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The Glory of Shirdi Sai Tenth Year of Publication - Published as Bi-Weekly www.saidarbarusa.org ~ an affiliate of www.saidarbar.org



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गुरुॄह्मा गुरुिवर्ंणु: गुरुदेर् वो महे श्वर: | गुरु: शाक्षात परॄह्म तःमै ौीगुरवे नमः:||


CONTENT Satsangs of SaiBaNisaji Time Machine Shirdi Dairy Sri Sainatha Mananam The Dreams Train Devotees Corner Baba’s close devotees Children Section Spiritual Gems From Sai Satcharita Aditya Hridayam

Positive thoughts take us to HIM Always there is a thought in our mind. The mind is always in the midst of thinking, interpreting and following the guidelines it sees. The longer we hold on to it, and the more we dwell upon it, the more life and reality we give to that thought. As we give it enough time to dwell in life, it will become real. So make sure the thought always is a great one worth to be followed to go towards HIM in life. All the positive thinkings and blessings within us in our thoughts give us positive vibrations. The first step towards it is to be understanding the sayings of our SADGURU and with His guidance move our thoughts in a wonderful, peaceful and positive way to get His blessings. Always work hard and spend some time with Him and overcome all the obstacles and negative thoughts which could hinder our progress. Do not be clinging on to any emotions you are afraid of. Always love the friends and family and also strangers who can make our life an important aspect for well being. Always remember the dream and follow them with His blessings which will make it sure better than it seems. On this Thursday, let us kneel in front of Him and imbibe positive vibrations and inculcate positive thoughts to reach our GOAL. Bow to Shri Sai ~ Peace be to All




Over all ages always we read that Shirdi Sai is beyond religion, following simple moral and spiritual protocols. Eventhough His messages are surrounded with complex depth, it is easy to follow and achieve His blessings. Always He promises that He will help His devotees at the time of crisis and this is a great vibration with many of us. Through His main teachings He never founded a religion, or no strict practices, and He always kept it very simple with His blessings to achieve salvation. Until this day the Fakir in a tattered Kafni, is remembered across the world, and the Dhuni in Dwarakamai has been burning ever since His passing over with the confidence from His devotees that it will brighten the life for all of us and help us shed our ignorance.

 Sarva Bhara Bhrute Namah

1912 8 January Monday — Shirdi

Please tune in and listen to non-stop bhajans at: www.saibhaktiradio.com

I got up early in the morning and feeling it too early, went again to sleep and then overslept my usual moment of leaving bed. So things got set forward and in that way affected the routine of the whole day. After prayer I sat reading Yogavashishta of Ranganath with Bapusaheb Jog, Upasani, Rama Maruti & Madhavarao Deshpande. We saw Sayin Maharaj go out &again saw him after he returned. During the mid-day service, after the arti Sayin Maharaj exhibited sudden & great anger and abused violently. It appears, as if, Plague is likely to reappear here & Sayin Maharaj is endeavouring to prevent its reappearance. After meals, we sat talking. I read a little of Ramayana & then arrived Mr Sané Mamaledar of Kopargaon with Mr Joshi who is a Deputy Collector of Dhulia. Later on we went to Sayin Maharaj after reading a chapter of Ramayana. We waited there long enough to see him at & after his usual stroll, & then attended the Sheja Arti. At night there was the usual Bhajan & Ramayan.










Pujyasri B.V.Narasimhaswamiji, who visited Shirdi in the year 1936, collected authentic information about Lord Sainath from persons lived with Sai and wrote many books on Lord Sainath. All his works are authentic . One such book is SRI SAINATHA MANANAM. This book was published as early as in the year 1942 and the fourth edition came in the year 1945.

Saranagati 

I seek refuge with Sri Sainatha, whose prema or love makes him so charming, who is so terrible to the enemies of his devotees, whose eyes are like the lotus, who is easily won and reached by punyas, whose very form spells success and who is a mine of mercy.


I seek refuge with Sri Sainatha who is both mother and father of his devotees, with Sri Sai Rama who has no more desires to fulfil, with the God Sri Sai, the ferry across the ocean of samsara and with the moonlike Sri Sai.


Seek refuge with Sai alone with all your heart. By his grace you will reach supreme peace, that permanent abode.


Give up all your attempts at following the moral law and surrender to Sayeesa. Sai will save you from all sins. Do not worry.


What good is there in this wealth, in these horses and elephants and in the conquest of a kingdom? What good in child, wife, friendship, cattle, body and houses? Oh Mind ! Knowing all these to be transient things of a day, cast them afar from you and for secuing the object of your soul oh worship, oh worship, the Lord Sri Sainath to whom even great ones resort. Will continue With the blessings of Lord Sri Sai Nath, SaiDarbarUSA.org is completing its Ninth year and cordially invites you with family and friends for its Annual Day Celebrations at

Chinmaya Kedar (www.chinmayakedar.org) 560 Bridgetown Pike, Langhorne, PA 19054 On 6th October, 2012 at 02:00pm




05-10-1997: Sai appeared as hermit and said: 1.To know about God, first shed your inner ego and then help others to the extent possible. When you die money is not going to come along with you. This will be the only way to please God. 2.The day you loose attachment towards women and wealth and decide to lead a life of simplicity; God will come in search of you.


Practice detachment from the most common obstacles.

Akarmaneka karma sukarmine Namaha


It has been narrated in the earlier article, how though past 40 and without a regular job, I was granted exemption and appointed as A Grade office Assistant in the Royal Indian Navy in Dec 1948. It was, no doubt; the first as well as the last such exemption granted by the Government of India as a striking example of Baba's grace. Now you can view this eNewsLetter from iPhone at http://worldofsai.com.


Hardly had I settled down in my job when, out of sheer jealousy, some of the office-staff petitioned the NHQ against my appointment and the exemption granted. I knew about it only when a letter came retracting the earlier order and allowing me the option to work in a lower category as a clerk. Mr. Brooker, who had originally recommended me, showed me the letter and wished to know my reaction. I was stunned. Apart from the discomfiture of










being downgraded, my emoluments would go down too, making it impossible for me to make both ends meet. Above all, I was hit below the belt. I said I was not prepared to be demoted. I requested him to forward my appeal against the patently unjust order. He readily agreed. All the while what was puzzling me was why Baba was tantalizing me like this. Of course, learn I did, though it took me long years to do so, that MUTE AND HUMBLE SUBMISSION TO HIS WILL IS THE ONLY RULE FOR A PEACEFUL LIFE. But then, still being raw, I became desperate. As muuch so on reaching home, to the astonishment of my wife kamala, and to my own shame later on, I hit Him with my fist, the glass of the frame fracturing and cutting my fist into the bargain. I gave Him an ultimatum, so to say, to see through my appeal, or else! I sat down before Him and wrote it out in the strongest language possible telling the people at the NHQ about their ineptitude, cussedness, inability to take a decision in the first instance, and causing untold misery to an appointee to cover up their administrative inefficiency.' Mr. Brooker's face went red on reading the appeal. He glowered at me and demandd to know whether I called it an appeal and, whether I expected him to forward it to the NHQ. I told him that Britishers were still at the helm and, since they were not playing the game but hitting me below the belt, I expected him, as an Englishman, to come to my rescue. He immediately cooled down and volunteered to send it adding, "The worst that can happen to me is that, they can terminate my contract, according to which I have still a year to go. Well, I can always go back to my job home. So, here goes! "It was a stinker all right. I bided my time keeping my fingers crossed. Before a week had passed came a reply cancelling the adverse letter and regretting the inconvenience caused to me. No long after, a new technical department called the Directorate of Naval Armament Inspection was formed. As there was no age bar for this, Mr. Brooker, sensing a possible recurrence of trouble for me on this score, put me up as a candidate, and I was selected again as an act of Baba's grace. The emoluments were higher. Baba had steered my course clear of the sharks and shoals of jealous intrigues and administrative objections. Baba, in His Infinite Mercy, wished to spare me further suffering. Hence it was He had created so many obstacles and diverted my course in a totally unexpected manner to perfect safety. IT HAS BEEN SAID THAT MAN IS HIS OWN ENEMY AND OFTEN COMES IN THE WAY OF GOD TO DO GOOD TO HIM. It took me a long time, indeed decades, to sense this fully and cease to be like a wayward and naughty child of an indulgent father, and learn 'to be content to remain where and what you are according to His will. The truth is one can be happy only when one, "To God doth late and early pray ~ More of his grace than gifts to lend, And entertains the harmless day ~ With a religious book or friend. Such man is freed from servile bands ~ Of hope to rise or fear to fall, Lord of himself though not of lands, ~ And having nothing, yet hath all". ("A Happy Warrier" by Sir Henry Wotton)

Glory be to Shri Shirdi Sai Baba - Grace be to all



Baba’s Close Devotees RAGHUVIR B. PURANDHARE S/o Bhaskar Purandhare, aged 60, Brahmin, Deshasth Shukla Yajur Vedi (Kelva Mahim, Thana Dist - originally) now at Bandra, Retired clerk of G.I.P. Rly, Sainath Ashram, 59-B, Perry Road, Bandra ~ POONA, 4TH MAY 1936


Courtesy: http://blessedones.saibaba.com/ He directed me to co-operate with Kaka Saheb Dixit (i.e., H.S.Dixit) and told Kaka Saheb to cooperate with me. We two acted together as intimates.

Punya Shravana Keerthanaya

He never talked to me of Dhyana. He never asked anybody to pray to him only. "Continue your usual prayers, be it to Shanker or to Vishnu," he said. He used to give Darshan to the devotee in that form, e.g., S. or V. or Goddess, whichever the devotee adored.


About 1913 - My mother was long pressing me to go to Pandharpur. I did not mention the matter to Baba to get the necessary permission. Baba himself broached the subject of going to Pandharpur and asked her when she was hoping to start. Then Baba gave my wife and mother Darshan of himself as Vithoba and Rukmai, at Shirdi Masjid. They were highly pleased and did not want to go to Pandharpur. He often asked her afterwards when she would go to Pandharpur. She always replied thereafter that her God was there at Shirdi which was her Pandharpur. When my wife was ill once before her delivery, Baba appeared in a dream and applied Udhi and she got up and cried, "Baba is come and applying Udhi fresh and hot from the Dhuni. My body is burning. So get up." She got alright. Like this, Baba has appeared several times. When in great difficultly, I always cried before his picture at home. He would then appear before me at once and comfort me. Nana S.C. told me of Baba's sending a man with Udhi to help his daughter in her delivery in ill-health at Jamner; that a tongawalla and horses not sent by him fetched the messenger and disappeared. That messenger is a Ramgir Gosavi still alive at Shirdi. Baba used to call him Babugir. Nana's two sons, Babu and Bapu, are at Kalyan in "Chandorkar Wada, Kalyan". A daughter of his is living at Poona. Nana was proud of his Sanskrit knowledge. Sai











Baba asked him to explain ‚Thadviddi Pranipathen etc., and he did. Baba corrected him and explained it better. This is mentioned in (Satcharitra) Ch. 2 on that matter: Ch. 31, 32 & 33 of "Bhakta Lilamrit" by D.G. and I Ch. in "Santa Katamrit" by D.G. and "Bhavartha Deepika" by Dabholkar Sri Sai never talked in my presence about Adwaita, etc. He said always "Allah will protect," "God protects us all, the poor, etc." He never said in my presence that he (Sai) is in all. But he often identified himself with God. I do not remember his talking of Pranayama, Kundalini, etc., and I never cared for these. N.S.Chandorkar said that Baba knew Sanskrit. Baba took up Bhagavata, etc., and pointed out passages to people as specially suitable for them. This supports N.S.C.

Will continue…...


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Whether man knows it or not, there is for him only one aim in life, and eventually he realizes this when he consciously experiences his own eternal and infinite state of "I Am God." ~ Meher Baba

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Lear arn Le n an andd Parti rtici cippa atte e Pa

Stories for this Week: “Children’s Sai Baba” Baba’s Miracles Baba was a Mahatma (Great Soul) with uncanny,divine powers. But he called himself "Servant of God,' and the supernatural feats that occured at his hands, he ascribed to God Himself. He never called himself a Guru and had no disciples too. He had only his devotees. Now I will tell you some of the earliest leelas of Baba. Every night, Baba used to light earthen lamps in the Dwarkamai. For this, he asked the grocers to give him oil. In the beginning, people looked upon Baba as a mad fakir, and so the grocers gave him oil just for the fun of it. But soon they got fed up with this daily practice and one day they all refused to give him oil. With the empty oil-tin dangling from his hand, Baba came back to Dwarkamai, with a merry song on his lips :If no oil, I am not worried, Dwarkamai will supply the need. He put a little water in the oil tin and drank it, as if to please the God within. Then he took more water, poured it in the lamps and kindled them one by one. Alack and ... ! God said, let there be light And there was light ! The 'water-lamps' burnt throughout the night. Those who had come to scoff remained THE





to praise. This incident established the supernatural powers of Baba beyond a shred of doubt. At another time, there was an epidemic of Cholera in Shirdi. Helpless people approached Baba for relief. Baba daily used to grind corn in the Dwarkamai. Now he called the village women and asked them to lend a helping hand to grind some wheat, beckoning God all the time to save his children. Then he asked the women to throw the wheat-flour on the outskirts of the village. Immediately, the calamity was driven away. One evening, the sky suddenly became overcast with clouds. There were strong winds and flashes of lightening. Soon there was a fierce hailstorm, followed by heavy rains. Again Baba ran to the villagers' rescue. With satka (a foot-long black rod) in hand, he stood at Dwarkamai's door, and thrashing the pillars with satka, ordered the rains to stop. And stop they did! Once the fire in the dhuni blew up fiercely and the flames rose higher and higher. Baba ordered the fire to calm down and the fire instantly obeyed. Many a time, Baba took the bhaktas' ailments on himself. He suffered their pangs and the bhaktas' were were relieved. An instance in point is that of a young boy who had come to Shirdi with his mother. The mother was constantly in the service of Baba, when her son had an attack of plague. The fever rose dangerously and the mother, 'thinking that nothing could be done in Shirdi, asked Baba whether the son should be taken home. Consoling her, Baba said, "Mother, since you have thrown the burden on me, you need not worry. I am taking on your son's fever and the bubos, look". So saying, he showed the bubos in his arm-pits. The fever too could be clearly felt. The boy soon recovered. Will continue‌..



Chapter 49 Contributed by: swamy@saimail.com .. Nanasaheb Chandorkar Hemadpant concludes this chapter with a story of Nanasaheb Chandorkar. When Nanasaheb was once sitting in the Masjid with Mhalasapati and others, a Mahomedan gentlemen from Bijapur came with his family to see Baba. Seeing ghosha (veiled) ladies with him, Nanasaheb wanted to go away, but Baba prevented him from doing so. The ladies came and took the darshan of Baba. When one of the ladies removed her veil in saluting Baba's feet and then resumed it again, Nanasaheb, who saw her face, was so much smitten with her rare beauty that he wished to see her face again.

ď œď€ Theerthaya Namaha

Knowing Nana's restlessness of mind, Baba spoke to him after the lady had left the place as follows - "Nana, why are you getting agitated in vain? Let the senses do their allotted work, or duty, we should not meddle with their work. God has created this beautiful world and it is our duty to appreciate its beauty. The mind will get steady and calm slowly and gradually. When the front door was open, why go by the back one? When the heart is pure, there is no difficulty, whatsoever. Why should one be afraid of any one if there be no evil thought in us? The eyes may do their work, why should you feel shy and tottering?"

Shama was there and he could not follow the meaning of what Baba said. So he asked Nana about this on their way home. Nana told him about his restlessness at the sight of the beautiful lady, how Baba knew it and advised him about it. Nana explained Baba's meaning as follows - "That our mind is fickle by nature, it should not be allowed to get wild. The senses may get restless, the body, however, should be held in check and not allowed to be impatient. Senses run after objects, but we should not follow them and crave for their objects. By slow and gradual practice restlessness can be conquered. We should not be swayed by the five senses, but they cannot be completely controlled. We should curb them rightly and properly according to the need of the occasion.

To be continued








Source: http://devotionalonly.com/aditya-hridayam-stotram/ Continued from last issue… व्योमनाथःतमोभेदी ऋग्यजुःसामपारगः। घनवृिष्टरपां िमऽो िवन्ध्यवीथीप्लवङ्गमः॥ १३॥ 13. Vyomanaatha stamobhedi hRigyajuh Saamapaaragah | Ghanavrushtirapaam mitro vindhyavithi plavangamah||     

Vyomanaatha Tamobhedi Rugyajusaama paaragah Sama; Ghana Vrushtih Apammitrah

= The lord of the cosmos; = Drives away darkness and institutes light; = One who has visualized the three vedas Rig, Yajur and = One showers abundant rains; = Friend of waters;

Vindhya Vithi plavangamah = one who travels in the direction South of Vindhyas. He is the Lord of the firmament, the dispenser of darkness, the master of the three vedas Viz Rig, Yajur, Sama, the sender of the dawn, the pourer of showers, the friend of waters, crosses the Vindhya range, who sports in Brahmanadi (he who goes on his course swiftly) Will continue…

For all SaiDarbarUSA activities in Greater Philadelphia, please visit www.saidarbarusa.org. Sai Temple, Downingtown, PA. (http://www.saitemplepa.com/.) Temple is open on all days. Please contact Mr. Raj Singh at 610-656-1396 or Sai Temple at 610-269-1112 for more details about the temple activities.






Disclaimer: The editor does not accept any responsibility for the views expressed in the articles published. This e-magazine is intended for private circulation only. Information contained in this email is about Sri Shirdi Sai Literature and Sanatana Dharma. You have received this magazine because you are either subscribed to this directly or through one of the email groups receiving "The Glory of Shirdi Sai". To Subscribe: You or your interested friends and family members can subscribe for THE GLORY OF SHIRDI SAI by sending an email with the subject line ‘Subscribe’ to members@saidarbarusa.org. To Un-subscribe: If you are a direct member and do not wish to receive this e-magazine in future, please email to members@saidarbarusa.org with the subject line ‘Unsubscribe’. Please send your feedback to feedback@saidarbarusa.org

From the Editor’s Desk

Faith directed toward spiritual life is in the mode of goodness, faith rooted in fruitive work is in the mode of passion, faith residing in irreligious activities is in the mode of ignorance, but faith in My devotional service is purely transcendental. ~ Uddhava Gita Dear Sai Devotees, We encourage you to continue writing about your Sai-related activities and experiences in essay, article, or poetry form and email it to us at editor@saidarbarusa.org. We will put in our best efforts to include as many of your submissions as possible in the upcoming newsletters. As previously done, we will publish the author’s email id with the respective entry. If you would like to stay anonymous, please explicity state this request in your submission email. JAI SAI RAM

Kindly send your comments or suggestions to Editorial Team Email: editor@saidarbarusa.org


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