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The Glory of Shirdi Sai Tenth Year of Publication - Published as Bi-Weekly www.saidarbarusa.org ~ an affiliate of www.saidarbar.org



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गुरुॄह्मा गुरुिवर्ंणु: गुरुदेर् वो महे श्वर: | गुरु: शाक्षात परॄह्म तःमै ौीगुरवे नमः:||


CONTENT Satsangs of SaiBaNisaji Time Machine Shirdi Dairy Sri Sainatha Mananam The Dreams Train Devotees Corner Baba’s close devotees Children Section Spiritual Gems From Sai Satcharita Aditya Hridayam

Questioning leads to clarity Sometimes in our routine life we tend to follow certain predetermined procedures and protocols, without even understanding its importance and priorities. Always the act of questioning is a beautiful thought process and it helps us to better understand and agree with our Sadguru. This also helps us to extend our values in life in proximity to Him, enabling us in our process of surrender to Shri Sai. As the world becomes more complicated, make sure we question anything we are not clear about. Always acquire His help and assistance for directions to lead our life in a peaceful productive way. Never be afraid to ask questions to Him. It will only enhance our relation with Sadguru and make us more sensitive towards his teachings. Questioning does not at any point mean being rude, or disrespectful. It should be a desire which enhances our travel towards Him more simpler and faster. The main component of questioning is to emphasize on the need to follow His teachings after following the mode of questioning, and not to argue with questioning. Always be ready to listen to His comments. May this Thursday with His blessings of different experiences let's try to lead a path of clarity which will help us attain our goal in life. Bow to Shri Sai ~ Peace be to All




In Satcharitra, always our Guru tells His devoted readers and listeners, and makes a special request of "Never forget me". Baba always recommends His devotees to read the book day by day, or month by month, or make it a pray an...whatever be the method we choose. The purpose of doing the reading is to listen to the stories, question the value of it, turn the answers we find an encouraging way to serve Sai and be of use in this materialistic world.

 Swaroopa Sundaraya Namah

1912 5 January Friday Shirdi

In the morning I got up early though I did not sleep well at night. I attended the Kakad Arti. Sayin Maharaj was in a pleased mood. My son Baba & Gopalrao Dole went to him. On seeing them he said “go ”.Taking this as permission to return they hired Baba Bhau ’s Tonga and went away. I prayed and saw Sayin Maharaj go out, & again after he returned. He was in very good mood. Many people came. After the mid-day arti, & after the usual meal, I lay down for a while and then sat listening to Ramayan read by Dixit. Upasani Bhishma & Madhavarao were also present. Then about 5 P.M. I went to see Sayin Maharaj with Bhishma & my son Balvant. He told how he was not well and humorously discribed his ailments. Balabhau Joshi brought parched gram. Sayin Maharaj ate a few and distributed the rest. Then we stood near the Chavadhi when he came out for his stroll, & then we had the usual arti in the wada Bhishma ’s Bhajan & Dixit ’s Ramayan of which two chapters were read. Today some people from Dhulia came &went. The forna forna with the ailing girl got permission to return today.










Pujyasri B.V.Narasimhaswamiji, who visited Shirdi in the year 1936, collected authentic information about Lord Sainath from persons lived with Sai and wrote many books on Lord Sainath. All his works are authentic . One such book is SRI SAINATHA MANANAM. This book was published as early as in the year 1942 and the fourth edition came in the year 1945.

Namaskara Prostrations in front of you ! Prostrations behind you ! Oh, thou all, prostrations on all sides of you ! Thou hast endless prowess and immeasureable strength. Thou achievest everything and art therefore everything. Is I bow unto you Bhagawan Vasudeva the creator, the in-dweller in all creatures the perfectly peaceful and the great. Prostrations again and again to him of auspicous fame by reciting whose name, or by remembering him or seeing him or by bowing to him, listening about him or worshipping him, all sins of the world are immediately driven away. Prostrations to thee that owns nothing who has conquered all gunas who has his joy in himself, is perfectly peaceful and is the master of kaivalya.

Devayani’s Moksha Mantrams Salutation to you of many forms ! And salutations, again and again to you of no forms, or of one wonderful universal form; to you without any gunas though yet the soul of all gunas ! Prostration to thee, the auspicious master of the world, appearing in the form of Supreme Jnana. To thee the ocean of love towards good devotees. Bow to him the witness of Jnana who is inherent in the hearts of all so directly as to require no proof and who yet is considered by the ignorant to be afar. I bow to you the Supreme Good. I bow to you the benefactor of all. I bow to you Sainatha Krishna whose nature is Reality.

Will continue




17-09-1997: Sai appeared as an unknown person and said: 1.Your physical body is not permanent and so also the intermediate status gained in life. 2.The Rulers of the past and even the presidents who ruled the countries are sitting idle after finishing their terms. Holding positions is like playing musical chairs. I do not know why people are more attached to remain in power by all means. Positions in the materialistic World are a temporary phenomina

 Sulochanaya Namaha


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As if to prove paradoxically that the law of compensation works itself out to perfection in nature, the handsomest of my children, a boy, and the most cheerful withal, was born dumb. This was confirmed when he failed to gain the power of speech as he grew up to complete his fifth year. His heroic efforts to make himself understood through gestures and unintelligible blabber only lent poignancy to the situation, Yet, he was the least perturbed. It was an object lesson in philosophic reconciliation. Being feminine in my attitude to life and, thus though endowed with the characteristics resilience to bear "the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune", I could not help giving way to tears every time I saw him. It was the optimism of my wife, Kamala, derived from her unflickering faith in Baba's never failing Grace, that helped me sustain myself. She was never tired of iterating and reiterating the incredible miracles worked by Baba in our life: how He had helped me in a hopeless condition to regain health: how His Vdhi' (Vipudhi), the sacred ash, from the perennial fire (dhuni) at Shirdi first kindled by His Yogic power, and used as a panacea for all bodily and mental ills, had enabled her without any medical help to deliver her twin child in a matter of seconds, though the seasoned midwife had averred it would not be for another six hours; how He had re-incarnated Himself and came as Bikshapati to revive our dead first-born son, aged ten years; how He had enabled me to obtain employment in the Central Government though I was past 42 years, and retain it in










the face of difficulties inherent as well as created by jealous elements; how He was continuing to fulfil Himself according to His Charters granted for all time to His children, by saving us from want and imminent dangers time and again, and so on, and so forth. All this was, no doubt, true. But I was a doubting Thomas, besides being a vertiable woman at heart, wanting and in need of constant and renewed proof of the Solicitude of my Lord and Master at every stage. Thus, I felt that in this boy's case something had gone wrong somewhere. Else, why this tantalization in His fulfilling the first half of the Upanishadic Axiom when He had so readily rushed in answer to my challenge to fulfil, the other half? If the dead could be made to come back to life, then what could stand in the way of the dumb being made to talk? Of course, I was aware of the Biblical Dictum that the sins of the fathers are visited on their children. Thus, it may be that some past bad 'karma' of mine had descended as the curse of dumbness on this innocent boy. Even so, how many a time has He not rescued His devotees by transmuting their accrued sufferings resulting from 'runanubandha' into lightly borne ones, or, not un often, taken them upon Himself and sublimated them? I could not forget the fact that spiritually I am wedded to Him, my Lord and Master, and have taken refuge in Him. In the words of Robert Southey, "In Him I take delight in weal, And seek relief in woe; And whenever I understand and feel How much to Him I owe, My cheeks are often bedewed With tears of thoughtful gratitude!" (with apologies to Robert Southey for changing 'them' into Him) In the spiritual sense, there is no alternative to being prepared, to be passive, naked and unashamed! The beauty is the LOVED ONE does not let it come to pass. Is this not the lesson to be learnt from the wonderful manner in which He saved Draupadi's threatened nakedness? "Even as obedience to an earthly ruler makes life under it easier, mute and humble submission to the Divine will makes life on earth easier". However, all this wisdom was yet a long way off. For the time being, I could not free myself from a nagging doubt that the boy might for ever be condemned to a silent existence. But my wife had no qualms at all about his being able to speak in God's own good time. With a woman's instinct, she knew this in her heart. I now realise that I was like a forward child crying 'mother, mother' while being in her lap all the time! I was yet to be familiarised to Baba's wonderful' 'Sutradhaari' ways; yet to learn to be content to remain wherever and in whatever capacity or circumstances He chooses to place me; yet to appreciate that what is, is the best; that, in His infinite Wisdom as the Great mathematician, He sees to it that the sum total of a person's happiness and misery is always 'K' (a constant) whether a saint of a sinner; a nawab or a fakir; man, woman or child; yea, any living creature for that matter! Now, to hark back to the scene to see how Baba in inscrutable Wisdom designed to convert the gloom of despair into the bloom of hope-fulfilled. As my son was entering his sixth year, we were shifting to a different house, now he had become like the favourite lamb of the shepherd perched on his shoulder. Holding him by my left and with Baba's portrait in my right, as I was setting my foot on the first step, Baba alone knows from where, a black. dog appeared, and, coming close, licked him. It occurred to my mind later that a black dog has been instrumental in one of Baba's Leelas. In my eagerness and anxiety to pacify hjm lost sight of the fact that he had spoken! The others were somewhat behind me. Presently, when all of us were in, as is our custom on entering a house for residence for the first time, we offered freshly boiled milk with sugar to Baba and worshipped Him. As soon as we had partaken the 'Prasaadam', wonder of wonders! The boy began to speak, the words tumbling out of his mouth, vying with one another WORDS! Oh, how they came; brothers and sisters, nephew and nieces, uncles and aunts, even distant cousins, in truth the whole tribe of them came, thus constituting in the course of an hour the full vocabulary of a normal five year old boy, flabbergasting all of us, making us astonished and delighted by turns! Then, all at once, I felt the full impact of Baba's incredible 'Leela'. It was too great for words. I could only "Let my blood speak in my veins". Glory be to Shri Shirdi Sai Baba - Grace be to all



Baba’s Close Devotees Sri Narayan Asram, a SANNYASI OF WAI ~ 23rd SEPT. 1936 Courtesy: http://blessedones.saibaba.com/ I knew Sai Baba, i.e., heard the name and the greatness of Sai Baba in 1910 from Das Ganu Maharaj's kirtana. I asked him "Is Sai Baba living?" He said "Yes, at Shirdi." In five days of that I went to Shirdi and saw Sai Baba. In six months thereafter, I paid Baba nine visits. I often went to him in later years also. I was then in service, in the Customs Department and continued in it till 1926 when I retired on pension after 31 years service. 1927-1930 I spent in "Narmada Pradakshina". In 1931, I took Sanyas changing my former name “Toser" to the present one. I came first under a Guru's influence in 1895 whom I saw in a dream. When I went to Shirdi in 1910 and had my contact with Sai Baba, I found that he was the same as the Guru who gave me first inspiration (without any words) in my dream in 1895. Then I passed after 1918 into the charge of Vasudevanand Saraswati of Garudeshwar on the banks of Narmada near Nanded (in Gujarat). Though Vasudevanand Saraswati left the flesh in 1915 he had connection with Baba. I believe that Baba has left me in his charge. So, Vedasrama Swami of Kashi, Taraka Muth, Durgaghat, gave me deeksha in 1931. I mostly stay at Wai. As for my internal progress and Sai Baba's infulence on me, it is hardly a thing to be described.

 Bahu roopa Viswa Moorthaye Namaha

Sai Baba had different ways of dealing with different people. He was the centre and to each man he darted a separate radius. Most cared for external things only and hardly any came to him for the highest spiritual benefit of Atma Nishta. Hari Sitaram Dixit, Chandorkar and Dabholkar were probably those who came close enough to him to receive high teaching. Yet it is a question if any of them got into Atma Nishta or anywhere near that. Baba had made Dixit read Eknath's two works, as he was but a beginner in the religious field and had to develop his bhakti (devotion) chiefly. Of course, immediate proximity was not needed for development under Baba. When I was at Shirdi, I would mostly go and sit away by myself in the (Sathe) Wada and not be at the Mosque. Even at the Wada, one is under Baba's di-










rect influence. As for Baba's own state, that is a thing one can get a glimpse of from some facts. Baba had a way of touching (with his palm) the head of the devotee who went to him. There was no adhikari evidently to receive everything Baba could give and thus there was none to succeed to his position. But his touch did convey certain impulses, forces, ideas, etc. Sometimes he pressed his hand heavily on the head as though he was crushing out some of the lower impulses of the devotee. Sometimes he tapped, sometimes he made a pass with the palm over the head etc. Each had its own effect-making remarkable difference in the sensations or feelings of the devotee. Baba's touch was one means. Apart from that, he would invisibly operate on the nature of the devotee and effect a great change on him. He graciously conveyed to me without any words, the feeling that differences (between various souls etc.) i.e. all differences were unreal, that the One real thing is that which underlines all. This was after my first visit-in 1913 or 1914 perhaps. But Baba never spoke out this truth so far as I know. Obviously there was no competent adhikari who had to be spoken to in that way. Continues in the next issue‌..

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Stories for this Week: “Shirdi Sai Baba” Baba’s Devotees. Mhalsapati and Kashiram were the two earliest devotees of Baba. They assigned to Baba a dilapidated mosque to live in. Baba named it 'Dwarkamai'. People who came to Shirdi visited Baba and had his darshan at this place. Many structures, small and, big came up at Shirdi later on. But Baba lived all his life in Dwarkamai only. This place is, therefore, regarded as very holy. Mhalsapati spent almost his whole day with Baba and served him with utmost devotion. Kashiram supplied Baba all necessary things. There was not even a stint of selfishness in this. He did this all out of puire love and sense of service. Once when he was traveling on business, he had a bloody encounter with robbers. He was remembering Baba all the time. While he was, on the point of fainting due to exhaustion, a drama was taking place in Shirdi. Baba, throwing up his hands was shouting in Kashiram's direction. This gave Kashiram such a sudden spurt of strength that the robbers, being overpowered, fled away. This was a clear indication of Baba's supernatural powers. Next, Madhavrao Deshpande of Shirdi was strongly attracted towards Baba. He completely merged himself in Baba's service. Baba lovingly called him 'Shyama'. So great was Shyama's authority that Baba deputed Shyama to go in his own place wherever needed. What Arjuna was to Lord Krishna, the same was Shyama to Sai Baba.






Nanasaheb Chandorkar, a highly placed Govt. officer, also became Baba's unflinching devotee. Das Ganu Maharaj was serving in the Police Dept. But, after meeting Baba, be left the service and turned to the Path of devotion. He became one of the greatest kirtankars in modern times. He and Nanasabeb spread the fame of Baba in all quarters. Sathe built the first wada at Shirdi and this became a good resting place for visitors. Another wada, a bigger one, was built bv Dixit. This provided further amenities. But the biggest wada, a spacious stone and masonry structure, Was built by Gopalrao Buti of Nagpur. The present Samadhi Mandir is housed here. Radhakrishna Mai came and settled at Shirdi, after her husband's death. She lived only ten years more. But due to her tireless and imaginative work during that short span of life, she eiitirely changed the very face of Shirdi. The present discipline and daily routine at Shirdi were laid down bv her. That Shirdi soon attained the status of a Sansthan (Institution) is a testimony to her fiery zeal.ces about Baba. Will continue‌..



Chapter 49 Contributed by: swamy@saimail.com Hari Kanoba's Experience of Sai Leela


Hari Kanoba A gentleman of Bombay named Hari Kanoba heard from his friends and relations many Leelas of Baba. He did not believe in them as he was a doubting Thomas. He wanted to test Baba himself. So he came to Shirdi with some Bombay friends. He wore a lace-bordered turban on his head and a new pair of sandals on his feet. Seeing Baba from a distance he thought of going to Him and prostrating himself before Him. He did not know what to do with his new sandals. Still going to some corner outside in the open courtyard, he placed them there and went in the Masjid and took Baba's darshan. He made a reverential bow to Baba, took udi and prasad from Baba and returned. When he reached the corner he found that his sandals had disappeared. He searched for them in vain and returned to his lodging very much dejected.

ď œď€ Aroopa vyaktaya Namaha

He bathed, offered worship and naivedya and sat for meals, but all the while he was thinking about nothing but his sandals. After finishing his meals, he came out to wash his hands when he saw a Maratha boy coming towards him. He had in his hand a stick, on the top of which was suspended a pair of new sandals. He said to the men who had come out to wash their hands that Baba sent him with this stick in hand and asked him to go on the streets crying - "Hari Ka Beta. Jari Ka Pheta" and told him that "If anybody claims these sandals, first assure yourself that his name is Hari and that he is the son of Ka, i.e., Kanoba, and that he wears a lace-bordered turban and then give them to him." Hearing this, Hari Kanoba was pleasantly surprised. He went ahead to the boy and claimed the sandals as his own. He said to the boy that his name was Hari and that he was the son of Ka (Kanoba) and showed him his lace-bordered turban. The boy was satisfied and returned the sandals to him. Hari Kanoba wondered in his mind saying that his lace-bordered turban was visible to all and Baba might have seen it, but how could he know his name Hari and that he was the son of Kanoba, as this was his first trip to Shirdi. He came there with the sole object of testing Baba and with no other motive. He came to know by this incident that Baba was a great Satpurush. He got what he wanted and returned home well-pleased. Sai Ram. The logical / rational mind needs such experiences to accept the intuitive part of the mind that is bigger and more powerful. I too had my share of doubts in these things and He, out of His kindness showed me also many such mystical experiences and helped me on the path. Sai Ram.








Source: http://devotionalonly.com/aditya-hridayam-stotram/ Continued from last issue… आिदत्यः सिवता सूयःर् खगः पूषा गभिःतमान ्। सुवणर्सदृशो भानुिहर् रण्यरे ता िदवाकरः॥ १०॥ 10. Adityah Savitaa Suryah Khagah poosha gabhastimaan | Suvarna Sadrusho bhanuh hrirannya_retaa Divaakarah || Aditayah Savitaa Suryah Khagah Poosha Gabhastimaan suvarnaa Sadrusho Hemaretah Divaakarah

= Son of Aditi, = Suryaa; = Inspirer of senses; = Identified his way in Logos; = The nourisher; = possessor of rays, = Having golden hue; = Having the fertility as golden light; = The bestower of day light.

He is the Son of Aditi, the progenitor (of all) the Sun God (the inspirer of action) the Courser in the heavens, the nourisher of all, the possessor of rays (the golden) the brilliant, the seed of the universe and the maker of the day. . Will continue…

For all SaiDarbarUSA activities in Greater Philadelphia, please visit www.saidarbarusa.org. Sai Temple, Downingtown, PA. (http://www.saitemplepa.com/.) Temple is open on all days. Please contact Mr. Raj Singh at 610-656-1396 or Sai Temple at 610-269-1112 for more details about the temple activities.






Disclaimer: The editor does not accept any responsibility for the views expressed in the articles published. This e-magazine is intended for private circulation only. Information contained in this email is about Sri Shirdi Sai Literature and Sanatana Dharma. You have received this magazine because you are either subscribed to this directly or through one of the email groups receiving "The Glory of Shirdi Sai". To Subscribe: You or your interested friends and family members can subscribe for THE GLORY OF SHIRDI SAI by sending an email with the subject line ‘Subscribe’ to members@saidarbarusa.org. To Un-subscribe: If you are a direct member and do not wish to receive this e-magazine in future, please email to members@saidarbarusa.org with the subject line ‘Unsubscribe’. Please send your feedback to feedback@saidarbarusa.org

From the= Editor’s Desk

O Dawn, grant us riches to rejoice our hearts, cattle and horses and men of true valor. Protect from trampling feet our sacred grass. Preserve us, O Gods, evermore with your blessings! Rig Veda VII, 75, 8 Dear Sai Devotees, We encourage you to continue writing about your Sai-related activities and experiences in essay, article, or poetry form and email it to us at editor@saidarbarusa.org. We will put in our best efforts to include as many of your submissions as possible in the upcoming newsletters. As previously done, we will publish the author’s email id with the respective entry. If you would like to stay anonymous, please explicity state this request in your submission email. JAI SAI RAM

Publisher and Editor: Badri Narasimhan Editorial Team: Radhika Nistala, Kanchana Kumar, Sumathi VijayBhaskaran, Kalyan Koduri Email: editor@saidarbarusa.org


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