Business Matters Autumn 2013 v2

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ROCCO 2013 SHORTLIST ANNOUNCED Plus: Themes - Technology, e-Commerce & Procurement Features on: West College Scotland, MEPC Hillington 75th, Phoenix Car, Renfrewshire Council & Invest in Renfrewshire & lots more‌

Business Matters Autumn 2013


President’s Welcome Welcome to the Autumn 2013 edition of Business Matters. I hope over the summer you managed to enjoy some of the fine weather that graced the West of Scotland and that your business drew some benefits from the advantages that a bit of sunshine can bring. The fragile economic recovery continues although downside risks are still apparent. Fortunately however the media appear to be giving more column inches and pixels to more positive stories than negative. The recently announced mortgage initiative should stimulate the housing market and have the domino effect of creating employment and assist the high street as consumers purchase goods to kit out their new homes. An example of a positive story I saw personally when attending the Royal opening of Cherry Tree House - the new extension at Peak Scientific in Inchinnan. The company is budgeting for ambitious growth and more jobs locally and indeed around the world – great to see local business success July is always a quieter month for the Chamber due to holidays for staff and many of our members – however August and September I am pleased to say have been extremely busy. Our annual business awards, the ROCCOs, celebrating 10 years in 2013, have taken up a lot of the Chambers staff time. This year we have 16 categories and the shortlist will be announced later in this edition. Congratulations and a big thank you to all the organisations and individuals that have made the finals. For those that didn’t I hope you will try again next year. May I take this opportunity to thank all our sponsors and supporters for what is our premier event and indeed the main corporate event in Renfrewshire. I had the pleasure of chairing the Chamber’s inaugural Business Forum recently which was held at West College Scotland, Paisley Campus – where senior business people from a cross section of the business community discussed a number of issues and opportunities within Renfrewshire. We focused on a variety of themes ranging from youth unemployment to transport. The Forum was very well received by the attendees and it is our intention to continue it on a quarterly basis. The Chamber’s relevance in the business community continues and I am delighted to announce 4 new Premier Partners, bringing our total number to 17. Thank you to all these organisations

for supporting the Chamber. Continuing our focus on supporting young people, the Chamber has recruited another young person straight from school in September. Calum Breslin is the Chambers new Management Trainee. This position is only possible with the support of the excellent Invest in Renfrewshire initiative – if you are not signed up to this or involved – I encourage you to do so. Contact the Chamber for more info. Still on the subject of youth employment the Scottish Chambers network is taking its Graduate Recruitment Initiative Scotland wide this year. We will be working with businesses to place 270 graduates into permanent jobs suited to their qualifications between now and the end of March 2014. Our pilot project earlier this year was successful in getting almost 100 graduates into employment, 70% of which were previously unemployed or under employed. Talking of education – congratulations to Audrey Cumberford, (Director on the Chamber Board), who is the new Principal of the newly formed West College Scotland, bringing together 3 campuses – Reid Kerr, James Watt & Clydebank. And a warm welcome also to the new Principal of UWS, Professor Craig Mahoney who recently took over from retiring principal Seamus McDaid. I hope you will join me in wishing both of them well in their new roles and I encourage you to look closely at how your organisation can benefit from having 2 fantastic and highly regarded education establishments right here in Renfrewshire. By the time you read this The Mod and The Spree will be underway. Please support these 2 fantastic events – a great opportunity for Paisley & Renfrewshire to showcase what it has to offer. So please encourage your staff to attend. Personally I have been busy representing the Chamber, our members and Renfrewshire at a number of Forums including meetings on Town Centre Regeneration, Transport and business rates with Scottish Government at the Scottish Parliament.

One of the initiatives that has already come from these meetings is the recently announced Town Centre Housing Fund which is designed to bring empty town centre properties back into use for affordable housing. The fund will complement on-going Town Centre regeneration activity and the Government are now seeking bids for this fund. I will be liaising with Renfrewshire Council with a view to them making a bid for this available funding. Also expected from these discussions will be the Scottish Government’s eagerly awaited reply to the recently published Fraser Report on Town Centres. Our town centres continue to deteriorate and urgent action is required to remedy the situation. Finally I am delighted to announce that Bray Controls, based in Inchinnan – had great success at the Scottish Regionals of the British Chambers Awards. Bray won Exporter of the Year and Commitment to People Development. Bray go through to the UK finals representing Scotland in these 2 categories at the end of November in London. At those finals your Chamber will also find out whether we have won UK Chamber of the Year – as I’m delighted to announce that we have been officially shortlisted. With the Chamber celebrating 50 years next year (1964 – 2014) it would be fitting if we were to be crowned this year’s winners. I hope you enjoy this Autumn 2013 edition of Business Matters and continue to help the Chamber help you and Renfrewshire grow and prosper.

Tom Johnston, President Renfrewshire Chamber

Helping Renfrewshire Grow & Prosper


A Warm Welcome from our Chief Executive

Welcome to the Autumn edition of Business Matters, as Tom says I hope everyone managed to enjoy some of the splendid weather over the Summer. First things first – ROCCO shortlist is announced and in the centre spread. By the time you read this the finals judging will possibly be taking place. Thank you to all that entered and good luck to our many finalists – almost 50 of you!

A big welcome to our new member of staff, Recruit winning Management Trainee Calum Breslin. Find out more about Calum on pg 29. Continuing on our supporting young people theme. After a successful pilot the Graduate Recruitment Incentive is now back and available ‘til the end of March 2014. More info on pg 29. We are also seeking the support of members that could help get a young person “job ready” as Skills Development Scotland have asked the support of all Scottish Chambers to find employers that can help them with the Certificate of Work Readiness – more info pg 30 Sep-Dec is the busiest time of the year for the Chamber. All the ROCCO work, 2 magazines, ROCCO

programme, audit, AGM, and busy with export documentation for our whisky friends at Chivas & Diageo. If you would like to advertise and/or supply content for the Winter edition of Business Matters – please get in touch with Euan Keltie at the Chamber or send your info in by 1st December. All sizes and rates are on the website. Please remember to keep up to date with our events via web, app, eNews and social media. And finally remember to keep us updated with new members of staff and any good news stories that we could share across the chamber channels.

Bob Davidson, Chief Exec’

Renfrewshire Chamber of Commerce Bute Court, St Andrews Drive, Glasgow Airport, PA3 2SW t: 0141 847 5450 / f: 0141 847 5499 e: / w: Next issue of Business Matters is Winter 2013 Deadline for editorial and adverts is 1st December, issued pre Christmas Themes: ROCCO winners & retail (content out with themes is welcomed)


Business Matters Autumn 2013

Advertising & Editorial: Euan Keltie 0141 847 5464 / e:

Print and Design by: The Print Brokers (Scotland) Ltd / e:

Renfrewshire Chamber of Commerce would like to acknowledge the support of our Premier Partners:

Printed on ECF paper sourced from sustainable forests using vegetable based inks.

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Business Matters Autumn 2013


ROYAL DAY IN Royal Visit to Scotland’s First Centre of Excellence

The Princess Royal opens Peak Scientific’s new office Cherry Tree House Her Royal Highness, The Princess Royal visited Peak Scientific on Tuesday 17 September 2013 to officially open Cherry Tree House. Following a considerable extension to expand the Head Office in Inchinnan, near Glasgow the owners Robin & June MacGeachy were delighted to have The Princess Royal officially open Cherry Tree House. Robin MacGeachy, Managing Director commented: “It is with great pride to have Cherry Tree House officially opened. This facility will allow us to double our capacity in manufacturing and personnel over the coming years. The new building also accommodates increased facilities for training, research and development and service support.” The Princess Royal toured the facility and met with many of the workforce before the opening ceremony. The opening of Cherry Tree House marks the expansion of the company which has grown significantly since 1997, with now over 200 staff, exporting 90% of sales to approximately 126 countries. Peak has established offices worldwide in locations including USA, China, India, Australia and Japan.

Her Royal Highness names two Access 303 sailing dinghies

Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal visited Clyde Muirshiel Regional Park’s Castle Semple Centre, to view Scotland’s first ‘Sailability’ Centre of Excellence. She chatted to the sailors with special needs and watched demonstrations of hoisting into an Access 303 dinghy, a Challenger Trimaran, rafted canoes and adaptive equipment. As well as meeting the sailors there was time for Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal to meet invited guests from Rotary (funders of the hoist), the Park Authority, Scottish Natural Heritage and the Royal Yachting Association as well as Active Schools Managers and Regional Park staff. Park Chair Cllr Gilmour said “Her Royal Highness saw how sailing can make a real difference to people’s lives. She saw young people learning skills, contributing to their community and having fun”. Her Royal Highness named two Access 303 class dinghies ‘Phoenix’ and ‘Tranquility’. The names were suggested by Craigmarloch School, Port Glasgow and the Disability Resource Centre, Paisley following a competition. Charles Woodward, Park Manager said “Developing disability sailing has taken time and effort, David Hill and

Susan Todd (PE Teacher, Hillside School, Cumnock) and pupils from East Ayrshire Special Schools are introduced

colleagues have been working on this for three years. Staff from partner organisations are to be thanked for their contribution towards making recreation more accessible at Clyde Muirshiel Regional Park”. Susan Todd, PE Teacher, Hillside School, Cumnock said “I really love the sailing programme at Castle Semple. We get such strong reactions from even our non verbal pupils it really makes it all worthwhile. Our children get so much out of their sailing it certainly is the highlight of their week.” After the visit a letter was received from Buckingham Palace praising ‘Sailability’ at Castle Semple Centre and passing on “Congratulations to everyone involved in such a magnificent organisation.”

Helping Renfrewshire Grow & Prosper



HRH The Princess Royal Opens New Prestige Hall Bottling Facility at Chivas Brothers in Paisley Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal officially opened a brand new bottling hall designed to cater for today’s luxury Scotch whisky and gin consumers during a visit to Renfrewshire. The Prestige Hall was completed last year as part of an annual £40m investment in operations by Chivas Brothers, the Scotch whisky and premium gin business of Pernod Ricard. It was created to facilitate the hand-packaging of the company’s highest-value products, including those in the Chivas Regal, Royal Salute, The Glenlivet, Beefeater and Ballantine’s ranges, as well as some limited edition single malts. The process in the Prestige Hall is much more hand-crafted, quiet and bespoke than in a typical bottling hall, drawing on the skills of specially-selected employees to ensure the highest possible standards to meet the specification expected by the expanding group of luxury whisky and gin consumers around the world. During the visit, Laurent Lacassagne,

Chairman and CEO of Chivas Brothers, and Alister McIntosh, Manufacturing Director, invited Her Royal Highness to tour the North and Prestige bottling halls to meet key employees and unveil a commemorative plaque. While on the visit, Her Royal Highness was able to witness the company’s full range of bottling facilities from highspeed, high-volume bottling lines to the detailed processes carried out by hand for the high-value expressions packaged in the new Prestige Hall. Employees presented to Her Royal Highness included current and former apprentices, family members who work together on the site and employees who have long service exceeding 20 years. Speaking at the event, Mr Lacassagne said: “It was an incredible honour to receive this visit by Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal, and one that our employees will remember for years to come. We are very proud of our state-ofthe-art bottling facilities here in Paisley,

and the teams that run them, so it was a pleasure to be able to present these to such a prestigious guest. “The Prestige Hall is a prime example of how we have evolved our business to ensure it is clearly aligned for the future. The long term prospects for premium Scotch whisky and gin remain very good and this investment will continue to help us appeal to discerning consumers all over the world with the very highest quality products.” The completion of the Prestige Hall is part of a sustained programme of investment by Chivas Brothers in its operations. Other recent major investments have included the re-opening of its Glen Keith distillery in June this year, completing a 25% expansion in the company’s malt distillation capacity, and the £10 million expansion of The Glenlivet Distillery in 2010 – increasing capacity there by 75%. The company is also building a new distillery at Carron on the River Spey, to be completed in 2015.

Business Matters Autumn 2013


HP Update As you know HP celebrated 25 years in Erskine last year. As part of the ongoing celebrations we were delighted to host Douglas Alexander, Shadow Foreign Secretary and MP for Paisley and Renfrewshire South at HP in Erskine. The Shadow Foreign Secretary has a personal connection with the site. Locals will know that his father was the minister in the church next door and in 1987 construction work was suspended in order to avoid disturbing Sunday services. Mr Alexander himself did a short stint of work experience when the only accommodation was in tents while the main building was being constructed. We were delighted to take the opportunity to update The Shadow Foreign Secretary on the ongoing investment in Erskine. HP is creating an additional 721 jobs over a three year period ending in 2014 to create the largest Public Sector services hub for HP in the UK. As a company we remain committed to youth employment and during 2013 we will recruit another 500 graduates in the UK to add to the 730 recruited over the last three years.

New HP graduates with Site Manager Clive Harris, Douglas Alexander MP and Maggie Morrison AGM

In August we had a class of around 40 graduates who are joining our Enterprise Services organization and who were

going through their induction programme when Mr Alexander visited the site. The Shadow Foreign Secretary spent time addressing them talking about his early experience at the Erskine facility, talking informally and candidly about his own career and

taking questions from the floor. It was a great experience for our graduates as they begin their career at HP. In addition to the Public Sector roles and graduate opportunities we have created additional roles in our technical renewal centre in Erskine. HP is committed to reducing our carbon foot print and we take our green credentials very seriously in support of Scotland’s 2020 targets. Here is an interesting fact to leave you with – stacked on top of each other, the desktops and laptops recycled at our Erskine site in 2012 would reach five times the height of Mount Everest!

Douglas Alexander MP with Site Manager Clive Harris

Helping Renfrewshire Grow & Prosper


Are you still scared of social networking for your business? You should be. Not because of the stories you hear in newspapers about bullying, threats and other horrible stuff. Neither should fear of criticism stop you opening a Facebook or Twitter account. People will talk whether you’re there or not and good training can empower your staff to turn negatives into positives. The main reason your business should be wary of social networking is the risk that it turns into a monumental waste of time, where staff spend time posting messages and your business receives precisely zero in return. You might think it’s strange that a digital agency like NSDesign which makes a growing chunk of its income from delivering social networking training to businesses should take this view.

Gary Ennis CEO NSDesign

But the stats don’t lie. For all Facebook trumpets its billion plus user base, research we conducted with a leading Scottish university found more than 40% of the businesses using Facebook saw no return. So does that mean you should stay away? If you’re a bad business that doesn’t care about its staff, customers and products, then yes, run a mile from social networking. But Chamber members? I KNOW you’re a good business and I firmly believe a smart social networking strategy will reap significant dividends for you in return for a bit of time and effort. The difference between success and wasting time is in the planning and having a strategy. How will you explain what your business does? What type

of person are your Tweets or status updates designed to attract? Exactly who in your organisation is best placed to write them? Where will they get the time? And might Linkedin bring a better return than Facebook? If fear forces you to address these issues before setting up a profile then you’ve already

taken a big step in the right direction. Gary Ennis is Managing Director of NSDesign, a digital agency delivering web design and social media training and consultancy. They’re based at Hillington Park Innovation Centre and online at www.nsdesign.

Business Matters Autumn 2013


Chivas Brothers goes green with electric cars fleet Scotch whisky and gin company Chivas Brothers has introduced a fleet of ten electric pool cars to help it reduce carbon emissions and meets its green targets. The vehicles are Vauxhall Amperas and will be used mostly in electric mode by employees traveling between the company’s central Scottish sites in Paisley, Glasgow, Ayrshire and Dunbartonshire. However, they have a total average range of 360 miles thanks to the addition of a small petrol engine which kicks in to generate more electricity if required, making them suitable for longer journeys too. The Amperas were purchased to replace Chivas Brothers’ fleet of hybrid pool cars, and heavy-duty weather resistant charging stations have also been installed at the company’s Paisley and Kilmalid sites, as well as its Keith Bond 2 site in Keith, Speyside – with help from Transport Scotland and the Energy Saving Trust. The new vehicles are anticipated to deliver a CO2 emissions reduction of 18 tonnes per year.

Tristan Campbell, Chivas Brothers Fleet Advisor, said: “We have always been at the forefront when it comes to fuel efficiency in our vehicle fleet. We were among the first adopters of hybrid technology, so the purchase of these electric vehicles was the next logical step. We are continually looking at ways to improve our environmental performance and reduce our carbon footprint.” The new vehicles are black and adorned with Chivas Brothers’ prestigious livery. The cars will stay on the fleet for five years and will each cover 60,000 miles (12,000 miles per year). They will be split up, with four cars based at Paisley, four at Kilmalid in Dumbarton, and the remaining two to

be shared between various locations in Speyside. Chivas Brothers is also, committed to increasing the energy efficiency of its distilleries, with most sites now using up to 20% less energy to produce a litre of alcohol than the industry benchmark for their type. Overall energy usage per litre has fallen by 11% in the last five years. In addition, the company has a ‘zero waste’ target, with a recycling figure of 88% already achieved across the business.

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Helping Renfrewshire Grow & Prosper


Enchanted Forest Nurseries Goes Digital Following research presented by the University of Wisconsin earlier this year which found that interactive digital screens can be beneficial to children’s learning, Enchanted Forest Nurseries, which operates a nursery in Erskine is set to become one of the first independent chains in Scotland to invest in new technology across its nurseries. Plans are being finalised to train all staff in the use of tilting digital C-Point Interactive Tables, designed at the same height as a normal nursery table and built of solid aluminum with a safety glass touchscreen, prior to their installation in the 3-5 years’ rooms. This represents an investment of almost £15,000 by the owners of the award winning chain which provides care for 400 children daily at its nurseries in Erskine, Thornliebank, Greenock and Inverkip. Mariessa Devlin, co-founding Director of Enchanted Forest Nurseries comments;

‘‘We have kept a close watch on research into this area and believe these digital tables offer a unique way for youngsters to learn while having fun. Their content covers the Curriculum for Excellence, and combines fun games and activities with creativity, learning about numeracy and literacy, the world around us, emotions, responsibility, music with lots of other fun and educational programs available besides. In addition, we will also be able to save the children’s work from the tables for their Individual Learning Stories and even better we can provide these direct to the parents by email, enabling them to print from home, which really is an added bonus.’’ Whilst the screens are expected to be fully installed by October 2013, Enchanted Forest Nurseries will ensure that more traditional forms of learning continue to be embraced with storytelling, active play as well as trips to local places of interest

Brian & Mariessa Devlin

continuing to take place, courtesy of the chain’s branded mini bus, all remaining firmly in place.

IRW Announces 3 Year Expansion Plan IRW Systems, one of Scotland’s largest independent software design, development and support consultancies, has announced a three year expansion that will see turnover double and at least 30 additional highly skilled IT jobs created. Founded in 1994, the Paisley-based business currently has a turnover of £2.5m and employs 38 staff - 12 of which have joined during the last year. An Aberdeen office was opened last year in order to target public and private sector businesses in the North East and Tayside. The three year plan intends to grow turnover to at least £5m and create at least 30 high value jobs, which would take staffing to around 70. The focus is on organic growth but the IRW Managing Director, Ian Warnock, says the company will also consider acquisitions and strategic partnerships. IRW Systems specialises in innovative software and portal design, development and support services. They provide a wide range of blue chip, public sector and SME clients with bespoke software solutions and products built around Microsoft

SharePoint, CRM, Mobile, web and Cloud based systems. IRW Systems has built an extensive client base across a wide range of sectors including Defence, Health, Police Forces, Local Authorities, Engineering, Manufacturing, Finance, Professional Services and the Third Sector. Clients include ScottishPower, Babcock, BAE Systems, NATO, NHS, The British Library, The Student Loans Company, Schlumberger, McCurrach and a growing portfolio of owner-managed businesses. The range of work is often highly specialised: one commission for NATO involved the design of a global pirate tracking and monitoring system, whilst another allows a major debt recovery client to track the location and conversion rates of its field-based teams. Mobile and cloud solutions are also a main element of their product set. Ian Warnock says the company’s focus has always been high-end software design and development rather than commodity ‘break and fix’ IT services. This has given it a clear differentiation in the market and which underpins the IRW Systems’ expansion strategy.

IRW SYSTEMS concept to realisation

He said: “Since the business was founded we have consistently positioned the company to work closely on our clients’ strategic software and IT strategy and planning. This is our area of expertise, through which we provide real value to our clients. There are plenty of web, IT service and repair businesses, but the growth segment is in high-end software design and development, particularly for specialist applications. Our clients do not want ‘off-the-shelf systems - they need systems designed and built for their own business operations.” Ian Warnock added: “This is our forte and the route by which we aim to double the size of the business and create top quality IT employment in Scotland during the next three years. We are often competing with companies in London, but we want to keep the business headquartered in Paisley and are keen to offer attractive, well-paid work to IT professionals that want to build their careers with a Scottish company”.

Business Matters Autumn 2013


THE NEW CONSUMER RIGHTS DIRECTIVE Do business using e-commerce? Time to check out your terms and conditions, as consumer rights when buying online are about to get even stronger with the introduction of the new Consumer Rights Directive. If you do business online with consumers you will already be aware of the long list of rules you need to comply with to ensure you are on the right side of the “distance selling rules”; but, subject to the outcome of an ongoing consultation, businesses will have to adapt to an updated Consumer Rights Directive creating some new rules, from June 2014!

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Ingliston Country Club – We’re open for business

Valerie Surgenor, Partner, MacRoberts


Current law allows consumers 7 working days to change their minds and cancel any distance sales; however, the cooling off period is likely to increase to 14 calendar days from the conclusion of the contract or from the day that the consumer received the goods. If a business fails to inform the consumer of this 14 day cooling off period, the default position is a maximum of 12 months. At present retailers have 30 days to provide a refund. The new Directive will reduce this timeframe to 14 days from the date of notice of cancellation. This will no doubt heavily impact on a retailers refund processing systems. In addition if the retailer wants the consumer to bear the cost of the return it will need to inform the consumer at the outset along with a clear estimate. Surcharges on credit cards, over and above the actual costs for the use of the credit card will cease to be allowed and pre-selection of “additional extras” will also be banned with the consumer having to positively opt in to any extra services. The new Directive will have a clear and substantial impact on any business that sells products online and you will need to review Terms and Conditions in due course to ensure compliance.

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Helping Renfrewshire Grow & Prosper


Public Sector Procurement update:

RENFREWSHIRE COUNCIL Renfrewshire Council is passionate about procurement, which is why it has been investing in its central procurement unit since 2009. The Council has a fully centralised procurement function, staffed by well trained procurement professionals. The success of this approach is not only applauded internally, but has been recognised by the Government Opportunity (GO) Awards, winning the GO Team of the Year and Procurement Leadership awards in 2012, and the SOPO Award for best Unitary Council. In December 2012, the Council achieved ‘Superior Performance’ in its Procurement Capability Assessment (PCA) the only Scottish Council to reach this level of performance. The Council has recently been shortlisted for 3 GO Awards (2013). There is still work to be done. In 2013, the focus has been on improving procurement performance in those areas where the Council has identified room for improvement;

Contract and Supplier Management – we recognise the need for better relationships with our suppliers in order to achieve benefits for both parties. In 2013, the Council has rolled out a Contract Management Process which aims to build close working relationships for all high value, high risk contracts. There is also a plan to improve the level of management information we obtain from suppliers, so that we can ensure we are continuously buying the right product at the right price. Sustainability: implementation of 10% of evaluation weighting for Community Benefits on construction and infrastructure contracts above £250,000, development of a 10 point action plan to support SME’s and the local agenda, introduction of a Community Benefits Manager, amendment of tender documentation to encourage payment of the living wage, third

sector engagement through meetings and awareness sessions, extensive achievement of community benefits from several projects including the Building Better Communities Project (BBC), and the Scottish Housing Quality Standard Project (SHQS), and many others Systems and processes – there is a need to further improve and streamline our purchasing processes to make it simple for orders to be placed and suppliers to get paid. As a result we are continuously reviewing and improving our systems landscape for ease of use. We also use purchase cards for low value spend so that suppliers are paid more quickly.

As always, we are interested in views from our suppliers, so if there are other areas for improvement which you believe we should be considering, please contact us at

SCOTLAND EXCEL Local authorities are often important clients for small businesses. And, as councils have a remit to support local economic development, they understand the importance of ensuring that their procurement is accessible to companies of all sizes. Since the advent of the Public Procurement Reform Programme in 2006, which encourages public sector organisations to collaborate on procurement, there has sometimes been a perception that national contracts can only be won by large companies. But did you know that around 70% of suppliers to the national contracts operated by Scotland Excel on behalf of Scotland’s local authorities are SMEs? And that they account for half of all spend? Scotland Excel is the Centre of Procurement Expertise for the local government sector. When developing contract strategies, we research the market so that we understand the scope for participation and structure our tenders around ‘lots’ that enable smaller businesses to make an offer for specific types of product and/or service location.

All of our tender opportunities are advertised on www., where you will also find tenders issued by councils and organisations across the public sector. We often issue ‘Prior Information Notices’ in advance so you can register your interest and begin preparations for your bid. In many cases,

we also hold pre-tender information sessions for potential suppliers to familiarise them with the tender process. You can find out more at www. We’ll also be at the Procurex Live exhibition at the SECC, Glasgow on 22 October 2013, and we regularly attend national and regional ‘Meet the Buyer’ events.

Business Matters Autumn 2013


Calling All Dreamers! It is surprising there is no representative business body in Paisley town centre, a role being assumed by “Paisley First” which is a business –led group spearheading a new initiative to give a greater business voice in the future of the town based on their priorities. Led by local and national business leaders from a variety of business sectors, Paisley First is seeking to create Renfrewshire’s first Business Improvement District (BID) supported by Renfrewshire Council. The group is addressiing issues impacting on Paisley’s daytime, evening and night time economies and how to improve the overall experience for both customers and businesses. Chaired by former MEP Hugh McMahon, key decisions made so far: • Appointment of Sunil Varu as BID Development Manager to help deliver the BID to a formal ballot in the Autumn 2014; • Commissioned independent research through on-street surveys in Paisley town centre and other towns (those who visit and those who do not) within the catchment area. The key findings: more consumer choice, better parking provision all round, better presented town, more activities and events particularly for families, better marketing; • Over 70 interviews (out of potentially 600) with businesses including Chamber President Tom Johnston and CEO Bob Davidson. There is a general passion about the need to do something for Paisley collectively through a BID, but central to the feedback is that the image, reputation and perception of Paisley is hampering prospects;

• Launch of the Paisley’s first Portal Website (www.paisleyfirst. com) with supporting social media – a coordinated communication of what a BID is, what the town DOES offer, featuring a What’s on in Paisley, an innovative Business Directory to drive footfall to businesses’ websites, a list Commercial Property letting agents, and reinforcing sub-themes of “Invest First”, “Shop First”, “Live First” and “Safety First”.

All town centre businesses will be surveyed in January before a costed Business Plan is produced which the businesses will vote on in a formal ballot in Autumn 2014. Chamber members wishing to feedback to Paisley First can do so at, become “friends” on Facebook, join the Linked In group.

The Erskine Bridge Hotel The 2013 F&B Competition took place this year at South Downs college in Hampshire. Hotels nominated teams of two to cook and serve a three course dinner with matching drinks for a panel of judges who awarded points for each based on a number of set criteria. The standard of entries was higher than ever this year with significant effort going in to preparation and service and exceptional team work on the day between all competitors. CONGRATULATIONS to this years overall winners, Lorna Logan & Graeme Tomson from The Erskine Bridge Hotel. Lorna and Graeme will be enjoying dinner at the UK restaurant of their choice over the next few weeks and take the trophy off to Scotland for 12 months.

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Helping Renfrewshire Grow & Prosper


SPECTRUM SERVICE SOLUTIONS Spectrum Service Solutions Ltd has grown to become a leading independent provider of contract cleaning, facilities, and event management services in the UK. Spectrum has built a strong reputation based upon trust and their ability to deliver outstanding cleaning and support services to their clients. Over the years Spectrum has evolved to meet client needs by offering exacting standards in contract cleaning, facilities management, catering deep cleaning, waste management & recycling, janitorial & hygiene, clean-room cleaning and event cleaning. Spectrum have clients in diverse industry sectors ranging from offices, call centres, medical facilities, educational establishments, tourist attractions, distilleries and industrial production facilities. Spectrum were one of only three companies successful in delivering a contract as a Tier 1 supplier to the 2012 Olympics at Hampden Park,

Glasgow. The company continues to work closely with Hampden and have worked in partnership with the stadium to achieve their zero waste targets. They provide services for maximum capacity events such as the Scottish Cup finals & semi-finals and concerts for Take That, Coldplay, Robbie Williams, Bon Jovi, and Bruce Springsteen. The Spectrum Events team has been very busy during 2013 working at outside events including the sector to achieve this recognition. The inaugural Brodies Champions of Tennis Carbon Trust accreditation has allowed in Edinburgh and the Great Scottish Facilities Management Cleaning Event Cleaning the Company to offerSpecialist knowledge Run in Glasgow. Cleaning and services on waste management, Spectrum holds many certifications waste streaming, and recycling to their including BS OHSAS 18001:2007, customers helping them to become ISO 14001:2004, ISO 9001:2008, Waste Management Catering Deep Cleaning Cleanroom Cleani Janitorial and Hygiene compliant with the Waste Scotland SAFEcontractor accreditation and Regulations 2012. are corporate members of both the Managing Director, Sara Speirs British Institute of Cleaning Science credits the company’s success to hard and the British Institute of Facilities work and a clear understanding their Management. They are also registered clients’ requirements. This usually with SEPA as a waste broker & carrier. Spectrum Service Ltd. chat 12 New startsSolutions with an initial to letStreet them Paisley PA1 1X In 2012 Spectrum also successfully Email: get to know the business, she is more completed their Carbon Trust than happy to come along and discuss Accreditation and in doing so became your individual requirements. the first company within their industry

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Business Matters Autumn 2013


BRAY CONTROLS TAKES CHAMBER AWARDS 2013 SUCCESS Renfrewshire Chamber member Bray Controls (UK) from Inchinnan, is celebrating after being crowned one of the winners in the Scottish heats of the Chamber Awards 2013. The British Chambers of Commerce (BCC) Chamber Awards, now in their 10th anniversary year, is one of the showpiece events in the business calendar, highlighting the role of business as a positive force for the UK recovery, and for local communities. Bray won 2 awards for the Scottish Region: Exporter of the Year and Commitment to People Development. Bray now go forward to represent Scotland in the national finals, which take place in London in November. Nora Senior, President of the British Chambers of Commerce (BCC) said: “I visit businesses up and down the country and am constantly impressed by their determination, innovation and the contributions they are making to their local communities. Many of them are optimistic and looking for opportunities to grow and find new markets for their

products and services both at home and abroad. These are the kinds of businesses that will become the wealth creators of tomorrow, and will play a crucial role in helping the UK economy move from being good, to being great in the months and years ahead. The Chamber Awards, now in its tenth anniversary year, is the perfect platform to showcase the amazing work of UK firms across the country, and show the world why Business is Good for Britain.” Bray attended the recent Renfrewshire Chamber lunch where they were awarded their certificates from Chamber President Tom Johnston who commented “Bray are a very supportive member of the Chamber who have given great opportunities to several young people via the Recruit and Invest in Renfrewshire. Congratulations to Bray on their double regional win and we look forward to attending the finals with them in London. Bray MD George Crooks said “it’s great recognition for Bray’s employees, many of whom have watched the business almost from Day 1. The awards reflect

Tom Johnston Chamber President presenting certificates to Bray employees Denis Bell (Operations) & Yvonne Stewart (Marketing)

well on Bray, and also on the efforts and support of Renfrewshire Chamber. About Bray: Bray has earned a reputation for excellence by creating products of superior value and quality, providing personalised customer service and on-time deliveries. Their success has always been the direct result of their fully integrated range of butterfly valve and control products. Rugged and reliable, their products are engineered to provide years of trouble free service.

Helping Renfrewshire Grow & Prosper


Bray Controls (UK) Ltd, has just completed a £2.2 million expansion programme at its European headquarters in Inchinnan, creating a larger, more modern working environment with improved customer communications, increased inventory holdings and test capabilities. The expansion has not only been about creating a facility that is fitting for a European HQ . With speed of response a crucial element of our success, it has also provided the extra capacity that affords a far larger inventory , as Bray manufacture and assemble to order. Employees in France, Germany, Holland, Poland, Russia and Dubai all report in to the Scottish based European Headquarters. Commenting on the company performance, George Crooks, Managing Director for Europe said: “Amidst turbulent times in the economy, we have succeeded in bucking the trend by experiencing rapid growth, most dramatically over the last three years when we have seen our turnover almost double. Fundamental to our achievements has been a loyal workforce, of whom we are extremely proud.” Success can be attributed to a strategy of targeting specific growing economies and expanding into new markets in the Middle East and Africa. The introduction of new products to an already fully integrated and comprehensive catalogue of valves, actuators and accessories has also helped place Bray at the forefront of the global butterfly valve and flow control market. Bray was recently declared Scottish winner of two British Chambers of Commerce Awards and have also been shortlisted for the Rocco Awards.


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IKEA and Xscape, there will always be something your staff can choose to spend their gift card on. Intu Braehead’s marketing manager, Lydia Brown said: ‘A happy and motivated workforce allows companies to enjoy increased staff productivity, lower levels of absenteeism, lower staff turnover figures and employees with a positive attitude who in turn provide better customer service. ‘Rewarding staff for a particular project or achievement will make them feel that their efforts have been recognised and that their work is appreciated. The power of making staff feel valued should not be underestimated.’ Corporate orders can be placed with the management team at intu Braehead or ordered online at To place a corporate order, contact centre management by calling 0141 885 1441 or emailing

Business Matters Autumn 2013


Jamie Cumming from Hillington Park stands on the recently acquired, former Rolls-Royce site

MEPC purchases former Rolls Royce site and celebrates Hillington th Park’s 75 year The site of the former Rolls Royce engine factory at Hillington Park has been purchased by the Park’s majority owner, MEPC, 75 years after its formal opening by King George VI and Queen Elizabeth in 1938. The £2.85M deal for the 28 acre site was announced by MEPC’s commercial director in Scotland, Jamie Cumming, at an event on the 12th of September to celebrate the Park’s diamond anniversary. The acquisition is part of a planned investment by MEPC of up to £50m over the next ten years at Hillington Park. The plans include significant investment in infrastructure, new commercial buildings and further supporting retail and other service amenities.

The event was attended by over 100 guests from across Renfrewshire and Glasgow including Bob Davidson and Tom Johnston from Renfrewshire Chamber of Commerce, and representatives from Renfrewshire Council and Renfrew Community Council. Guest speakers included Lord Smith of Kelvin, chairman of Glasgow 2014 and George Adams MSP. Rolls Royce moved onto the Park in 1939 as a ‘shadow’ aero engine manufacturing facility for the Merlin engines that powered

George Adams MSP addresses the Hillington Park 75th event

Jamie Cumming from MEPC Hillington Park welcomes Lord Smith to the 75th event

Helping Renfrewshire Grow & Prosper

the Spitfire and Hurricane fighter planes for the war effort. After the war [in 1947] Rolls Royce took ownership of the Hillington factory manufacturing turbojet engines as well as almost all other aero engines that the company went on to develop. The company moved from Hillington Park to a purpose built facility in 2005. At its peak it employed 25,000 people turning out 400 engines a week. Jamie Cumming, Commercial Director for MEPC in Scotland said: “Hillington Park has made, and continues to make, a major contribution to the Scottish economy and in particular, the economies of Renfrewshire and Greater Glasgow. Our research indicates that the Park’s occupiers generate over £340m of economic wealth every year. Today the Hillington Park business community represents a wide variety of sectors and business activity including renewables, light engineering, software design, logistics and the food & drinks industry. “The purchase of the currently vacant, former Rolls Royce site is part of MEPC’s plans to further grow Hillington Park’s appeal as a location for local and national companies. This plan includes a new master plan, signage strategy and commitment to make a case for investment of up to £50M over the next 10 years in infrastructure, commercial buildings and supporting retail and other service amenities. “We know from feedback from the


Roz Bird from MEPC is joined by Bob Davidson (L) and Tom Johnston (R) from Renfrewshire Chamber at the HillingtonPark 75th event

current occupiers that Hillington Park’s location is unrivalled, so by making new development space available we hope to attract further ambitious businesses looking for buildings to meet their specific requirements. Through the realisation of these plans Hillington Park will become the next generation of business space in Scotland’s central belt.” The Park, which is home to around 500 businesses employing in the region of 6100 people, covers 419 acres including 43 acres of development land on the edge of Renfrewshire and Glasgow regions, next to the M8 motorway. It is also home to the award winning Hillington Park Innovation Centre and the Merlin Business Centre which provide incubation and flexible office spaces for start-up and small growth

businesses and regional offices for national and international companies. Occupiers at Hillington Park come from sectors including retail, manufacturing, engineering, life sciences, technology and the public sector. Notable organisations include Balfour Beatty Engineering Services, Heathrow Airport Holdings, NHS, Red Cross and BMI Healthcare. MEPC manages some of the UK’s best known commercial property, with seven Business Estates [including Hillington Park and Clyde Gateway East] set in prime locations throughout the UK. Together they provide over 7 million sq ft of high quality space for more than 1,000 organisations, employing over 21,500 people. With a portfolio in excess of £700 million, we stand as a leader in our field.

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Business Matters Autumn 2013


UWS Installs Dame Elish Angiolini As New Chancellor The Rt Hon Dame Elish Angiolini DBE QC was installed as University of the West of Scotland’s new Chancellor at a ceremony in Paisley on 12 September 2013. The ceremony, which took place at Thomas Coats Memorial Baptist Church, the venue of the University’s Paisley Campus graduation ceremonies, was attended by University staff, students and representatives from Scottish universities and colleges together with guests from business and industry. As Chancellor Dame Elish will represent the University at the highest level and hold formal powers to confer degrees, diplomas and other academic distinctions. The ceremony also saw Dame Elish being presented with the award of Honorary Degree of Doctor of the University for her significant, ongoing contribution to the Scottish legal system and public life. Dame Elish, who is Principal of St Hugh’s College, University of Oxford, has extensive experience of public administrative, criminal and civil law as

well as Public Inquiries and Fatal Accident Inquiries. She is the former Lord Advocate of Scotland – and prior to this was Solicitor General for Scotland. She was the first woman and the first solicitor to hold either position. As Solicitor General for Scotland (2001–06) and then as Lord Advocate (2006–11), she was instrumental in reforming the operation of the justice system in Scotland, in particular making it more responsive to the victims of crime. In addition, Dame Elish, who is renowned for her championing of equality and dignity in the justice system, supervised some of the most significant prosecutions in Scotland in the last decade, and acted as the Scottish Government’s legal advisor during a period of major change. She was awarded the DBE for services to the administration of justice in the Queen’s Birthday Honours in 2011. In the same year, she was granted a Special Achievement Award by the International

Association of Prosecutors. This five-year appointment as Chancellor will see Dame Elish acting as an ambassador for UWS. Dame Elish said: “The University plays a key role in the economic, social and cultural development of Scotland and I am delighted to represent UWS to promote the University’s values and vision.” Professor Craig Mahoney, Principal and Vice-Chancellor of University of the West of Scotland, said: “The post of Chancellor is a hugely important one and Dame Elish, who is a great supporter of higher education, will be a great ambassador for University of the West of Scotland.”

BUSINESSWOMAN FLIES THE FLAG FOR SCOTLAND IN INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS AWARDS Morag Malloy, managing director of Fission Creative, has been named a Finalist in the Female Entrepreneur of the Year category in the 10th annual International Stevie Awards for Women in Business. Morag is the only Scot to feature in the list of finalists, chosen following an initial judging phase by 150 professionals. Entries will now be judged by special judging committees in the USA and results will be announced on November 8th in New York, where Morag will ultimately be a Gold, Silver, or Bronze Stevie Award winner. The news is the latest in a run of exciting moves at Fission Creative, where the team - affectionately known as the 'Fission Crew' - has recently announced further

growth as a result of a run of new business wins. Martin Young has joined the team as a senior developer, cementing the Crew's growing command of digital design and marketing. Martin is co-founder of the WordPress users' network WPScotland. Commenting on the moves, managing director Morag Malloy says: "Over the last 12 months Fission has worked strategically to grow a team focused on delivering an energised brand experience, whilst at the same time empowering brand owners with the knowledge and support they need. We're delighted that recent new business wins

demonstrate this is what our clients want, and it is this work which the Stevie Awards is recognising. It is a tribute to the great contributions made by every one of the Fission Crew." The Stevie Awards for Women in Business honour women executives, entrepreneurs, employees and the companies they run - worldwide. The Stevie Awards have been hailed as the world's premier business awards. Fission Creative is Renfrewshire's leading digital and brand marketing consultancy, founded in 2009 and based in Mile End Mill, one of Paisley's iconic former cotton mill buildings. The company won the inaugural ROCCO Invest in Renfrewshire Award 2012, as well as being a national finalist for ASB Young Business of the Year 2011 and ROCCO Most Promising Business in 2010. Fission works with clients spanning financial services, professional and business services, tourism and manufacturing.

Helping Renfrewshire Grow & Prosper


RISING TO THE CHALLENGE hallenge Rising to the challenge

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evaluated several MBA programmes and decided that the EMBA at the UWS was the one for me. Regardless of my travel and working patterns, I could always commit to the monthly Saturday workshops and having the schedule two years in advance made it easy to plan ahead. The workshops really helped to keep me on track. Meeting Since completing his Executive MBA with University of with tutors and other students, all the West of Scotland in 2011, David Curran has made managers themselves and working in a successful career move, taking up his current role different job roles and organisations, as Management Development Lead with Fujitsu UK was a vital and enjoyable part of the & Ireland. Fujitsu, a leading IT systems, services and learning experience which broadened products company, employs some 12,000 staff in the UK and Curran, based at Fujitsu’s offices in central London, Since completing his Executive MBA with University of the West of Scotland in my perspectives.” Curran is certain that the Executive enjoys the high performing workplace and the challenges 2011, David Curran has made a successful career move, taking up his current role MBA helped him to land his current of his role. as Management Development Lead with Fujitsu UK & Ireland. Fujitsu, a leading IT role at Fujitsu. “The qualification services products company, some 12,000I staff the UK and is highly valued in the market and it skillsemploys gained on the EMBA, foundinthat Whensystems, he started the UWSand Executive Curran, based at Fujitsu’s offices in central London, enjoys the high performing helped to ensure that my CV was put I was able to engage more confidently MBA programme Curran was based in He continues, “The Executive MBA has challenges of his role. changed workplace the way working I work. I’m aand stronger forward in the first place. Walking into and effectively with stakeholders at the Scotland, as athe consultant in the all-round manager and, while I still listen an interview is much easier with the highest levels. I was also better equipped field leadership and management to my gutof instinct, I automatically take always commit to the monthly Saturday When he started the UWS Executive and effectively with stakeholders at a much more rigorous and analytical acumen and confidence inevitably to recognise, quantify workshops and express development. He Curran reviewed hisincareertheand and having the schedule two MBA programme was based highest levels. I was also better approach to projects. Fujitsu’s is an in advance made Scotland, as a consultant in the equipped quantifyadd and valueyears extremely high-performing environment acquired in the process of completing an how I could to projects. Theit easy to plan decided thatworking an MBA would enhance his to recognise, with no room where our ahead. The workshops really helped fieldfor of error leadership and management express how I could add value to projects. Executive MBA.” programme has been invaluable to skills and widenHe his customers are concerned. I do feelcareer better his opportunities. to keep me on track. Meeting with development. reviewed career The programme has been invaluable equipped to take on our challenges, He continues, “The Executive MBA has and, for itself within “I had own company and was and other students, all managers andmy decided that an MBA would to me, and, inme, fact, paid for in itselffact, withinpaid tutors though, of course, I’m continuing to themselves and working job enhance his skills his career four weeks offour my starting as I of wasmy able starting develop all the strong time!” changed the way I work. I’m a stronger weeks as I was able in different already inand thewiden areas of roles and organisations, was a vital and opportunities. “I had my own company to apply elements of the Operations all-round manager and, while I still to apply elements of the Operations HR and and Learning & Development but enjoyable part of the learning experience was already strong in the areas of Management module immediately. ” listen to my gut instinct, I automatically Management module immediately.” less soHRinandtechnical areas such which broadened my perspectives.” Learning & Development butas finance The flexible delivery of the 2-year He continues, “The Executive MBA has less so in technical areas such as finance take a much flexible deliveryCurran of the 2-year and operations.” is certain that the Executive UWS ExecutiveThe MBA programme, changedmore the wayrigorous I work. I’m and a stronger and operations.” MBA helped him to land his current involving face-to-face attendance one all-round manager and, while I still listen analytical approach to projects. Fujitsu’s UWS Executive MBA programme, Curran has no doubts that the role at Fujitsu. “The qualification is Curran has no doubts that the full Saturday per month with access to my gut instinct, I automatically take is an extremely high-performing involving face-to-face attendance one programme added both breadth and highly valued in the market and it programme added both breadth and to an online learning environment in a much more rigorous and analytical environment with no room for error with access depthdepth to his the wider helped to ensure that my CV was put to hisunderstanding understanding of theof wider between, wasfull ideal Saturday for Curran asper his month approach to projects. Fujitsu’s is an forward in the first in place. Walkingwhere our business environment andand that it was ait wasprevious workto involved frequentlearning travel extremely high-performing environment customers are concerned. an online environment business environment that a into an interview is much easier with key factor in giving him the confidence and unpredictable working hours. “I with no room for error where our I do feel customers better equipped to take on between, was ideal forthe Curran as his key factor in career giving him the confidence acumen and confidence inevitably to take his to the next level. “With evaluated several MBA programmes are concerned. I do feel better our challenges, course, I’m previous involved frequent travelof completing to take career to the next level. acquired in the process the his strong underpinning knowledge and “With and decided that the EMBAwork at the UWS equipped tothough, take on ourof challenges, an Executive MBA.” skills gained on the EMBA, I found that was the one for me. unpredictable Regardless of my working though, course, I’mall continuing to continuing to ofdevelop the time!” and hours. “I the strong underpinning knowledge and


I was able to engage more confidently

travel and working patterns, I could

develop all the time!”

DEVELOP YOURSELF & YOUR ORGANISATION UWS Business School have a range of flexible educational and training courses for managers so that you can continue to work full time while you develop yourself and your organisation. Key features of our programmes are: real-world workplace emphasis, flexible content, flexible delivery and our client-centred approach to service excellence. As well as UWS and Chartered Management Institute accredited courses available on an open basis, we work flexibly with organisations to create customised solutions that meet their individual requirements. These can range from a two-day performance management course to a two-year Executive MBA.

Executive MBA Diploma in Public Service Leadership Diploma in Management & Leadership An Introduction to Marketing Research Communication & Consumer Behaviour Marketing of Services Selling and Negotiating for Profit Not-for-Profit Marketing: Changing Behaviour Developing Client Relationships To enrol for the above programmes or to discuss bespoke development solutions for your organisation, please contact West of Scotland Management Centre on: t: 01292 886400 e: or visit University of the West of Scotland is a registered Scottish charity. Charity number SC002520.

Business Matters Autumn 2013


SHARE SCHEMES Share schemes can be an effective way of incentivising and rewarding your staff tying the goals of the company to a reward for key employees thereby maximising employee motivation and business benefit. There are a wide variety of schemes available which can be broadly categorised approved or unapproved schemes.

Approved schemes Approved schemes must meet set criteria to benefit from tax advantages available and can lack flexibility to suit particular business needs. Some schemes must be made available to all employees and do not facilitate targeted incentivisation. Focusing on schemes which can be restricted to key employee participation, the most popular is the Enterprise Management Incentive (EMI). This scheme is available to trading companies with less than £30 million of assets which also meet a number of other criteria. Here the company issues options which allow the employee to purchase shares in the future at a price equal to market value at the date the option is granted. This incentivises the employee to grow the value of the company so when the option is exercised the shares are worth more than the exercise price. No income

tax charge arises on the exercise of the option and any gain in value will be subject to capital gains tax (potentially 10%) on an eventual disposal. The requirement for the employee to pay market value for the shares can make this scheme prohibitive for well Serving healthcare professionals established and profitable companies. The recently introduced Employee Shareholder Shares Regime, under Specialists in which an individual gives up certain employment law rights in exchange for tax planning, shares does not specifically target an accountancy and employees performance and how popular this scheme will be remains to be seen as business advisory it is still a relatively new concept. services to healthcare

Unapproved Schemesprofessionals. Unapproved schemes allow for greater flexibility and a niching of the scheme Aileen Scott to the business. Whilst tax breaks are Insurance charge arising. When hurdle is not automatically provided with careful met the shares increase in value without design and implementation, unapproved crystallising a further tax charge and the schemes can still be tax efficient. shares are only subjectortoadvice Capitalplease Gains contact: One such unapproved alternative is, For further information Tax (likely at 10%) on eventual disposal. for example, for shares to be issued Choosing the right scheme for the which are subject to a “hurdle”. The Neil Morrison business and its key employees requires “hurdle” is the performance criteria that careful of the criteria or the employee has to meet. The shares 0141 886 consideration 6644 conditions applicable to each scheme. have little or no value until this criteria For further information or advice is met and therefore the employee can please contact Aileen Scott, Partner at subscribe for shares at a low cost or Campbell Dallas, on 0141 886 6644 or indeed the shares can be issued free with only a low Income Tax and National

Angela Constance MSP, presents IIP Gold to Muir Slicer The team at Paisley based Consultant, Assessment and Training company, Muir Slicer, got together recently with clients and friends to celebrate achieving the Investors In People Gold Award on the Glenlee – the Tall Ship in Glasgow. They were presented the award by Angela Constance MSP, Minister for Youth Employment, who also presented the Muir Slicer Apprentice of the Year Award to Kellyann Cameron of Smart Specs, Alloa. They were delighted to be joined by so many and to hear from Angela Constance and IIP Scotland Chief Executive, Peter Russian. Liz Muir, Director said “The support from our clients and partners has been tremendous over the years and we look forward to continuing to support them with their growth and development in the future.”

Helping Renfrewshire Grow & Prosper


Malcolm Logistics

Take the Scenic Route Launching their newest addition to the specialist fleet – the stunning Malcolm Logistics walking floor trailer has hit the UK’s roads. With a flavour of Scotland, the new trailer boasts a truly eyecatching livery, using the idyllic setting of Loch Lomond. Malcolm Logistics, a division of The Malcolm Group, launched this branded trailer, to promote the specialist logistics service they provide to customers in the renewables and recycling sectors.

Malcolm Logistics are now leading the way in providing high quality, dedicated logistics solutions, using their growing specialist fleet. The idea to brand the trailer with such a visually striking graphic was engineered by The Group’s Marketing Manager, Helen Ryan. Helen commented, “Fleet branding is an integral part of our overall brand strategy, in increasing awareness and exposure. The vision with the graphic on this trailer was to promote our specialist service with high-impact.” Incorporating the walking floor trailers into the Malcolm fleet, has added a new dimension to the overall business profile. The launch of their specialist equipment service signifies a key move into a rapidly growing business sector.

These state-of-the-art trailers are multi-functional, suitable for transporting a wide variety of products including: • Reclaimed Paper • Paper Reels • Green Waste • Silica Sand • Recycled Plasterboard • Recovered Plastics • Wood Waste • Biomass The Malcolm Group is a forwardthinking organisation and its focus is to develop marketable and highly innovative solutions, flexible enough to meet the challenges of the future - both commercially and environmentally. If you would like further information on Malcolm Logistics’ specialist equipment service, please visit or contact Lawrence Fearon on 01698 835834.

Business Matters Autumn 2013



he shortlist for the 10th annual ROCCOs – the annual business awards of Renfrewshire Chamber, sponsored by Life Technologies are:

ROCCO Award for Journey to Zero Waste sponsored by the William Tracey Group • Intu Braehead • Chivas Brothers • Glasgow Airport

ROCCO Award for Excellence in Manufacturing

ROCCO Award for Innovation & Technology

ROCCO Award for Family Business of the Year

sponsored by MEPC Hillington Park

sponsored by The Malcolm Group

sponsored by the Scottish Leather Group

• Rainbow Technology Systems • IRW Systems • Rolls Royce

• Spectrum Service Solutions • Phoenix Car Company • Houston Kiltmakers

• Diageo • Rolls Royce • Sarkar Defence

Helping Renfrewshire Grow & Prosper


ROCCO Award for Outstanding Performing Business <5 staff

ROCCO Award for Outstanding Performing Business >5 & <25 staff

ROCCO Award for Outstanding Performing Business >25 staff

sponsored by IRW Systems

sponsored by Renfrewshire Council

sponsored by the Phoenix Car Company

• Top Spec Contracts • Designline Creativea growing Running • The Real Ale Warehouse

• Sarkar Defence • Redpath Construction • XCL Framing Solutions

• Bray Controls • Glasgow Airport • IRW Systems

ROCCO Award for Community Champion of the Year

ROCCO Award for International Trade

sponsored by Engage Renfrewshire & The Royal Bank of Scotland

• Bray Controls • Worldteachers • Sarkar Defence

business in Renfrewshire? Make us part I R WofSyour Y S T plans EMS concept to realisation

For any successful business a network of trusted advisers is vital. Business Gateway Renfrewshire provides practical support and advice to growing Renfrewshire businesses every year.

ROCCO Award for Most 0141 585 6353 Promising New Business sponsored by Business Gateway • Rainbow Technology Systems • CCR3 Limited • Engage Marketing & Communications

• Our Place our Families • No Substitute for Life • Glasgow Airport

sponsored by Glasgow Airport

tish Enterprise and Scottish Government with the support of associated partner organisations.

ROCCO Award for Young Business Person of the Year

ROCCO Award for Employer of the Year

ROCCO Award for Invest in Renfrewshire

sponsored by West College Scotland

sponsored by Rolls Royce

sponsored by Renfrewshire Council

• Andrew McMillan & Ryan McIlravey (FE Live Audio) • Kierra Marie Wilson (KMT Cleaning Services) • Craig Bickett (Tuckerbox)

• The Lynnhurst Hotel • Life Technologies • Glasgow Airport

• SSUK • Sarkar Defence • Carli’s Kindergarten

ROCCO Award for Enterprise in Education

ROCCO Award for Business Leader of the Year

sponsored by the University of the West of Scotland

sponsored by Diageo – winner announced on the night from:

ROCCO Award for Excellence in Customer Service

• Scottish Leather Group • Ferguslie Pre-five Centre • M & Co

• Peter Beagley, intu Braehead • Alan McNiven, Engage Renfrewshire • Joyce McKellar, Renfrewshire Leisure • Paul Smith, XCL Framing Solutions

Commenting on the shortlist chamber president Tom Johnston said “thank you to all the companies that entered our 10th ROCCOs. The standard of entry was, as usual, excellent – and testament to the great companies of all sizes & sectors we have in Renfrewshire. Many will be disappointed however with so many entries received. I hope those that didn’t make the shortlist will consider entering in 2014. All the shortlisted organisations

now go through to the 2nd stage, where they have to give a presentation to, and take questions from, a select panel of judges on why they think they should be crowned ROCCO winners. Good luck to all, a ROCCO is recognised across the local business community as a serious and hard to win award – so please make the most of being shortlisted.” ROCCO 2013 winners will be announced on the 15th November at

sponsored by intu Braehead • Spectrum Service Solutions • Glasgow Airport • IRW Systems

the ROCCO Awards ceremony in The Normandy hosted by Fred MacAulay. As the largest corporate event in Renfrewshire attended by approx.500 guests, the ROCCOs also raise thousands of pounds for local charities and good causes that are based in or benefit Renfrewshire. The twitter hashtag for any tweets on ROCCO 2013 is #2013Rocco

For more info on the ROCCOs please visit

Business Matters Autumn 2013


Cameron Presentations Cameron Presentations is a family run business, in existence since the 1940’s and is a specialist in delivering high-quality event presentation and multi-media services. We have led developments in the sector and can provide a number of solutions in all areas of event presentation; from audio/visual requirements to full event production including lighting, staging, filming, theming and event furniture. We provide a dedicated team to work with you offering support through all stages of your event; from creation and design to delivery and support on the day. With a wealth of experience in dealing with client requirements of all shapes and sizes we offer a completely comprehensive level of service for any of your events. In order to offer the best possible service, we ensure we’re always looking ahead, so that our clients benefit from the latest ideas and technology from the events industry. Our latest venture in to high-end event furniture has led to the creation a sister company called All Event Hire, which already has the largest stock of quality

furniture in Scotland and the largest stock of the increasingly popular illuminated furniture in the UK. With no other events company offering

the number of services and products at a high level as Cameron Presentations there can only be one option when choosing a company for your next event.

business matters, so make sure that you hire a company that’s as passionate about your business as you are. we’re only a phone call away.

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We’ll be suppor 25

Helping Renfrewshire Grow & Prosper Paisley, in Causeyside Street, is part of the UK's largest chain of high street print studios. They offer design, print and marketing support to local businesses of all sizes. Andrew Clarke, who owns the studio (and one in Greenock) told us how technology is core to the business model. “Every order goes through Flyerlink®, a proprietary piece of software we developed to help the business run smoothly. Flyerlink® started as a way to record orders, and now controls all aspects of production including the plant machinery.” All customer orders are produced in a central production hub - one of

the most advanced printing factories in the world - that is equipped with the latest technology to ensure the highest quality of products. “As a leading manufacturer of print and promotional items, the software, systems and processes are focused on delivering customers' orders on time, every time and ensuring they're right first time. That needs a fanatical attention to detail and a paranoid obsession with improving the supply chain. We really sweat the small stuff.” To find out how printing. com can help promote your products, services or events, call Andrew on 0141 887 0500 or email paisley@


supporting local business

“Andrew and his team were extremely professional and a pleasure to deal with. We required a high quality product within an exceedingly tight turnaround period. Not only was the product delivered on time, in person and to an exceptional standard but also at a market leading price. Andrew's constant communication on progress and willingness to meet the challenging deadlines set were a credit to and we would not look anywhere else for support if required again.” A McGhee, Commercial Manager, EE

Congratulations and good luck to all the ROCCO finalists. We’ll be supporting you on the big night.


supporting local business


ways than one. Apart from the extra burden on your workforce, staff absence costs your company on average £659* for every person you employ. Which is a frightening figure and that’s why our health cash plans make so much sense.

Business Matters Autumn 2013


From just £1.10 per employee, per week, our Chamber Primary Health Plan covers optical, dental, therapy treatments, consultations, MRI, CT and PET scanning and a 24 hour counselling and advice line. The result is a workforce that is healthy and well motivated. So it really does pay to be more absent minded.

Work survey reveals UK 0845 602 1629 is nation of ‘stressed staff’ MAKE YOUR BUSINESS BETTER TODAY, CALL *Source: CIPD Absence Management Report 2007

We are a nation of stressed staff eating lunch ‘al desko’ as well as working overtime, through holidays and even when ill, according to new research. The Big Work Survey of 2,000 UK working adults and 500 senior decision makers across Great Britain found 64 per cent of us admit to being stressed at work. The research, conducted by YouGov on behalf of health insurance provider Westfield Health, found 82 per cent of employees had worked over their contractual hours in the last 12 months and three-fifths (59 per cent) admit to turning up despite being ill because of work commitments. Nearly half of us (46 per cent) eat lunch at our desk/place of work - and 54 per cent don’t take breaks (other than lunch) on a typical day – with 29 per cent revealing they have even missed longer breaks by cancelling annual leave because of work commitments. And our colleagues don’t always help

reduce our stress levels, it seems, with the top three workers’ annoying habits rated as regular lateness, gossiping and loud talking. Westfield Health Executive Director Paul Shires said: “There are certainly positive signs to be found in this survey, with the majority of employees saying they like their jobs. Meanwhile, 95 per cent of senior decision makers believe workforce health is important to the success of their organisation. But it is shocking to hear more than a quarter of workers have cancelled holiday time because of work pressures.” Scottish workers are the UK’s most stressed workforce (71 per cent) compared with Wales who were the least with just 52 per cent. Two thirds (66 per cent) of the North West / West Midlands say they are stressed and 69 per cent of the Yorkshire & Humber workforce. Further findings from the survey include: • Water is the nation’s drink of choice in


the workplace, followed by coffee and then tea • Richard Branson is the UK’s ‘dream boss’ • Of those that find their current job stressful, 47 per cent choose to spend time with family to unwind after work, while 31 per cent opt for exercise… • …but worryingly, more than a third (35 per cent) try to counter stress by drinking alcohol and 27 per cent admit to comfort eating. Westfield Health’s Chamber Primary Health Plan, which is available to all members of Renfrewshire Chamber offers a full confidential counselling service, which includes a 24 hour counselling and advice line, as well as up to six face to face counselling sessions or CBT sessions. For more information about the Chamber Plan, visit www. or call 0845 602 1629, available 8am to 6pm, Monday to Friday.

Rooms available for hire at Glasgow Airport • Ideal for meetings, interviews, training, seminars & workshops • 4 rooms, space for 1-20 people • Free wifi & free parking • Presentation equipment / catering available • Price guarantee

Keep your workforce healthy and motivated by introducing the Chamber Primary Health Plan. From just £1.10 per employee, per week, it’s a small price to pay to show them you care. CALL TODAY:

0845 602 1629

or visit Please quote reference number CH1112

Glasgow Airport Business Centre c/o Renfrewshire Chamber Bute Court, St Andrew’s Drive Glasgow Airport PA3 2SW 0141 847 5450

Helping Renfrewshire Grow & Prosper


New Members On behalf of the Board of Directors and the Chamber staff we would like to welcome onboard the following new members.

Be Beautiful Be You Inside & Out Confidence Coaching Karen McNulty 0141 847 1285

G4S Secure Solutions Security Services Alan Grey 07595523149

Rainbow Technology Systems Design and manufacturing company Loretta Campbell 01418923320

CALM Solutions IT Software Development Stephen Bruce 0845 755966

HR Services Scotland Ltd HR Services Lesley McBennett 0800 652 2610

The Real Ale Warehouse Online Beer Retailer Graeme Wright 0141 840 4154

CCR3 Limited Consultancy Services Gerry Donaldson 0845 873 1999

MIQ Logistics Ltd Global Logistic Services Tina McFarlane 0141 810 2061

Thistle Recruitment Ltd Recruitment Service Umar Kiani 08463665533

Cubic Blue Ltd Marketing Stephen Ng 07896 756311

Nippon Express UK Ltd Freight Forwarding Alex Sneddon 0141 814 3620

Engage Marketing & Communications Ltd Advertising / Marketing Mark Hendry 0141 237 2100

Printing.Com Paisley Design Print & Marketing Andrew Clarke 0141 8870500

PAISLEY’S 26TH ANNUAL BEER FESTIVAL At the 26th Paisley Beer Festival we launched our new “Get it in a bottle!” Promotion. Over 4,000 festival goers received their Festival Glass as sponsored by The Real Ale Warehouse. A 10% off discount voucher was issued at the festival to all attending and in addition we offered a mixed case prize to the winner of the real ale warehouse festival competition. Dominic Tollan of Paisley was the lucky winner and choose his own mixed case of twelve different bottled ales from our selection.

Corporate Branding

The Real Ale Warehouse now offers real ale in bottle with your company branded label. We have a great range of ales to choose from or mix. Golden, Pale, Darks, Porters and Stouts. Ideal for boardroom drink cabinets, corporate gifts and office parties. For more information on how we can add something special to your business, email

Business Matters Autumn 2013


Recruits shine at Chamber Build-aBusiness Challenge Teams of 5th & 6th year pupils from across Renfrewshire schools taking part in the 4th Summer Recruit recently spent the day with Renfrewshire Chamber at their offices in Paisley at Glasgow Airport. Loosely based on the BBCs Apprentice, the school leavers take part in a variety of summer business related challenges with the prospect of jobs at the end. The Build-a-Business challenge from the Chamber required each team to come up with a business concept for a High Street store in Paisley, supported by a theoretical £10K of lottery funding. The teams had to: • Develop a sustainable, innovative business idea • Create a brand and logo • Research their idea and who their customers would be • Devise a business plan showing planned expenditure • Give a presentation detailing all the above All in the space of 4 ½ hours. Chamber Chief Bob Davidson commented “this was deliberately designed as a tough challenge for the Recruits providing real experience working in a team under real time pressures. My team who designed the challenge for them (past Recruit winners Euan Keltie & Alison Fraser) were great, providing support and encouragement throughout the day”. Beth Pearce, age 17 who was a pupil at Park Mains and lives in Bishopton said… “I found the Renfrewshire Chamber of Commerce challenge extremely beneficial in developing my business skills as it was a realistic task which forced us to explore the main, key aspects in which you would have to look at if you wanted to start up your own

Summer Recruits 2013 pictured with members of the Chamber team outside the Chamber offices

business from scratch. All the staff were hospitable and welcoming throughout the day which added to my experience.” Calum Breslin, same age and school, from Erskine and said… “The challenge gave us the opportunity to think for a day of the challenges faced when starting a business and gave us an insight into the pressure of that role and the dedication and hard work needed to succeed, more of these types of challenges should be available to young people.” Angela Wilson from Renfrewshire Council Youth Employability Service who was the 1st winner of the Recruit and who now plays a key role in delivering the programme commented “Since The Recruit programme launched in 2010, Renfrewshire Chamber of Commerce have continued to show their support to the programme - this year has been no different. The Summer Recruits 2013 absolutely loved

the challenge they faced. The Recruit would not be the success it has become without the support and help from companies, like Renfrewshire Chamber of Commerce, who offer their time and knowledge to these young people.” On the day the winning team were Aspire. Their “Express yourself ” concept of personalised products such as iPad and iPhone covers printed on site and custom designed using student expertise from UWS & Reid Kerr went down very well with the judges. Finally, Chamber chief Davidson said “all the teams performed really well – very high calibre of confident ambitious young people with great futures. I wish them all the best for the future and encourage them to put everything they can into the experience. We look forward to welcoming one of them as our new Management Trainee at the Chamber in the autumn.”

Helping Renfrewshire Grow & Prosper


New Recruit winning Management Trainee starts at Chamber Our 4th Recruit winning Management Trainee started at the Chamber on the 2nd September. Calum Breslin age 18 an ex pupil of Park Mains was selected from a high calibre short list of candidates that had put themselves forward for the Chamber job from the summer intake of the councils popular Recruit initiative. Calum is responsible for the Chamber website, app and our eNews plus assisting at all events and helping with a number of projects. During his time at the Chamber Calum will also be studying for his SVQ in Business & Administration. Calum replaces the popular Alison Fraser who after her successful year at the Chamber is now studying for a degree in Event Management at UWS Paisley. Commenting on their new Recruit, chamber chief exec’ Bob Davidson said – “Calum continues the very high standard of Management Trainee we employ from the excellent Recruit initiative. Calum has settled in very well and already establishing his own network and indeed planning his first chamber event. Calum commented - “My year at the Chamber is a great opportunity for me to develop my skills & experience, I’m really enjoying it so far” Calum can be contacted on 0141 847 5451,

GRADUATE RECRUITMENT INCENTIVE After a successful pilot for the Scottish Government where by a small selection of Chambers helped find permanent jobs for 100 graduates, the Graduate Recruitment Incentive (GRI) is live once more. The incentive offers £1,500 to a company of 50 staff or less in Scotland that can create a position paying a min salary of £14K for a graduate aged 30 years or less. The company will also receive recruitment support: • Fully funded pre recruitment Business Support will be offered to assist with creating the job spec, job advert and assistance with advertising. • Fully funded Post recruitment Business Support will be offered to assist with induction, embedding the new position and setting up performance management of the new position GRI is live ‘til the end of March 2014. For more information please contact Bob Grant on 0141 847 5455 /

Longest Day Golf Challenge Renfrewshire Chamber chief exec’ Bob Davidson recently completed a marathon 72 holes of golf in 1 day raising funds for Macmillan Cancer Support. Taking part in the Longest Day Golf Challenge on the 22nd June, Bob and 3 good friends tee’d off at 5.17am and came off the 72nd hole at 9.30pm, playing non-stop for 16 hours. Commenting on the challenge Bob said “it was a very long day…. only golfers will appreciate walking and playing 72 holes is not easy. No buggies were allowed, to make the challenge harder, we only used trollies. All the courses we played were in Fife (Anstruther, Crail Balcomie (2) & Kingsbarns. We walked approx. 20 miles on the day and hit on average 340 shots each. The weather forecast held up with only 1 small shower. By the end of the day, our bodies were really feeling it.”

In pic, left to right outside Kingsbarns Golf Links: Bob Davidson, Renfrewshire Chamber CEO, David Rolwegan, Associate Director CBRE, John McBride, Superintendent British Transport Police, Blair McKellar, MD Chapelton Management Consultants Ltd and CD Landscapes Ltd

The group have raised in excess of £3,200 a figure which Bob said “we are all extremely proud of. I would like to thank all those that helped us along the way, the clubs themselves and of course those that donated.” Bob and his friends chose Macmillan Cancer Support charity as 2 of the group have recently experienced the wonderful

work Macmillan nurses do at first hand before sadly losing loved ones to cancer. The site is still open for donations at The is the latest of many charity challenges Bob has completed which in the past have included a 500 mile cycle, the West Highland Way (twice), the Great North Run and the Paisley 10K.

Business Matters Autumn 2013


Certificate of Work Readiness Many of us will have seen or heard comments in the media about skill shortages with young people or some young people not being “job ready”. This is by no means always the case, but having a young person come into a work place knowing what to expect and be work ready can only be a good thing. Skills Development Scotland (SDS) have asked the support of Scottish Chambers (of which Renfrewshire are a fully accredited member) to help engage with the membership to assist with helping young people get “work ready”. Can you help? We are looking for members that can give short work placement opportunities to young people to help get them ready for the world of work. Those young people that successfully complete their work placement and their associated study will be awarded a Certificate of Work Readiness – a SQA accredited qualification

Chamber Pictures 1.




More info / Overview: What is the Certificate of Work Readiness? • The Certificate of Work Readiness (CWR) is an SQA accredited qualification. • It is aimed at young people who need work experience along with training to ensure they have necessary workplace skills. • The Certificate is designed to provide a concrete indication to employers that a person holding it is ready for work in an entry level job – that they can turn up on time, can work with others and have the right attitude for work. • The Certificate was developed and is managed by Skills Development Scotland. Employers’ role • The Certificate requires participants to complete at least 190 hours work experience. • These work experience placements will take place after the participant has received several weeks’ training in workplace skills. How does the participant benefit? • The participant gains training on skills required in the workplace, experience in a workplace, and a SQA accredited qualification, endorsed by an employer, to say that they are work-ready.


From top left to right: 1. Inside Diageo Shieldhall 2. Robert Fernie, Chivas Brothers with Chamber President Tom Johnston 3. Maggie Morrison from HP with Chamber President Tom Johnston 4. 2013 Chamber Recruit, Alison Frasers’ leaving card 5. Behind the Scenes at intu Braehead – Chamber President, Tom Johnston with intu Braehead Regional Director Peter Beagley and Phoenix Car MD John McGuire

Welcome to our new Premier Partners

Further information Contact Bob Davidson at Renfrewshire Chamber on 0141 847 5450 / bdavidson@ or visit the article on the Chamber website at www.

The support from all our Premier Partners is vital to the continued success and growth of Renfrewshire Chamber.

Helping Renfrewshire Grow & Prosper


Chamber in running for top award Renfrewshire Chamber is delighted to announce that we have been officially shortlisted for the prestigious Chamber of the Year 2013. Ran by British Chambers of Commerce – the winner is announced at a glittering ceremony at the end of November in London – wish us luck!

Up and Coming

Events See our events section on our website: 0141 847 5450

October Networking Lunch with Lord Haughey 31st October 12-2pm The Lynnhurst

ROCCO 2013 6.30pm-late 15th November The Normandy Hotel

Business Mentoring Scotland is a partnership between Scottish Enterprise and Scottish Chambers of Commerceand supported by the European Regional Development Fund

New Members Event 19th Nov 12-2pm The Normandy

Leading the way to success.

November Networking Lunch with the Leader of Renfrewshire Council Cllr Mark Macmillan 28th November 12-2pm Ingliston Country Club

HR Forum with MacRoberts 4th December 12.30-2pm, The Chamber

AGM & Christmas Lunch 19th December 11.30 – 12 & 12-2.30pm The Glynhill

Business Mentoring Scotland Enhance your leadership skills with objective, impartial support and encouragement from an experienced business person.

Remember our networking lunches are always the last Thursday of every month 12-2 held across Renfrewshire venues

Choose Business Mentoring Scotland today on 0845 609 6622, and start benefitting from the support and advice that it offers.

Follow the chamber: 11650 A4 portrait advert.indd 2

14/06/2012 15:53

Business Matters Autumn 2013


Graduate Recruitment Incentive First Minister Alex Salmond has announced £1.2 million funding for the Scottish Chambers of Commerce Graduate Recruitment Incentive and Adopt an Intern schemes to place unemployed or underemployed graduates in permanent posts or internships within small or medium-sized enterprises over the next year. Pictured with the First Minister is graduate Scott Muirhead from Renfrewshire member Designline Creative who created two new positions via GRI funding. Liz Cameron, Chief Executive, SCC, explained: “What the Scottish economy needs is dynamic, confident businesses. That’s why we are delighted to be part of this unique collaboration between the Scottish Government and business. The success of our pilot programme earlier this year demonstrated its value: through our network of local Chambers of Commerce, we placed 100 graduates into jobs.” For more information contact Bob Grant on 0141 847 5455

Imagination. Creation. Ambition.

We’re inspired at Designline! Inspired by our clients, by our new creative staff and by our growing ambition. Oh, and by being shortlisted for the Rocco Awards too! Our creative team is growing as a result of some amazing client work which we have secured over the past year, including our main highlights re-branding Glasgow Airport and the re-brand of global leadership consultancy, Sheppard Moscow. Throughout the year we have delivered a wide variety of brands and implemented them across many marketing channels including print, digital, signage, interiors and communication plans. From hospitality and tourism markets to financial and retail clients, we apply the same creative thinking to all client projects, no matter the budget, sector, timescales or brief. If you have the logic of your business in place but need some new and fresh imagination to help bring it all to life, then get in touch with Designline Creative to inject some energy into your brand and communications, to help it grow. Your business has a lot to say. Why not let us help you tell the story as we go on a creative journey together? For some new ideas, get in touch with Ashley Moore or Kim Maxwell at or call 0141 848 6664.


Helping Renfrewshire Grow & Prosper


AFRC Study at the Update UK University of the Year

The University of Strathclyde’s Advanced Forming Research Centre (AFRC) is a collaborative venture between the University, Scottish Enterprise, the Scottish Government and leading multinational engineering firms including Rolls-Royce, Boeing, Titanium Metals Corporation (known as TIMET), Aubert & Duval and Barnes Aerospace. Established in 2009, the centre aims to drive innovation and improved competitiveness across a broad range of industrial sectors including aerospace, renewable energy and automotive. Located in a bespoke facility next to Glasgow International Airport, the AFRC focuses on developing forming and forging technologies to support the design and manufacture of products, including components and structures for aircraft, cars, ships, medical devices, power generation and wind turbines. It is the sole Scottish representative in the High Value Manufacturing Catapult, and is also part of two other global networks of industrially-focused research centres; AxRC and GlobalNet. The AFRC is now set to double in size, following a multimillion pound investment from the UK Technology

Strategy Board and Scottish Enterprise. The extension of the facility and increased staffing levels will ensure the centre remains at the forefront of international engineering technology. Researchers and engineers at the University of Strathclyde work on a core research programme established in collaboration with industrial members. Contract research and development work is also undertaken, commissioned by member and non- member companies from around the globe. Projects at the AFRC are specifically designed around

Mini Prospectus 2014

the business needs of industry and range from utilising cutting-edge forming and forging technologies to developing new highly innovative and commercially relevant products, and trouble-shooting established industrial processes. The AFRC welcomes enquiries from companies large and small that are interested in collaboration and need its expertise and resources in forming and forging. For further information, please contact us. E: W:

Business Matters Autumn 2013


Positive Paisley OPEN AND

READY FOR BUSINESS By Derek Macgarvie, Senior Manager for Bank of Scotland in Renfrewshire

Twitter is mother to the #hashtag. As the popularity of the hashtag has grown so has the realisation of the benefits of being able to track conversations and easily find information in a forum where information overwhelm is commonplace. As many of you may already be aware, a number of #hours have been created by a variety of businesses and individuals as an opportunity for focused and easily tracked social networking. A number of regions throughout the UK have started a #hour to promote local businesses and events as well as highlight and discuss pertinent issues. Seeing the success of these other #hours together with a passion for Paisley, #paisleyhour was born. The intention of #paisleyhour is to support and promote all things local. It is a simple channel for local people, businesses and change workers to join in a regular discussion about how we can continue to develop Paisley into a thriving place to live, work, learn and do business. Hosted on the first Wednesday of each month between 8-9pm, you can follow @paisleyhour and we will retweet you to our growing numbers of followers. Alternatively simply add #paisleyhour to your conversation and others will be able to find you. So log in and join the chat at the next #paisleyhour - ask questions, offer advice, ideas and use it to promote what’s happening in your community and business. Look forward tweeting with you soon!

As economic conditions remain challenging for many small businesses across Scotland, there’s a common misconception that banks aren’t lending. But at Bank of Scotland, we most certainly are. As part of Lloyds Banking Group, we lent £13.2 billion to SMEs across the UK in 2012. In the same period, our year-on-year net growth in advances to SMEs was four per cent, which is in contrast to a decline in net lending growth of four per cent across the industry. In addition, we continue to approve eight out of ten applications for overdrafts and loans. Support for multiple sectors At Bank of Scotland, we are supportive of all sectors and particularly tourism, manufacturing and legal. We recognise how vital these sectors are to the economy of the whole of Scotland. We work closely with VisitScotland, for example, to ensure we understand the opportunities and challenges that businesses in the tourism industry face every day. Our strong, long-term customer base across Scottish tourism means we have unrivalled experience of supporting viable hotel and bed and breakfast businesses. We also recognise the importance of manufacturers to the Scottish and UK economies. That’s why, as part of Lloyds Banking Group, we have pledged to make £1 billion of additional funding available to the UK manufacturing sector this year. Within the legal sector, we’re the first and only bank to train a specialist team of Relationship Managers to gain The Law Society of Scotland Practice

Management Standard. These teams ensure we provide a specialist service with a deeper understanding of the inner workings of a law firm, and our products are designed specifically around the Account Rules laid out by the Solicitors Regulation Authority. Of course, Bank of Scotland’s support to businesses spans many sectors. Our relationship managers invest time to ensure they get to know you and your business, ensuring they can offer guidance that is tailored to you and your needs. We’re encouraging enterprise by assisting businesses in their start-up and expansion plans and one way we are doing this is through the Bank of Scotland Funding for Lending scheme, to allow Scottish businesses to benefit from reduced funding costs. This means we can offer a one per cent reduction in the interest rate, through the whole term of the loan, for new business loans and hire purchase. Local knowledge, local support Perhaps our biggest commitment is to local knowledge. This supports our undertaking to meet every reasonable request from viable businesses for commercially priced finance. Our Senior Managers and Relationship Managers across Scotland have personal authority to sanction lending applications, which means quick decisions can be made by managers who understand the customer’s business and its ambitions, as well as the wider economy. To find out more about how Bank of Scotland can work with your business, please contact me on 07764 288 060.

Helping Renfrewshire Grow & Prosper


Making leather without costing the earth.

Scottish Leather Group Limited Locher House, Kilbarchan Road, Bridge of Weir, Renfrewshire, PA11 3RN Scotland T: +44 (0)141 889 3134

Business Matters Autumn 2013


John McGuire (right) with his cousin Jimmy

Phoenix MD makes march to historic battleground On August 1st, John McGuire, Managing Director of the Phoenix Car Company, set out to remedy an age-old problem. John’s grandfather was one of many brave men from Neilston who perished as a result of the First World War, yet still no memorial has been erected in their honour. With this in mind, John and his cousin Jimmy concocted a daunting plan to make sure that these heroes receive the commemoration that they deserve. The cousins would walk 590 miles from Neilston to Vimy Ridge, in France, to raise money for a monument in honour of the losses the town suffered. This was of course no easy feat, but the two of them were helped on their way at every stop. The support John and Jimmy received along the way was a huge encouragement, with many revellers coming to wish them well and even donate some money to their cause. Dumfriesshire MSP, Elaine Murray, even popped out to egg the guys on. After the best part of 14 days on the road, with tired legs and too many blisters to begin counting, the twosome arrived at their destination to take in the truly moving sight of the Vimy Ridge monument. John and Jimmy must be given a huge amount of credit for the effort and time they put into the adventure and can be proud in the knowledge that they greatly contributed to the current total which is in excess of £30,000; they are nearly at the total for the monument to be erected! Hopefully this will go some way to easing the pain that was experienced almost 100 years ago. For more information or to donate to this worthy cause, please log onto theneilstonwarmemorial/

PHOENIX CAR COMPANY CHARITY CHALLENGE Phoenix Car Company has been providing expert advice to businesses in the West of Scotland for over a decade. Operating from 4 locations covering West and Central Scotland we are well positioned to cater for all companies’ fleet requirements. Whether you need a supermini, hatchback, estate, 4x4 or commercial vehicle we can help. Our current list of franchises includes; Honda, Hyundai, Kia, Mazda, Mitsubishi and Suzuki. We enjoy finding different ways to demonstrate our products to businesses; an example of this is our recent MPG Charity Challenge using the Honda Civic 1.6 i-DTEC. The challenge involved companies taking the car and driving 100 miles, with the company who achieved the highest MPG winning £250 for a charity of their choice. Some of the teams went to extreme lengths to achieve the highest figure possible, from driving to get Krispy Kreme Donuts in Edinburgh, planning a 100 mile test route, leaving home at 4am, to driving

with all gadgets and air-conditioning switched off! Congratulations to Bob Grant from the Chamber who got involved and set a very impressive 86.2mpg. We pride ourselves on offering the highest level of service in the sector that is why we can count a number of companies as customers for over 15 years now! We offer a wide range of services to businesses including: • Free and impartial advice on your fleet requirements • Impartial advice on the best model to meet your business requirements • Advice on the best finance and maintenance options • Comprehensive business proposals • Competitor analysis • Company car tax calculations • Extended vehicle demonstrations Whether you are changing a vehicle next week or next year please get in touch with our Corporate team who would be delighted to assist you. Please call us on 0141 849 5196 or email

Helping Renfrewshire Grow & Prosper


Honda Civic proves it is miles better Honda Civic 1.6 i-DTEC If the Honda Civic is a car on your “maybe aye” list it is worth taking a closer look at some of its major strengths. First, it is built in Britain and its record for dependability and reliability is outstanding. It has fresh, modern appeal in its passenger cabin and is equipped with innovative technologies, but there’s more. The 1.6 i-DTEC ES model was recently crowned the most fuel efficient vehicle in the Green Car Towing Awards. It came under the scrutiny of a pernickety panel of judges that know a thing or two about cars and who are especially keen on areas such as economy, emissions and all things that save motorists money while being kinder to the planet.

Most motorists will have their own set of criteria when it comes to choosing their next car but it is almost certain that fuel economy will major strongly. Alas, official figures are regularly far from what’s achievable when doing everyday things like going on the school run or covering long distances on the motorway. However, the Honda Civic and its 120ps diesel engine was put through its paces in various assessments that included driving over a variety of roads in builtup areas and in the country. It came out on top, beating 46 other cars, with a recorded 66.4mpg, which although short of nonsense “official” figures still emphatically ensures its prime position. This 1.6 i-DTEC has particular appeal to

Phoenix Car MD John McGuire

business users as its low emissions of 94g/ km and zero annual VED help it achieve a 13% benefit in kind tax rating. Indeed, it may well have been designed for them.

Business Matters Autumn 2013




First Aid

Clydebank Campus 0141 951 7555 Greenock Campus 01475 553 044

- Better, Faster, Stronger Paisley Campus 0141 581 2121

Audrey Cumberford, Principal and Chief Executive

On 1 August 2013, Clydebank College, James Watt College (Greenock) and Reid Kerr College merged to form West College Scotland. Supporting over 40,000 students, employing over 1,200 members of staff and with an annual turnover in excess of £50m the College is now the second largest in Scotland. Principal and Chief Executive Audrey Cumberford is keen to point out the potential of the new College: “West College Scotland is an enterprising new college that will bring together the best features of our former organisations, providing economies of scale through shared resources to better support the growth of opportunities for our staff, students and stakeholders. We already engage with over 500 employers throughout the West region and our aim is to build on our connections with business organisations, Chambers of Commerce, community partners and government stakeholders to ensure we’re providing training and development that is relevant to their needs. We have exciting plans for the College that should ensure we take top place as a major innovator and leader in the FE/HE Sector in Scotland”. West College Scotland is proud of its partnerships with businesses and


0300 600 6060


community organisations in delivering award-winning training and development programmes and employability skills training. From SMEs to blue-chip companies, the College is proud to be linked to businesses such as EE, intu Braehead, RBS and BAE Systems. The College’s Paisley campus has also undertaken a significant partnership with Scottish Leather Group (SLG) to deliver a Modern Apprenticeship Academy in Leather Production and Manufacturing. This year SLG were delighted to win the ‘Apprentice Award’ at the s1jobs Recruitment Awards 2013, and have just been shortlisted in the ‘Scotland’s Modern Apprenticeship Awards - Large Employer’ category for this year’s Modern Apprenticeship Awards in November. Maureen Ross, Group Head of Human Resources at SLG is delighted with how the programme is progressing, “We’re extremely proud of the success of the

Helping Renfrewshire Grow & Prosper


“ I’d like to update my professional qualifications ” West College Scotland offers a range of professional training and development courses to help you update your skills.



First Aid

Clydebank Campus 0141 951 7555 Greenock Campus 01475 553 044 Paisley Campus 0141 581 2121

Academy and look forward to taking it to the next level. West College Scotland does a fantastic job for us in terms of delivering the Leather Production and Manufacturing SVQ2. This is a great example of industry led training and development which has led to SLG entering into a formal partnership with the College”. The merging of three colleges into one creates opportunity for investment across the College’s estates and facilities. With a

total investment spend of just under £6m planned for 2013/14, work is on-going across all three campuses to improve facilities and services for students, staff and corporate clients. Greenock campus is undergoing a number of major works including new access corridors, teaching space improvements and a complete re-fit of the seventh floor restaurant area, with spectacular views over the Firth of Clyde. Significant investment in technology will ensure that West College Scotland is


0300 600 6060


at the cutting-edge of digital innovations for learning and teaching, with a greater range of training programmes and accredited qualifications offered via our virtual learning environment for those looking to study by distance or blended learning. The enhanced capacity of the College will ensure its ability to grow and thrive over the coming months. Audrey Cumberford is confident of a bright future; “the success and strength of West College Scotland going forward will be dependent on our collective ambition, pride and passion. The approach we have taken in the West region has always been to shape and drive our own future and I firmly believe this ethos will continue as we shape our new college. Our core purpose remains the same – to change people’s lives, create opportunities for our students, strive for excellence in everything we do and make a real difference to our local communities across the whole region”.

For more information about West College Scotland, and how we can help you grow your business please call 0300 600 6060 or visit www.

Business Matters Autumn 2013


Invest in Renfrewshire update...

Invest in Renfrewshire is the council’s flagship £8m programme to boost the local economy and tackle youth unemployment. It offers a range of packages of financial support designed to help local firms grow, including wage subsidies to take on new staff. The programme also includes business growth grants of up to £10,000 and loans of up to £50,000 to help firms pursue development projects. Firms can also get help to find new premises or pay for staff training. Since last summer, more than 420 local firms have signed up to take part, with funding approved for more than 130 new jobs and more than 75 graduate internships.

Has your firm signed up yet? If not, why not? Call 0300 300 1180 or email to find out more. You can also visit our website at and you can now keep up with the latest via Twitter (@InvestinRen) and Facebook (Invest in Renfrewshire).

Invest in Renfrewshire aims to grow the local economy and create jobs for 16 to 24-year-olds. To do this, the council, businesses and third sector organisations have to work together to pursue development projects, offer more employment opportunities and form support programmes to prepare young people for work. How can you help?

How can we help you?

How can you sign up?

You could contribute by offering at least one:

We can provide funding to help you:

• Job or apprenticeship

• Take on new staff

• Fill out our Partnership Agreement online at

• Graduate internship

• Attend a trade show

• Work experience placement

• Explore new markets

• Workplace visit

• Access a loan

• Hour of your time

• Train employees

• Sponsorship donation

• Find or improve premises

For more information call

0300 3000 144

Helping Renfrewshire Grow & Prosper


New hub is open for business A one-stop shop where local firms can find out how to get financial help has been officially opened for business. The Invest in Renfrewshire Business Hub in Lawn Street, Paisley, is designed for any local company – big or small – to pop in and find out more about financial support available to them through the scheme. The new facility also boasts meeting rooms and will be a venue for networking and business information events, with a series of ‘meet the expert’ clinics set to take place in October. To officially open the business hub, Renfrewshire Council Leader Mark Macmillan welcomed representatives of local firms and partner groups to a

business breakfast. He said: “It is essential that small businesses are given the chance to thrive, and the council has a key role to play in creating conditions in which that can happen “The new business hub is intended to be exactly that – a central place where local firms can visit, attend events,

access funding, and network with other professionals.” Any small businesses in need of somewhere to go to meet clients are welcome to use the facility by booking one of the meeting rooms. To find out more about the hub, call 0300 300 1180 or email invest@

Renfrewshire Council Area’s top Recruits are revealed A group of young Renfrewshire people were revealed as job winners at a glittering ceremony to mark the conclusion of a popular youth employment programme. The finale of the summer edition of The Recruit took place at Paisley Town Hall in front of a crowd of invited guests and proud parents. The Recruit is loosely based on TV favourite The Apprentice and sees young people compete through a series of business-based challenges. This year’s saw two versions of the programme – one for S5/6 school leavers and one for unemployed young people aged between 18 and 24. Two young people were crowned as the Top Recruits on the night, with Ryan Barbour (S5/6) and Deanna O’Connor (18-24s) walking away with the top awards. There was also a Recruit’s Choice

award, chosen by the young people themselves, which went to Rachael Fletcher and Mark Brown. In total, 17 young people secured jobs or training opportunities at organisations including Renfrewshire Council, Renfrewshire Leisure, A&B Blinds, Crazy Capers childcare and Renfrewshire Chamber of Commerce. Councillor Roy Glen, Convener of Renfrewshire Council’s Economy and Jobs Policy Board, said: “I would like to thank all the companies who helped support the programme by

running challenges and offering their expertise, and look forward to working with them again in the future.”

Business Matters Autumn 2013


Your chance to pick up expert advice BUSINESS SUPPORT WHEN YOU NEED IT

Running a growing business in Renfrewshire? Make us part of your plans For any successful business a network of trusted advisers is vital. Business Gateway Renfrewshire provides practical support and advice to growing Renfrewshire businesses every year. Visit or call 0141 585 6353

Business Gateway services are delivered by Local Authorities, Scottish Enterprise and Scottish Government with the support of associated partner organisations.

Renfrewshire firms can pick up some businessboosting tips at a series of free meet-the-experts events this month. The special sessions will allow businesses of all kind to find out more about subjects including how to access business-growth funding, and bid for council contracts. They will be hosted at Renfrewshire Council’s recently-opened business hub in Lawn Street, Paisley throughout October. Other topics set to be covered include consumer protection, planning and building standards, business licensing, recruitment, and funding for the third sector. Each of the ten sessions will be staffed by an expert from the council or elsewhere, who will be able to answer questions and offer advice on their subject. They are open to any local businessperson, although visitors will need to book a timeslot in advance. To see a full list of sessions and times, and for details on how to book a timeslot, visit www.

There is no doubt growing a business can be both exciting and rewarding, however, there are also challenges to face. At Business Gateway Renfrewshire, we provide a wealth of support for businesses across the region to help them deal with these challenges, identify opportunities and ultimately achieve their growth aspirations. Our team of professional advisers works with growing businesses providing them with free one-to-one tailored business advice to help prioritise the things they need to do. The advisers can also help businesses with; Funding We can help to identify funding opportunities from a wide range of national and local sources including the support available through Renfrewshire Council’s new Investment Fund and Young Company Development Fund. Signposting Our team of advisers can point businesses to a range of support on industry and business specific information, including the Business

Gateway Market Insight packs which provide key information and relevant research on numerous industry sectors. The packs include market intelligence which can help businesses to identify trends and opportunities within their market. Events and Workshops Business Gateway runs a wide range of free training workshops and events for growth businesses in Renfrewshire. The events are free to business owners and their employees and offer a great opportunity to improve skills in a range of areas such as marketing, digital marketing, finance and online trading. Full details of forthcoming events can be found the on the website www.bgateway. com/events. MyBusiness App Quick, free and easy to use the ‘MyBusiness’ app from Business Gateway is packed with useful guides, video tutorials, case studies and a great planning tool that businesses can use to schedule and organise all their tasks to help them run their business more effectively.

To find out how we can help you grow your business give our team a call today on 0141 585 6353 or email Renfrewshire@ You can also find a wealth of business information and download the MyBusiness app on the local pages on our website

Helping Renfrewshire Grow & Prosper

43 and Jet2holidays announce further growth at Glasgow Airport has announced significant growth plans for Glasgow Airport including a fifth dedicated aircraft and 130,000 more seats for summer 2014. The move will see an increase in the frequency of flights to a number of Glasgow’s most popular destinations including Palma, Alicante and Tenerife. A total of 650,000 seats are now available for summer 2014. In just two and a half years of flying from Glasgow Airport, the airline has trebled the number of routes now available to passengers. This year alone five new city and sun destinations have been added – Corfu, Fuerteventura, Reus and Zante – plus a new discovery route to Boston. Jet2holidays is also celebrating an increase in customer numbers, with bookings up 86 per cent year-on-year. As a result of this continued expansion by both businesses, 123 new jobs have been created in 2013 alone. Steve Heapy, CEO of and Jet2holidays, said: “Following two and a half successful years we are thrilled to be

celebrating further growth at Glasgow. “Since our first flight took off, we’ve not only increased capacity, we have also more than tripled our range of destinations from seven to 24. “We’ve also continued to invest in the area with the creation of further jobs. These developments demonstrate our ongoing commitment to providing local customers with unrivalled choice and flexibility, with great value and award winning service as standard.” Amanda McMillan, managing director of Glasgow Airport, added: “The past two and a half years have been extremely exciting for Glasgow Airport, during which time we have enjoyed a steady increase in passenger numbers. has played a huge role in this sustained period of growth, cementing its position as one of our most popular airlines.

“ joined Glasgow Airport at what was a difficult time for the industry but it showed tremendous commitment to, and confidence in the West of Scotland market and we now find ourselves in the position where Glasgow is its largest Scottish base. “It has continued to add capacity, create jobs and provide passengers with greater choice and I am delighted it has once again reaffirmed its commitment to Glasgow Airport with the introduction of a fifth aircraft.” To book flights visit or for package holidays visit www.

NEW FROM GLASGOW AIRPORT Discover our range of new flights and destinations this year! • Warsaw & Gdansk with WizzAir • Dominican Republic with Thomson • Dusseldorf with Lufthansa • Zante, Corfu & Boston with • Cruise flights to Venice with Celebrity Cruises • Now 5 flights per week with Icelandair plus new connections to Vancouver & Edmonton

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