The Healing School Magazine - January 2018 Edition

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“Then Isaac sowed in that land, and received in the same year an hundredfold: and the Lord blessed him. And the man waxed great, and went forward, and grew until he became very great” (Genesis 26:12-13). One of the many glorious benefits of the Christian life is that it's a call to unending success. God's dream for you is that you consistently make progress and heap success upon success. He expects you to be increasingly fruitful and productive in all your endeavors. There're those who say life is full of ups and downs, but the Bible says the path of the just is as a shining light, that shines brighter and brighter unto the perfect day (Proverbs 4:18). That means your life should only journey in one direction, upward and forward; and there's no option to that. This is your heritage when you become a child of God, having been born again. Your path in life becomes one of consistent growth, steady prosperity and unending success. Reading the full chapter from where the opening Scripture was culled, we see that Isaac waxed great, went forward, and grew until he became very great. In other words, he made progress and became successful in every area of his life, even though there was famine in Gerar. That's the life to which you've been called: a life of increase, progress and advancement. This year, irrespective of the prevalent economic situation in the country where you live, you can still make progress and prosper. The Lord Jesus said in John 15:1-8: “I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch that doesn't produce fruit, and he prunes the branches that do bear fruit so they will produce even more… My true disciples produce much fruit. This brings great glory to my Father.” If you're fruitful and effective in your endeavors, the Lord prunes you so you can achieve even more. He’s more zealous and passionate about your success than you could ever be. Thus, you ought always to be conscious. Note that success is not necessarily measured at the tail end of one's life, or at the end of a year; it can be measured at different stages. If you're conscious of success at the level where you are today, that consciousness will take you to a higher level of success tomorrow. Never think failure, rather have the success mentality. Your life will be an unending stream of victory and prosperity when you develop an attitude of success. Start out the year 2018 with conscious efforts to develop and improve your success mentality. Success mentality will keep you from mundanity and the average life, and help you imbibe a culture of excellence. Be excited today and everyday throughout the year 2018, for God has already made you a success! You have in you what it takes to confront the crises of life and win.

This magazine is a publication of the Healing School. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. ISSN 1597 - 0833


habane Ceza, 34, has a riveting tale that started when she noticed a lump in her breast. With each passing day, the lump seemed to get bigger. Panicked, she rushed to the hospital, and after a battery of tests, the doctor gave the diagnosis of breast cancer. Thabane desperately wanted to get better, but the illness and aggressive treatments took their toll on her body and began to affect her work and family. She was in dire need of a miracle, and the Healing School provided an answer and solution to her problem. With faith in her heart, and with heightened anticipation, Thabane traveled to Johannesburg, South Africa, in 2016 to attend the Healing School Autumn Session. While there, she was touched by the power of God which transformed her life forever. Hale and hearty, with no sickness or infirmity in her body, Thabane lives a glorious life and is a living testimony to the goodness of God. Reminiscing about the marvels in her life, Thabane recalls how it all started. “I remember the first day I heard the news. It was in August 2015; I'd noticed a lump in my right breast and it was growing bigger every day. I went to the doctor and they ran some tests and diagnosed me with breast cancer.” This felt like a death sentence to Thabane. She says, “I had so much fear in me immediately the doctor told me that I had cancer. As much as I was still alive, emotionally and spiritually, I died in that moment.”

The doctors recommended a treatment plan that would span weeks and months, and would include chemotherapy, a mastectomy and radiation. “Despite all that, there was no assurance that the cancer would all be gone,” Thabane states. “Over time, the cancer might come back in the other breast or in any other part of my body. The treatment was no guarantee that I would be completely cured of cancer.”

then that I was healed, it was a marvelous turning point in my life.” With hope blossoming in her heart, Thabane has a new outlook now that the pain is gone and she has her life back. To confirm the dramatic turnaround that she knew had taken place in her life, Thabane showed up at her surgery appointment as scheduled. She talks about her encounter with the doctors: “I went for my surgery appointment as scheduled, but when the doctor examined me, she couldn't find anything; the lump was gone. She asked me which breast had been affected, and when I told her it was the right one, she asked me to do more tests.

As time progressed, Thabane's body became weaker and regular daily activities became a hardship. “The lump was so big it was uncomfortable to wear clothes. The chemotherapy had major side effects; it killed my joints and I couldn't walk properly. I lost my hair and my appetite. I was told to stay indoors and avoid being exposed in the sun. I was so weak, and sometimes, I had to skip work. I couldn't “After the scans and tests, the radiologist compared the play with my kids like I used to. I couldn't even make my own results with records from my files and said he had never seen anything like this. Then he said that they would have bed. to remove both breasts because there was no telling where “As a result of the condition, I became anti-social. I no the cancer started or stopped. I told them I was healed and longer had time for other people, and when I found myself in didn't need surgery, so I left. One of the doctors called back their midst, I wouldn't feel like talking. Most of the things that to insist that I do the operation. When I refused, he said he I used to do, I was no longer able to. So, I just wanted to be would give me 6 months to live because the cancer was so left alone. I felt so depressed whenever I thought that my life aggressive and growing fast. I replied that I would call him in could end at any time. I felt like there was no hope, I started 6 years. He started checking on me monthly to see what I planning my funeral, and made sure that I had funeral was doing. Each time, he was surprised when I told him I was at work and well. policies, so that my kids would be well taken care of.” Amidst the hopelessness and despair, Thabane heard about the Healing School. “In March 2016, I was scheduled for an operation after eight sessions of chemotherapy. When I called my father to tell him about it, he told me to come to the Healing School first, saying this was where God wanted me to be for my miracle. I wanted God to completely heal me and cure all the cancer that was in my body, so I changed my plans,” she says.

“In November 2016, I decided to get tested again, but I went to a different doctor who knew nothing of my medical history. The results showed that there was no trace of cancer in my body. It's over and it's been defeated. I'm free, I'm healed and I'm alive!” Thabane is grateful to God for her miracle, she also expresses appreciation to those who made it possible. She says, “Thank you, Pastor Chris, for honoring your calling. I love you so much. May God continue to use and bless you. Partners, you guys are doing a very great job. We are here today; we've got life and our lives have meaning, thanks to your giving.”

“On the healing service day, Pastor Chris entered the room and as I looked at him, something inside told me that my life would never be the same again. When he came to me, I remembered his words to me. He said, 'Jesus makes you well.' The power of God overwhelmed my consciousness; I started shaking and crying. I didn't know what was For more information on how to attend the 2018 Healing happening in my body, but it was marvelous. Then Pastor School Autumn Session in Johannesburg, South Africa, said to me, 'You're free.' I don't remember getting up from please visit the stretcher and walking, but I did. I knew right there and



Thank you, dear partners, for making the year 2017 a time of luxuriant growth, significant attainments and persistent productivity. You made the miraculous a reality in the lives of many through your gift of love. We are indeed grateful and we pray that you will continually experience favor, increase, divine health and other special blessings. The year 2018 promises to be an even more glorious time and we know that the glory of the latter will surpass that of the former. So, it is with great joy and anticipation that we look forward to the many things we will accomplish together in partnership with the Spirit of God. With your staunch dedication to the Healing School, we will continue to mount higher, making more and more impact as we take healing, hope, joy and salvation to the peoples and nations of the earth. Thank you and God bless you. 1. Healing School Sessions Each year, we organize Healing School sessions in various countries. These are times for manifesting the love and compassion of Jesus, with thousands attending. Armed with God's Word, those healed spread the Gospel and impart faith with their testimonies. Also, ministers from various countries visit the Healing School for a time of impartation with Pastor Chris Oyakhilome. Afterwards, they return to their countries, grateful and determined to impact the nations. Your Role ü Publicizing the sessions and inviting people to attend ü Joining the Healing School Prayer Network and praying for the sessions ü Giving for the sessions 2. Global Youth Leaders' Forum The GYLF has been pivotal in changing millions of young lives across the globe. The Forum has trained, inspired and equipped more youth to contribute to the development of their communities. Your Role ü Sponsoring the upcoming 2018 International Easter Youth Camp ü Sponsoring youth outreaches and training programs ü Sponsoring GYLF conferences ü Sponsoring youth exchange programs 3. Loveworld Medical Missions The Loveworld Medical Missions is concerned with creating a healthier world by providing humanitarian services to communities and persons in need. Through the Trauma Care International Foundation and the Volunteer Medical Corps, many lives have been changed. Your Role ü Sponsoring Trauma Care International Foundation projects – campaigns and training programs, Voluntary Blood Donation Initiatives, etc. ü Supporting Volunteer Medical Corps – relief response mission trips, hospital outreaches, etc. For more enquiries, or information on how to participate, Please visit Or send an email to Or call: +234 8086 844 104, +27 11 326 2467, +1 416 747 7979 Healing School Partners… together, taking healing to the nations!



healthy, balanced diet consists a variety of different food types that provide adequate nutrients necessary for good health. One type of food needed to maintain a healthy diet is fruits, which are rich in minerals and vitamins. Forget supplements and fancy superfoods, these ten fruits are power packed for a healthier you. 1.

Peaches & nectarines: Two small peaches or nectarines have more potassium than one medium banana. Potassium boosts nerves and muscle health. The skins also provide a great source of antioxidants.


Pineapple: Regardless of how it's prepared or served, this tropical fruit is chock-full of bromelain, a powerful anti-inflammatory enzyme that reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes.


Grapes: A little grape bulb (preferably red/purple) contains potassium and iron, which help prevent cramps and anemia. Grapes are also proven to be heart healthy, and help to prevent heart disease and lower cholesterol levels due to the large amounts of antioxidants like quercetin and resveratrol they contain.




Kiwi: This is a low-calorie, high fiber, easy snack that's great for weight loss. Loaded with vitamins C and E, kiwis help protect against cancer and improve optical health. Mangoes: Mangoes are more popular than ever due to their high levels of beta-carotene, which the body converts into vitamin A to promote bone growth and a healthy immune system. Even more, mangoes have over fifty percent of daily vitamin C requirement.


Apples: Possibly the lightest on the calorie counter, apples make a great choice for weight watchers. They're also heavy on quercetin, which shield against brain cell degeneration and reduce risk of developing high blood pressure.


Pomegranates: As a beverage of choice, pomegranate juice contains at least twice the antioxidant capacity of red wine or green tea, and also sustains energy and controls blood pressure and cholesterol levels, and improves cardiovascular health.


Grapefruit: Orange is a great vitamin C source, but you want grapefruits because bigger is better. Half a grapefruit is a vitamin C powerhouse, and also has high levels of fiber, potassium, and vitamin A. Some studies suggest that grapefruit can alleviate the symptoms of arthritis and repair damaged or oily skin and hair.


Bananas: A banana makes the perfect graband-go snack, seeing as it's already wrapped. Its potassium and fiber content promote long-lasting energy and keep you alert all day long. Without the fat or salt, bananas are healthier than granola bars or pretzels.

10. Blueberries: Considered as superfoods, the blueberry's vitamin C, anthocyanin and other antioxidants help fight diseases and boost brainpower. According to research, people who eat more blueberries are less likely to develop macular degeneration in later years.

“For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live” (Romans 8:13).


our body belongs to the Lord, and you're the custodian that ought to nurture your physical body (1 Corinthians 6:19). You're a spirit, but God gave you a body to function with here on earth. It's true that the Holy Spirit dwells in you, but it's your sole responsibility, not His, to forbid sickness, pain or disease from lording over you. The opening Scripture admonishes you to put a stop to such illegal transactions in your body. That's what it means when it says, “mortify the deeds of the body.” It means to make extinct, put to death or disallow the deeds prompted by the body; thus letting you know you have the right to decide what happens in your body. You will give account to the Lord for whatever you allow in your body (2 Corinthians 5:10). Satan may launch an attack on your physical body, but it's your responsibility to disallow such illegal transactions. Remember, Jesus said “…Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven” (Matthew 18:18). The word 'bind' also means to forbid or disallow. In other words, Jesus is saying, “whatever you forbid or disallow on earth shall be forbidden or disallowed in heaven…” So, if you forbid sickness in your body as an illegal transaction, it will stay forbidden. Your body is like your world, and you're in charge of it. What you endorse concerning it is what God accepts. Therefore, don't neglect to speak health to your body and give yourself enough rest when it is necessary. Your body was made to function in such a way as to bring glory to God, not for illegal transactions.

CONFESSIONS I know who I am. Greater is He that's in me than he that's in the world. I'm walking in divine health, victory, dominion and righteousness. No weapon fashioned against me shall prosper and no illegal transactions can thrive in my body because I'm born of God, and my life is hid with Christ in God. Hallelujah! I'm strengthened and lifted by Your Word today, and my faith prevails against all opposing forces as I put Your Word to work and take possession of all that belongs to me in Christ Jesus. I take possession of my healing, health, prosperity, and victory today. The transcendent life I have in Christ Jesus is beyond the ordinary level of perception and comprehension. I live a life of victory, success, divine health, abundance, excellence and glory, in the Name of Jesus. Amen. I am more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus! The life of God is in me; therefore, all fear is gone! My success, health, prosperity and long life are assured. I declare that I am complete in Christ! Nothing is lacking in my body, soul or spirit! Everything that is supposed to be in me is there, and nothing needs to be added or taken out! The Word of God is working in me; it's working in my body, in my mind and in my spirit. There is no death in any area of my life or in my body; by God's Word, I am living the good life God has planned ahead of time for me to live: a life of divine health, success and victory.


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