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The Glory of Shirdi Sai Tenth Year of Publication - Published as Bi-Weekly www.saidarbarusa.org ~ an affiliate of www.saidarbar.org



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गुरुॄह्मा गुरुिवर्ंणु: गुरुदेर् वो महे श्वर: | गुरु: शाक्षात परॄह्म तःमै ौीगुरवे नमः:||


CONTENT Satsangs of SaiBaNisaji Time Machine Shirdi Dairy Sri Sainatha Mananam The Dreams Train Devotees Corner Baba’s close devotees Children Section Spiritual Gems From Sai Satcharita Quintessence

Believe in Baba Whenever we get to make decisions in life we make our decisions. When the decision we make leads to a bitter experience we begin blaming our Lord and we also think that he doesn't care about us. Instead of this, we must always think that Baba knows everything what is good for you and what is bad for me, and so He gives you the one that suits you and prefers to take away the options which does not support you. Also sometimes when things do not work out in a positive manner we tend to stop praying to Him, stop going to temple and avoid talking to the Lord. But we need to learn how to analyse decisions deeply, ask for suggestions from Him, and meditate on Him and make decisions only following his guidance. On this Thursday think about Sadguru, go to temple regularly and sincerely do prayers towards him at home and keep remembering Baba and believe in Him. This will ultimately bring good thoughts and satisfactions into our lives.

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Kakasaheb was a great devotee of Baba. Every morning he performed puja for Baba and other deities. After naivedyam, he used to take some milk and then sit for reading the scriptures. He read Nath Bhagavat in the morning and Bhavartha Ramayana, which is said to be the second great book in Marathi in the night. It is believed that Saint Tukaram read Bhavartha Ramayana one thousand times on top of mountain Bhandara. This helps us understand that Baba always leads his devotees through sacred readings and constant remembrance.


1911 23 December Saturday, Shirdi

Mrutyunjayaya Namah


I got up early enough in the morning but fell asleep again & then got up very late. In coming down I found that Shingne ,his wife & Durveshasaheb had obtained their permission to return to their homes. So they left, the former to Bombay & the latter to Kalyan. Durveshasaheb is obviously very much advanced spiritually as Sayin Maharaj came as far as the breach in the wall to see him off. I miss him very much as we used to have long talks. Mr Maruti Solicitor of Bombay; came yesterday with his family, four brothers & a number of children. He is a very nice man & we sat talking. Mr Mahajani whom I met last year came today & brought very good fruit and globes of glass for Sayin Baba ’s lamps. Mr Govarthandas of Thana is also here. He brought very good fruit, silk curtains for Sayin Maharajas improvised room in the Chavadhi & new dresses for volunteers who carry the umbrella, chamars & fans. He is said to be a very rich man. There was a little meaningless disagreement between Madhavarao Deshpande & my wife & my son, about living in Dixits Wada. Sayin Baba said that the wada belonged to himself & neither to Dixit nor to Madhavarao. So the matter settled itself. I could not see Sayin Maharaj go out but paid my respects on his return to Masjid. He gave me fruit & smoke out of his chillam. In the afternoon I had a little sleep after meals & then sat reading the daily papers received today. Tilak ’s release is mentioned as settled but there are no indications of it yet. The new arrivals from Bombay can give no further news. Waman Rao Patel has passed his LL.B. I heard Dr Hate had passed also. Sayin Maharaj says he will get very good news. Tipnis has changed his lodgings & his wife is better. She is not so restless as she used to be. Ram Marutibuva is still here. We went to Sheja Arti. The procession was very impressive and the new curtains & dresses looked very nice. I enjoyed it very much. What a pity I have it not in my power to make rich presents of the kind. God is great. At night Bhishma had his Bhajan & Dixit read Ramayan.









Pujyasri B.V.Narasimhaswamiji, who visited Shirdi in the year 1936, collected authentic information about Lord Sainath from persons lived with Sai and wrote many books on Lord Sainath. All his works are authentic . One such book is SRI SAINATHA MANANAM. This book was published as early as in the year 1942 and the fourth edition came in the year 1945.

Thoughts I follow in the footsteps of that sage (Sai) who has no desires, is tranquil at heart, bears no enmity and views everything with an even mind-and I am purified by the dust of his feet. Your fame sweeps off the world's griefs; the nectar of your life history brims with joy, your face lit up by nectar like smiles resembles the moon. Your soft palm confers blessings of the world. Your name which is full of merit purifies us, removes the evils of the Kali age and also the fear of rebirth in Samsara. Those who repeat yor name often in their great distress, will not reborn. That Gopla Krishna who said (in the Gita) "If any surrender to and seek refuge in me in any particular form or manner, I meet them in the same form or manner" and "He who with sincere devotion worships any other God, is worshipping me only"-- is now protecting (us) in the form of SAI BABA. In whatever form, worship is offered to God, who dwells in all forms, God takes that particular form as desired by the worshipper--just like the gem chintamani and comes to him in that form. There is no god that is as good as Sai. Nor is there any goal that can rival Sai. He is Maha Vishnu manifest before our very eyes--(for) from his feet flowed the waters of the Ganges. Ha! Shirdi is indeed, of all places on earth, most fortunate ! Munis that purify the earth by their presence come here by reason of the fact that Sai who is the manifest Para Brahman the Supreme God, lives here hidden in human form. Oh, the good luck, oh, the good fortune of those who lived near Shirdi whose friend (Sai) is the Eternal, the Perfect Brahman,--Supreme Ananda. To him (Sai) who has no wife, there are thousands of (persons who call themselves his) children. He who has no roof to shelter his head is a Maharajah indeed. Though he is at Shirdi, he is not there (alone). Though he is clothed with a body, he is bodiless (i.e.realising that he is not the body). Though he receives, yet he does not receive (as he has no feeling of an individual self acting). Without himself (in his Sai body) eating food, he is filled with food (by others eating food and by his identifying himself with them).

...will continue.....




Dreams Of Saibanisa Compiled by Saibandhu Raghu Raman Satulury

30-05-1997: Sai appeared as a saint and said:  You serve to the extent you can, but never think that had I got more money from others I would have served better or more.  There is no harm in not going to a place where you are one among ten. But you must go if you feel that not going there will cause inconvenience to the other ten people.  How much others are serving Sai is of no concern to you. How much you can serve Sai is most important.  Death is permanent sleep to the physical body. How does it matter if the last rights are performed in the day or night?


Service to humanity is service to God.






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(Continued from last issue)

When He casts a pearl in the clear pool of one's heart, One's devotion goes on expanding in ever widening concentric waves of love. As long Fellow says The tidal wave of deeper souls , Into our inmost being rolls And lifts us unawares Out of all our meaner cares. Such love generates faith. Faith which is not a half-way house between doubt and belief. Total faith beyond all question involving complete surrender because He is saranagatha vatsala. You are content to recommend yourself to His care and leave yourself entirely in His hands, come what may, even a world shaking holocaust. The most perfect definition of such faith was given nearly 2000 years ago by St.Augustine. He said : Faith is to believe what you do not see. And the reward of that faith is to SEE WHAT YOU I BELIEVE. Golden words are these. We have got beautiful and thrilling example in Draupadi's Vastrapaharana. The Lord does not come to the rescue as long as she relies on her poor hand to hold on to her saree with only one hand raised in; prayer to Him. It is only when her surrender is complete where in utter desperation she lifts both her hands in prayer does the lord appear in a split second to save her nakedness and the saree goes on extending adinfinitum till the shame faced Dussasana sinks exhausted. Will continue…









Devotees Experience: Sairam This is just before I was coming to USA. My husband was in USA and I was to join him. So I went to Shirdi to say Bye to Baba and take his blessings before traveling to this country. I had a wish that I should see Baba (Samadhi Mandir) in the dress that I would offer. I know an Uncle at Shirdi who works at Shirdi Sansthan and they are quite close to our family. I offered them Baba’s clothes and had requested them to dress Baba with this shawl and other set (to cover Baba’s Samadhi and a thala paaga). He mentioned that it’s always as per queue and there are many ministers and MLA’s who offer the shawl on regular basis and are given preference. But I always had the faith that Baba would accept my Shawl. On Saturday afternoon, uncle took me to the office where the Shawls were handed over. Person over there told me that he will try but it will be next day (Sunday afternoon). Since the time I went was nearing Madhyana Aarthi, Uncle said why don’t you stay back and sit in Baba’s Samadhi Mandir and then continue with Aarthi... What an experience... that was the time when the regular darshan queue was stopped and queue for aarthi was about to start... there was nobody in the hall...just Baba and Myself. I feel I am so blessed to have personal time with Baba and then people joined me and I continued with Aarthi. Since I was already there, I was right in front of Baba singing Aarthi. All the Aarthi’s at this visit were the best. It did not stop there… Evening Aarthi, Sheja Aarthi – Baba made sure I attended every aarthi and Baba made me stand right in front of him. He knew I was leaving to USA and will not see him for good 4 and half years. Next day (Sunday) which is “The Big Day in my life”, I attended Kakada Aaarthi and I was so happy as Madhyana Aarthi is nearing and I can see my Baba in the Shawl that I offered. Uncle and myself went in but the person said, some Minister’s shawl was being offered. Then I was completely disappointed as I had to leave in the evening and my bus usually is at 6:00 or max 6:30 PM whenever I traveled earlier and sandhya aarthi is at 6:30 which was conflicting. I was completely low and I was coming out. Then I felt as if someone was pushing me to check my bus ticket...surprisingly I saw the timing as 7:30. Never in my earlier visits the time was 7:30 and I remember my ticket timing as 6:30 … I was very excited and told Uncle I am fine with evening and the person at the admin office said he would try but again no warranty... I was just praying I would get the shawl on to Baba. Time was ticking and it finally was 6:00 and I started from my hotel room. I was approaching Baba Dwarakamai and then when I passed Dwarakamai and reached the place where we see Baba from the side door next to Dwarakamai…I could see Baba wearing blue silk shawl... best moment in my life. I was so excited and then exactly from that moment onwards, I saw this person who was dressed up like Baba but was younger – started following me uttering these words – “Kapde chad gaye na – Dakshin dho”. How do you think anyone outside on the road would know that I offered Shawl besides Uncle and the person in the office? I am such a fool that I could not make out he was Baba. Of course, Baba would not make anyone realize that its him when he is around as he knows we would not let him go... JI was so much in a hurry that I wanted to get in to Mandir as soon as possible and see Baba. He kept on saying “Kapde chad gaye na – Dakshin dho” I gave him two Rupees in a hurry and he was little angry and then gave me back those two dollars and asked more. I just had another 50 Rs. Given by a store guy (where I collected some decorative stuff for the Shawl) to offer it to Baba which I forgot to offer it to Baba. Look at his Leela – He even reminded me about this. If you notice he gave me back two 1 Rupee coins back – which I consider them as “Shradda” and “Saburi”. I gave one rupee to someone without realizing which I think they deserve it and I have another Rupee still with me and I placed it in my Pooja Mandir. I went inside and had the path from the Neem tree entrance when I landed right in front of Baba. Again there was no one in the hall. People were not let in yet and I was the only one in the hall with other mandir people. Luckily I could take one picture in my mobile. And I tell you Baba was looking so handsome with all the flower decorations next to him(adding to my luck there were some flower decorations that day..) everything was so PERFECT.. I stayed there just looking and staring at my Baba for some time with Tears rolling off my cheeks as to me I was the Happiest person in the world…I did my Aarthi and then when I went back to Bus and sat inside is when I recollected the experience and that’s when I realized that I actually saw Baba before going inside the Mandir. When I told Uncle, he mentioned that when Baba was alive, he used to take dakshin whenever anyone offered clothes to him... To me THIS is the

biggest day in my life and Having baba’s live Darshan is the best moment in my life… I will cherish this experience for my lifetime... Even now when am narrating this and when I am reliving the moment, it’s such a beautiful feeling I have... We are blessed to have Baba with us... Sai Ram




Baba’s Close Devotees Rao Bahadur S.B.Dhumal, B.A., LL.B, Pleader, Brahmin, aged 63, Nasik Nasik, 16th October, 1936 & Shirdi, 28th October, 1936 Baba gave me other articles to be kept safe and sacred. On the first occasion he took Rs.2 from me as a dakshina and returned it saying i.e., "Preserve this carefully. Do not part with it to any one nor spend it". With the same direction, he gave me again Rs.2 on another occasion, Rs.20, Rs. 15 and Rs.30 on other occasions -making a sum of Rs.69 which I preserve very carefully, not merely as mementos of Baba's loving care for me but as charmed coins that carry luck with them. Each of these gifts was characteristic of Baba. When I and G.Buty were present, Baba asked the latter for Rs.20 dakshina and when he gave it, Baba transferred it to me. On other occasions he gave me sums totalling Rs.30. On another occasion he asked for and got Rs.30 from Buty and sharing it between his palms suddenly divided it into two parts and held each in one hand. He gave the contents of one hand to But! and one to me. We went to our quarters and counted our sums. To our surprise, we found each got exactly Rs.15. The true lover gives and receives and Baba's love took moneys from me. I gave them gladly. These dakshinas are often found to convey an allegorical esoteric meaning which the circumstances or accompanying remarks throw light upon.

 Martyaa bhayapradaaya Namaha

Baba has at times reduced his devotees on their visit to an absolutely penniless condition, by taking away all the cash with them, on the possession of which they had been relying. He has frequently reduced me also to this condition. I have, however, entertained neither regret at parting with the last pie nor fear. For it is he who gives and he who takes back what he has given. It is up to him to provide us with ways and means when he denudes us of every bit of cash. And he has never failed to provide. As instances, besides the eighty rupees incident of 1918 that I mentioned above, I can cite others. It will, however, suffice to give two more instances. Some time prior to the above incident when I went to him, he by repeated requests for dakshina took away all I had. Then again he asked me "Bhav, give me Rs.7". I explained that I had nothing left with me. He then told me to get it from some one. This was valuable lesson to me in humility. I must not consider myself too high to beg or borrow. In fact, this lesson was so forcibly brought home to me when I vis-










ited Shirdi, after he attained Mahasamadhi, that I went round to beg for bread in the places where Baba used to beg for his bread. By such means, his grace has kept down my pride and egoism which otherwise would soar so high as to avoid contact with the so-called "lower strata" of society. On another occasion after depleting my resources, Baba asked me for Rs.50. And when I told him I had no cash left, he made me go round and ask some person, who gave me a negative reply. The he made me go to Rao Bahadur Sathe, who rejoiced at the request' being made to him. The significance of my going to the latter for Rs.50 was not explained to me then. But much later I was told that at that time, Rao Bahadur's claim for pension was being considered; the matter in doubt was whether it should be a lower amount as first calculated on the last permanent appointment or an amount higher by Rs.50 being based on a calculation of his sub protem appointment. He succeeded in gaining his higher pension and Baba's direction that I should go to him for Rs.50 was indicative of his success and the date of the order was the date of Baba's demand for Rs.50. On the occasion of the "Chamatkar" criminal appeal, the appellants without any demand from me paid me a fee of Rs.300. Baba, during my stay of three days on my return from Ahmadnagar, took away exactly that sum from me, by repeated requests for dakshina. It was most fitting and proper that there should be no receipt of consideration by me for defending my own Guru's servitor and at his behest, especially when I had really done no work and when the entire success was due to his miraculous control over the District Magistrate's mind. In closing this brief account of my personal experience, I may quote a few of Baba's spiritual teachings or declarations. He once made a remark which would intensify and strengthen our faith in Him and give us some clue to his real nature. To some one who was talking of God, he said "Why do you say 'God', 'God?' God is in my pocket?" As to God's dual or multiple function (suggested for instance by the Trimurthis welded into one as Datta or Brahman), he once made a pregnant remark. With his usual lavish generosity coupled with personal humility he was one day preparing his i.e., himself cooking food for hundreds and freely feeding the poor and all that wanted the food, with his own personal labour. While the Handi was being boiled, a Fakir came, who was particularly keen on getting animal food and he put some flesh into the Handi. As Baba was going on with his cooking, Balasaheb Mirikar evidently disgusted with the transformation of an innocent vegetarian Bhandar to all into a special dinner for those who loved to feast by killing animals for filling their stomachs, asked Baba "Why all this Himsa, i.e., cruelty to other creatures for feeding ourselves?" Baba then answered i.e., literally, "He that slays saves; He that saves slays". This a part from its implied or express reference to the tripartite functions of the God that creates, maintains and withdraws or destroys might be deemed more particularly to refer to the special function of Sat Purushas like Sai Baba, who bless one with Sadgati when' that one (human or subhuman creatures) dies or is killed at their feet or in their proximity. Will continue‌..


n o i t c e S s ’ Children

Lear arn Le n an andd Parti rtici cippa atte e Pa

Stories for this Week: “The Horse and The Lion� Long ago, there was a farmer who had an old horse with him. As the horse had become old, the farmer told the horse to leave his house and live in some forest. The horse became very sad. He said to his master, "Master, I'm your old servant. I have served you all my life. I have always been faithful to you and there has been no slackness on my part in carrying out my duties. So long as I was physically strong, you had all your affections for me but as soon as you realized that I have become physically infirm, I no longer, have that vigor and vitality in me, you asked me to leave your house and go and live in some forest. Is this a reward to the services rendered by me with all my honesty and faithfulness?" The farmer was at a loss of words. He had no logical answer. "All right!" the farmer said to the horse. "You can stay in my house provided you bring me a lion. I want a lion's skin." So the worried horse set out for the forest. There he met a fox. The fox took pity on the horse and enquired from him the reason of his sadness. The horse narrated the whole story. The fox being good natured offered to help the horse. He said to the horse. "You lie down here on the ground as if you were dead." The horse followed the advice of the fox and lay there on the ground as if he were dead. Then the fox met king lion and said "Your Majesty, there is a dead horse lying in an open field. It's better you come and see for yourself." When the fox and the lion reached the spot, where the horse was lying pretending to be dead, the fox said, "Let us pull this horse and put it behind the bushes so that we could have a peaceful meal. What I'll do is that I'll tie your tail to the tail of the horse." "Yes, I agree with you," said the lion.






So the fox, instead of tying lion's tail to that of the horse, tied the horse's tail with the leg of the lion. Then he asked the horse to get up and run fast. The horse, at once got up and started running as fast as he could. All this happened so suddenly that the lion didn't get a chance to balance himself. The horse was running so fast that he was literally being dragged like a dead animal. His body slammed against big rocks so many times and was caught by thorny bushes in the way. He was getting injuries after injuries and was bleeding profusely. The lion began to cry and threaten, but the horse didn't stop. At last, the lion couldn't take any more of it and succumbed to injuries. The horse stopped at his master's house with the dead lion tied to its tail. The farmer was very happy to see the dead lion. He permitted the horse to stay at his house as long as he wished.

Mind is mightier than body



Chapter 47

Contributed by: swamy@saimail.com


Baba's Reminiscence The Snake and the Frog Sai Baba said-One morning, after taking My breakfast, I strolled along, till I came to a small river bank. As I was tired, I rested there, washed My hands and Feet and had a bath and felt refreshed. There was a footpath and a cart track, sheltered by shady trees. The breeze was also blowing gently. As I was preparing to smoke chillim (pipe), I heard the croaking of a frog. I was striking the flint and lighting the fire, when a traveler turned up, sat by My side, bowed to Me and politely invited Me to his house, for meals and rest. He lit up the pipe and handed it over to Me. The croaking was heard again, and he wanted to know what it was. I told him that a frog was in trouble, and was tasting the bitter fruit of its own Karma. We have to reap now the fruit, of what we sow (do) in our past life, and there is no use in crying about it. Then he smoked and handed over the pipe to Me, and said that he would go there in person and see for himself. I told him, that a frog was caught by a big snake and was crying. Both were very wicked in their past life; and were now reaping the fruit of their actions in these bodies. He went out, and found, that a huge black serpent was holding a big frog in its mouth.

 Jeeva adhaaraaya Namaha

He turned to Me and said that in about 10 or 12 minutes the frog would be eaten up by the snake. I said, No, this couldn’t be. I am its father (protector), and I am here now. How shall I allow the snake to eat it up, am I here for nothing? Just see how I release it. After smoking again, we walked on to the place. He was afraid and asked Me not to proceed further, as the snake might attack us. Not minding him, I went ahead and addressed the creatures thus: - Oh Veerbhadrappa, has not your enemy Bassappa yet repented though he has been born as a frog, and you too, though born as a serpent, still maintain bitter enmity against him? Be ashamed of yourself, give up your hatred now and rest in peace. On hearing these words, the snake left the frog quickly and dived into the river and disappeared. The frog also jumped away, and hid itself in the bushes. Bow to Shri Sai - Peace be to all. Will continue...








(By Late Sri Bharam UmamaheswaraRao) ~ Contribution by "Shashank"crazydiode@gmail.com, Mrs and Mr Anand Chapter 39: Baba’s Advice on Food While taking food, if we have evil propensities, such as hatred, envy, jealousy, fear and greed, such food will not be digested and we suffer from indigestion. So while eating food, we should be free from all these evil propensities and should remain calm. As good and evil feelings have their effect on food, such as a look. If an evil person or a hungry dog has a look at the food, it becomes impure. So what to do? Then we must think that God Himself has come in that form and so we should offer a part of it to him and then eat. By doing so, the food is purified. The feelings of the person who eats, the food which is offered with a great pleasure is of a superior quality. The food is offered with pleasure but the eater thinks that he has saved some money by receiving free food – it is of medium quality. The food which is offered with the feeling of compulsion that has been forced to offer food because some one has arrived and the eater eats the food with the feeling of selfishness – that food is of the inferior quality. Will be continued...

For all SaiDarbarUSA activities in Greater Philadelphia, please visit www.saidarbarusa.org. Sai Temple, Downingtown, PA. (http://www.saitemplepa.com/.) Temple is open on all days. Please contact Mr. Raj Singh at 610-656-1396 or Sai Temple at 610-269-1112 for more details about the temple activities. **** THE





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From the Editor’s Desk

Lovers of wisdom, protect your minds from feelings of pleasure, and engage them in spiritual wisdom ~Avadhuta Gita Dear Sai Devotees, We encourage you to continue writing about your Sai-related activities and experiences in essay, article, or poetry form and email it to us at editor@saidarbarusa.org. We will put in our best efforts to include as many of your submissions as possible in the upcoming newsletters. As previously done, we will publish the author’s email id with the respective entry. If you would like to stay anonymous, please explicity state this request in your submission email. JAI SAI RAM Publisher and Editor: Badri Narasimhan Editorial Team: Radhika Nistala, Kanchana Kumar, Sumathi VijayBhaskaran, Kalyan Koduri Email: editor@saidarbarusa.org


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