October 2008 beta issue
Bodh-e-Verse What is love bombing? page 6 iBeer 2.0 page 9 To sir with love page 13 Colour of the Universe page 18 half.com page 24
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October 2008 beta Issue
Tidbits If a statue in the park of a person on a horse has both front legs in the air, the person died in battle. If the horse has one front leg in the air the person died as a result of wounds received in battle. If the horse has all four legs on the ground, the person died of natural causes. In 1897, Bayer, who is the maker of Aspirin, marketed the drug heroin.
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Intelligent people have more zinc and copper in their hair. It took engineers 22 years to design the zipper. The screwdriver was invented before the screw. A car traveling 100 mph would take more than 29 million years to reach the nearest star.
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October 2008 beta Issue
For your information... According to scientists, more than one and one-half million species exist on the earth today. However, recent estimates state that at least 20 times that many species inhabit the planet. There are more than 3,500 protected areas in existence worldwide. These areas include parks, wildlife refuges and other reserves. They cover a total of nearly 2 million square miles (5 million square km), or 3% of our total land area.
One of the most endangered species is giant panda. Today, the giant panda's future remains uncertain. This peaceful, bamboo-eating member of the bear family faces a number of threats. Its forest habitat, in the mountainous areas of southwest China, is fragmented and giant panda populations are small and isolated from each other. Meanwhile, poaching remains an ever-present threat.
A yellow boat hull is reflected at the waterline in Quebec’s Forillon National Park. This oceanside park is located at the farthest tip of Gaspe Peninsula.
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October 2008 beta Issue
Longest Running TV Drama
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Guiding Light since 30 June 1952 USA Broadcast weekly
The world's longest running TV drama is Procter & Gamble Productions' Guiding Light (CBS, USA), which was first aired on 30 June 1952, and is currently broadcast each week day. Guiding Light was originally broadcast as a 15 min radio serial on WLW Radio in Cincinnati, beginning on 25 January 1937.
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Do you know what’s at the end of the rainbow? Your
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October 2008 beta Issue
Diatom Rainbows Ascalapha odorata The noctuid moth Ascalapha odorata bears the common name Black Witch. It is a harbinger of death in Mexican and Caribbean folklore.The moth is known as the "Duppy Bat" or "Money moth.The black witch moth is found throughout Central America and Mexico.
What is love bombing? Whenever an individual or a group of individuals overtly convey to another individual or group their affection frequently, consistently and profusely, then the former is said to be love bombing the latter. There is a controversy on whether this indicates real affection. It is said to be practised by members of many religious organisations. Critics of the cults feel that love bombing is a ploy to lure recruits. Members of Unification Church, where the term is said to have originated, oppose this. They say love bombing involves giving positive attention, thereby fulfiling the human need for love.
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Captured by retired British microscopist Michael Stringer, the photo took top prize--and U.S. $3,000--in the 2008 Small World Photomicrography Competition, organizers announced on October 15. Sponsored by Nikon, the annual contest showcases "the beauty and complexity of life as seen through Our India the light microscope."
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October 2008 beta Issue
India ready to say Hello to Moon!
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A landmark day has arrived! India is entering lunar exploration with the launch of Chandrayaan mission. The space craft of Chandrayaan 1 is cuboid in shape. It's side is 1.50 metres. It accommodates 11 scientific instruments. It weighs 1304 kilograms at it's launch and 590 kilograms when it enters the lunar orbit. It is a 3-axis stabilized spacecraft using two star sensors, gyros and four reaction wheels. The power generation would be through a canted single-sided solar array to provide required power during all phases of the mission. This deployable solar array consisting of a single panel generates 700W of peak power. Solar array along with yoke would be stowed on the south deck of the spacecraft in the launch phase. During eclipse spacecraft will be powered by Lithium ion (Li-Ion) batteries. After deployment the solar panel plane is canted by 30 to the spacecraft pitch axis. The spacecraft employs a X-band, 0.7m diameter parabolic antenna for payload data transmission. The antenna employs a dual gimbal mechanism to track the earth station when the spacecraft is in lunar orbit. The spacecraft uses a bipropellant integrated propulsion system to reach lunar orbit as well as orbit and attitude maintenance while orbiting the moon. The propulsion system carries required propellant for a mission life of 2 years, with adequate margin. The Telemetry, Tracking & Command (TTC) communication is in S-band frequency. The scientific payload data transmission is in X-band frequency. On board, the space craft consist of three Solid State Recorders to collect the data. The specific functions of individual SSR's are: 1.SSR-1 will store science payload data and has capability of storing 32Gb data. 2.SSR-2 will store science payload data along with spacecraft attitude information , satellite house keeping and other auxiliary data. The storing capacity of SSR-2 is 8Gb. 3.M3 (Moon Mineralogy Mapper) payload has an independent SSR with 10Gb capacity.
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October 2008 beta Issue
A Star Nursery - Hubble Telescope series Stick Bug Takes Title as World's Longest Insect
This Hubble photo released by NASA in April 2007 shows a portion of the Carina Nebula. A towering "mountain" of cold hydrogen gas laced with dust is the site of new star formation. A thin stream of gas shoots out in both directions, launched by a newly forming star hidden inside the column. A similar jet appears near the bottom of the image. Such stellar jets are a common signature of the birth of a new star. The fireworks in the Carina region began three million years ago, when the nebula's first generation of newborn stars condensed and ignited in the middle of a huge cloud of cold molecular hydrogen. The immense nebula is 7,500 light-years away in the southern constellation
In December 1999, one of the most complicated watches ever made became the most expensive watch ever sold when it was hammered down for $11 million at Sotheby's. The gold pocket watch, which
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A stick bug from the island of Borneo measuring well over a foot in length has been identified by researchers as the world's longest insect, British scientists said Thursday. The specimen was found by a local villager and handed to Malaysian amateur naturalist Datuk Chan Chew Lun in 1989, according to Philip Bragg, who formally identified the insect in this month's issue of peer-reviewed journal Zootaxa. The insect was named Phobaeticus chain, or "Chan's megastick," in Chan's honor.
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featured 24 complications, was the result of a long-standing competition between two magnates of America's Gilded Age.
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October 2008 beta Issue
iBeer 2.0
The Bering Strait bridge or Bering Strait tunnel, if ever constructed, would be a bridge or tunnel spanning the Bering Strait between Cape Dezhnev, Chukotka, Russia, and Cape Prince of Wales, Alaska, United States. The name The Intercontinental Peace Bridge has been used in some proposals. Another name suggested is Eurasia-America Transport Link. The 105 Billion dollar design would feature 3 levels, one for cars and trucks, a middle section for high speed trains and a third level for oil pipelines. Similar to the Great Wall of China, this bridge would be seen from outer space. Since both sides of the bridge would basically end on nothing (uh, rural Alaska and barren Siberia) 4,000 miles of new highway would be built into central Europe and through Alaska leading to the bridge. To know more click
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ridging the Bering Strait
Brew and drink beer on your iPhone and iPod touch. This hilarious sight-gag is fully interactive and behaves like a real glass of beer thanks to the iPhone sensors and our spare time. Tilt to sip, shake for foam, even pour iBeer from iPhone to iPhone.
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October 2008 beta Issue
re Literatu
Love by Pablo Neruda What's wrong with you, with us, what's happening to us? Ah our love is a harsh cord that binds us wounding us and if we want to leave our wound, to separate, it makes a new knot for us and condemns us to drain our blood and burn together.
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What's wrong with you? I look at you and I find nothing in you but two eyes like all eyes, a mouth lost among a thousand mouths that I have kissed, more beautiful, a body just like those that have slipped beneath my body without leaving any memory. And how empty you went through the world like a wheat-colored jar without air, without sound, without substance! I vainly sought in you depth for my arms that dig, without cease, beneath the earth: beneath your skin, beneath your eyes, nothing, beneath your double breast scarcely raised a current of crystalline order that does not know why it flows singing. Why, why, why, my love, why? Know more about the poet
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October 2008 beta Issue
Could I correct the wrong? by Aakanksha gulati
It took me so long to get to know, that you and me
by Ruchica
could never get along.
Could I correct the wrong do I know, do I care Though each day passes the past still glare Forgive or Forget that I cannot do Sorrows in time could the future undo A lost happiness that I can’t ever find Darkness prevails my eyes go blind Alone surmounting the feelings of Past Can’t face the sun fear the shadows that I may cast Running away far away from my sham Who I used to be hates who I am.....
All the dreams that we once shared, were not to come true even if we dared. I gave you my life to watch you gone, while I waited alone in the dreadful storm. The darkest days of my life, I spent all alone thinking of all the promises, that you had taken along. But I cherish those moments I spent with you for I still remember, those caring words I heard from you..
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October 2008 beta Issue
Author focus Isaac Asimov by Seetha
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Anyone who takes an interest to science fiction cannot miss the name Isaac Asimov. Asimov, in his 72 years of life has produced more than 500 books, mostly Science Fiction or what is known as Popular Science, which was science meant for the general public. Along with Robert A. Heinlein and Arthur C. Clarke, Isaac Asimov was considered one of the "Big Three" science-fiction writers during his lifetime. Asimov’s interest towards writing science came from reading the pulp magazines of the 1920s in his childhood. He was one of the pioneers who brought about what is known as the Golden Age of Science Fiction of the 1950s. Among his science fiction the most famous is the Foundation series, which came out in 5 sequels during his lifetime. Among his short stories, “Nightfall” is considered the best by many and it was voted the best short science fiction story of all time, by the Science Fiction Writers of America. Asimov acknowledges “The Last Question” to be his personal favorite. Isaac Asimov took to writing Science in a detailed fashion, making it easier for novices to understand what they were reading about. Apart from Science, Asimov also took an interest and wrote several books on history, mystery, humor, and fantasy. Three words he coined had entered the Oxford English Dictionary – positronic, robotics, and psychohistory. Asimov died of AIDS in 1992, after contracting HIV from a blood transfusion, which was revealed later by his wife Janet Asimov, in her edition of his autobiography, It's Been a Good Life.
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The Rite A short story by Aditya Jayant
Six men marched ahead. Three on each side, supporting the casket draped in the tri-colour. A few thousand people watched in awe. Stunned to silence, a pack of youngsters stood fighting back their tears. The six men proceeded towards the crematorium as the trumpets blared at the back. Slowly the coffin was lowered in breath-taking formation. They had practiced these a 1000 times, but when it came to a real human-being, one of them, it was different. Slowly the two men at the back lifted the flag and moved forward. A moment later the men at the center, like a pair of synchronized swimmers, moved forward. Finally the two men at the front picked up the front end. They moved in perfect co-ordination to form a perfect triangular fold of the flag. The General received the flag from the men, turned around and marched forward. The men again in two rows behind him marched synchronized. The general inched closer towards an old lady, at the front of the crowd. She stood there awestruck looking at the men in uniform march towards her. It had been just six months. Her son, in similar uniform had gotten into the train, waving his hands as the train moved. The 6-foot general standing in front of her, brought her back to reality. Her hands trembled as she received the national flag. A single tear rolled down her cheek. She lifted her head to look at the general. A proud mother she was. Beside her, stood her daughter. She stood staring at her mother. 20 years! Was not a long time. She could still recall that day standing beside her mom the same way she did now. How Ironic, her brother had to go the same way her father did. For the motherland! 20 Years! She felt a chill run down her spine, as she turned around to look at her 1 year old son clinging on to his dad, unaware of what was going on around him. She turned back to look at her mother, who now held the tri-colour close to her chest.
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October 2008 beta Issue
Book Shelf
Everyone faces problems. How would you like to read the story of an individual who faced some problems? Someone just like you and I – a struggle to find a job, facing a hostile environment, braving on through tough times and finally gaining acceptance. A simple story told in a straightforward and descriptive manner yet, different enough to be made into a movie. Pick up a copy of the semiautobiographical 'To sir with love' by E.R. Braithwaite. A young black man – Rick Braithwaitereturns to civilian life after the war. With the end of the war, the admiration that he had
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To Sir, with love By E.R Braithwaite
received as an RAF pilot, suddenly ceases. In his ordinary suit, he returns to be a black man on the streets of London looking for a job. Discrimination and racism do not exist – only on paper. He is unable to find a job because his skin colour and his high qualifications don't go together. He finally takes up a job as a teacher in an East London school. Predominantly white but significantly poor - the children at the school are the kind whom circumstances have forced to grow up too early. Poverty, lack of role models, living in squalor - they don't have much to look forward to. Braithwaite faces his first class who eye him with complete hostility. A bunch of boys and girls in their last year at school, they will be out in the world earning their living after this. Nearly adults, not mere children. Pranks, indiscipline, rudeness – the youngsters leave no stone unturned to make their new teacher uncomfortable. After stumbling at the initial blocks, Braithwaite's patience and a demand of higher standards from his students works out well to change their attitude. The change he brings about amazes his fellow teachers. Among the children and their families - 'Sir' becomes much admired and trusted. Our teachers become our second parents – considering the amount of time they
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spend with us. There is always some teacher we remember years later – who did more than teach and who moulded us by being someone we could look up to in that impressionable age. The story was made into an unforgettable movie starring Sidney Poitier. Even compared to that, I think the book is better.
Most sold books of all time Bible -
2.5 to 6 billion
The Little Red Book (Quotations from Chairman Mao)-800 million to 6.5 billion. Xinhua Dictionary -400 million. Chairman Mao's Poems - 400 million. Selected Articles of Mao Zedong- 252.5 million. The Quran -200 million A Tale of Two Cities - 200 million Scouting for Boys: A Handbook for Instruction in Good Citizenship- 150 million The Lord of the Rings -150 million
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October 2008 beta Issue
Some of the world’s most beautiful autumn destination
Arizona: Sedona-Oak Creek Canyon Scenic Road
Oregon: Historic Columbia River Highway
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October 2008 beta Issue
MindGame Can you find the link between the following images ?
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October 2008 beta Issue
Movie Watch Bollywood
Roadside Romeo
Welcome to Sajjanpur
Writer and Director : Jugal Hanshraj Producer : Aditya Chopra Music : Salim Sulaiman Lyrics : Jaideep Sahni
Starring :- Mugdha Godse, Priyanka Chopra, Kangna Ranaut, Arbaaz Khan P r o d u c e r : R o n n i e S c r e w v a l a D i r e c t o r : M a d h u r B h a n d a r k a r Music : Salim Merchant, Sulaiman Merchant Release Date : October 29, 2008
The plot of the film revolves around the adventurous journey of a dog. The voiceovers will be done by known cinestars Saif Ali Khan, Kareena Kapoor and Javed Jaffery. Romeo is wealthy, spoilt and smart dog. He is left deserted on the dangerous streets of Mumbai where he faces a variety of breeds, some dangerous, some wicked and some nutty. His journey from the rich mansions to the confronted streets, from five course meals to leftovers, from luxury to rags, from rich wine to running water, from soft mattress to stinking garbage is the striking yet interesting plot of Roadside Romeo. The film will also have songs in it composed by the duo of Salim Merchant and Sulaiman Merchant. The lyrics will be penned by Jaideep Sahni. The visual effects will be incorporated by Tata Elxsi. The adventure is bound to attract children towards it as the adventures of Romeo…Oops! Roadside Romeo will be a certain treat to watch .
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The film "Fashion" is the rise and fall of a famous supermodel who actually comes from a small town to win fashion shows in cities and once after subway always at the top, which is completely new to the anonymity to start a new battle for the second time. The film features the stories behind the light, Sexy, models, fashion designers, business, the notes to the ramp shows. Apart from main cast, Konkona Sen Sharma, Ranvir Shorey, Arbaaz Khan, Neil Nitin Mukesh, Karan Johar, Prahlad Kakkar, Dabo Ratnani, designers Manish Malhotra ,Wendell Rodricks and finally but not the least of all Madhur himself will be in a small Cameo.Watch out fashion releasing on 29th October…
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October 2008 beta Issue
Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa
Movie Watch Hollywood
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Director: Eric Darnell Tom McGrath Stars: Ben Stiller, Chris Rock, David Schwimmer . Studio: DreamWorks Distribution
Director: David Wain Stars: Paul Rudd, Seann William Scott, Elizabeth Banks . Studio: Universal Pictures
The Plot: In the sequel to Madagascar, Alex the lion (voiced by Stiller) and his friends board an NYC-bound plane (that's been "repaired" by their penguin pals), only to find themselves touching down in the African plains. It's an opportunity for the animals to encounter their own kind for the very first time, and to discover, while various plots play out, what "home" truly means to each of them.
The Plot: Unsavory behavior forces a pair of energy-drink reps (Rudd and Scott) to enroll in a Big Brother program, where the duo learn, however reluctantly, to bond with their assigned kids.
What is the origin of the term 'Hollywood'? Hollywood is a district of Los Angeles. Due to its fame and identity as a major centre of movie studios and stars, 'Hollywood' is often used to r Our India efer to the American motion picture industry. It was coined by Daeida Wilcox, who met a woman who spoke of her country home in Ohio named after a Dutch settlement called Hollywood. She bestowed the name to the family ranch in Southern California. Harvey Wilcox, Daeida's husband, drew up a grid map for a town which he filed with the county recorder's office on February 1, 1887, the first official appearance of the name 'Hollywood'.
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October 2008 beta Issue
Back to school: The color of the Universe
-by utkarsh
We'll have read that the sky is blue. But, have you ever wondered, what is the color of the universe? Well, according to a group of astronomers, the color is a whitish shade of beige. The astronomers from the John Hopkins University (JHU) have named this color "Comic Latte". In 2001, Karl Glazebrook and Ivan Baldry of JHU's Department of Physics and Astronomy concluded that the universe was greenish white in color. However, they soon realized that their earlier methodology
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needed some correction. In 2002, they published their new analysis in a paper. Making a few assumptions about human vision and the degree of illumination, they concluded that the color of the universe is a shade of beige. The hexadecimal RGB value for this color is #FFF8E7 (255, 248, 231), which is equivalent to CMYK (1, 2, 9, 0) or HSB (43, 10, 100). The astronomers arrived at this conclusion by surveying the color of the light emitted by over 200,000 galaxies, and involved measurement of the spectral range of the light from a large volume of the universe. The actual aim of their research was to examine the spectral analysis of different galaxies to study star formation. The study concluded that a majority of the stars were formed around 5 billion years ago. The color of the universe seems to be changing from bluish to reddish, as the blue stars become yellow, and finally red giants. After the color was displayed in a Washington Post article, several people suggested a name for this shade of beige. Some of the proposed names included "Cappuccino Cosmico", "Primordial Clam Chowder", "Cosmic Cream", "Univeige", "Cosmic Khaki", and "Big Bang Buff". A majority of the JHU astronomers voted for the name "Cappuccino Cosmico" (suggested by Peter Drum). However, the name "Cosmic Latte", suggested by Peter Drum and Rees Bear, was chosen to describe the color.
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The most beautiful palindrome ever discovered ! 3654345456545434563
# Why? Most of all, it is the largest known palindromic basenumber of a palindromic triangular number. Meaning : sum up all the integers from 1 to base 3654345456545434563 and you'll have another palindromic number. Namely : 6677120357887130286820317887530217766. # This 'noble' number is composed of only four distinct digits : 3, 4, 5 and 6, without any repetition.
A beautiful equation e^(i*pi) + 1 = 0 This equation contains all five principal numbers: e, i, pi, 1, and 0.
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October 2008 beta Issue
Web watch Gmail Labs:
writewith is a web based application that allows you to create shared documents that a bunch of people can edit. You can choose to create the document online or upload an available document. A detailed history of every document is maintained. You can assign tasks to other people and edit the document together. The document can be published in multiple formats - .txt, .pdf,.doc, .odt etc. The service is available only for textual documents - not for excel, ppts etc. Much better than using email to finalize drafts, don't you think?
How about pictures? Snipshot.com offers a web browser based photo editing tool. The free version allows you to do basic enhancement, cropping, rotating,image adjustments for contrast, brightness and so on. You can work on a pic from a web url or upload one from your pc. No downloads or plugins are required. The final image can be stored in multiple formats - .gif,.jpg,.png, .pdf and .tif. A paid version has more features, obviously. :)
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It can save you from sending Boozy Emails and lot more…. Gmail has recently updated a pretty cool feature Gmail Labs. Gmail Labs like Google Labs has a list of applications presently under development by the Google people. To enable Gmail Labs you'll have to go to Gmail Settings and there should be Labs tab sitting pretty there. Some of the apps in the Labs are very useful. Some interesting ones include: A). Goggles: Have you ever regretted sending any mail at the fit of anger, frustration or drunken state that sometimes landed you in-box of ex-flames? Did you ever wish if and only if I could stop mailing it? Well, Google is at your service again with its all new launch 'Mail Goggles'. This Gmail add-on makes sending e-mail from Gmail more difficult during certain times that you can set manually (from general settings). How does it do this? If you have Mail Goggles installed—which you can do by going to the "Labs" tab under your Gmail settings and turning them on—it will force you to answer a series of math questions before sending out any new messages during the selected time (Ex. If you select day Saturday Time: from 8PM to 4AM). If you get any of the questions wrong, Mail Goggles will say, "Water and bed for you. Or try
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again." Of course, if you set the math settings too high, you may have a tough time solving some of those problems in less than 60 seconds; even when simple (the ones pictured above are from a math level of 3). Then again, if you're sober, you could just turn Mail Goggles off and hit send on that impassioned letter to your ex-boyfriend/girlfriend or that flame to your boss. B.) Right Side Chat: The chat window in Gmail by default on the left hand side below the mail folders and lables. This means that every time you want to see who is online, u'll have scroll down and check the chat window. Well no more. With Right side chat in the labs enabled, chat is now placed neatly on the Right hand side of the window. Even when u open a conversation, the ads on the right hand side a placed below the chat. C.) Random Signature : Rotates among random quotations for your email signature. D.) Old Snakey : Kick it old school with Old Snakey! Enable keyboard shortcuts and hit '&' from the main page to play a game of snake. And many more..
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October 2008 beta Issue
During the days between two issues where do you go for all the fun and info?
keep visiting editor’s cut.
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October 2008 beta Issue
World’s shortest war Anglo-Zanzibar War
45 minutes Year Fought: 1896 Between: British Empire vs Zanzibar Outcome: British victory
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The Anglo-Zanzibar War was fought between the United Kingdom and Zanzibar on 27 August 1896. With a duration of only 45 minutes, it holds the record of being the shortest war in recorded history. The war broke out after Sultan Hamad bin Thuwaini, who had willingly cooperated with the British colonial administration, died on 25 August 1896, and his nephew, Khalid bin Bargash, seized power in what amounted to a coup d’état. The British favoured another candidate, Hamud bin Muhammed, whom they believed would be easier to work with, and delivered an ultimatum ordering Bargash to abdicate. Bargash refused. While Bargash’s troops set to fortifying the palace, the Royal Navy assembled five warships in the harbour in front of the palace. The British also landed parties of Royal Marines to support the “loyalist” regular army of Zanzibar. Despite the Sultan’s last-minute efforts to negotiate for peace via the U.S. representative on the island, the Royal Navy ships opened fire on the palace at 9 am on 27 August 1896 as soon as the ultimatum ran out. With the palace falling down around him and escalating casualties, Bargash beat a hasty retreat to the German consulate where he was granted asylum. The shelling stopped after 45 minutes. The British demanded that the Germans surrender the erstwhile Sultan to them, but he escaped to sea on 2 October 1896. He lived in exile in Dar es Salaam until captured by the British in 1916. He was later allowed to live in Mombasa where he died in 1927. As a final act, Britain demanded payment from the Zanzibar government to pay for the shells fired on the country. Leisure
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October 2008 beta Issue
First Impression -Tokyo _by Prasoon Gupta
No vegetarian food! No one speaks English! Life would be close to "difficult". These were the sentences I met with when I told friends that I was off to Tokyo on work for about two months. Such thoughts - I must say, scared me a bit. However, with experience, now I assure you that you can confidently pack your bags and get on that flight to Tokyo. Let me start by killing the fears if they still remain - I knew no Japanese except for 'Thank You' when I landed at the Narita International Airport. That should convince you that English works just fine. The people are also extremely helpful in case you have any problems. One of the densest locales on earth, Tokyo has a very efficient subway system. The fastest bullet trains boast of an average delay of just 6 seconds, anything above a minute and the train is said to be late. English pocket sized maps, announcements in English and the helpful English speaking superintendent in every station should put you at ease on the subway. Between stations, you have comfortable feeder buses and other cabs which you might chose to avoid considering the exorbitant prices. Don't forget to pay a visit to Shinjuku station - the world's busiest railway station. Travel taken care of, lets get to food. Food is less
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spicy but otherwise, a treat for non-vegetarian. Indian restaurants serve atleast one totally vegetarian item. Other available food items would be the Chicken and Shrimp. Sushi and other fish varieties are specifically served at typical restaurants only. One common sight would be Japanese eating Soba, the traditional rice noodles served with soups or curries (vegetarian or non-vegetarian as per preference.) The Japanese use a lot of sea grown vegetables in their curries. Ready to roam? You can spend more than a day at each of the prime locations like Odaiba, Shinjuku, Asakusa within Tokyo. Odaiba is a man made island where you get to sit in a Ferris wheel that ranks amongst the top ten biggest ones in the world. The Statue of Liberty also adorns the beach side. The Toyota Musuem and Innovation Center is a popular destination where you can see both, the history and future of Toyota, its automobiles and other technological products. There is also a Venice
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themed shopping mall which is very beautiful. Want to buy electronic items - head to Akihabara. For general shopping like say clothes or antiques, you can head to Shinjuku, Shibuya and Harajuku areas in Tokyo. To enjoy the night life, you can head to Roppongi over the weekends. A few not-to-miss places - The Tokyo tower in Minato which is the tallest self supporting steel structure in the world. You may not want to miss the Disney Land either but to roam the whole of it, prefer a weekday and you might need a two day pass. Asakusa temple is a place to visit if you want to see the religious shrines in Tokyo or do some souvenir shopping – A scenic ferry ride from here down the Sumida river takes you to places close to Odaiba too. July and August are the only months when hiking up Mount Fuji is allowed. A sight to remember will be the splendid sunrise at about 4 in the morning that greets you atop Fuji. Fuji is about 3 hours away from Tokyo and somewhere near the foothills of Mount Fuji is the FujiQ Highland - a theme park famous in the world for its roller-coasters, quite a few of which rank among the top places in the Guinness book for the speed, elevation drops or spins. Tokyo is one of the safest places on earth and Japan, in general, is known for its low crime rates. Head there for a relaxing vacation and see a totally different culture with the perfect warm hosts who go out of their way to help you. Oh yes, do take a haircut back home - you don't want to spend ¥4000 (about INR 1600) on a haircut, do you?
Find more japan pics by Prasoon Gupta here.
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October 2008 beta Issue
World News
Laser beams shoot up into the night sky in Tehran, Iran, Oct. 7. The beams came from the Milad telecommunications tower, which is said to be the fourth tallest tower in the world.
Russia was the first to put a dog in space. Now, 50 years later, it has brought space to a dog, and not just any dog but Prime Minister Vladimir Putin's beloved black Labrador. A collar containing satellite-guided positioning equipment was slipped Friday around the neck of Putin's dog, Koni, who goodnaturedly gave it a test run.
A man walks the line during a high-wire championship in Seoul, South Korea, Oct. 2. Competitors from 14 countries challenged each other on the tightrope, which stretched across the city's Han
Biography - Michael Arrington
Other Top stories J. Michael Arrington (born March 13, 1970 in Orange, California) is a serial entrepreneur and the maintainer of TechCrunch, a blog covering the Silicon Valley technology start-up communities and the wider technology field in USA and elsewhere. Magazines such as Wired and Forbes have named Arrington one of the most powerful people on the internet. [2][3] In 2008, he was selected by TIME Magazine as one of the most influential people in the world.
The Doorway to hell Our India
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October 2008 beta Issue
Can you believe this ? That’s the name of a town half.com In the cluttered dot-com world where startups continuously compete for the public's fleeting gaze, how does a fledgling company put itself on the map? Why, by putting itself on the map, of course. The tiny eastern Oregon town of Halfway announced Monday that it is moving ahead with a proposal to change its name to Half.com, in collaboration with a Philadelphia Internet start-up. To become the first dot.com city namesake in US history, the seven-member town council voted unanimously to put the wheels in motion toward changing its name to Half.com. Read more :
That’s the name of a book Knitting With Dog Hair: Better A Sweater From A Dog You Know and Love Than From A Sheep You'll Never Meet by Kendall Crolius And it’s available on Amazon . Check here
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October 2008 beta Issue
MythBusters Was the first computer 'bug' a real insect? The story is told that one of the early electromechanical computers suffered a failure because a hapless insect had crawled into the vitals of the machine and been squashed between the contacts of a relay. The incident was written up in the log-book and spread from there throughout the whole of the infant computer industry. However, although the account seems to be genuine, the word is older: the event was recorded as an amusement for posterity precisely because the term 'bug' was already in use. The term in fact originates not with computer pioneers, but with engineers of a much earlier generation. The first example cited in the Oxford English Dictionary is from the Pall Mall Gazette of 11 March 1889: Mr. Edison, I was informed, had been up the two previous nights discovering 'a bug' in his phonograph - an expression for solving a difficulty, and implying that some imaginary insect has secreted itself inside and is causing all the trouble. It seems clear from this that the original 'bug', though it was indeed an insect, was in fact imaginary. What is the origin of the word ‘Penguin’?
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October 2008 beta Issue
Off the Block... Funniest t-shirt quotes 1. Save the trees. Eat a beaver. 2. You're killing me! 3. Will Scratch My Butt For Food. 4. A Farce To Be Reckoned With 5. I get everything I set my mind to now where did I set my mind? 6. My Deep, Spiritual Cleansing Went Down The Drain. 7. I'm not a stable boy but every morning, I wake up a horse's ass. 8. Gene Pool Full. Get Out! 9. Teachers are Weapons of Mass Instruction 10. If I was you, I wouldn't be me! 11. I School is where they put you to learn while you're trying to do other things.
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Answers For MindGame Paul Krugman the winner of noble prize for economics in 2008
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