Weekly Epiphanies This is an insight, story, parable, haiku, inspiration, epiphany, question, topic, journal, etc.
“If you fail to plan you plan to fail.” This quote hits home for me. I’ve failed to plan most of my life . . with an exception here and there. However, I don’t have the tendency to view any decisions as failures or mistakes for that matter . . or not at least in the same manner as is assumed with the words failure or mistake . . some may declare that the denial of a failure . . I rather liken it to not accepting the common standard. At the same time we are doing ourself a disservice by not planning our decisions in such as a way to build and create the life we truly want. This requires foresight & discipline. We must sharpen our tools daily, the most functional one being our mind, so as to cut through apathy, disillusion & ignorance. Failing to meet ourself at the top of our greatest potential . . . now that’s failure. So this is a reminder to observe those whom you admire and see what tools they are using, this will give you insight on how to better plan your decisions. I don’t plan life, I plan my decisions to lead to the life of my dreams!
Sub-Occipital Release (tension headaches)
Swedish Massage
Myofascial Release
Pectoral Release (upper back pain)
Individualized care. No cookie-cutter routines here! Rotator Cuff Fascial Stretching
PNF Photography Featuring Alaina Sutherlin & James Bruce
Health, Wellness & Science Wellness Awareness
Random Photo/Art
Natural Solutions Help Uterine Fibroids Uterine fibroids are non-cancerous tumor growths in or on the muscular wall of the womb. They typically affect about 20% of women over age of 30. Current research has shown that fibroid tumors are a symptom of estrogen dominance and can be prevented or even reversed through healthy lifestyle. Fibroids are easiest to treat when they are small but they are also very hard to detect at this stage.
Johnny Depp
Did You Know Falling in love takes about a fifth of a second A new meta-analysis study conducted by Syracuse University Professor Stephanie Ortigue reveals falling in love can elicit not only the same euphoric feeling as using cocaine, but also affects intellectual areas of the brain. Researchers also found falling in love only takes about a fifth of a second. Results from Ortigue's team revealed when a person falls in love, 12 areas of the brain work in tandem to . . .
Open your Body Weekly Somatic Movement Shoulder Overhead Latissimus Dorsi Stretch
Weekly Recipe Spiderweb Double Chocolate Chip Cookies
Weekly Scientific Abstract New simple early diagnostic methods using Omura's "BiDigital O-Ring... (c) 2009-2010 Body Epiphanies Massage & Bodywork Wellness Studio| (208) 870-9753 | www.bodyepiphanies.com
“The secret to health is consistency and care in how we practice the basics.�
Weekly Photography & Art
The 4th
"A genuine leader is not a searcher for consensus but a molder of consensus."
Martin Luther King Jr.
Open your Mind ~Weekly Movie ~ Inception
Absolutely Brilliant
~Weekly Music ~ Legions (War) Zoe Keating
~Weekly Book ~ Unstoppable Confidence by Kent Sayre
~Weekly Humor ~ Robin Williams TED ^_^. If you’re reading this on paper send an e-mail to boisewellness@gmail.com to be added to our list to view hyperlinks
WEEKLY PHOTOGRAPH (C) 2008-2010 PNF PHOTOGRAPHY (Click the copyright above to go to her photography blog and click the title under the Art to go to Weekly Artists page)
Offers & Contribution Reports Donate 3 ORGANIC canned/boxed goods to receive a FREE 30 minute Massage Send your friends & family over for a FREE 30 minute Massage.
Learn about the new Organization we donate to.
01/01 - 10/03
Idaho Food Bank
2.5% of Studio Income
07/01 - 10/17 10/03 10/08
Idaho Food Bank
Services Donated
$1,860.00 $1,960.00 $2,100.00
07/01 - 10/17 10/03 10/08
Idaho Food Bank
Organic Food Drive
$505.46 $522.46 $540.46
651 720 760
2.5% of Studio Income
Total Raised & Donated:
$2,840.88 $2,957.88 $3,115.88
09/01 - 10/03 Heifer International
Raised/Donated Servings of Food
195 lbs 206 217
1,422 1,491 1,531
Donation summary in services, finances & organic food: Organic Food Drive is the estimated cost of Organic Food Raised Services donated is the value of the service given to raise the Organic Food (223 Organic items thus far) % of Studio Income $0
Organic Food Drive $750.00
(c) 2009-2010 Body Epiphanies Massage & Bodywork Wellness Studio| (208) 870-9753 | www.bodyepiphanies.com
Limitless Potential
"Words, in the honorable sense can be at most an approximation of the Truth for the listener or reader. It can be a grave error to assume truth can be cemented with words or conceptions however true they may seem."
Helping to find your way thru the Labyrinth
Massage & Bodywork W e ll n e s s S t u d io
November 1st 2010
Issue 036
Brandon Trean LMT, NCTMB, NC 3040 N. Five Mile Rd. Studio C Boise, ID 83713 CONTACT INFO:
(208) 870-9753 (208) 321-8484
boisewellness@gmail.com To UNSUBSCRIBE send an e-mail with the word DELETE All Written Material except quotations are (c) 2009-2010 to Body Epiphanies Massage & Bodywork Wellness Studio All other Material is copyright protected by their respective owners