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The Glory of Shirdi Sai A Bi-Weekly Publication by www.saidarbarusa.org an affiliate of SAIDARBAR Hyderabad, India



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गु ब्र मा गु िवर् ण:ु गु दवो महे वर: |

गु : शाक्षात परब्र म त मै ीगरु वे नमः:||

सबरु ी

CONTENT Satsangs of SaiBaNisaji Time Machine Shirdi Dairy

Follow HIM with Aim

Sri Sainatha Mananam

This is one of the best times of the year which is filled with prayers, blessings and moving a step closer to Shri Sai to follow His lead. All we need to do is to imagine and expect what to happen and then Baba will make the way to enhance the process of spiritual guidance.

The Dreams Train Devotees Corner Baba’s close devotees Children Section Spiritual Gems From Sai Satcharita Aditya Hridayam

Baba always teaches His devotees that the world always makes way for a person who knows what they want. So in this auspicious week of Diwali set the goal if life and work towards achieving it. If we do not set this goal, we will be spending time aimlessly and that may not be an effective path to reach HIM. As we listen and follow Sai, always be ready and decide the destiny. Always be in a peaceful space, and learn to quiet the mind. Always a quiet mind is where you really want to settle the thoughts in. Be calm and serene and consistently pray to Him and you should want Him more than our own mind. From this Thursday try to spend few minutes every day in nature and find yourself in Baba's presence. A practice lived with regularity will keep your spiritual life in balance, you'll also find you will feel the tenderness of Sri Sai Baba and hear the whisper of heaven.

Bow to Shri Sai ~ Peace be to All JAI SAI RAM



Babu Rao Tukaram Kakade of Satara narrated his experience as Follows: In 1946,he started for Shirdi with his wife and children to attend Guru Poornima. Rain was pouring in and near Shirdi.He took the evening train at Poona and reached Kopergoan around 2.30 am, he knew no one. Rains were pouring and he felt helpless. Suddenly an old man came to him and asked him "What are you praying for?"Kakade answered, "I wish to go to Shirdi". The old man took him and his family and engaged a Tonga to go to Shirdi and suddenly disappeared when Kakade got into the carriage. Kakade then turned to thank him but could find no trace of him. When the Tonga reached Godavari, there was plenty of water in the river. The Tonga driver did not wish to take the risk of crossing the river with occupants in it. Some other person appeared there and asked Kakade and wife to ford the river by walking. As for the two children. The stranger carried them in his arms till the other bank was reached. The Tonga stemmed the river freed from the human weight. Then Kakade turned to thank him but the stranger had left the children on the bank and disappeared."

 Satya Dharma Paraaya naaya Namah

11 January 1912 Thursday — Shirdi

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I got up very early, prayed & attended the Kakad Arti. At the usual time I Upasani & BapuSaheb Jog read Yogavashishtha of Ranganath We saw Sayin Maharaj go out & again after he returned. He was in very good mood & every thing passed off in good style. After the midday meal I lay down for a while & then Dixit read Ramayan. He also read a guor strotra guor strotra by Eknath. Towards evening we went as usual to see Sayin Maharaj come out for his stroll. He did so. Radha Krishna Bai had set up the phonograph. On hearing its noise Sayin Magaraj got very angry & used hard words & we returned thinking. At night there was the usual Bhajan of Bhishma & Dixits Puran. There was Rahata Bazar today & Bandu went to it but could purchase nothing beyond vegetables.









Pujyasri B.V.Narasimhaswamiji, who visited Shirdi in the year 1936, collected authentic information about Lord Sainath from persons lived with Sai and wrote many books on Lord Sainath. All his works are authentic . One such book is SRI SAINATHA MANANAM. This book was published as early as in the year 1942 and the fourth edition came in the year 1945.

Prayer for acceptance of Saranagati 

If the body with its nine apertures should be stricken with illness, there is the remedy udhi and tirtham., And the doctor is Sayee Maheswara.


If Sai is Narayana, the soul of virtue the basis of truth, and unrivalled in his power, oh udhi ! remove this sickness (or remove this sorrow and do good.)


To those who have not resorted to your feet, you are the giver of their troubles. To all those who are in trouble and distress, you are the sole grantor of relief.


(Kunti says) Oh teacher of the universe, let us have troubles constantly at every step, for thereby, we shall think of you and have your darsan. By seeing you, we shall attain that state from which there is no return to Samsara.


For the benefit of babies' health, the mother administers even castor oil. Even so, Sree Sayeesa administers sorrows and troubles for benefitting the devotees.


The master's punishment of servant is a great favour(and benefit). We are children and do not understand this. Pray give us wisdom and the power of endurance and courage.


You have none to punish or protect, and none to regard or disregard. Yet for the sake of creation, maintanance and withdrawal of the universe, you are clothed with Satwa, Rajas, and Tamas, as the time and occasion may call for.

Sai Mantra for Moksha I am feeling that I have fulfilled the task ordained by thee by uttering thy name and reciting thy history everywhere. To those who are about to die, I teach thy name as the mantra for securing their moksa salvation. Will continue




13-11-1997: Sai appeared as an old man and said: 

At times when you encounter problems from men around while spreading Sai philosophy, give a temporary pause.  Only a handful engage in spreading my philosophy by hard work. A few by seeking donations in my cause to help others. You may not help them, but never criticise them and enter into arguments.  Never get elated by words of praise. I will take on myself all the false accusations. You simply follow the chosen path.


There are many ways to serve a cause as per individual’s capacities.

Siddheswaraya Namaha


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The facts herein set down clearly demonstrate how one's absolute surrender to Baba blesses one with his infinite and never failing grace which in turn generates all the noble qualities like honesty and courage-honesty to confess one's errors, come what may, and courage to constitute oneself into a majority of one and stare the world in the face, even if it should have, blood-shot eyes! And by no means the least gratifying aspect of the situation is that in the final analysis such a one is seen invariably to come out unscathed, the so-called copy-book maxims incarnating themselves into little giants so to say, and forming an effective bodyguard. My appointment in the Naval Armament Inspectorate, Khamaria as Examiner-incharge of the manufacture of various components for a particular defence item involved meticulous planning and provisioning of high-precision gauges to be used at various stages. Since we were embarking upon the job for the first time in India, we had to obtain the blue-prints for the purpose from the British Admiralty. They










were in the from of one single schedule catering for the different marks in use including the one being made by us. My boss Lt. Cdr. Rodney Todd by name, trained in England, was quite conversant with the practical aspects of the work. Nevertheless, he left the whole thing to me, both because he felt I could do it and it was the best way for me to learn. The result was I Bungled. Instead of confining my-self to the Particular mark in view, I prepared a demand for gauges for all the marks as given in the schedule. Quite a few of them had to be made in England, Since such sophisticated technology for making the special steel and achieving -the Precision was not then available with us. And so, the list as Prepared by me was forwarded and went through different channels at higher levels without anyone detecting the grievous error. None of us was wise to the ignominious blunder, least of all myself. It is difficult to imagine what sleepless nights of anxiety and fear of impending doom would otherwise have held me in thrall. For, as will be seen presently, my huge mistake was to cost to the government quite an unnecessary loss of a few lakhs of rupees. This came to light only during the visit of a high-ranking Naval Officer sent to review and report on the progress we were making. While going through the records, he was taken aback to find that we had ordered for so many guages not required for our purpose and he was in a towering rage. He was closeted with my boss whom he squarely took to task for such sheer incompetence amounting to criminal negligence putting the government to the loss of a sizeable amount. What explanation had he to offer for such a disgraceful lapse? And so on. Sitting in the adjacent room where I could heat everyghing, I felt as if I were the target of the 'slinge and arrows of the outrageous' insults sought to be heaped on thehead of my boss since the actual blame lay at my door. The impact on me of the realisation of the grave magnitude of my stupid error was stunning. I felt the need for courage to speak out the truth. After all, courage and honesty are not things to be put on the shelf, to be used when convenient. They should be the rules of life. Baba sees to it that it is so if one avoids trying to deceive oneself and Him into the bargain. Further, this would not be the first time when an unreserved confession of truth had steered me clear through "the sharks and shoals" of life's ocean. So, nerving myself up and invoking Baba's grace for my aid, I went and knocked for permission to enter. I went in begging to, be excused for the breach of decorum in thus intruding but nevertheless requesting to be heard. Surprise and annoyance writ large his face, the officer from the NHQ demanded to know what the dickens I meant. I said the statement I wished to make would explain everything. I could see he was arresting his inclination to tell me to get out and asked with obvious jmpatience, "Yes, what, do you wish to say?" "Just one thing sir. I said, "and that is, the responsibility for this unfortunate state of affairs is primarily if not solely mine. Hence, it is I that should take the choking". This momentarily nonplussed him. Presenlty he asked me authoritatively, "Who is running the show here, Rodney or you?'. "No doubt, he runs the show, sir, "I replied," but may I point out that situation de facto is that

he has to take my word for granted for the purpose. This is the first occasion when he has had to regret it." The officer's mood suddenly changed, he seemed a bit overwhelmed by the unexpected turn things were taking. He calmed down, rang for a chair and asked me to sit down. "Now that you own up responsibility for the sorry mess", he continued, "will you please say how it.happened and why?" "Pure ignorance, sir," I said. "That I can see what a blithering idiot I was, though I acted in good faith. However, I arn not asking for any leniency. I plead guilty to the charge if what is tantamount to criminal negligence'. Silence reigned in the room for a minute or so. Collecting himself, the officer exclaimed, "Well, I don't know what to do with you, Mr, Ramaswami! You have so frankly owned up the error for which you alone are not responsible. That calls for the frankness on my part too. I myself was guilty of having committed such blunders when young. "Then, turning to my boss, he continued, "The only thing to do now is to forget the whole affair. A few lakhs are nothing to he government. We need honesty. I shall recommend for the loss to be written-off". "You can go, Mr, Ramaswami, thank you." He concluded. Tears welled up in my eyes as I realised the full significance of the dramatic manner in which acting in a split second as He always does, Baba had turned the tables to retrieve my position. Glory be to Shri Shirdi Sai - Grace be to all



Baba’s Close Devotees RAGHUVIR B. PURANDHARE S/o Bhaskar Purandhare, aged 60, Brahmin, Deshasth Shukla Yajur Vedi (Kelva Mahim, Thana Dist - originally) now at Bandra, Retired clerk of G.I.P. Rly, Sainath Ashram, 59-B, Perry Road, Bandra ~ POONA, 4TH MAY 1936


Courtesy: http://blessedones.saibaba.com/

In 1920 when my wife was seriously ill of influenza, she felt sorry, she could not attend the Urs Ramanavami. That night Sai Baba appeared in her dream and said, "Do not cry. I will take you for the Urs." She got slightly betSiddha ter next morning and narrated this to me. Illness still Sankalpaaya continued and she expired on Ramanavami crying "Baba, Baba" to the last. On the Ramanavami flag proNamaha cessions: 10 A.M., 12 Noon: Hindi Kirtan of Ram Janma begins after procession ends and flags are hoisted. The Moslems begin reading their Quran. They would take Sai Baba's sandals and go round with it in procession. We, Hindus, would accompany it. They would accompany our flag procession; so in the Arati it is recited that Sai Baba has taken birth to obliterate difference between Hindus and Mohammedans etc. I saw he had a hole in his ear and when he bathed naked, he had not been circumcised, so far as I could see. Megha worshipped Sai Baba as "Shanker" standing on one leg. Sai Baba told him in a dream to draw a figure of a Trisul on the wall of Sathe's Wada in which Megha lived. Megha did so. A lingam was added soon after and is still there, with Sai Baba's permission and was worshipped by Megha. Megha narrated an incident that he wanted to give Sai Baba a Gangasnan, i.e., a bath in the water of Ganges (Godavari). But Baba said, "Wet the head only. Head is the chief. Put a little water on it." But Megha went to Godavari at Kopergaon and brought a tubful of water and poured it all over Sai Baba's body. However only the head was wetted. Even the clothes were not wetted. I did not see this. I have heard Sai Baba sing a song once or twice. He would gladly hear people sing to him. Occasionally, what Sai Baba talked to us, would be found when we went at once to










hear Pothi, i.e., the reading of sacred works at Sathe's Wada where Bapu Jog read Eknathi Bhagvat. I had several experiences of the sort. I cannot remember details of even one instance. Baba used to be near the Dhuni, early morning facing south, leaning on a post and doing something. I cannot say what. People were not allowed to go near, i.e., even 50 feet. The Sevakaries could carry on their usual service or work of clearing, replenishing fuel for Dhuni, etc. No others could go so near as they. He used to utter words like Yade Haq. They were seldom clear or audible to us at some distance. Allah Malik, Allah Vali Hai, i.e., God is the Master and Protector, he used to say often and at all times. I once got leave from office at Bandra and from my mother to go. The next evening I had to start for Shirdi. But during the night, Sai Baba appeared to me in my dream and said, 'Don't come.' I wondered why. The morning after I was to have left, there was a strike in the workshop. If I had left overnight as I first proposed, my officers would have suspected me to be at the bottom of the strike and I would be in trouble. Sai Baba saved me from that. Yeshwantrao, grandson of Raghunath Mukund, Engineer, went with me to Sai Baba in 1911 or 1912 at Ashad Guru Purnima when cholera was raging in Shirdi. He did not wish to return before I did. But Baba told him to go and gave him his Udhi. But he did not wish to start. He stayed on though I also told him to go since he had leave of Baba. That night he had an attack of cholera to which he succumbed at Shirdi the next morning. Sai Baba went to Megha, when the latter was dying, shed tears there and covered the corpse with flowers and went to the funeral ground where Megha's corpse was burnt. Megha lay ill for two or three days before death. Baba used to give him Udhi then. Once Sai Baba prevented me from going away to Bombay even after 4.30 P.M. The last train at Kopergaon for Manmad would leave at 6.30 P.M. It was a Bazaar day (Monday). I got a bullock cart. Baba told Rege to go with me. We reached the river at 6.45 P.M. and reached the Kopergaon station at about 7.45 P.M. The train had gone away. There was a special train, however, running that night which stopped at 8.15 P.M. at Kopergaon and took us to Manmad and thence we reached our homes. There were no trains to Manmad from Kopergaon at night, i.e., after 6.30 P.M. in those days. ~~~Jai Sai Ram ~~~~ Please LIKE below facebook pages and support SaiDarbar Movement Shirdi Saidarbar http://www.facebook.com/ShirdiSaidarbar1 Saibanisa ji http://www.facebook.com/Gurusthan Dwarakamai Geet Mala http://www.facebook.com/dwarakamai


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Lear arn Le n an andd Parti rtici cippa atte e Pa

Stories for this Week: “Children’s Sai Baba” Baba was God Incarnate God is only one - really nameless and formless, but he appears in any form which is dear to his bhaktas. This is what Baba also did. Sometimes he appeared as Ram or Krishna, sometimes Vithal, sometimes Akkalkot Swami, sometimes a Moulvi, or a Guru. When Das Ganu was staying with Baba in Shirdi, he once wished to go to Pandharpur to see Vithal. He asked for Baba's permission. Baba said. "Ganu, for you Shirdi itself is Pandharpur. Why leave Shirdi and go so far ?" Das Ganu had implicit faith in Baba. But he thought, "if Shirdi is Pandharpur, then who is the Vithal here ?" As, with that thought in his mind, he looked up. Baba appeared to him in the form of Vithal. He has composed a beautiful song on this incident. Gauli Buwa mostly lived at Pandharpur, serving Vithal. But occasionally he used to go on pilgrimage and when he visited Shirdi, Baba would appear to him as Vithal Himself. At Prayag there is a confluence of Ganga and Jamuna. It is considered a very sacred place. Das Ganu once wished to go there. Again Baba said, "Ganu, your Prayag is here." At this, water began trickling down from both thumbs of Baba's feet. Das Ganu had his "Prayag tirth" there and then. Bapusaheb Jog, a devout bhakta residing at Shirdi, once longed to have a darshan of the late Akkalkot Swami. When he expressed his desire, Baba gave him a darshan in that form. To another Bhakta. Baba appeared as Gopal Krishna - the bhakta's favorite deity. A doctor from Bombay was a staunch devotee of Ram. He regarded Baba not as a great saint, but rather as a mad fakir. A close friend of his invited the doctor to go to Shirdi with him. The doctor agreed on the express condition that he would come to Shirdi merely as an onlooker, but not bow before Baba. On reaching Shirdi, the very atmosphere there softened' the doctor's resolve. He accompanied his friend who had started to THE





go to Baba, and, on seeing Baba from a distance, the doctor ran towards him and fell at his feet. Smiling meaningfully, Baba blessed him. As they both started to come back, the friend asked, "What happened, doctor ? Did you forget your resolve ?" "As soon as I saw Baba, my resolve vanished, for in Baba's place there appeared Shri Ram of Ayodhya. Unaware of myself. I ran and fell at his feet," said the doctor with tears of joy. For a long time after this, he was immersed in a state of bliss. A staunch Shastri of Nasik had come to Shirdi with a similar resolve. His devotion was only to his Guru who had passed into Samadhi some time earlier. Baba gave him a darshan in the form of his late Guni, whereby the Shastri was completely transformed. Some students while appearing for their examinations, or even afterwards, ask an astrologer whether they would pass or not. The astrologer tells them some hotch-potch, and the students get uneasy thereby. Sai Baba discouraged such habits. He would advise the students to concentrate on their studies and for the rest put their trust in God. Baba would bless them and apply Udi on their forehead. Such students would always come out with flying colours. Will continue‌..

The Kingdom of God is within you.



Chapter 50 Contributed by: swamy@saimail.com .. Stories of (1) Kakasaheb Dixit (2) Shri Tembye Swami (3) Balaram Dhurandar It is well-established fact, that though we try hundreds of means or sadhanas, we do not attain the spiritual goal of life, unless a Sadguru blesses us with his grace. Hear the following story in illustration of this statement. Kakasaheb Dixit (1864-1926)

 Yogesh waraaya Namaha

Mr. Hari Sitaram alias Kakasaheb Dixit was born in 1864 A.D., in a Vadnagara Nagar - Brahmin-family, at Khandwa(C.P). His primary education was done at Khandwa, Hinganghat, and secondary education at Nagpur. He came to Bombay for higher education and studied first in the Wilson College and then in the Elphinstone College. After graduation in 1883 A.D., he passed his LL.B. and solicitor's examination; and then served in the firm of the Govt. Solicitors, Messrs Little and Co., and then, after sometime started a solicitors' firm of his own. Before 1909 A.D., Sai Baba's name was not familiar to Kakasaheb, but after that he soon become His great devotee. While he was staying at Lonavla, he happened to see his old friend. Mr. Nanasaheb Chandorkar. Both spent some time, in talking about many things. Kakasaheb described to him, how when he was boarding a train in London, he met with an accident, in which his foot slipped and was injured. Hundreds of remedies gave him no relief. Nanasaheb then told him that if he wished to get rid of the pain and lameness of his leg, he should go to his Sadguru-Sai Baba. He also gave him all the particulars of Sai Baba and mentioned to him Sai Baba's dictum "I draw to Me My man from far off, or even across the seven seas, like a sparrow with a string fastened to its feet." He also made it clear to him that if he be not Baba's man, he would not be attracted to Him and given a darshan. Kakasaheb was pleased to hear all this, and said to Nanasaheb that he would go to Baba, see Him and pray to Him to cure not so much his lame leg, but bring around his lame, fickle mind and give him eternal Bliss. Sai Ram. What a great desire? It is clear that Guru"s grace was already flowing on Sri Kakasaheb Dixit, otherwise, how would he get that idea of asking to be cured of his lame and fickle mind (from chancala to nischala tatva, he is asking for a really great boon indeed!) – already he got enough detachment (see how he asked not to be cured of the lame leg but was asking for a far higher and nobler boon!). Sai Ram

Will continue...








Source: http://devotionalonly.com/aditya-hridayam-stotram/ Continued from last issue… नमः पूवार्य िगरये पि चमायाद्रये नमः।

योितगर्णानां पतये िदनािधपतये नमः॥ १६॥ 16. Namah poorvaaya Giraye paschimaayadraye namah | Jyotir ganaanaam pataye Dinaadhi pataye Namah || Poorvaya Giraye Namah Paschime Giraye Jyotirganaanaam pataye Dinaadhipataye

= Present on the east rising; = For the mountain; = Salutation; = Setting on the west side; = the mountain; = The groups brilliant rays; = To the lord; = Lord of the day Surya;

Salutations to you, the presiding deity of the Eastern mountain (where the sun rises), and the western mountain (where the Sun sets). Salutations to the Lord of the Stellar bodies and to the Lord of the day. Will continue…

For all SaiDarbarUSA activities in Greater Philadelphia, please visit www.saidarbarusa.org. Sai Temple, Downingtown, PA. (http://www.saitemplepa.com/.) Temple is open on all days. Please contact Mr. Raj Singh at 610-656-1396 or Sai Temple at 610-269-1112 for more details about the temple activities.






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From the Editor’s Desk

Being pure consciousness - do not disturb your mind with thoughts of for and against. Be at peace and remain happily in yourself, the essence of joy. - Astavakra Gita Dear Sai Devotees, We encourage you to continue writing about your Sai-related activities and experiences in essay, article, or poetry form and email it to us at editor@saidarbarusa.org. We will put in our best efforts to include as many of your submissions as possible in the upcoming newsletters. As previously done, we will publish the author’s email id with the respective entry. If you would like to stay anonymous, please explicity state this request in your submission email. JAI SAI RAM

Kindly send your comments or suggestions to Editorial Team Email: editor@saidarbarusa.org


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