each treatment provided temporary relief, but there was no permanent solution. As time passed, the condition advanced. I developed restless leg syndrome, varicose veins, pinched sciatica nerve; it kept going on and on, until I was told that my spinal cord had deteriorated to a point where the damage was permanent and nothing could be done about it.


My experience at the Healing School is one of the best decisions of my life. My pastor gave me God’s instruction to attend and, had I not obeyed, I wouldn’t be here today. The Healing School was where I rediscovered my faith in God, and I grew that faith till it inally came to where it was always meant to be, and it is still constantly growing and increasing. On the day Pastor Chris ministered to me, the atmosphere felt like heaven, it was all out of this world. The man of God held my hands and blew in my face. I felt a jerk in my back when he held my hands and next thing I was on the loor. There was an instant adjustment, even before I hit the loor. I knew I had received my healing; my ordeal of back pain for more than ifteen years was inally over. I left the Healing School whole and complete, and armed with the Word of God in my mouth. I did not keep my Healing School experience to myself; I invited others in my family to register and attend. Our experiences are the most talked about, and are always very dominant, in our family conversations. I am grateful to Pastor Chris and the Healing School team. Deborah Monyeki from South Africa 06 | The Healing School Magazine

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he Healing School Online Prayer Conference is a global phenomenon that has made tremendous impact in the lives of millions of people all over the world. In past editions of this epochal Conference, partners of the Healing School all over the world convened to make power for change available by praying and interceding for the sick, especially those who would attend the Healing School sessions.


The programs were marvelous times of prayer and fellowship with the Spirit, with inspiring exhortations and testimonies. Highlighting the impact of the partners’ prayers over the years, a few of those who had been healed at the Healing School sessions were on set to testify of how they became free of diverse debilitating diseases, and how their miracles became tools for reaching the world with the message of Jesus Christ. The Conferences were punctuated with special ministrations in songs of faith and airmation and all participants joined in the rapturous moments of praise and worship. In special segments with guest ministers, 08 | The Healing School Magazine

the participants were admonished through the Word of God on prayer. Having been inspired by the testimonies, and ired up to reorder the courses of many lives with their faith-illed words, millions of people prayed earnestly and fervently. The power of God was directed into many homes, cities and nations, and there was total turnaround as the attendees, led by the Spirit, prayed for the sick, and also about the success of the Healing School Sessions, and other concerns. At the climax, the ministers prayed for those whose prayer requests had been received. Those were blissful moments, when burdens were rolled away, pains removed, decrees pronounced for supernatural interventions and words of knowledge released concerning many in dire health circumstances. The miracles happened as speedily as the words were spoken with power. The extraordinary move of the Spirit was manifested in healings, miracles and testimonies across the nations.

“When one of the pastors prayed against the spirit of epilepsy, my body was shocked and I felt the spirit of epilepsy leave me. Glory to God!” - Boris from Switzerland. “Last year, my father was diagnosed with cancer; he’d begun giving up on life and was preparing himself for death. During the Prayer Conference, I sent in a prayer request for my father. Six days later, he got new test results–he is cancer-free! My father is healed.” - Ashley from Canada. “During the Conference, I sent in a prayer request for oneyear-old Jiana Matthew. She was born with a liver problem, and diagnosed with biliary atresia at birth. This meant she had no gall bladder and bile didn’t low into the gut from the liver. Her liver had become cirrhotic and her tummy was big due to the large liver and spleen. She was scheduled for an operation to replace the liver. While praying concerning the requests that had come in for the Conference, Evang. (Dr) Eddy Owase mentioned that a little girl had been healed. I knew it was Baby Jiana! The girl is healed now! Her stomach started shrinking day by day. She had even developed an umbilical hernia due to the swelling, but this has disappeared. Glory to God!” - Sam from the United Kingdom. “I thank God for my son’s healing; my husband is healed of shoulder pain, I am healed of thyroid dysfunction, and my cousin is healed of cancer. We’ve all had our health restored. Thank you, Jesus!” - Rabbie from the United States. “I was healed of partial deafness in the right ear while we prayed. Glory to God!” - Philemon from Cameroon. Amazing praise reports continue to pour in long after the Conferences, of diverse healings from chronic back pain, kidney disease and lots more. Many were given the opportunity to proclaim Jesus Christ as Lord of their lives. What times of rich communion and supernatural fellowship!

Be A Part Of The 2019 Healing School Online Prayer Conference

Get ready to touch lives all around the world as you join other Healing School partners to impact the world through prayers at the February 2019 Healing School Online Prayer Conference, which will hold on Saturday, the 23rd of February 2019. It promises to be a time of exaltation, intercession and testimonies. Register for the Healing School Online Prayer Conference today, or make further enquiries at

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ne of the healthiest foods your body needs is ish because it is packed with many essential nutrients, especially protein. Fish can be cooked in various ways, and makes a ine meal whether it’s grilled, fried or steamed. Adding ish to your diet on regular basis will provide many health beneits by supplying your body with necessary nutrients and minerals, some of which are outlined in this article. Proteins Proteins are very vital constituents of a healthy meal, and ish are mostly protein. Proteins are building blocks for cells, tissues and organs, and necessary for making enzymes, hormones and antibodies. They also improve health by regulating blood pressure, controlling diabetes, and supporting psychological and cognitive functions.

for supporting the immune system, nervous system and the brain. Vitamin D also aids management of sugar in the blood by regulating insulin levels, and helps with lung function and cardiovascular health. • Vitamin B2 (Ribolavin), which is needed for growth and overall good health. It helps the body break down carbohydrates, proteins and fats to produce energy, and it allows oxygen to be used by the body. Minerals Want to boost mineral intake? Start eating more ish because it is a great source for many minerals, including: • Calcium and phosphorus, which are great for keeping your teeth and bones healthy, boosting energy, improving heart muscle and nerve function, etc.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids This is one type of fat that is highly required for optimal health. There are a wide range of beneits your body derives from omega-3 fats; from healthy skin to better sleep. Also, omega-3 will improve bone health and reduce fat in the liver. In addition, omega-3s help prevent/control medical conditions, e.g. mental disorders (likeAlzheimer’s), cancers, chronic inlammation, metabolic syndrome, heart diseases and other autoimmune diseases, and may also help ight anxiety and depression, and promote eye health. For women, omega-3 alleviates menstrual pain and promotes the child’s brain health during pregnancy, and children with asthma and attention deicit/hyperactive disorder (ADHD) also beneit from omega-3.

• Zinc, which regulates immune function, aids learning and memory retention, helps in treating diarrhea and common cold, speeds healing of wounds, prevents age-related macular degeneration and chronic diseases, and improves fertility.

Vitamins • Vitamin D is essential for the growth, development and maintenance of healthy bones and teeth, and also

• Potassium, which supports blood pressure, cardiovascular health, bone and muscle strength, etc.

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• Iron, which is an important component of hemoglobin, the substance in red blood cells that transports oxygen from your lungs to the rest of your body. • Iodine, which helps you maintain focus, is good for metabolism and thyroid function, protects against infection, radiation and hair loss, and safeguards your body from toxins, amongst others.

“This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein…” (Joshua 1:8). oicing your faith is a fundamental spiritual principle, without which divine health cannot be received or activated. When you speak the Word, what you are doing is releasing the power of God into action on your behalf. Notice God’s instruction to Joshua in our opening verse.


The Hebrew rendering of the word ‘meditate’ is ‘hagah’, which means to ponder, speak, study, or roar. It means you are not only supposed to think about the Word, you ought to voice out the Word, irrespective of the challenges. It makes no diference what the diagnosis is concerning your health: refuse to fear; maintain your stand on God’s Word and keep declaring healing and divine health. Nothing shall be impossible with you if you’d learn to use your mouth right by speaking the Word of God. Change any hopeless situation with your faith-illed words. No matter how hopeless a situation may look, you can efect a change with the Word. Refuse to allow those symptoms rob you of the healing that is yours already. The Word of God on your lips is God talking; it’ll make you what it talks about; it’ll paralyze and disable fear in you, and cause you to live continually in health and victory.

CONFESSIONS My faith is alive and producing results; it grows strong as I yield to the Word, thus making me unshakeable at all times. I am not moved by signs or symptoms because my focus is on the true source of life and sustenance, which is the Word of God. The Word of God is active and efective in my life. It produces results in my health and inances, and in everything that concerns me. It produces in me what it talks about: supernatural health, surplus supply, unlimited grace and joy unspeakable. I declare that my body is under obligation to respond to the Word of God at all times; my body is regulated by God’s Word and every part of my body aligns with what God says. I am not one who continually requires healing; I am born of the life-giving Spirit of God; therefore, I am also a life giver. I am bold, strong and courageous in my daily walk of faith. My words are quick and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword. With my words, I cut down everything in my body that is contrary to the provisions of the Word. The Greater One lives in me, and I refuse to be sick because the life of God in me pulsates through every part of my body. It is well with my spirit, soul and body. I prosper in all things; my health is lourishing. My life is an absolute manifestation of the glory of God! I live from the inside out; the glory of the Lord in my spirit is expressed in my body with excellent and perfect health. I refuse to be ignorant of the devices of the enemy. I am free from sickness, and I will not be overtaken by feelings of pain and discomfort because God’s Word and the law of life inundate my being completely. I refuse to cower in fear of what the adversary may do to my body because I know who I am. Glory to God! The Healing School Magazine | 11

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