Business Matters Magazine Summer 23

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business matters SUMMER 2023 EDITION The fabric of the business community. Inside: Renfrewshire Connect, NMIS feature, Kings Awards for Enterprise, Artificial Intelligence for Marketing, Member news and more… NMIS opens new world-class facility in Renfrewshire

President’s welcome

Dear Members, Welcome to the summer edition of Business Matters magazine.

Thank you to everyone who attended Renfrewshire Connect on Thursday 18th May. I thoroughly enjoyed the day connecting with new and existing contacts and was pleased to see so many people at the Lagoon, Paisley. We value the support of our sponsors, exhibitors and those attending to make the event so worthwhile.

CEO Bob Grant recently attended the opening of the National Manufacturing Institute Scotland (NMIS) on 21st of June. The NMIS building was opened by the First Minister (FM) and this world class R&D facility will lead innovation in our manufacturing sector throughout Scotland. We are proud the groundbreaking facility is right here in Renfrewshire and our SME community can benefit from this investment in the years to come.

Scottish Chambers of Commerce has been representing the SCC Network on your behalf on the Scottish Government’s “New Deal for Business” Group. This has also included inputting into multiple strategic meetings and a range of subgroups which SCC has participated including business/government relationship, regulation, data metrics, and non-domestic rates.

Sub-group meetings have taken place intensively over the last four weeks and the Scottish Government have published an initial set of highlevel recommendations in a report compiled for the FM. I am encouraged to see this process underway with a positive start however there is much work ahead to ensure ambition is translated into the outcomes which

our businesses need to thrive.

The Glasgow City Region has just been announced as one of two new Investment Zones in Scotland, along with the North East following a joint selection process by the UK and Scottish Governments. Each region will each be supported by up to £80 million in targeted investment, tax reliefs and other incentives over five years. We warmly welcome this announcement with selection based on our region’s research strengths, an assessment of economic need and potential, and a consideration of geographic spread.

The initiative is to be delivered by each area’s Regional Economic Partnership. Regional leaders, businesses and universities will take the lead in shaping regional plans, and discussions will now begin with government to develop detailed proposals.

Scotland’s Bravest Manufacturing Company has been announced as one of the first recipients of The King’s Award for Enterprise, for its commitment to social enterprise. The work of Scotland’s Bravest, which is a division of Royal British Legion Industries (RBLI) has been recognised in the Promoting Opportunity category. The military charity is one of only nine organisations to be recognised for promoting opportunity in the first year of The King’s Award for Enterprise.

This year’s King’s Awards are now open for entries until September, and I would encourage you to consider applying, more details on how to apply on page 23.

As usual at this time of year we do not have any events in July however the Chamber team will be launching Rocco 2023 in the coming weeks. Winning a Rocco Award is

a great opportunity to recognise the success and achievements of your business in the last 12 months and shines a spotlight on all the impressive organisations we have in Renfrewshire – however winning is a challenge and each year the competition gets stiffer, making the shortlist is a huge achievement in itself. Entry is free and open to all members regardless of location. If you are a non-member your business must be based in Renfrewshire. There will be categories relevant to all sizes and sectors of business.

Finally, I hope you all get the opportunity to enjoy time off during the summer break and recharge your batteries with friends and family.

Kind regards - Derek

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A warm welcome from our Chief Executive

Thank you to all our exhibitors, speakers & sponsors who attended Renfrewshire Connect. Following the event’s rebrand we were thrilled to see the day so well attended. We aim to return for our 12th year in 2024 and encourage all businesses and local organisations to get involved. As the largest free business event in the area, it is a great opportunity to see the breadth and depth of businesses in the area and truly “Connect & Grow”.

I was delighted to see several members recognised in the recently announced King’s Birthday Honours: Dr Corrine Hutton, founder of charity Finding Your Feet becomes an MBE, Andrew Malcolm, CEO of the Malcolm Group has been honoured with an MBE for services to the Transport Industry and Robin MacGeachy, founder & chairman of Peak Scientific has been awarded an OBE for his services to Manufacturing and Philanthropy. The chamber offers warm

Business Matters Summer 2023

congratulations to these outstanding individuals and all they do for our community demonstrating the depth of talent and service we have within Renfrewshire.

STEM Fortnight returns in October 2023 – could you support? We are seeking organisations who can provide an activity for a young person in a STEM related environment (Science, Technology, Engineering & Maths). With the importance of manufacturing & technology as a sector to Renfrewshire, demonstrated by the recent opening of the outstanding NMIS facility it is important we keep up momentum with this initiative.

Rocco 2023 will open for entries towards the end of July. Entry is free and open to all members regardless of location. If you are a non-member your business must be based in Renfrewshire. There will be categories relevant to all sizes and sectors of business.

I hope you have a great Summer and best regards - Bob

The fabric of the business community. 3
Printed on ECF paper sourced from sustainable forests using vegetable based inks. Renfrewshire Chamber of Commerce Bute Court, St Andrews Drive, Glasgow Airport, PA3 2SW t: 0141 847 5450 / f: 0141 847 5499 e: / w: Next issue of Business Matters is Autumn 2023 Deadline for editorial and adverts is 15th September 2023 Themes are Rocco shortlist / export / logistics & transport / manufacturing Advertising & Editorial: Contact Jill Carrino t: 07702 909474 / e: Print and Design by: The Print Brokers (Scotland) Ltd / e:
Follow the chamber: Renfrewshire Chamber of Commerce would like to acknowledge the support of our Premier Partners: “ I’d like to update

Ground-breaking NMIS facility paving the way for the future of manufacturing in Scotland

The National Manufacturing Institute Scotland (NMIS), operated by the University of Strathclyde, has today (21 June 2023) opened its new world-class, flagship facility at the heart of the Advanced Manufacturing Innovation District Scotland (AMIDS) in Renfrewshire, aiming to be a major stimulus for the country’s economy, skills development, and prosperous, sustainable communities.

Acting as a magnet for advanced manufacturing in Scotland and across the globe, the distinctive heather-coloured, 11,500m2 operationally carbon neutral campus next to Glasgow Airport will support manufacturing, engineering and associated technology businesses of all sizes. Innovative R&D will help them to become more productive, tap into emerging markets, embrace new technologies, and achieve net-zero targets.

Scotland’s manufacturing sector employs over 179,000 people and is responsible for more than 50% of the country’s international exports and 47% of business expenditure on R&D1

The new facility will be home to the NMIS Manufacturing Skills Academy, fully connected Digital Factory, and publicly accessible collaboration hub. The Lightweight Manufacturing Centre (LMC) – which is also part of the NMIS group – will relocate from its current base in Renfrewshire, splitting its operations between the new building and NMIS’s founding centre the University of Strathclyde’s Advanced Forming Research Centre (AFRC).

Featuring a variety of technology zones dedicated to growth areas, the NMIS Digital Factory will include a food and drink cyber-physical demonstrator, Industrial

Internet of Things (IIoT) connected shop floor, a factory command centre, and a hub dedicated to helping manufacturers embrace the circular economy and extend the life of their products and systems. The factory demonstrates the vast potential of digital technologies in helping manufacturers improve their products and processes in the drive towards a net-zero economy, while still increasing productivity.

The building was opened by Scotland’s First Minister Humza Yousaf at a ceremony this morning alongside NMIS CEO Chris Courtney; Professor Sir Jim McDonald, Chair of the NMIS Board and Principal and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Strathclyde; Katherine Bennett, CEO of the UK’s High Value Manufacturing (HVM) Catapult; and Adrian Gillespie, CEO of Scottish Enterprise, along with senior delegates from across industry, academia, and the public sector.

The facility was built by Morrison Construction, part of the Galliford Try Group, and designed by Glasgow-based HLM Architects. It features clean and innovative low-carbon solutions to mitigate its impact on the environment, including a large-scale rooftop solar array for electricity generation, access to a stateof-the-art low-carbon district heating network, and rainwater harvesting system.

First Minister, Humza Yousaf said: “The openingoftheNationalManufacturing InstituteScotland(NMIS)isanexciting moment – it will ensure that Scotland’s longhistoryofinnovationandengineering continues,andalsosupportsourdriveto net zero.

“Scotland is one of the most innovative nationsintheworld.Bybringingtogether research,industryandthepublicsector, thisfacilitywillallowcompaniesofall sizestoembracecreativemanufacturing

techniquesandsupportcutting-edge research.Manufacturingiscriticaltoour long-termeconomicrecoveryandthis centre, which the Scottish Government providedfundingof£75milliontowards, willsupportthat.

“Todaywearepublishingthefirstannual progressreportonourNationalStrategy for Economic Transformation. NMIS is atangibleexampleofthepartnership workingitpromotes,showingour commitmenttodeliveringforbothbusiness andpeople.”

Since 2019, NMIS has helped deliver more than 150 research and development projects for 142 different customers and partners. It has already upskilled and reskilled more than 1,300 people, placed more than 80 graduate trainees in Scottish manufacturing, and supported more than 100 internships.

Chris Courtney, CEO of the National Manufacturing Institute Scotland (NMIS), said: “Afacilityofthisscaleandambition doesn’thappenbychance.Thankyouto ourcolleaguesandpartners,whohave workedtogethertirelesslyformany yearstomakeitareality.It’sbeenatruly collaborativeeffort–fromcreatinga sharedvisionofNMIStodeliveringour world-classnewbuilding.

4 Business Matters Summer 2023
First Minister opens new R&D hub in Renfrewshire; with innovation at its heart, the facility is set to be a catalyst for economic growth
First Minister Humza Yousaf and NMIS CEO Chris Courtney with a group of apprentices.

“Wenowmoveintoaphaseof deliveringonthoseambitionsthrough intensecollaborationwithindustryand providinginnovativesolutionstotheirmost challengingproblems.Scotlandhasastrong manufacturingsector–supportingworldrenownedcapabilitiesinthemaritime industry,renewableenergies,foodand drink,thesatellitesandspaceindustryand manyothers.Wealsobenefitfromworldleadinguniversitiesandagrowingnumber ofambitioustechnologyentrepreneurs.

“NMIScanplayacrucialrolein harnessingthispotentialtoimpactwhatwe makeandhowwemakeitmoresustainably andefficiently.Thereisarealindustrial demandforgreener,innovativetechnology solutionsthatharnessthepowerof digitalisation,alongwiththefutureskills that we all need to thrive. We will work with

ourindustrypartners,talentedteamand thewiderecosystemtodeliverthisbrighter manufacturingfuture.”

Professor Sir Jim McDonald, Chair of the NMIS Board and Principal and ViceChancellor of the University of Strathclyde said, “NMISwillhelptopositionScotland andtheUKasagloballycompetitive locationforresearch,innovationandhighqualitytalentforadvancedmanufacturing acrossmultiplesectorsincluding aerospace,renewableenergy,photonics andtransport.

“AsauniqueelementinScotland’s growinginnovationecosystem,NMISwill playaleadingroleincreatingIndustry 4.0capabilitybysupportingindustry indevelopingdata,digitalandartificialintelligence-ledsolutionsthatwillattract majorinvestmenttodrivelocalandnational economic value.”

Katherine Bennett CBE, CEO of HVM Catapult, said: “This state-of-the-art facilityisatrueassetformanufacturers. Developingthelatestdigitaltechnologies, alongsidetheworkforcetodeliverit, will enable businesses to become more productive,theirsupplychainsmore resilient and the sector more sustainable.

“The success of NMIS is built on collaborationandbyworkingwith governmentpartners,academiaand industry–withthesupportofInnovateUK –thisnewbuildingwillbeattheforefront

ofhelpingHVMCatapultdriveindustrial transformation for the UK.”

Scottish Enterprise Chief Executive Adrian Gillespie said: “NMISisatrulyworldclassfacilitythatputsScotlandontheglobal mapofadvancedmanufacturinginnovation andinvestment.Thisground-breaking institutionisalreadyattractinginterestand investmentfrominternationalcompanies, aswellasdevelopingpartnershipswith companiesacrossScotland.

“WorkingcloselywithNMIS, Scottish Enterprise will help Scotland’s manufacturers make full use of the institute’soutstandingfacilitiesand expertise to drive innovation in their processes and product development, and to take their products to markets across the world.

“TheErnst&YoungAttractiveness SurveyhasagainnamedScotlandasthetop UKlocationforforeigndirectinvestment outsideLondon.Throughourinternational network,wewillpromotethisfantastic nationalmanufacturingassettofurther drive Scotland’s future economic success.”

NMIS is operated by the University of Strathclyde and supported by the Scottish Government, Scottish Enterprise, Highlands and Island Enterprise, South of Scotland Enterprise, Skills Development Scotland, Renfrewshire Council, and the Scottish Funding Council. It is also part of the UK’s High Value Manufacturing Catapult.

1. Source:’s,expenditure%20on%20R%20and%20D.

The fabric of the business community. 5
Professor Sir Jim McDonald, First Minister Humza Yousaf, and NMIS CEO Chris Courtney. First Minister Humza Yousaf with NMIS’s Scott Brady and a collaborative robot (cobot).

Career matchmaking could be the solution to Renfrewshire’s – and Scotland’s – industrial labour shortages

Scotland’s manufacturing sector currently accounts for approximately 169,000 jobs and, each year, around 1,600 people are welcomed into modern apprenticeships in engineering. But, with the resurgence of industries like shipbuilding, Scotland joining the modern space race, and ScotWind projects coming to fruition, the demand for manufacturing and engineering skills is only going to rise.

We need to ensure we have talented people with the right expertise to deliver for these opportunities –particularly in Renfrewshire, where we have many companies involved in modern manufacturing along with the growing Advanced Manufacturing Innovation District Scotland (AMIDS), which includes four of the National Manufacturing Institute Scotland (NMIS) facilities.

The experiences of some of our partners tells us that the energy and appetite for jobs in the sector is strong. One engineering company recently recruited over 180 apprenticeship positions and interviewed over 600 applicants – leaving a pool of 420 more people keen to get into manufacturing.

While not all of them will be suitable candidates, the challenge lies in ensuring those who were unsuccessful for the original apprenticeships continue their career journey in the sector and don’t feel disheartened by an initial rejection. Labour shortages have been a consistent

issue for manufacturing and, at least on paper, it would seem that there are talented applicants who are ready and willing to fill the gaps.

For years, universities have taken the approach of redistributing undergraduate course places to those who want them through UCAS Clearing. Once an initial tranche of places has been filled, any remaining spots are made available to students who meet the entry requirements for a certain subject and express an interest. In 2022, more than 66,000 students got a place at university this way.

In the manufacturing jobs market, there’s an opportunity for a new approach to recruitment, using this approach as the inspiration. Unsuccessful candidates from one company could be put forward for vacancies with similar organisations.

Together with a range of partners including Skills Development Scotland, NMIS is exploring the feasibility of a career matchmaking tool – or PreApproved Talent Scheme (PATS) – that could help employers to grasp the opportunities and speak to people who have already expressed an interest in the sector. We have worked with graduates, apprentices, employers and skills agencies through a range of one-to-one interviews, focus groups and surveys to develop the concept and determine the best approach.

Of course, there are restrictions and guidelines to consider such as GDPR, but it

could be as simple as giving the candidate details of other employers potentially interested in their skills. Alternatively, we could create a new, centralised applications website and jobs board.

Scotland has world-leading universities and the highest percentage of graduates compared to any other OECD country; yet, we still have skills gaps across a number of key industries. With manufacturing a critical part of Scotland’s industrial future and our drive for net zero, now it is time that we have systems in place to create and properly manage the workforce we need.

Find out more about NMIS at

6 Business Matters Summer 2023
Stewart McKinlay, Skills Director at the Manufacturing Skills Academy, part of the National Manufacturing Institute Scotland (NMIS), operated by the University of Strathclyde

Develop your Future Workforce through Modern Apprenticeships in Health and Social Care

Are you an employer in the care sector looking to invest in the future of your workforce?

Look no further than the Modern Apprenticeships in Social Services and Healthcare, or Social Services for Children and Young People, delivered by West College Scotland with funding from Skills Development Scotland.

As the demand for skilled professionals in the healthcare industry continues to rise, it is essential to equip your team with the knowledge and expertise needed to provide exceptional care. Our Modern Apprenticeship program offers a unique opportunity for you to upskill your employees while they earn and learn simultaneously.

Why choose our Modern Apprenticeships?

Practical Experience: Apprenticeships are the ideal way to bridge the gap between theory and practice. Our support will ensure that apprentices have underpinning knowledge, including an understanding of compliance and safety, as well as the practical skills required, to apply their knowledge and develop the practical skills necessary for their roles.

Funding Support: Thanks to our funding agreement with Skills Development Scotland, the cost on site assessment of your apprentices is fully funded. This means you can invest in their development without worrying about financial constraints.

Tailored Support: Our programme is designed to meet the specific needs of the health and social care sector. From residential care to community support, we provide comprehensive support in a range of sectors, including Children and

Embracing AI

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, businesses need to leverage cutting-edge technologies to enhance productivity and performance. One such technology is Artificial Intelligence (AI), a game-changer that has the potential to revolutionise the way businesses operate.

Young People, Health and Social Care (in residential and non- residential settings), key Care Competencies – including mental health awareness and personcentred care; and Core Skills -including working with others and communication skills.

Experienced Team: Our team of experienced Assessors and support staff are dedicated to delivering high-quality work-based assessment and support services, which are practical, relevant, and up to date with the latest industry standards. They provide ongoing support and guidance, ensuring your apprentices receive the best learning experience possible.

What’s the qualification?

Apprentices will obtain a Modern Apprenticeship qualification at either SCQF level 6 or 7 in Social Services and Healthcare, or Core units of an SVQ in Social Services (Children and Young People) at SCQF level 7.  Qualifications will include a range of work experience and industry-specific learning units combined with transferable core skills.

By recruiting Modern Apprentices, you will gain a qualified workforce that is equipped to deliver high-quality care. Your apprentices will become valuable assets, capable of meeting the challenges of a modern, agile care workforce.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to invest in your employees’ future and enhance your care services. Join us at West College Scotland and take the first step towards a brighter future in the health and social care sector. To find out more about our Modern Apprenticeships in Health and Social Care, contact us today at

West College Scotland is at the forefront of this technological revolution, empowering businesses and education by offering comprehensive support and solutions to harness the power of AI.

So how can this be done?

By Boosting Efficiency and Productivity

Implementing AI solutions can significantly boost the efficiency and productivity of businesses across various industries. By automating repetitive tasks and streamlining complex processes, AI frees up valuable time and resources. West College Scotland understands the unique challenges faced by businesses in today’s competitive landscape. Through our expert guidance and new introductory AI training programs, we will be equipping businesses with the necessary knowledge and skills.

By Driving Innovation and Competitive Advantage

Staying ahead in a competitive marketplace requires constant innovation. AI acts as a catalyst for innovation, empowering businesses to uncover valuable insights, identify emerging trends, and make proactive decisions. West College Scotland is committed to fostering innovation among businesses by offering AI-driven tools, resources, and training. Our collaborative approach brings together industry leaders, academic experts, and businesses to explore the potential of AI and co-create innovative solutions. By leveraging AI, businesses gain a competitive advantage, allowing them to identify untapped market opportunities, optimize operations, and stay at the forefront of industry advancements. We’re excited to be launching a new portfolio of courses from September. Please check our website for further information or contact

The fabric of the business community. 7

Salary or dividend: Which is best for company owners and directors?

For some time, it has generally been the case that dividends have offered company owners and directors a cost effective and flexible remuneration option compared to a bonus or salary.

However, the gap between the two has narrowed in the past few years, and with the recent Corporation Tax rise from 19% flat rate to an upper rate of 25%, it can no longer be assumed that a simple dividend option is the most effective route to take.

With a new personal tax year recently starting, Nicola Campbell, Partner at Azets, discusses why now is an ideal time for directors and shareholders to assess their remuneration plans.

Tax effective remuneration

Regular planning is undertaken to help entrepreneurs, business owners and directors to extract profit from the business in a tax efficient way. There are a few ways this can be done, but the most commonly used options are through dividends or via a standard salary/bonus scheme. It is also common to see a blend of the two routes - depending on the personal and business circumstances of the director/shareholder.


The ability to pay dividends relies upon the company earning profit after tax in excess of the amount of dividends to be paid. Dividends are not subject to National Insurance Contributions (NICs), and have been viewed as a more attractive way of extracting money compared to salary. Dividends, however, do not reduce a company’s Corporation Tax bill as they are paid out of the company profits after tax.


It can also be beneficial to receive pay via bonus/salary as this allows the individual to build qualifying years towards their state pension, and to make higher pension contributions if they wish to do so. From a business perspective, the amount of corporation tax which the company pays would be reduced compared to receiving pay via dividends. Unlike dividends, however, there will be NICs due from both the individual and the company, and a

higher rate of income tax will be payable by the individual.

Historic approach

We have seen many directors and shareholders who have paid themselves a minimal salary (up to the general threshold for NICs) and then rely on dividends for the balance of their income. Recent changes in tax rates have made this approach more complex, meaning extra calculations and diligence is required as well as seeking specialist advice before going down this route.

Is there a clear cut answer?

Simply, every individual’s personal and business circumstances are different. Add into this the following tax changes coming into play in this new tax year, there are a number of influencing factors:

Corporation Tax

· Increased from flat 19% rate on all taxable profits to 19% on taxable profits up to £50,000 and 25% for taxable profits over £250,000

Marginal Corporation Tax Rate

Effective rate of 26.5% on taxable profits falling between £50,000 and £250,000

Income Tax

Tax-free Dividend Allowance cut by 50% to £1,000

Additional (45%/47%) Rate threshold cut from £150,000 to £125,140

Personal Allowances frozen

Scottish Residents

· Remains more complex as Income Tax rates are up to 2% higher within each band and there are five instead of three rate bandings

The most effective remuneration plan will also be affected by ancillary matters such as age (no employees National Insurance for those over 65), pension contributions, salary sacrifice arrangements and benefits in kind.

If you haven’t reviewed your remuneration recently, we urge you to do so now to make sure you have the right plan for your circumstances, particularly in view of the significant increase in complexity of the tax system and the effective increase in tax rates.

If you have any questions relating to which option is best for you or would like to discuss tax efficient remuneration planning, please get in touch with Nicola Campbell by emailing or call 0141 886 6644.

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The fabric of the business community. 9

Glasgow Airport

It has been a busy few months for Glasgow Airport and this will continue now that the school summer holidays are in full swing.

The airport played host to a regional heat of the national Faraday Challenge Day STEM project run by the Institute of Engineering and Technology (IET) on Friday 15 May.

The secondary pupils became reallife engineers for the day when they researched, designed, and built solutions to actual aviation-based engineering problems as part of the project.

St Roch’s team came out on top on the day and as a reward for their hard work and ingenuity, all pupils involved in the challenge were invited to take part in a guided tour of Glasgow’s airfield when the challenge was complete.

This year’s challenge is in association with UK Research and Innovation’s (UKRI) Future Flight Challenge.

Fiona Smith, Group Head of Aerodrome Strategy, said “Itreallywasanhonourtohost theregionalFaradayeventintheairport anditwasreassuringtowatchtheseyoung peoplesoengagedinfindingtheright solutionstothechallengeswesetthem.The dayalsoprovideduswithachancetoshow themthetypeofcareersavailablewithin theaviationindustry,whichisexperiencing rapiddevelopmentininnovationthe likes of which we have not seen since the introductionoflong-haulflightinthe1930s.”

The following week we welcomed the UK Civil Aviation Authority’s board to the airport.

The CAA Board members were keen to understand what the airport is doing to maintain high levels of safety, improve the passenger experience and create a more sustainable future.

The visit formed part of the UK Civil Aviation Authority’s engagement with industry across the United Kingdom to understand the range of perspectives from the multiple areas it regulates and help inform decision-making for the benefit of consumers and the public.

During a two-day visit, the regulator’s Chair Sir Stephen Hillier, Joint-Interim Chief Executives Paul Smith and Rob Bishton, along with Board members, were taken on a comprehensive tour of Glasgow Airport and met with other areas of the wider aviation industry including Loganair, Bristow Helicopters and Skyrora.

In the same week the airport celebrated the opening of The Glasgow Store. Located on the first floor of the main terminal, the new boutique features merchandise from the iconic IRNBRU and Tunnock’s brands.

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Fans of ‘Scotland’s other national drink’ are now able to choose from sliders, swim shorts, bucket hats, t-shirts, and a host of other BRU-branded goods, while lovers of the legendary Tunnock’s caramel wafer and teacake can choose from an array of quality gifts including headwear, homeware and accessories.

Also available in store is the highend range from emerging Glasgow brand Albany Clothing, whose quality fashion line pays homage to the city’s iconic Duke of Wellington statue. Featuring polo shirts, hoodies and caps, each item features Glasgow’s traffic-cone-adorned mascot.

A consortium led by Glasgow Airport and net zero consulting co-developer Ikigai successfully secured funding from the Scottish Government to test the feasibility of a hydrogen production, storage and distribution hub that would support zero emission flight at the airport.

The funding was confirmed by the First Minister of Scotland Humza Yousaf and forms part of the Scottish Government’s £7m Hydrogen Innovation Scheme, which aims to support the development of renewable hydrogen technologies.

The Glasgow Airport Hydrogen Innovation Hub project will determine the most efficient, bankable, green hydrogen production, storage and refuelling solutions and assess the operational feasibility of a hydrogen hub at the airport.

A new artwork created by renowned

Scottish artist Gerard M Burns has gone on permanent display at Glasgow Airport.

The artwork was commissioned by AGS Airports to promote the historic and contemporary links between the group’s three airports and the regions they serve.

The set of three paintings are on display in the terminal’s main departure lounge and feature references to the coat of arms of each city and region served by Aberdeen, Glasgow and Southampton airports.

Children often feature in Gerard’s work and the three-panel piece entitled ‘One World Our World’ includes pupils from St Anne’s Primary School in the Gallowgate area of Glasgow.    The children set to be immortalized in the artwork joined over 80 invited guests in the terminal today to preview the work ahead of its installation.

Gerard Burns said: “This has been an amazingprojectfromstarttofinish,and hasgivenmeachancetoreallypushthe boundariesintermsofwhatI’mcapableof as an artist.

“Themostexcitingthing,however,isthat from next week ‘One World Our World’ will have a life of its own and will be seen bymillionsofpeoplefromallaroundthe world.’’

The airport’s busiest period of the year is well underway as more than 500,000 passengers passed through the terminal in the first two weeks of the school holidays.

More than 150,000 passengers travelled through the airport in the first weekend as

schools across a number of local authorities stop for the summer break. Many travellers headed for popular sunshine hotspots such as the Spanish Costas, the Canary and Balearic Islands, the Algarve in Portugal, Turkey and the Greek Islands.

City-break destinations are expected to be busy this summer, including Barcelona, Dubrovnik, Paris, Amsterdam, Rome and Dubai.

Additional staff are on hand at peak times over the next couple of months to provide help and support to passengers as they prepare for check-in and security.

Ronald Leitch, Glasgow Airport’s Operations Director, said: “Thereisalways agreatatmosphereinterminal,particularly as the school term has come to an end and thousandsoffamiliesarriveattheairport aheadoftheirholidays.

“This summer is set to be the busiest experiencedsince2019,sowewillcontinue toencouragepassengerstoarriveatthe timestatedbytheirairlinetoallowenough timeforcheck-inandtoensuretheyare preparedforsecurityandhavetheir boardingpassesready.Ageneralruleis threehoursforaninternationalflightand two for a domestic.

“Allliquids,gelsandpastescarriedin handluggageshouldbe100mlorlessand carriedintheclearbiodegradablebags providedaheadofsecurityandshouldbe presentedoutwiththeirhandluggageat thesecuritycheckpoint.”

The fabric of the business community. 11

Bespoke Build Development Opportunities

For Lease on Scotland’s Largest Trading

Industrial, Logistics & Trade Counter

Up to 65,000 sq ft plus secure service yards and parking


M8/J26 Glasgow G52

Contact Frasers Property 0141 883 5760

The latest new development at Hillington Park is now underway and, on its completion, another high-profile brand will join other prominent automotive names on the estate that include Volvo, Jaguar and Harley Davidson.

The bespoke 29,000 sq. ft build by Frasers Property UK, which has been pre-let to TrustFord, part of the world’s largest dedicated Ford dealer group, will be one of the most modern vehicle showroom and service facilities in the UK and one of the first automotive developments in Scotland to achieve a BREEAM “Excellent” sustainability accreditation.

With other famous motoring names like BMW, MINI, Renault, Dacia, Ducati and Triumph also based at Hillington Park, it is anticipated that TrustFord will further boost the Renfrewshire economy by recruiting over 40 new employees from the area when it opens in Spring 2024 following a high-quality fit-out.

Set for completion by the end of 2023, the new £6m scheme will be built by Scottish construction company Muir Construction which also built the popular West 100 & 200 development, the biggest speculative new build scheme on Scotland’s largest industrial estate in over 25 years.

The new facility will benefit from PV solar panels on the roof, underfloor heating powered by an air source heat pump, EV

charging, low-energy and water-efficient fittings. Upgrades to footpaths and extension of cycle paths will be undertaken in the vicinity to enhance accessibility and safety for pedestrians.

Grant Edmondson, Commercial Director at Hillington Park said: “FrasersPropertyUKisproudtodeliveranotherhigh-quality regenerationatHillingtonParkanddelightedtohaveconcludeda majorpre-letwithTrustFordforitsnewGlasgowoperation.”

Stuart Mustoe, CEO at TrustFord said: “Withaplannedopeningin 2024,weareveryexcitedtobedevelopinganewForddealership. Itscentrallocation,rightnexttothemotorwaynetwork,andwitha highlyvisiblepresence,isidealforustocreateasitededicatedto newandusedcarandcommercialvehiclesalongsideastunning newworkshop.Thenew,purpose-builtbuildinghasthehighest environmentalspecificationswhichmatchourownbusiness standardsandreflectourincreasingfocusonelectricvehicles.”

The site of the new TrustFord showroom, on the busy Hillington Road close to M8 J26, was previously occupied by Reid Furniture and latterly Harvey’s & Bensons Beds before the building was demolished in September 2022 as it was no longer suitable for modern business requirements. The J26 area is highly sought after by automotive brands for its great accessibility and highly visible roadside frontage.

12 Business Matters Summer 2023
The fabric of the business community. 13 Bespoke Build Development Opportunities For Lease on Scotland’s Largest Trading Estate Contact Frasers Property 0141 883 5760 Industrial, Logistics & Trade Counter Up to 65,000 sq ft plus secure service yards and parking M8/J26 Glasgow G52

5 AI graphic design tools for business marketing

In the spring edition of this magazine, I wrote a piece all about ChatGPT, and its potential to revolutionise the way small businesses produce text based content. The world of AI innovation has only expanded since, with tools available for everything from maths to computer coding – and image creation.

In this piece, we’ll explore five AI design tools that could offer your business a costeffective, timely way of creating marketing graphics.

Bear in mind that all generative AI is based on the principle of learning from what it has seen before, and that the tools have all been “trained” on different styles and examples, so for something truly original, some human input may still be needed. This might be a graphic designer adding some finishing touches to your creation, or starting with your AI-generated image and customising it in a program like Canva.

Let’s dive in and look at 5 different generative AI image tools.1. Canva

Yes, we just said this is what you’d maybe use for manual design work, but Canva has AI capabilities baked in. Its Magic Design tool, which is free and in Beta mode, offers you a selection of templates for AI image creation. You can upload your own images and graphics or start from scratch, creating pretty much anything by using the AI “Text to Image” app, which again can be added to Canva’s free version.

Dall-E 2 is an AI that creates images from your text descriptions: you literally just type what you want to see, and watch it come to life!  “Dall E” is from OpenAI, the same company that’s behind ChatGPT, and you can be sure of some rapid advancements to their system in the near future.  Currently, you can play with Dall-E 2 for free with some usage limitations, and as well as generating new images from text based prompts, it can also perform “outpainting” - extending an existing image beyond the original canvas borders.

3. Midjourney

This is another text-prompt AI generator that has become incredibly popular, but regrettably it doesn’t even offer a free trial any more.  You’ll need to pay the monthly fee (starting at $10/month) and for ‘newbies’ there’s a bit of a learning curve getting to grips with Discord (the geeky tool you have to use to generate your images).  Just prompt it for what you want it to create, e.g. “an orange concept sports car, sitting in a warehouse under showroom lighting” and it will offer a selection of four images to pick from and refine further until you get the one that best suits your needs.

Some of the most impressive and realistic AI images that have gone viral recently (did you see the Pope in his puffer jacket on the news?) have come from Midjourney, so it’s worth a look if you’re willing to pay, and learn how to use it properly.

4. Leonardo

Originally targeted at gaming artists, Leonardo promises the ability to “craft worlds in minutes, not months”, and it’s fast becoming a free alternative to Midjourney. Capable of producing some amazing AI art, you can also train their model with your own existing assets or mood boards to help it produce new material in your desired company style. The free version does have some limitations, but there’s more than enough there to allow you to have a good play, and generate your own characters, scenes, logos, stickers and more.

5. Adobe FireFly

Designed to integrate with Adobe’s Creative Cloud applications, FireFly is a new beta-mode AI built into Photoshop. Some of the capability is also present in the free Adobe Express tool. In addition to text-to-image, it offers features such as generative fill (removing or adding objects and backgrounds), text effects, generative recolour (creating colour variations from a text prompt), and ‘extend image’ (currently only available in Photoshop).

The stand-alone version which anyone can currently use for free (just create an Adobe login) is impressive, with consistently strong images created with the “Text to Image” tool, and very accurate ‘inpainting’ allowing you to make changes to parts of your image (their own example being to change someone’s suit jacket, to a denim jacket)

Gary’s verdict: which AI tool creates the best graphics for small businesses?

Each of the five tools we’ve showcased are good for different things, and the best tool for you depends on what you’re creating, and how much you’re willing to spend.

For me, Midjourney is a winner, but it comes at a cost, with Leonardo a close second place.  However, this is based on my preference for creating photo-realistic images of people which is just one type of image.

For cartoons, logos, illustrations, fantasy art, wireframes, web design mockups, product concepts, and other use cases, you might find another tool is even better. Start trying them out, and see how you get on!

For more help with your digital marketing and how AI can help, get booked onto one of our AI for small business webinars, or contact me about our 1-2-1 consultancy and training.

14 Business Matters Summer 2023
2. Dall- E 2

Dalmeny Park Hotel is one of Scotland’s premier Wedding/Conference Venues with space and facilities to accomodate up to 200 event guests. The hotel is located on the south side of Glasgow only a few miles from Glasgow Airport and City Centre, with 20 bedrooms, a luxurious restaurant and bar as well as extensive grounds to discover.

The fabric of the business community. 15
0141 881 9211 | Lochlibo Road, Barrhead G78 1LG
Part of the RAD Hotel Group
private gardens.
A Scottish mansion

Arnold Clark announce £23 million investment in electric vehicle charging network

Arnold Clark customers will have access to the ‘Arnold Clark Charge’ network, which will be available to book safely and securely on a 24/7 basis. The company has announced plans to install over 500 electric vehicle chargers across the UK in an investment worth £23 million.

Arnold Clark customers will have access to the ‘Arnold Clark Charge’ network, which will be available to book safely and securely on a 24/7 basis. Eight rapid chargers, with the ability to charge up to 150kW, will be installed at larger Arnold Clark branches, with four to six rapid chargers installed at smaller branches.

Eddie Hawthorne, Chief Executive and Group Managing Director of Arnold Clark, commented: ‘Ourcustomerswon’thaveany rangeanxietywhendealingwithArnold Clarkbecausewewillhaveacharging solution for them at our branches.

‘ArnoldClarkChargeisour£23million infrastructural investment in electric vehiclecharging.We’regoingtohaveover 500fastchargersacrossournetwork,from InvernesstoSouthampton,fromLiverpool toMiltonKeynes.

‘ThesechargersareforArnoldClark customersandtheiruniquesellingpoint isthatthey’rebookable,available24/7 andtotallysecure,whiletherewillbe preferentialratesforourcustomers.

‘Itwillprobablymakeusoneofthelargest independentcharginginfrastructural suppliersintheUKwhenwehavethe networkfullyinstalledbytheendoftheyear.’

Meanwhile, Arnold Clark is also delighted to announce the acquisition of Scottishbased electric vehicle charge point installers, Bumblebee.

From solar powered to smart home wall chargers, Bumblebee have the ability to install every OZEV-approved charge point

on the UK market.

As the UK’s largest network of electric car charge point specialists and installers, Bumblebee can provide chargers from industry-leading manufacturers such as Wallbox, Andersen and MyEnergi.

Mr Hawthorne added: ‘Last month we boughtBumblebee,aninstallerofelectric vehiclechargersforhomesandbusinesses, andwe’redelightedtowelcomethemtothe ArnoldClarkfamily.

‘Wewanttohelpourcustomersbuyan electricvehicle,butwealsowanttohelp themtounderstandwhatowning,charging anddrivinganelectricvehicleisallabout. Bumblebeeispartofthatstrategyand we’regoingtobesupplyingcustomerswith ourownEVchargers.

‘Wehavesomegreatproductscoming fromBumblebee,includingtheworld’sfirst modularEVchargingpoint,sokeepyour eyespeeledformoreannouncements.’

16 Business Matters Summer 2023
The fabric of the business community. 17 Chamber Pictures Upcoming Events See our events section on our website: 0141 847 5450 • “Pitch and Roll” Breakfast - Networking Event, Thurs 7th Sept 8am-9:15am, Abbeymill Business Centre, Foc for members Building Business Resilience Mindset with Azets Tues 29th Aug. 8.30am-10am. BUSINESS AWARDS 2023 ROCCO Awards 2023 Friday 17th November at the Normandy with Host Fred MacAuley HR Forum with MacRoberts Tuesday 19th Sept. 12pm-2pm FOC for Chamber Members, Venue: Chamber Business Centre. Chamber Connect Thurs 14th Sept 10am-10.30am. With Westfield Health. FOC for members. Venue: Business First, Linwood Follow the chamber:
Derek McNab with Prof James Miller UWS Behind the Scenes with Glasgow Airport Glasgow Airport Ops Tower Chamber Director Ronald Leitch with Gerard Burns Chamber Board Tour SLG Paisley Site June Board Meeting Scottish Leather Group June Networking Lunch June Pitch and Roll NMIS Opening with FM & CEO Chris Courtney Pupils & Staff From Trinity High School with Prof Miller


The Malcolm Group is delighted to announce our very own CEO has been awarded an MBE in the King’s Birthday Honours list, for services to the transport industry.

This award is truly special, coming just after celebrating the business’ centenary year. Andrew, having worked his way through the company from the age of 16, is typically modest in receiving his honour, stating;

“It is a fantastic honour in recognitionofnotjustofthesectorI’minvolvedinbut,more importantly,ofthefamilycompanythatIhavethepleasureof leading.Insomerespects,I’vebeenquiteluckyinlifeinthatIdo whatIenjoy,andIenjoywhatIdo.AlthoughI’mthefortunateone whogetsthehonour,itisinnosmallwayduetothebusinessand team that I have around me.”

The business is proud to be led by this great man who is truly passionate about the industry, the people in the business and the communities we work in.

Dr Corinne Hutton Awarded MBE

Chamber member Dr Corinne Hutton has been honoured for her work as founder of the Finding Your Feet charity, which raises money to reduce social isolation for amputees.

Corinne lost both hands and her lower legs after suffering acute pneumonia and sepsis in 2013.

Determined to help others in a similar position, she created Finding Your Feet.

She later became Scotland's first double hand transplant patient.

18 Business Matters Summer 2023 chamber New members On behalf of the Board of Directors and the Chamber staff, we would like to welcome onboard the following new members. Where Now Consulting Ltd Business Advisor/ Management Consultancy Mark Spragg 0141 370 8999 MM Search Specialising in senior and board-level recruitment, including Non-Executive Directors Jen Gillan 0141 404 0433 SJF Contracts Ltd Commercial, Industrial Heating, and Air Conditioning Services Stuart Fox O7734450993 ADJ First Aid Training First Aid Training David Young 07791937461 Money Advice & Planning Ltd Financial Experts Craig Bush 0141 891 7850 West NAH Professionals LLP Stephen Tourish 0141 468 8670 Sales Synergy Group Consultancy Michael Luby 07809480123 Paisley Eats Ltd Online local takeaway food portal Tom Sneddon 07531695920

Renfrewshire Chamber Golf Day - The Winners

The Chamber’s annual Golf Challenge took place on Friday 23rd June at Ranfurly Castle GC, Bridge of Weir. The event saw sixteen teams compete for the top prizes and the honour of being crowned Chamber Golf Champion of the Year. This year was extremely close with the team prize being shared by Morrison Construction and Commsworld who tied on points. We had the following winners on the day:

• Individual Winner: Scott Hunter from team Milne Craig.

• Winning Team: Morrison Construction and Commsworld.

• Nearest the Pin: Paul Hamilton from team Smith & McLaurin.

Longest Drive: Craig Scott from team Commsworld.

Chamber Chief Exec Bob Grant commented: “Thankyoutoalltheteams whotookparttosupportthechambergolf dayandyourkindgenerositywithraffle prizesandtickets.Weraised£750for chambercharityAccordHospice.Overall wewereluckywiththeweatherfollowing adampstart,thecoursewasinfantastic conditionandStuartSmith(Pro)Leanna (Catering)andClaireMiddletonGMlooked afterusverywell.We’llseeyouforthe ChamberGolfChallengein2024!”

Todd, owner and director of Tweetiepie Media, becomes Inverclyde Chamber’s Youngest Female President

We are thrilled to announce that Lizzy Todd has made history as the youngest female President of the Inverclyde Chamber of Commerce!

At just 34 years old, Lizzy has shown a remarkable level of talent, knowledge, and dedication, which has made her a natural fit for the position.

Tweetiepie Media, under the direction of Lizzy Todd, has been a member of the Inverclyde Chamber of Commerce since 2013, and she has subsequently become Board Member and Director of the Chamber in 2019.

Lizzy has been a driving force behind many of the Chamber’s initiatives, contributing her time and energy to build collaborative relationships with businesses within and out with the Inverclyde area. Her exceptional communication and leadership skills have helped her stand out from the

crowd, and her growth mindset has allowed her to flourish in her role.

In addition to her work with the Chamber, Lizzy is a passionate advocate for Inverclyde, championing inclusion and growing the economic potential of Inverclyde.

Please join us in congratulating Lizzy on this well-deserved honour and recognising her contributions to the business community in and also out with Inverclyde. We are excited to see what her leadership will bring to the Chamber in the months and years to come.

Stay up to date with Inverclyde Chamber via their website and social channels.


Instagram: inverclydechamberofcommerce

LinkedIn: company/inverclyde-chamber-ofcommerce

Facebook: inverclydechamber

Twitter: InverChamber

Stay up to date with Tweetiepie Media via their website and social channels.

Website: https://www.tweetiepiemedia. com

Instagram: tweetiepiemedia

LinkedIn: company/tweetiepie-media

Facebook: tweetiepiemedia

Twitter: tweetiepiemedia

The fabric of the business community. 19
Winning Team: Morrison Construction and Commsworld Nearest the Pin: Paul Hamilton from team Smith & McLaurin Longest Drive: Craig Scott from team Commsworld Individual Winner: Scott Hunter from team Milne Craig


Renfrewshire Chamber held its 11th annual B2B event on Thursday 18th May. Renfrewshire Connect took place in the Lagoon, Paisley with the goal to help businesses Connect, Grow and Learn. The event was sponsored by Paisley Is with the day attracting over 400 attendees and 50 exhibitors. The well attended 6 free seminars shared info & gave best practice on a range of hot topics:

Seminar Line up:

• Regeneration and Business Support with Renfrewshire Council

• How Artificial Intelligence (AI) can help your Business Marketing with Gary Ennis from NSDesign

• The Power of TV Advertising for Business with Sky Adsmart

• Leading during times of Crisis with Dr Christian Harrison from UWS

• Stopping the Business of Burnout with Brian Costello from Headstrong

The Dangers of Social Media with Garry Ennis from NSDesign

Commenting on the event Chamber CEO Bob Grant said “Followingourrebrandto RenfrewshireConnectweweredelightedto seetheeventsowellattended. Thankyou toallourexhibitors,speakers&sponsors. We aim to return for our 12th yearin2024 andencourageallbusinessesandlocal organisationstosupporttheevent.Asthe largestfreebusinesseventintheareaitis agreatopportunitytoseeawiderangeof businessesinRenfrewshireandbeyond, make lots of new connections, network & learn from others.”

20 Business Matters Summer 2023
Sponsored by: Brian Costello, Headstrong Dr Christian Harrison, UWS Gary Ennis From NSDesign Julie Neill , SkyAdsmart Gary Kenyon, RC Business Support Graeme McLatchie, Paisley Is Andy Robin, Paisley Museum Reimagined Exhibitors ready to go
The fabric of the business community. 21
Well attended seminar sessions throughout the day RCC 2 B2B 18.5.23 RCC 2 B2B 18.5.23 Networking Networking with Exhibitors Main Sponsor Paisley Is & Museum Reimagined Team Joining RCC Chamber Team Chamber President Derek McNab Artifical Intellegence with NS Design.jpg Renfrewshire Connect attendees

Chivas Brothers and Volvo Trucks unveil Scotland’s first all-electric tractor unit to transport country’s biggest export

Pilot programme from Chivas Brothers and Volvo Trucks will see CO2 emissions cut by 155 tonnes per year

Chivas Brothers, one of Scotland’s leading Scotch whisky producers and makers of Chivas Regal and The Glenlivet, has today announced the delivery into service of Scotland's first on-road all-electric tractor unit in partnership with electromobility market leader Volvo Trucks.

The truck is a Volvo FM Electric 6x2 tractor unit pulling a tri-axle box van trailer and operating at up to 44 tonnes gross vehicle weight. Specified for the purposes of transporting Scotland’s biggest export, Scotch whisky, the truck is capable of hauling approximately 24 tonnes of whisky per journey and will cover between 250300 miles per day, clocking up at least 62,000 miles per annum.

It forms the basis of a first-of-its-kind pilot programme, to be managed by McPherson’s, Chivas Brothers’ long-term haulage partner, designed to push the truck to its full capabilities and help the industry understand how electrification can benefit heavy trucks in the future. This truck alone will cut Chivas Brothers’ carbon emissions by 155 tonnes per annum, part of the business’ commitment to reducing its overall carbon footprint by 50% by 2030, and further contributing to Scotland’s own goal to achieve net-zero status by 2045.

The pilot is expected to run for an initial two-year period, from which the truck’s range, uptime, safety and operational ease of use will be assessed to determine the viability for a wider rollout across Chivas Brothers' transport fleet in the future.

“WeareaproudlyScottishbusinessand feeladeepresponsibilitytofurtherthe sustainabilityagenda,notonlyinwhisky butforScotlandatlarge.Whileitisatrue firstforboth,enablingustoprogress towards a sustainable future for Scotch, innovatinginelectrificationstandsto benefitindustrieswellbeyondourown,” said Jean-Etienne Gourgues, chairman and CEO of Chivas Brothers.

“Wepassionatelybelievethatcreating thehighest-qualitywhiskyshouldnot meancompromisingonsustainableand responsiblebusinesspractice,” added Jean-Etienne. “Thispilotwillshowuswhat ispossiblethroughlong-termcollaboration withpartnerswhorecognisethe importanceofoursustainabilityvisionand remainsteadfastininnovatingtorealise our shared success.”

“Chivas Brothers and McPherson’s are settingafantasticexamplebybecoming early-adoptersofanewgenerationof heavytruckwhichmeetsthedemands fromsocietyfordramaticcutsinCO2 emissions,” said Neil Park, Managing Director of Volvo Truck and Bus Centre North & Scotland. “It’s our mission to supportcustomersinmakingtheswitchto electrification,andwearelookingforward togrowingthiscollaborationtogether.”

“Scotland’swhiskyindustryishugely importanttooureconomy,especiallyin rural and island communities. It is also innovative and creative, and this ambitious projectisaprimeexampleofthecontinued progressthatourbelovedwhiskysector ismakingtoachievenetzeroemissions intheiroperationsby2040,” said Rural

Affairs, Land Reform and Islands Secretary Mairi Gougeon.

“Whiskyisenjoyedbymillionsacross theglobe,butitiscrucialthatwework towardensuringthatthefutureofour mostpopularexportisbothcarbonneutral andsustainable.Ihopethatcompanies acrossallsectorswillbeinspiredbythe boldapproachshownbyChivasBrothers andVolvoTrucks.Similarboldandurgent action will be needed across all sectors in order to secure a net zero future for Scotland,” Gougeon added.

This is a milestone in Chivas Brothers' net-zero journey, which implements innovative technologies to drive sustainable change. The producer has already rolled out other sustainable transport solutions across its operations, including a fleet of six circular biogas trucks and 19 site-based shunt vehicles, approximately half of which are currently trialling hydrotreated vegetable oil (HVO) fuel.

The all-electric tractor unit will operate from the nearest McPherson depot, situated adjacent to Chivas Brothers’ world-class Kilmalid facility. It is due to embark on its inaugural journey this coming week.

22 Business Matters Summer 2023

Scotland’s Bravest Manufacturing Co first recipient of The King’s Award for Enterprise

In April this year, Scotland’s Bravest Manufacturing Company was announced as one of the first recipients of The King’s Award for Enterprise, for its commitment to social enterprise.  The work of Scotland’s Bravest, which is a division of Royal British Legion Industries (RBLI) was recognised in the Promoting Opportunity category.

The military charity is one of only nine organisations to be recognised for promoting opportunity in the first year of The King’s Award for Enterprise, following the passing of Elizabeth II.  A total of 148 businesses across the UK have been recognised for their contribution to international trade, innovation, sustainable development and promoting opportunity (through social mobility).  10 in Scotland won an award although Scotland’s Bravest was the only winner in the Promoting Opportunity category and the only social enterprise.

Scotland’s Bravest’ which is based at Bishopton in Renfrewshire and established in 2019, was modelled on RBLI’s century-old social enterprise operation in Kent. The Scottish factory has established a reputation as a leading social enterprise in sign manufacture, providing employment opportunities for veterans and others with disabilities.  It has especially focused on those with life-changing physical and mental disabilities from service.   Since opening, the business has employed over 46 individuals, most of whom were from the veteran community and unemployed before starting in the factory.  The company has also supported a diverse pool of volunteers, many of whom have been able to spring-board back into employment after their experience in the factory.

Lisa Farmer, RBLI’s Chief Executive, said: “This award from His

MajestytheKing isamajorvoteof confidence in what Scotland’s Bravest Manufacturing Companyisdoingto promoteopportunity for our veterans and other beneficiaries”.

andhimselfaveteransaid:“Ourteamaredelightedwiththe announcement,it’sahugehonourandcanonlyhelpuscontinueour growthandhelpushelpevenmorebeneficiariesintothefuture”.

In a ceremony (date yet to be confirmed) the King’s Award flag will be unveiled at the factory in Bishopton.  The business will hold the award for 5 years.

King’s Awards for Enterprise Open For Entry

The King’s Awards for Enterprise are the most prestigious awards for businesses, recognising and celebrating business excellence across the UK. The recipients of the awards demonstrate outstanding success in their respective fields of innovation, international trade, sustainable development and promoting opportunity (through social mobility).

His Majesty The King personally approves the Awards and the Department for Business and Trade publicly announce the recipients on 21st April. From 2024, recipients will be announced on 6th May, to mark His Majesty The King’s Coronation. Award recipients often state that their achievement has opened new doors for them in terms of securing new contracts, venturing into new markets, and further developing their business. If successful in receiving a King’s Award for Enterprise, the organisation receives a Grant of Appointment, and is able to display the award emblem for up to 5 years, and access to a thriving alumni network of previous award recipients!

The King’s Awards for Enterprise was previously known as The Queen’s Awards for Enterprise, and the new name reflects

His Majesty The King’s desire to continue the legacy of HM Queen Elizabeth II by recognising outstanding UK businesses. The Award programme, now in its 57th year, has awarded over 7,000 companies since its inception in 1965.

The first ever recipients of The King’s Awards for Enterprise have been announced celebrating the achievements of UK businesses. This year, 148 businesses representing every part of the United Kingdom and a diverse range of sectors have been recognised by His Majesty The King as among the best in the country, with one company receiving two awards.

This year’s King’s Awards for Enterprise are given for outstanding achievement in:

• Innovation (47)

• International trade (78)

• Sustainable development (15)

• Promoting opportunity (through social mobility) (9)

His Majesty’s Lord Lieutenants will be presenting the Awards to businesses locally throughout the year. Applications for the 2024 round open on 6th May and close midday 12th September. Eligible businesses are free to apply for one or more categories. Recipients pass a robust assessment

process, judged by experts from industry, academia, the voluntary sector and senior officials in Whitehall.

This year’s recipients include SureScreen Diagnostics a Derby based manufacturer of Covid-19 tests – who receive two awards, large construction company Willmott Dixon, the 100-year-old family run business Bettys and Taylors and Scotland’s Bravest Manufacturing Company, which provides opportunities for military veterans.

The Awards are open to all UK based organisations with two or more employees. 90% of the recipients are SMEs but big businesses like KPMG, The Co-op, Holland and Barrett and JCB also recognise the importance and the benefits of these Awards.

Now, more than ever, is a vital time for great UK businesses to be celebrated and recognised.

Call to action:

• Read about eligibility and how to apply at

Email The King’s Awards Office for further details

Ring The King’s Awards Helpline 020 7 215 6880

The fabric of the business community. 23

Courtyard by Marriott Glasgow Airport is the perfect place to meet for your next business event. With four meeting rooms and a total of 1,733 square feet of space, we can accommodate groups of various sizes. Our rooms are equipped with the latest audiovisual technology and Wi-Fi access, so you can be sure that your meeting will run smoothly.

Our dedicated meeting planners will work with you to create a custom event that meets your specific needs. We can provide catering, audio-visual equipment, and other services to make your event a success. We also offer a variety of group rates to help you save money on your stay.

In addition to our meeting space, we also offer a variety of amenities that will make

your stay comfortable and productive. Our hotel has a fitness centre, a business centre, and a restaurant. We also offer free parking for all meeting room bookings.

When you choose Courtyard by Marriott Glasgow Airport for your next business event, you can be sure that you’re choosing a venue that will exceed your expectations. Contact us today to learn more about our meeting space and to book your event.

Here are some of the benefits of choosing Courtyard by Marriott Glasgow Airport for your next meeting:

Convenient location: We’re just a short walk from Glasgow International Airport, making it easy for guests to get to and from your event.

Flexible meeting space: Our four meeting rooms can accommodate groups of

various sizes, and we can customise the layout to fit your needs.

State-of-the-art technology: All of our meeting rooms are equipped with the latest audiovisual technology, so you can be sure that your presentation will look and sound great.

Professional staff: Our dedicated meeting planners will work with you to create a custom event that meets your specific needs.

If you book your meeting room now, you can also benefit from choosing one of 3 fantastic offers we have in place up until the end of June.

Contact us today on 0141 843 4802 to

Courtyard by Marriott Glasgow Airport: The Perfect Place to Meet GAs helping global medical company create a talent pipeline

University of the West of Scotland’s Graduate Apprenticeships (GAs) are enabling Terumo Aortic, a global medical device company, to create a pipeline of talent from new entrants to future leaders.

Working in partnership with University of the West of Scotland (UWS) Terumo Aortic has introduced two UWS GA programmes (Engineering Design & Manufacture and Business Management) in engineering and business support roles.

Claire Dawson, Talent Development Advisor at Terumo Aortic, said: “We remain steadfastly committed to offering opportunities for current and future colleagues to benefit from the Graduate Apprenticeship programme. The business is already seeing huge benefits from those Associates who have completed, or are currently undertaking, their studies and looks forward to offering these opportunities to more colleagues moving forward.”

To find out how your business can benefit from GAs please visit or get in touch at

24 Business Matters Summer 2023
For more info email or visit develop the talent pipeline your business needs GRADUATE APPRENTICESHIPS
The fabric of the business community. 25 FANTASTIC PROMOTIONS AVAILABLE ON ANY NEW MEETING ROOM ENQUIRY Courtyard by Marriot Glasgow, Glasgow Airport Business Park, Marchburn Drive, Glasgow, Paisley PA3 2SJ Choose which option will work for you: • Day Delegate enquiry – 1 delegate free per 10 paying. • Room Hire enquiry – Complimentary breakfast rolls. • Double Bonvoy points for the meeting room booker. To book, call on 0141 843 4802 or email Terms and conditions: Available on all new booking made before 30th June 2023; Valid on all dates up until March 2024.

Maltacourt Scotland

Maltacourt (Scotland) Ltd has been the talk of town over the last 9 months as they steadily push themselves into the forefront of the Scottish export and import market.  Although the name seems to be relatively new, their roots have been in embedded at their Scottish head office in Edinburgh since 1988.   As part of the Maltacourt Global Logistics group they boast over 8 branches across the UK and are vastly being recognised as one of the ‘UK’s fastest growing freight forwarders.

Maltacourt Scotland has recently been led by Alan Waddell and Holly Todd with their vision to have a more concentrated focus on their customers’ needs and operating a more bespoke offering to the shipping process, adding a higher level of value where and when their customers need it.  Both Alan and Holly have worked their full careers within some

experience in understanding the Scottish market and where they can add the maximum value to your supply chain.

With 2 branches strategically placed at both Edinburgh and Glasgow airports they have the facilities to support some of the most unique services across Scotland.  Edinburgh boasts not only a dedicated pharmaceutical team but a purpose-built Border Control Post (the only one in Scotland) to support the moves of commercial and noncommercial live animals in and out of the country alongside the support they provide to their general cargo clients – an exceptional site providing Scotland’s only

support a specific 24/7 service with expertise and knowledge of not just temp controlled and time sensitive air cargo but a strong understanding of the produce at source and those that are at the heart and the start of the seafood life cycle.

Holly Todd, Sales Director stated ‘The last 9 months have been such an exciting time for us, the reception from our clients has been outstanding and has reflected in our rapid growth, there has always been a strong level of freight forwarders within central Scotland so we knew to make that difference we had to ensure that we were offering something that our competitors were not.  We are extremely proud of

CONTACT US w w w s t i r l i n g s p o w e r s p o r t s c o m 0 1 5 0 5 3 8 2 2 2 2

Creating a Sustainable Future for the Communities of Renfrewshire

We have and continue to have an established and valued partnering relationship with the Council and the communities of Renfrewshire. Extending back to 2015 with the construction of St Paul’s Primary School & Foxlea Early Learning and Childcare Centre, to the recently completed National Manufacturing Institute for Scotland (NMIS), delivered to Net Zero standards, and the current exciting refurbishment and renovation of Paisley Town Hall.

On all our projects, we develop and implement an extensive range of education, employment and training initiatives that ensure tangible Social Value is distributed throughout the region, leaving a lasting legacy where communities continue to benefit long after our projects have been completed. By way of example, on our NMIS

and Paisley Town Hall projects we delivered 29 new apprenticeships, 206 weeks of work experience, 597 hours dedicated to career support in local schools, and 121 hours of local volunteering schemes. These achievements have led to a staggering £24m of Social Value created, all of which has benefited the communities of Renfrewshire.

Our most recent initiative was undertaken in partnership with Renfrewshire Council and Invest in Renfrewshire and involved the creation of a bespoke training programme for summer school leavers. The aim of the programme is to provide them with the necessary resources and guidance on the range of opportunities within the construction sector upon leaving school. This involved taking students around the Paisley Town Hall project where our Site Manager delivered a detailed analysis

of the works, followed by a presentation on how we can support them, moving forward, through our continued work in Renfrewshire.

The value and benefit of these initiatives and accomplishments was recently recognised by the Renfrewshire Chamber of Commerce through the honour of receiving the ‘Invest in Renfrewshire’ accolade at the most recent ROCCO Awards.These achievements have us strongly positioned to continue our valuable work in Renfrewshire. Indeed, we are committed to further expanding and developing innovative offerings through our most recently awarded project, the Paisley Grammar School Community Campus. This provides us with another opportunity to demonstrate our passion and continued commitment to create opportunity and a better future for the communities of Renfrewshire.

The fabric of the business community. 27 YOUR BUSINESS PROFILE:
28 Business Matters Summer 2023 Digital & Innovation Consultancy Unleash Your Potential with Targeting Innovation Packed with over 30 years of experience, we empower businesses to drive growth by crafting comprehensive digital and innovation strategies. From ideation to commercialisation, we partner with you to bring new products, processes, and services to life. Digital Innovation Digital Marketing SEO and Data Analytics Design-Led Contact us now for a friendly chat on how we can help to transform your business: 0141 248 6516 Training C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Targeting Innovation Business Matters_half page full colour copy.pdf 1 02/06/2023 11:06 YOUR BUSINESS PROFILE:


Resolvecall are an award winning, credit management business, delivering end-to-end customer solutions via our leading-edge contact centre, coupled with the largest fully employed field agents in the UK. Our aim is to connect with customers where others have been unsuccessful, to engage with them in a professional and positive manner, to come to a resolution that works for both the customer and our clients.

In today’s climate we speak to many customers who don’t understand the options they have available to them, as they have not engaged with anyone before us. We take pride in being able to assist those customers and to reconnect them back to our clients acting as a conduit to help support them in sharing their current situation in order to move forward with either a suitable payment arrangement or signposting them for assistance, whether it be with finances or mental health, or anything else for that matter.

Having recently moved to Paisley,

we have grown our contact centre and administration staff considerably, offering opportunities to local people and bringing business to the local restaurants, cafes, and shops.

2022 was one of most successful and exciting years for Resolvecall, with many milestones reached. Making the move to Smithhills Street in Paisley, with spectacular views of the Abbey and Town Hall, was one of the most positive and exciting steps after being based in Glasgow City Centre for 29 years. We were acquired by Jefferson Capital, providing our business with sound financial support, and also offering the same core values that our business believes in whilst allowing us to continue to operate as Resolvecall as everyone knows us.  In September we celebrated our 30th Anniversary, coupled with long service awards and awards for achievements.  In October, we successfully retained our Investors in People Gold Standard, which was testament to our people and everyone working together to achieve the goals and vision of the business.

Looking into 2023 we continue with our success and growth, supporting the local community and investing in our people which are fundamental factors in the future development of our business.

Email -

Website -

The fabric of the business community. 29 BeyondHR is a progressive, independently owned HR and Health & Safety consultancy firm that helps organisations recruit, manage, and safeguard their staff. Providing clients with unlimited access to HR and Health & Safety advice through telephone and email in Scotland. Our Glasgow based consultants bring clarity to a variety of issues, guiding you through the trickiest of times, including redundancy, grievances, and risk assessments. Recruitment Outsourced HR Health & Safety HR consultancy Call us on 08000 111 4461 enquiries@wegobeyondhr com www wegobeyondhr com YOUR BUSINESS PROFILE:

Barnardo’s Works

Barnardo’s Works supports young people aged 16 and over in Renfrewshire to access employment, skills, education and training. We do this by running a variety of programmes and experiences which equip young people with the skills they need to succeed in the workplace. For more than 20 years we have been working with employers from all sectors to provide work experience placement opportunities for our young people but we always need more. Work placements can last from 1-6 weeks and are invaluable in

helping a young person gain confidence, prove themselves in real life work placements and secure employment.

If your business could offer a young person an opportunity we would love to hear from you.

Contact or carol.deans@ to find out more.

Tel 0141 884 6252

Facebook: Barnardos Works West

Twitter: @BarnardosWorks

30 Business Matters Summer 2023 Smith & McLaurin, the ticket, tag and self-adhesive label material manufacturer Key Product Ranges AdaptEco Sustainable materials. AdaptVivant Specialist wines & spirits range. AdaptSecure Suited to security applications. +44 (0)1505 707 700 01 02 03 Smith & McLaurin Ltd. Cartside Mill, Kilbarchan, Renfrewshire PA10 2AF Winners 2022, Excellence in Manufacturing BUSINESS AWARDS 2022 YOUR BUSINESS PROFILE:

Upgrading for the future

We are very pleased to announce the opening of our brand new branch facility in Glasgow, we will have officially moved from Monday 13th March and we are still located in Hillington, not far from our previous site. We now have a fully racked warehouse with +750 pallet positions and able to offer storage and local contract logistics services such as pick/pack and distribution along with WMS. This is a multi-modal site offering Air, Land & Ocean services as well as customs brokerage. It has a very knowledgeable and customer focused team that supports our local and global customer base. This investment gives us the opportunity to offer our local customers more and a fantastic working environment for our staff as well as enabling us to continue our strong growth in Scotland.

Our services in GLA at a glance

– Total area of about 17,728 sq ft (1647 m2)

– 15,728 sq ft warehouse area (1461 m2)

– 2,000 sq ft administration and office area (186 m2)

– over 750 pallet positions

– Contract logistics & storage

– Multi modal operation – Air, Land & Ocean

– Container loading / unloading facility

– ISO 9001 & ISO 14001 (latest 2015 Standard)

– Highly trained staff

– High security with full camera coverage of the entire area and guard system

– Full LED lighting inside and outside

The fabric of the business community. 31 Glasgow Amsterdam Barcelona Paris forourcustomers and lleagues Investing Introduction of our new branch facility supporting Air, Ocean and Land operations Our new address: Unit 202 Evolution Court, Hillington Park, Glasgow G52 4XZ We have moved
“Our exciting new site offers our customers more in terms of warehousing solutions in a modern highly secure facility supported by a committed knowledgeable air & ocean team”
Debbie McBride, Airfreight Regional Manager (North)
Contact | Airfreight | John McEwan – Operations Manager (AIR) | | Phone: +44 (0) 141 880 1455 | Mobile: +44 (0) 7976072789 Ocean | Lorraine Duffin – Ocean Team Leader | | Phone: +44 (0) 141 880 1453 | Mobile: +44 (0) 7764 474 390 2058_Flyer_Glasgow_08.indd 4 12.04.2023 15:48:46 Our new address: Unit 202 Evolution Court, Hillington Park, Glasgow G52 4XZ

Supporting Local Businesses Nationally: Spectrum’s Latest Contract Win

Those who follow our blog or social channels will know that we regularly post about new contract wins and the extension of existing contracts; we like to share these with you to keep you informed about our ongoing growth.

The latest news is a little different; although it’s about one new client, The Malcolm Group, it’s more than simply another contract win. Firstly, we’re delighted to win another contract for a Renfrewshire-based business, especially as they are also a family business! Spectrum’s Head Office is in Renfrewshire, and while our operations span the UK, supporting local family businesses holds a special place in our hearts.

However, while The Malcolm Group has its Head Office in Renfrewshire, they also extend the UK’s length and breadth. So, this may be one contract, but we will be working at 15 Malcolm Group locations

throughout Scotland.

The Malcolm Group needs no introduction. Last year it celebrated 100 years in business, and its vehicles are almost part of the landscape as we drive around the country. While the Malcolm Logistics division may be the most visible, it is also worth noting they have a thriving Construction division supporting many major infrastructure projects across Scotland. They also have a Rail division which optimises transportation of goods up and down the country daily by rail.

Spectrum will be responsible for delivering cleaning services at 15 locations in Scotland, including three in Ayrshire, five in Stirlingshire, one in West Lothian, one in Lanarkshire, and four in Renfrewshire, including the Head Office at Linwood. Spectrum’s Managing Director, Sara Speirs, is delighted with the latest win and commented: “I’mverypleasedtobe

Spectrum is taking a walk on the wild side!

Spectrum Service Solutions has won a contract with The Royal Zoological Society of Scotland (RZSS) Edinburgh Zoo. Spectrum works with an extensive and varied client portfolio, but this project is a bit different, and they’re finding there’s no shortage of volunteers from our animalloving staff to work on the contract.

Edinburgh Zoo celebrates its 110th anniversary this year and was worldrenowned even before Yang Guang and Tian Tian; the two giant pandas arrived a remarkable 12 years ago in 2011. Edinburgh Zoo attracts over 600,000 visitors yearly, so Spectrum has its work cut out on this high-traffic site.

Spectrum will provide cleaning, security services, consumables, window cleaning and waste streaming in all public areas. The zoo is also a popular educational and corporate event venue. Spectrum will provide a full range of services to support the many events hosted on-site throughout the year. There will be a firm focus on sustainability and innovative

waste management. It will also be another data-driven project whereby Spectrum will monitor usage in all areas to ensure the right staff are deployed in the proper areas as and when required.

Regarding the latest win, Rebecca Bell, Spectrum’s Operations Manager, said: “We areallreallylookingforwardtoworking inpartnershipwithEdinburghZoo;itisa contractwehavehopedtobeinvolvedwith formanyyears.It’ssomethingdifferentin ourportfolio,butweareusedtoworkingin venueswithhighvisitornumbers,sowe’re readyforthechallenge.

“Thecontractisanotherhigh-profile assignmentwhichhasalreadycaptured theimaginationofourteam.Thezoois spreadoveraverywidearea,sowewillbe deployingsomenewequipmenttoensure we can mobilise our teams and have them in therightareasatthecorrecttimes;we’llbe announcingmoreaboutourplansforthat verysoon!It’salsogreattobetakingona newgroupofstaff,andwelookforwardto supportingthemindeliveringanexcellent service.”

awardedthiscontract.Growingupin Renfrewshire,it’simpossiblenottoknow theMalcolmGroup;theyhaveastrong presenceandareahighlyrespected employer,and,likeSpectrum,theyare headquarteredinRenfrewshire.Morethan that,theyareatruesuccessstoryandhave becomeadrivingforceintheTransport sector in the UK.

Winningthiscontractmeansagreat dealtoSpectrum,andwelookforward toworkingcloselywiththeteamatthe MalcolmGroupandthestaffinall15 locations.”

32 Business Matters Summer 2023

MM Search Promotes Andrew Jardine to Key Management Role

MM Search has promoted Andrew Jardine to Client Engagement Manager, making this the fifth internal promotion within the company in the past two years. This comes in the same month as the company announced the prestigious distinction of being named one of the Top 5 Executive Search Firms of the Year by Manage HR. This significant accolade acknowledges our dedication to providing the highest quality service for both our clients and candidates.

From starting as a part-time employee while studying in his final year at University of Stirling, Andrew used his work experience to his advantage - even basing his dissertation on Employer Branding, the secret to success in executive search with a focus on MM Search. Andrew will graduate with a First Class Honours in Marketing and Sports later this summer.

Dedicated to supporting and nurturing internal talent, Founding Managing Partner Derek MacFeate says: “Ourfastpace, collaborativeandpeople-centricapproachtoExecutiveSearch requirestherightpeoplebehindthescenestodeliverthemessage toprospectiveclients.Andrew,whowasinitiallyrecommended tousbyhisdad,apastcolleagueandmentor,AirdJardine,has playedacrucialroleinexpandingourclientbasethroughbusiness development,marketinsights,andnetworking.Hisunparalleled driveanddeterminationhavecontributedsignificantlytohis success,andwearedelightedtoacknowledgehisachievementsby promotinghimtothepositionofClientEngagementManager.”

Ken Morrice, Founding Managing Partner adds: “Andrew is an integralpartoftheMMteam.Hispersonalityandcommitmentsets

himapart;heisresilient,competitive,andpassionate–threekey character traits we seek in all of our team members. We are excited toseewhatwillcomeoverthenextyearandbeyond.”

A true example of resilience and commitment, Andrew has successfully juggled university, work, and delivering the highest quality results for MM Search, all while serving as the Captain of Biggar RFC. MM Search takes immense pride in sponsoring Andrew as a player at Biggar Rugby Club through our MM Athletes program.

Andrew’s promotion comes in the final quarter of MM Search’s fifth year of trading and marks a significant period of growth for the company following the recent appointments of two senior Associate Partners, Lindsay MacLeod and Rachael Brooks, earlier this year.

PEAK Scientific Chairman, Robin MacGeachy, honoured with OBE in King’s Birthday Honours list

PEAK Scientific, a global leader in laboratory gas generation systems, proudly announces that its Chairman and Founder, Robin MacGeachy, has been awarded an OBE (Officer of the Order of the British Empire) in the King’s Birthday Honours List, for his services to Manufacturing and Philanthropy.

The OBE is a prestigious recognition in the UK, bestowed upon individuals who have demonstrated exceptional achievement and service within their respective fields. Robin MacGeachy’s passion and commitment to fostering home-grown innovation within the highly successful UK manufacturing business he founded in the 1990s, alongside a long history of philanthropic contributions, have earned him this well-deserved honour.

Having remained a driving force at PEAK Scientific since establishing the Renfrewshire-based business in 1997, Mr. MacGeachy has been instrumental in shaping one of Scotland’s manufacturing success stories of the 21st century. PEAK has grown to become one of the world’s leading providers of gas systems to the life sciences and analytical lab markets, demonstrating that there is no barrier to building a highly successful technology export business here in the UK, given a degree of innovation and belief. “Iamhumbledanddeeplyhonouredtoreceivethisrecognition,” said Robin. “I share this honour with the remarkable team at PEAK Scientific,whoseunwaveringdedicationandpassionhavebeen instrumental in all our achievements. It is the teams dedication to innovationthathaspropelledusforwardandcontinuedtosetthe barwhenitcomestoexcellenceintheindustry.”

Beyond the realms of entrepreneurial success , Robin (alongside

his wife and business co-owner, June) has been a steadfast advocate for many years of contributing to good causes and giving something back to local communities within which PEAK Scientific operates. His contributions to the community span education and environmental sustainability to sports and the arts.

Jonathan Golby, PEAK Scientific’s CEO, said “Robin’svisionary leadershipanddedicationtoexcellencehavebeeninstrumental inPEAKScientific’ssuccess.Hisguidanceandcommitmentto innovationhavepositionedusasagloballeaderinourindustry. Weareimmenselyproudtoseehimhonouredwiththisprestigious OBE.”

The honour is a culmination of Robin’s immense achievements throughout his career and his recognition as an Officer of the Order of the British Empire further cements his position as a leading figure in the industry and a source of inspiration for aspiring entrepreneurs.

The fabric of the business community. 33

Renfrewshire Council Updates:

Applications welcomed for latest round of support from Renfrewshire’s Cultural Funding Programme

Applications are now open for the latest round of two cultural funding grant programmes designed to strengthen and support Renfrewshire’s cultural sector, with a total amount of £400,000 available across the two funds.

Renfrewshire’s cultural funding programmes are part of Future Paisley, a cultural regeneration, partnership programme which uses the power of arts, heritage and culture to impact social and economic change.

The Culture, Heritage and Events Fund launched in 2016 and has supported 158 creative projects, including festivals, events, murals, workshops, performances, exhibitions, and tours. The fund supports projects that develop practice, engagement and participation in cultural and heritage activities and events in Renfrewshire and beyond.

The Cultural Organisations Development

Fund is reserved for established or developing organisations in Renfrewshire that have a cultural and creative purchase. The fund supports organisational development activity to strengthen and build capacity and has supported 11 local cultural and creative organisations in Renfrewshire since 2019.

Applications for the Culture, Heritage and Events Fund are being accepted until Monday 28 August 2023 and for the Cultural Organisations Development Fund until Wednesday 27 September 2023.

Since 2016, £2.12m has been awarded in grants to Renfrewshire’s cultural sector and creative communities through Future Paisley funding programmes.

Councillor Lisa-Marie Hughes, chair of the Future Paisley Partnership Board said: “It’sgreattoseemorefundingbeingmade availabletopromoteandsupportcultural activitywithinRenfrewshire.


impactonhealthandwellbeingandthe Culture,HeritageandEventsFundallows thosefromourmostdisadvantaged communitiestotakepartinsomethingnew andbenefitfromdoingso.

“TheCulturalOrganisationsDevelopment Fundsupportsorganisationswithin Renfrewshiretobuildandstrengthen partnershipsbothlocallyandfurtherafield anddevelopnationalandinternational profile.

“The ongoing work to expand our creative capacity goes hand in hand with our £100m investment to transform our cultural spaces, allowing Paisley to attract a wider range of cultural activity and events, and cement our place as a cultural town and as one of Scotland’s key destinations.”

Guidance and application for both funds can be found on the Renfrewshire Council website – culturalgrants

34 Business Matters Summer 2023
Invest in… Jobs | Training | Skills | Recruitment Business & ICT Childcare, Social Care and Health Care Customer Service Creative Industries Construction, Manufacturing, Security and Logistics

Renfrewshire Council Updates:

Development partner to deliver growth at AMIDS

Scotland’s home for manufacturing innovation has taken another major step forward with confirmation of its development partner.

Scotland’s manufacturing innovation district progressing at pace

Renfrewshire Council is partnering with Buccleuch Property

Up to £7.6million initial phase investment anticipated Includes building a 3,400sqm flexible facility for innovative start-ups Renfrewshire Council is leading development of the Advanced Manufacturing Innovation District Scotland (AMIDS).

The district, based around Glasgow Airport at Netherton, Inchinnan and Westway, promises to bring thousands of high skilled jobs by attracting UK and international advanced manufacturing companies to locate here.

Now the Council has confirmed it is forming a Development Partnership LLP with Tarras Park Properties Ltd, part of Buccleuch Property, to secure investment into AMIDS.

This follows technical support from Avison Young to the Council to secure the development partner and will see Buccleuch fund a 3,400-square metre facility for start-ups and SMEs as part of up to £7.6million towards the initial development phases.

AMIDS centres on a 52-hectare Councilowned site Netherton being transformed into a modern, sustainable, employeefocused centre for manufacturing companies to locate to, where they can access advanced manufacturing technology and collaborate with specialists.

It’s home to the new University of Strathclyde-operated National Manufacturing Institute Scotland (NMIS) flagship facility and the state-of-the-art CPI Medicines Manufacturing Innovation Centre.

Glasgow City Region City Deal funding delivered the underpinning infrastructure which is now complete and the Council has also added a central square and Scotland’s first, fifth-generation renewable energy heating network to supply low carbon heating.

Renfrewshire Council Leader Iain Nicolson said: “AMIDSisalreadydelivering onitsaimstoattractjobsandgrowth into Renfrewshire and make Scotland’s manufacturingsectoraleadingplayeron theglobalstage.

“Manufacturinginnovationisin Renfrewshire’s DNA. From textile productionofthefamousPaisleyPattern tospitfireenginesandsteamboilers,so muchcapabilityandtechnologycamefrom Renfrewshireandwasexportedworldwide.

“Today,companieshereremain rightattheforefrontofcutting-edge manufacturing,AMIDShometorenowned internationalmanufacturersRollsRoyce, BoeingandDoosanBabcockandmajorlife science and biotech science firms Thermo Fisher Scientific, Terumo Aortic and Peak Scientific.

“Some8000peopleworkin manufacturingrolesinRenfrewshire, contributingmorethan£770millioninto theeconomyandthisnewpartnershipwill enable us to take the district to the next level andachievelong-termgrowth,providing amajorboosttothelocal,regionaland Scottisheconomy,whilesupporting manufacturers to innovate and transition to net zero.”

Edinburgh-based development partners Buccleuch have a UK-wide investment portfolio and have helped deliver a range of business park, bespoke building and commercial regeneration developments including Shawfair Park in Midlothian and Aberdeen Energy and Innovation Parks.

Sandy Smith, Development Director, Buccleuch Property, said: “AMIDS is a fantasticopportunityforBuccleuchand wearedelightedtobeappointedaspartner totheLLP.Theattractionofahighprofilesitethatishometotwopioneering anchorinstitutionsandsittingalongside Renfrewshire Council and its academic partners,isobvious,andallowsusto capitaliseonourextensiveexpertiseinthe knowledgesector.

“WebelieveAMIDSisagreatplaceto expandScotland’sadvancedmanufacturing sector.Nethertonismaster-plannedto accommodate businesses of all sizes andBuccleuch’sfirstaction,working collaborativelywithRenfrewshireCouncil and other stakeholders, is to deliver start-upandscale-upresearchand manufacturingspacetomeetdemandfrom Scotland’sentrepreneursandwewillstart workontheseproposalsimmediately.

“Inparallel,wehavetheopportunity todeliverbespokepropertysolutionsto businessesseekingtojoinRenfrewshire Council’s and Buccleuch’s vision for AMIDS.”

Aerospace giants Boeing are also in the district at Westway in their first foray on Scottish soil as they research metallics manufacturing with NMIS experts, and there’s also NMIS’ group facilities the Lightweight Manufacturing Centre at Westway and the Advanced Forming Research Centre at Inchinnan.

The fabric of the business community. 35

Renewable Parts completes five-fold expansion into new £1.5


purpose-built operations centre at Westway

Move represents substantial investment for the future growth of the Scottish renewable energy industry

Leading independent supply chain management company, Renewable Parts, has recently expanded into a new state-of-the-art operations centre located at Westway, near Glasgow Airport.

The move marks a significant step forward in the growth of the Scottish renewable energy industry.

The operations centre offers a fivefold increase in capacity compared to its existing premises, allowing Renewable Parts to scale up rapidly and meet the growing market requirements of the domestic, offshore, and international markets.

With custom-designed facilities spanning 24,000 sq. ft, the centre has been purpose-built to cater to the current and evolving needs of the wind industry. It includes 40 tonne heavy lift capability for accommodating main component storage services, making it a significant step up in Renewable Parts' service offerings to wind farm owner/operators and independent service providers.

company will be able to consolidate its people, inventory, and services to a single location, simplifying logistics and enhancing efficiency.

James Barry, Chief Executive of Renewable Parts, emphasised the significance of the move, stating:

“Renewable Parts has become a significantplayerinthewindindustry, supportingthegrowingfleetofassetsin theUK,Europe,andmorerecently,theFar East and the Americas.

“Wehavewitnessedasignificantincrease inoursupplychaincustomerbase,andas a result, have doubled our headcount over thepastyear.

“Thenewoperationscentreprovidesthe capabilitytomeetourcustomers'needs todayandinthefuture.Itwillallowusto offerauniqueblendofservicesinarapidly developingmarket.”

Chief Executive of Renfrewshire’s Chamber of Commerce, Bob Grant, said:

“Wearedelightedtoseeacompanylike RenewablePartsthrivinginRenfrewshire, buildingonitsgrowingsuccessto introducenewskillsandjobs,aswellas continued investment into the communities aroundWestwayBusinessPark.

“Thereisamaturingrenewableenergy industryandthatwillneedthesupportof asupplychain,Renfrewislocatednextto majortransportlinks,road,rail,air,andsea, makingitanideallocationtosupportthe growingneedsofanimportantsectorfor the future”.

from5,000sqftto25,000sqftand committingtoatleast15furtheryearsat thepark.

“Ourrefurbishmentanddevelopment programmecontinuesapace,withthelatest phasenearingcompletion,offeringarange ofunitsizes,withsomealreadyunderoffer. In addition, the excellent location, close to theM8andnextdoortoGlasgowAirport makesWestwayanidealbaseforambitious businesses.

“Weareveryhappytohavehelped tofacilitatethecontinuedgrowthand expansionofRenewablePartshereat Westway.”

Located at Westway, near the University of Strathclyde and the National Manufacturing Institute of Scotland's new premises, in the Advanced Manufacturing Innovation District Scotland (AMIDS), the operations centre is expected to provide unique advantages to Renewable Parts in advancing its pioneering sustainable supply chain offerings to the wind industry.

With the new operations centre, the

Gregor King, Canmoor’s Asset Manager at Westway added:

“Thenewoperationscentre,locatedin afullyrefurbishedbuilding,isthenext excitingstageintheongoingevolutionof Renewable Parts and is a fantastic boost for Westway.

“Renewable Parts has been based here since2014anditisextremelypleasing towitnessthecompany’spositive development,currentlyincreasingspace

Renewable Parts is a major supplier of parts, consumables and remanufactured components to all major owner/operators and independent service providers within the UK’s wind energy industry.

The company has successfully delivered over 215,000 items through its supply chain over the past 18 months. Its latest move represents a substantial investment in the future growth of the sector, which Renewable Parts sees as a positive signal for the industry's prospects.

36 Business Matters Summer 2023

Green light for major £25m investment at Westway, Glasgow Airport

Canmoor secures planning consent for 300,000 sq ft of speculative industrial development

Canmoor has secured planning consent from Renfrewshire Council to develop 300,000 sq ft of brand new speculative space on a 13-acre site at Westway, next to Glasgow Airport.

The £25m development will consist of two high-quality industrial/warehouse units of 86,630 sq ft and 202,230 sq ft, to be known as “Westway 90” and “Westway 200” respectively. The larger unit will be capable of being split into two units of 91,110 sq ft and 118,140 sq ft.

The development will provide quick and direct access from Westway to Junction 28 of the M8, via the recently opened Barnwell Street Bridge, as well as to Glasgow Airport and across the Advanced Manufacturing Innovation District Scotland (AMIDS). It will be adjacent to the recently opened Filshill distribution centre and has the potential to attract further new businesses and bring employment opportunities to the area.

The units will be designed to a high specification, of steel portal frame construction, with eaves heights of 12.5m. Each will feature ample dock leveller loading bays and also provide high quality offices. There will be dedicated car parking, generous HGV parking and an extensive yard, of up to 50 metres deep.

Sustainability is at the heart of development at Westway, with each unit designed as all electric, targeting BREEAM “Excellent” and EPC ratings of “A”. Further green credentials include electric car charging points, provision for PV panels and air source heat pumps. This all combines well with further ESG initiatives across the entire estate.

A preferred main contractor has been identified and the development is expected to commence in July, with the units being available for occupation in Q4 2024.

Gregor King, Canmoor’s Asset Manager at Westway said:

“Wearecommittedtocontinually improvingthestandardofaccommodation atWestway,throughongoing investment

andfirmlybelievethedevelopmentofthis “bestinclass”highqualitysustainable industrial/logisticsspacewillbeverywellreceived in the Scottish market.

“Theexceptionalconnectivity,including convenientaccesstoGlasgowAirportand theM8,furtheraddstoitsappeal.Westway stands out as one of Scotland’s most wellconnectedindustrialandlogisticsparks, benefitingfrom24-hoursecurity.

“Withthisoutlook,excitingtimeslie aheadasCanmoorcontinuesitsongoing investments.”

Gavin Newlands, MP for Paisley and Renfrewshire North added: “Havingthecapacitytoprovideadditional qualityindustrialandlogisticsspaceis incrediblypositivenewsforRenfrewshire andthewiderwestofScotlandregion.

“Thisdevelopmentwillattractmore businessestoestablishtheirpresencehere, fosteringjobcreationintheprocess.”

Westway is Scotland’s largest fully enclosed industrial park and currently offers over 1,700,000 sq ft of multi-let space. Set on a 135-acre self-contained site next to Glasgow Airport and within the Advanced Manufacturing Innovation District Scotland (AMIDS), it is home to a range of local, national and international

businesses including Altrad, Babcock, Malin Group, Renewable Parts, DSV Logistics, AMG Group, Steder Group, Star Refrigeration, Kintetsu World Express, The National Manufacturing Institute Scotland, Boeing and Bullet Express and JW Filshill.  Situated in a spacious landscaped site, Westway is easily accessible by car, commercial vehicle and public transport. Conveniently positioned only 10 miles west of Glasgow city centre, the park has direct access to an extensive transport infrastructure. It offers quality accommodation within a 24-hour secure environment.

Iain Davidson, Director of Colliers added:

“Westwaystandsasapremierindustrial andlogisticsdestinationinScotland, consistentlydrawingsubstantialinterest fromlocalandregionalbusinessesseeking occupancy.

TheScottishmarketeagerlyawaitssuch developments,andwithitsprimelocation andexceptionalconnectivity,weexpect strongdemandforthishighlysought-after speculativeproject.”

Canmoor’s joint leasing agents are JLL and Colliers, with management by Knight Frank.

The fabric of the business community. 37

Schools Updates:

S3 Gleniffer High School: MPA Enviromental Science trip to Inglistion Net to Zero Event

S3 pupils of Gleniffer High School taking part in a MPA Environmental Science class had the opportunity to attend the Steps to Net Zero business event at the Ingliston Hotel. These Pupils had the opportunity to listen to a variety of businesses on how they are becoming more sustainable & environmentally friendly. Some of our pupils were also brave enough to do some

networking with these businesses. This event has allowed pupils to identify methods of how Gleniffer High can become more sustainable & how they can bring their new knowledge into their course & their future work placements.

In addition, pupils were also allowed to tour the hotel & look at how Ingliston are becoming environmentally friendly through the use of poly tunnels & making their own honey.

Trinity Pupils attend June Chamber Lunch with Prof James Miller, UWS

Pupils and staff from Trinity High attended the recent June Chamber networking Lunch at the Glynhill Renfrew. Speaking on the day was Professor James Miller, Principal and ViceChancellor of the University of the West of Scotland.

UWS are known for having the highest accessibility rates in Scotland and the pupils enjoyed the opportunity to learn about the various programmes of study available and an increased focus on work based learning by the University.

38 Business Matters Summer 2023

DYW West update

Thanks to the Chamber for putting on #Renfrewshireconnect. Great to reconnect with old faces and make new connections as well. The networking combined with opportunities to learn via the seminars always makes it a must attend event.

Some examples of our DYW activity in April-June 23 have included:

- Howden in Renfrewshire hosting 50 S1 girls as part of International Women in Engineering Day

- Taylor Wimpey hosted a teacher insight day in Paisley

- DWP in Johnstone planning to help demystify the civil service and the opportunities careers there can provide with Renfrewshire schools


Connecting RICS with schools in Renfrewshire to help showcase the opportunities surveying offers young people

- Top Scaffolding supporting Mary Russell pupils with H&S

Scottish Government recently confirmed our funding to end March 2024 allowing us to continue our work connecting industry with education.

Date for diary: STEM West 2023 returns Nov 20th-21st 2023 at the Clydebank Campus of West College Scotland, where approx. 700 young people will get the opportunity to be inspired and learn about STEM careers via 50 exhibitors offering hand on activities on the day. If you want to exhibit, please email to register your interest.

As schools and the college are closed over the summer period, we use that time to plan ahead, connect with more employers around DYW / YPG. See our advert below re YPG and how employers can

get involved and how we can support you. Thanks for the continued support and have a great summer from all the team @ DYW West.

DYW West are seeking employers in Renfrewshire to pledge their support to the Young Person’s Guarantee (YPG). If you are already involved in or are interested in any of the following 5 “asks”, you are supporting the YPG (and could get to use the YPG logo in your comms channels and be listed on the national YPG website).

Can your organisation support

The 5 asks are:

1. Prepare young people for the world of work (e.g. support a school, offer work experience, mentoring)

2. Help young people to achieve their potential (e.g. support those looking for work, CV prep, work experience)

3. Invest in a skilled workforce (e.g. offer apprenticeships –modern or graduate)

4. Create jobs, volunteering and training opportunities (e.g. Kickstart, volunteering, paid work experience / interns)

5. Create an inclusive and fair workplace (e.g. living wage, disability confident etc.)

Employers don’t need to support all 5. If you are interested please email and we can help you complete the form and support you on your journey to achieving the relevant asks (such as direct support from DYW or signpost / refer to partner organisations). Almost 900 employers across Scotland have so far pledged their support.

The fabric of the business community. 39

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Articles inside

Can your organisation support

page 39

DYW West update

page 39

Schools Updates:

page 38

Green light for major £25m investment at Westway, Glasgow Airport

page 37

purpose-built operations centre at Westway

page 36

Renfrewshire Council Updates: Development partner to deliver growth at AMIDS

page 35

Renfrewshire Council Updates: Applications welcomed for latest round of support from Renfrewshire’s Cultural Funding Programme

page 34

PEAK Scientific Chairman, Robin MacGeachy, honoured with OBE in King’s Birthday Honours list

page 33

MM Search Promotes Andrew Jardine to Key Management Role

page 33

Supporting Local Businesses Nationally: Spectrum’s Latest Contract Win

page 32

Upgrading for the future

page 31

Barnardo’s Works

page 30


page 29

Creating a Sustainable Future for the Communities of Renfrewshire

pages 27-28

Maltacourt Scotland

page 26

Courtyard by Marriott Glasgow Airport: The Perfect Place to Meet GAs helping global medical company create a talent pipeline

pages 24-25

King’s Awards for Enterprise Open For Entry

pages 23-24

Scotland’s Bravest Manufacturing Co first recipient of The King’s Award for Enterprise

page 23

Chivas Brothers and Volvo Trucks unveil Scotland’s first all-electric tractor unit to transport country’s biggest export

page 22


pages 20-21

Todd, owner and director of Tweetiepie Media, becomes Inverclyde Chamber’s Youngest Female President

page 19

Renfrewshire Chamber Golf Day - The Winners

page 19


page 18

5 AI graphic design tools for business marketing

pages 14-15


pages 12-13

Glasgow Airport

pages 10-12

Salary or dividend: Which is best for company owners and directors?

pages 8-9

Embracing AI

page 7

Develop your Future Workforce through Modern Apprenticeships in Health and Social Care

page 7

Career matchmaking could be the solution to Renfrewshire’s – and Scotland’s – industrial labour shortages

page 6

A warm welcome from our Chief Executive

page 3

President’s welcome

page 2
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