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The Glory of Shirdi Sai Tenth Year of Publication - Published as Bi-Weekly www.saidarbarusa.org ~ an affiliate of www.saidarbar.org



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गुरुॄह्मा गुरुिवर्ंणु: गुरुदेर् वो महे श्वर: | गुरु: शाक्षात परॄह्म तःमै ौीगुरवे नमः:||


CONTENT Satsangs of SaiBaNisaji Time Machine Shirdi Dairy Sri Sainatha Mananam The Dreams Train Devotees Corner Baba’s close devotees Children Section Spiritual Gems From Sai Satcharita Aditya Hridayam

Evolving with Shri Sai On the way to evolving and getting better we always tend to be obedient. This is a very complex movement in our life and it is difficult. We always say to ourselves to be unique and best. For all these transitions we need the guidance of Shri Sai. We human mind always envious to be the right person who always makes right decisions. But in practical life, it is not possible. We are confused between the dependent and the independent life. So it is important to get the guidance of our Guru and submit the options to Him and He will lead the life in a peaceful way. The act of questioning, seeking and understanding are the three steps process which helps us to enhance our potential. We on this Thursday believe in Him and plan this step process. He will set us the high standards to be followed. Also in the way, we will be able to expand our intellectual education , and get a step nearer to Him. Bow to Shri Sai ~ Peace be to All




Sai Baba returns to Shirdi along with the marriage-party of Chand Patil and remained at Shirdi for ever till His Samadhi. A widowed Deputy Collector and Settlement Officer by name H.V. Sathe (Hari Vinayaka Sathe) comes to Shirdi on the death of his wife. Baba was affectionate to Sathe. Sathe was the first to set up apartments at Shirdi for temporary visitors. Baba regarded Sathe as his right hand in regard to all matters.


1912, 1 January Monday, Shirdi

Bhakti Shakti pradaaya Namah


I got up early in the morning went to the Chavadhi for Kakad Arti. I saw Sayin Maharaja’s face as the first thing and it was full of sweet grace I was very much delighted. After we returned to the Wada, I saw Upasani ’s brother. He has come from Dhulia. I saw him at Poona & Amravati before. He went to see Sayin Maharaj & was told about people bringing ties with them from a former birth & meeting now in consequence of them. He told the story of a former birth in which he, Bapusaheb Jog, Dada Kelkar, Madhavarao Deshpande, myself & Dixit were associated and lived in a blind alley. There was his Murushad there. He has now brought us together again. I saw him go out & then sat reading Ramayan. I saw him again at mid-day Arti, & he was very kind to me. Dixit gave a “Naivedya ” today & we had all our meals with him. I sat with Vaidya, Nanasaheb Chandorkhar, Mr Deva Mamledar of Dahanu, & others. I sat reading again & then went to see Sayin Saheb at the Masjid. He first dismissed me along with the rest but called me again saying that I was anxious to run away. In the evening we saw him opposite the chavadhi & had at night the Bhajan of Bhishma & Dixits Ramayana. Bala Shimpi came to the Bhajan.









Pujyasri B.V.Narasimhaswamiji, who visited Shirdi in the year 1936, collected authentic information about Lord Sainath from persons lived with Sai and wrote many books on Lord Sainath. All his works are authentic . One such book is SRI SAINATHA MANANAM. This book was published as early as in the year 1942 and the fourth edition came in the year 1945. 

Sainath is my mother . And Sai, the King of Gods, is my father. Sai's devotees are my kinsmen. My own motherland is the Universe.


Which wise man will seek refuge with any other but you,--you the friend of devotee, whose words are ever true and who is always friendly and grateful? All the prayers of your devotees, you grant and you give even yourself to them. To you there is neither growth nor destruction.


The Sun makes the lotos blossom. The moon, the night-lotus. The clouds though not requested, shed their rain. The good, of their own accord, are busy helping and doing good to others.


The great alone can achieve great objects. Who but the ocean can bear the fire, Badava?


Having reached the feet of Sai, I seek no other God. Having reached the Ganges banks, no wise man wants a well.


Here there is great fear there is no other refuge except Sai; thinking thus, people resort to Sai alone as their refuge.


Find no other solace or go for the removal of distress than that lotus-eyed (Sai). Make him your sole refuge with exclusive devotion esteemed in our religion.


Men in distress and dejection, men with minds torn asunder, men in a blue funk and men sunk in dire disease are relieved of all pain and sorrows by barely taking the excellent name Sayeesa and become happy.


I bow to Sayinatha who removes the troubles of the distressed, and the fears of the affrighted, and deals the death-blow to our enemies Will continue




04-09-1997: Sai appeared as a fakir and said: 1.There will be no scarcity for food and clothing in my devotee’s house. It will be your ignorance to assume that I am confined only to Shirdi. 2.You can feel all Gods inside Samadhi mandir spread all over the universe; thereby meaning that Sai is universal.


3.A hard-core criminal could turn saintly with the grace of God and lead a peaceful life. I am therefore duty bound to refine my sidestepped children. God’s grace can invoke wonders and make an impossible thing to happen.

gyana Vairagyadaaya Namaha


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What can the snake do to Dwarakamayi's children? When Dwarakamayi protects, can it strike? We have no need to fear. Strike, let me see how you can strike and kill!" - Promises of Baba as Dwarakamayi In fulfilment of the above charter granted for all time to His devotees, Baba twice saved us from imminent danger of fatal poisonous bites. The first time was in the winter of '42 in an interior village of Visakhapatnam Dt. where we had sought refuge from the Japanese bombing of the city and the threatened overnight invasion by sea in March of that year. It came about like this. One evening my wife drew my attention to a small snake about 10" long slowly creeping along the foot of the wall of the front vereanda where I was sitting. In the impulse of the moment, I did the stupidest thing. Taking its small size for granted, I hit it with one of my chappals and sutomatically









stood up. Instantaneously, it jumped up reaching for my face as if it had instinctively anticipated my erect posture. It was so sudden and so totally unexpected that I was startled out of my wits, so to say. Only Baba I am sure must have made me slant my head backwards in the nick of the movement, so that missing its mark narrowly it fell down. In frantic fear and despair, I picked up the other chappal near me and hit it in a frezy and killed it. As that time and till long afterwards, I had not known that I was confronted with a reptile called krait more molicious than the other poisonous kinds. For while even the Cobra attacks only on provocation, this one does so on mere sight and its bite is as fatal. It is unusual for it to leave its haunts, away from the inhabited areas. Evidently it was caught and thrown in. It later dawned upon my mind that some clique in the fairly big village wanted to teach a lesson in such a vengeful manner for my heterodox ways of defying untouchability and employing a low-caste woman for fetching water and cleaning utensils. Such acts pass unnoticed in a city but are not tolerated in the villages dominated by the upper castes who though not brahmins were feeling scandalised that I calling myself a brahmin, should stoop so low. The fact is that having come under the influence of Gandhiji first and accepted whole-heartedly Baba's teachings later, my wife and I had almost completely eschewed observing differences based upon caste of creed. Further, when they saw her serving meal on a Thursday to a mendicant-harijan afflicted with leprosy seated in front veranda of the house, the sight must have been galling to them. I can now see that I had also grossly though unwittingly tresspassed the social bounds and decorum of the local standards of rural society in some other ways. Thus I had incurred the enmity of a group of families by blocking up the channel letting their drainage pass through our yard till then and improvising a lavatory in the adjoining open space. Though all this was done with the pradhan's approval, it must have scandalised them. Add to these my tendency to put my foot in my mouth while talking, liable to be mistaken for imparity and it must have proved the last straw. This is the price one has to pay for not doing in Rome as the Romans do. The second occasion was in November '49 or '50. It has been said that it is a misfortune in life to fail and the other misfortune equally bad is to succeed. I was employed then as a Leading Examiner of Ammunition in the Navy at Visakhapatnam and by the sheer grace of Baba success came knocking at my door. The immediate result was I succeeded in making enemies too who would not be averse to see the end of me or some one dear to me. This I came to know in retrospect. What actually happened was this. One morning as I entered the lavatory of the old open-air type, contrary to my habit of mechanically squatting on the stones to answer the calls of nature, I instinctively felt impelled, rather Baba provided the impulse to look round. Imagine my shock and horror to find between the stones where I was to have squatted a small Cobra with its hood raised obviously ready to strike. I backed out in fear and summoned my neighbor who found it half crushed in the middle so that it could not move. He killed and disposed it of. The inference was clear. Beyond all doubt, it was placed in that position with the injury inflicted on it to rouse its fury and left to do its fell work. Only, whoever had done it had not taken into account the omnipresence of Baba, that He is even there as He assured where His devotee goes to ease himself even in the dark. Glory be to Shri Shirdi Sai - Grace be to all See page 7 for Devotees Experience‌.

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Baba’s Close Devotees

Santaram Balwant Nachne Dahanukar, Thana, 13th September, 1936 Courtesy: http://blessedones.saibaba.com/ In 1932, Sainath gave his younger brother Vasudev a ring and the latter stuffed it into his mouth instinctively. The ring went into the throat and stuck there. There was an alarm and for nearly one hour every one in the house was excited and medicaments were tried to induce the throat or stomach to throw out the ring. Finally, I took Sai Baba's Udhi and put it in the child's mouth. Then inserting my finger deep within his mouth, I felt the ring and pulled it out. In 1934, the same child Vasudev had measles, pneumonia and an abscess on the chest. He was getting weaker and weaker. The doctor was afraid to operate on the abscess on account of the weakness. I applied antiphlogistine over the abscess. The abscess was opened. It was a wide open wound. The doctor would not help me. So I relied upon my doctor, Sai Baba, and trusting in him put a bit of his Udhi into the wound. The Deputy Collector, Vasant Rao Madhav Jadhav, (now D.C. at Poona) asked me whether I was confident of a cure and within what time the gaping wound would be cured. I answered "In 24 hours." That night, Baba appeared in my dream and said, "Why did you say 24 hours? You should have said immediately." I apologized for my mistake in the dream itself. Next morning, the wound was healed up. Jadhav wondered and wanted Baba's Udhi and blessing for his own son aged 4 1/2 years who was down with pneumonia. I gave him the Udhi on the sixth day of that child's fever. The very next day the fever stopped, though the attendant doctor stated that the fever would run its course for 9 days (i.e., that it would last 3 days after I gave the Udhi). Jadhav sent up his thanks offering of Rs.7 to be sent to Sri Sai Baba's Samasthan.

 Prema Pradaaya Namaha

In 1935, i.e., last year, milk was being boiled on my stove. Anand, my two-year-old child, came running up, stumbled over a stick and fell upon the milk and stove. Just fancy what should happen in such a case. One would expect his skin to be scalded by the boiling milk and clothes to catch fire. But here the milk was dashed down on one side and the stove on the other side; and the child lay between the two, neither scalded, nor catching fire on his clothes. This year, i.e., 1936, Vasudev and his younger brother rummaged among the contents of an almyrah and found a box full










of what they thought to be peppermint lozenges. Vasudev ate some and gave some to his younger brother. The taste was unpleasant and they did not eat much. But what little was eaten made Vasu smart. His tongue was protruding. My wife inserted her finger into his mouth and extracted what she believed to be chunam, i.e., lime. We were then shown by Vasu the packet or box of "Sweetmeats" that he had been consuming. It was "Pharoah's snakes" - the piece of fireworks that burn out forming ashes that lengthen and wind about in the form of snakes. We then took him to the doctor who administered an emetic, which did not act. Then I gave Baba's Udhi and Tirtha - which acted at once and resulted in his vomiting out all the poisonous stuff he had swallowed. After all this was over, Vasudev mentioned that he had given the Peppermint to his two year old younger brother. Evidently the latter ate but little, as there was no trouble. But to expel what little he might have swallowed, we administered our emetic, viz., Udhi and water with Baba's name to him and he had a good vomit. Will Continue

Devotees Experience: A Meeting With Unknown The first meeting with a fakir who looked like -------------- I dont know how to describe him and compare him with --- when I had not visualized any Saint-Fakir in my mind till then. In our family we prayed to Lord Rama,Vishnu, Goddess Kali, Lord Ganesh, Goddess Lakshmi. ...and many other ...so seeing any Fakir was out of question . It was in a cool Sunday morning of 1975 I was relaxing completely lost in my own world in the veranda,when a man walked off straight out of main gate. I was not surprised or taken by intrusion of the unknown man, in fact I felt a sort of very comfortable feeling in my heart, as though I was in peace and state of happiness and a assurance "Allah bhala Karega" (The GOD will Do Good) and there after forgot about his visit. Same year, one of my colleague requested me for my house for his stay as I was to proceed on leave, he stayed there for a month or so. On our return we noticed, they had left a earthen statue of someone which I felt I have seen before. And after thinking for a while it came as surprise that it was looking alike to the fakir I saw on that day. My mind had no doubt that it was not Him. Without any reason and thought I let the statue in the place where it was...And this is how Baba made a entry in our life to change it for better as the days passed. - Sai Devotee (courtesy:http://www.shirdisaibabakripa.org)


n o i t c e S s ’ Children

Lear arn Le n an andd Parti rtici cippa atte e Pa

Stories for this Week: “GREED” Long ago there lived in Northern India a merchant whose wife had died and who went daily from his lonely house in the foothills to the town below, for buying and selling. "I must have a holiday," he said to himself one day, and he began to climb up into the hills to enjoy the view and the sounds of the forest. In the hot afternoon, feeling sleepy he looked for a quiet place for a nap. Soon he discovered a kind of hole in a cliff, actually a cave; so he lay down in the dark interior and slept. Waking up, he felt there was something with him, in the cave. Crawling back inside he found a large earthen jar. Then another, and another and another -there were seven jars there, altogether! Now the merchant wondered if he dared to open them. There was no sound of anyone about, still it seemed a bit risky. But curiosity, as you know, is powerful indeed. He found he could lift the lid of the first jar. What do you know! It seemed to be full of gold coins. So were the second, third, fourth and fifth. Under the lid of the sixth jar he found an aged piece of paper. On it was written, "Finder, beware!! The seven jars of gold are yours, but there is a curse. No one who takes them with him can leave the curse behind." Now, next to curiosTHE





ity, greed is the most powerful urge. Our merchant overjoyed with his luck, wasted no time in borrowing a twowheeled cart to carry the jars of gold to his house. It was exhausting and next to impossible. Bulky and hard to lift, they had to be taken two by two; in the dark of night he lugged them to his house. On the last trip, with the seventh jar alone thankfully the load was lighter, and he noticed nothing. "Let me count the coins," he thought , "and see how great my fortune is." But -- when that seventh jar was opened he found it was only half-full. "What!" he cried, "I was promised seven jars!" He had thrown the note away and forgotten about the curse. The merchant was overcome and obsessed by a spirit of grasping and greed. Now, in the town, he went at his money -making hand and fist; it was all he lived for. "I must fill the seventh jar with gold,": this was his constant thought. Yet the more he put into the jar, strangely the more it remained half-full. He lived some years more, but never did he enjoy spending the gold he had found, because it was never enough.



Chapter 48 Contributed by: swamy@saimail.com


Signs of Sad-guru Continued from last issue…. Sapatnekars Mr.Sapatnekar passed his examination, settled at Akkalkot and practised as a pleader there. Ten years after this, i.e., in 1913 he lost his only son on account of a throat disease. This broke his heart. He sought relief by making a pilgrimage to Pandharpur, Ganagapur and other holy places. He got no peace of mind. Then he read Vedanta, which also did not help him. In the meanwhile he remembered Mr.Shevade's remarks and his faith in Baba, and he thought that he too should go to Shirdi and see Baba. He went to Shirdi with his younger brother Panditrao and was much pleased to see Baba from a distance.

 Samshaya Hrudaya Dhowrbhalya Papa karma Vaasana Kshaya karaaya Namaha

When he went near and prostrated himself and placed a coconut before Baba with pure feeling (devotion), the latter at once cried out "Get away." Saptnekar hung down his head, moved back and sat aside. He wanted to consult somebody who would advise him how to proceed. Somebody mentioned Bala Shimpi's name. Sapatnekar saw him and sought his help. They bought Baba's photos and came with them to the Masjid. Bala Shimpi took a photo in his hand, gave it to Baba and asked him whose photo it was. Shirdi Sai Baba said that this photo was the 'Yaara' (friend / lover) of him, pointing to Sapatnekar. Saying this Baba laughed and all others joined. Bala asked Baba the significance of the laugh and beckoned Sapatnekar to come forward and take darshan. When Saptnakar began to prostrate himself, Baba again cried "Get out." Sapatnekar did not know what to do. Then they both joined their hands and sat before Baba, praying. Baba finally ordered Sapatnekar to clear out immediately. Both were sad and dejected. As Baba's order had to be obeyed, Sapatnekar left Shirdi with a heavy heart praying that he should be allowed to take darshan next time. Sai Ram. Baba drove out the pride, arrogance, lack of faith etc. of Sapatnekar and purified him so that he could meet his friend / lover (Yaara has probably that meaning too) – Paramatma seated in his heart. Sai Ram.








Source: http://devotionalonly.com/aditya-hridayam-stotram/ Continued from last issue... सवर्देवात्मको ह्येष तेजःवी रिँमभावनः।

एष दे वासुरगणाँल्लोकान ् पाित गभिःतिभः॥ ७॥ 7. Sarva devaatmako hyesha tejasvee rashmi bhaavanah Esha devaasura ganaan lokaan paati gabhastibhih || Sarva devaatma eko Tejasvi Esah Gabhastibhih Devasuraganan pati

= Being the embodiment of all gods; = Having the immense illumination that subdues the light of all others; = This person; = With the rays; = The groups of Devas and Rakshasas; = protects.

Indeed he is the embodiment of all Gods. He is Self luminous, and is the sustainer of all the worlds as well as the host of Gods and demons by his Rays (which nourish and energize). Will continue….

For all SaiDarbarUSA activities in Greater Philadelphia, please visit www.saidarbarusa.org. Sai Temple, Downingtown, PA. (http://www.saitemplepa.com/.) Temple is open on all days. Please contact Mr. Raj Singh at 610-656-1396 or Sai Temple at 610-269-1112 for more details about the temple activities.






Disclaimer: The editor does not accept any responsibility for the views expressed in the articles published. This e-magazine is intended for private circulation only. Information contained in this email is about Sri Shirdi Sai Literature and Sanatana Dharma. You have received this magazine because you are either subscribed to this directly or through one of the email groups receiving "The Glory of Shirdi Sai". To Subscribe: You or your interested friends and family members can subscribe for THE GLORY OF SHIRDI SAI by sending an email with the subject line ‘Subscribe’ to members@saidarbarusa.org. To Un-subscribe: If you are a direct member and do not wish to receive this e-magazine in future, please email to members@saidarbarusa.org with the subject line ‘Unsubscribe’. Please send your feedback to feedback@saidarbarusa.org

From the Editor’s Desk

Whether feted or tormented, the wise man is always aware of his supreme self-nature and is neither pleased nor disappointed. ~Astavakra Gita Quotes Dear Sai Devotees, We encourage you to continue writing about your Sai-related activities and experiences in essay, article, or poetry form and email it to us at editor@saidarbarusa.org. We will put in our best efforts to include as many of your submissions as possible in the upcoming newsletters. As previously done, we will publish the author’s email id with the respective entry. If you would like to stay anonymous, please explicity state this request in your submission email. JAI SAI RAM

Publisher and Editor: Badri Narasimhan Editorial Team: Radhika Nistala, Kanchana Kumar, Sumathi VijayBhaskaran, Kalyan Koduri Email: editor@saidarbarusa.org


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