Volume 2011-21

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The Glory of Shirdi Sai Ninth Year of Publication - Published as Bi-Weekly www.saidarbarusa.org ~ an affiliate of www.saidarbar.org



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गुरुॄह्मा गुरुिवर्ंणु: गुरुदेर् वो महे श्वर: | गुरु: शाक्षात परॄह्म तःमै ौीगुरवे नमः:||


CONTENT Satsangs of SaiBaNisaji Time Machine Shirdi Dairy Sri Sainatha Mananam The Dreams Train Devotees Corner

WHY WORSHIP GURU The word ‘Guru’ is derived from the Sanskrit language and has a deep spiritual meaning. Its two syllables Gu and Ru. Gu denotes the spiritual ignorance that most of humankind is in. Ru represents the radiance of spiritual knowledge that dispels the spiritual ignorance.Guru is the One who dispels the darkness of spiritual ignorance in humanity and bestows upon them spiritual experiences and spiritual knowledge.

Baba’s close devotees Children Section Spiritual Gems From Sai Satcharita Quintessence

The wordly science has done a lot of progress but it has not been possible to enter or fully understand the phenomenon called God. To understand it, one has to bow and surrender self towards Sadguru, and worship Him consistently and lead a sucessful life. Guru is a tatva — an element, a quality inside you. It is not limited to a body or a form. Guru comes in your life in spite of your refusing or rebelliousness. Guru is the master of life who has the powerful insights to share. He seeps into our lives to guide us in the right direction, to help us be part of this human existence game, discover our destiny and live our dreams. So our Shri Sai is the GURU who we need to get in acquaintance with. Thinking of Him and following his teachings are two definite paths which can make us closer to Him. On this Thursday, let us worship Him........ Guru Brahma Gurur Vishnu, Guru Devo Maheshwaraha, Guru Saakshat Para Brahma, Tasmai Sree Gurave Namaha. ***




The Poornima (Full Moon) Day in the month of Ashadha(July-August) is known as Guru Poornima. This is a very sacred day on which special worship is performed to the Acharyas(Gurus). The celebration of Guru Poornima began in Shirdi around 1908. One day Shri Baba told his disciple Shri Dada Kelkar, "Do you know this day is the day to approach Gurus? Bring your worship articles". Then Shri Kelkar and his friends looked up the calendar and found that the day was Guru Poornima day. They started worshipping Shri Sai Baba as their Guru, and that practice has continued till today not only in Shirdi but all over the world where prayers are offered to Shri Sai.

When you see with your inner eye. Then you realize that you are God and not different from Him.

1911, 13 December Wednesday Shirdi. I got up as usual, prayed and wished to bathe but hot water was not ready. So I came out & sat talking. I saluted Sayin Maharaj as he went out & then had my bath. I read Panchadasi. Later on I went to see Sayin Maharaj at the Masjid and returned after Arti. About 4 P.M. I went away with Balvant, Bhishma & Bauda who brought my Hukka & Sayin Maharaj had a smoke out of it. Madhavarao asked for permission for me to return to Amravati but Sayin Maharaj said that he would decide about it tomorrow morning. He got all the people there out of the Masjid & advised me very very kindly in a truly fatherly way. At sunset we went again & saw him opposite the Chavadhi and later on attended the Sheja-Arti. Then Bhishma had his Panchapadi, earlier then usual. Bhai also sang a Bhajan. 1911 14 December Thursday Shirdi. Wishing to go away I got up early, attended the Kakad Arati and praying somewhat in haste went to Sayin Maharaj at the Masjid with Madhavarao Deshpande. Sayin Maharaj said that I could go tomorrow or so and added that I should serve God alone & no one else. He said “What God gives is never finished & what man gives never lasts .�Then I returned, and saw Durveshasaheb Falke of Kalyan arrive. He is a very nice old gentleman of he old sort. Mr Shingne & his wife are with him. Mr Shingne is a High Court Varkerl of Bombay & has a law class also. He said that the partition of Bengal has been naturally modified, that Delhi has been substituted for Calcutta as capital & that some prisoners have been released, but their names etc are not yet known. I attended the mid-day puja & had my breakfast with Bapusaheb Jog. After it I lay down & fell asleep. I went to the Masjid a little late & then made my namaskar near the Chavadhi. Then I sat talking with Durveshasaheb & Shingne. Later on Bhishma had his daily Bhajan.










Pujyasri B.V.Narasimhaswamiji, who visited Shirdi in the year 1936, collected authentic information about Lord Sainath from persons lived with Sai and wrote many books on Lord Sainath. All his works are authentic . One such book is SRI SAINATHA MANANAM. This book was published as early as in the year 1942 and the fourth edition came in the year 1945. 

O Mumukshu, thou that pantest after Salvation, there is no other age(Yuga) that can equal Kali age. For, by Sai Kirtan i.e., repeating Sai's name alone without more, one reaches The Supreme Great.


May Sai's name flourish for blessing you,--the name which is a mine of blessings, scatters away the eveils of of the Kali Age, purifies purifying agents, sustains the seeker of Salvation on his march to the Supreme Goal, like a lunch basket, gives rest to great bard's eloquence and is the root of Dharma


No sinner can commit sins beyond the redeeming power of Thy name.


The thief, the drunkard, the treacherous and false friend, the violater of the Guru's bed, the slayer of a Brahmin, a woman, a King, a parent or a cow and other sinners.


To all sinners, there is this expiation, viz., Repeating the name Sainatha, by means of which one's mind is turned towards Him.


This absolves one of sins.. Tapas i.e. austerities, Dana, i.e., alms, and Japa i.e., repetition of holy names or syllables do not remove the core of Sin viz. the Love of sin. That is cured only by service to the feet of one's Guru-God.


Sadhus, renouncing (every thing), tranquil, soaked in the Divine, purify the world. The touch of their feet (or body) drives away sin. (For) God (Hari) that destroys sin lives in them.


Sai always remains where devotees with theri minds absorbed in Him sing with fervour even the mere name Sai.


The mere name Sai which is pure (Chit and Ananda) consciousness and Bliss is superior to everything and the entire earth is of little importance when compared to it.

...will continue.....




(Dreams Of Saibanisa after Undergoing Bypass Surgery on 17-5-1996) Compiled by Saibandhu Raghu Raman Satulury

02-04-1997: Sai appeared as an old woman and said: For well being, physical body needs a balanced diet. whereas soul needs peace and tranquillity. For that to happen chanting the name of god is must.

Gain and loss, birth and death are in the hands of God

Physical beauty and appearance are not that important. To lead a happy life, earn money in a legal way. A desire to help and helping others is required. Beauty is be useful tool on screen, a means to entertain public that will eventually one day go back to the earth. Only soul in the body is useful in service of God. Therefore try learning more about God rather than about the secrets of the body. Physical body is like a perishable item


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It was way back in 1975 when I was a young boy of 14 years and was studying in class 8th,I got involved in the company of bad boys,they taught me smoking ,playing cards,bunking the school and going to cinema halls .Soon I became just like them and lost my total interest in studies.I remember bunking school became our regular practice and we were very confident that our parents can never catch us as the timings of school and cinema hall were more or less the same . My father was a class -III employee in a sugar mill and use to return home at 5.00 pm and I use to reach home at 3.30 pm ,so it never so happened that I found my father in the house before me ,but one day when I returned back from school I was shocked to see papa sitting in the verandah. I got scared because that day I left the school at 12.00 and went to watch cinema with my friends .I knew that today something wrong is going to happen ,moment I stepped inside the house my father started beating me with a thick wood stick and warned me not to repeat such things in future . After all this he went back to his work and told me to sit and study but I was very angry and left the house in the school dress itself and went to the railway station their I caught a train which was all ready to leave the station any moment. I was not









even aware about the destination of that train .I started feeling bored in the train after two three hours and decided to get down on some unknown station , I was feeling cold because it was winters and I was just wearing my normal school pant and shirt .I had no money to buy any food also but I never bothered and started roaming on the station bit here and there ,soon the sun started setting down and station became silent . Now I was really scared and was shivering so I went and sat on one corner of the station where no one could see me .I started crying silently out of fear ,cold and hunger .It was 11.00 pm ,I saw a old baba walking towards me ,he was dressed up all in Red and was carrying a jhola with him .I got very scared thinking that he will cut my hands and legs and will take me away in his jhola . That old baba came near to me and asked my name he offered me his shawl and sat silently with me throughout the night .In the morning he bought some food for me ,he also had bought a train ticket for me and told me to go back to my house and look after my family . When I reached near to my house I saw huge crowd had covered my house ,someone from the crowd shouted look Deepak is back ,hearing this my father ,mother and sisters came running and hugged me .I apologized to them for my stupid step which I took in anger and ego.I also promised my father that I will never talk to those bad boys and will concentrate in my studies. One day my father came home with a New Year(1978) calender in his hand and the moment I opened it I was literally shocked because it was that old Baba's photo in that calender whom I met on the Railway station,it took less then a minute for me to realise that the old baba who saved me was none other then Sai . Now even after 35 years that night is very clear in my memories when I was with Baba for almost 10 hours.Baba transformed me from a bad boy to a very responsible human being ,today I am 49 years old and very well placed in society all by Baba's grace. - Sai Devotee ~ (courtesy- www.shirdisaideva.com) Revenge kills the soul Scriptures from time immemorial have highlighted many vices in human beings but probably amongst the worst category, is jealousy and the feeling of revenge. As human beings we have come across this feeling at some point of our life. This varies from individual to individual that how much can he control this or any wrong feeling. Look I am not here to preach and can understand your feeling, when someone hurts you or something affects you badly the instant reaction is to hurt back. This we want to do in order to make the other person feel the same pain and anxiety that we felt in similar conditions. But, if you look at it objectively then I would like to show you a different view point, the person who caused all this hurt and anxiety might not be that matured and evolved as a human being. Probably he needs to evolve more and grow up in the process. Another reason can be baba wants to evolve you more spiritually by exposing you to such unpleasant situations. My dear friend, I used to listen in my childhood, that the person who forgives is a bigger and better person. Now when I have grown up I have fully understood the truth behind this statement, even if you hate someone and want to hurt the other person, the moment you forgive that person you grow up many fold in your as well as in baba’s eyes. Always remember it is quiet easy to stoop down to the same level and trust me very difficult to forgive and walk ahead with a big heart and clear mind. I would also like to highlight a point that “Divine Justice” is also a truth. We generally tend to ignore this fact but the cold truth is whatever you do you will get back. This is simple karma theory which no one can deny, and this theory is taught to us since time immemorial. I remember when I was a kid my ma used to sing this lullaby to me, “Jo boyega, so payega, Tera kia aage ayega, Jeevan hai kya fal karmo ka, Jaisi karni, waisi bharni.” So guys, if some one has created a bad karma by doing something bad to you then please don’t do the icing on the cake by taking revenge. Close your eyes, take a deep breath and tell your self confidently, “My Baba will handle it, I don’t have to bother.” Sai Ram ~ Ramya Mishra ~ Ramyam2000@gmail.com




Baba’s Close Devotees G. G. Narke

Professor Of Geology & Chemistry In College Of Engineering, Deccan Gymkhana, Age 53, Brahmin, Poona. Continued from last issue...

What you sow, you reap. What you give, you get.

Aim In Life or Purushartha Did Sai Baba ask people to aim at Moksha? Did he advocate Viveka and Vairagya? Never have I heard that from his lips. Reaching God is the aim. That was the way he put it. i.e., Reaching God, crossing or traversing all the Oceans and Worlds Getting beyond chains (or limits). He never (So far as I know) spoke of (Maya) (or the theory that all existence in the sublunary sphere is mere illusion) to my knowledge. He took the commonsense view that this world and the worlds beyond are real, and that we have to make the best of them, here and hereafter. Karma and Reincarnation These were frequently referred to by him. "We must sow good (results) in this life and the next" was the truth that underlay many of the stories he told. He frequently referred to past lives of others and occasionally referred to the future lives of some. No one moving with him could have even a momentary doubt about post mortem existence and the existence of other worlds than this, wherein rewards and punishments for acts done here would be reaped. These are Hindu doctrines and beliefs. Coming to the question of Baba's Hinduism or other religion - Baba never declared (so far as I know) whether he belonged to any religion, caste, creed, etc. He was above all. But he has mentioned and done several things showing his relation to Hinduism.










I have heard Sai Baba say i.e., my Guru is a Brahmin. Baba's Attitude to Hinduism and Brahmins Baba had a great regard for the B.Gita, Bhawartha Ramayana, Eknath Bhagwata, Panchadashi, Yoga Vasishta, the Puranas, etc. His talks had reference to the contents of these often. When Jnanadeva's Arati was begun, he would sit up, fold his hands joining his palms in front of his chest in token of reverence and close his eyes. About Panchadashi, he said to Mr.Khaparde (as I heard) This is our treasury, i.e., it contains whatever is valuable for our spiritual welfare. I know personally his reverence for Yoga Vasishta. One day, in my early days (1914), Baba asked me several times to give him Rs.15 as Dakshina. I had no money and he knew that fully well. So when I was alone with him, I said, "Baba, you know I have no money and why do you ask me for Rs.15 Dakshina?" Baba answered that he knew my impecunious condition well enough. "But", he added, "you are reading Yoga Vasishta now. The part you are now reading is specially important. Get me Rs.15 Dakshina from that". I was reading Yoga Vasishta. Getting money out of it was deriving valuable lessons therefrom; and giving the money to Baba meant of course lodging the lessons in my heart, where he stayed as my Antaryami. I also know that he held Rama and Krishna in great reverence. Baba and Maharashtra Satpurushas Baba had great reverence for Saints like Jnaneshwar, Tukaram. What were the aims and the virtues needed for achieving them in Sai Baba's view and what sadhanas did he favour? Will be continued....


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Stories for this Week: “One Bird in the hand is better than two birds in the bush” Once upon a time, there lived four friends in a village. They were very poor. They wanted to earn a lot of money, but didn't know how to do it? After a lot of thinking they decided to leave their village and go somewhere else in search of wealth. So, after a few days of journey, they reached a place called Awanti. The four friends first bathed in the nearby river Shipra and then worshipped in a temple. There in front of the temple they met a sage named Bhairwanand. They bowed before him in respect. The sage asked, "From where have you come? What's the purpose of your visit to this town?" "We four are friends," said one of them. "All of us are very poor. So, in a bid to try our luck we left our village, and now, we are here. Since, you are an eminent sage, we expect you kindly to help us become wealthy." Bhairwanand was very pleased with those four friends. He gave them four cotton wicks, one to each of them and said, "Go in the direction of the Himalayas carrying the wicks in your hands. At whatever places your wicks drop, dig up that spot, collect the buried treasure whatever it is and return home." The four friends became very happy. They set off in the direction of the Himalayas. They had hardly covered some distance in the Himalayas that the wick fell from the hands of one of the friends. He quickly dug up the spot and uncovered a treasure of copper. He invited his other companions to collect their share and return home. But his three friends called him 'stupid' and proceeded deeper into the Himalayas to find more wealth. The one who had found copper returned home cheerfully, with his wealth. After a journey of few days, the wick of the second friend dropped on the ground. He immediately dug up the place and found a treasure of silver. He called his two friends and asked them to pick up their share of silver and return home. But the other two called him 'Stupid' and continued with their journey. The one who had dug up the treasure returned home with the wealth of silver. After a journey of few days, the third friend also dropped his wick. He dug up the spot where the wick had fallen and uncovered a big treasure of gold. He yelled in de-






light and said to his last friend, "Come, let's share this booty. It's enough for two of us. Why go alone any farther." But the fourth friend continued with his journey, saying that he hoped to find diamonds. So, the one who had found gold, returned home with the heap of gold. The fourth friend started walking in the direction alone, where he hoped to find diamonds. But the wick he was holding, didn't fall from his hands. The fourth friend lost his way. He began wandering and was totally disorientated. While still wandering, he came across a strange man standing at a place. His body was drenched in blood. The strangest thing was a big wheel, whirling over his head. The fourth friend went to him quietly and asked in surprise, "Who're you and what kind of wheel is this, whirling over your head?" Hardly had the fourth friend finished his question that the big wheel shifted its position and came straight over the head of the fourth friend, still whirling. The fourth friend cried in pain and disbelief: "Friend, what is this? It's giving me tremendous pain." "This wheel was attached to my head also in a similar fashion," the other man replied. "And when will I get rid of it?" asked the fourth friend and started weeping."Only when someone carrying the magic wick comes wandering at this place and speaks to you," said the man. "Please tell me how long have you been here?" The fourth friend asked still sobbing. "Even I myself don't have the right answer to your question", replied the man. "But I came here during the reign of king Rama. I was a poor man like you. Somehow, I got a magic wick and came to this place in search of diamonds. I saw a man standing here with this wheel whirling over his head. As soon as, I put up this question, as you put up to me a moment ago, the wheel came upon me." "How did you manage your food during such a long period?" asked the fourth friend in a trembling voice."You don't ever need food or water. You are also free from sleep, old age or death. You only suffer pain, for centuries, unless someone approaches you with the same magic wick. In fact, this wheel was made by Kuber to guard his wealth against the thieves and robbers. So goodbye my friend."The man went away leaving the fourth friend with the wheel whirling over his head. Now, when the third friend found that his friend was taking too long to return, he set out to find him. He finally arrived at the same place, where his fourth friend was standing drenched in blood, with a wheel whirling over his head. "What is this?" he asked his fourth friend in great astonishment. This is the result of my greed for wealth," replied the fourth friend and narrated the whole story, weeping and moaning. "I'm sorry to see your ill-fate, friend. But you didn't listen to me, when I offered you gold. You wanted more. Now I can only wish you all the best," said the third friend and went away with a sad heart.



Chapter 45

Contributed by: swamy@saimail.com


Kakasaheb's Doubt and Anandrao's Vision

If you are wealthy, be humble. Plants bend when they bear fruit.

It is well-known, that Sai Baba had enjoined Kakasaheb Dixit to read daily two works of Shri Ekanath: (1) Bhagawat and (2) Bhawartha Ramayan. Kakasaheb read these daily while Baba was living and he followed the practice even after Baba's passing away. Once in Kaka Mahajani's house in Choupati, Bombay, Kakasaheb was reading Ekanathi Bhagawat in the morning. Madhavarao Deshpande alias Shama and Kaka Mahajani were then present and listened attentively to the portion read, viz., the 2nd Chapter, 11th skandha of the book. Therein the nine Nathas or Siddhas of the Rishabha family, viz., Kavi, Hari, Antariksha, Prabuddha, Pippalayan, Avirhotra, Drumil, Chamas and Karabhajan expounded the principles of the Bhagawat Dharma to King Janak. The latter asked all the nine Nathas most important questions and each of them answered them satisfactorily. The first, i.e., Kavi explained what is Bhagawat Dharma; Hari, the characteristics of a Bhakta (devotee); Antariksha, what is Maya; Prabuddha, how to cross Maya; Pippalayan, what is Para-Brahma; Avirhotra, what is Karma; Drumil, the incarnations of God and their deeds; Chamas, how a nondevotee fares after death; Karabhajan, the different modes of worship of God in different ages. The substance of all the exposition was that in this Kali age, the only means of liberation was the remembrance of Hari's (Lord's) or Guru's feet. Sai Ram. A beautiful summarisation of a simple yet effective way of liberation bhakti. Sri Narada's Bhakti Sutras also emphasise the same point. Sai also emphasised the importance of Bhakti and Prapatti / Saranagati (surrender). Sai Ram. Will be continued...








(By Late Sri Bharam UmamaheswaraRao) ~ Contribution by "Shashank"crazydiode@gmail.com, Mrs and Mr Anand Chapter 36: The Value of Human Birth Continued from the previous issue‌ The teacher is a Sage fit to be respected with all love, devotion and loyalty. The society is obliged to keep him above care and want. The students should love and serve the teacher will fervor and devotion. Love is the motive power that activates worship. The intensity of Divine communion derives its strength from love. Love is the law of life and core of all religions. Every religion accepts the supremacy of Love in leading mankind to its goal. The gem of love sheds its luminous light on knowledge making it resplendent with the rays of the Divine Spirit. Love beautifies knowledge of action. Love looks like the Divine Grace. Love is the architect of Divinity on the earth. A heart of love fears none; for it sees the Self in all and all in the Self. Fear is for the divided mentality and with separate ego. Love is at one meant with all souls, strikes at the root of fear; sees itself in everything, and transforms everything into good. Even rogues and thieves and murderers turn into good men by the touch of gentle love. Will be continued...

For all SaiDarbarUSA activities in Greater Philadelphia, please visit www.saidarbarusa.org. Sai Temple, Downingtown, PA. (http://www.saitemplepa.com/.) Temple is open on Thursdays and Sundays after 2:00 pm. Please contact Mr. Raj Singh at 610-656-1396 or Sai Temple at 610-269-1112 for more details about the temple activities. For more event info please visit http://www.saitemplepa.com/. UDI Prasaad From Shirdi Now Available in Canada for Distribution : Devotees of Greater Toronto Area can visit Sai Darbar and receive UDI from Baba with His Blessings - Darbar is open for DARSHANbetween 10:30am to 4pm every Thursday. (visits after 4pm pls call to confirm). Devotees in the OTHER PARTS OF CANADA can receive UDI PRASAAD by submitting their request by email at saileela99@gmail.com orSubmit your willingness by visiting www.shirdisainath.org giving your full family name - Phone number postal and email address.






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Perseverance in (seeking to gain) the knowledge of the Supreme Spirit, and perception of the gain that comes from knowledge of the truth: This is called knowledge : all that is contrary to this is ignorance. ~Bhagavad Gita 13:11 Sai devotees may continue to write about their Sai-related activities, essays, articles or poetry and send to the email id editor@saidarbarusa.org. We shall put in our best efforts to include them in the upcoming newsletter. Unless the author of the articles explicitly instructs not to publish his/her email id, we will publish them as a matter of routine practice. JAI SAI RAM

Publisher and Editor: Badri Narasimhan Editorial Team: Radhika Nistala, Kanchana Kumar, Sumathi VijayBhaskaran, Kalyan Koduri Email: editor@saidarbarusa.org


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