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The Glory of Shirdi Sai Tenth Year of Publication - Published as Bi-Weekly www.saidarbarusa.org ~ an affiliate of www.saidarbar.org



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गुरुॄह्मा गुरुिवर्ंणु: गुरुदेर् वो महे श्वर: | गुरु: शाक्षात परॄह्म तःमै ौीगुरवे नमः:||

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CONTENT Satsangs of SaiBaNisaji Time Machine Shirdi Dairy Sri Sainatha Mananam The Dreams Train Devotees Corner Baba’s close devotees Children Section Spiritual Gems From Sai Satcharita Aditya Hridayam

Believe in Him Fear is one of the qualities that could drive us away from Sai. Fear manifests in different ways and forms and may lead to other emotions like anger, greed, and lust. Freeing oneself of the fear that lies deep within can be done only with the guidance of Sadguru. Fear can be fought with Shraddha and Saburi. Sadguru gave the lesson of Faith and Patience not as mere words to be remembered once a while or read in books, but to be continually put them into practice. When we do not understand the meaning of certain words, we use the dictionary and we do get the details of the word. But when it comes to the point where we have to practice what we studied that is the challenging situation in life. When we read and think about the path laid by Shri Sai it is invariably noted that slowly but surely the fear slowly disappears and one starts becoming free of the burden. He is always ready to lead all those who approach Him and tend to follow Him. On this Thursday let us believe in HIM and take away all the fears and light the lamp of confidence with positive attitude and HE will guide us through. Bow to Shri Sai ~ Peace be to All **** HAPPY DUSSEHRA TO ALL OUR READERS ****





Sri Sai Baba used to tell his devotees frequently: Whether you are before me or at far off place, whatever you do and think will be known to me." He used to tell the devotees who visited him, their past, present and future. This is called Ruthambara Prajna in Yoga Shastra. This is found in saints in a limited capacity. But Sri Sai Baba's power was limitless, covering the entire world and beyond imagination. Always He teaches His devotees to keep their mind pure. We should do our duties in a proper and satisfactory way, without expecting reward for actions. Then the mind will become pure and knowledge comes out from a purified mind. Once we get into the habit of following His teachings we will attain the Jnana we are seeking!!!!!!!!

 Vasudevaya

1912 9 January Tuesday — Shirdi


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I got up early in the morning, attended the Kakad Arti and after finishing the prayer had my bath. Then with Bapusaheb Jog, Upasani & Rama Maruti, read Yogavashishta. We saw Sayin Maharaj go out & then again after he returned to Masjid. There was a gentleman named Pimple from Amalved with a companion. After the midday arti, we had our meals & I sat reading the letters received by today ’s mail. There are also three newspapers. So there was a good deal to read. Dixit read the Ramayana about 5 P.M. & later on we went to the Masjid and saluted him when he came out for his stroll. At night there was the usual Bhajan of Bhishma & Dixits Ramayan.

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Pujyasri B.V.Narasimhaswamiji, who visited Shirdi in the year 1936, collected authentic information about Lord Sainath from persons lived with Sai and wrote many books on Lord Sainath. All his works are authentic . One such book is SRI SAINATHA MANANAM. This book was published as early as in the year 1942 and the fourth edition came in the year 1945.

Need for Saranagati What we long for here that flies away afar.What we never dreamt of that comes to us here. Noting the topsy-turvydom of Brahma,Sants seek refuge at the feet of Sai. If the inevitable can be evaded by adoption of remedial means, Nala, Rama and Yudhishtira would not have suffered such great sorrows. There is no one that is the giver of joys and sorrows. It is a false notion that God gives these. The idea that one is the doer of actions is baseless egotism. All are pulled by the strings of their own former karma. Where the king is Dharmaraja, the son of Yama, where Bhima stands armed with his mace, where Arjuna is the bowman and Gandiva is his bow and where-Krishna is the friend,--there is yet sorrow and trouble.

Prayer for acceptance of Saranagati Even as we go on seeing it, life is ebbing away.Youth perishes; the days that are passed do not return. Time devours the world. Fortune and wealth are as unsteady as the wave on the waters. Life passes away like lightning. Thereore have I surrendered unto you oh ! Saiyeesa the granter of refuge. Protect me now. Diseases are constantly attacking the strength of the body. Desires and passions are daily burning out the heart and mind. Death is dancing always weilding or turning the days. Therefore thou art my refuge now oh ! Sainatha. The body is ever changing is dying away, the mind always bent on objects is full of pain, the intellect is endlessly attached to objects of sense. Therefore you are my refuge now oh ! Sainatha. Just like water in a porous pot, life is passing away. The glory of fresh youth is as fickle and momentary as the flash of lightning. Age advances fast like a lioness. Therefore you are now my refuge oh ! Sainatha. Will continue




11-10-1997: Sai appeared as hermit and said: 

Though I am not in physical form today, I am appearing to my devotees in their dreams and granting a feeling that I am amongst them.


Presently, women are ill treated is not good sign for the society. Women are God’s creation in the form of mother ‘Gayatri’. One should pray on her to receive blessings.


A mother’s curse could spell doom for anybody.

Sataangataye Namaha


Now you can view this eNewsLetter from iPhone at http://worldofsai.com.

This pertains to my totally unexpected selection as an Ammunition Supervisior in the newly-formed Directorate o Naval Armament Inspection of the Royal Indian Navy in 1949 in the face of normally insurmountable obstacles. To begin with, I was already 43, an age, as a rule, a disqualification for fresh entrants to a brand - new Government department. Further, I had not touched ammunition even with a barge¬pole till then. So, I was pleasantly surprised to find my name topping the list of successful candidates. No doubt, it was in accordance with Baba's "aagna". Presently, I came to know that we would be required to go to U.K. for train-











ing. My immediate reaction was against it for reasons of health. It was quite baffling to me why, in His Inscrutable wisdom, Baba had led me on to this job not withstanding my inability to go abroad of which, as 'Sarvantaryaami', He must be fully aware. I was, however, sustained by a blind faith. IS NOT "FAITH TO BELIEVE WHAT YOU DO NOT SEE AND THE REWARD OF THAT FAITH IS TO SEE WHAT YOU BELIEVE", IN THE GOLDEN WORDS OF ST.AUGUSTINE. About two years passed thus. It chanced that the British Technical Assistant, one Mr. Mordy, was invalided and flown to the U.K. Usually, they call for a replacement from the Admiralty. To my surprise, I found myself as the defacto. Tech. Asst. and being tacitly accepted as such by my immediate boss, a dyed-in-the-wool Britisher named Smith. Yet, I was not out of the Woods At long last, Maj. Priestly; of the Royal Marines, the Director, had managed to obtain the sanction of the Govt. of India to send the first batch of four candidates to the U.K. and one fine day, erelong my passport arrived. As Mr. Smith took and reached it across the table with congratulations, I involuntarily recoiled from it. I somehow managed to blurt out, "I am not touching it, Mr. Smith!" He was stunned. I added, "You see, the fact is I never wanted to go to the U.K. and am not going. I have been guilty of an act of dishonesty in not having confessed it at the beginning. It is high time you wrote and told the Director everything, come what may!" He looked bewildered. He seemed to think I was talking through may hat. So, in a gentle manner he told me, "Listen, don't say anything to me now. Take the car and go home. We shall talk over it tomorrow." "Look here Mr. Smith", I replied "This is not a sudden decision. Only, I am two years late in announcing it." I felt greatly relieved, as if a heavy burden weighing me down had been taken off; but I felt more insecure about my position. Only the undercurrent of my faith in Baba sustained me. The next day when Mr.Smith saw me reiterating my refusal, he set about much against his will to write and explain the predicament to Maj. Priestly, rather going out of the way to safeguard my position. He wrote that I already knew the ropes and my not going to the U.K. should not be allowed to come in the way of may future prospects. I, no doubt, knew in my heart of hearts that Baba was behind all this, though nothing could yet be said how things would finally turn-out. Maj. Priestly was wild with rage. He wrote a stinker addressed to me saying that "In spite of the uniformly glowing tribute to the brilliant record of your work in the department, I shall most regretfully, be obliged to downgrade you in view of your unwillingness to go to the U.K. for training. If you are not prepared for this, you may seek your future elsewhere." I felt overwhelmed. After reaching home, as I went in still in a daze and my eyes fell upon Baba, I broke down and began sobbing out my heart to Him. My wife; Kamala, whose single-minded devotion to Him is like a steady flame in the face of all the winds that blow" came near and said, "what has happened that you are crying like this? My woman's instinct tells me that nothing untoward will be fall us. Why fear when Baba is with us?" I read out and explained the letter of Maj. Priestly to her. To my astonishment she stood her ground without being perturbed in the least by the letter nor by my gloomy forebodings of impending doom. Rather, she turned round and poohpoohed the very idea. "Afterall, who is Priestly to make or mar us?" she demanded to know. "It is the prerogative of Baba only and Baba alone. Priestly has only held out a threat. How long will it take for Baba to make him change his mind? ………….will continue in the next issue.

Glory be to Shri Shirdi Sai Baba - Grace be to all



Baba’s Close Devotees RAGHUVIR B. PURANDHARE S/o Bhaskar Purandhare, aged 60, Brahmin, Deshasth Shukla Yajur Vedi (Kelva Mahim, Thana Dist - originally) now at Bandra, Retired clerk of G.I.P. Rly, Sainath Ashram, 59-B, Perry Road, Bandra ~ POONA, 4TH MAY 1936


Courtesy: http://blessedones.saibaba.com/ Baba's foreknowledge of his own death:

Two years before 1918 Dusserah, i.e., Dusserah of 1916 Baba burnt all his Kupny, langote and kerchief which he Sat took off saying "This is my Simollangan". People make Parayanaaya Shami worship and present Shami leaves to each other and cross their frontier, as though they were having a sucNamaha cessful raid on that day. When people asked him why he burnt out his clothes on this special holiday, he said, "This is my Simollangan," i.e., "crossing the border." Two hours later, he wore new clothes, Kupni, langotee and headkerchief - just as all people wear new clothes on that day. He remained two hours naked after burning the clothes he wore and was fierce. People forced him to wear these new clothes then, which were always ready by the dozen. Baba told Ramachandra Dada Patel (who was ill then) that Tatya Patel - the head of his family - 'would go away on this day, after two years'. Two years after that, Tatya was seriously ill. Baba also was ill for a week before Dusserah; Baba gave up the body and Tatya recovered. So people say that Baba gave up his own life to save Tatya's i.e., in exchange of Tatya's. Such examples we find in the lives of other saints. Even now, Baba is saving life. Here is an instance. In 1932 - I was hopelessly ill of Sciatica and Rheumatism. I then saw Yama's dutas near me. But Sai Baba came up, sat on my bed, took my hand on his knee and prevented Yamadutas touching me or my bed. I was saved. I was very passionate, i.e., hot-tempered. He told me often, "If anybody comes and










abuses you or punishes you, do not quarrel with him. If you cannot endure it, speak a simple word or two or else go away from the place. But do not battle with him and behave like that. I feel sick and disgusted when you quarrel with others. He said this to me and to others also several times. Twelve or fifteen days before S.'s death, he drove away myself and Dixit to Bombay. He told us, "I will go further and you follow me." He gave us permission to go, at the Masjid saying, "my Turbat (Tomb) will speak; my name also will speak, my mutti, i.e., clay will give you replies" and told us to clear away. We went away in a bullock cart. He had no disease at that time and we did not expect his death then. He had spoken these words previously and we did not understand their import or importance. Baba never talked in my presence of the goal of life or about Mukti, or Swarga or Paradise. He said once "I will take my Kaka in Vimana." In 1926 on an Ekadasi in perfect peace and talking of Baba, Kaka Dixit suddenly expired. Baba has often said to me and to others, "He who is mine, even if he dies 1000 miles off, I will drag him to myself just as we draw a sparrow with a thread" and to many people he said, "I will not allow my man to get away from me." I saw some devotees dying at Shirdi on Ekadasi. They must have got Swarga thus. Baba did not, to my knowledge, describe Kylash, Vykuntha, Swarga or Moksha. In 1914-6 or so, Baba was asked by a lady, "When will I get a good birth?" Baba: "In your next birth." Next day, she jumped into a well to end her life but was saved. He occasionally foretold the future. I never asked about my own future. 'Taking in Vimana" means Sadgati. Baba advised one Sagun Meru Naik to put some ghee on the rice and place the rice with ghee in the Dhuni (fire) as an offering and then bring the rest to him. This was in his (Sai Baba's) lifetime. Ever since then, S.M.N is doing this. Baba ate that food. That food was brought from his (S.M.N's) own house. Previous to that, his Naivedya had no ghee. The Naivedya is still coninued by that man. ( I have not seen Baba eating animal food). He told Fakris to utter Fatya when Moslems made offerings……… ……...Will continue in the next issue.


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Stories for this Week: “Children’s Sai Baba” Baba’s Festivals Once Gopalrao Gund, another steadfast devotee of Baba, thought of celebrating the Ram Navami festival at Shirdi and holding also a fair along with it. Baba was exactly thinking of the same things and so he readily agreed to Gopalrao's proposal. The Ram Navami festival and the fair were started in 1911 and are continuing from year to year to this day on better and bigger scale. Thousands of devotees from all parts of the country attend this festival. Three days there is kirtan, at the end of which there is GopalKala. Lord Krishna's birthday is celebrated on the Gokul Ashtarni day when the popular sport Dahi-handi is held. There are also wrestling bouts at which tempting prizes are given. Physical culture and solidarity among the people - the two main features of Krishna's life - are achieved through this festival. This is the very foundation of a healthy society. Guru Pournima is celebrated in the month of Ashadh. This is the day of paying yearlv tribute to one's guru. Though Baba never called himself a Guru, still the Bhaktas offer special worships to Baba on this day out of love and veneration. Artists voluntarily present their performances before Baba. The underlying principle of the Ram-Krishna festivals is to foster a feeling of equality among different sections of the society. On such occasions people forget their differences and freely mix together. Mahatmas like Sai Baba want exactly to achieve this and that is why they celebrate various festivals. Baba’s All-Pervasiveness Baba had become one with every being in the world. Hence the service of any creature ultimately reached Baba. A lady living at Shirdi would daily bake two breads - one for Baba and another for herself. One day she was taking the bread for Baba when a dog approached her, licking its lips in hunger. Instantly, by some inner urge, she offered the bread to the dog. She went THE





back and started again to take the other bread for Baba. Now a pig approached her and she offered him that bread too. Then realising that she had nothing to give to Baba, she felt intensely sorry and mentally asked Baba's pardon. Later, she went to Baba and sat with folded hands. immediately Baba said, "Ma, today you offered me bread twice, so that I was doubly satisfied." The lady thought Baba was taunting her for not giving him anything. Remorsefully she cried, ."Baba, today I had nothing left with me. So what could I bring for you ?" Baba-replied, "Ma, you offered one bread to the dog and another to the pig. They both reached me, because I am one with them." Once a lizard, perched on a wall in the Dwarkamai began chirping vigourously. This is considered to be an ill-omen. So a devotee asked Baba what evil it portended. Baba said, "There is no evil portend in this. The lizard's sister will presently come here from Aurangabad to meet her. So she is singing in joy." Everyone there thought Baba was joking as was his habit. But very soon a bhakta arrived from Aurangabad for Baba's darshan (to meet and seek blessings). And as he opened his sack, a lizard jumped out. Straightaway she scaled the wall and embraced her 'sister'. Their jesticulations definitely showed that they were overjoyed to meet each other. How could Baba know all this before hand ? All were convinced that the two lizards were sisters. My young friends, if you were there to, see the meeting, would vou not feel the same ? Serpents and scorpions too were in Baba's command. Once a cobra bit Shama's foot and its poison began to go up. Shama was brought to Dwarkamai. Sensing the danger to Shama's life, Baba said sternly, stop going up. Come down." This was a command to the Serpent's poison and it obeyed the same immediately. A darvesh had tamed a tiger who used to do certain tricks and thus maintain himself and his master. As the tiger grew old, he could no longer play his tricks. Naturally, he and his master both had to face starvation. Ultimately, the tiger became mad and uncontrollable. As he was approaching his end, the darvesh brought him to Baba for a last grace. Baba asked the darvesh to release the animal who at once became quiet. Approaching Baba he prostrated himself at Baba's feet and as Baba was stroking his back, the tiger opened his jaw and breathed his last. Baba said, "This was a great bhakta of Lord Shiva. He has gone to Kailash (Lord Shiva's abode). Now bury his mortal remains in front of Shiva". It was done. Today his tomb can be seen in Shirdi. Will continue‌..



Chapter 49 Contributed by: swamy@saimail.com .. Nanasaheb Chandorkar Continued from the previous issues…. Beauty is the subject of sight; we should fearlessly look at the beauty of objects. There is no room for shyness or fear. Only we should never entertain evil thoughts. Making the mind desireless, observe God's works of beauty. In this way the senses will be easily and naturally controlled and even in enjoying objects you will be reminded of God.

 Loka naathaya Namaha

If the outer senses are not held in check and if the mind be allowed to run after objects and be attached to them, our cycle of births and deaths will not come to an end. Objects of sense are things harmful. With Viveka (discrimination) as our charioteer, we will control the mind and will not allow the senses to go astray. With such a charioteer we reach the Vishnu-pada, the final abode, our real Home from which there is no return." Sai Ram. Baba"s teachings were direct and simple and to some extent Nana"s explanation is far more intellectual and pedantic because of Nana Saheb"s study of Gita etc. Baba was simply asking Nanasaheb to adopt the role of a witness to the senses, their inputs and thoughts and be fearless through a pure mind. Baba was also hinting at the uselessness of suppressing desires and forceful observance of austerities. Mind will become pure gradually when the mind gets fed up of enjoying the sensual pleasures – this may take one or more births! Sraddha and Saburi are needed and also are enough. Sai Ram.

Bow toShri Sai ~ Peace Be To All








Source: http://devotionalonly.com/aditya-hridayam-stotram/ Continued from last issue… आतपी मण्डली मृत्युः िपङ्गलः सवर्तापनः। किविवर्श्वो महातेजाः रक्तः सवर्भवोद्भवः॥ १४॥ 14. Aatapimandali Mrutyuh pingalah sarvataapanah | Kavirvisvo Mahaatejaah raktah sarva bhavo dbhavah || Aatapi Mandali Mrutyuh pingalah Sarva tapanah Kavih Visvah Mahaatejah Raktah Sarva bhavodbhavah

= Blazer of heat with his rays; = having the shape of a cycle (round shape); = The cause of death; = Having yellow colour; = making every body burn; = Pundit (Learned one poet); = The universal form; = The most brilliant; = Having reddish colour; = origin for the course of every work.

He is a giver of heat, adorned with a cycle of rays, he is the death itself (of impediments) tawny (or yellow coloured one) and the destroyer of all. He is omniscient, all formed, extremely, brilliant, reddish (or the beloved of all) and the source of all evolutes Will continue…

For all SaiDarbarUSA activities in Greater Philadelphia, please visit www.saidarbarusa.org. Sai Temple, Downingtown, PA. (http://www.saitemplepa.com/.) Temple is open on all days. Please contact Mr. Raj Singh at 610-656-1396 or Sai Temple at 610-269-1112 for more details about the temple activities.






Disclaimer: The editor does not accept any responsibility for the views expressed in the articles published. This e-magazine is intended for private circulation only. Information contained in this email is about Sri Shirdi Sai Literature and Sanatana Dharma. You have received this magazine because you are either subscribed to this directly or through one of the email groups receiving "The Glory of Shirdi Sai". To Subscribe: You or your interested friends and family members can subscribe for THE GLORY OF SHIRDI SAI by sending an email with the subject line ‘Subscribe’ to members@saidarbarusa.org. To Un-subscribe: If you are a direct member and do not wish to receive this e-magazine in future, please email to members@saidarbarusa.org with the subject line ‘Unsubscribe’. Please send your feedback to feedback@saidarbarusa.org

From the Editor’s Desk

The whole universe is a projection of the mind; therefore it is a mode of the mind. The true nature of the mind is bliss, and when the mind is stilled, bliss absolute is revealed. ~Avadhuta Gita Quotes Dear Sai Devotees, We encourage you to continue writing about your Sai-related activities and experiences in essay, article, or poetry form and email it to us at editor@saidarbarusa.org. We will put in our best efforts to include as many of your submissions as possible in the upcoming newsletters. As previously done, we will publish the author’s email id with the respective entry. If you would like to stay anonymous, please explicity state this request in your submission email. JAI SAI RAM

Kindly send your comments or suggestions to Editorial Team Email: editor@saidarbarusa.org


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