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The Glory of Shirdi Sai Tenth Year of Publication - Published as Bi-Weekly www.saidarbarusa.org ~ an affiliate of www.saidarbar.org



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गुरुॄह्मा गुरुिवर्ंणु: गुरुदेर् वो महे श्वर: | गुरु: शाक्षात परॄह्म तःमै ौीगुरवे नमः:||


CONTENT Satsangs of SaiBaNisaji Time Machine Shirdi Dairy Sri Sainatha Mananam The Dreams Train Devotees Corner Baba’s close devotees Children Section Spiritual Gems From Sai Satcharita Aditya Hridayam

Think Better Look at life as a whole and the many things without which we would not be what we are today – our friends, family, hobbies, nature around us. When we are confronted with a problem, we see only the problem and think that it is the end of life. This only makes the situation more filled with confusion. Always at times like this think of previous instances when things were better. Look at all the blessings that God has filled our life with about which we never give a thought. Always when we think that your prayers are not being rewarded, we get so upset with Him. But we need to start looking at the situations, when we fall, in any way, don't see the place where we fell, instead see the place from where we slipped. Life is about correcting mistakes. To keep our thoughts clear and better always read Shri Sai Satcharitra, that is our best friend and keeping company of this noble book helps us to be noble in our thoughts and deeds thus making room for Sri Sai to come and rule over our actions and words. This Thursday Let us start thinking Better with the blessing of Sadguru Shri Sai. Bow to Shri Sai ~ Peace be to All




Shri Sai mentions in Chapter 3 of Satcharitra that, "If a man utters My name with love, I shall fulfill all his wishes, increase his devotion, and if he sings earnestly My life and My deeds, him I shall beset in front and back and on all sides. Those devotees, who are attached to Me, heart and soul, will naturally feel happiness, when they hear these stories. Believe Me that if anybody sings My Leelas, I will give him infinite joy and everlasting contentment. It is My special characteristic to free any person, who surrenders completely to Me, and who does worship Me faithfully, and who remembers Me, and meditates on Me constantly".

 1912 4 January Thursday, Shirdi

Aparajitaya Namah


I got up early in the morning, prayed, and wished my son Baba & Gopalrao Dole to go to Sayin Maharaj and obtain permission to return to Amravati but my wife intervened saying it was Pausha Paurnima & therefore a day sacred to our family deity. So no endeavour was made to obtain the permission required. I saw him go out as usual, & went to the Masjid after he returned, spending the interval in read Ramayana. We returned after the mid-day Arti, and after meals I sat talking with Bapusaheb Jog & then resumed Ramayan. After 5 P.M. I went to Sayin Maharaj in the Masjid and found him walking about in the compound. My wife also came there. After a time he took his usual seat & we sat near him. Dixit and his wife also came. Sayin Maharaj then told a story. He said there was a Princess living in a palace. A “Mang ” sought shelter with her. Her sister-in-law who was there also, refused it to the Mang. So the Mang with his wife was returning disconsolate to his village when he met Alla-mirya on the way and told his story, how, stricken with poverty he sought shelter & was refused. Alla-mirya advised him to return with his wife & seek shelter once more with the same princess. He did so & was admitted & treated like a member of the family. The Mang stayed enjoying all the comforts for over six months and then coveting gold, murdered the princess with an axe. The people round about assembled in large numbers & held a panchayat. The Mang admitted the offence. When the matter went to the King in due course, Alla mirya advised him to let the Mang go. The King obeyed. The princess murdered by the Mang came to be born of him as his daughter, & he came once more to the palace and was permitted to stay there in affluence & ease for twelve years. Then Alla-mirya inclined the King to avenge the murdered princess and the Mang was killed in the same way in which he had killed the princess. The Mang’s widow returned to her village, accepting the Mang ’s fate as just. The princess who was born as daughter to the Mang, came to the place, took possession of what belonged to her in the former reincarnation and lived happily afterwards. Thus was the work of God done and His justice vindicated. There was Sheja- Arti at night, then Bhishmas Bhajan & Dixits Ramayan. Ram Maruti today embraced Sayin Maharaj when the latter was going in procession to the Chavadhi for the Sheja-Arti.









Pujyasri B.V.Narasimhaswamiji, who visited Shirdi in the year 1936, collected authentic information about Lord Sainath from persons lived with Sai and wrote many books on Lord Sainath. All his works are authentic . One such book is SRI SAINATHA MANANAM. This book was published as early as in the year 1942 and the fourth edition came in the year 1945.

Namaskara 

I bow to Shree Guru who pervades all movable and immovable things in all the spheres and who reveals to us the Supreme Brahman.


I bow to that Shree Guru at whose feet are found the crest jewels of all the Vedas and who is the Sun that makes the Lotus of the Vedanta blossom.


I bow to that Guru by pure thought of whom, Jnana flashes forth of itself. He alone is the store of all good.


I bow to that Sree Guru who is the calm eternal chaitanya free from all sin and darkness who is beyond akasap bindhu, nada and kalas.


I bow to that Sree Guru who is the master of all Jnana and Sakti who is adorned by the garland of Truth and who is the bestower of all good thngs on Earth and salvation beyond.


I bow to that Sree Guru who by the power of his own Jnana burns out the the bonds of Karma acquired in many births.


My master is the master of the universe. My Guru is the Guru of the world. My soul is the soul of all creatures.To such a real Guru I bow.


I bow to your Sainatha who is perfectly peaceful, who is without origin, who is the embodiment of pure Jnana and the import of the Pranava Om.


You are Vayu, Yama, Agni, Varuna, the Moon, Prajapati and Brahma. Prostrations again and again to you of thousand forms. Again and again I bow to you.

Will continue




06-09-1997: Sai appeared as a hermit and said: All the hurdles and happiness in our life are caused due to an invisible power. Generally we pray God to relieve us from the difficulties and to be with us in our good times. Divine thoughts prevailing then and coming to realize the presence of a supreme power is Religion. Piousness pleases the God most

 Trilokeshu Asgandhitha Gataye Namaha

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" When truth is stranger than fiction" ~ The Upanishads Yes, Baba came, dined and conversed with me (Twenty six years after His Maha Samadhi) It was about noon and Thursday too By force of habit, I looked towards the gate for some Fakir or Sadhu who might turn up for biksha. Ever since the advent of Baba into my life two years previously in '42 through the sacred contact of His Holiness Swami Kesavaiah, I had come to observe Thursday as Baba's day. You see, it was through swamiji's initiation into devotion to Baba and doing His 'Nnamasmaranam' that I was reclaimed from imminent death. On further being advised to fast every Thursday night for nine months and gave my meal to the first Fakir that might turn up, (which I accordingly did) I was gradually restored to health. Since then, I had made it a rule to feed a Fakir before taking the noon meal on Thursdays. But this Thursday was unique, a red-letter day in a long life of sojourns on earth (punarapi jananam punarapi maranam) a culmination of persistent 'tapasya' through recurrent janma of some one in the family, in all probability my wife, or one of the children or may be my own imperfect self for his'Saakshaatkaara. For, to my utter surprise and astonishment, Baba Himself with His beatific smile was entering front enclosure! He was in same Bikshapathi pose as He manifested Himself the previous day as 'Mrutyanjaya to revive my dead son, almost within a split second of my denying His divinity and declaring Him to be a false deity! I eagerly hastened up to Him. After welcoming Him with all my heart, I begged Him to condescend to stay for food. He asked me with a twinkle in His eyes whether there was anything special that day, I said that it being a Thursday, it was our custom to offer food to a Fakir before our noon-meal. With the faintest flicker of a smile at the corners of His lips He wondered whether I would do so on Thursdays only. Being rather academic and literal in my ways, I replied, rather obtusely, that it was so. I am











not ashamed to confess that it look years for me, chewing the cud of it off and on, to sense the gentle admonition enshrined in His benevolent query, as if half in jest and half in earnest, 'Why not daily', and begin doing so. Be that as it may, I offered him a seat and ran inside with the glad tidings of Baba's visit and His gracious condescension to have food at our humble adobe. I beseeched my wife to round off the cooking forthwith and start serving the food, since 'Athithi's, especially holy ones, should not be made to wait unduly (Athidhi Devo Bhava) and, all the more so, because it was BABA HIMSELF How can one describe the signal good fortune so divinely bestowed upon my wife, Kamala, of personally serving food cooked by her to the Master of all CREATION (as described my Meherbaba) except to say that it is the cumulative fulfilment of all the good deeds of all her previous 'janmas at ONE STROKE! The whole beauty of it lay in the fact that she did not as a matter of course, characteristic of a 'gruha dharmini' fulfilling her obligation and to at this day not at all conscious of that greatest good furtune that can ever accrue to her. That is, indeed, as it be for "there is no vanity so damaging to one's character as pride over one's good deeds". 'SUCH are the chosen of God, the humble and the good at heart who it is that "inherit the kingdom of Heaven". As Baba was graciously taking the meal, I put Him the stupidest of questions! I had the foolish temerity to ask Him where exactly at Vizianagaram (he was staying) This episode took place at Vizianagaram in Visakhapatnam dist. In March, 1944) imagine asking Him who had repeatedly given proof of His EXISTENCE at different places to different persons at one and the same time both during His incarnate stay at Shirdi as well as after His Mahaa Samdhi, either in a clearly recognisable manner of incognito, to be recognised, later on, both subjectively as well as by cumulative evidence, as none other than Baba Himself. How puerile and vain can man be that, not withstanding the show and pomp, penance and ostensible devotion with which he invokes the Lord, when He does appear, he fails to recognise Him! Even tapasvins were occasionally not exempt from such an woeful lapse. The all-knowing Baba, speaking at my level, gave me an apt and satisfying reply. He said that he was staying at the Sri Subrahmanya Temple near the railway station, which, as will be seen presently, was true in a literal sense as also applicable universally according to His own proven assertion to many a devotee in respect of His identity with any idol or image or worship. I, of course, took His words literally and said, "All right Baba, if so I will surely go and see you". "Do come!", He confirmed and went back letting me accompany Him up to the gate. Indeed it is a misnomer to say he went back, for, how and where can He, the 'Sarvantaryamee', ever go to come back again for that matter? However, such wisdom was yet a long way from me. Here it should be noted that Baba and I were conversing in Telugu, my mother-tongue, which He spoke with ease and in our dialect. I wonder why and how I had started talking thus. It seemed the natural thing to do. I now realise the question does not arise at all. I am sure any one in my place would have naturally spoken in his own language and Baba would have answered in it or vice versa. Mahalsapati (the earliest devotee of Baba at Shirdi) has vouched that many a time in the night while all were asleep, Baba used to converse with some unseen agent(s) in some foreign tongue(s) Soon, I must unblushingly admit, I lapsed into the humdrum routine of existence, and all thought of the incarnate Baba receded to the back of my mind, though my daily worship went on as usual. About a month later, as I was about to take my noon-meal, the thought of my defferred visit to Baba in the temple flashed across my mind. At once, grabbing the hand of my convalescing son, I rushed out like one possessed and trotted along to reach the temple, about a mile away. I had often passed by it and noted it to be a transit camp for the Sadhus to and fro on their pilgrimage. Reaching the portal sweating and panting, I accosted the first person I saw and enquired about Baba's stay there, describing His person and dress in exact detail. To my great disappointment, he curtly replied there was none answering to that description, implying a muslim ascetic. I begged him to recollect and tell me or refer me to others whose sojourn might be longer than a month, insisting that the SADHU I was after had come and received biksha at our house and had averred that this was His abode at Vizianagaram. This rather annoyed him but, seeing my crest-fallen countenance, he softened a bit and assured me that none like the ONE I described had ever stayed at the temple since over a month during which period he himself had been staying there. That was it. It was enough to deflate me completely. I was on the verge of tears. In this repentant and chastened mood, I decided that we might as well go in and worship Lord Subrahmanya and seek His blessings, for, I had learnt to see Baba in all deities (and vice-versa). As we went round and turned the corner to reach the front again, I came across an improvised minor sanctum common in temple premises. I casually looked inside. I was overwhelmed to behold a life-size portrait of Baba in exactly the same pose as He designed to visit our abode on two consecutive days first as 'Mrutyunjaya' and the next day as Divine 'Athithi1! In a flash, I understood what the 'Dayaa Sindu' had meant, both literally and in a metaphorical sense, when He told me that I could find Him here, as, indeed, anywhere one wants and needs, if only with all one's heart and will. Now, the flood gate burst open and I poured out my heart to him. Tears of joy welled up in my eyes flowing as if in an unending stream, and my heart melted away into secret raptures. I then remembered having heard some year ago while at Waltair that one Sri C. Rangaiah Naidu, under the inspiration of Sri D. Durgaiah Naidu, a pioneer devotee of Baba and well known to the Shirdi Sansthan, had installed a portrait of Baba for worship at Vizianagaram, This was it. Continued on Page 7



Baba’s Close Devotees Santaram Balwant Nachne Dahanukar, Thana, 13th September, 1936 : Courtesy: http://blessedones.saibaba.com/ In 1927, I went to Shirdi for chowla, i.e., tuft ceremony of Kaluram. Then Baba's direction to me to go to Deopur which I had neglected till then was again stressed on me, through another saint who had come up to Shirdi. That was Nanu Maharaj or Sripad Narsoba Panchlegankar, aged only fifteen. He asked me without any intimation to him of what or who I was or what Baba told me about anugraha (initiation).


"Have you been to Deopur?”

Asagya Rahitaya Namaha

I was taken aback. I answered in the negative. N: Why? I: There is no one at Deopur older than myself (in my Guru's line) for me to accept my Guru and get anugraha. N: What of that? My Guru is younger than I. Guru's name is Bhagavat.

His name is 'Doi Pode' and your

Sri Narsoba promised to show me his Guru later. Accepting this reminder, I carried out Sai Baba's order and went to Deopur and accepted anugraha. I had never met Sri Narsoba before. Next year, I learnt that Narsoba was arriving at Bombay V.T. As his train steamed in and came to a stop, from his compartment he beckoned to me as I stood amidst a crowd and showed me his Guru, an eight-year-old youth, Sripad Ramakrishna Doi Pode. Sri Narsoba is doing "Sudhi" work; I have not met him after 1928. His Guru is still a student (for Matriculation Exam.) at Guntur (Madras Presidency). I will close this long account with one instance of Baba's response to my prayer for help to strangers. On 3-12-1923 I was seated in my house at Andheri, facing the road. One Mr. Noel was driving his car along the road. A little girl, daughter of Vittal, was knocked down by the car. As I saw it I prayed, "Baba, save her". The car










stopped, I went down and picked up the child and took her to the hospital. The stopping of the car before the child was crushed was a miracle. The break in the car was not working. Then on examination it was found, though the break was not put on, a stone had somehow got into the gear and that was how the car suddenly stopped in time. Looking at the injuries to the girl, the Sub-Assistant Surgeon feared they would prove fatal. But I told him, "Sai Baba would save her". She continued as an inpatient in the hospital for fifteen days and she recovered her health; but her power of speech was not restored. That continued to be her condition for nine months. Then Das Ganu came to Andheri and I told him the facts. He told me to give her Baba's Udhi again for restoring her speech. I again gave her Udhi. The next day she began to speak. This was most marvellous. She is alive now and speaks very well. Baba kindly gives me opportunities of doing service to others. In 1926, he appeared to me in a dream and bade me go and tell Mr. K.G. Kothare (Bar-at-law) "not to do what he was proposing to do". Despite the vagueness of the message, I went to him and delivered the message. He thanked me for it and informed me that it referred to the step he had been intending to take. He wanted to give up his Grihastasram and become a Sanyasi. He gave up the idea, at that time. Continued from Page 5 My heart leapt as I felt reassured that Baba was, as He continues to be with me and I was not bereft of His Grace, that He is enshrined in every image and portrait of His, ready to manifest Him self at a split second's notice, or none at all, even as "the gentle rain from heaven upon the place beneath". It can be as His re-incarnation, or incognito as a person or an animal, or in a vision, or as subjective (or call if sub-conscious, superconscious or subliminal) realisation of His being 'BHAKTHA PARAADINA" ever alert to fulfil Himself according to His charter to give His children whatever they want so that they will being to want what He wants to give them, blessed is he who thus qualifies. "Such man is free from servile bands of hope to rise or fear to fall, Lord of Himself though not of lands And having nothing, yet hath all." Sir Henry Wotton (A Happy Life) Glory be to Shri Shirdi Sai Baba - Grace be to all

Devotees Experience: It's many years, now, since the Divine appearance of Lord Shirdi Sai appeared to me in a dream. He sat in His usual, one leg over the other, position. To me it was a shock to see Him, that I awoke, and gasped, "My God! That was Shirdi Sai". As I digested the experience I gradually fell asleep. And there He was again! Sitting, looking silently at me. It was as if I was looking at the black and white photo of Him, one that I have seen many times in books. Perhaps we conversed, I don't know, but there and then I drifted into a deep sleep. From then on I have Him and Sathya Sai Baba, as my dearest friends. I know they are always with me. How blessed we are that the Lord comes to comfort us, and guide us through life. All Glory to Lord Sai.Patrick Gallivan

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Lear arn Le n an andd Parti rtici cippa atte e Pa

Stories for this Week: “Shirdi Sai Baba” Dear Friends, Late Prof. D.D. Parchure was an executive editor of Shri Sai Leela magazine. He also wrote a book called “Children’s Sai Baba”. From this week onwards, we will learn about our Guru Shirdi Sai Baba as said in this book. Let us start from Prof D.D.Parchure’s message to you. Jai Sai Ram ****** My young friends, A picture, like the one on the side, you have no doubt seen in many places. In many homes, in the bazar, in shops and in taxis you will find this picture. It is of Sai Baba, the Great Saint, who lived at Shirdi, District Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India. He was extremely fond of children, because he himself had childlike simplicity and purity of heart. Whence did be come to Shirdi, how he attained a name and fame, what experiences people had about him - all these wonderful stories I will tell you in the following pages. Having read these once, you will feel like reading them again and again till you get them by heart. Like countless other people, you will come to love Baba. You will offer him daily prayer and ask for his blessings, which he will certainly bestow on you. Introducing you to Baba, This is your Chacha D.D. Parchure ***** BABA’S FIRST DARSHAN In Maharashtra, there is a district named Aurangabad, in which there is a village named Dhoopkhede. Chandbhai was the patel of that village. Once he lost his horse. Chandbhai searched and searched, but to no avail. A week after, while he was on the search, he noticed by the roadside a young lad of sixteen, having sedate looks and wearing the garb of a fakir. This beautiful boy with lustrous eyes at once captured Chandbhai's heart. Reading, as if the onlooker's mind, the fakir beckoned Chandbhai and asked, "What are you looking for, patel? "I have lost my horse. For this whole week, I am searching him," said Chand, approaching the fakir, with folded hands. "Then why go further? Your animal is grazing beyond that THE





hedge, there, look!" told the fakir, with. a gentle smile, pointing to a thick hedge beyond which nothing could really be seen. Chandbhai went and saw, and Io! The horse was found quietly grazing there. Chandbhai was awe-struck. How did this fakir recognise him as the patel, how did the boy know that there, was a horse beyond the hedge and that it belonged to him all this struck him with wonder. He was convinced that the boy had a spark of Divinity in him. As Chandbhai related this incident among his friends and neighbours, the boy's fame spread like a drop of oil on the surface of water. A few months later, a marriage procession went from Dhoopkhede to Shirdi. The boy fakir also accompanied it. When the procession reached the outskirts of Shirdi,it stopped to pay homage to God Khandoba. Mhalsapati, the priest of Khandoba temple, eyed the fakir, and out of spontaneous admiration, exclaimed, "Welcome, ye Sai Baba". It was as if the Divine Will that had given the boy this name, for that very naw stuck to him all his life. From that day (1854), the boy stayed in Shirdi. But what was his real name and his native place none ever came to know. People at Shirdi soon discovered the perfect Saintliness of the fakir and by and by, many of them became his devotees (bhaktas). A few, however, who were themselves of a saintly nature, saw the real worth of this Godly person. Sadhu Gangagir said, "This is a gem. By your great good luck, you have got him." Anandnath said, "This is a jewel you will know its worth in the immediate future." From places like Bombay and Poona, you can now go to Shirdi directly by State Transport buses. You can also travel upto Manmad or Kopargaon by Central Rly and then take a bus to Shirdi. When Sai Baba first came to Shirdi, it was a little known, underdeveloped village. But as Baba came and his fame spread in all quarters, Shirdi also grew and improved. Like Pandharpur, it is now a great place of pilgrimage. Thousands and thousands go there everv year to have a darshan of Baba's, Samadhi (Tomb). Devotees still get the same experiences of Baba as they did when Baba lived in flesh. Baba entered Samadhi in 1918. Now let us see Wherein lay Baba's greatness and read the Bhaktas' actual experiences about Baba. Will continue‌..



Chapter 48 Contributed by: swamy@saimail.com


Signs of Sad-guru Continued from last issue…. Mrs.Saptnekar Then he made preparations of worship and naivedya and came with his wife to the Masjid. He offered all this to Baba daily and accepted prasad from Him. There was a crowd in the Masjid and Sapatnekar went there and saluted Baba again and again. Seeing heads clashing against heads Baba said to Sapatnekar - "Oh, why do you prostrate yourself now and then? The one Namaskar offered with love and humility is enough." Then Sapatnekar witnessed that night the chavadi procession described before. In that procession Baba looked like a veritable Pandurang (Vithal).

 Sarva Sakthi Moorthaye Namaha

At parting next day, Sapatnekar thought that he should first pay one rupee as dakshina and if Baba asked again, instead of saying no, he should pay one more, reserving with him sufficient amount as expenses for the journey. When he went to the Masjid and offered one rupee, Baba asked for another as per his intention and when it was paid, Baba blessed him saying - "Take the coconut, put it in your wife's oti (upper fold of her sari), and go away at ease without the least anxiety." He did so, and within a year a son was born to him and with an infant of 8 months the pair came to Shirdi, placed it at Baba's feet and prayed thus - "Oh, Sainath, we do not know how to redeem Your obligations, therefore we prostrate ourselves before You, bless us poor helpless fellows, henceforth let Your holy feet be our sole refuge. Many thoughts and ideas trouble us in waking and dream states, so turn away our minds from them to Your bhajan and bless us." The son was named Muralidhar. Two others (Bhaskar and Dinkar) were born afterwards. The Sapatnekar pair thus realized that Baba's words were never untrue and unfulfilled, but turned out literally true. Sai Ram. Sraddha and Saburi are needed and this story illustrates how Baba was burning off the past sins of Sapatnekar and brought him pure and ready for receiving the grace! Sai Ram.

Bow to Shri Sai ~ Peace be to All








Source: http://devotionalonly.com/aditya-hridayam-stotram/ Continued from last issue… िपतरो वसवः साध्या ह्यिश्वनौ मरुतो मनुः। वायुविर् ह्नः ूजाूाण ऋतुकतार् ूभाकरः॥ ९॥ 9. Pitaro Vasavah Saadhya hyasvinau maruto manuh | Vaayur Vahnih prajaa praanah hritu Kartaa prabhaakarah || Pitaro = Lord of Reproduction (pitru Devas) Vasavah = The eight Vasus; Saadhyah = The twelve Saadhyas (In charge of manifestation) Asvinou = Two Asvini Kumars; Maruto = Groups of Marutas (who vibrates); Manuh = Vaiva svata manu; Vaayuh = Air; Vahnih = Fire; Prajaa praanah = The bestower of life to people; hritu kartaa = The ordainer of the seasons like vasanta, saradritu etc.; Prabhaakarah = bestows fame and name i.e. Aditya. In deed he is pitris, the eight Vaasus, the Saadhyas, the twin Aswins (physicians of Gods), the Maruts, the Manu, the wind God, the fire God, the Life breath of the universe, the maker of six seasons and the store house of light. Will continue…

For all SaiDarbarUSA activities in Greater Philadelphia, please visit www.saidarbarusa.org. Sai Temple, Downingtown, PA. (http://www.saitemplepa.com/.) Temple is open on all days. Please contact Mr. Raj Singh at 610-656-1396 or Sai Temple at 610-269-1112 for more details about the temple activities.






Disclaimer: The editor does not accept any responsibility for the views expressed in the articles published. This e-magazine is intended for private circulation only. Information contained in this email is about Sri Shirdi Sai Literature and Sanatana Dharma. You have received this magazine because you are either subscribed to this directly or through one of the email groups receiving "The Glory of Shirdi Sai". To Subscribe: You or your interested friends and family members can subscribe for THE GLORY OF SHIRDI SAI by sending an email with the subject line ‘Subscribe’ to members@saidarbarusa.org. To Un-subscribe: If you are a direct member and do not wish to receive this e-magazine in future, please email to members@saidarbarusa.org with the subject line ‘Unsubscribe’. Please send your feedback to feedback@saidarbarusa.org

From the= Editor’s Desk

All unhappiness is due to the ego; with it comes all your trouble. What does it avail you to attribute to the happenings in life the cause of misery which is really within you? What happiness can you get from things extraneous to yourself ? When you get it, how long will it last ? - Ramana Maharshi Dear Sai Devotees, We encourage you to continue writing about your Sai-related activities and experiences in essay, article, or poetry form and email it to us at editor@saidarbarusa.org. We will put in our best efforts to include as many of your submissions as possible in the upcoming newsletters. As previously done, we will publish the author’s email id with the respective entry. If you would like to stay anonymous, please explicity state this request in your submission email. JAI SAI RAM

Publisher and Editor: Badri Narasimhan Editorial Team: Radhika Nistala, Kanchana Kumar, Sumathi VijayBhaskaran, Kalyan Koduri Email: editor@saidarbarusa.org


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