Bodh-e-Verse September 2008 Beta Issue

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September 2008 beta issue


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Cover story

September 2008 alfa issue


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Literature and culture

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Our India

A bit of everything

When the wall cracked

Just for laugh gags

Leisure Leisure

A bit of everything

Science and technology

Literature and culture


When the wall cracked

Our India

Just for laugh gags

Tidbits Should there be a crash, Prince Charles and Prince William never travel on the same airplane as a precaution! It is the female lion who does more than 90 percent of the hunting, while the male is afraid to risk his life, or simply prefers to rest.

Section Index A bit of


All the chemicals in the human body have a combined value of approximately ÂŁ4.00. The shortest war in history was between Zanzibar and United Kingdom in 1896. Zanzibar surrendered after 38 minutes. As much as 80% of microwaves from mobile phones are absorbed by your head! In Chinese the words for crisis and opportunity are the same. The word "four" has four letters. In the English language there is no other number whose number of letters is equal to its value.

by Anubhuti A bit of everything

Science and technology

Literature and culture


When the wall cracked

Our India

Just for laugh gags


For your information...

Replace a regular incandescent light bulb with a compact fluorescent light bulb (CFL) - CFLs use 60% less energy than a regular bulb. This simple switch will save about 300 pounds of carbon dioxide a year. A Catostylus species jellyfish seems frozen in place in this split-level view off the coast of South Africa.

A bit of everything

Science and technology

Literature and culture


When the wall cracked

Cover your pots while cooking - Doing so can save a lot of the energy needed for preparing the dish. Even better are pressure cookers and steamers: they can save around 70%! Our India

Just for laugh gags

Advertising at its best

Smallest jet aircraft

Ad from WWF

WHO: Juan Jimenez WHAT: 162 kg (358 lb), 3.7 m (12 ft) long, 5.7 m (17 ft) WHERE: Puerto Rico, USA WHEN: 2004 The home-built Bede BD-5J Microjet owned by Juan Jimenez of San Juan, Puerto Rico, USA, weighs 162 kg (358 lb), is 3.7 m (12 ft) long, has a 5.7 m (17 ft) wingspan, and can fly at 483 km/h (300 mph). A bit of everything

Science and technology

Literature and culture


When the wall cracked

Our India

Just for laugh gags

BLOG LOG The love of life Just imagine that if you woke up on your 60th birthday and figured out that you dragged yourself to work for the past 40 years of your life? Wouldn't that be pathetic? But yet, many of us drag ourselves us to work every day. We sit in front of our monitors and tap on our keyboards and gyrate our mice, emotionally disconnected from what our hands and minds do because our hearts are some place else. We speak about "work-life balance" without even giving a thought to the utter absurdity of the term. Some of us are least bothered. We never had a passion in life and we never cared. And some of us did have a passion, an yearning to do something that we truly loved. And we now live in denial, telling A bit of everything

Science and technology

Literature and culture

ourselves that it is fate and that we need to stick to what destiny has planned for us. We tell ourselves that our parents have a standing in society and that it needs to be preserved. The pressure of our peers and the mockery our relatives, didn't we have enough? My story today revolves around two people, whose names I do not wish to reveal. One of them is about to finish his first year MBBS at CMC, while the other just joined as a fresher for the same program this year. They are 23. Yes, they are as old as me. And I just completed two years in the corporate world! Do you know how difficult is to find yourself in the company of people who are disconnected from you emotionally by age? Do you know how difficult it is to get ordered around or even ragged when you are an adult? Well, at least it is not as hard as finding out that you should have done something else in your life when you are old and have a grandchild on your lap! So, what did you want to be? A physicist? An economist? An architect? A doctor? A dentist? A writer? - The deep


When the wall cracked

earning of a soul back then but bad memories that bring a sigh now. Why should it be that way? Why can't we change it? All we have is one life and I think it does not make sense to live it for others unless you are absolutely sure that you want to do it that way. Run to your first love.

Our India

by John Wesley

A new section dedicated to the best blogs that are submitted to us. Have a blog? Drop in the details here.

Just for laugh gags

Urban Air Trees Science

Technology A bit of everything

Science and technology

Literature and culture


The city of Madrid soon plans to add a striking new structure that will “climatically transform” its urban architecture. Designed by Urban Ecosystems, the Air Tree pavilion is to be built from recycled materials and will be 100% energy self-sufficient. Using photovoltaic cells, the Air Tree produces a substantial amount of energy, which is then sold back to the local electric companies, the profits being used for maintenance of the structure. The second byproduct is of course oxygen - hence the name ‘Air Tree’! When the wall cracked

Our India

Just for laugh gags

The Microchip Turns 50 New Yard Stick for the Universe

Here's the Original 50 years ago this week, Texas Instrument's Jack Kilby demonstrated the first working integrated circuit, or microchip. It's a crude About seven billion years ago, the universe went into a conglomeration of just five components, but it was also proof that a sort of pubescent growth spurt that as far we know circuit could be miniaturized by housing all of its components on one hasn't slowed down. piece of semiconductor material, allowing all these parts to work together without laborious (and technologically infeasible) manual Scientists call the growth stimulus dark energy, for lack connections. In essence, it's the electronic wheel captured in first of a better term or an understanding of the mechanics. eureka. When the Literature Science and Just for A bit of Leisure Our India wall cracked and culture technology laugh gags everything

The Central Railroad of Peru

geeky Gadgets

Amazing Engineering

Antec Skeleton ‘Open Air’ PC Case The Antec Skeleton is a truly revolutionary enclosure. With a unique design that allows for unprecedented airflow, a front 92mm fan, and a top three speed 250mm fan with multicolor LED customization, the Skeleton goes utterly unmatched in stylish cooling. Factor in the layered component trays for top-notch convenience, as well as the rackmount quality side rails, and you have a case truly without equal.

The Central Railroad of Peru which was completed in 1907 is historically quite distinguished. An engineering feat of land and steel, it reaches to the amazing height of fifteenthousand eight hundred and thirty feet (above sea level) to the city of Ticlio, then down to Bone City (La Oroya) and onto Huancavelica: One thousand miles of rail through mountains, across 41 bridges, around 13 zigzags and through 60 tunnels.

A bit of everything

Science and technology

Literature and culture


When the wall cracked

Our India

Just for laugh gags

Literature And Culture


Life is but a brief moment. The years go by quickly and old age arrives suddenly before we have an inkling. People desire so many things and waste their days in vain. Some yearn for gold, others for power, yet others for glory and a higher station. But when death's moment nears and they look back at their lives they've lived, they realise they've been happy only during those moments when they've loved.

And a bit of love

Borje Vahamaki

A bit of everything

Science and technology

Literature and culture


When the wall cracked

Our India

Just for laugh gags


She stood there alone ,on the lonely street, The chill bit her hard, but her cold feet, Dead as a corpse, she waited in the dark, Wilted she waited, like a dying spark,


Just a piece of flesh and that's what they need, Just a "need" I am, on which they always feed, They don't feel a thing, they can't see my scars, Just a "thing" I am ,sold in the bazaars,

by Tapas Mohanty

I don't curse my fate, I don't cry a tear, Never do I regret coz I know my life won't steer, Yes! I slander at times, about a thing or two, Why did He give me life and why do I love it too, I don't pray for a hero, who would hold my hand, I never prayed for a fairy with her magic wand, All I need is a day, where I could "live" for a while, A day in my days, that would make me smile, A stranger of a man ,who'll love me with his eyes, The sweetest of truths, that could kill the holy lies... The tunes hummed deeper , as she laid on the bed, The night wanted tears but she laughed instead, Her dreams were mauled, her hopes were raped, Her heart laid still, her shivers coldly draped, Just a piece of flesh, just a "thing" she was, Just a sorry truth, in their gory claws. A bit of everything

Science and technology

Literature and culture


When the wall cracked

Our India

Just for laugh gags

Agatha Christie by Seetha

Agatha Christie (1890-1976). A name familiar to all detective-fiction readers. What makes Agatha Christie different from other mystery fiction writers is that besides the crime and suspense, she knew to tell a story gracefully. If you were an Agatha Christie reader for a long time, you can be guaranteed to have read some good English. Starting with The Mysterious Affair at Styles in 1920 where she created that short eggheaded detective genius called Hercule Poirot, the mystery writer went on to write a number of novels till she passed away in 1976. Other powerful characters emerged to be her readers’ favorites: Miss Marple, an old but intelligent problem-solver, Hastings, narrator and companion in a few Poirot A bit of everything

Science and technology

Literature and culture

novels, Tommy and Tuppence, a crimesolving couple, and many more. The Murder of Roger Ackroyd remains the masterpiece of all her works. This book and “And then there were none” features in the top 100 list of crime novels prepared by the Hatchards Crime Companion of Crime Writers’ Association.

Author focus

Being a romance writer as well, though she was more famous for her crime novels, Christie brought romanticism into her crime fictions in the form of chivalrous men and bewitching women. Winner of several awards and acknowledgements, Agatha Christie to this day remains as one of the best selling writers in the Guinness Book of World Records. For this reason, her works have been translated to 56 languages, as well as adapted to produce a number of TV series, movies, stage plays and video games.


When the wall cracked

Our India

Just for laugh gags

Once in a while, you happen upon a classic. You know what it is by the worn nature of the book when you pick it up from the library's shelf. 'All quiet on the western front' is a book of that sort. Originally written in German by Erich Maria Remarque in 1929, the book is a first person account of World War I by a German Soldier-Paul B채umer. Paul and his friends - a bunch of German schoolboys, enlist in the army at the insistence of their school master, some doing so against their own wishes. We see the war through the eyes of these youngsters. Though filled with fine feelings of patriotism at the beginning, they find themselves systematically broken down during the harsh training. When posted at the front,they learn to rely on their instincts rather than reason to direct their actions. They learn to give in to the animal in themselves in order to survive. Indifference becomes their way of life - the only way they find, to be able to take the horrors of war. Starvation, disease, non existence of any personal space, fear of pain, death and the morrow fills each day. A bit of everything

Science and technology

All quiet on the western front Author: Erich Maria Remarque Outnumbered by the enemy, they soldier on in the face of the inevitable. How would you feel if you had to march past a bunch of newly made coffins, knowing one of them was meant for you - perhaps to be used that very day? Theirs is a generation betrayed by the previous one. No future seems to be possible after having seen so much at such a young age. Some die painful and prolonged deaths. Some lose the will to fight. Some go insane. Some are crippled. And the rest go on, the numbers of their company reducing each day. Nations at war depend on the bravado of the soldiers at the front. Sometimes, one wonders who the real enemy is. Is it the soldier on the other side of no man's land, the leader who first decided to go to war, the commander who has to send half healed men into the battle again, the

Literature and culture


When the wall cracked

Book Shelf school master who first almost bullied them into believing this was their duty or the people who sit back home and feel proud of the 'young heroes'? This is a book that will question boundaries, nationalism and patriotism by showing what they all reduce to finally.

Our India

Just for laugh gags

Some fun games for picnic


King of the Hill This game can be played with several players and a mound of dirt or hill. One person is chosen to be king of the hill probably .Then one at a time each player goes up the hill to dethrone the King of the hill. The object is to get the king off of the hill. There is no ultimate winner just a lot of fun.

Sock Wrestling All the kids sit in a circle and have to take off their shoes so they are only wearing socks. Every person is given a number. Two numbers are then called out. The person with those numbers come into the center of the circle, and, remaining on their knees, must, in any way possible, get the other person's sock before they get theirs. Very funny to watch. A variation is for the person to have pillows under their tops which makes it less contact and dangerous A bit of everything

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Literature and culture


When the wall cracked

Our India

Just for laugh gags



What term originally meaning 'storehouse' referred, and still refers, to a periodical of various content and imaginative writing?


Which cricket commentator, who mistakenly called Monty Panesar 'Monty Python', was awarded an OBE in 2003? HINT:father Tom is said to have been the inspiration for the naming of fictional James Bond villian Ernst Stavro Blofeld - the one with the white cat - created by Ian Fleming.

For knowing the correct answers click here


3. What connects Elizabeth Fry, Sir John Houblon, Adam Smith, George Stephenson, and Sir Edward Elgar?

A bit of everything

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Literature and culture


In May 2007 Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum announced the biggest what in history to date?

When the wall cracked

Our India

Just for laugh gags


Movie Watch A bit of everything


Hari Puttar -


A Comedy of Terrors


Hari Prasad Dhoonda or Hari Puttar, is a bright 10 year old who has recently moved from India to the U.K. with his parents . His father is assigned to work on a secret project, for which he has access to a chip with confidential information. By mistake, Hari and his cousin are left behind at home by the family who set out on a picnic.Meanwhile, an infamous don, Kali Mirchi, assigns two bumbling burglars steal the secret formula chip from Hari's house. When Hari accidentally discovers the mission of the burglars, he embarks on a journey of great adventure and suddenly discovers the self-confidence, creativity and gumption that he did not know he possessed. The so called naive Hari Puttar embarks on a journey of great adventure and suddenly discovers the self-confidence, creativity and gumption that he did not know he possessed.

Science and technology

Literature and culture


"Welcome to Sajjanpur" is about an Indian village where the people are very simple and mostly uneducated. Mahadev who is one of the few educated people in the village of Sajjanpur dreams of writing a novel someday. But, in the meantime he makes a living by reading and writing the letters of the uneducated villagers. He is popular with other villagers and he soon finds that he can even control the activities of the village through his actions.

When the wall cracked

Our India

Just for laugh gags

Flash of Genius

Movie Watch


Beverly Hills Chihuahua

A bit of everything

Director: Raja Gosnell Stars: Drew Barrymore, George Lopez Studio: Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures

Director: Marc Abraham Stars: Greg Kinnear, Lauren Graham, Alan Alda Studio: Universal Studios

The Plot: While on vacation in Mexico, Chloe (Barrymore), a pampered Beverly Hills chihuahua, finds herself lost and in need of assistance in order to get back home. Coming to Chloe's aid is a a macho Chihuahua named Papi (Lopez), a spirit guide (Hayek) who endeavors to help Chloe discover her true heritage.

The Plot: Once Robert Kearns (Kinnear) discovers that new cars are coming equipped with intermittent windshield wipers -- a technology Kearns invented, patented, and unsuccessfully tried to sell -- he launches a landmark lawsuit against the U.S. automotive industry.

Science and technology

Literature and culture


When the wall cracked

Our India

Just for laugh gags

Back to school: The mysterious Indus script

-by utkarsh

The Harappan or the Indus Valley Civilization (IVC) forms an integral part of our history textbooks. One of the biggest mysteries shrouding this ancient civilization are the symbols found on its inscriptions. The first Indus seal was discovered in 1872-73, followed by the discovery of an entire civilization in the 1920s. Till date, over a hundred claims of 'decipherment' of the Indus script have been made, and a myriad of languages have been proposed as the language of the IVC. However, none of the claims have proved conclusive. There is also evidence to suggest that the IVC may have been multilinguistic. The first claim of 'decipherment' was announced by Alexander Cunningham, in 1877, when only one Indus seal had been discovered. According to Cunningham, the writing on the seal was Asokan Brahmi script. In 1882, the Sinologist Terrien de A bit of everything

Science and technology

Lacouperie claimed that this Indus seal was written in tribal Chinese Lolo script. In the 1960s, a highprofile research team claimed that the Indus valley inscriptions encoded an ancient Dravidian language. This hypothesis became the dominant model for next three decades, fueled by ethnic patriotism. There were others who also tried to establish connections between the Vedic civilization and the IVC. Several flaws have been pointed out in these theories, and there is a long record of fake evidence and forgeries by the 'researchers' claiming to have deciphered the script. Among the recent ones was the forgery of a 'horse seal' by Natwar Jha and N. S. Rajaram, who identified the language as Vedic Sanskrit. Similarly, there have been many forgeries involving supposed finds of Indus inscriptions

Literature and culture


When the wall cracked

on Tamil village walls. In 2004, Steve Farmer, Richard Sproat and Michael Witzel proposed a new hypothesis.They argued that the symbols found on the Indus seals are just ideographical symbols, not a 'script'. Steve Farmer writes: "It is a fact that odd path dependencies in historical field often develop due to aribitrary directions taken by prominent early researchers. According to Witzel et al., the IVC "rejected writing for other types of sign systems". This raises a new question: Why the Harappans never adopted writing, though they were seemingly aware of it through their trade contacts with the Mesopotamians? Witzel et al hypothesize that the ruling elite of the IVC must have opposed writing due to the "threats it posed to whatever control the symbols gave them over Indus populations". This could provide an explanation for the fact that several Indus seals have been found in and around the Mesopotamian area, but no Mesopotamian inscriptions have been found at the Indus sites.

Our India

Just for laugh gags

Web watch


socialmoth is a site where one can play fantasy sports. The site offers live drafts every day throughout each sport's season Football and baseball are offered currently. The players can draft a team and join a league any time. You can play for play money or real cash.

SocialMoth is a group confessional for friends. Get atleast three of your friends registered and you can all post your secrets anonymously. The more, the merrier. You get hints when a secret is posted by a friend, but not about which friend confessed that particular thought -that is what you play at guessing or logically deducing.


A bit of everything

Science and technology

Literature and culture


When the wall cracked

biographicon Biographicon is a website for creating your biography - yes, yours and anybody else's too.There are features to help create a biography by answering questions or by adding sections. You can create connections to other users and declare relationships between people. You can create and edit any biography. A line on the website says it all Everyone has a life story. You can tell it here.

Our India

Just for laugh gags

During the days between two issues where do you go for all the fun and info?

p kee


ng isiti


’s itor

. cut

When the wall cracked

Special story

A bit of everything

Science and technology

Literature and culture


The credit crunch that began in America’s sub-prime mortgage market has erupted into a global financial crisis today. The US economy faces recession, credit markets are in distress and the rest of the world may enter a downturn. In simple terms, Subprime lending is the practice of providing loans to borrowers who do not qualify for market interest rates owing to various risk factors, such as income level, size of the down payment made, credit history, and employment status. The value of U.S. subprime mortgages was estimated at $1.3 trillion as of March 2007 with over 7.5 million subprime mortgages outstanding. The situation has led to present crisis. Here is a chronology of major events that has led to the darkest ever times at the financial world: - June 2007: New York investment bank Bear Stearns lurch to the brink of collapse because of their extensive investments in mortgagebacked securities. - July/August 2007: A number of German banks with bad investments in the U.S. real-estate market are caught up in the crisis, including IKB Deutsche Industriebank, Sachsen LB (Saxony State Bank), and BayernLB (Bavaria State Bank). - September 2007: The British bank Northern Rock is besieged by worried savers. - October 2007: Profits at the U.S. financial giant Citigroup drop sharply. Then one large financial institution after another reports billions of dollars in writedowns and heavy losses. - January 2008: The Swiss banking giant UBS reports more than 18 billion dollars in writedowns for 2007 on account of its exposure to the reeling U.S. real-estate market. It announces another 19 billion dollars in writedowns in April. When the Just for Our India wall cracked laugh gags

- March 2008: On the verge of collapse and under pressure by the Federal Reserve, the U.S. central bank, Bear Stears is forced to accept a buyout by U.S. investment bank JPMorgan Chase at a fire-sale price. In Germany, Deutsche Bank reports a loss of 141 million euros for the first quarter of 2008, its first quarterly loss in five years. - July 2008: The California mortgage lender IndyMac collapses. Troubles for U.S. mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac continue to grow. - September 2008: The U.S. government takes over Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. The crisis at U.S. investment bank Lehman Brothers deepens. - September 15, 2008, 'Black Monday': Lehman Brothers files for bankruptcy, Merrill Lynch agrees to be acquired by the Bank of America, and AIG rescued by Fed Reserve. Goldman Sachs reported its worst drop in profits since going public in 1999.

When the wall cracked earlier

Crash of 1929 The Wall Street Crash of 1929, also known as the Crash of ’29 or the Great Crash, was the most devastating stock market crash in the history of the United States, taking into consideration the full and longevity of its fallout. Three phrases—Black Thursday, Black Monday, and Black Tuesday—are used to describe this collapse of stock values.

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Literature and culture

And many more will follow….

Wall street New york


When the wall cracked

Our India

Just for laugh gags

We recently asked our readers the following question At the age of 15 this person was punished with 15 lashes , and with each lash he shouted out "bharat mata ki jai". After that incident he took a vow that "he would never be arrested and would die as a free man". And did he not keep his vow, when at the tender age of 25 ,after being betrayed by his fellow compatriots he decided to shoot himself. He is the one who at the age of 15, on being asked his name by the judge, shouted at him saying "my name is azad (freedom)". He is none other than Chandrashekhar Azad. Take a moment from your busy life, and imagine yourself being born a century back. Can you see yourself in the place of AZAD ? Where the most pressing thoughts would not be of your promotion or where to go and hang out over the weekend, but how to be useful to the country. Take some time to reflect on it, and just picturize the situation of a young person of your age, shooting himslef just to make his country "Azad" . Now can you place yourself in Chandrashekhar Azad's boots? What would you do?

Our India

The best two replies are posted on the next page. You can read other replies here .

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Literature and culture


When the wall cracked

Our India

Just for laugh gags

The thought of shooting myself would have never have come to my mind in that situation. I would have tried till my last blood drop to be alive and to be useful for country's freedom movement as much as I could. By being alive Azad could have inspired more and more youth across India to take part in country's freedom struggle. Shooting himself was not required from Azad. My eyes would not have wanted to get closed before I could see the tricolor flying high under the sky of an independent India. I feel today's youth is also no less than the heroes we had during British regime. That was a time when everybody had ire towards the British. Everyone was going through the pain and it was very easy to flare up that anger and to make every youth to stand up. If such circumstances come again then I am sure we would have hundreds of such heroes who would love to die for such cause. Also, this time we would hit hard as we have experienced our existence in a democratic and independent India. Resistance of today's youth towards anybody ruling them is much higher than it was in the past. Deepak Bajpai A bit of everything

Science and technology

Literature and culture

That covers their land from which blossoms grow. Their nation's the best because they just know That even though Death besieges their kind, They'd charge out in fury, country in mind.

Nation What is a man without his people, his pride, Without a great nation to save his lone hide? He's simply a grain that's lost in the dust, Thrown through the world by a perilous gust. One must have trust in his motherland, lo, Trust it's the best, with all others below. But how is one's nation the best above all, For there must be others who've come to a fall? The grand key is to think with one's heart, As a great nation's people just can't part With their country, their flag, the color of blood Shed by their fellows and shed for the mud


When the wall cracked

Decaying through time, forgotten by most, A fallen nation's reduced to a ghost, But despite collapse and despite its flaws, It captures one's mind and makes one pause, For that is what makes a great nation so, As all it must do is make one's heart glow, Thus a man should not put this inner flame out, So he can be sure beyond reasonable doubt, When he's held at gunpoint by numerous foes, His country, his people, will save him from woes, Save him from drifting, a speck led astray. He won't forget his dear country today. Manimala

Our India

Just for laugh gags

First Impressions - Delhi Bahai temple

a minimum by the public transport that your timid feelings and jump into a heated discussion - more often than not, you'll get a runs on CNG. good deal. Check out Connaught Place, Palika Bazaar, Karol Bagh market, Sarojini Nagar Market and Chandni chowk. Each Inside qutub minart market is closed on a particular day of the week – do check before you decide your itinerary.

The sight-seeing I was at Delhi for a couple of days in August. Here are my first impressions of India’s capital city. Delhi is a huge city and each place feels so different – the government offices – majestic in their power, the monuments and memorials silent and mourning, the bazaars – loud, confusing and vivacious and the people - mostly unhurried.

Very little traffic and pollution Most of the sight seeing attractions are far from each other and hence, there is very little traffic at any one point. The roads are great, so just cruise along! You can get around on the metro or bus or autos or taxis. Pollution by vehicles is kept to A bit of everything

Science and technology

Literature and culture

A tour of the monuments is a must - India gate, Raj Ghat, Rashtrapati Bhavan, Parliament building, Birla Mandir, Qutb Minar, Red fort, Bahai temple (Looks beautiful from the air). The kind of intricate work on some of the older monuments leave you gaping (See picture). I also visited the doll museum that houses over 6000 dolls from all over the world representing their country's customs and ways – quite interesting to children and adults alike.

The weather is pretty hot. I wonder if all the gardens and parks have helped any to reduce the heat. Most places demand some walking. You'll find lemon soda stalls everywhere and it tastes a bit like heaven after a tiring walk. Agra is just a few hours away and I am told I missed a lot by not visiting the Taj Mahal. Oh, well – there is only so much one can do in two days.

Helpful website:

A haven for bargain shopping Bazaars are around everywhere and you can bargain a lot in most places for clothes, electronic goods etc! So, put away Leisure

When the wall cracked

Our India

Share your first impressions about a place along with pictures - Help us discover India. Just for laugh gags

Stories from our epics, retold Amrit. When Indra saw that Amrit was being stolen, he used his weapon Vajra on A new section where we take you back to Garuda. In respect to the Rishi (Dadichi) Grandma's lap where you listened to these for from whose bones that weapon had been the first time. crafted, Garuda shed exactly one feather and continued on his way unharmed. slavery and warned her not to disturb the Lord Vishnu was pleased that Garuda other egg. (He was Aruna and he became had not thought of drinking the nectar the charioteer of the sun god) despite having obtained it and granted him Some time later, the two sisters were the boon of immortality without the need involved in an argument - ending in a bet for Amrit, for his selflessness. He also with the stakes of the loser becoming advised Garuda to fulfill his vow of bringing The sage Kashyapa, the wish-born son of Lord enslaved to the winner. By crooked means, the Amrit to his brothers but somehow Brahma, was married to the two daughters Kurda won the bet and Vinata became a prevent them from drinking it since the Kadru and Vinata of Daksha. The sisters were slave. snakes, if immortal, would cause harm to Soon, the second egg hatched and very beautiful and extremely jealous of each the world. Garuda emerged, so blindingly bright that other. Accordingly, when Garuda reached his Kashyapa offered to grant each of no one was able to even look at him. He had brothers, he showed them the Amrit and them a boon. To Kadru, who wanted a the head and wings of an eagle and released his mother and himself from thousand sons of great strength, were born sometimes, the rest of his body as that of a bondage. He then distracted the snakes the race of serpents endowed with great man. long enough for Indra to steal back the When Vinata told him the story of the strength. Vinata had two eggs, after her wish Amrit . for two sons who would outshine her sister's bet she had made with Kadru. Garuda asked Garuda and Indra became friends and his brothers for some means of getting out of sons in strength and fame. divided the rule of the world between However, the eggs did not hatch for a enslavement. The snakes asked Garuda to themselves. Garuda got the lordship of bring them the divine Amrit(elixer of life) long time and Vinata broke open one of her birds and other flying creatures, while Indra eggs out of impatience. The embryo in it had from the Devas in return for freedom. got the rest. Garuda became the Vishnu's Garuda agreed and went into battle with not formed completely. The child was angry mount in return for the boon that snakes at his mother's impatience and cursed her to the Devas, defeated them and took the become his food. When the Literature Science and Just for A bit of Leisure Our India wall cracked and culture technology laugh gags everything

The story of Garuda


It got crowded in heaven so, for one day and one day only, it was decided to only accept people who had really bad day on the day they died. St. Peter was standing at the pearly gates and said to the first man, “Tell me about the day you died.” The man said, “Oh, it was awful. I was sure my wife was having an affair, so I came home early to catch her with him. I searched all over the apartment but couldn’t find him anywhere. So I went out onto the balcony, we live on the 25th floor, and found this man hanging over the edge by his fingertips. I went inside, got a hammer, and started hitting his hands. He fell, but landed in some bushes. So, I got the refrigerator and pushed it over the balcony and it crushed him. The strain of the act gave me a heart attack, of which I died from.” St. Peter couldn’t deny that this was a pretty bad day, and since it was a crime of passion, he let the man in. He then asked the next man in line about the day he died. “Well, sir, it was awful,” said the second man. “I was doing aerobics on the balcony of my 26th floor apartment when I twisted my ankle and slipped over the edge. I managed to grab the balcony of the apartment below, but some maniac came out and started pounding on my fingers with a hammer. Luckily I landed in some bushes. But, then the guy dropped a refrigerator on me!” St. Peter chuckled, let him into heaven and decided he could really start to enjoy this job. “Tell me about the day you died?” he said to the third man in line. “OK, picture this; I’m naked, hiding inside a refrigerator….”

A bit of everything

Science and technology

Literature and culture


When the wall cracked

Our India

Just for laugh gags

Funny chemical names Munchnones No, these aren't the favourite compound of the Munchkins from The Wizard of Oz, but are in fact a type of mesoionic compound. These are ring structures in which the positive and negative charge are delocalised, and which cannot be represented satisfactorily by any one polar structure. They got their name when Huisgen called them after the city Munich (M端nchen), after similar compounds were called sydnones after Sydney.

Old creepy ads

A bit of everything

Science and technology

Literature and culture


When the wall cracked

Our India

Just for laugh gags

Off the Block...

Worst Slogan Translations When Parker Pen marketed a ball-point pen in Mexico, its ads were supposed to have read, "It won't leak in your pocket and embarrass you." The company thought that the word "embarazar" (to impregnate) meant to embarrass, so the ad read: "It won't leak in your pocket and make you pregnant."

The Washington Post's Mensa Invitational once again asked readers to take any word from the dictionary, alter it by adding, subtracting, or changing of one letter, and supply a new definition.

Glibido: All talk and no action. A bit of everything

Science and technology

Literature and culture


When the wall cracked

Our India

Just for laugh gags

So here we are, towards the end.What happened to the cover story? So here’s the deal - We want you to write it. 1) Try to guess the actual scenario behind the picture on the cover of the magazine ,and post your thoughts here. 2) Let your imagination go wild ! Think up of the weirdest possible scenarios based on the picture , and post your thoughts here. The sky is the limit on your creativity. The best two answers will be published in the next issue of the magazine.

September 2008 Beta Issue

Answers For MindGame 1.Magazine 2.Henry Blofeld 3.Appeared on Bank of England banknotes Help us spread the word. If you like this issue of the magazine Please invite your friends to read the next issue by clicking here.

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