The Healing School Magazine - March 2018 Edition

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“For out of His fullness (abundance) we have all received [all had a share and we were all supplied with] one grace after another {and} spiritual blessing upon spiritual blessing {and} even favour upon favour {and} gift [heaped] upon gift” (John 1:16 Ampliied).


od’s grace is supernatural! It brings favor, prosperity, healing and supernatural increase. It’s the manifestation of the love, compassion and power of God; the outward relection of divine inluence in the human spirit. This supernatural grace, which the Apostle Paul spoke about in our opening Scripture, has been bestowed upon your life. Grace brings acceptability, honor and dignity into your life; it attracts the right people, circumstances and resources in line with God’s destiny for your life. Even in challenging situations, grace gives you the advantage and causes you to rise above every adversity. Grace diferentiates you in the world; it sets you apart for glory and excellence. There’s absolutely nothing in this world, including its fame or fortune, that can be compared with what the grace that Jesus Christ has delivered to you. No wonder Paul the Apostle counsels in 2 Corinthians 6:1 that you should not receive the grace of God in vain, but rather, “ strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus” (2 Timothy 2:1). To be strong in the grace of God is to be conscious of, and take advantage of His grace! Being the seed of Abraham, the grace for prosperity is working in you twenty-four hours a day! That grace puts you ahead and positions you for success like it did for Isaac, who sowed in a time of famine and reaped a hundredfold harvest in the same year (Genesis 26:12-13).

Romans 5:17 says, “For if by one man’s ofence death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness 02 | The Healing School Magazine

shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ.” As Christians, we’re not called to reign by our strength, but by grace through Jesus Christ; we’re suicient in His suiciency (2 Corinthians 3:5 Ampliied). While there are many Christians today who are reigning in life and enjoying their glorious heritage in Christ, there are still those who are whining, crying, pleading and begging God for everything; toiling and failing, and this ought not to be. Refuse to live as a victim in life; you are called to reign. This is what some of us have found out; we’ve received abundance of grace, and the gift of righteousness, and as a result, we are reigning in life; we’re living the life of dominion. Sadly, some people look at us and think we must be doing something strange or wrong for our lives to be so glorious; but how could something wrong produce such excellence? We’ve only taken advantage of the superabundant grace that’s available in Christ Jesus. We’ve all been given grace in abundance: the grace of God that brings salvation—wholeness, preservation, health, peace, deliverance, safety, security, prosperity—and all the blessings in Christ Jesus. So, question: have you received that grace? Because it’s those who have received abundance of grace that reign in life. This informs why the Apostle Paul charged Timothy to take advantage of the grace of God that’s in Christ Jesus (2 Timothy 2:1). Become grace-conscious. The Bible says, “…he giveth more grace…” (James 4:6); meaning that there’s grace for everything and anything; whatever God has called you to do, there’s more than enough grace for it. Therefore, live in, and by the ‘grace advantage’.

If you want to make Jesus Christ the Lord of your life, then say this prayer, believing with all your heart: “O Lord God, I come to You in the Name of Jesus. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of the Living God. I believe that God raised Him from the dead and I confess with my mouth that Jesus Christ is the Lord of my life from today. I receive by faith, remission of sins for my soul. Right now, in the Name of Jesus Christ, I receive eternal life into my spirit. I am born again!” If you’ve just said that prayer, please send an email to God bless you.

The Healing School Magazine is published by the Healing School. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. ISSN 1597 – 0833


ll around the world, the Lord is transforming the lives of people in wonderful ways through the ministry of the Healing School. A multitude of people have been gloriously impacted in many ways; the sick receive healing, the oppressed are set free, and the desperate and hopeless have their hope restored. The 2018 Healing School Autumn Session in Johannesburg, South Africa, was an avalanche of testimonies and miracles! Three healing services held, each surpassing the previous one in glory. These meetings were inundated with manifestations of God’s power as praise, worship, testimonies and miracles poured forth. People came from various countries and cities, expectant for a miracle, for an answer, and for comfort. They came 04 | The Healing School Magazine

with faith in their hearts, and there were shouts of joy as the man of God, Pastor Chris, ministered to them. Many rose from wheelchairs and stretchers; diseases, ranging from migraines to arthritis, autism, cerebral palsy, infertility and HIV were all gone in an instant! An unfortunate experience with a bad teacher and bullies at school when she was ten years old left Tarryn Sarembock scarred and scared. She became sad and depressed, and was often plagued by thoughts of misery and despair. Eventually, she was clinically diagnosed with depression and anxiety. She says, “The irst time I ever felt depression, I was ten years old, and it was the day before I had to go back to school. I was just a child and I didn’t know what was happening to me, but I couldn’t sleep. The thought of going back to that school where I was struggling with the teacher

was horrible; the children were horrible. I really felt like a victim, and I pretended for many years that I was okay, but I wasn’t. I sufered with insomnia and everything made me very anxious all the time.”

eating, and I have more energy. Jesus is the Messiah and He healed me and it’s changed my whole perspective of life. I’m a new person and I have a new life. Now, I know that my future is so bright, and it’s in God’s hands.”

Over the next twenty years, Tarryn would only experience happiness in brief spells. Other times, she was always fatigued, and she was unable to eat due to loss of appetite, which caused more problems like iron deiciency and high cholesterol. She also experienced shaking its and heart palpitations. “My mental health afected my physical health. And because I was constantly tired, that afected my social life and relationships,” she airms.

What a mighty move of God! The Autumn Session of the Healing School surpassed expectations, and many like Tarryn, who had searched endlessly for solutions to their conditions received miraculous healings! It was glorious to witness such extraordinary display of God’s love. Indeed, wonders and miracles happened at the Autumn Session, but this is a foretaste of the upcoming 2019 Healing School Autumn Session with Pastor Chris in South Africa. This session will be a greater display of God’s power, grace and immeasurable love. Truly, we’ll experience the overlow of mighty miracles!

Living on antidepressants and other medications for over ifteen years, joy and happiness still eluded Tarryn. This condition afected her greatly while growing up. Her condition worsened to a point where she contemplated suicide. Life was absolutely miserable, and it was in this state that Tarryn came to the Healing School. She encountered the power of God in an extraordinary way and her life changed. Now, a happy, healthy, strong, joyous Tarryn testiies of God’s manifest goodness in her life. She was all smiles as she attested to her miracle, saying, “After the man of God ministered to me, I felt so relaxed. It was the most unbelievable experience, and I became so calm. The heart palpitations and shaking stopped. I am sleeping and

We are thankful to you, our dear partners, for your steadfast support in taking healing to those in need, irrespective of who or where they are. As the Autumn Session commences, be a part of the outpouring of miracles. You can partner with us in the following ways: • • •

By praying about the session By inviting someone to the session By giving towards the session

For more information, please visit our website at The Healing School Magazine | 05


y time at the Healing School was very inspiring. I received so much from God, and it has changed my ministry and my faith; and the power of God that is working in and through me has been amazing.

We are a mission oriented ministry, and what is happening is that we are growing constantly, God is opening doors for ministry in many areas that I couldn’t see, and it’s happening so fast. Since I met Pastor Chris, we have organized many outreaches and open air evangelizations where we healed the sick and cast out demons. The outreaches were illed with signs and wonders.

rom the irst time I heard Pastor Chris eight years ago in London, I absolutely loved his teachings. From then on, I started coming to Johannesburg, to the Ministers’ Visitation Program. It is always a unique opportunity to receive an impartation of the Holy Spirit and the Word. Over the years, I have partnered with the ministry of Pastor Chris in many ways, and in the process of giving of myself and blessing others, there has been a complete change in my mindset; I have a hunger to study and know the Word of God more. Pastor Chris has had great impact on my family, and the transformation is in every area of my life.


Even in my inances, I have had miracles. At Christmas, we wanted to bless about three thousand kids, and we needed an estimate of ive thousand dollars (US) to do that, but as soon as I said it, we received the money in one week.

I’ve attended the Ministers’ Visitation Program six times, and I always come with someone because what happens at the Healing School is something everyone should witness and be a part of. On one occasion, I brought a Pastor from Brazil, and she received a special impartation from the man of God. The irst Sunday after she got back, there was a woman with a health situation; she had been to the hospital and been diagnosed with a chronic disease, it was quite a serious condition. My friend ministered the healing power of God to this lady and prayed for her. The lady was immediately healed, totally and completely.

If you want changes in your ministry, personal life and everything else, you need to be at the Healing School Ministers’ Visitation Program. This is something that you never want to miss in your life.

Thank you, Pastor Chris, for this opportunity to be together with ministers from all over the world. Thank you for your teaching, your love, and your obedience to the will of God. Thank you for your giving. We love you.

Pastor Valentin Gueorguiev Bulgaria

Maria Abranta Payne Portugal

There have just been so many miracles. In one of our regular services, there was a guy who had gone to some magicians who gave him a spell that afected him and caused hearing loss. He could no longer hear or communicate, and he was full of fear. As I ministered to him, his ears opened, he started talking and the fear just left him.

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s a woman in her late forties, Bernadeth Pandit was living a life that most people would consider normal and pleasant. She was a wife and a mother of three. Life was good. Over the years, she had overcome many health challenges and come through them just ine. On the 7th of August 2017, she participated in the Miss South Asia Canada pageant and won. She was on a high, celebrating her triumph with her family. Then, the next morning, following a night of restless sleep that hadn’t come easily, Bernadeth woke up and discovered that she couldn’t get out of bed to get her child ready for school. She attempted to get up several times, she fell each time. “I had this bad headache and numbness on one side of my body. My feet felt like stones; they were so hard and numb,” she says. “I stopped talking and I was just crying. That’s all I remember until the ambulance came and took me to the hospital.” Thus began the greatest ordeal of Bernadeth’s life. In the next couple of days, she would undergo a battery of tests while on admission at the hospital. Finally, she received the distressing news that she was sufering from multiple sclerosis. “It was a shock to me, I had never even heard about it before,” states Bernadeth. Listening with growing dismay, Bernadeth sat in a wheelchair and gave the doctors full attention as they showed her the test results and explained that there is no cure for multiple sclerosis. The symptoms that had begun to manifest in her body, including numbness, migraines, dizzy spells, fatigue, visual impairment, inability to urinate or pass stool, and all-around pain, would only get worse with time. There were treatments and medications that would inhibit the symptoms, but that 08 | The Healing School Magazine

was all they could do. Something strange and unexpected had happened to Bernadeth, and it had changed her life drastically. Life became unpleasant for her as she transitioned from being her family’s caretaker to being the one who needed to be cared for. She could no longer walk without assistance, neither could she do any of her regular house chores or take care of her youngest child. This was, by far, the most daunting health challenge that Bernadeth had ever faced. She says, “I had had dislocations and fractures before; I had been paralyzed and conined to a wheelchair before, so I thought I was used to coping with pain. But this was worse than anything I had ever gone through before. A neurosurgeon had been notiied of my case, and he was going to start treatments, but I didn’t want anyone cutting into my head and I didn’t want operations. I was told that I’d have to take painkillers and other medications until I died.” A life of restrictions and constant dependence on pills wasn’t the life she wanted. And, despite the direness of the situation, Bernadeth knew that it wasn’t God’s plan for her either. “I have faith in God, so even with all that was happening, I knew that God would turn it into the miraculous. This was just my next testimony in the making.” Her opportunity for divine intervention came when two friends told her about the Healing School. They encouraged her to look past the pain and look up to God. When Bernadeth heard about the man of God, Pastor Chris, she remembered videos of various miracles she had seen in the past, and she knew that this was the beacon of hope, the

way out, that she had been waiting for all the while. “I knew that God would heal me completely so that I could stand like the strong woman that I was before. I believed strongly that God would heal me through the man of God, Pastor Chris,” she says. Bernadette attests that her healing started as soon as she got to the Healing School. On the healing service day, she was full of faith and ready for a supernatural encounter that would alter her life for good. With such joyous expectations in her heart, Bernadeth watched as the man of God, Pastor Chris, entered the auditorium and she felt the change as the atmosphere hummed with power. Then he began to minister to the sick, one by one, row by row. As she saw others rejoice for their healings, Bernadeth was conident that her miracle was at hand. She describes her experience: “When the man of God approached me, I knew I would be healed. Already, I was screaming inside. He laid his hands on me, and I looked into his eyes and saw Jesus. Some electricity went through my body and I received my healing. I was healed, that very same instant.” Bernadeth lifted her hands high up in the air and ran with such zest. She had never felt so energized in all her life. Leaving the Healing School and heading home, Bernadeth was a changed woman. Her faith had been strengthened, her body transformed and her life turned around. She got home and picked up her life again. She could hold her child again, she could strut and do catwalks like the beauty pageant winner she was, and she could do all the things she would normally do. Life was great now, better than before. About seven months after the Healing School episode, she went back to the hospital for a checkup. The doctors couldn’t believe their eyes, there was such a remarkable diference between the woman they had discharged and the one who stood before them now. Her doctor ordered an MRI scan and when the results came, he looked at her and said, “Bernadeth, you’re a miracle.” That was a conirmation of what she already knew, but Bernadeth was overjoyed. “It was the happiest thing,” she says. Indeed, the Lord has done marvelous things in Bernadeth’s life. She is a walking miracle, full of love and gratitude for the extraordinary transformation that has taken place in her life. She says, “Thank you, Pastor Chris, for teaching us how to conquer the devil and subdue evil spirits and have the victory. Partners of the Healing School, I love you guys so much. You were there when we needed you the most. God bless you greatly.” To someone with a desire to be free of sickness and pain, Bernadeth has a inal word: “If you need healing and have registered for the Healing School session, I am so happy for you because I know you will be healed. The same God who healed me is going to heal you. Believe it and receive it. Amen.” Please visit for information on how to participate in the 2019 Healing School Autumn Session in Johannesburg, South Africa. The Healing School Magazine | 09

Why Zinc? Zinc is an element that is required for your body to develop and maintain a healthy immune system. A shortage of zinc would make a person more disposed to contract diseases and illnesses. Zinc is important and necessary for a number of functions in the human body, and it assists in stimulating the activities of about one hundred diferent enzymes. Your body only needs a small amount of zinc daily to take advantage of its many beneits. Zinc is a vital part of your diet, and deiciency may occur if one doesn’t consume enough, either directly from food or through supplementation. Deiciency of zinc in the body might be an indication of a chronic illness, but it’s usually due to an insuicient diet. Additionally, deiciency in children can inhibit proper growth and development, and increase risk of infection. Advantages include: • Management of immune functions. Zinc activates T cells, which control the body’s immune responses and attack infected cells. • Remedy for common ailments. Zinc tablets help reduce or control diarrhea, and a published study found that zinc pills reduced the duration of common colds by 40%. • Improved learning and memory retention. Zinc may be crucial to the way neurons interact, and thus how one learns and forms memories. • Graceful ageing. Increasing zinc intake in your diet and through supplements will prevent age-related vision loss, chronic diseases, and lots more. Recommended intake Adequate consumption of zinc is important, and the following foods have high zinc content: ish, oysters, beef, baked beans, crab, lobster, pork loin, green peas, yogurt, pecans, peanuts, rice, etc. Some breakfast cereals contain zinc as well. So, look out for these foods and add them to your meals regularly. Remember that getting nutrients from food is more beneicial than isolated supplements. On the other hand, excess zinc in the body can be harmful; causing nausea, vomitting, loss of appetite, stomach ache, diarrhea, headaches, etc. There is also some evidence that increased levels of zinc in the body might play a role in the development of kidney stones. The table below shows the recommended daily intake (RDI) for diferent groups:

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Children: 1-8 years

3-5 milligrams

Males: 9-13 years

8 milligrams

Males: 14 years & above

11 milligrams

Females: 8-13 years

8 milligrams

Females: 14-18 years

9 milligrams

Females: 19 years & above

8 milligrams

Pregnant and lactating women

11-13 milligrams

“We having the same spirit of faith, according as it is written, I believed, and therefore have I spoken; we also believe, and therefore speak” (2 Corinthians 4:13).


od wants us to believe and live His Word. He wants us to use the Word, to take His Word and speak it. He didn’t only give us His Word to quote, memorize or recite; He gave us His Word so we can respond to it accordingly. You have to agree with the Word, and speak it forth; that’s what produces results.

Consider the glorious words of the Psalmist penned for us in Psalm 23:1-4: “The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staf they comfort me.” Here, we ind David airming God’s Word, making his personal faith-proclamations on the basis of God’s Word. There’s no need griping over your seeming inabilities, or lack of strength; there’s no need to be afraid or intimidated by the oppositions you face! There’s no need to faint or lose heart over anything! Airm the Word. Take the Word of God and speak it! Don’t say, “Lord, deliver me from evil”; rather, like David, say, “I fear no evil!” That means no matter the evil, you’re triumphant over them, because greater is He that’s in you than he that’s in the world (1 John 4:4). Christ is in you; and that means glory, fulillment, joy, progress, and transcendent blessings in your life.

CONFESSIONS My words are backed by divine authority, when I decree a thing, it is established. I declare that I live in divine health. I walk in the full beneits of the salvation that Jesus Christ wrought for me. As I speak words of life, I cause positive changes in my life, in my environment, and in the lives of those that come in contact with me. I declare that Jesus Christ is Lord over my body. Christ lives in me now; therefore, pain cannot stay. I do not get sick, I declare that my body is functioning daily in the way God designed it to. My life is directed according to the Word of God and no contrary reports can stand. I declare that no weapon formed against me shall prosper, for I am shielded by the Word of God. I have the same quality of life with God; sickness cannot destroy my body. I declare that my body is under obligation to respond to the Word of God at all times; my body is regulated by God’s Word and every part of my body aligns to what God says. I am not one who continually requires healing; I am born of the life-giving Spirit of God; therefore, I am also a life giver. Glory to God! I live an extraordinary life in Christ Jesus—a life of excellence, dominion and power! No contrary wind is ierce enough to shift my gaze and faith of the Word of God, for I know that I am destined to reign, win and excel, irrespective and independent of negative circumstances. I am free from all disease and inirmity. I am healed; sickness will never again ind a place in my body. I have the life of God in me through Christ Jesus. I refuse to let pain thrive in my body from today. I am strong because God strengthens me through Christ. Glory to God! My body is active for Christ. My legs are his legs—He moves through me; they will never be lame. My hands are His hands—He works through me; my hands will never be paralyzed. My eyes are His eyes—He sees through me; these eyes will never be blind. My mind is daily renewed by the Word of God; I am mentally sound–there is no room for depression or any contrary thoughts. There’s no room for inirmity or weakness. The Healing School Magazine | 11

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