Radiation Detox & Prevention

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RADIATION DETOX & PREVENTION (c) 2008-2011 PNF Photography

Brought to you by Body Epiphanies the following article is to assist you in preventing and reversing some of the damaging effects of radiation during this time of uncertainty in the world at large. Brandon A. Trean NC, HHP, CMT is always looking to empower his clients and hopes these articles inform and empower you to make the most optimal choice for your health and happiness!

Radiation Exposure Iodine may protect against thyroid cancer caused by radiation exposure. 0

The following information is to assist you in making the most optimal choice for you and your family. We encourage you to forward this PDF to as many people as you can as it may end up saving someone’s life. Some of this info we have not found online and we felt the need to compile this article for your knowledge so that you may apply the protocols and supplements mentioned to protect and even reverse some of the damage that is caused by radiation exposure. The following are all safe to take and there are no outstanding contraindications in the medical literature or from our professional experience. The author of this article has researched what is clinically applicable today nutritionally to detox and prevent radiation-induced damage to the cells and DNA. The following is backed by scientific abstracts illustrating suggestive evidence that certain nutrients demonstrate radioprotective effects for animals and humans on many levels including the DNA. This is NOT a sales pitch, while we do sell some of the products we recommend and give you more info on those products however we only care that you receive the most pure & effective products and that is why we illustrate those select products. Enjoy the article.


Design & Format (c) 2009-2011 Body Epiphanies Massage & Nutrition | (208) 870-9753 | www.bodyepiphanies.com

Endogenous Detoxification Nutrients: (nutrients marked with an * are ones we sell in our studio)

1. Spirulina platensis 2. Chlorella vulgaris 3. Iodine containing foods/complex*: nori, dulse, sea lettuce, kelp, sea wrack, bladder wrack, irish moss 4. Green tea & green tea extracts* 5. Potassium iodine 6. Black crowberry (Empetrum nigrum var. japonicum) 7. Fresh squeezed organic beet juice 8. Concentrates of dietary fibers from lemon peel, beetroot and grapes seeds 9. Rooibos tea 10. Whole ginseng 11. Lycopene: Tomatoes & Concentrate Powder* ~~~~~~ Spirulina platensis is a blue-green algae that we strongly encourage people to purchase from the following website. There is one small study demonstrating a strong radioprotective effect of the bone marrow cells within mice. 1 The health benefits from this algae are incredible as it is, the radioprotective benefits are one of many. Chlorella vulgaris is another algae that has shown radioprotective effects. 2 Iodine has been shown to play a major role in preventing lethal damage to cells. 3 Potassium Iodine has shown to protect the thyroid from uptake of radiation which significantly increases the chance of survival and limits the damage on the glandular organs in the body. 4 One study discovered that potassium iodine is only effective if used 2 days prior to exposure or approximately 8 hours after exposure to provide it’s radioprotective effects. 5 Iodine rich foods such as kelp, nori, sea lettuce, sea wrack, bladder wrack and irish moss have shown to have radioprotective effects as well. 6 Green tea and green tea extracts such as Super Nano Green Tea have demonstrated a major radioprotective effect on cells against radiation-induced damage. Our studio does sell the Super Nano and it can be purchased online as well or through a QRA practitioner in your local area. 7, 8, 9 Black Crowberry (Empetrum nigrum var. japonicum) extract has shown to protect against radiationinduced cellular DNA damage by protecting against membrane lipid peroxidation, protein modification and inhibiting apoptosis (programmed cell death A.K.A. cellular suicide) which are the main points of radiation-induced damage. 10


Design & Format (c) 2009-2011 Body Epiphanies Massage & Nutrition | (208) 870-9753 | www.bodyepiphanies.com

Beets have a chemical called betalains that have shown in experimental studies to protect the cells against radiation-induced damage. 11 Juicing Organic beets, lemon peels and grape seeds and using the dried material as fiber (by mixing the dried material into water and blend then consume in a liquid/semi-liquid state) is a helpful tool as well for protecting against radiation-induced damage. 12 Redbush Rooibos (Aspalathus linearis) tea has been shown to significantly protect against radiationinduced damage in a study done with mice. 13 Ginseng in it’s whole form within a water-soluble extract has shown some significant radioprotective effects on mammalian cells both in vitro and in vivo. 14 Interesting notation albeit unsure how helpful it really is for the majority of us ‘Hypothermia postpones DNA damage repair in irradiated cells.’ 15 Lycopene found within tomatoes has shown a very significant radioprotective effect for the DNA by raising antioxidant enzymes. Another study showed that it protects against chromosome damage induced by radiation. This is more of a pretreatment, so it may be wise to increase tomato consumption. 16, 17 Not an exhaustive list of radioprotective foods and herbs, however a functional starting point. We strongly encourage people to investigate the two algae’s due to their wide ranging benefits. We recommend that you start slowly with the Chlorella and increase the dose only by 1/2 teaspoon over the course of a 5-7 days due to it’s cleansing effect on the body. To learn more about Spirulina & Chlorella download this free e-book. Having spent ten’s of thousand’s of dollars on products throughout the past 5 years we have found that Premier Research Labs is the highest quality there is for product and so we encourage you to purchase regardless if you do so through our studio at least a couple of bottles of both the Super Nano-Green Tea and the XenoStat formulas as they both will provide you with potent protection against radiation exposure. In addition we will publish a herbal bath that was passed onto the author of this article that dramatically helped with mercury detoxification and is known particularly for detoxifying radiation from the connective tissue within the body. It will be below followed by Med-Body Bath info and other exogenous detoxification info that is very helpful with radiation as well as accumulative poisons such as heavy metals, PCB’s, chemical burden, etc. All of the exogenous methods tackle different areas and it is strongly suggested you take up a regular exogenous detoxification protocol and cleanse your connective tissue. For over 50 scientific abstracts on mud-pack therapies and exogenous detoxification visit this page.


Design & Format (c) 2009-2011 Body Epiphanies Massage & Nutrition | (208) 870-9753 | www.bodyepiphanies.com

XenoStat (TM) 4, 5, 6 Our recommendation of choice for naturally occurring iodine is the following product. As some studies have shown iodine is a potent radioprotective agent and this is a safer way of taking iodine in it’s naturally occurring forms. We recommend keeping a couple of bottles stocked as it can be a potent preventive to radiation exposure and is guaranteed free from any contamination. To learn more about Premier Research Labs visit this page and download the 10 reasons we use their products. XenoStat from Premier Research Labs is a botanical supplement for advanced thyroid, hormone and fat metabolism support*. Features Botanica Detox™ which contains six key marine sea vegetation complexes coupled with Botanica Support™ (a botanical synergistic blend) to deliver a full spectrum of nutritional and hormone support and cleansing*

Pure Vegan & Excipient free Supplement Facts

$21.68 90 caps


Each capsule contains: Iodine 297mcg (200%DV) Botanica Detox (403mg) of: ---Dulse (frond, stipe) (Palmaria palmata) ---Sea Lettuce (frond, stipe) (Ulva Lactuca) ---Kelp (frond) (Laminaria dig) ---Sea wrack (Ascophylum nod.) ---Bladder Wrack (frond) (Fucus ves.)

(Idaho Sales Tax & shipping fee $1.50 included)

Rich in naturally occurring iodine, a mineral that is especially important in thyroid function, hormone support and fat metabolism*

---Irish Moss (Chondrus crisp.) Botanica Support (127mg) of: ---Noni (fruit, seed) (Morinda cit.) ---Asparagus (root), (Asparagus off.) ---Broccoli (bud) ---Fo Ti Teng (root)(Polygonum multiflora) Other Ingredients: vegetable cellulose capsule. Contains NO: magnesium stearate (a toxic excipient), corn, milk, soy, salt, sugar, wheat, artificial colors, flavors or preservatives. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Body Epiphanies Massage & Nutrition is licensed to distribute nutritional and wellness products manufactured by Premier Research Labs, Austin, TX, USA. To purchase online click here.


Design & Format (c) 2009-2011 Body Epiphanies Massage & Nutrition | (208) 870-9753 | www.bodyepiphanies.com

Super Nano-Green Tea (TM) 7, 8, 9 Live-source iodine from sources such as kelp, dulse, bladderwrack, irish moss, etc. is the best protection to the thyroid gland, one of the most vulnerable to radiation exposure (radioactive iodine). Our favorite supplement that the whole family can take is the product on the previous page Xenostat by Premier Research Labs, which has 297 mcg of live-source iodine (200 % RDA) in one capsule. Which can help provide safe protection against radiation-induced damage. So what about the parathyroid gland (which is possibly even more sensitive to radiation exposure) and other areas of the body?

We use a probiotic-generated concentrate of green tea (virtually free of any caffeine & flouride which is one downfall of taking green tea in large doses). A half teaspoon has the polyphenol content of about 20 cups of green tea. This supplement can be used to clean up radiation accumulation in the body from exposure such as dental and other x-rays and the ionizing radiation exposure that occurs when flying in an airplane.

$21.68 2 oz

$61.96 8 oz


Green tea extract is great to take regardless of our lifestyle, because we do in fact accumulate radiation debris just by living in the modern world. Other benefits of the polyphenols of the green tea extract include improvement in digestion, skin health, and since it is a powerful source of antioxidants, it has the potential to slow the aging process.

(Idaho Sales Tax & shipping fee $1.50 included)

The other super-nutrient that we strongly suggest is a high-quality green tea extract. The idea of green tea as possible radiation protection came as our government studied the effects of radiation at the A-bomb sites of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. It was found that there were many survivors with NO radiation exposure symptoms common to those who drank 20 or more cups of green tea/day! Unfortunately this research had been suppressed for many years, but was finally released thanks to the freedom of information act.

Supplement Facts: Servings (1/2 tsp.) per bottle: 94 Each 1/2 tsp.(2.5ml) contains: Proprietary blend (2.5ml): Nanized Green Tea Extract (leaf) (Camellia sinensis) Resveratrol (5mg) Bifidobacteria Species --- (breve ss. breve, infantis ss. infantis, longum) Enterococcus Species --- (faecalis TH10, faecium) Lactobacillus Species --- (acidophilus, bulgaricus, casei ss. casei, fermentum, helveticus ss. jagurti, plantarum) Streptcoccus thermophilus. Other Ingredients: purified water, certified organic alcohol *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Body Epiphanies Massage & Nutrition is licensed to distribute nutritional and wellness products manufactured by Premier Research Labs, Austin, TX, USA. To purchase online click here.


Design & Format (c) 2009-2011 Body Epiphanies Massage & Nutrition | (208) 870-9753 | www.bodyepiphanies.com

Quantum Tomato Concentrate (TM) 16, 17 Quantum Tomato Concentrate from Premier Research Labs features unparalleled tomato nutrition.* The simple tomato has gained a stellar reputation due to the discovery of a carotenoid called lycopene, a healthpromoting phytochemical which gives the tomato its red color. Enjoy a delicious power drink in seconds! 100% pesticide-free tomato concentrate from South America A functional Super Food in a category by itself: quantum-state, 100% pesticide-free, nonhybrid tomatoes from South America where no chemicals have ever been used. Low-temperature, air-dried process: preserves up to 90% of the enzymes in their raw state

Free of pesticides, genetic tampering, fillers, sweeteners or artificial flavor enhancers.

$22.74 10 oz

Quantum Tomato Concentrate makes instant, delicious organic tomato juice, tomato soup or tomato sauce and is a great afternoon pick-me-up drink. Just add powder to hot water and stir. It is also great to take when traveling since no refrigeration is needed.



Nutrition Facts: Servings (10g) per container: approx. 28 1 tablespoon (10g) contains: Calories 30 ---Calories from fat 0 Total fat 0g Cholesterol 0mg Sodium 18mg Potassium 195mg Total Carbohydrates 7g --- Sugars 6g Protein 2g Vitamin A 25% Vitamin C 65% Iron 5%

(Idaho Sales Tax & shipping fee $1.50 included)

Features lycopene (67mg/tbsp) with impressive antioxidant properties and potassium*

Other Ingredients: Tomato concentrate. Recommended Use: Use in place of fresh tomatoes in soups, sauces, salad dressings and juice. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Body Epiphanies Massage & Nutrition is licensed to distribute nutritional and wellness products manufactured by Premier Research Labs, Austin, TX, USA. To purchase online click here.


Design & Format (c) 2009-2011 Body Epiphanies Massage & Nutrition | (208) 870-9753 | www.bodyepiphanies.com

Exogenous Detoxification Nutrients: (formulas with * by name are ones we sell in our studio)

1. Chaparral Bath (Larrea tridentata) 2. Medi-Body Bath Detoxifying Bath Formula* 3. Baking Soda Bath (only if you cannot get a hold chaparral or Medi-Body Bath) 4. Epsom Salt Bath (only if you cannot get a hold chaparral or Medi-Body Bath) ~~~~~~ We recommend the Chaparral Bath as the highest grade for detox from radiation and the Medi-Body Bath Detoxifying Formula is the next for radiation detoxification. Both are powerhouses for detoxification.

Chaparral Bath Instructions Contraindication: If you suffer from Heart Disease, have a history of Stroke, Lung Disease or have high levels of estrogen we advise against the baths primarily because bath water is very hot and there are chemical compounds that change the heart rate and it contains lignans (phytoestrogens). Some toxins will release into the blood stream often leaving the person feeling fatigued and it can exasperate a condition initially. Many report a buzzed feeling all over their body and a relaxed/fatigued feeling for 10-20 min. Begin to boil a pot of clean water, the biggest pot you have, once it is boiling, move it to another burner that is off and turn that burner on low to low-mid and it should be simmering, pour 1/2 pound of the chaparral in the pot begin stirring it so all material is soaked and cover with a lid immediately and set a timer for 1 hour. Check to make sure it's not boiling, you want it to simmer not boil, hence switching the pot to a burner that is not as hot. If you have questions about this e-mail the author comments & questions. Get a pillow case that you don't mind being stained (clear organic white cotton is best) and once the tub is full pour all of the material and liquid into the pillow case like it was a giant tea bag. Or just use a strainer instead of a pillow case it works just as well because you do not want the plant material to going down the drain as it will cause issues with your plumbing. Get the water as hot as you possibly can take. Start filling the tub once there are approx. 5 minutes left on the timer or after and let it sit for longer. Put cotton balls in your ears and get in slowly, it should be so hot you have to get in slowly, bare with it though. A fast heart rate is typical about 10 minutes into it, we recommend you stay in the full 20 minutes, set a timer and just relax as you soak. This is a old Native American Folk Medicine. Make sure you clean the tub out and use whatever it is you use to make it white again because it stains like no other. A bath once a week is great for detoxifying the body from heavy metals, PCB’s and especially radiation intoxication. You can purchase the Chaparral online or from the Boise Co-Op. Usually about 1/2 pound per bath is ideal.


Design & Format (c) 2009-2011 Body Epiphanies Massage & Nutrition | (208) 870-9753 | www.bodyepiphanies.com

Medi-Body Bath (TM) Medi-Body Bath from Premier Research Labs is a Quantum-State bath formula containing premium-grade volcanic clay, peat magma, crystalline minerals, bath salts and detoxifying herbs for supporting rapid, deepseated detoxification of the whole body.* Support for rapid, effective cleansing for the whole body*

Ingredients: $23.80 Proprietary Blend: 25 oz BE Magma Detox Body Blend™: ---Unheated Halite Crystal Mineral Complexes, ---Unheated Volcanic Clay (rhyolitic tuff brecca) ---Peat Magna (carbon-matrix humate, rich in humic & fulvic acids) Mohave Desert Mineral Complex™: ---Sodium Borate ---Sodium Sulfate ---Sodium Sesquicarbonate ---Sea Salt ---Trace Mineral Salts ---Olea Europaea (olive) oil ---Taraxicum Off. (dandelion) root extract ---Arctium Lappa (burdock) root extract ---Citrus Paradisi (grapefruit) essential oil ---Juniperus communis (Juniper) essential oil ---Lavandual Officinalis (lavender) essential oil ---Cymbopogon Citratus (lemongrass) essential oil ---Thuja Occidentalis (cedarleaf) essential oil ---Abies Sibirica (fir) essential oil ---Vitamins A, C, E Magma Botanical Support™: ---Hyssopus Officinalis (hyssop) folia ---Chrysanthemum Mor. (Chrysanthemum) bud ---Bupleurum Rot. (Hares Ear) root Contains NO: oxidized peat, no weak or toxic clays, and no irradiated/pesticided herbs.

(Idaho Sales Tax & shipping fee $2.50 included)

Key cleansing agents used for centuries by many cultures: volcanic clay, crystalline minerals, peat magma and botanical extracts. Helps relax muscles and rejuvenate the body* Helps rapidly cleanse waste particles to promote quantum-state resonance* Initiates the “thermal effect”; a deep, intrinsic cellular cleansing effect* 100% Premier Quality ingredients: No oxidized peat; no weak or toxic clays; no irradiated/ pesticided herbs. Therapeutic baths may help increase circulation, boost the immune system, ease muscle tension, and rejuvenate cells. Therapeutic baths may also help clear the entire body burden of toxic bioaccumulation while initiating the thermal effect - an increased deep intrinsic cellular cleansing*.

Recommended Use: Whole Body Bath: Fill bath tub with warm water. Swish around 2 cups of Medi-Body Bath to your bath water. It is not necessary to dissolve all the crystals. Soak in bath for 10 to 20 minutes. Towel dry your body. For best results, after, the bath, spend 5 minutes or more outside to receive beneficial solar radiation. Foot Bath: Place 1 cup of Medi-Body Bath in a plastic (non-metallic) container wide enough to place your feet. Add 12 cups warm water. Swish the contents around in the water with your hand. It is not necessary to dissolve all of the crystals. Soak feet for 10 to 20 minutes. Then towel-dry feet. Best used before 8 pm. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


Design & Format (c) 2009-2011 Body Epiphanies Massage & Nutrition | (208) 870-9753 | www.bodyepiphanies.com

References 0. The Chernobyl Accident-An Epidemiological Perspective. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21396807 1. Radioprotective effect of extract from Spirulina platensis in mouse bone marrow cells studied by using the micronucleus test. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2505406 2. Evaluation of radioprotective action of a mutant (E-25) form of Chlorella vulgaris in mice. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8176669 3. [The dependence of the radioprotective effect of iodine-containing waters on the concentration and form of the iodine]. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8686221 4. Age-dependent potassium iodide effect on the thyroid irradiation by 131I and 133I in the nuclear emergency. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18337292 5. Effects of time of administration and dietary iodine levels on potassium iodide (KI) blockade of thyroid irradiation by 131I from radioactive fallout. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10832925 6. [The radioprotective effect of iodine and its preventive action on renal calcification (author's transl)]. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/463049 7. Modification of gamma-radiation response in mice by green tea polyphenols. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18570224 8. Radioprotective effects of (-)-epigallocatechin 3-O-gallate (green-tea tannin) in mice. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1731169 9. [Protective activity of different concentration of tea polyphenols and its major compound EGCG against whole body irradiation-induced injury in mice]. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20707208 10. Empetrum nigrum var. japonicum extract suppresses Îł-ray radiation-induced cell damage via inhibition of oxidative stress. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21213406 11. Radioprotective activity of betalains from red beets in mice exposed to gamma irradiation. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19446548 12. [Dietary fibers as radiation protectors]. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9206888 13. Radioprotective effects of antioxidative plant flavonoids in mice. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8657176 14. Radioprotective potential of ginseng. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15956041 15. Hypothermia postpones DNA damage repair in irradiated cells and protects against cell killing. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21185842 16. Lycopene as a natural protector against gamma-radiation induced DNA damage, lipid peroxidation and antioxidant status in primary culture of isolated rat hepatocytes in vitro. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17189673 17. Radioprotective effect of lycopene on chromosomal aberrations (CAs) induced by gamma radiation in human lymphocytes. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20112872 For 50 Scientific Abstracts on mud-pack therapies and salt bath therapies visit this page


Design & Format (c) 2009-2011 Body Epiphanies Massage & Nutrition | (208) 870-9753 | www.bodyepiphanies.com

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