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Design templates — print

An attractive, welldesigned document is likely to be picked up, read and understood by the intended audience


Consistently producing high quality printed communications ensures Benchmark® is seen to be credible and professional. Ensure consistency of cover design, imagery and messaging throughout all printed communications.

Driving sustainability in aquaculture


Examples of Benchmark® brochures produced for promotional purposes

Sustainable breeding for the future




Pioneering genetics


Marcela Salazar, Benchmark’s shrimp production manager and one of the pioneers of shrimp genetics, explains how shrimp breeding programmes have evolved and outlines future opportunities with the introduction of new technology.

Can you tell us a little bit about yourself and what inspired you to become involved in shrimp genetics?

I’m a medical doctor by training, but I’ve always preferred research over clinical practice. I was trained in immunogenetics in Boston, where I worked on projects that included designing new methods for histocompatibility testing in bone marrow transplantation. When I got back to Colombia, I joined CorpoGen, a biotechnology company that was pioneering molecular biology research in Colombia.

Getting into the world of shrimp was an accident — inspired by the appearance of white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) on the Pacific coast of Colombia in 1999. At the time CENIACUA (The Center for Aquaculture Research in Colombia) asked Corpogen to implement the PCR diagnostic test for the pathogen and to help in the prevention and control of this virus.

I was involved from the beginning and found a new, exciting field with an excellent team of young researchers. I was hired as scientific director of CENIACUA in 2000 and since then I have been researching shrimp diseases and genetics. What impact did becoming part of Benchmark have on your shrimp breeding programmes?

Becoming part of a big company that, from the beginning, believed in the potential of our shrimp was exciting. As CENIACUA we were mainly focused on achieving the breeding goals but did not have the resources to commercialise the product. As part of Benchmark we are focused on producing the best animals for the market conditions, using state-of-the-art technology and facilities, and on selling them to our customers, all within the scope of sustainability.

Being part of Benchmark also means we can count on the support and collaboration of other parts of the group, such as Morten Rye and his team at Benchmark Genetics; Oscar Hennig, Bruno Decock and the team in Asia, who are doing an incredible job of showing the potential of our animals under trials and commercial conditions; and working with INVE (Benchmark Advanced Nutrition) to create a synergy between genetics and nutrition that will help both companies. Learning from the experience of other breeding programmes has enriched ours enormously too.

I’m also proud to be working with one of the best teams you can find — we’ve been working together for many years and have people with experience in all fields of shrimp breeding. We are a multi-disciplinary team with experience in plant breeding, veterinary and human medicine, biology and genetics, which is important when dealing with shrimp — they always like to have the last word and the last laugh.

What facilities do you have at your disposal?

Our main laboratory is located on the Atlantic coast of Colombia, near Cartagena, and is isolated from all other aquaculture facilities in Colombia. The climate is optimal for the growth of P. vannamei, and we have plenty of space to expand and produce the number of broodstock required by the market. We also have access to a laboratory on the Pacific coast of Colombia where we can work with a white spot resistant strain without compromising the biosecurity of the breeding nucleus. Meanwhile our challenge test facilities are located in Bogotá, more than a 1000 km from the breeding nucleus, allowing us to safely work with pathogens that are exotic to Colombia.

What areas are you currently focusing your research on?

We are currently introducing genomic selection for resistance to WSSV and acute hepatopancreatic necrosis disease (AHPND) in our populations. Our priority is to produce clean, safe, specific pathogen-free (SPF) animals with high growth potential, but these must also be resistant to pathogens and adapted to environmental conditions.


Stationery consists of business cards, compliment slips and letterheads, all of which follow the same layout principles outlined in the previous section.

Business cards*

Ensure the Benchmark® logo is always placed in the top left corner to improve brand recognition and give maximum impact. The shard should be removed on all stationery.


Joe Bloggs

Marketing Manager

Compliment slips

+44 (0)20 222 6666 benchmarkplc.com 20 Bloggs Street, London, WC1 XYZ, UK

Driving sustainability in aquaculture

20 Bloggs Street, London, WC1 XYZ, UK | +44 (0)20 222 6666 info@benchmarkplc.com | benchmarkplc.com

* Business cards previously had rounded corners — they have been removed to ensure consistency when printed globally.


Recipient Name

18 Marlborough Grove London SE1 5JT

Dear Sir/Madam

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris convallis vel ex in consectetur. Suspendisse quis quam tristique, ornare nisi vel, consectetur elit. Vestibulum efficitur aliquam diam, in pretium ex pharetra ut. Pellentesque tempus, quis placerat sollicitudin, lacus nunc convallis tortor, nec tempus erat purus eget odio. Proin cursus est at est molestie viverra.

In fringilla augue vel ipsum bibendum malesuada. Morbi vitae orci hendrerit, gravida felis at, interdum risus. Ut euismod eros justo, nec congue mauris tristique id. Morbi quis luctus neque. Sed et felis velit. Aliquam vel urna sed mauris euismod elementum eget sit amet tellus. Nulla libero tortor, euismod quis placerat ut, bibendum et risus. Vivamus vestibulum erat vitae purus rutrum hendrerit. Nullam ullamcorper non nisl a facilisis. Praesent suscipit felis velit, at convallis diam rutrum vulputate. Etiam vel feugiat tortor. Morbi vel dapibus lacus.

Proin in ipsum eleifend urna rhoncus scelerisque in sollicitudin nisi. Morbi sit amet rhoncus elit, sed commodo ante. Mauris mollis tortor eu vestibulum ullamcorper. Praesent a faucibus metus. Duis nibh nibh, sodales nec lorem non, hendrerit pellentesque augue.

Kind regards

Joe Bloggs Marketing Manager 20 Bloggs Street, London, WC1 XYZ, UK

info@benchmarkplc.com +44 (0)20 222 6666 benchmarkplc.com Company no: 4115910


These examples are based on an A5 brochure (148x210mm) with a 12-column grid and a 15mm margin.

We suggest using A5 for most instances; experience tells us that people find it easier holding an A5 brochure in their hands rather than A4. A5 documents are also easier to carry in a bag when attending trade shows, therefore increasing longevity and reducing the likelihood of them ending up in a rubbish bin. Figure 1 demonstrates how a brochure cover should be laid out, with the Benchmark® logo in the top left corner and the shard used to elevate the brand. The core message is then placed in the bottom 50 percent of the page as outlined on page 58. Figure 2 is an example of a standard content spread. The page title and lead paragraph are placed on the left hand side to introduce the subject, with the rest of the content flowing into the right hand side. Figure 3 illustrates how case studies can be used to break up content. A full bleed image is used to give maximum impact along with a large statement. In this instance, Libre Franklin can be used for the large statement to differentiate content types. Any other text can be placed in an area of the image with clear space to ensure legibility.

Committed to the sustainable development of the aquaculture industry

For more information about Benchmark® please visit benchmarkplc.com ✉ info@benchmarkplc.com linkedin Benchmark Holdings plc TWITTER @WeAreBenchmark

CleanTreat is a subsidiary of Benchmark® Holdings plc. Copyright ©️ 2021, Benchmark® Holdings plc. This material and its contents are the property of Benchmark® Holdings plc and should not be copied, reproduced or modified except with the explicit permission of Benchmark® Holdings plc. All rights reserved. A5 Benchmark® Brochure V1/9 March 2021/BMK-EN-10043

Driving sustainability in aquaculture

We are a leading provider of aquaculture solutions in Genetics, Advanced Nutrition and Health.

Ut ut voluptur autem solorrum andit rerror sequaerum ad es doloriate natur aut autestotatus ut repe pa ipsandite prat aut et eribea quam.

Udior raero ipitium dolorib ventotatque mo velenihil is dolorib usciis magnitis nulpa doluptur a pra, quo odis inis quae nonsequid maion core volo conem labor secae mod et rectatquo que nos nos ad magnatiis alibus, omnis erit pliquias sitem et fuga. Udior raero ipitium ventotatque mo velenihil is dolorib usciis magnitis doluptur a nulpa pra, quo odis inis quae nonsequid maion core volo conem labor secae mod et rectatquo que nos nos ad magnatiis alibus, omnis erit pliquias sitem et fuga.

Totat omnihit etus, torpos non etur autem. Xime dolorit fugia dolorio ommoluptatet doluptis dolorias perum, erspedipsame occabo. Nequae deles pa dolupis nienis rectoresequo quam que consed maximinit eum denturio cum hic tem autente vernate nis re niscium dit accum nam, tent omniscient imuscid elitibu sapicae.

Obis inctibus volorum illores truptiis doluptatum qui dolupta mentem nesequi to es et remosan imendempore et quunt etur, sam earum laccabore exerem re debitio idellabores evero odiam, solorestis venet dolorro et aut ad quunt magnatibus modiorro ent quiatio. Volupic iliciatatiam sinctem quam net. Parum adis alibus eum imusanditae sitat et unti te velles aut et re inihil ipis pa dolupta tumquo ius sed esto ma enimend aepratia vendendigent acestotat. Optas maximoluptur soloris re idi officiu scillabor sapit et volumquatur ab il minihillant int atatur as reperch itatius volest, il esed essum auta si cus illest, offic torum fugit magnihitat idelenist, si simil id ut maios resecte mporum ex esed eaqui volupta.

Totat omnihit etus, torpos non etur autem. Xime dolorit fugia dolorio ommoluptatet doluptis dolorias perum, erspedipsame occabo. Nequae deles pa dolupis nienis rectoresequo quam que consed maximinit eum denturio cum hic tem autente vernate nis re niscium dit accum nam, tent omniscient imuscid elitibu sapicae.

Obis inctibus volorum illores truptiis doluptatum qui dolupta mentem nesequi to es et remosan imendempore et quunt etur, sam earum laccabore exerem re debitio idellabores evero odiam, solorestis venet dolorro et aut ad quunt magnatibus modiorro ent quiatio. Volupic iliciatatiam sinctem quam net. Parum adis alibus eum imusanditae sitat et unti te velles aut et re inihil ipis pa dolupta tumquo ius sed esto ma enimend aepratia vendendigent acestotat. Hicium vollorendunt et pa cuptamus autemque parciissum incium volupta tiant, am quisit offictur suntia accus, cor aut essi assimusandam eate consent et unt que aut quid que quo omnimet vel is dolut el et facienissit listis in nihita de core, sendessum consequi tem essequibero velignam del ipsam.

Nobite mos ea nem iur aut aut dipsaessim dolores aliae videstrum nihillent laceste caeptatur repudaepero ommolupta dit officidus alist excerovid qui dolenist everum que acilitatecea voluptae. Evendun duntur aut dolum, sa denim hiciaec toriore veri dellitatem que eostiatem quia doluptate est,

Ribuscie ntiam, omnihicim qui ipitiundem. Ita niaectibus elecupt iorporro dollign istion pari volorrum delestiostem in commo blacips andion plitatem reriani quature es enis ersperepe porepre hendisc ipsunt quiberio. Andae latia quidunda explaut et ad minihil iquias di tem quature rchilisim volupit.

An example of an introductory spread, using pull quotes to highlight key messaging

Large statement

Udior raero ipitium ventotatque mo velenihil is dolorib usciis magnitis doluptur a nulpa pra dus, quo odis inis quae nonsequid maion core volo conem labor secae mod et rectatquo que sim nos nos ad magnatiis alibus, omnis erit pliquias sitem et fuga.

Optas maximoluptur soloris re idi officiu scillabor sapit et volumquatur ab il minihillant int atatur as reperch itatius volest, il esed essum auta si cus illest, offic torum fugit magnihitat idelenist, si simil id ut maios resecte mporum ex esed eaqui volupta.

Totat omnihit etus, torpos non etur autem. Xime dolorit fugia dolorio ommoluptatet doluptis dolorias perum, erspedipsame occabo. Nequae deles pa dolupis nienis rectoresequo quam que consed maximinit eum denturio cum hic tem autente vernate nis re niscium dit accum nam, tent omniscient imuscid elitibu sapicae. Obis inctibus volorum illores truptiis doluptatum qui dolupta mentem nesequi to es et remosan imendempore et quunt etur, sam earum laccabore exerem re debitio idellabores evero odiam, solorestis venet dolorro et aut ad quunt magnatibus modiorro ent quiatio. Volupic iliciatatiam sinctem quam net preiur, nos moluptat harunt.

Parum adis alibus eum imusanditae sitat et unti te velles aut et re inihil ipis pa dolupta tumquo ius sed esto ma enimend aepratia vendendigent acestotat.


These examples are based on an A5 advert (148x210mm) with a 12-column grid and a 20mm margin.

Again, the primary logo is placed in the top left corner alongside the shard. In this instance, the core message should be as short and concise as possible. This ensures it can give maximum impact at a larger size. Any other information, such as a supporting statement, can be placed under the core message to give context to the advert. Our Beton DemiBold typeface is always used for the primary core message in this instance, with Libre Franklin used as a supporting typeface. If your chosen image does not provide enough contrast to contain the supporting text, use a white or coloured block to contain any supporting elements as shown adjacent.

Driving sustainability in aquaculture

We are a leading provider of aquaculture solutions in Genetics, Advanced Nutrition and Health.


Breeding for the future with genomic precision

We are a leading provider of aquaculture solutions in Genetics, Advanced Nutrition and Health.

Optas maximoluptur soloris re idi officiu scillabor sapit et volumquatur ab il minihillant int atatur as reperch itatius volest, il esed essum auta si cus illest, offic torum fugit magnihitat idelenist volupta.



Our signage plays an important role in terms of way-finding (letting visitors know they’re in the right place) and increasing the recognition of the Benchmark® brand

To ensure all Benchmark® signage is effective, it’s important that the maximum number of relevant people can see it.


There are different types of signage and different purposes — consider: • External signs should be visible from the main road • Signs should be placed in accessible locations, so that people in wheelchairs can see them • Certain signs might need to include touch reading like braille for blind visitors


Ensure signs are visible but not annoying: they must be big enough to read but not so big that they dominate an entire wall.


To ensure consistency, all Benchmark® company signage must meet one of the three predefined design formats: company brand specific, location specific or site specific.

Company brand specific

Displayed at the site entrance, the company brand is always either black or white.

Location specific

For location-specific signage, the company brand (e.g. Benchmark® Genetics) is followed by the location name (e.g. USA).

Internal signage

Internal way-finding is essential to allow people to navigate around large sites. Entrance and exit signs as well as clearly labelled individual departments and rooms should be produced based on the guidelines below. All signage should be as close to eye level as possible and readable from up to 12 metres away. Beton is the font used for all signage at a size of no less than 40mm high to ensure clear visibility. Another 40mm should be applied as clear space around the text.


40mm Entrance


Site specific

For site-specific signage, the brand (e.g. Benchmark® Genetics USA) is at the top, divided from the specific site (e.g. Fellsmere) by a horizontal line.


We only hand out merchandise that boosts our reputation, meets the needs of our customers and helps us stand out from our competition

Any merchandise purchased on behalf of Benchmark® must have a well defined objective for use, be correctly targeted and ethically accountable.

Before buying merchandise, ask yourself the following five questions:

1. Is the merchandise the best possible way to make a positive impact on our target audience? 2. Will the merchandise add value to the Benchmark® offering? 3. Will the merchandise enhance our corporate image as a leader in sustainable aquaculture? 4. Will the merchandise inspire feelings of goodwill? 5. Does our targeted audience really need the merchandise and will they use it for years to come, instead of it ending up in the bin? If you can confidently answer ‘yes’ to each of the five questions — great. Go ahead and source sustainable items, ideally from a local supplier. Ensure your merchandise is of a high quality to improve longevity and, whenever possible, made using recycled consumer waste. If you answered ‘no’ to any of the questions, avoid creating more waste for landfill. Look after the planet and the Benchmark® brand — don’t buy unnecessary items that no one wants or needs.


Clothing should only be produced to promote essential aspects of the Benchmark® business and always be sourced from sustainable materials

The Benchmark® master brand, business area brand or product brand should always be surrounded by clear space and at a size that can be recognised from a distance.

Embroidered logos are preferred, as they withstand washing better than printed logos. This ensures the clothing can be used for a longer period and further underlines our sustainability ambitions.

The suggested size for logos on all clothing is 70mm wide. If it is required to be smaller, it should never be less than 40mm wide to ensure the embroidery accurately represents the brand.

The first example below is when the brand is applied to a baseball cap. The Benchmark® logo should always be on the front, ideally placed on the left hand side or the centre of the cap. Any business area brand or product brand should always be placed on the right hand side of the cap surrounded by clear space. The second example below is when the brand is applied to a dress shirt. The Benchmark® logo should always be placed on the left breast. In the second example, the product logo is the main point of focus with the business area brand placed on the right sleeve as the supporting brand.


Front Left


Right Side Right Side


At Benchmark® we always aim to use paper that is made from 100 percent consumer waste

We always suggest choosing a paper weight and stock that suits the format. However, as a general rule, for a brochure or report we would recommend selecting a 300gsm uncoated stock for the cover and 120gsm for the inner pages.

Business cards are printed on 350gsm uncoated stock and for a double-sided postcard or advert we would suggest a 300gsm stock to give it some weight and substance.

We use paper made from FSC-certified virgin fibre and we avoid using paper that has been created using energy generated from coal.

When buying paper, look for paper that is made from 100 percent consumer waste. Not all recycled paper is the same. When something is referred to as ‘recycled’, it might mean that only a small fraction of the material is actually made from old paper. Wherever possible, we actively avoid using products that are harmful to our planet. As coal is a well known pollutant, avoid using paper that is derived from coal energy. If you are unable to source coal-free paper made from 100 percent consumer waste, look for paper that is made from FSC-certified virgin fibre. Unlike recycled paper, FSC-certified virgin fibre is made directly from new trees. However, the Forest Stewardship Council has strict criteria that guarantee set standards are maintained and ensure no indigenous people are displaced as part of the paper-making process.

100% recycled paper logo

FSC certified logo

Design templates — digital


Coherent, well-designed digital communications ensure the intended audience has a positive viewing experience

For ease of use, digital content must be displayed logically.

Desktop grid

1200+ pixels

Auto 32

1/12 1/2 3/4


1/1 1/2 32 Auto




Mobile grid

0-575 pixels

24 24

1/2 1/2 24


A 12-column grid applies to a desktop web layout to allow flexibility whilst being rigid enough to structure the content in a logical manner. For mobile devices, we apply a two-column grid and stack content accordingly.

Always position the logo in the top left corner with clear space around it as illustrated in the logo section. A similar typography hierarchy applies to websites and printed documents with large statements and leading paragraphs in Beton and all body copy and small titles in Libre Franklin. Refer to the typography section for further guidance. It is important to consider responsive design when producing a website. This ensures all content scales smoothly to various screen sizes. Often this involves specifying that a 12-column grid at desktop size scales to two-columns on mobile devices, as illustrated in the adjacent example.


There are several different sizes of web banners. The most common sizes are outlined in the examples adjacent

Inline rectangle:




The logo should always be surrounded by clear space to ensure maximum impact. Secondly, the strapline should be clear and concise and have space to breathe. Web banners are another example where the brand shard can be removed due to the nature of the narrow format.



A white or coloured block can also be used in this instance to contain text if the chosen image does not have enough contrast.

Contact your marketing team to find out more about online banners.




Consistent use of design, fonts, formatting and imagery is essential in creating professional presentations

Ensure the master Benchmark® PowerPoint template is used at all times for brand consistency.

To hold the attention of the target audience, the positioning of text and logos, choice of font and use of upper and lower-case letters must remain consistent on every slide. Every slide should contain the primary logo mark to add brand value. Libre Franklin and Beton should be replaced by the system font Arial to ensure all users have the correct fonts installed. Our brand fonts are not commonly installed in PowerPoint; therefore, Arial is used as a substitute to guarantee consistency when sharing with internal and external partners. We have refreshed the fonts for PowerPoint several times over the years but Arial is now the only font used. Visit the Assetbank brand portal to download the latest template. Where possible, presentation slides should be kept to a minimum and the content on each slide should be concise and easy to understand to ensure the viewer can digest the information.

There are several slide layouts available in the master template to allow flexibility of use whilst maintaining a level of brand consistency. Full instructions on how to use the Benchmark® PowerPoint template are also available on our brand portal.

An example of a presentation cover slide using the full Benchmark® brand

This is a title

Sub-title and description

Num que et occuptaque officit atquia doluptin et la que perum eum eprat volent invent reptibus aut velliquis conseque et quis nesedit.

• Num que et occuptaque officit atquia doluptin et la que perum eum eprat volent invent • Con es volum fuga et ute cor si te verum quassim illorem fuga • Nam ist core debit si aut aut qui occum fugiatus alitatibus volorum quia volor


It is important that the full primary logo is used at all times unless size is an issue

For example, on social media small thumbnails are created when posting a message and the full logo may be illegible. Therefore, we have created the logo mark version to ensure the brand is visible when the logo is less than 50 pixels squared.

The full Benchmark® logo The logo mark

An example of the Benchmark® Twitter page with the hero image and logo


The examples adjacent illustrate some of the ways the brand can be applied to social media posts across all platforms

Always ensure text is kept to a minimum in the design to give maximum impact. All other text can be added to the social media message along with hastags.

In most instances the message and imagery should be prominent, using the majority of the design area. The Benchmark® brand then becomes a secondary element when used as a sign-off.

Our vision is to drive sustainability — providing needed solutions to crucial challenges as well as creating opportunities for the industry from our core areas of leading expertise, Genetics, Advanced Nutrition and Health.

Trond Williksen CEO, Benchmark®

A Benchmark® LinkedIn post illustrating how quotes can be used to draw attention

Large statement

Supporting message — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Large statement

Supporting message — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Instagram post examples using business area logos and colours as the primary focus

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