KRM Newsletter May 2013

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May 2013

KRM’s Vision: To compassionately welcome displaced people from around the world. Upcoming Eventsbeing by providing an atmosphere of hospitality, To encourage the hope that lives within each human responsiveness, mutual respect, trust and tolerance. To be known for our reliability, resourcefulness, partnerships and comprehensive services.

Urgent Needs -Kitchen tables and chairs -Pots and pans

Upcoming Events

Summer 2013 Arrivals: KRM is expecting high arrivals of refugees this summer. We are also expecting several very large families, for which we will need to rent homes rather than apartments. Please let us know if you know of homes for rent. Also, often when homes are rented they do not include all appliances. We will be in need of electric stoves, refrigerators, washing machines, and dryers. Please let us know if you have such items to donate-

World Refugee Day June 20 Kentucky Refugee Ministries

Summer Youth Program: KRM’s Summer Youth Program will be June 10-July 12. This five week summer program is for recently arrived refugee children and youth! The purpose of the Summer Program is to acclimate our newest arrivals to American culture and to the American school system. For many of our students, this will be their first time in a formal school setting and the Summer Program is a great way to ease them into the classroom. The intensive school readiness program needs classroom assistants in areas like math, science, English as a Second Language, and art therapy. Please join us the Youth Art Show on July 5 at 11:00am and the End of the Summer Program Party on July 12 at 11:00am- both at KRM.

Global Gourmet September 20 Mellwood Art Center

Co-Sponsorship We would like to thank our current co-sponsorship teams:

Volunteer Orientation June 4, 5:30pm Kentucky Refugee Ministries KRM Golf Scramble June 15 Glenmary Country Club

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Beargrass Christian Church Deer Park Baptist Church Immanuel United Church of Christ Fourth Avenue United Methodist Church St. Thomas Episcopal Church

Thank you for all you do for welcoming our newest arrivals! If you are interested in learning more about co-sponsorship, please contact Lee Welsh at


KRM and the Mayor’s Give A Day Week of Service We had two very successful days working at the KRM Warehouse during the Mayor's Give A Day Campaign, on April 13 and April 20. Thanks to all the wonderful volunteers who supported us and got involved! We especially want to thank the community groups who were able to give us their time:     

Louisville 3rd Ward, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Presentation Academy "Interact" Club Small Group from Southeast Christian Church The 1937 Project, Southern Seminary University of Louisville Honors Program

Thanks to the amazing volunteers, we were able to make dozens of kits of dishes, linens and household supplies - which enabled us to welcome the 7 families arriving during that week itself, along with many more who are coming in May. Just during the Mayor's Week of Service, we had families coming in from Burma, Cuba, Iraq, and Bhutan - and we expect families from Somalia, Sudan and the Congo in the coming weeks. These wonderful volunteers really have helped to Keep Louisville Global! The overall organization work done in the warehouse was incredibly helpful. We now have signs posted in the correct areas, to help keep things organized (thanks again to USA Image and the UPS Program Support Committee for the signs!) We will be able to keep better track of what we have at any given time; KRM volunteers and staff alike will benefit from these for years to come. Special thanks go out to the Mayor's Office for the Give a Day Grant we received, which allowed us to buy some new shelving units, and some household supplies for 5 individual families. Thanks to all the volunteers who helped!



The Compassion in Action Initiative C.I.A. Groups Global Hospitality • Engaged Leadership • Authentic Community KRM is developing a new co-sponsor experience called the Compassion in Action Initiative designed to make the powerful and important co-sponsorship experience available for a variety of different individuals, groups and organizations. “The relationship that happens between refugees and co-sponsors is transformative one for everyone involved… where else can you have this type of dynamic, global, and cross-cultural experience without even leaving your own community?” said, Jud Hendrix, the new coordinator of the initiative. A key element to the new initiative is the “global classroom” learning modules that are designed not only to help prepare participants for effective co-sponsorship but to help them become hospital and informed global citizens. “We can learn about the theory of cultural proficiency and religious tolerance from a book, but for it to really become embodied in our lives, communities and places of work we need the transformative space of authentic relationships.” CIA groups and the global classroom learning modules are designed to do provide this type of dynamic service learning opportunity. “When we are able to see the world from someone else’s eyes, we are not only able to provide more adequate care and empowerment for that person we are able become aware of the particularity and relativity of our own perspectives and experiences…. this is starting point for compassionate and informed action.” Compassion in Action (C.I.A.) groups and the learning modules will be flexible enough so that a variety of groups can have a co-sponsor experience. “We can imagine small businesses, school groups, friendship circles and corporate work teams sponsoring refugees and using the experience to training in cultural proficiency.” We are currently looking to develop four or five pilot groups to be trained this summer and help us further develop the initiative, based on their experience. If you, or someone you know, would be interested in the co-sponsor experience contact Jud Hendrix (502-479-9180, ext. 73, or visit our web site for more information. “Everyone in Louisville ought to have this kind of cross cultural experience were we not only get to live out compassion for someone in need, we also get to experience a learning laboratory for developing cross cultural relationships, religious tolerance and cultural proficiency.

“Only the development of compassion and understanding for others can bring us the tranquility and happiness we all seek.” Dalai Lama XIV (A Refugee)


May and June Calendar: -May 12 (Sun): Mother's Day -May 15 (Wed) @ 12pm: Lunch and Learn, KRM -May 19-20 (Sun-Mon): Dalai Lama visiting Louisville -May 21: World Day for Cultural Diversity -May 27 (Mon): Memorial Day Holiday; KRM is closed -May 31 (Fri): Rockin' 'Round the World fundraiser for KRM - in Lexington -June 1 (Sat) @ 11am-9pm: Americana's World Festival in Iroquois Park -June 1 (Sat): Statehood Day (KY and TN) -June 4 (Tues) @ 5:30pm: New Volunteer Orientation, KRM 3rd floor conference room -July 5 (Fri) @11:00am: Summer Youth Program Art Show, KRM -June 10-July 12: KRM's Summer Youth Program!!! -July 12 @11:00: Summer Youth Program Party -June 15 (Sat): KRM Golf Scramble -June 16 (Sun): Father's Day -June 17-July 6: Arabic Language and Culture Institute's Summer Program for Middle and High Schoolers, -June 20 (Thur): World Refugee Day Picnic, KRM

Contact Us: Kentucky Refugee Ministries 969B Cherokee Road Louisville, KY 40204 (502-479-9180) KRM is an Episcopal Migration Ministries and Church World Service affiliate.


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