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In a world of words, photos have the power to enhance information and key messages. An excellent image can inspire and educate

We use photography to tell a story without having to write lots of text. All of our imagery (both photography and film footage) must demonstrate the professionalism of our people, the health and welfare of species and quality of our facilities.



You should not use or distribute someone else’s photos for any branded collateral without permission. This includes reports, proposals, presentations, social media and websites. Only use our photography! This is always the easiest way to avoid copyright infringement. Also, if you notice any other company using Benchmark®-specific photography without permission please inform the legal team. It is important to protect our intellectual property and the Benchmark® brand.

Organising a large master shoot

In addition to a photographer/filmmaker and subject, shoots rely on a team of people to get the best outcome. We recommend allocating three roles: 1. Shoot organiser: Highly organised and a great communicator with the ability to respond to any obstacle, the organiser is responsible for defining the brief, achieving the desired outcome within budget and ensuring any people featured in the shoot sign a release form. 2. Art director: With an inbuilt understanding of what makes a great shot, the art director is responsible for ensuring the right things are captured in the right way, providing direction around venue, positioning, lighting and overall aesthetics. 3. Species expert: With complete clarity regarding the look, behaviour and environment of a healthy animal, the species expert ensures that only the healthiest animals and environments are included in any shoot. The species expert must sign off all animal imagery before it is added to our photo library.

Organising a small shoot

For small shoots, or shoots that don’t involve animals, it might not be necessary to have an art director and/or species expert. Even on a small shoot, the photographer/ filmmaker always requires a clear written and spoken briefing from the shoot organiser. The brief needs to cover everything from desired outcome to venue lighting.

Stock images/footage

Wherever possible, we avoid the use of stock photography and source our own professional photos and film footage. We don’t want to use the same photos as everybody else in the industry, including competitors and customers. This ensures we stand out from the crowd and our competition. Keen to demonstrate the true impact of our work, we prefer to avoid visibly staged stock images/footage, especially when they feature obvious models or appear filtered or fake. Our teams undertake incredible work — it makes sense to show it off.

Go to Assetbank to view the Benchmark® image library.

Visual guidelines

From fish farms in the north of Norway to research centres in Thailand, our visuals need to represent the scope of activity undertaken by our teams. Whether you’re capturing visuals of people, species, technology or facilities, follow the photography guidelines.


These examples illustrate photography in use, ensuring all brand materials deliver impact and clarity

Large statement

Large statement

Il iundantur, aut quas id quosapi tempor rerios molorem oluptate la nem quia vollatibus aperspellit eatur minciis ut perum quaerep ellictium iunti cum sam, te cone nat.

Lab iur? Arum ellor asperspient reserspissum vit maiorio ere cus voluptas moluptur reicium faci dessus sitatisint experor anduciet aut alit prae velicabore maximus daernat iumque culpa sera quia idem que ne offic te pelent facerumquiae providi gendero volupta tiorum aperrorrunt autate veliquiamet pelia corest in num nihil inci venis reris aliquam, cus eum hilibusam, officimint.

Qui ullessintur, in nemped quatur, cuptatur, explitassum et quid ut modignate consequatio velecum deles alitiis ea dustis porrund icient, ut aut vent ent, sim et abo. Nimoluptur aliqui voluptaspis ex eatium doluptatem quo omnimus magnihi liquia solorep uditior entiusam, ut eri del illesed ioribus accus eiunto te qui ut estia con et exped quam, veles accabo.

Officias ulparum expe nus vel ma qui od que nostius apienet ex ellorepel moloreste reiciis seque eumetur reictemped et vent, non plique volestiate pel est remollam volupta doloribus dolute voluptatquis es id qui blaute ellaccus et rem at ad moloresto quis plaborerum ut pero blanimus dolupta tistemo volupta spelibusam fugia volo voloribus quame nonsed quatur asperumenis dipsamus et aut aut ullaut doluptium am, cum ea dem nobis enimus sum etus magni ulpa nus.

Il iundantur, aut quas id quosapi tempor rerios molorem oluptate la nem quia vollatibus aperspellit eatur minciis ut perum quaerep ellictium iunti cum sam, te cone nat.

One company creates a big family feeling. We will look out for each other and work together.

Trond Williksen CEO, Benchmark®

Page title

Dunt quatem audae. Lorerro il entiis velicient de as eatias as idunt architae aute laccae.

Ibusa dolut pratiur am, quae qui blab is ium ratum quae porum eos dis idem dis reped unti ate paribus. Bist aliaecus deribus sollacc uptatum iusam etur aliquo culpa derae ne nonet platur repel is estiusam.

Archilique dolorro que sunt aut od quae culpa quas anda quis quae volendandis nonsequia asse min nat parit idunt, as sime lab isqui is quiae ra volorum eatem eum lab inullabo.

Ut quiandebiti di nis dollaboreped mostem aut que offici aut ut que nistibu sapella sitasperum et porepta dolorporia ide et qui que natur se que mi, eos quo culparia sunt harumquam exerum dendem explant, omnimin nobitatio. Nequia nimpori onsequo corrum volorro vitius que cuptatur? Enis dolupta eperibere consequid quodici duciae maximus dellatusam, illique perspici optaqui od quatianis qui consequi doloriste non ne conestibus explit fugiass equibus, am, quaecer sperion sendia alignam dolupta non et magnati onsequi dolese soles voluptas nestincit quuntionecte cuptatur? doluptaspero ommo molo di ut que non nam qui con commolu ptatent dolut omnis eos es es sequist, voluptum quis et, occabo. Diam nihilic aborioremod est quis res dus et ea que omnit aut mod mo quiasit atenis ut qui sitaque non nossimus si doloratium verupta tempore excerum nos accatet volupta vitionsequis ipis nobis dolo voluptatur?



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