RADIATION DETOX & PREVENTION (c) 2008-2011 PNF Photography
Brought to you by Body Epiphanies the following article is to assist you in preventing and reversing some of the damaging effects of radiation during this time of uncertainty in the world at large. Brandon A. Trean NC, HHP, CMT is always looking to empower his clients and hopes these articles inform and empower you to make the most optimal choice for your health and happiness!
Radiation Exposure Iodine may protect against thyroid cancer caused by radiation exposure. 0
The following information is to assist you in making the most optimal choice for you and your family. We encourage you to forward this PDF to as many people as you can as it may end up saving someone’s life. Some of this info we have not found online and we felt the need to compile this article for your knowledge so that you may apply the protocols and supplements mentioned to protect and even reverse some of the damage that is caused by radiation exposure. The following are all safe to take and there are no outstanding contraindications in the medical literature or from our professional experience. The author of this article has researched what is clinically applicable today nutritionally to detox and prevent radiation-induced damage to the cells and DNA. The following is backed by scientific abstracts illustrating suggestive evidence that certain nutrients demonstrate radioprotective effects for animals and humans on many levels including the DNA. This is NOT a sales pitch, while we do sell some of the products we recommend and give you more info on those products however we only care that you receive the most pure & effective products and that is why we illustrate those select products. Enjoy the article.
Design & Format (c) 2009-2011 Body Epiphanies Massage & Nutrition | (208) 870-9753 | www.bodyepiphanies.com