Volume 2011-12

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The Glory of Shirdi Sai Ninth Year of Publication - Published as Bi-Weekly www.saidarbarusa.org ~ an affiliate of www.saidarbar.org



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गुरुब्रह्मा गुरुर्विष्णु: गुरुर्दे वो महे श्वर: |

गुरु: शाऺात परब्रह्म तस्मै श्रीगुरवे नमः:||

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CONTENT Satsangs of SaiBaNisaji Time Machine Shirdi Dairy Shri Sainath Stavan Manjari The Dreams Train Devotees Corner Baba’s close devotees Children Section Spiritual Gems From Sai Satcharita Quintessence

Choosing a GURU To lead a satisfied life, a role model and a GURU is always necessary. There are some disciples who follow a particular GURU, because they fulfil their wishes. If they follow a GURU and if they did not gain anything, they would change and start finding a new person to follow. They also discuss about this with their friends and family who can help them make a decision. But the true purpose of having a GURU is to have spiritual advancement. Always Shri Sai advises that his disciples should learn how to serve their GURU in the correct manner and do not want them to keep changing their GURU. The true meaning of Guru is "One who dispels darkness of Ignorance". "GU" means" Darkness of Ignorance" and "RU" means "One who removes". The word Guru also means "One who is beyond Attributes and Forms". Have faith and confidence in our Guru. Believe fully, that Guru is the sole Actor or Doer. Baba tells his devotees, "Let us do our prescribed duty and surrender our Body, Mind and Five Pranas [Life] to the Guru's feet. Guru is God, all pervading. To get this conviction, strong unbounded Faith is necessary." It is the grace of the Guru that can give us peace and prosperity. The objects of our life such as Dharma, Artha and Kama are attainable with our effort, but the fourth object, Moksha [Liberation] can only be had with the help of the Guru. ON THIS THURSDAY MAY ALL OF US FOLLOW OUR SHRI SAI AND GET BLESSSED….. ***




Shri Sai has always stressed the importance of the Guru. The relationship between the Guru and disciple is incomparable to any other kind of relation. Sri Sai relates the greatness of Guru in the following story:

If one sees me and me alone and listens to

Once Sri Sai and three others were looking for a temple in the forest on their own and could not find it. At that time a vanjari asked them to sit down and rest for a while and then search again. Three of them would not listen but Sri Sai listened to the vanjari and Lo! He found his Guru in front of him. His Guru asked Sri Sai to follow him. He then tied Sri Sai to a well for five hours in the night and went away. When he came back in the morning, Sri Sai's Guru asked him how He felt, and Sri Sai replied. In eternal Bliss. When I know that my Guru was with Me at all times, there was no fear in Me. In this way, Sri Sai explains the importance of Guru.

my Leelas and is devoted to me alone, they will reach God.

1911 21 January Saturday Amravati. I had court work today & got up early in the morning though not feeling well. I could not sleep as usual last night. There was not time to do much in the morning. A few clients came & Gopalrao Dorle read their papers. After breakfast I & Dorle went to court and appeared before Mr Price, in the appeal adjourned to today. Pandit Rao Joshi appeared on the other side. The court decided to examine a witness in appeal though he was cancelled by the other side in the L.C. This is very unusual & I pointed out the thing to the Court. The appeal was adjourned to 11th Feb next and I returned home, & not feeling well lay down. There is a kind of lumbago in my back & I felt uneasy. So I came out & lay in the long chair reading. Shriram came & sat talking about a matter that he was fighting in the Session ’s Court. A young man who has grown long matted hair & lets them fall all round his face & be something like a veil even on the eyes, came in a cart driven by himself. I noticed him near my house under one of the trees on the roadside. He drove into my compound. So I went near him & saluted as he was dressed as a Sadhu in saffron robe. At my request he came & sat down in my verandah. Mahadeva, who is an ex-post office officer was also present. Shriram thinks the Sadhu is a detective & hinted to me accordingly. The Sadhu said that he had seen me before. I replied that I remembered nothing. He said that was true, but he remembered it. To use his expression he said “the black dog has become white.” He sat talking of my visit to England, then asked that I should build a small house for him near Kondeshwar & I replied that I had not the means at present to comply with his request. Then he asked for Ganja .We sent for it & he had a smoke. He had his bulls fed, and towards dusk went away. V.K.Kale, & Karandikar came while he was sitting & joined in the conversation. We sat talking after he went about Sayin Maharaj of Sherdi till about 8.30 P.M.










(A Humble Tribute of praise by Dasganu Maharaj) (Translated from the marathi by Smt.Zarine Taraporevala and edited by Dr. Smt.Indira Kher, Ex.Executive Editor, Shri Sai Leela Magazine)

A HUMBLE TRIBUTE OF PRAISE TO SHRI SAINATH You are BRAHMADEV, creator of the world; You the sustainer of the world VISHNU ; The destroyer of the three worlds, You are that very RUDRA !


There is no place on this earth, Where you are not Omniscient, oh you Sainath, You dwell in all our hearts.


Forgive us all our sins I implore you ! And those weaves of doubts and delusions, Repel instantly.


You are cow, I the calf, You are moon, I the stone melted by It's light; At your feet, which are like the Ganges, Respectfully the slave (DAS) bows down !


Place on my head Your hand and bless me, oh Lord! Wars off my sorrow and worry For this GANU is your servant.


With this eight-fold prayer I prostrate myself before ; My sins (demerits) suffering and poverty Ward off immediately.


You are the cow and I the calf ; You are the mother and I the child ; Do not harbour Any harsh feelings towards me.


Will be continued......




(Dreams Of Saibanisa after Undergoing Bypass Surgery on 17-5-1996) Compiled by Saibandhu Raghu Raman Satulury


I get angry with none. Will a mother get angry with her children? Will

Sai appeared as my paternal uncle and said: 1.People exploit you for their personal gain. Same people do not come near in your difficult times. 2.Do not underpay the labour. 3.You will loose to stand the day your mind is filled with ego. 4.No body comes to you just like that, speak to them with love and respect them. 5.Desire for other’s money and women end up creating more problems for you. Good moral values and conduct are essential in spiritualism.

the ocean send back the waters to the several rivers?

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DEVOTEES EXPERIENCE Sai Ram A couple of years back I was facing a tough time with lots of tension, anxiety and panic every moment. I could not even sleep properly. At that time I spotted a book (in the library) on the life of Sri Krishna. It was the book that later inspired me to learn Vishnusahasranamam. The reading was going on great but I started developing neck pain since it was a long time since I read a book continuously for hours. But the pull towards the book was great and so I did not let the pain deter me. The more my mind was engaged in reading this book, the less time it spent with anxiety and fear. A few days later the pain, however, became severe and it began to spread all over my shoulders and spine. I could not turn or sleep or sit or walk without my husband's help. At that instant, these lines from our Sai Satcharitra flashed across in my mind: "First it was not noticed, but as the Lord protects those, who are intent on hearing His stories, he casually cast a glance over his right shoulder and noticed the scorpion."









I smiled teasingly at Sai (mentally) asking Him, 'Well Sai, I am now reading Your story. This pain troubles me. Will you come to protect me and help me get rid of it?' Then I continued with my reading but not before slightly mocking at Him saying, 'How will You come?' That night I had a strange dream. I still don't know whether to call it a dream because it was so real. I was sleeping when all of a sudden I woke up to see a lady in pink saree walking towards my room. I panicked and wanted to shout to my husband but my voice failed me and I was literally paralyzed with fear. The lady came almost near me but now it was not the lady but Sai in His white robe. Though it was Him, I was scared to death and did not want to face Him. I could not move an inch nor call my husband. I began to sense His touch, pressing my neck hard and I could not bear the excruciating pain. In my mind I was moving about here and there and pleading with Him to let me go. But He would not listen. He seemed enraged and pressed hard and asked, 'Do you now believe I can and will personally come to help those who read My stories?' I cried, 'Yes Sai. I believe so. I believe so.' But they were mere words and who could deceive Him? He got so wild with rage that I thought my neck would break once and for all. I cried from the bottom of my heart, 'I am sorry for doubting You, Sai. I will ne'er doubt Your words. Punish me but I promise I am truly sorry.' A few seconds later the hold began to loosen and I could feel some movement in my body. I tried whispering to my husband saying, 'See to my left. Sai is here. I am afraid.' I closed my eyes tightly and went to sleep. The next day morning everything was fresh in my memory when I opened my eyes. I asked my husband if anything happened that night. He said he could hear me saying, 'See, Sai is here' and things like that, but he could not open his eyes though he could hear my voice. Both of us were surprised when I got up from the bed all by myself and went about doing things as usual - no trace of pain whatsoever. The pain that tortured me for one week vanished in just one night with no medicine or pain balm!

Aum Sri Satchidananda Sadguru SaiNath Maharaj Ki Jai! Aum Sri Sai Ram. Nandini (Courtesy: www.saiheals.com)

Om Sai Ram English and Telugu Version of SHIRDI SAI NATHUNI MADHURANAMAMRUTHAM (Prema Maniharam) is now available.

Diamond Necklace to Shirdi Sai Baba Publisher: Sterling Publishers This book is about 108 names of Shirdi Sai with Detailed Meaning + Miracles + prayer for each name

Please contact: Sai Giridhar Ari http://www.shirdisaiashtothara.com/ http://shirdisaimadhuranama.blogspot.com/ http://www.sterlingpublishers.com/bookinfo.asp?na=9788120758681




Babaâ€&#x;s Close Devotees Continued from last issue‌..

Justice M. B. Rege

If you make me the sole object of your thoughts and aims, you will gain the supreme goal.


It was probably in 1912 that I went up to Shirdi on some festive occasion (Guru Poornima?). I saw the devotees at Manmad each having a grand basket with flower garlands etc. I was much pained to note that I had forgotten to take a flower garland when I was going to my Guru, who was everything to me. We all went to Shirdi and at the mosque, I found Baba was under a great weight of flower garlands and it pained me again that I had not a garland to give him. Baba lifted up a bundle of the garlands with his hand and said, "All these are yours". How kind of Baba! What love was his to me! -all forgiving, all forgetting love! About the same year 1912, I had taken Rs. 100 with me to Shirdi in my pocket. Sai Baba asked me for dakshina (Rs.40). I readily gave it. A little later he asked for another 40 rupees and that too was given with equal readiness and joy. Finally he asked me for the remaining 20 and that also I gave him. I was happy to give him all that - though I was left without a pie in the result. Then again Baba sent for me and asked me for dakshina. I said I had nothing to give. Then he suggested that I should go and get money from some others. I agreed but told Baba that if he should indicate whom I was to go to, I would gladly go and ask him. Baba said, "Go to Shama". I went to Mr.Madhav Rao Deshpande (Shama) and told him what took place and asked him for money. He replied that I had not understood Baba right. "Does Baba care a rap for your rupees? " he said, "No, what he wants is your mind and heart, your time and soul to be devoted to him. That is his meaning". I went back to Baba and reported what Shama had said. Then Baba smiled and said, "Go to Dixit and ask him". I went to Mr. Dixit









and told him of what Baba had bidden me to do. He then replied that Baba's direction to me had to be understood in the circumstances as a lesson to me that I should not feel absence of money or the begging for money or for anything else to be a humiliation, and that I should not esteem myself to be above begging. I went back and reported Dixit's reply to Baba. He smiled and then asked me to go to Nana Saheb Chandorkar and ask him for a loan. I went to Khandoba's temple where Nana Saheb Chandorkar was reading some religious books with the learned K.Upasani Sastri. I went and told Nana Saheb all that had occurred and Baba's order that I should approach him for money. Nana Saheb at once showed his worldly wisdom. He said that he knew how delicate the situation was when Baba asked for dakshina and there was nothing to be given to him to satisfy him and that I should learn his plans and ways. "Whenever I go to Shirdi", he said, "I start with a certain sum, and leave a half at Kopergaon, i.e., on this occasion I came with Rs.200 out of which I have left Rs.100 at Kopergaon and come down to Shirdi with only Rs.100. It is very painful to say 'No' when Baba asks for money. So I go on giving dakshina out of the stock in hand to Baba and when it is exhausted, I send for the reserve at Kopergaon. You must act like this". I went back to Baba and then told him what Nana said. While I sat there, Baba sent for Nana and asked him for dakshina of Rs.40. He paid it and went away. Again he sent for him and asked for Rs.40 more. That was paid and again Nana was sent for and the last amount was paid up and at once he sent some one to Kopergaon for his reserve fund. Then Baba at once wanted more. Nana felt humiliated at having to say, 'No', as there was no time for the Kopergaon reserve to arrive. The lesson that then taught to him, to me, and to all was that it was presumption on the part of any one to think that he himself was the great Providence supplying the needs of Baba, or that any one could supply all that Baba might ask for. Thus Baba showed me how differently the demand for dakshina was interpreted by devotees. The real explanation of Baba's demand in this case was not what Shama, Dixit or Nana said it was. It was evidently to teach lessons to me, Nana etc. Baba really cared nothing for money or for presents. What he really wanted was, love - deep, intense, passionate, wholehearted love. To give him that was my aim. He knew it and read it in my heart and responded to it - as only he could respond. Will be continued‌.


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Learn and Participate

Stories for this Week: “ Paapbuddhi and Dharmabuddhi” In a city in the north, lived two friends named Dharmabuddhi and Paapbuddhi. One day, Paap thought, “I am a man without worldly wisdom and added to that I am also poor. Let me persuade Dharma to take me to far off lands and earn lots of money through his business skills. Later I will deprive him of all his wealth and live happily ever after.” With these plans on his mind, Paap told Dharma, “My friend, you are growing old and cannot manage your business. Unless you go out into the wide world how can you tell your children about the wonders of the world? Elders have said that he is born in vain who does not see the countries in the world, learn several languages and know the dress styles of other people. You cannot earn wealth and knowledge without wide travel.” Dharma liked this advice and taking the blessings of his teachers set out on overseas travel, taking Paap with him. Both of them earned a lot of money abroad due to the business talent of Dharma. It was time for them to return home because it is natural for people who go abroad in search of wealth and learning to think of home when they have achieved both. As they were entering their native place, Paap told Dharma, “It is not safe to take home all this wealth because relatives and friends in need will seek help if they know about our riches. We shall bury most of our money in some secret place in this forest. Whenever we need money, we can come here and take whatever we need. You know that money tempts even saints.” Dharma agreed to Paap's plan and went home after both of them dug a pit and covered it after burying most of their earnings in it. One midnight Paap went to the secret place in the forest and stole all the money and brought it home. Next morning, he went to Dharma and suggested that they should go to the forest because he was in need of money. When both of them arrived at the secret spot in the forest and dug there, they found the pit empty. At once Paap began shouting loudly, “Dharma, you stole the money and nobody else. The pit was carefully covered. You must give me half of what we have buried here.' Though Dharma denied it, Paap insisted that they should take the dispute to the King. When the case came before the king, the king asked them to take oath in the name of God. But Paap quoted experts as saying that relevant documents should be produced first as proof, then witnesses would be summoned to give evidence and oath in the name of God is THE





taken when neither documents nor witnesses are available. "I can produce the gods of the forest as witnesses. They will determine who is guilty and who is innocent,” said Paap. Impressed by this plan, the king asked both the parties to be present next morning at the forest for a hearing. Happy at the king's order, Paap went home and told his father, “Father, I have stolen all Dharma's money. There is a case in the court that I can win only with your help. Otherwise, my life will be in danger.” “What have I to do to get that money, son,” asked his father. “There is a big tree there. You have to go now and hide in the hollow of that tree. Tomorrow morning when the kings and others assemble there, I will ask you to tell the truth. Then it is your turn to declare that Dharma is the thief,” said the son. The father left at once for the forest to hide in the hollow of the tree. The morning of the next day, the son took a bath and went to the tree taking Dharma and the judges with him. Paap went near the tree and shouted, “O sun, moon, air, fire, earth, water, the God of Death, day and night, you are all witnesses to the history of humanity. O Goddess of the Forest, declare who among us is guilty.” The father shouted back from inside the hollow of the tree, “Listen all of you, it is Dharma who stole the money.” The judges and the king's men heard the verdict and sat down to decide what punishment they should give Dharma. Meanwhile, Dharma filled the hollow with rags and hay, poured oil on them and threw a matchstick into it. The fire forced the half-burnt father to come out of the tree. “All this is the work of Paap's evil mind,” said the father and soon collapsed and died. The king's men at once bound Paap hand and foot and hung him to a tree. Moral of the Story: Our elders have always said that wise men should not only be resourceful but also know the consequences of being resourceful.



CHAPTER 43 AND 44 Contributed by: swamy@saimail.com

continued from last issue..

Baba's Passing Away

Whatever you do, wherever you may be, always bear this in mind: I am always aware of everything you do.

Breaking of the Brick Some days before Baba's departure, there occurred an ominous sign foreboding the event. There was, in the Masjid an old brick on which Baba rested His hand and sat. At night time He leaned against it and had His asan. This went on for many years. One day, during Baba's absence, a boy who was sweeping the floor, took it up in his hand, and unfortunately it slipped from thence fell down broken into two pieces. When Baba came to know about this, He bemoaned its loss, crying - "It is not the brick but My fate that has been broken into pieces. It was My life-long companion, with it I always meditated on the Self, it was as dear to Me as My life, it has left Me to-day." Some may raise here a question - "Why should Baba express this sorrow for such an inanimate thing as a brick?" To this Hemadpant replies that saints incarnate in this world with the express mission of saving the poor helpless people, and when they embody themselves and mix and act with the people, they act like them, i.e., outwardly laugh, play and cry like all other people, but inwardly they are wide awake to their duties and mission. Sai Ram. While that may be true, it is also likely that the inanimate brick is not lifeless as it appears to us with limited senses, but is in fact pervaded by a spirit friend and guide of Sai. It is given elsewhere that the brick was thrown at Sai when He was young and a disciple of a great Sadguru by other disciples jealous of this favorite disciple and that the brick was stopped in mid air by the Guru and after the disciples repented was allowed to hit the Guru! Thus, the brick represented His Guru's grace to Sai, the perfect disciple! Sai Ram. Will be continued‌.








(By Late Sri Bharam UmamaheswaraRao) ~ Contribution by "Shashank"crazydiode@gmail.com, Mrs and Mr Anand Chapter 36: The Value of Human Birth Continued from the previous issue… Having obtained human birth in this life, we should utilize the opportunity extended to us by God for spiritual progress, instead of frittering it away in material pursuits. As long as one has unfulfilled desires for material things, one has to be reborn again to enjoy them. So the most important virtue that a spiritual aspirant must cultivate is satisfaction with one’s lot in life. Only then will it be possible for him to concentrate his mind on realizing the Spiritual Goal. Man evolves spiritually in the course of various births and whatever merit he acquires by the performance of good deeds is never in vain. They may not bear fruit immediately but remain latent and fructify at an opportune time. Likewise, when one has progressed along the path of devotion and remembers God always, this natural tendency of the mind is retained and passed on from birth to birth. The circumstances of birth, like for instance, the family in which one grows up are determined by one’s own action in the previous births. This is the reason why some exhibit a very high level of spiritual evolution even in their young age. Spiritual tradition also emphasizes the importance of one’s mental preoccupation at the moment of death. If through constant practice the mind dwells on God, then the Soul is liberated. This may seem on the face of it quite easy, but it is not so. Unless one is a steadfast devotee of God, it is not possible to fix them in on God when the mind and body are under great strain. Will be continued...

For all SaiDarbarUSA activities in Greater Philadelphia, please visit www.saidarbarusa.org. Sai Temple, Downingtown, PA. (http://www.saitemplepa.com/.) Temple is open on Thursdays and Sundays after 2:00 pm. Please contact Mr. Raj Singh at 610-656-1396 or Sai Temple at 610-269-1112 for more details about the temple activities. For more event info please visit http://www.saitemplepa.com/. UDI Prasaad From Shirdi Now Available in Canada for Distribution : Devotees of Greater Toronto Area can visit Sai Darbar and receive UDI from Baba with His Blessings - Darbar is open for DARSHANbetween 10:30am to 4pm every Thursday. (visits after 4pm pls call to confirm). Devotees in the OTHER PARTS OF CANADA can receive UDI PRASAAD by submitting their request by email at saileela99@gmail.com orSubmit your willingness by visiting www.shirdisainath.org giving your full family name - Phone number postal and email address.






Disclaimer: The editor does not accept any responsibility for the views expressed in the articles published. This e-magazine is intended for private circulation only. Information contained in this email is about Sri Shirdi Sai Literature and Sanatana Dharma. You have received this magazine because you are either subscribed to this directly or through one of the email groups receiving "The Glory of Shirdi Sai". To Subscribe: You or your interested friends and family members can subscribe for THE GLORY OF SHIRDI SAI by sending an email with the subject line „Subscribe‟ to members@saidarbarusa.org. To Un-subscribe: If you are a direct member and do not wish to receive this e-magazine in future, please email to members@saidarbarusa.org with the subject line „Unsubscribe‟. Please send your feedback to feedback@saidarbarusa.org From the Editor‟s Desk These are three things which are rare indeed and are due to the grace of God – namely, a human birth, the longing for Liberation, and the protecting care of a perfected sage. ~~Vivekachudamani, 3

Sai devotees may continue to write about their Sai-related activities, essays, articles or poetry and send to the email id editor@saidarbarusa.org. We shall put in our best efforts to include them in the upcoming newsletter. Unless the author of the articles explicitly instructs not to publish his/her email id, we will publish them as a matter of routine practice. JAI SAI RAM

Publisher and Editor: Badri Narasimhan Editorial Team: Radhika Nistala, Kanchana Kumar, Sumathi VijayBhaskaran, Sneha Narasimhan Email: editor@saidarbarusa.org


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