Bodh-e-Verse November 2008 Beta Issue

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November 2008 Beta issue

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Bodheverse sympathizes with the Nation : Attack after Attack! Terror strikes Mumbai again! Is India sleeping??? How can we deal with it?? What is the solution??? Write in ....

November 2008 beta Issue

Because he felt such an important tool should be public property,John Walker never patented his invention, matches.


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November 2008 beta Issue

The world’s deadliest recorded earthquake occurred in 1557 in central China, more than 830,000 people were killed.

Tidbits from earth

Which is the hottest place on Earth?

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Count one wrong if you guessed Death Valley in California. True enough on many days. But El Azizia in Libya recorded a temperature of 136 degrees Fahrenheit (57.8 Celsius) on Sept. 13, 1922 -- the hottest ever measured. In Death Valley, it got up to 134 Fahrenheit on July 10, 1913.

How much space dust falls to Earth each year? Estimates vary, but the US Geological society says at least 1,000 million grams, or roughly 1,000 tons of material enters the atmosphere every year and makes its way to the Earth’s surface.

Which two American cities are destined to merge? The San Andreas fault, which runs north-south, is slipping at a rate of about 2 inches (5 centimeters) per year, causing Los Angeles to move towards San Francisco. Scientists forecast LA will be a suburb of the City by the Bay in about 15 million years.

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November 2008 beta Issue

Bodh-e-clique is a photography contest and we have a suggestion : “say click”.

PhotoBlog Check the website for more here.

Themes “Childhood” “No strings attached”

“True colors” “Ecstasy”

Ground rules

The above photograph won the prize for best microscopic photo taken in a competition by Nikon. It is an extreme close-up of an insect.

1]Two pictures per person (at max.) 2] Image size should be 800-1024px along the wider side 3] Image size less than 500kb 4] Should not divulge identity of the photographer through the picture 5] Images can be processed but not digitally manipulated – that is should not be modified to alter the true nature of the image. The competitors should be ready to produce the camera original of the images which the organizers suspect to be manipulated. 6]Image to be uploaded in jpeg,png,or bmp format only. 7]The top two pfotographers will be on our "Hall of Fame" and their photographs will be published in the next issue. 8}All the submitted images will be put on the website. 9]The decision of our judge , renowned photographer "Sandeep Somashekharan" will be final.

For more images visit

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November 2008 beta Issue

We all love our planet, do not let it die, if possible try commuting by public transpor, that saves c02 emission

For your information...

Advertising at its best

Fastest time to eat a 12" pizza WHO:Tom Waes WHAT:19.91 sec WHERE:Ghent, Belgium WHEN:December 2, 2006

By replacing the five most frequently used lights in your home with CFLs, you can save more than Rs.2000 each year in energy costs. If every Indian household replaced their five highest-use fixtures, or the bulbs in them, with CFL models, the change would prevent the greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to the annual emissions from more than 8 million cars.

The fastest time to eat a 12" pizza is 2 min 19.91 sec by Tom Waes (Belgium) in Ghent, Belgium on December 2, 2006. ŠTeam Bodh-e-verse

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November 2008 beta Issue

What?? you expect us to fill all the top right hand side corners!!! no I am bored,

Featured Characture -Snoopy

The quietest place on earth

Peanuts was one of the first comic strips with more than two or three characters.In October 1950, cartoon illustrator Charles Schultz added the character Snoopy, a young beagle pup, to his comic strip Peanuts. Serving as lead personality Charlie Brown's independently-minded dog, Snoopy has played an integral role in the broad success of the cartoon and has a reserved a place in hearts of millions of fans. Snoopy began his life in the strip as a fairly ordinary dog, but eventually evolved into perhaps the strip's most dynamic character — and among the most recognizable comic characters in the world. The original drawings of Snoopy were based on Schulz's childhood dogs, Snooky and Spike. He is a virtuoso at every endeavor- at least in his daydreams atop his doghouse. He regards his master, Charlie Brown, as "that round-headed kid" who brings him his supper dish. He is fearless though prudently cautious about "the cat next door." He never speaks- that would be one human trait too many- but he manages to convey everything necessary in facial expressions and thought balloons. A one-man show with superior intelligence and vivid imagination, he has created such multiple personalities as: Joe Cool, World War I Flying Ace, Literary Ace, Flashbeagle, Vulture, Foreign Legionnaire, etc.

If you are ever in Minnesota, make sure to stop by Orfield Laboratories Inc. Why? Because it is officially home of the quietest place on earth. The room with the honor is the Anechoic Test Chamber and was previously a recording studio used by artists like Bob Dylan. The feedback noise was measured to be negative 9.4 decibels. The low threshold for human hearing is zero.

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November 2008 beta Issue

Storm to the store ........ and get out with a great mobile and no money


Blackberry Storm 9530

“Research in Motion's” BlackBerry Storm 9530 is the latest in the BlackBerry family of cellphones and will be the first BlackBerry with a touchscreen and without a physical keyboard. The quad band Storm will feature a large, 3.25inch "clickable" touchscreen at 480 x 360 resolution that will provide tactile feedback. The 9530 will have a 3.2-megapixel camera with video capability and feature visual voicemail, multimedia playback, USB 2.0 via microUSB connector, Bluetooth 2.0 (but no WiFi), accelerometer, GPS, email, instant messaging and web browsing.


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"Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love." -Einstein

November 2008 beta Issue

Science ........People ......... History Copernicus' Tomb Found After 200-Year Hunt

Einstein's E=MC2 Proven source AFP

DNA studies on two strands of hair and a tooth have ended a centuries-old hunt for the tomb of Nicolas Copernicus, the 16th century astronomer who shocked the world by declaring that the Earth was not the center of the universe. The tests confirmed that remains found in Frombork Cathedral in northern Poland in 2005 are those of the man considered the father of modern astronomy, Polish archaeologist Jerzy Gassowski said.

It's taken more than a century, but Einstein's celebrated formula e= mc2 has finally been corroborated, thanks to a heroic computational effort by French, German and Hungarian physicists. A brainpower consortium led by Laurent Lellouch of France's Center for Theoretical Physics, using some of the world's mightiest supercomputers, have set down the calculations for estimating the mass of protons and neutrons, the particles at the nucleus of atoms. According to the conventional model of particle physics, protons and neutrons comprise smaller particles known as quarks, which in turn are bound by gluons. The odd thing is this: the mass of gluons is zero and the mass of quarks is only five percent. Where, therefore, is the missing 95 percent? The answer, according to the study published in the journal ‘Science’, comes from the energy from the movements and interactions of quarks and gluons.

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Christ -a magician? Source -Discovery News

A team of scientists led by renowned French marine archaeologist Franck Goddio recently announced that they have found a bowl, dating to between the late 2nd century B.C. and the early 1st century A.D., that, according to an expert epigrapher, could be engraved with the world's first known reference to Christ. If the word "Christ" refers to the Biblical Jesus Christ, as is speculated, then the discovery may provide evidence that Christianity and paganism at times intertwined in the ancient world. The full engraving on the bowl reads, "DIA CHRSTOU O GOISTAIS," which has been interpreted by French epigrapher and professor emeritus Andre Bernand as meaning either, "by Christ the magician" or "the magician by Christ."

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November 2008 beta Issue

The Humidifier costs $249 !!!!! Hmmmm ... best buy!! what say ?

Stitch HumidifieR

The Airbus A380 is a double-deck, wide-body, four-engine airliner manufactured by the European corporation Airbus, an EADS subsidiary. The largest passenger airliner in the world, the A380 made its maiden flight on 27 April 2005 from Toulouse, France, and made its first commercial flight on 25 October 2007 from Singapore to Sydney with Singapore Airlines. The aircraft was known as the Airbus A3XX during much of its development phase, but the nickname Superjumbo has since become associated with it. Airbus top sales executive and COO John Leahy has confirmed plans for an enlarged variant, the A380-900, which would be slightly longer than the A380-800 (79.4m to 73m). This version would have a seating capacity of 650 passengers in standard configuration, and around 900 passengers in economy-only configuration. The development of the A380-900 is planned to start once production of the A380-800 variant reaches 40 planes per year, expected to be in 2010. Given this timeline, the first A380-900s could be delivered to customers around 2015, about the same time as the A380-800F (freighter variant).

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geeky Gadgets

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World’s biggest aeroplane


Coming soon from Runa Net, the Stitch Humidifier connects to your PC via USB or AC adapter and moisturizes your work space during the long, dry winter. Modelled after Stich from the cartoon Lilo and Stich, this USB humidifier measures 184 x 130 x 165mm.

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Hmmm!! really confused between the Dodge and Hero Honda.. Any suggestions ?

November 2008 beta Issue

Dodge Tomahawk

Did you have any idea ?

The Dodge Tomahawk is a Viper V-10 based motorcycle, a 500 horsepower engine with four wheels beneath it. The engine breathes through twin throttle bodies mounted right up front. (That's what the two round things above the front tires are). Chrysler sold nine replicas through Neiman Marcus, for up to $555,000 each. The motorcycles cannot be legally driven on public roads. A Chrysler spokesman told they were meant as rolling sculptures, but they can probably still be driven on private roads. The rear wheel drive machine uses monocoque construction; the engine is a stressed member. The body is made of billet aluminum.The 680 kg Tomahawk can reach 100kms an hour in about 2.5 seconds, and has a top speed of 675kmph. Each pair of wheels is separated by a few inches and each wheel has an independent suspension.

Kawasaki the famous bike manufacturer is not only restricted to bikes.!!!! It is much much more. Kawasaki manufactures ships,trains,bomber plains!!!! Yup thats true guys.The famous Shinkansentrains (The fast railway system of Japan) is manufactured by them.The Company is a contractor for the Japanese Ministry of Defense and has built aircraft such as the T-4 intermediate jet trainer and the P-3C antisubmarine warfare patrol airplane. It is currently developing two large, nextgeneration aircraft, the XP-1 maritime patrol airplane and the C-X transport aircraft.And yes all the images shown below are products by kawasaki.

And yes they obviously manufacture bikes. Here is shown a Kawasaki Ninja -14 monster with 1352cc engine.

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November 2008 beta Issue

All the poets gear up .... Bodh-e-poetry contest is coming sooooooon....

SEARCH by Tapas Mohanty



Fathoms I dived and miles I walked, crossed a thousand seas and never once I stopped, Thought-"Its been so long and nothing has begun, searching that light, I just followed the sun !"

And a bit of love

where was I going and what did I seek, I had turned all stones and searched every creek, I groped through the dark and ran through the fields, fought all the fears and broke through the shields,

I reached then the place where the roads all ended, "There's hope.�,I said and I know I pretended, but when I closed my eyes, I saw a man,

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I searched for that face but never did I understand...It was always me

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Do you know, all the stories/poem/articles you submit on bodh-e-verse copyright stays yours.

November 2008 beta Issue

When you always know what to do by Preethi Jayaraman Aditi shut her eyes in prayer and mumbled to herself, "Oh God… I should have shed at least 1.5 kilos. Please! Please! I have been running on a diet for more than a month. I am ready to offer you 108 coconuts and I promise to fast every Saturday. It isn't going to cost you anything much you know. OK?." With her eyes still shut, she stepped onto the weighing machine and opened her eyes slowly , bent down and then peeped into the display. The dreaded two digit figure 62 kilos stared back at her. She immediately kicked the poor machine aside and yelled in frustration, "Oh no! no! My weight has not budged even one ounce. When will my ****ing weight reduce?" With this she fell on her bed and started weeping clamorously. While all this melodrama was going on above in the first floor, Rahul was relishing the pleasant evening weather, seated comfortably in his couch next to his mother in the veranda of their house. On hearing the uproar above, his mother tensed up at once. "Dei, what happened to Aditi? I can hear her crying. What did you tell her? What's going on between you guys? Go up immediately and calm her down. I'm getting worried." "Amma..It's ok. I know very well what's going on. She was telling me that she was going to check on her weight today after a month of following some stupid diet that she found online. It has to be something to do with that. I am sure. No reason to worry." Rahul replied, assuringly. "Rahul! Are you going to check on her or not? I don't know what kind of a quarrel you have picked up with her this time. Poor thing. You must have said something. Now go upstairs immediately." She chided him. Rahul sighed, got up, climbed up the stairs and stepped in to his room. Aditi was sitting the corner of the room. Her cherubic face was all red. It was slightly puffed up and her eyes looked bloodshot and swollen. It was the same adorable face for which he had fallen years ago when he had met her after a competition which he had won and she had lost. It was the same woman that had taken him on an emotional roller-coaster ride of his life time. The same cute girl and the ©Team Bodh-e-verse

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Bodh-e-Verse awaits it’s story writers. Click here. Leisure

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November 2008 beta Issue

Short story out her hair , caressed her cheeks with his fingers and spoke to her gently,"Aditi dear, I told you that the diet was useless. Didn't I? Do you remember ? I also told you that you would end up crying like this. But you know what? I might have been wrong. Though your weight has not reduced, I can see that your waistline has slimmed down considerably.. I think now your size would be 29 and not 30. In fact you look great. You should stop crying please. Should I sing for you? Maybe kabhi kabhi aditi zindagi?". Aditi's face lit up and she immediately prodded her waist and asked him, "Really Rahul? Do I look slimmer? Wow! I am so glad to hear that. I knew something must have taken place. I knew it Rahul. Maybe I should diet for another month. I love you for what you just said. You just know to say the right things, nasty fellow ", she said playfully. With this they both nearly forgot about the debacle and started conversing animatedly about their past day. When Rahul's mother peeped in to check whether things were OK, she saw them both engaged merrily in a conversation. There was not even a slight trace of distress anywhere. She was totally stumped and stood there staring at them. "I should have listened to Rahul. He knows her so well. Whatever. Its nice to see them happy. hmm..God bless them." she thought and walked away as silently as she had come leaving them to have a good time. Just as she was leaving she heard him singing…"Kabhi kabhi aditi zindagi…".

same sober face. Just that she was his wife now. Aditi's temper splintered away for niggling things as this but then paradoxically, she could single-handedly weather bigger problems with ease. When Aditi's Father, Rahul's father and sister had passed away in a traumatic accident a year ago, she had stood by them like a rock. Rahul and his mom were extremely distressed and their minds too muddled to even think clearly. That was when Aditi had intervened. She had managed their house, their business, his sister's kids and also her job. She would wake up early in the morning by 4:30, cook for everybody in the house and send the kids away to school. From 7:30 AM to 8:30 AM she coordinated their family business and delegated work to their manager. Then she would leave to her house to cook for her mother and then leave to the evening college where she worked as professor. She had supported them emotionally as well. For 5 long months till Rahul had recovered a bit, she continued this rigorous schedule without the slightest complaint. Her persistence, her commitment, and above all the love that she readily gave away were astonishing. Ironically this was the same woman who was getting grumpy over something as petty as this. "Oh dear darling… How can I ever stop loving you?" he thought. As soon as Aditi saw Rahul stepping in, she flitted across the room, hugged him tightly and broke into a bout of sporadic weeping. In between her weeps she tried to speak to him. "Rahul, you know what? I haven't shed even an ounce of weight. Rahul its not fair…its not fair…one month Rahul…Weep…being on diet… weep…wasted..Weep…it ain't fair…Weep". As usual he knew how to handle her. He smoothed ©Team Bodh-e-verse

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The origin of the language “English took place around 10th A.D”

November 2008 beta Issue

Book Shelf

Marley and Me John Grogan

The origin of the word “orange”


The name of the fruit was NARANJ in Sanskrit. This language was spoken in ancient India. Indians traded with Arabs, so the word passed into Arabic as NARANJAH. The Spaniards were ruled by north African Arabs who passed the fruit and word into Spanish as NARANJA (pronounced as NARANHA). This came into English where the fruit was a NARANJ. Words ending in J are not common in English so the spelling quickly changed to a NARANGE. The initial N moved to the a because of mis-hearing to give an ARANGE (this is called metanalysis). Over time, the initial A became an O to give an ORANGE.

Sigh. I love animals. Especially dogs. Especially golden labradors. When Marley looked at me at the library from outta the book's cover, I had to know his story. That was how I ended up picking up 'Marley and Me - life and love with the world's worst dog' by John Grogan from the shelf. Seriously, how can anyone resist that 'tilted-head' look! The book is an biographical account of a ©Team Bodh-e-verse

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young couple - John and Jenny - as they start out on married life. Extremely terrified about starting a family, they decide to first try to bring up a dog, and in comes the first addition to the family - Marley – a male golden yellow labrador retriever. From the beginning, Marley proves to be a handful. He is a compulsive chewer of things – eats everything and I mean that. To Marley, things large enough to get into his mouth are breakfast, lunch or dinner. He grows up to be full of energy(which he takes out on every person in his path), terrified of thunderstorms and with a serious obedience problem that leaves his owners in despair. After three children, two moves and a movie, Marley is still with them. But, the signs of old age soon set in. Arthritis, infections, poor eyesight and a scary close call later, the family faces a day when Marley can no longer hold on. The book takes us from right from how they picked out Marley to when they buried him and moved on with their lives. But the book is not just about the fun times and Marley's antics. It is about all the things that life throws at us – the joy and pain in work, marriage, children, moving, finding dreams and everything else. And about how a crazy dog called Marley crawled into their hearts and stayed through all that. Through their short life spans, our pets help us to understand life. As we watch them at various stages – play, love, fear, family, old age- we realise that things happen at a higher pace to our beloved animals. Their lives are on fast-forward mode. At the end, I think they make us better people – more loving, caring, accepting of faults and help us adjust to the inevitabilities of life - which to humans are the same as to any other animal.

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November 2008 beta Issue

A special story -world History

Formation of Great Britain The Great Britain of today was formed over many years. Wales became incorporated into England under the Statute of Rhuddlan in 1284, after it had been annexed by Edward I of England in 1282. Edward dubbed his eldest son Edward,Prince of Wales, since which time the eldest son of each English monarch has borne the same title. England and Scotland were united in 1603 when James VI of King Scotland became James I King of England. The English royal Kingdom uptill 1603 was reigned by these following houses of the kings.

A collage of the British Royalty The British Coat of Arms Facts about the royal house

1]The Anglo-Saxons 2]The Normans 3]The Angevins 4]The Plantagenets 5]The Lancastrians 6]The Yorkists 7]The Tudors

When The Queen is in residence, there are four sentries at the front of the building. When she is away there are two.

Post 1603, the kingdoms of Scotland and England merged under a single ruler. The following houses have ruled the United Kingdom since then.The present Queen Elizabeth II belongs to the House of Windsor. 1]The Stuarts 2]The Hanoverians 3]Saxe-Coburg-Gotha 4]The House of Windsor Ireland became part of the United Kingdom in 1800 when the Act of Union with Ireland was passed by both the Irish and British parliaments. After most of Ireland left the union in December 1922, its name was amended to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. ŠTeam Bodh-e-verse

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The main element of the Arms is the shield which is divided into four quarters . The three golden lions on a red background, symbolising England, occupy the first and fourth quarters. The Arms of Scotland, a red lion rearing on its hind legs inside a red border, are in the second quarter, and the Arms of Ireland's golden harp with silver strings on a blue background - are in the third quarter.The lion and the unicorn supporting the shield represent England and Scotland.The Royal Arms we see today have evolved over nine centuries, since Richard 1st (the Lionheart) chose a shield of three lions to represent the three areas England, Normandy and Aquitane - which were associated with the English crown. Literature


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In addition to the United Kingdom, Elizabeth II is also Queen of Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Jamaica, Barbados, the Bahamas, Grenada, Papua New Guinea, the Solomon Islands, Tuvalu, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Belize, Antigua and Barbuda, and Saint Kitts and Nevis, in each of which she is represented by a Governor-General Windsor Castle, in Windsor in the English county of Berkshire, is the largest inhabited castle in the world and, dating back to the time of William the Conqueror, is the oldest in continuous occupation.

November 2008 beta Issue

If you want to make an easy job seem mighty hard, just keep putting it off -random quotes

The floating islands of Zacat贸n

In north eastern Mexico there is a group of 5 interconnected sinkholes or cenotes. At a depth of 305 meters, Zacaton is considered to be the deepest water-filled sinkhole in the world. This essentially rare geological formation is nearly perfectly circular. But the most unique feature of the formation is 15 floating islands which move about quite freely on the surface of the rock pool propelled solely by the power of the wind. The islands are made from lush mats of grass and scrub. Sunbathing and having a romantic picnic on a drifting island is probably the most unusual experience ever.

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Upcoming movies

Movie Watch Bollywood

Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi

look with spikey hair and clean-shaven face. SRK says the two different characters he plays in the movie are inspired from real people who participated in his show ‘Kya Aap Panchvi Pass Se Tez Hai’. In fact, according to grapevine, in the second half of the movie, SRK turns from a boring guy to a handsome dude who participates with Anushka in a dance competition and wins her love. Anushka, too, has two makeovers in the film. She dresses up traditionally in salwar-kameez for one part of the film. In another part, she dons designer dresses. The music of ‘Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi’ is given by Salim-Sulaiman. The lyrics are by Jaideep Sahni. Made under the banner of Yashraj Films , Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi is set to hit the theatres on December 12.

Cast: Shahrukh Khan and Anushka Sharma are in the lead. Other Cast : Vinay Pathak, Anupam Kher, Farida Jalal and others. Special Appearance : Rani Mukherjee Director : Aditya Chopra Producer : Yash Chopra Preview: Have you ever stopped to think if the most ordinary, uninteresting, unobtrusive man you might see on the road or around you might have a love story to tell? Maybe not! How can an ordinary man have a breathtaking, ‘goose flesh-igniting’, awe inspiring love story of all things to tell? But guess what - love does not differentiate between the ordinary and exceptional, the uninteresting and interesting, the unattractive and attractive. Because love knows no distinction. Love can happen to anyone and once it does it engulfs us into it completely and gives us those miraculous experiences that only love can yield. This is what happened to Surinder Sahni (Shahrukh Khan), a simple, clean-hearted, honest man working for Punjab Power. Surinder is leading a humdrum life when he meets his total opposite and finds love in the flamboyant, fun-loving and vivacious Taani (Anushka). For Taani the whole world is her canvas and she paints her own life with colors of rainbow. But then, unforeseen circumstances change it all. They separate them and bring them together. What follows is a journey filled with laughter, tears, joy, pain, music, dance and a lot of love. ‘Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi’ tells a story that makes us believe that there is an extraordinary love story in every ordinary jodi! The movie has both SRK and Anushka in two different get-ups. The first one is an ordinary look in which SRK wears loose pants and shirts and has his hair oiled and combed to one side. Second is a dude

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Oye Lucky, Lucky Oye !

Producer Ronnie Screwvala Director Dibakar Banerjee Star Cast Abhay Deol, Paresh Rawal, Neetu Chandra ,Archana Puran Singh, Manu Rishi , Richa Chadda Oye Lucky, Lucky Oye is a story of Lucky Singh who plays a loveable thief, someone who even the Delhi police are extremely fond of. His modus operandi is to outsmart the people, chowkidars and policemen with his sharp mind and wit. He is an aspiring individual who loves the good things in life and is generally enamored by the lifestyles of the rich and affluent Delhi families. Lucky's journey from a middle class boy to a popular thief turns him into a flamboyant playboy who now wants more than just the riches. Now he needs the respect, the social standing of a city gentleman without sacrificing that reckless freedom he cherishes (the duality of having the freedom to steal).Watch the flick on 28th November.


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Because there are 75 million blogs and185,167,897 websites.

November 2008 beta Issue

Do you think you know the Internet? Test your awareness!”

IKQ - internet knowledge quotient . Measure your Internet Knowledge Quotient. Coming soon. each of its linked-to pages. Apart from that it also takes into consideration 1)number of backlinks your site have 2) Diggs on your articles .If you get digged on homepage ,that gives a big boost

Know the Google search algorithm – PageRank ?

PageRank relies on the uniquely democratic nature of the web by using its vast link structure as an indicator of an individual page's value. In essence, Google interprets a link from page A to page B as a vote, by page A, for page B. But, Google looks at more than the sheer volume of votes, or links a page receives; it also analyzes the page that casts the vote. Votes cast by pages that are themselves "important" weigh more heavily and help to make other pages "important". ? Google uses the 'page rank algorithm' amongst many other factors to determine which web pages are displayed at the top of search results. Expressed in a range from 0 to 10, the algorithm essentially 'confers' ranking from one page to another. Thus, for example, if a page rank 6 page links to you and there are no other external links on that page your page potentially gets a page rank boost of up to 4.8 (only a maximum of around 0.8 of the page's own rank can be conferred). The reality is that the conferred ranking is distributed across ALL links on that page so a page rank 5 page with 5 links on it confers at most 0.8 page rank to

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Know the blog Moguls of Tech-web world:

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Facebook Users Get Busted – Beware of social networking!!!!! Once again, we are amazed at the apparent idiocy of people who are too casual when on the Internet. Tom Stones, a Tesco store worker in the UK, called in sick, but later posted on Facebook. He now faces disciplinary action. Last month, 13 Virgin Atlantic crew members used the same means to trash their employer and were consequently fired. Australian Kyle Doyle called in sick after a night out. His managers found him updating his Facebook page. Thank goodness that those of us who work/play on the Net a gazillion hours a day know that it's part of the gig. If that's not you, save the Facebook updates when that you can get away with it.

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November 2008 beta Issue

Bodhe-e-Buddy is here now.

Bodhe-e-Verse : Would you rather be single and rich, or married but poor? Tanuj: When I read this question I was about to write that I would prefer to be a humble poor man with a family. But then on a second thought I would prefer to be single and rich because I want to serve the whole world I want to work for the betterment of all. In this economy driven world I would be able to work better if I am rich than if I am poor. Secondly, as I want to devote my life in the service of the people things would be more difficult if I have a family and that to a poor one because then all my energies will be channeled for the survival of my family and my commitment for the world may be lost. So practicaly I think the first option will be more helpful for my purpose.

In the last issue we carried a questionnaire called “Bodh-everse personality”. Here are the two best entries that we received from our readers.

Tanuj: Out of these two options I think the world goes around Money because are women are the very party of the society itself which is going after money for fulfilling their never ending desires. Fibinse s: Women of course!!!

Bodh-e-Verse : Do you consider politics dirty ... ? Would you volunteer to clean it...? Tanuj: Politics itself is not dirty as it is called these days. In fact politics is very essential part of the society in which we live. It is due to some inappropriate deeds of few people involved in it which has given it a bad name. Not only me but I think every one should volunteer to make the scenario cleaner so that our society can have a healthy political environment for the betterment of the people.

Fibinse: When you got a loaded gun to your head, whats the difference? Really! But, but I would still choose “Married but poor”.

Fibinse: Politics was never meant to be clean! Bodh-e-Verse:Forgive or Forget - would you rather forgive somebodys mistake or forget it totally ? Ponder over the difference.

Bodh-e-Verse: Cinema, cricket and ……, complete the trilogy by which India can be defined. Tanuj: Culture Fibinse: Samose ( hindi for Samosas )

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Bodh-e-Verse: Does the world goes around money or women ?

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Congrats Tanuj and Fibinse! You are also featured in our “Hall of fame” for this week.

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hmmmmmm!!!! we can probably document our lifes in terms of SRS/HLD/source code.

Dymaxion Chronofile

Our World Dymaxion Chronofile, is an exhaustive journal of Buckminster Fuller's life from 1920 until his death in 1983.Dymaxion Chronofile, an exhaustive journal of Fuller's trajectory from 1920 until his death in 1983. Fuller had been collecting clippings and artifacts since he was a child. But in 1917, he began a formal chronological file which he would later call the Dymaxion Chronofile. The Chronofile was a vast scrapbook that included copies of all his incoming and outgoing correspondence, newspaper clippings, notes and sketches, and even dry cleaning bills. Initially, the Chronofile was bound into handsome leather-backed volumes. In later years, to save space and expenses, the Chronofile was simply stored in boxes. By the end of his life, this exhaustive “lab notebook” of his life's experiment amounted to 270 linear feet. Fuller intended for the Chronofile to be a case study of his life in context, in which his daily activities were presented in parallel with developments in technology and society. In it, he at once traced the evolution of his own thoughts, relationships, and business ventures; and documented new inventions, trends, and technologies that were emerging on the broader level. “If somebody kept a very accurate record of a human being, going through the era from the Gay'90's, from a very different kind of world through the turn of the century--as far into the twentieth century as you might live. I decided to make myself a good case history of such a human being and it meant that I could not be judge of what was valid to put in or not. I must put everything in, so I started a very rigorous record.”*

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Ok!!! that’s weird.

Sweden - A land of Culture


big question

Skansen Open Air Museum

Ladonia (Swedish: Ladonien) is a micro nation, proclaimed in 1996 as the result of a years-long court battle between artist Lars Vilks and local authorities over three sculptures. The claimed territory is located in (its proponents prefer to say "next to") southern Sweden. No one is living in Ladonia, all of its citizens are nomades and pay visits to the two chief towns Nimis and Arx, erected d u r i n g t h e p e r i o d 1 9 8 0 - 9 6 . There is a Government ruling Ladonia, the ministers are many and steadily increasing. Six County Councils are to be found splitting the area of about 1 square km. Ladonia has so far 4 different social classes: Nobilities, Common Citizens, Citizens of Honour, Spirituals.

How do you think Indian companies are going to get through the financial crisis ?

Take part in the Poll. Take part in the hot discussion at Discuss room.

Skansen was built in 1891 in an attempt to best utilize a hill on the western side of Djurgården. Skansen is the world's first open air museum and the idea behind this museum originally came from a Swedish folklorist named A.Hazelius who wished to preserve traditional architecture and lifestyles of various Swedish regions of the country for later generations. The museum contains about 140 furnished and decorated houses of different types and artefacts collected from different parts of the country. Gripsholms Castle

Gripsholms Castle is a very stylish castle that was built 1530. The interior shows the splendor of the Renaissance period and is now used as Sweden's national portrait gallery. ©Team Bodh-e-verse

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When your mother-in-law comes to visit you, greet her like that!!!

World News


World News


Guy Kawasaki

Spanish artist Miquel Barcelo works on his ceiling painting on the dome of Room XX at the European headquarters of the United Nations in Geneva. The ceiling took over a year to produce and ended up costing $23 million. It was unveiled Nov. 18.

It may look rude, but Lance Cpl. Eric Teepa is actually giving Britain's Princess Anne, in white, a traditional Maori welcome Nov. 17 during her visit to a military camp in Christchurch, New Zealand. Guy Kawasaki (Born August 30, 1954) one of the original Apple employees responsible for marketing the Macintosh in 1984, is a Silicon Valley venture capitalist. He is noted for bringing the concept of evangelism to the high-tech business, focusing on creating passionate user-advocates for the Apple brand. . As of August 2008 his blog "How to Change the World" is ranked 88 in the world. Our India

A man goes down the "Ice Magic Slide" on a tower made of ice at the annual snow ice sculpture festival in Bruges, Belgium, Nov. 20. About 300 tons of ice and 400 tons of snow were used to build the sculptures.

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Daredevil Eric Scott donned a jet pack Monday and used it to fly across the Royal Gorge, a 1,100foot-deep canyon in Colorado. The sponsor, Go Fast Sports & Beverage, said it took Scott took 21 seconds to cross the 1,500-foot-wide gorge at 75 mph.

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In West Bengal there is a Railway station called “Narayan pakuriya Murayil”. pronounce it... !!!

Can you believe the names of these places!??


Bang Bang Jump Up is a solitary rocky hill in Australia, 106 km southwest of Normanton, Queensland. Barking is a suburban town in east London, England and the main district of the London Borough of Barking and Dagenham. Between is a town in Walton County, Georgia, United States. The population was 148 at the 2000 census.

Just for Laughs

(in French Juste pour rire) is a comedy festival held each July in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest festival of its kind in the world. Each day, street performers, "New Vaudevillians" and openisther acts both vocal and visual perform throughout the city, particularly in the "Latin Quarter" -- an area known for its theatres, cafés and boutique shopping. In the evenings, the nightclubs and live venue theatres offer special programs supporting the performers. On the left the image is of “Just for laugh” mascot “Victor”. A TV show, also called Just For Laughs, features highlights from the festival, and it airs regularly on CBC Television, The Comedy Network and TVA. The series has a sister show called Just for Laughs Gags from where we borrowed this section’s name.

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Every hard-boiled egg is yellow inside.

MythBusters-ending episode -”end with a bang” MythBusters is a popular science television program produced by Australian firm Beyond Television Productions originally for the Discovery Channel in the United States.

To test this myth, Adam and Jamie tried different ways of ending the episode: first with a bang, then with a slow burn. For the bang, detonating cord was wrapped around Jamie’s moped, and Adam added bottles of gasoline. The explosion utterly destroyed the moped. For a burn, Jamie mixed over 1000 lbs of thermite, intending to use it to cut an SUV in half. While the SUV was not completely severed, the thermite burned through most of the vehicle, and both Adam and Jamie enjoyed the destruction. Adam preferred the bang, but Jamie liked the burn more. They decided to leave the verdict of the myth/idiom to the fans.

The first basic law of human stupidity asserts without ambiguity that: Always and inevitably everyone underestimates the number of stupid individuals in circulation. And to prove it , here are some actual label instructions on consumer goods. On a bag of Fritos: You could be a winner! No purchase necessary. details inside. (the shoplifter special)? On a child's superman costume: "Wearing of this garment does not enable you to fly.” On packaging for a Rowenta iron: "Do not iron clothes on body." (but wouldn't this save me more time?) On Marks & Spencer Bread A bit of Pudding:"Product will be hot after heating." (...and you thought?) On a bar of Dial soap:everything "Directions: Use like regular soap." (and that would be how?)

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These images are part of e-hobo project.

Mickey the Assistant Manager

Off the Block...

Sweet Daddy Champagne

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