HOW TO... / 85
How to...
...sell digitally Promoting food and beverage products digitally brings new challenges and opportunities. Food photographer Miguel Mas Martinez turns his lens on the digital retail trend Embrace the trend
A digital menu has some very positive advantages. There are no space limitations, as with printed menus; images look much sharper and brighter; and the retailer can communicate with the passenger in a language they are very used to already: through social networks viewed on their own devices.
adapt your formats
Photographs for a digital menu must be adapted for the screens of all sizes but we can use clean, uncluttered images and put text elsewhere as space is more flexible. This helps improve product visibility.
agency, retailer and airline company. They work to agree a colour palette, types of backgrounds, style of crockery or decoration (the props), the type of shadows (hard, soft) and the warmer or colder environment. The aim is to create a mood, a tone that corresponds with the airline brand and the season, and which compliments the range on offer.
recognise opportunity
Digital menus give huge flexibility. Products can be changed or details updated quickly, corrections or modifications require no reprints and, in these eco-friendly times, they also cut the need for paper use and add to a programme's sustainability.
Digital menus allow passengers to access an index they can search and browse. They can click on an object to see its price but also work to attract passenger attention with engaging videos, gifs, animations and the like.
Create as a team
The creative process for a digital menu is best when it involves all parties: photo studio, advertising
Fact file Trays, tableware and backgrounds must be visually attractive. Food stylists groom the foods to look their best: lettuce should look as freshly cut, sandwiches should have the perfect
slant to show off their contents, and soft drinks must look fresh/bubbly. Lighting must 'embrace' the products so we see the texture of a bread, the shine of a sauce, or the glow of the ice inside a drink.
photos are a sales tool
Images once created can be digitally retouched to correct imperfections and to suit the layouts. Digital menus, where good internet is available, are key tools for boosting sales and have to be an integral part of the operator's brand image. It is important that the passenger feels that the whole inflight experience revolves around common aesthetic elements. Putting effort into the detail is the way to make sure the final result and sales are optimised.•
How To... sell digitally V4.indd 85
5/26/22 05:44 PM